Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Gold medal for studies. Gold medal at school - conditions

In the old days, graduating from high school with a gold medal was a guarantee that any higher educational institutions were open to the children.

Benefits for gold medalists

The 11th grade certificate was issued in a special format; it was a kind of pass for preferential admission to the most prestigious educational institutions in the country. Of course, this situation also contributed to the emergence of grounds for abuse by the administration of the educational institution. Many high school students dreamed of receiving an excellent certificate for the 11th grade without any problems and being a student of their chosen university without additional exams and problems.

Modern realities

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, enough time passed, society changed, but gold and silver medals remained in educational institutions. Some educational institutions do not take them into account when compiling rating lists of applicants, but most middle and higher-level institutions add points to excellent students and willingly accept such graduates into their walls.

The medal winner must take additional exams along with the rest of the applicants, while the gold medal of the school graduate guarantees priority in situations where several children have the same number of points.

The incentive to receive such a high award as a medal is the opportunity to receive various awards established by city authorities, numerous sponsors, and founding committees of the educational institution.

What are the conditions for receiving a gold medal at school?

Let's try to figure out how to get a gold medal at school. The badge “For exceptional academic achievements” is awarded to students in grades 11 (12) who have only excellent grades in each half-year at the senior level of education. In addition, one of the requirements for presenting this prestigious award is passing mandatory final exams in the form of the Unified State Examination (USE) in the 11th (12th grade) with no lower than a passing score. Currently, such mandatory exams are in two main subjects: mathematics and Russian language.

The conditions for receiving a gold medal at school do not allow such an award to be received by students who studied externally, as well as by those children who received excellent marks when retaking exams.

The decision on whether to award certain students with a gold medal is made by the teaching council of a particular educational institution. Next, the decision is coordinated with local executive authorities and approved by a special order of the school director. Complete secondary education is a chance for children to enter higher institutions and become the owner of a prestigious profession.

Way to success

Many first-graders ask how to get a gold medal at school and systematically move towards the task. You will have to work hard to achieve such a high result. The school administration is trying to provide every possible support to talented children who did not receive a single “good” mark in the 10th grade. If desired, a potential medalist can also obtain additional teaching aids and consultations with teachers outside of class hours. In addition to excellent academic performance, special emphasis should be placed on an active social life. Such guys also succeed in competitions at various levels, conduct research, participate in projects and competitions. Complete secondary education is hard work, especially if the student is studying at full capacity and demonstrates good results in educational activities.

Regulations on awarding the medal “For special achievements in training”

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed and approved a special regulation, which specifies all the rules on how to receive a gold medal at school. In addition to “gold”, “silver” is issued.

  1. Graduates of 11 (12) grades studying in schools that have an official certificate of accreditation have the right to receive such an award. Graduates of vocational primary education institutions who have passed state accreditation can also receive the medal.
  2. The gold medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to graduates who have final grades “excellent” in all subjects for half a year or a year, and who have successfully passed final exams. A similar award is given to graduates of vocational schools who, upon receiving a complete secondary general education, have demonstrated excellent knowledge in all disciplines, including their specialty, in six months or a year, and have passed exams with “5”.
  3. If in one of the six months a graduate had no more than two “good” marks, he has a chance to receive a silver medal, but he is deprived of the right to receive “gold”.

Graduates who become owners of a gold or silver medal, emphasizing their special successes in the learning process, are awarded a special certificate with silver or gold embossing. Medals are awarded at graduation along with an official document indicating the appropriate level of education.


When answering the question “How to get a gold medal at school?”, you need to understand that children who, in addition to regular academic disciplines, choose various elective and optional courses in their individual curricula can count on such a prestigious assessment of their educational activities. For many modern graduates, being awarded a gold medal at graduation becomes confirmation of high intellectual development. Parents of gold medalists are rightfully proud of their excellent students, because their merits are recognized already during their studies at school. A gold medal is the highest standard that many modern teenagers strive for, whose life plans include further education in prestigious educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Extra points when entering the university, but at the same time sleepless nights in the eleventh grade in the hope of learning the material for the lesson and getting another A. Why do you need a gold medal at all, and is it even necessary? Maybe it’s better to calmly prepare for the Unified State Exam in your chosen subjects than to try to do everything? We found out what the trophy owners think about it.

