Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The meaning of the name Alexei from Greek. The meaning of the name Alexey, origin, compatibility, character and fate of the name Alexey

The meaning of the name Alexei: translated from the ancient Greek language, it means "protector", "guardian", "protector". Also, according to some ancient sources, the meaning of the name Alexei is “giving good”.

An interesting fact: earlier, boys with the name Alexei were often given a middle name and kept it a secret from everyone. This gave the child protection from evil people.

  • Female derivatives on behalf of Alex: Alexa, Alexina, Alexia.
  • Alexey's zodiac sign is Aquarius.
  • Lucky color: green, khaki, marsh.
  • Wood: poplar.
  • A good sign for Lyosha: to plant a young poplar in the courtyard of the house - the tree will give the boy strength.
  • Lucky day: Thursday.
  • Ruler Planet: Neptune.
  • Plant: mistletoe, loach.
  • Animal: deer, elk.
  • Talisman: lapis lazuli stone.
  • Characteristics of the name Alexey, description: strong, confident, skillful, kind, ambitious, introvert, sensitive, faithful.


Mothers who want to correctly name the baby and wonder what the name Alexey means, need to know about the good health of the child who wears it. Infectious and chronic diseases bypass it, however, mild colds are visited with enviable regularity.

The character of Alexei

One of the most common interpretations of the name Alexei lies in his highly developed intuition. Intuition, strong will and an active life position help this man achieve his goals.

Alexey knows how to accurately assess his chances of success in a particular business or enterprise. If he is sure that the case will work out, he will go to the bitter end confidently and ahead, clearly delineating his position. And in the case when the victory is very doubtful, he will delicately “turn off” his activity so as not to remain at a loss.

One of the positive characteristics of Alexei is his complaisance. Thanks to this quality, he builds a happy family. Relations in the family are often trusting, the atmosphere is calm. Fate "pushes" good loving women, keepers of the hearth and wonderful mothers to such men.

Another little-known meaning of the name Alexei is “creative person”. These young men create with passion and enthusiasm. However, disgust and some arrogance do not allow them to take on small promising projects that are contrary to their beliefs.

A person named Alexei is very attached to his parents, especially to his father. He loves children and worships his wife.

Revealing the secret of the name Alexei, it is necessary to mention the kindness and goodwill of the children, so named. Boys strive to be the first in everything, they are characterized by ambition. Victories are important for them not only in sports, but also in studies. However, Lesha's small flaw is that sometimes these aspirations of his "doze" for months. And this means that the child becomes lazy, at school he "rolls" into triples.

The name Alexei is translated as "defender". It is this decoding of the description of the name Alexei that is so important for his wife or girlfriend. He is gentle, faithful and reliable. His chosen one feels with him "like behind a stone wall." Perfectly adapted for a calm and measured family life. He does not like sharp turns of fate, he tries not to succumb to random passions, considering them dangerous for his own well-being. Sometimes he likes to “go into himself” for a few hours, fantasize and dream. And his girlfriend can only come to terms with this feature of him.

A man named Alexei does not like failures, he tries to avoid them with all his might. Thanks to her intuition, in many ways similar to that of a woman, she often "gets away dry." He can easily justify himself and his most unseemly deeds, and he himself will sacredly believe in his own words.

Such people jealously protect their family, home and children. Sometimes they are religious, this is evidenced by the origin of the name Alexei.

People named Alexey are smart, attentive (especially to trifles), they are not easy to deceive.

Women are chosen neat, tidy, sensitive. In their youth, all Lyosha are womanizers, the girls around them curl around. However, after the wedding, men with the name Alexei often settle down, remain faithful to their wife, expecting the same from her. Lesha are wonderful family men.


Alexey Kopeikin (Russian hockey player, forward)

Alexey is often a creative person. Jobs of an actor, artist, writer may suit him. Last but not least, a journalist. With the exact sciences, too, everything is fine: Lyosha can become an excellent scientist, a doctor of physical sciences.

Such men should also start a business related to creativity - then it will be successful. It can even be the sale of paintings or the organization of photo exhibitions.

