Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Flooding in the Kuban. Catastrophic flood in Kuban

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They say something incredible is happening with the weather this year. Almost one after another, two major floods occurred in the Krasnodar region, claiming human lives. .

Consequences of flooding in Divnomorskoye

However, floods are not uncommon here. Mountains are mountains. And small floods and mudflows are a common occurrence on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory. But if we remember only the largest floods over the last twenty years, then there were a lot of them.

Chronology of floods in the Krasnodar region


August 1991. In the Tuapse region, 27 people died from the disaster. Khadyzhensk was flooded, bridges across the rivers were washed away.

January 2002. The Kuban River overflowed its banks, about 3,000 residents of Temryuk and the surrounding area were evacuated. 830 houses were in the flood zone. There were no casualties.

June 2002. Due to the rains, the rivers Kuban, Laba, Belaya, Urup and others overflowed their banks. The cities of Armavir and Labinsk and several districts were affected: Otradnensky, Mostovskoy, Apsheronsky, Uspensky, Novokubansky, Gulkevichsky, Seversky.

9 flood victims (8 dead and 1 missing).

August 2002. Until the tragedy that occurred almost ten years later in Krymsk, this flood was considered the worst.

Novorossiysk and Krymsk, as well as nearby villages, were damaged. Houses were flooded in the settlements of Tsemdolina, Verkhnebakansky, Yuzhnaya Ozereyka, Vasilievka, Glebovka and Abrau-Durso. There are about 8 thousand residential buildings in total.

The tornado destroyed the dam on the Vladimir reservoir.

The railway near Sochi was washed away by mudflows, on which 45 trains were blocked. Rockfalls hit highways, cutting off communications.

62 people died.

October 2010. 30 settlements were affected, mainly in the Tuapse and Absheron regions and the outskirts of Sochi. Among them are the villages of Anastasievka, Kirpichny, Dederkoy, Dzhubga, the village of Krivenkovskoye, and the village of Goytkh. Almost 2 thousand houses were flooded. 17 people died.

November 2010. Flood in the Tuapse and Absheron regions. In Tuapse, 3 villages were flooded: Gorny, Shaumyana, Nebug, about 40 houses. The water in the village of Shaumyan rose in the houses to almost a meter. There were no casualties.

December 2010. On December 14, there was a fairly large flood in Tuapse, the streets were flooded. There were no casualties.

May2011. More than 10 thousand people suffered from the consequences of the rains in five districts: Apsheronsky, Labinsky, Kurganinsky, Mostovsky and Belorechensky. 321 houses were flooded. There were no casualties.

Floods in the Krasnodar region in 2012

July 7, 2012. The worst flood in the Krasnodar region not only this summer, but in all years. On the night of July 7, heavy rains hit the coastal strip. The rampant disaster in Krymsk alone claimed 159 human lives.

Not only Krymsk was affected, but also other settlements: Nizhnebakanskaya, Neberdzhaevskaya, Novorossiysk, Kabardinka, Divnomorskoye. But Krymsk suffered the greatest damage. About 12 thousand houses were flooded there.

In total, more than 170 people died during this flood.

For a long time, news from the flood area looked more like a horror movie than the real harsh Russian reality.

Everyone says: similar floods have happened in the region before. But then why weren’t they ready for this?

August 12, 2012. Due to tornadoes near Sochi, the Psezuapse River overflowed its banks in the Lazarevsky district. The reason for this was a tornado. The water on the streets of the village of Kirov rose to a height of up to a meter, and a GAZelle car was carried away by the flow. There were no casualties.

August 22, 2012. On the night of August 22, 2012, a flood occurred in the Tuapse region. Three settlements were damaged: Novomikhailovsky, Tenginka and Lermontovo (the last two slightly).

The water level in Novomikhailovsky rose to 2.5 meters. More than 800 buildings were flooded.

Four people became victims of the August 2010 flood: a 22-year-old Muscovite, a 44-year-old resident of St. Petersburg, a 46-year-old resident of Krasnodar and an 84-year-old local resident.

Are new floods expected in the Krasnodar Territory?

Judging by forecasts from weather forecasters, the elements may hit the Krasnodar region again in the near future.