Ekaterina Lapitskaya:


First of all, a gold medal is a reason to be proud of yourself. In addition, this is a joy for myself, my parents and loved ones, because in my family, for example, there have never been medalists before.

I became an excellent student only in ninth grade. After successfully receiving my first diploma, I didn’t want to give up, and I decided to get to the end with positive grades. Definitely, it was not easy. Tenth and eleventh grades turned out to be the most difficult for me. When you are an excellent student, you have some responsibility - you must always be ready for the lesson. If there is a poll in class, the likelihood that you will be asked if no one else knows the answer increases several times. This was very stressful for me. During tests or self-tests, the worst thing was to hear the result. I seemed sure that I did well, but I was still afraid that I wouldn’t get an A.

In fact, during this period I became very obsessed with grades. It took me quite a lot of time to do my homework, while some of my classmates were having fun and were not worried about their performance, unlike me. Sometimes I regretted that I decided to achieve a medal.

At the moment, I do not believe that these efforts are justified. The fact is that when entering a university, you get additional points for a diploma with honors, but you may not have a medal. In fact, the medal brought me only temporary satisfaction and the realization that I managed to achieve my goal. For a diploma with honors, you could try a little less than for a medal. Those periods when I studied did not bring me much joy. I could have been doing some other interesting things, but I was only focused on studying. I won't say that it was very great.

In my opinion, if a student really enjoys studying and it doesn’t bring any difficulties, he can go for the gold medal, why not. In principle, it is simply an addition to the honors degree.

I would rather advise graduates to enjoy these last years of school and focus on their exams. Well, the desire to receive a medal and a diploma with honors gives rise to perfectionism. I know from myself that after high grades you don’t want to lower the bar, and thus you try to do everything 100%, but there is still no ideal result.

Anastasia Belaya:


First of all, the gold medal gave me inner strength, a new impetus to achieve my goals. As for entering a university, thanks to my honors diploma, I was accepted for free education at the institute.

In fact, at first I didn’t even hope to get a medal. I didn’t even count on such a turn of events. I just, as always, took my studies seriously throughout the tenth and eleventh grades, did all my homework, participated in competitions, gave presentations and tried to get only positive grades. Two years flew by unnoticed, and now they are telling me that I am an excellent student, I am a medalist!

Experiences and strong emotions were always there. I was very worried about my studies: independent work, tests, laboratory work, and just lessons. She often stayed up late to prepare. Of course, there were problems too. Many topics and even the subjects themselves were difficult to understand, but with diligence and labor everything was comprehended.

In fact, I cannot say that a medal is a sign of intelligence, for me it is rather an indicator of work and perseverance. Remembering my school years now, I can confidently say that I gave it my all, made every effort, so the gold medal is a well-deserved reward.

I don’t consider it obligatory to go for a gold medal; you can live without it. According to my observations, there is not much difference between medal winners and those who do not.

Maria Staina:


The gold medal gave me two points upon admission and, as a result, passage in the first wave. Without her, I would have gone through the second one and would have simply been worried for a few more days. But I would still go where I wanted to on a budget.

I did practically nothing to get the medal. Studying at school was very easy for me. I always passed tests before everyone else without preparation; all I had to do was attend class. I practically didn’t do my homework, which is why problems often arose, but the school needed a medal, and its presence was more the merit of the teachers and the director and the head teacher than mine.

There was no effort, I told the director to his face that I didn’t need a medal, and asked him to leave me alone.

If schoolchildren need to make an effort to study with straight A's, then this is good, because a medal is a goal that they can and should strive for. But it’s not worth the nerves it takes over the last two school years. If it gave more privileges, then yes. Otherwise, you can live peacefully without a medal, as most people do. In my first year group of 32 people, if I’m not mistaken, there were 24 medalists. Everyone is very different. My medal, in fact, means nothing, I study poorly. And some were much more successful even without a medal and passed the Unified State Exam and are studying now. So again, the medal, in my opinion, is outdated.