"Winter" Alexey

Children born in the winter months differ from the summer, spring and autumn Alekseevs in enviable health. They are stubborn, vehemently defend justice and therefore often conflict. Adults often call them bullies and bullies. Such a kid will never admit that it was not he who started the fight, but his comrade, and will receive punishment for both.

"Summer" Alex

Such a person needs the constant approval of parents, caregivers, teachers and peers. He is modest, but does not hesitate to ask for help, for which many respect and love him.

He is sensitive to criticism in his own address. Can experience failure for weeks and because of this, stop eating or become depressed. It is easy to build relationships with the opposite sex. The girls are impressed by Alyosha's tact and politeness. He remembers information well, likes to study and read fiction.

"Spring" Alex

A man born in the spring months is very passionate. Feelings are in his first place and guide his life. Spoils all his indecision: often Lyosha is afraid to confess to his beloved about his experiences. If he meets pressure or bad influence from a woman, he vehemently opposes this.

“Spring” Aleksey is a classic subordinate at work, the position of the boss “does not shine” for him.

Children, wife, work colleagues love him for his delicate attitude.

"Autumn" Alex

This is a man who is absolutely confident in himself and his feelings. He likes to analyze other people's words and deeds, to look for a "second bottom" - his hobby. A good debater, he knows how to perfectly argue his own point of view and demands the same from others. Proactive at work and in the family. He is helped to build good relationships with people by charm and tact.

Name days: February 17, February 25, February 28, March 8, March 22, March 28, March 30, April 5, May 4, June 2, June 22, June 23, July 6, July 17, August 4, August 20, August 22, August 25, August 26, August 27, August 30, September 4, September 12, September 16, September 22, September 25, October 1, October 2, October 4, October 11, October 13, October 18, October 29 , November 3, November 6, November 11, November 13, November 20, November 22, November 23, November 27, December 3, December 5, December 6, December 10, December 11, December 17, December 23

Names: origin and forms

Alexei - (from Greek) defender.

Colloquial: Lexey.
Old: Alexy.
Derivatives: Alekseyka, Alyokha, Lyokha, Alyosha, Lyosha, Alyonya, Lenya, Alyoka, Lyoka, Lyolya, Alya, Alyunya, Lekseyka, Lexa, Lexa.

Directory of Russian names

Assistant(from Greek).

The majority are concentrated, serious, righteous. Persuasive in defending their views. Persistent in achieving the intended. However, sometimes meek, meek. People are useful. Respectful to parents. In intimate life, they are not always lucky.

The secret of the name

Alexei protector (ancient Greek).
The name is calm and cheerful, very common. In Rus', it was worn by tsars, generals, patriarchs, boyars, nobles, mere mortals.
name zodiac: Aquarius.
Planet: Neptune.
Name color: greenish.
Talisman Stone: lapis lazuli.
auspicious plant: poplar, mistletoe.
name patron: elk.
Happy day: Saturday.
happy season: winter.
Main features: modesty, benevolence.


