Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Life after death, or a field phantom. Phantom

In order not to engage in witchcraft and to be able to influence people and situations, you should start working with your energies and learn to think figuratively. The method of working with a phantom is suitable for this.

A phantom is an energy double, which is an astral copy of a person. He is very mobile, he can go where you send him, and do on a subtle level to the subtle body of another person what you imagine. The phantom is very useful when treating a person from a distance. Can do evil or good according to your desire; he is not a person, his conscience will not torment him. But it will return to you and bring some of the negativity to its creator.

In order for a phantom to appear, you must first focus on yourself, realize your inner “I,” give the task to the phantom to come out of you and release it forward as you exhale. As soon as you feel him in front of you, step back and immediately slash your arm parallel to your body to tear him away from you. Say it in words and at the same time very vividly imagine the actions that he must perform. Imagine how he goes to the person you need. You must know him by sight, or say his name, imagine the place where he might be, or simply call him. You can continue to imagine how the phantom does what it is asked to do, and then comes back and enters you, turning around inside and aligning with the physical body. Having completed the task, it will not manifest itself inside you in any way, because it is only an image, a phantom.

If you urgently need to make a certain impression on a person or group of people, you should:

1. Define a specific task for yourself and be able to imagine the end result of your plan. Your thoughts should sound clear, and your course of action should be unambiguous.

2. Designate not only your place in the planned situation, but also a psychological image that will correspond to your task.

3. Figure out how you should look, what you should say and what facial expression you should have. If you think your personal image is not impressive enough, find a new look for yourself.

4. If you decide to use your new image, you need to get used to it so that at any time you can combine with it for your plans.

5. The image can be external, internal, general. You need to work with him as a role. Find the appropriate facial expressions, gait, manners and most importantly - inner fullness.

6. Imagine a phantom that meets your task and bears the external signs of the image that you need. You can create a phantom of a famous person, populate it with the necessary components of your task, and use it as many times as necessary.

7. Every time you need to use the template you have chosen, you must check it and clean it of any foreign deposits obtained during use. Recharge it with thoughts, image, task.

Phantom training

You need to train to get what you want. Practice using the images you come up with. Use them first in places where you rarely go and where there are a lot of people - for example, in shops, at the market, etc.

For convenience and simplification of the initial stages of work, it is best to work with a borrowed image - a phantom. You take a photograph of the person who best suits your design and begin to saturate it with energy. Then select the image from the sheet and place it in front of you. Twist it around, look at it from all sides, mentally model the expression on its face and assign your task. Then match up with him and make your draw. Analyze possible manipulations with the astral phantom one by one.

Combination plan:
1. Make contact with the eyes in the photograph and mentally enter the image to understand and feel the person depicted.

2. As you inhale, pull the image out, keeping eye contact, and place it in front of you (Fig. 1).

To be able to shift your gaze, you need to take the phantom by the left shoulder and hold it all the time until you return to its place. Now you can mentally draw on it what you need, and put in the mood and state that will correspond to your task.

3. The phantom image can be rotated, holding the shoulder all the time, changing hands.

4. When you need to enter the image, place it with its back to you and enter it as you enter an elevator car. Align with it and feel it, like a spacesuit on yourself (Fig. 2).

5. Identify with it and feel how this astral phantom has merged with you. Feel your new body with the program embedded in it, think about what you should say and do, and practice it. Change your voice timbre and intonation to suit your task.

6. Establish the approximate time of being in someone else’s image, so that you can then throw it off yourself in order to avoid undesirable consequences. You don’t want to gradually become almost exactly like this image, do you? Want to? Then don’t take pictures and live like this (Fig. 3).

Once you are successful in creating new looks, you can change them almost every minute.

Turn pleasant, tempting, unusual and fantastic opportunities into your new abilities. Don't leave the techniques you've mastered as already used material; they can be useful to lead you to new goals. These techniques can change you, your environment, your life. Apply the acquired abilities to yourself and try to change your life for the better.