According to the website Living Kuban, showers and tornadoes are predicted in Sochi from August 29 to September 1 this year. That is, floods may begin again tomorrow. There may be a rise in water in the rivers from Dzhubga to Adler, and flooding of lowlands. There is a risk of mudflows in the Krasnaya Polyana area...

But the most fertile time for a holiday on the Black Sea begins. The so-called velvet season, when the sun is no longer as hot as in summer. And the water is still just as warm.

Mountain river in Dzhankhot - a peaceful stream

The same river in Dzhanhot during a flood. Photo from

Just the facts. On April 1, 2011, at a meeting of the Commission for Emergency Situations of the Krasnodar Territory, heads of regulatory agencies and law enforcement agencies gathered. The heads of cities and districts of the region also participated in the meeting via intercom.

It was stated that “the region is almost 100% ready for possible flooding.” The head of the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Alexander Kazlikin, reported that “flooding models have been developed, evacuation routes have been determined, and notification of the population about the threat has been organized, including through SMS messages.”

About 1 billion rubles were allocated for flood protection in the Krasnodar Territory last year.

In preparing the publication, materials from the sites,, photos from the site Travel Diary and our own information were used.

This year I have already traveled twice to the Black Sea coast in the Krasnodar region. And, apparently, there are no fewer vacationers.

Are you afraid of floods in the Krasnodar region? Are you planning your holiday in this region?

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The consequences of the flood are being eliminated in Krasnodar

Heavy rains and floods hit Kuban. Hundreds of houses are flooded, and all the efforts of utility workers are devoted to pumping out water. A state of emergency has been introduced in the Bryukhovetsky district.

Rains are flooding Krasnodar: last night, more than the monthly norm of precipitation fell in three hours - 82 mm. The storm sewer system could not cope with such volumes, and as a result the city was flooded. Judging by the photographs of eyewitnesses, cars went under water up to their roofs, and traffic jams formed on the roads. Trams and trolleybuses stopped running, and there were power outages in several neighborhoods. A map of flooded streets has appeared on the Internet - almost none are dry.

One person became a victim of the disaster. At the intersection of Krasnaya and Severnaya streets in the center of Krasnodar, a 17-year-old boy was electrocuted while wading a flooded street. Investigators are now looking into how this happened. It is reported that attempts were made to save the young man, but to no avail.

“There is so much sea in the Krasnodar region that it has expanded its borders all the way to Krasnodar. Now the sea has become closer,” the townspeople joke sadly.

“The first serious flood this year. Krasnodar residents run to save cars and take higher places. Experts are already predicting the appearance of posts on social networks with found license plates. There hasn’t been any rainfall in the city,” residents report.

The situation in the region still remains difficult. The Unified Duty Dispatch Service of Krasnodar reports that work is currently underway to eliminate the consequences of the flood. “Water pumping equipment immediately went into work, and 14 emergency teams from the city’s resource supply enterprises were involved in restoring electricity,” they reported.

Forecasters' forecasts are disappointing; they again promise showers with thunderstorms, hail and gusty winds. According to the local Ministry of Emergency Situations, a rise in water levels is possible on small rivers and watercourses of the Kuban River basin in the south-eastern territory of the Krasnodar Territory.

Meanwhile, in Dagestan, heavy rainfall triggered mudflows from the mountains. They damaged a gas pipeline, power line supports, two road bridges, one of which was completely washed away, and hit a couple of houses, outbuildings and a medical center. No casualties were reported.

It is worth noting that European countries are also suffering from the disaster. So, in France, heavy rains also caused floods. In a number of cities, the water level on the streets reaches one and a half or even two meters. In Paris, authorities raised the alert level to yellow. There, the water level in the Seine increased significantly and reached 4.37 m, which led to restrictions on navigation along the river.

Floods across the Ile-de-France region have disrupted public transport, including regional trains. The French railway company SNCF hopes that by Monday it will be possible to fully restore “normal train traffic”. It is reported that in the area of ​​Soup-sur-Loing, French rescuers found the body of an 86-year-old woman in a flooded house.

In addition, one of the historical sites of France, Chambord Castle, located in the Loire Valley, was flooded.

At the moment, about 10 thousand houses in France remain without electricity. According to the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than 5.5 thousand people were evacuated. A new wave of rain is expected in the near future.