Alexy of Constantinople, martyr on August 22 (9).
Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', February 22 (12), June 2 (May 20), October 18 (5). With prayer, he healed the wife of the Tatar Khan from an eye disease, which saved Russia from many Tatar troubles. In 1378 he founded the Chudov Monastery in Moscow.
Alexy Nevsky (see. Alexander Nevskiy).
Alexy Pechereky, recluse, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, March 7 (April 24), October 11 (September 28).
Alexy Man of God, March 30 (17). It was named so by a voice from heaven. Born in Rome to pious, wealthy parents. As a young man, he began to strictly fast, distributed alms and wore a hair shirt under rich clothes. The desire to leave the world and serve God ripened early in him. However, the parents were going to marry Alexy. On the day of the wedding, he secretly left home and boarded a ship bound for Mesopotamia. Once in the city of Edessa, Alexy sold everything he had, distributed money to the poor and began to live at the church on the porch and be fed by alms. He ate only bread and water, and distributed the received alms to the weak and old. So he lived for 17 years. Once, when I saw the sexton of the church where Alexy lived, the Mother of God, through Her holy icon, commanded that a man of God be brought into the church: "His prayer ascends to God, a fragrant censer, and the Holy Spirit rests on him." The sexton found Alexy and led him into the church. Many learned about the righteous man and began to revere him. The saint, avoiding fame, secretly boarded a ship bound for Cilicia, but a storm carried the ship far to the west and washed it ashore in Italy. The blessed one went to Rome. Unrecognized, he humbly asked his father for his permission to settle in some corner of his yard. Living in his parents' home, the blessed one continued to fast and spend days and nights in prayer. After 17 years, he was informed by the Lord about the day of his death. Then he took a scroll and described his life, asking for forgiveness from his parents and bride. On the day of Alexy's death, when Pope Innocent of Rome served the liturgy in the presence of the emperor, a voice rang out from the altar: "Find a man of God who is departing into eternal life, let him pray for the city." They began to search all over Rome, but did not find a righteous man, then a voice was heard again in the temple, saying in which house to look for the man of God. Everyone hurried there, but the saint had already died. In his hand was a scroll, by which he was recognized by his parents. Healings began to take place from the body of the saint. This happened in 411. The life of Alexy, the man of God, has always been one of the favorites in Rus'.


Leave the sleigh for Alexei, equip the cart.
If on this day water runs from the mountains, then they expect a favorable spring, and with it good harvests.
What are the streams on Alexei (large or small), such is the floodplain (overflow).


Bright creative nature, calm and friendly. He is an excellent interlocutor, he knows how to listen to a person, understand him, sympathize with him, support him. Alexey is modest, diligent, patient.

Alexei has a good memory, receptive to everything new. He is ambitious, and no matter what he does, he always knows his business perfectly.

Alexey internally experiences failures hard, suffers from criticism, is very vulnerable. Mental suffering can permanently unsettle him. He does not aspire to power, but he does not tolerate pressure on himself, although he does not openly express his protest.

Alexei is amorous, feels like a protector of women, in childhood - mothers. She loves affectionate and benevolent women, appreciates family comfort, is ready to meet the desires of the household, takes care of children tenderly.

The deep meaning of this name was remarkably revealed by P. Florensky:

"The names Alexander and Alexei appear as almost opposite signs, and yet they are metaphysically very close to each other, and Alexei is some softening or softening of the name Alexander, as a result of which the main balance is violated in him: Alexander is a solid body, crystalline, while Alexei is dough-like. Alexei is the same Alexander, but close to the melting point, Alexander is standing, Alexei is falling, always falling, and there is not a single vertical in him...

In Alexei there is the same commensurate proportion of the elements of the personality taken separately, but the totality of those that fall into the realm of consciousness is no longer commensurate with the totality of the elements of the subconscious. By shifting the level of consciousness in Alexander, and precisely by raising this level significantly upward, we thereby get Alexei ... If we imagine Alexei acquiring such consciousness and mind, but without changing the depth of the subconscious that he had, then Alexei would cease to be Alexei and I would become Alexander, but not an ordinary Alexander, but a great one, a genius. But the fact of the matter is that the structure of Alexei's personality is such that any increase in consciousness in him leads to an accelerated, in comparison with the growth of consciousness, growth of the subconscious roots of the personality; growing spiritually, Alexei becomes even more Alexei, while at the limit he strives for foolishness ...

When the degree of consciousness in Alexander decreases, for example, from an illness, etc., then he shifts somewhat towards Alexei, just as Alexei's shift towards Alexander occurs during a temporary aggravation of consciousness. But for both of them, these shifts are only temporary deviations from their own, inherent correlation of the elements of the personality, and, having undergone a shift, both of them usually return to their own type.

He is thin and in a different sense - not strong, has little control over himself, does not control himself, therefore, does not know how and does not want to express himself in a coherent and open creativity; it gives more sparkles, individual stars, self-sufficient penetration, than a long radiance or even a mighty flash. This is a capricious and whimsical mind, sometimes penetrating, sometimes refusing to act and moderately sharp.