Once you are able to see the illusory life of your future, you can make whatever you want out of your life. Unless, of course, you chicken out. You may be afraid of your future, no matter how good it may be.
To get something that could not have happened without your intervention, you need to courageously endure changes in life and the troubles associated with them. We are not always ready for surprises in life, no matter how good they may be.

If you were given the opportunity to see a moment of life in the future, then it is possible to live it over time in exactly this way. If you can come up with and then imagine an episode from the future associated with yourself, then it can happen exactly as you saw it. Something that is impossible in general or for you, in particular, is unacceptable and you don’t need something like that cannot happen. If you speculatively see yourself in some situation very clearly, clearly, believably, with a large number of accompanying details, with emotions, sound, then all this is quite probable and possible in reality.

You just need to believe in it, warm yourself up with the energy of intention and at least sometimes repeat the work on this topic. This is necessary to consolidate information in space, so that the energy of your desire grows into the energy of the real future and takes root there.

A phantom is an anomalous phenomenon, translated from French “phantome” means “vision, ghost”. Thus, phantoms are called something that does not really exist or is ephemeral, invisible and intangible in our material world.

Such a phenomenon as a phantom will be more understandable if we remember the teaching about the multidimensional nature of man and the entire Cosmos.

There are many different opinions on what a phantom is. For example, a phantom is an energetic copy of human consciousness, its chakras and energy shells, but it is not a soul, but only a copy taken from the consciousness of a particular person. Phantoms are directly connected with people. A phantom is not able to exist without a person, without a soul, it does not make decisions on its own, it can implement programs recorded in the human subconscious and completely lives and works on the energy of the owner. The phantom can either increase in size or decrease in size.

Under such a concept as a phantom, mental images created by people can also be perceived.

In occultism, it is believed that phantoms can be used if you consciously develop this innate ability in yourself. Some occultists claim that every person has several (many?) astral copies, or, as they are also called, phantoms. According to the teaching, our physical world is rough and heavy, and above it, a step higher, there is another world - the astral.

From the point of view of the esoteric approach to reality, a person can learn to interact with the astral (subtle) world. The main mediator in such interaction will be the phantom.

A phantom is essentially different from a ghost; it is a kind of energetic copy of its owner. Ghosts can exist on their own, without its real physical carrier. There are many known cases of encounters with phantoms, while their “owners” often have no idea about anything. In some cases, phantoms are so real that they actually look like real living people.

What are phantoms?

Presumably, the reasons for the unconscious identification of a phantom (double) are strong emotions, experiences, thoughts about a specific place, event, or person. When people constantly return their thoughts to a certain place, their phantom can actually appear there. Moreover, sometimes other people even see him.

Theologians claim that there are both negative and positive phantoms (thought forms) created by negative or positive experiences. It should be noted that these invisible entities can affect human energy.

Because a phantom is associated with a person, its presence in a particular spatial environment can be dangerous for the living prototype - a person. For example, placing your phantom in a situation of experienced tragedy, grief or illness (constantly thinking about it) causes certain harm to a person’s energy.

They also resort to forming a phantom in occultism - envolting - making a doll (volt). In this case, the volt is a material object that “fixes” the phantom in a negative spatial environment.

The phantom feeds on the energy of its creator. He, being a copy of a person, can harm the enemy, but not in the physical world, but in the subtle one. By creating a negative phantom, a person loses energy. Therefore, you should try to block negative thoughts. A positive phantom can help a person restore his strength and energy. Therefore, it is important to learn how to do this.

In order to remove the created phantom (thought form), you need to imagine it again and make it melt or simply erase it. Then the space will be freed from the energy phantom.

There is such a thing as phantom pain. It is no secret that after amputation of limbs, people can talk for a long time about how this limb bothers them, or that they feel it as before, etc. All because this limb was physically removed, but its energetic essence ( phantom) remained.

In general, the concept of a phantom is multifaceted; there are many interesting and mysterious stories associated with it.

Phantoms around us

Stories about phantoms - energy doubles - have been widely known since ancient times.