Meanwhile, the consequences of floods are being eliminated in the southeast of Germany in the administrative district of Lower Bavaria, and an emergency alert has been declared in the region.

7 people became victims of the disaster. At first, three residents of the city of Simbach am Inn were considered missing, but on Wednesday evening their bodies were found in a flooded residential building. No other dead or missing citizens were reported, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper writes.

Heavy rainfall hit Kuban the day before. Several settlements are flooded, rescuers are delivering food and water there. This time there were no casualties. During this time, people died and hundreds of families were left homeless.

“There was water somewhere like that. All the jackets were wet. Everything was covered in mud!” - the victim shows.

The water flow hit the villages of the Krasnodar Territory, demolishing outbuildings along the way and flooding residential buildings.

“We barely ran away from here, you know? And now you see, look for yourself, what’s happening,” the old woman cries.

Multi-day rainfall fell in a matter of minutes. Dozens of settlements found themselves in the flood zone. This is the second major flood in one season. In southern Russia there are still abnormally high temperatures, which are causing heavy rainfall and numerous tornadoes.

The head of the Tuapse district, Vladimir Lybanev, says: “This year the sea is really very warm and it continues to this day. Plus, there was probably the most anomalously warm November. And these rains are akin to the snow that is falling now in Russia.”

Forty days ago, the most powerful flood in recent decades occurred here. Hundreds of families were left homeless, and there were deaths. This time there were no casualties.

“The population was notified and the population left their homes. When the river levels began to rise, people were in a safe zone. The forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations responded very quickly. Literally within two hours, the forces of Kuban-Spas arrived,” said the head of the Tuapse fire brigade, Evgeniy Pozdnyakov.

It is almost impossible to protect bridges and roads from a water avalanche falling from the mountains. The village of Kirpichny, which previously suffered more than others from floods, again took the brunt of the elements.

Part of the village of Kirpichny was isolated. The bridge over the Pshenakho River, which was urgently restored after the previous flood, was again destroyed by the flood. Now for local residents, the rope crossing is the only connection with the outside world.

Not everyone can even go to the store anymore. It's too difficult and dangerous. Rescuers deliver food and water to the isolated part of the village.

A resident of the village of Kirpichny, Sergei Sklyarchik, believes: “The most important thing is the bridge. Without it, we have no life here. An island, it is an island. No medical help, nothing. I don’t know what to do next. To be honest, I’m not afraid for myself and I don’t want to leave here, because my father is buried here, my sister is buried here, I was born here. And I’m very afraid for the children.”

13 schoolchildren who live in Kirpichny began forced holidays. They will not go to classes until a new, even temporary, bridge is built across the river. But in a month many will forget about this problem forever. Flood-affected families are now in safer places. They will be handed over. Then the weather forecast, which again promises heavy rainfall in the coming days, will no longer cause so much concern.

The flood in Kuban, which occurred in 2012, is a natural collapse that was triggered by heavy rains. By Russian standards, this disaster is outstanding. Foreign experts assessed it as a flash flood. The Crimean natural disaster of 2012 will be discussed in this article.

What happened in the Krasnodar region in the summer of 2012?

Heavy rain in areas of the Krasnodar Territory began on July 4. In some areas, the monthly precipitation norm was exceeded several times. Excessive rainfall occurred on the night of July 7th. Numerous precipitation contributed to rising water levels in rivers such as:

  1. Adebra.
  2. Bakanka.
  3. Adagum.

On the night of July 7, Krymsk almost instantly. The flood was very destructive, something that old-timers do not remember in the entire history of the region. Another 9 settlements were affected, including:

  1. Gelendzhik.
  2. Novorossiysk.
  3. Divnomorskoe.
  4. Neberdzhaevskaya.
  5. Kabardinka and others.

The disaster mainly hit the Krymsky district and the city of Krymsk. The 2012 flood claimed more than 160 lives. The water level, according to eyewitnesses, reached 4-7 meters. This is in some ways comparable to a natural disaster such as a tsunami. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations admitted that a 7-meter wave passed through Krymsk and almost instantly swallowed up more than half of the city with a population of 57 thousand. 53 thousand people were recognized as victims of the natural disaster, more than half of them lost their property. In total, about seven thousand private properties and 185 apartment buildings were destroyed, as well as:

  1. 18 educational institutions.
  2. 9 hospitals.
  3. 3 cultural buildings.
  4. 15 boiler rooms.
  5. 2 sports facilities.