His will does not keep pace with the impressions of his feelings, and through the mind, accumulating and generalizing in it, they cannot act according to their mutual combativeness. Hence the helplessness in Alexei, although in the sense of an elementary life order, Alexei can adapt; despite his helplessness, or perhaps precisely because of it, Alexei is characterized by a cunning, not a cunning, but a cunning in his mind. Alexey is a man with a cunning. It is not for worse, or not for great worse, but rather a means of self-defense ... a kind of mimicry: Alexei pretends to be Alexei more than he is Alexei, and hence his craving for foolishness.

If he is reputed to be stupid, then he will show more foolishness than he really is, laughing in his heart that he fooled those who wanted to use his helplessness with this mask. If he stutters, then in other cases he will portray more stuttering than he actually has, when it is necessary to hide absent-mindedness or ignorance, Alexei is simple and simple; but, in addition, he will say goodbye to simplicity, cultivating in himself the subtlety and looseness of the mind, and seeing in it the refinement of the spirit, and instinctively masking his helplessness ... "

Surname: Alekseevich, Alekseevna.


Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676), the second tsar of the Romanov dynasty, was one of the brightest personalities of the 18th century.

The little Tsarevich Alexei was taught according to the then established order: a primer for him was compiled according to the instructions of his grandfather, Patriarch Filaret. By the age of ten, he could already read in church, sing in the kliros, and studied the charter of worship to the smallest detail. But there were also innovations: grammar, cosmography and lexicon printed in Lithuania; musical instruments, German maps, Western European engravings. The child was dressed in a German dress. Throughout his life, his love for his father's traditions was combined with his interest in foreign "novelties."

Having lost his father and mother, at the age of 16 he took the Moscow throne. He got a very difficult time, full of endless contradictions. Lawlessness left from the time of troubles, devastation, urban and peasant uprisings. "Rebellious time" was called by contemporaries of their age. Even religion gives rise to riots - it is at this time that a church split occurs. In sketes, schismatics burn themselves, Archpriest Avvakum sends frenzied curses. And an amazing time! - all this coexisted with a genuine interest in the scientific and artistic achievements of the West, a general craving for enlightenment.

Alexey Mikhailovich had a remarkably mild, good-natured character, was, according to his contemporaries, "much quiet." He was an intelligent and educated person. He read a lot, wrote letters, according to his will, the "Cathedral Code" - a set of laws - was drawn up and approved in 1649. In 1654, he took the oath of allegiance to Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky "with all Little Russia." Involved in this war with Poland, he brilliantly conducted a campaign that brought him the titles of the Grand Duke of Lithuania, "White Russia" and others.

Alexei Mikhailovich was engaged in the country's economy, destroyed the wild situation when only English merchants had the right to duty-free trade within the Russian state, and the Russians were forced, overpaying huge sums of money, to buy Russian goods from the British. They made a number of other changes.

Alexei Mikhailovich sincerely considered himself the head of all world Orthodoxy, thereby encroaching on the spiritual authority of the Patriarch, which in the end led to a break with Patriarch Nikon. So, already in the middle of the 17th century, the reforms of his son, Peter I, were being prepared. The first Russian ships were made in the village of Dedilov by decree of Alexei Mikhailovich.

The sovereign worked hard, under him the country was reborn. Many were built in Moscow and the provinces. The king was the patron of craft workshops at the armory, it was during the years of his reign that their activities flourished. Alexei Mikhailovich was a lover of innovation and supported Simon Ushakov, a reformer of the icon painting tradition. With pleasure, the tsar amused himself with foreign comedies that were played out in the village of Preobrazhensky. Alexei Mikhailovich was a man of order, the popular expression "Time for business is an hour for fun" was first uttered and written down by him.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

The name Alexei can be described as soft and at the same time courageous. Its meaning and origin will be interesting to know for young parents who cannot decide on a name. It fits almost all patronymics and surnames, has many different forms, and is simply loved by the Russian people.