One American woman constantly dreamed of the same house for many years. One day she actually saw this house and was amazed. He looked exactly the same as in her dreams and, above all, he was for sale. She knocked on the door, but when the owner opened it, barely looking at the woman’s face, he slammed the door in her face. As it later turned out, there was a ghost in the house, and this ghost was herself (her double).

From the letter: “...On the question of the phantom... One day I saw myself hanging in the air... clothes, body position, everything repeated me, as if in a mirror image - only from the back. This second “I” flew away from me towards the open window. I felt very scared, my heart was pounding terribly, and for some reason I thought that if “This” flew away, I would die. I don’t know where “It” went... At that time I was not sick and nothing threatened my life...”

In the 1860s. In Pereyaslavl, two friends served in the horse-jaeger regiment. They took an oath that the one who dies first will appear to the living and tell what awaits the soul. The deceased friend came to reality. The survivor was so amazed that he devoted his entire life to serving God, selling his property.

18th century - in Ireland, a widow married a handsome young Italian. Unfortunately, after some time the woman found out that her husband was a bigamist. She kicked her unfaithful husband out of the house, and she moved to live in another city. Saying goodbye to her, her husband said that he would come to her on the day of his death. A few years later, her ex-husband appeared under the windows of the house where the woman lived, calling her by name, assuring her of his love. This lasted for several days, then he disappeared. The woman later found out that her husband died on the day she saw him under her window.

These days, such curious cases also occur: a grandmother saw her granddaughter walking with a boy arm in arm along Nevsky Prospekt. The grandmother decided to immediately start raising her granddaughter (it’s too early to go out at 12 years old!), but when she approached her granddaughter, she instantly got lost among the passers-by. At home it turned out that when her grandmother was not at home, the girl was sitting at the computer, this was confirmed by her mother and father.

The woman was waiting for her husband to come home from work, but he was delayed. The heated soup cooled down, the wife looked out the window and saw her husband walking along the avenue towards the house. She could even see a dirty stain on the sleeve of her jacket. The woman put dinner back on to warm up, and her husband came home only half an hour later - the bus was stuck in a traffic jam. When the man got off the bus, another passenger touched him with a backpack wet from a dark liquid - the bitumen varnish leaked.

It happens that an energy phantom helps in fulfilling desires and can attract the necessary objects. My neighbor passionately wanted to have a computer, but he didn’t have enough money for equipment. The neighbor has already prepared the place, constantly imagining how the computer turns on and the monitor lights up. Afterwards I even noticed that there was a large fresh scratch on the side of the system unit. After some time, a friend called the neighbor: “Come immediately, we were replacing computers at our enterprise, but they allowed us to sell the old ones, they have already put one in my car, packed, bring a thousand rubles.” Is it really possible to buy a normal computer for that kind of money?! In the evening, a neighbor unpacked his computer. To his surprise, it turned out to be an exact copy of what he wanted, and a fresh scratch was visible on the side of the system unit!

Quite often people see phantoms of cars, motorcycles, trains, ships, submarines and even cities.

In Alaska, in the region of the Mount St. Elias glacier, every year from June 21 to July 10, a phantom city appears (not a mirage; a mirage is a reflection of a real object), which is called the silent city of Alaska. It is visible so clearly that it seems you can touch it. One eyewitness wrote: “We could clearly see houses, streets and trees. Here and there the spiers of tall buildings stuck out, which seemed something like ancient cathedrals or mosques.”