Not only various buildings and objects were damaged during the flood in the Kuban, including the city of Krymsk. The flood disrupted the operation of energy and gas systems. Road and railway communications were also partially or completely destroyed. On the night of July 7 in Gelendzhik, about seven thousand people found themselves in the flood zone. A 6-point storm was recorded in Novorossiysk, as a result of which port operations were stopped.

Causes of flooding

Floods in the Kuban are quite common phenomena, but few people remember a disaster of such a destructive scale. What influenced the unexpected flood in Krymsk? The reason is heavy rains.

Multiple examinations were carried out by employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia. They state the fact that the Crimean flood of 2012 was based on a natural phenomenon. There was a massive concentration of water, and then a very rapid discharge, which resulted in almost instantaneous flooding of a vast area.

flood wave

The reason for the accumulation of water is heavy rains that have been falling for several days in the Krasnodar region. This is the main factor in the creation of huge amounts of water. What was the limiting factor for the unimpeded passage of flood waters? Where did the wave come from that swept away and destroyed everything in its path, including Krymsk? The flood (2012), the reasons for its occurrence, speculation and the truth will for a long time be a constant topic of conversation for both local residents and the rest of the country.

Scientists and experts took part in the study of the emerging disaster. And they came to the conclusion that anthropogenic factors influenced the formation of the flood wave. The main reason was the insufficient culvert systems in railway embankments and the railway bridge across the Adagum River in front of Krymsk. All these factors led to a very rapid accumulation of water, that is, the formation of an artificial reservoir. And then there was a leak, and then a massive breakthrough of water towards the city of Krymsk. The flood, as mentioned above, occurred instantly at night when people were sleeping. This became one of the main reasons for the death of a large number of people.

The spans of road bridges in the direction of Krymsk were clogged with branches and household garbage, which made it very difficult for the free flow of flood waters. In addition, it was heavily littered; in some areas there was a lot of vegetation, which also negatively affected the flow of water.

Elimination of the consequences of flooding in Krymsk

In total, about 900 people were rescued during the period of liquidation of the consequences of the flood. About 3,000 victims were evacuated, mainly the Crimean region and the city of Krymsk. The 2012 flood was huge. In this area the following were involved:

  1. 10600 rescuers.
  2. More than 2500 units of equipment.
  3. Ten aircraft.

The consequences of the disaster were eliminated by many volunteers who came from all over the country; their number reached about 2.5 thousand people.

Benefits and compensation for local residents

The total damage from the destructive force of the disaster amounted to at least 20 billion rubles (according to the regional administration). The city of Krymsk was mainly affected. The flood left a huge number of people homeless. More than 2 billion rubles have been allocated from the federal budget to carry out major repairs of damaged buildings. 30 new houses were built in the destroyed city. The state paid compensation for damage to health in the amount of about 106 million rubles. Family members of those killed in this disaster also received benefits in the amount of about 240 million rubles.

On the first anniversary of the tragedy in the Krasnodar region on July 6, the Western Wall memorial was opened in Krymsk.

Krasnodar Territory at 19.00, a total of 103 people died. At about 5 p.m., the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the region reported that 76 people had drowned in the Crimean region. Two more people died in Novorossiysk and nine in Gelendzhik. Two hours later, the death toll in the Crimean region reached 92 people. “The identities of the dead are being established: either they are local residents or vacationers,” the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported. Among the dead is a 10-year-old child. In addition, according to the department, two police officers are missing.

The village of Nizhnebakansky, located in the foothills along the Krasnodar-Novorossiyk highway, suffered the most in the Crimean region. Here, according to preliminary data, due to the sharply rising water level in the Bakanka River, more than a hundred households were practically washed away by a wave on the night of July 6-7. More than 200 houses were badly damaged in the city of Krymsk.

Despite the fact that official reports from departments say that the cause of death was heavy rains, residents of Krymsk on social networks report that city authorities decided to release water from the reservoir, fearing that it would overflow due to rainfall.