What does the name Alexei mean? To begin with, in this case, you need to figure out where this name came from. Fortunately, the origin, meaning and history of the name Alexei has been known for a long time. The name Aleksey is purely Russian by nationality, and comes from the canonical form of the name Alexy. Other sources say that this is a form of the ancient Greek name Αλεξανδρος (Alexandros), which means “protector”, from Greek αλεξω (alekso) is translated “protection, help”. According to historical data, the name Alexei became known in Rus' after the baptism of the second tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Alexei Mikhailovich. This is a positive name, it is fraught with many wonderful outlines of origin.

As soon as people began to recognize his characteristics, influence on the future and interpretation, many immediately wanted to name the child that way.

This name was used by the kings of Scotland, Poland and Yugoslavia, the emperors of Russia and eight popes.

  1. Lucky stone: alexandrite, amethyst, emerald, moonstone, ruby.
  2. Lucky number: 14, 56, 8, 35, 17, 89.
  3. Happy years of life: 13, 17, 21, 35, 48, 56, 69.
  4. Color: greenish, emerald, bright red.
  5. The most suitable zodiac signs according to the horoscope: Libra, Virgo, Aries, Aquarius, Pisces.
  6. Lucky Flower: Rose.

As noted, the name Alexei has various forms. In Russia it is Lyosha, in England it is Alex or Alexis, in Germany it is Alexius, in Spain it is Alejo, and in Portugal it is Aleihu. In our country, diminutive forms for this name are Lyosha, Alyosha, Lyoshenka, Alyoshka.

Patron Saints and Name Days

The meaning of the name Lyosha is a male name of Greek origin, meaning "protector", in the past it was worn by many commanders, kings, and nobility. The name Alexei means stamina and endurance. It has not lost its popularity even today, parents still massively call their children Lyosha.

Patron saints of Alexei:

  • Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus';
  • Holy Reverend Alexy, man of God;
  • Alexy Bortsurmansky, priest;
  • Alexy Zosimovsky (Soloviev), church minister;
  • Alexy of Constantinople, martyr;
  • Alexy Nevsky is a recluse.

Therefore, Alexei is protected by many saints, and you can turn to anyone by ordering an icon.

People with the name Aleksey tend to need balance in their lives like no other name can, which is why the Libra zodiac sign suits them the most. A man must maintain a balance between work and leisure, as well as have an equal balance in their emotional and spiritual / physical life. Because of this need, Alekseys look depressed when they are asked to make any decision, as they need a lot of time to weigh all the options. But when they nevertheless make this decision, it will be a victory both for him personally and for those around him, since the hallmarks of this name are responsiveness, generosity and compassion. Lyosha does not like to see the people around him unhappy.

The secret of the name Alexei lies in happiness due to harmony and peace in the family. Lyosha is often a charming person who is drawn to and willingly communicates with him. But he cannot stand injustice, so in adolescence it may become more difficult for him, because there is practically no justice, and he will begin to realize this himself.

Positive features: Aleksey is always honest both with himself and with others, they also tend to talk for a long time about things that interest them. Their decisions benefit the majority of people. Lyosha is often selfless for the good of the team or family.

Negative traits: Lyosha is slow, because making an important decision causes a stupor in him, and many may mistake this for laziness or absent-mindedness. These people do not really like to take on a lot of responsibility, but they like to talk and listen.

Lesha has a tendency to develop in meditation, because these actions allow them to find that inner balance that will allow the outer to manifest. Most people with this name find themselves in yoga or running for various distances, as these sports show not only physical traits, but also mental ones.

Lesha's parents will often hear from their child: "This is unfair!", And in these cases they are absolutely right. Since childhood, Alyosha has been an inborn seeker of balance and harmony in life, this has a special significance and meaning for him in life. This makes them peacemakers in the future, and excellent comrades, always ready to help and find a compromise.

What is the secret of little Lesha? Alyosha is driven by his active mind, which needs constant input. It's never too early to start reading with these kids. Even reading before going to bed will keep a lot in the memory and mind of the little one. There are even cases when they recall the stories they read before they can speak and theoretically understand the language. Don't be surprised if little Alexei shows the skills of an excellent speaker or writer from the moment he learns the basics. He excels in essays at school, and from childhood he loves to flip through the etymological dictionary, and often likes to surprise others with etymology.