Phantoms are energy copies of people, animals, cities, terrain, monuments and other objects. Some people see phantoms with normal vision and under normal conditions of their lives, but most often many of us see phantoms with peripheral vision.
People often create phantoms in their lives, but they don't even know it. Placed phantoms can interfere with a person’s life, and even harm him. How can we install a phantom?
It can be used when you are learning to visualize objects. For example, imagine any object - a figurine, vase, monument, etc. - but after working with visualizations, you don’t remove these items. And this visualized object stands somewhere in a room, or even in some area, and surprises people who have the ability to see the subtle world. We conclude: all visualized objects should be removed after work.
I think that the ghostly city of Kitezh, known throughout the world, is the result of centuries-old visualization of people. The ringing of bells, and church singing - everything can be attributed to visualization, only it manifests itself here not in visible, but in sound images. Undoubtedly, the city of Kitezh once existed, but over time it went under the waters of the lake, which has now been partially confirmed by research carried out in the lake. Did the fact that the city went under the waters of the lake coincide with Batyr’s invasion of the city, as legends tell us, or did it happen before this invasion? Again, we must remember that popular rumor has turned and is turning many things into fairy tales, and, it should be noted, into very beautiful fairy tales.
The rendered phantom can be bright and visible and even feel like a solid object.. It all depends on the emotions and feelings, the person performing the voluntary or involuntary visualization. So, sometimes ghosts are born in the house, in ancient castles, etc. Ghosts born in this way can “live” for a long time, and the duration of their life depends not only on the emotions of the people who see them (or want to see them), but also on the energy of the place in which this ghost was born.
A mental image created by one person or several can be recorded by the device. The device can record the “shell” of the created phantom, as well as its energy, which is usually referred to as anomalous energy. So Professor A.V. Chernetsky in his article “The Energy of Emptiness” writes:
“If you create a mental image in any place, for example, in the corner of a room, the device will record the “shells” (aura) of this phantom, but if you mentally blur this image, the “shells” will disappear - the device will not show anything.”

Quite often, phantoms of dead people are created by people who cannot come to terms with the loss of people close to them. There are cases when involuntary visualization of dead animals occurs. This happens for the same reason as in cases where a person cannot come to terms with the loss of a person close to him, but in cases of visualization of deceased animals, already with the loss of his beloved pet. These cases have been discussed more than once.
The question of phantoms of men, which are often raised by women divorced or abandoned by men, was not addressed. How does this happen?
These women mentally continue to have endless conversations with their ex-husbands or men who left them. They imagine these men, their reaction and are constantly trying to prove something to them. By imagining a man very emotionally and often, a woman can create a strong energy phantom that begins to interfere with this woman’s life. There were cases when a man was imagined both in the kitchen and in the room, after which the phantom began to move freely around the apartment. The energy phantoms of men created in this way is one of the reasons for the loneliness of these women. What happens on the subtle energy plane during this? Other men feel that a woman is “busy,” that is, she has a man with her, and therefore do not consider this woman as a future life partner. It should be said that this sometimes happens to men too. What can be advised in such cases?
First of all, you need to cope with your negative emotions, understand that one stage of your life has ended and another has begun. Thank this man (woman) for everything that you can thank, forgive him for everything and say: I am free and you are free. Be sure that from this moment you have begun a new and best period of your life. Say that there will be no more mistakes in life, and you will meet the person of your destiny and desires and both will be happy. So, another period in your life will begin.
Unwanted phantoms between separated men and women can also appear for other reasons. For example, a woman has not lived with her ex-husband for several years, an official divorce has been filed, but from time to time she feels the presence of this man in her life. And the point is not even that he visits the child, takes him to stay with him, the point is that he does not want to part with this woman. A woman feels this on a subtle level, but sometimes she is not even aware of it. On the part of a man, this is not love, he just wants to return to a way of life that is convenient for himself. In such cases, you should do the same as suggested above.
Healers in their practice often use a phantom to treat a person. They install a phantom, examine the person’s aura, remove negative programs on the energy plane, etc. After working with a human phantom, the phantom must be removed, but some healers do not know about this. What can happen to an uncleaned phantom? There are magicians who know about “free-roaming” phantoms and use these phantoms to “hang” their negative programs. “Free-walking” phantoms can be created not only by healers, but also by people themselves. For example, a person visited some place that was interesting to him, and he really liked it, a strong desire involuntarily arose to stay in this place, and a phantom of this person may remain in this place.
What needs to be done to prevent your “free-roaming” phantoms? Say firmly and confidently once: all phantoms ever created by me or other people have returned to me, and will continue to immediately return to me. No one has the right to work with a human phantom without his permission. The same magicians who have attached or are attaching their negative programs to “freely walking” phantoms, whether they know it or not, are punished. If earlier punishment did not come immediately, then in our time, the time of free energy, punishment comes almost instantly.
This article on negative phantoms should also address the issue of abortion. After all the known consequences after an abortion, a phantom of an unborn child remains in the woman’s body. There is an opinion that on the fortieth day after an abortion the phantom “disappears,” i.e. the essence of the unborn child goes into the subtle world. But is it? If a woman did not want to have an abortion, but for some compelling reason is forced to have one and at the same time is very worried about this moment, then the unborn essence can remain in the woman’s body itself, and the woman for no apparent reason begins to gain weight, she eventually develops a big belly ; or remain on the woman’s energy plane, and the woman also begins to gain weight, but her stomach is not so pronounced.
What should be done in these cases? We must ask the unborn child for forgiveness and release him into the next happy reincarnation. If this entity needs to be born from this particular woman, then it will definitely be born during the woman’s next pregnancy.
Sometimes you can see men with incredibly large bellies. When considering such cases, as a rule, the question of the unresolved essences of one of the deceased parents of this person is seen. This person's father or mother died long ago, but the person cannot come to terms with the loss, and over time he develops a big belly. The same can be said about women. What should I do? Ask for forgiveness from the unreleased entity and release it into the next reincarnation.