“In Krymsk, water was released from reservoirs at night. People were not warned. Half the city went under water. A lot of people died,” user Bogdan Tolchek wrote in his microblog. “In the evening there was a very heavy downpour, and at some point a huge wave formed, which swept like a whirlwind throughout the city,” Krymsk resident Polina Morozova told Gazeta.Ru. “The flood carried away entire houses and trucks.” Employees of local television companies report that virtually the entire city has been destroyed.

“At night there was such a flow of water that it turned the asphalt inside out. People are depressed: they say that no one warned them about the flood. We found several streets where covered corpses of people lie,” said Channel Nine special correspondent Irina Kizilbasheva.

“It was very creepy, scary: the water was rushing, turning everything around it. With this whirlwind she carried out windows from houses, furniture and everything that was in the courtyards. Even those streets that were never flooded were flooded,” said local media journalist Marina Sidorova.

On Saturday afternoon, residents of Krymsk said that the city was without power, there was no gas or water, and cellular communications were intermittent. “There is still water on some streets. Entry and exit are blocked, cars are not allowed. All roads are blocked and washed out. The TV and radio don't work, they don't tell us anything. We are sitting without food and water,” Krymsk resident Maria Zubaliy told Gazeta.Ru. “We woke up at 4 o’clock in the morning because neighbors on the first floor knocked on our door asking us to spend the night because the first floor was flooded. We didn’t go to bed anymore, just in case,” she says. — By seven in the morning the water began to gradually subside. The Ministry of Emergency Situations helicopters began flying only around 8 am. There were no boats or planes all night. People saved themselves. The man said that he was driving the car away and did not have time - the car was overturned by the stream. He managed to escape through the trunk and climbed a tree to escape the flood. Our friends in the UAZ themselves went to save people. Firefighters helped, and we also saw military personnel in armored personnel carriers. People shoveled the road themselves.”

As Zubaliy says, when the city began to flood, “the water did not flow as usual when rivers flood”: “It
I walked from the direction of the station, where there are no rivers. But there is the Neberdzhaevskoe reservoir there.” A resident of Krymsk noted that there was almost no precipitation in the city the day before: it only rained in the evening. There was a storm warning in the evening. And at night the whole city found itself in water. “We’ve never had anything like this - although once it rained for a whole week,” she notes. At the end of the conversation, Zubaliy said: “An Emergencies Ministry employee just came to see us and warned us not to leave the house - supposedly they will blow up the dam and there will be much more water than there was.”

Eyewitnesses say that what was happening reminded them of an emergency ten years ago, which also occurred in the south of Russia: the flood that washed away the village of Barsukovskaya in 2002.

Then, settlements in the Stavropol Territory were covered by a wave after an emergency release of water from two reservoirs located on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia: Eshkakonsky and Ust-Dzhegutinsky. The Barsukovskaya village was flooded from two sides: one two-meter wave came from the Nevinnomyssk Canal, the other from the Kuban River overflowing its banks. Almost 30 people became victims, 20 of whom were found dead, the rest were missing.

However, the press secretary of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Anna Minkova, denied information that the cause of the flooding in the Crimean region could have been the release of water from reservoirs, reports.

She called it rumors and “complete nonsense”: “There is no reservoir, no one opened any barriers, and in the Crimean region there is no such reservoir at all where you can open the floodgates and let water flow into the city,” she added.

According to her, people were warned about the approaching flood, but residents did not want to leave their homes.

In the Crimean region, as well as Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik, a state of emergency is in effect. In Gelendzhik, the number of victims of the disaster reached nine. Moreover, five of them died on Friday from electric shock. Due to heavy rains, the water level on the streets of Gelendzhik rose, and a short circuit occurred in a transformer booth on Kerchenskaya Street. When an unknown man (his identity has not yet been established) was crossing a puddle next to the booth, he was electrocuted. He died on the spot. Two women and a man rushed to help. As soon as they approached the corpse, they were also struck by a strong electrical discharge. Seeing this, another man decided to help the victims, who, however, were already dead, and also received a fatal electrical injury. Later, the body of the fifth victim was washed away by rain streams towards the city market. (After this, the authorities decided to cut off electricity in particularly affected areas to stop the absurd deaths, and 22 thousand people were left without electricity).

A resident of Gelendzhik reported that the sand from the city beach in the resort was completely washed into the bay, the embankment was severely damaged, and in the central part of the city the basements, and in some places the first floors of buildings, were flooded.