Since childhood, he knows what “good” is and how to do it. He just needs to feel support and love, but if this is not the case, he will close in himself, and it will be quite difficult to get back to his original state. This is a very sweet child, a favorite of everyone around, but despite this, he will not become selfish, as it might seem. He will always help the elders, try to facilitate the housework for his mother, and also easily find a common language with any person - this is his sociability.

Since childhood, Alexey loves to play with small pets, shows love for nature. He also loves art, which is surprising among children. Often fond of music.

Positive qualities of Lesha in childhood:

  • honesty;
  • responsiveness;
  • diligence;
  • devotion;
  • activity.

Negative qualities of Lesha in childhood:

  • naivety;
  • overly sensitive;
  • reliability.

Alyosha will be very active in the school team, he will know about everyone and everything, even if the desire to study does not appear immediately, but he will try and reduce the rest time. Always stand up for the little ones.

If you know the nature of the bearer of the name, it will not be difficult to predict his fate. The boy must be able to cope with that light and power. Lyosha is distinguished by special wisdom, which appeared due to the experience of millions of other name bearers. This wisdom is combined with dependence on the opinions of others and becomes a breeding ground for terrible traits of character, for example, pride, cunning, boasting. But with proper upbringing, his sensitivity will develop into responsibility, thanks to which he will become faithful and serious, a wonderful husband, father and good friend. From childhood, Alyosha must direct his energy in the right direction, because he loves to give himself completely to the cause.

Surprisingly, in adolescence, Alyosha will be a calm, gentle and caring person. He will not be overtaken by the problems of the transition period, and he will not bring trouble to loved ones. He will try in every possible way to avoid family quarrels, and for this he will be able to sacrifice his interests.

In adolescence, the guy is prone to illness, but over the years he becomes a real man with good health and an athletic body. Particularly vulnerable places in his body are the stomach and head. You need to take care of your health in order to prevent serious problems.

Of the positive qualities, one can note extraordinary willpower, kindness, openness to the world, compassion, dedication to one's work, prudence, justice, responsibility, loyalty and the ability to follow to the end.

The very name Lesha, in addition to the main meaning, represents individuality, independence, self-confidence, initiative and a penchant for physical activity. After the boy enters into friendly relations, he is very loyal and unshakable, does not tolerate gossip or criticism. The circle of friends is limited to those who look like Lyosha himself. The guy is not inclined to combine his opinions and points of view with others, to compromise or work in a subordinate position against his will. He has a well-developed intuition, so often completing tasks is easy for him.

Lesha's character is secret and ambiguous. He can simultaneously combine honesty and cunning, affection and insane anger, strength and helplessness. Lyosha in adolescence does not stop on the way to his goals. It is characterized by a wide range of professions, interests, views. Among the bearers of the name there are people of completely different temperaments, but everyone is distinguished by openness to others, love for the family, a riot of emotions.

Lyosha is practically not interested in the political sphere, but he still does not stand aside, he tries to keep abreast of the latest news. The guy can be called a very caring person: he will always help and listen. Alexey is quite vulnerable, but he tries not to show it to others.

A distinctive feature of Alyosha in adolescence is the desire to act with his mind. He considers himself completely independent, and tries not to listen to others. This often brings him life lessons, but he purposefully moves on, despite those close to him, and without suspecting that the problem lies in his persistent character. He also does not want to be dependent on his parents, so he starts work early, difficult, as a loader or assistant, which brings small, but his own money. He feels confident when he can earn money himself, and if this manifests itself already in adolescence, then in the future he will have a good profession and a stable income.

In adulthood, Alexei's developed sense of justice manifests itself in his work. If he leads people, he will never do anything contrary to human dignity. He will not humiliate, but at the same time he will treat each employee demandingly. As an adult, Aleksey is prudent and balanced, and at a new place of work he will rush to the forefront with a desire to show all his talents, of which he has a lot. They stand out for their diligence, striving for perfection in their work, often staying late, but at the same time enjoying the fulfillment of their tasks. In whatever area Alexey starts a business, he will bring it to the end and will understand it better than anyone else, they also love formality. Almost all his dreams will come true.