Does a modern schoolchild need a gold medal? What benefits does it provide? How to get this prestigious award? Let's figure it out together.

The gold medal is presented in a ceremonial atmosphere

A little about the history of the award

The first gold medal was given to a student in 1828, back in the Russian Empire. Since then it has been canceled several times, then brought back again. The last cancellation took place at the end of 2013. The reason is that medals were issued in huge quantities, and not always justifiably. In addition, then they did not provide any advantages during admission. This decision of the Ministry of Education and Science caused a negative reaction from society, so it was revised by the State Duma. In May 2014, the president signed a decree according to which schools began again issuing gold medals to students “for special achievements in learning.”

How to get a gold medal?

The decision to issue a gold medal is made by the school’s teachers’ council and coordinated with the local department of the Ministry of Education. To receive the reward, you must fulfill certain conditions:

  • Have final grades “excellent” in all subjects of the compulsory school curriculum for the 10th and 11th grades.
  • Successfully pass the final certification - score above the minimum on the Unified State Exam.

In addition, the teaching council takes into account:

  • The student's behavior must be exemplary.
  • Active participation in the social and sports life of the school.
  • Achievements at district, city or regional Olympiads.

Gold medal - a prestigious award for special academic achievements

What are the benefits of a gold medal?

Of course, a medal will not open doors to everything, but it will still provide you with some bonuses. Upon admission she gives:

  • additional points that are added to the Unified State Exam results;
  • advantage for admission if you and another applicant without a medal score the same number of points.

To confirm that you have a gold medal, you must provide the admissions committee with a certificate.

How many points do universities award for a gold medal?

Upon admission in 2018, you can receive up to 10 additional points inclusive. Each university decides which numbers to set independently. Information about additional points can be obtained on the official website of a particular university. To do this, you need to find the “Individual Achievements” section in the admission rules. Here are the additional points set by some famous educational institutions in the country in 2018:

The name of the university

Number of additional points for a gold medal

An excellent student is the pride of the family and school. A beautiful certificate, numerous certificates and, finally, a medal testify to the intellectual abilities and efforts of the student. What does having a gold or silver medal give to a graduate? will tell you what bonuses the medalist has.

How to get a gold medal at school?

The rules for awarding students with a gold or silver medal are regulated by paragraphs 3, 4 of Article 98 of the Education Code. To graduate from high school with a medal, first of all need to get certificate of completion of basic secondary education with honors . It is issued to students whose annual grades for the 8th and 9th grades in all academic subjects are at least 9 points and have exemplary behavior. Only physical education (annual grade not lower than “6” or “passed” mark for students exempt from classes in the main group), labor training and drawing (not less than “6” per year) do not count. Exams for the 9th grade must be passed with a “9” / “10”.

If a child is exempt from the exam, the annual grade is taken into account as the final grade. Therefore, he will also receive a certificate with honors. By the way, when exempt from exams for grade 11, the final grade is set according to the same principle.

Golden medal assigned to a graduate whose grades in the 10th and 11th grades in all subjects are not lower than “9”, except for physical education (the annual grade is not lower than “6” or has a “passed” mark), pre-conscription and medical training (minimum “6” per year), exemplary behavior. Exams passed on 10 and (or) 9 points.

Vladislav Avsievich graduated from the Dzerzhinsk gymnasium with a gold medal, received the 2016 Central Certificate of Excellence

How to get a silver medal at school?

silver medal is awarded to a student when he has annual grades of “9” and (or) “10” in grades 10 and 11 (except for physical education, for which he received annual grades of at least 6 points or “passed”, pre-conscription and medical training and one or two subjects for which he received annual grades of at least 6 points) and exemplary behavior, as well as grades 10 and/or 9 points in academic subjects and grades of at least 6 points in the same subjects for which he received annual grades of at least 6 points and for which final exams for grade 11 are held.