According to him, the village of Divnomorsk, which is 4 km from Gelendzhik, was very badly damaged. There, the road connecting the village with the resort town was destroyed. According to eyewitnesses, in the resort village of Kabardinka, a flood from the mountains at night almost completely destroyed the beach, and several coastal restaurants and cafes were swept into the sea. “It looked terrible,” Kabardinka resident Galina Sinelnikova told Gazeta.Ru. - From the mountains, right along the streets, along with debris of trees, a water flow rolled cars towards the sea. Vacationers were evacuated from the Chemchuzhina and Pochtovik sanatoriums.”

As of Saturday morning, the disaster completely stopped railway communication between the Krymskaya and Bakanskaya stations.

Since Friday evening, the federal highway M27 Krasnodar-Novorossiysk has been closed; traffic on it was restored only by 18.00 on Saturday.

As the head of the propaganda department for the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Runov, told a Gazeta.Ru correspondent, the movement of both freight and passenger vehicles has been resumed. Passenger intercity and suburban services have also been restored. “The entire staff of the region’s traffic police joined the rescue efforts. In total, more than a thousand traffic police and traffic police officers are working in the disaster zone today,” Runov noted.

Now the emergency rescue teams of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police continue search and rescue operations - both in the Crimean region and in the vicinity of Gelendzhik.

Heavy rains in the Krasnodar region began early on Friday morning and did not stop for almost the whole day. “It’s raining like hell, traffic jams, knee-deep water in the center, people are in shock,” wrote microblogger @BocusePjer. Water penetrated into the basements of the city hospital and children's tuberculosis dispensary. In just one day, 304 mm of precipitation fell in Gelendzhik, 171 mm in the Crimean region, and 300 mm in Novorossiysk (the annual norm is about 700 mm). Experts say that the last time such heavy rainfall was recorded in the region was in the summer of 1995. Thousands of people and more than two hundred pieces of equipment are trying to eliminate the consequences of the natural disaster. Two Il-76s and seven helicopters with rescuers and psychologists flew from Moscow to help.

On Saturday it was announced that residents of the Krasnodar region, whose houses were flooded by rains, will receive compensation.

“For complete loss of essential items, everyone will receive 100 thousand rubles, for partial loss - 50 thousand rubles from the federal budget, not counting material assistance,” said the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir, in the morning.

He also appealed to the local administration with a request to prepare lists of victims. “It is necessary to take additional steps to strengthen the grouping of forces and organize a comprehensive check of the consequences, including door-to-door inspections,” Puchkov said. In addition, he demanded to organize local distribution of hot meals, provide medical care and information support to the victims.

Meteorologists say that residents of the Krasnodar Territory will have to endure the elements until Monday.

The head of the local Hydrometeorological Center, Yuri Tkachenko, said that the rains will continue over the weekend, noting, however, that there will most likely be no more heavy downpours. “Rains may complicate the work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, but they will not aggravate the situation,” Tkachenko said. Despite the fact that meteorologists are optimistic, the regional administration advises the population - at least until Monday - to stay home.

A deputy from the Krasnodar Territory, in a conversation with a Gazeta.Ru correspondent, said that if all structures in the region were in readiness to prevent disasters, there might have been significantly fewer casualties.

“Most likely, the regional authorities underestimated the seriousness of the weather forecast for these days. Surely there was more time to prepare for such a blow,” the deputy noted. At the same time, the governor of Kuban in his Twitter refuted “rumors” that the authorities were not prepared for heavy rains.

The president and ministers are flying to the Krasnodar region to deal with the situation.

On Saturday evening, a plane from the Ministry of Emergency Situations set off for the disaster area, with the head of the department, Vladimir Puchkov, and members of the expert commission on board. “It is premature to talk about the causes of the flood, because all conclusions will be made by an expert commission,” said Elena Smirnykh, a representative of the press service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. —

Interfax, citing the presidential press secretary, reported. Local media announced the president's arrival on Sunday, but by 21.00 news agencies reported that Putin had already arrived at the site of the rampant disaster. As Interfax reported, the helicopter, carrying the head of state and the presidential envoy to the Southern Federal District, flew over the flood-affected areas. After which the president arrived in Krymsk, and from there went to Gelendzhik.