It is believed that the bearers of this male name are very reliably protected by God. This explains the fact that Lyosha rarely faces negative violent shocks, everything in their life flows smoothly and moderately. Men with this name do not complain about their fate.

In a relationship for Alexei, appearance is not the main thing. He is looking for a real mistress as a life partner. Women with the following names are best suited for him: Ella, Margarita, Olga, Svetlana, Julia, Elizabeth.

Their ruling planet is Venus and they are extremely romantic people. Whatever they do in life, they are driven by love feelings.

They have a very pleasant manner of speaking and also choose good topics for conversation, which makes the people around them feel comfortable in their company. Alyosha have a developed sense of justice. They can skillfully find a way out, but they will never resort to cunning methods to get what they want. They are distinguished by their diplomatic skills and are able to listen to different points of view with great patience.

His desires come true, a man gets what he wants, for a long time to think about it and act. Lyosha is very talented and brave in relation to work, he is not afraid of any kind of work.

Positive features of Alexei in adulthood:

  • confidence;
  • hardness;
  • persistence;
  • justice.

It should be noted the excessive squeamishness of the man. It is not as pronounced in childhood as it is in adults.

Most often, the fate of a person is connected not only with a certain name, but also with the time of the year in which the person was born:

List of the most famous people with the name Alexei or his form of both Slavic regions and Latin, historical figures and just celebrities:

Career, business and money

Alexey is a creative person who should devote time to art. He will make a good actor, writer, director, musician. He is distinguished by calmness, perseverance and thoughtfulness, which is useful in business and medicine. He does not crave power, but if she nevertheless comes to him, he tries to create the most suitable conditions for the effective work of the team.

He earns respect from all employees who praise him for his desire for justice. Alyosha easily joins the team, honors decency. Will not tolerate strong pressure from superiors. A diligent and patient person, Alexey can clearly plan the work process.

He is pedantic, so that the entire work schedule is thought out by him to the smallest detail. Alexei is advised to avoid unscrupulous people and various risky enterprises. This man is able to achieve material wealth, using intellectual capabilities.

Marriage and family

Alexey's wife is a devoted woman, from whom he expects support in difficult times, therefore he tries to choose one that will be calm, balanced and caring. He appreciates neatness and tidiness, he may be disappointed in his wife if she turns out to be sloppy.

His wife should take into account the fact that it is desirable to please the mother-in-law, otherwise family life will be greatly complicated. There are pluses in creating a family with Alexei - this man is one of those who will always support his wife, even if she turns out to be wrong. There is a nuance here: a wife with leadership qualities is able to subdue the head of the family, turning him into a henpecked.

Aleksey is one of those people who value family very much, so he will try to get away from the conflict by any means, will make concessions in all matters, except for fundamental ones, where it will not be possible to convince him. Alyosha treats his wife and children with love and respect. If the wife turns out to be sensitive enough, peace and tranquility will reign in the family. Hardworking, generous and compliant Alexei can live a harmonious family life, where there is not even a shadow of conflict.

Sex and love

Amorousness comes to Alexei late, but if he meets the one that is needed, he can stay with her forever. Such a man is a typical monogamous, so he seeks to select the chosen one carefully. Most of all, she appreciates sincerity and sincerity in a friend.

He attaches great importance to thrift, accuracy and fidelity. Change will not be forgiven. It is important for him to feel love, otherwise the relationship will fall apart. Over time, Alexei becomes sexually liberated, often preferring more experienced partners. Sensual and passionate, such a man strives for long-term relationships, avoiding the frequent change of girlfriends.


As a child, Alexey does not have good health, he can often catch colds, but over time these problems outgrow. We recommend that you monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, eat a balanced diet, and try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

When he is small, he may suffer from speech defects, but if the educational process is approached correctly, Alexei will be able to forget about this, starting to speak clearly and correctly.