Let’s say that in the 10th grade a child has a “7” in English for the year, and a “6” in algebra. In the 11th grade, annual grades in these subjects are excellent, but the exams were passed at “8” and “7”, respectively. If all other conditions are met, he will receive a silver medal.

How much gold and silver are there in medals? Not at all. They are made of copper, and the shine of precious metals is given to them by coating with titanium (“silver”) or titanium nitride (“gold”) with ion-plasma sputtering. Such a medal has no material value

What does a gold or silver medal give?

Admission to university without exams

Medalists can enter a number of specialties in demand in the economy without internal exams and CTs.

Example of specialties of universities and colleges where in 2018

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A gold medal at the end of school is a worthy reward for a student’s hard work. To receive a medal, it is not enough to get straight A's; it is also important to take an active part in school life. We will tell you what needs to be done to receive a medal and what prospects it opens up in the future in our review article.

A little history

The gold medal began its history in Russia in 1828. However, after the October Revolution, the presentation of gold and silver medals was cancelled. She returned in May 1945 thanks to Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1247. Until 2012, changes occurred with the gold medal, but they concerned more the external image than the reward of students.

In 2013, the department of the Ministry of Education and Science decided not to award gold medals at the federal level; instead, they issued a certificate with honors, similar in appearance to the gold medal certificate. The right to award medals was left to the regional authorities.

But in 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law that provides for the return of the gold medal to the federal level.

Medal 2014

Some students are interested in the question: is it true that it is gold? An interesting fact in the history of the medal: between 1946 and 1954, it was actually cast from 583-carat gold, weighing approximately 10.5 grams.

But what is a modern gold medal made of? The academic honors symbol now consists of an alloy of copper, zinc and nickel. But the coating is made of pure gold weighing 0.3 grams. It is noteworthy that the embossing on the certificate, which is attached to the gold medal, is also made with gold plating.

The design of the medal has also undergone some changes. Now the medal on one side has the inscription “For special achievements in learning,” and on the other side a double-headed eagle has appeared. In 2007, an image of the Russian tricolor appeared under the eagle.

Please note: To make a medal shine, do not rub it with an eraser. This will damage the special varnish layer and the medal will quickly darken.

Conditions under which the award of a medal is guaranteed

  1. According to the law, the main and main condition for receiving a medal is the final grade “excellent” obtained in all subjects within the school curriculum in the 10th and 11th grades. In addition, an A must be achieved in all subjects on the final assessment.
  2. The decision to award the medal is made by a meeting of the teaching staff and confirmed by the director of the educational institution. Documents for approval are submitted to the local department of the Ministry of Education.
  3. If the student received full-time education, it is possible to be exempt from physical education for health reasons. Students studying externally and at home, unfortunately, cannot count on a medal.

These are the basic requirements for a student. But just being an excellent student is not enough. It is at the teachers' council that the decision on awards is made. What can influence a positive decision by teachers?

  • As a rule, a teacher loves his job and his subject. Therefore, by showing interest in science, you can gain the teacher’s loyal attitude, attracting certain attention to your person;
  • a special “tick” in favor of the medal will be participation in Olympiads, both district and city or regional scale;
  • taking an active part in the life of the school, it doesn’t matter what it will be: creative competitions or work as a designer. The attention of not only teachers is attracted, but also of more “senior” staff: the director and head teachers. Participation in sports competitions, speaking for the honor of the school, can serve this purpose;
  • It is desirable that there is no re-certification to increase scores during the course of study.

It is naive to believe that by studying “somehow” for 9 years, you can get a gold medal if you tighten up your studies a little. Whatever one may say, the teacher’s opinion about the student has been formed over the years, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to radically change the attitude. The maximum you can achieve is the status of a “promising” student. Therefore, it is necessary to study starting from the 5th grade.

Medal Features

Just recently, a gold medal opened doors to literally all universities in the country. It was enough to pass an interview with the admissions committee. But starting from 2009, medalists are equal to all graduates, and admission to the university is based on the average score of the certificate and the results of the Unified State Examination. The only thing that the medal contributes to is that it will only add priority in choosing between two students with the same average score, and sometimes this is a significant help in the framework of high competitions for admission to a budget place.