So what happens to the soul after death?

There are a lot of myths regarding this issue that people have come up with themselves, which have made their lives much more difficult, from my point of view. Someone says that the body needs to be cremated, otherwise the soul will bring with it the traumas of the previous body, someone says that the soul gets stuck here and it needs to be shown the way through prayers and reading the Holy Scriptures, someone says that the soul leaves only after a certain number of days (for example, 9 and 40 days in Christianity) - and until this time you need to do all sorts of strange rituals from the series of curtaining the mirrors in the room of the deceased.

In truth, people's imagination is endless, and you can come up with anything... But what happens in reality? It’s simple: the soul leaves the body, and ALMOST IMMEDIATELY it goes to other dimensions - to where its Higher Self is located, that is, to the level at which the human consciousness is located in this incarnation (the higher the development of consciousness, the higher the soul goes) . There the soul merges with the Higher Self, “gives” the experience that it has lived, selects tasks together with the Higher Self for a new incarnation + performs other tasks that human consciousness, in principle, cannot understand due to its limitations... and then goes to a new incarnation.

That is, there is no soul here on Earth in the planetary grid, and the soul also has no attachment to the old body, it doesn’t care what you do with it: bury it, give it away for research, cremate it, feed it to animals (no matter how seditious it may sound, I I’m not calling for this, but I’m just emphasizing that the soul DOES NOT CARE ABSOLUTELY ABOUT ITS PREVIOUS BODY - You don’t regret it when you throw away a torn old T-shirt. No, you just go and put on a new one, without even thinking about the old one)!!!

There are no lost souls, no lost souls, no stranded souls. In fairness, I note that the soul, by ITS CHOICE, can spend some time after death on Earth, but this is a very short period of time, then it will still move to the Higher dimensions to the Higher Self.

But who then do mediums communicate with? Who do the relatives of the deceased see? Who sends them signs from the other world? Who did those schoolgirls want to call at the seance???

Answer: phantom.

Everyone has heard this word, but few people understand what is hidden behind this concept in reality, let's figure it out.

A phantom is an energy-informational entity that remains on the subtle plane of the planet after the death of a person. That is, we have an energy system (chakra waves + a set of subtle bodies), it is this that remains after the death of a person, it is this that stores all the information about him and his personality. And as long as the phantom has energy, it exists; when the energy runs out, it simply dissolves. And where can his energy come from - from living people, that is, if you light a candle for a deceased person, come to his grave, keep his things and often remember him, then through your focused mental radiation he is fed when people forget the deceased, then his phantom also dissolves.