Interests and hobbies

Alexey is fond of outdoor activities. He is ready to get out of the city, go skiing in the winter, ride a bike in the summer.

This is the person who carries a tent with him, enjoys spending time in nature, and picks berries and mushrooms in autumn and spring. It can turn out from Alexei and a great hunter.

Name Alexei has ancient roots and comes from the Greek word "Alex", which translated into Russian means - "to protect, protect." The name often began to be fixed in Rus' after the adoption of Christianity. It can be said that in those days it was the most fashionable and popular among kings, generals, patriarchs, boyars and nobles.

And nowadays it is quite widespread. The peak of the birth rate of children named Alexey fell on 1974. His traditional canonical ecclesiastical form is Alexis. The Russian Orthodox Church honors many saints with this name.

Alexey - character traits

As a child, Alexey is very attached to his mother, he is literally afraid to lose sight of her. If, God forbid, someone offends his mother, Alyoshka will furiously attack the offender, trying to defeat him with his small fists. He is direct and sincere, he does not know how to lie at all; the boy is docile and tries to obey his parents.

At school, Alexei does not strive to be excellent students, although he is capable of more than he really is. If not for his laziness! Much more fun to run with friends! Alyosha is a stubborn, persistent and emotional nature, this is especially felt during puberty, he often gets into various troubles.

Adult Aleksey stands out for his diligence, and it doesn’t matter what business he takes on. Maintains deep respect for parents and family traditions throughout life. He is friendly and sociable, easily finds a common language with any team, does not strive for power. Goes smoothly through life, preferring to bypass bumps; sharp turns of fate, passions and unexpected decisions are not his element.

In a woman, Alexey most of all appreciates cleanliness, accuracy, the spiritual qualities of the chosen one are no less important to him. He is a good father, a wonderful family man and a loving, faithful husband; he yields to his wife in small things, but reserves the right to make serious decisions. The betrayal of his wife will affect him to the core, and, most likely, Alexei will no longer trust the weaker sex.

Alexey - name compatibility

For marriage, Alexei is ideally suited: Angelica, Alexei, Galina, Anna, Love, Larisa, Svetlana, Nadezhda. Unsuccessful relationships can develop with Oksana, Yulia, Alina and Tamara.

Famous personalities named Alexei

Hieromartyr Alexy of Constantinople, A. Mikhailovich - Russian Tsar, A. Tolstoy, A. Pisemsky, A. Maresyev - hero pilot of the Soviet Union.

And, of course, many celebrities bear this name in our turbulent age: A. Yagudin, A. Smertin, A. Gorbunov, A. Kortnev, A. Komashko, A. Vorobyov and others.

Alexey - interesting facts about the name

- zodiac sign: Aquarius, Libra;
- planet: Neptune, Jupiter;
- nominal colors: blue, light green;
– plants-totems: mistletoe, poplar, lilac
- totem animal: crab;
- talisman stone: lapis lazuli, jasper, alexandrite.


Polina 04/12/2016

Alekseev cannot be betrayed, they will not be able to survive it to the end. In the soul, Alexei, subtle natures, very sensitive to rudeness and rudeness from loved ones. But on outsiders, they may either not pay attention, or respond in kind.

Irina 12.04.2016

Oh, these Alekseys!))) They are very charming, it is practically impossible to be angry with them for a long time. Alexeys do everything somehow artlessly, and even naive eyes will do such things))) Because of this, they do not have to suffer unnecessarily to achieve their goal.

Yanochka 12.04.2016

Well, at the expense of a family man ... Maybe most Alekseevs are just like that, but I know Lesha, who is the opposite of this description. That is, he appreciates his parents, but in a personal family ... He puts his interests above. True, there are no children, I don’t know what kind of father he will be.

Valeria 12.04.2016

I noticed that almost all Alekseys are very devoted to their parents, they appreciate and revere them. And in choosing a girl's life, she often consults with her mother. Most likely, he will not, specifically, at her choice, marry, but against her will, he will not do much either.