Thus, the phantoms of great people, whom everyone still remembers, for example, Caesar, Pushkin, Napoleon, etc., still exist in the planetary grid, but the phantom of some Peter Ivanov, who died 300 years ago already dissolved... Therefore, it is not true that you can summon a phantom of absolutely any person, you can only interact with that phantom that still has energy, that still exists.

Now the logical question is: is it worth doing all these rituals for the dead, is it worth feeding their phantoms? My answer is that from the position of spirituality this does not make any sense, a phantom is just an energy-information shell, yes, he has all the memories of this life, his Ego has been preserved with all desires and attachments, so for an uninitiated person it will seem that this is the soul of a person, that this is he himself in person... But there is no soul there, there is no something that endowed a person with SPIRITUAL nature.

Yes, you can interact with phantoms, you can receive some information from them, since they are in the information field of the Earth and all information from there is available to them - BUT they have a very strong distortion of this information, so I believe that various spiritualistic sessions of mediums are impossible elevate to absolute Truth, since the refraction and contamination of information is inevitably high.

Conclusion: the soul is our immortal essence, we must strive to interact with the human soul, since it is she who can tell the TRUE answers to all questions, for example, about the causes of the disease, the prevailing twists of fate, destiny, etc. Since it is in contact with the soul you will encounter a high level of spirituality and awareness, for example, the soul will not ask you to come to the grave, it will not say that it misses you, it will not be offended by you for anything.

I hope that now you understand the difference between a soul and a phantom, and that, after all, most psychics and mediums are in contact with the phantom of the deceased, but not with his soul (although they may sincerely think that they are getting in touch with the immortal Essence person), the obvious proof of this fact is that through their messages “souls” (in their understanding) convey very earthly and material requests, for example, to take care of his favorite car, bring his favorite brand of cigarettes to the cemetery, tell his son to study good, etc. But the soul is still a part of God, the immortal Essence, which goes through its lessons from incarnation to incarnation, that is, the level of its awareness is much higher than any earthly desires and attachments.

– these are energy doubles, copies of objects and people. The concepts of “ghost” and “phantom” are often considered synonymous, but in fact they are completely different phenomena. A ghost or specter exists regardless of the will of a person, while a phantom in most cases is recreated by the mind of a person, most often unconsciously. These energy copies tend to function according to a preset program and can complicate life.

Such a phenomenon as a phantom has been known for a very long time, and cases of the appearance of phantoms are recorded in historical documents and literary works.

In ordinary life, you can often catch objects, people and even buildings with peripheral vision that are not located in reality.

A phantom is an energy circuit that a person recreates in his imagination and subconsciously endows this vision with some properties.

For example, at the site of a felled tree or demolished building, your memory will continue to recreate the contours of the missing object for some time. Over time, it is quite possible that a phantom will form in place of a tree or building, which can be seen not only by you, but also by other people.

Phantoms that interfere with life

However, very often phantoms can really interfere with a person’s life. For example, after a breakup with her fiancé or husband, a woman begins, consciously or unconsciously, to recreate next to her the image of the departed man.

If a woman associates a lot of emotions and experiences with the phantom she created, it begins to feed on her energy, which can affect her physical and mental state. This phenomenon is also bad because other men simply will not consider this woman as a possible partner - they will feel the male energy next to her and feel that this woman belongs to someone.

Phantoms inside a person

There is also such a thing as recreating a phantom within yourself. For example, after an abortion or stillbirth, a woman begins to feel the presence of her child’s energy within her. This may lead to the fact that next time a woman simply will not be able to get pregnant, because the phantom she creates will be fueled by her energy and will interfere with the emergence of a new life inside her, that is, the emergence of new, alien energy, which may well displace the phantom that simply will not receive attention and emotions after a woman discovers that she is pregnant.

Phantoms can dress up in our fears. If a person is afraid of old age, imagines himself old, wrinkled and incapacitated, then a phantom, which will have precisely these qualitative characteristics, will constantly haunt the person, thereby worsening his life and drawing strength from him.