Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How the ISS flies around the earth. International Space Station

Webcam on the International Space Station

If there is no picture, we suggest you watch NASA TV, it’s interesting

Live broadcasting by Ustream

Ibuki(Japanese: いぶき Ibuki, Breath) is an Earth remote sensing satellite, the world's first spacecraft whose task is to monitor greenhouse gases. The satellite is also known as The Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite, or GOSAT for short. Ibuki is equipped with infrared sensors that determine the density of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. In total, the satellite has seven different scientific instruments. Ibuki was developed by the Japanese space agency JAXA and launched on January 23, 2009 from the Tanegashima Satellite Launch Center. The launch was carried out using a Japanese H-IIA launch vehicle.

Video broadcast life on the space station includes an interior view of the module when the astronauts are on duty. The video is accompanied by live audio of negotiations between the ISS and MCC. Television is only available when the ISS is in contact with the ground via high-speed communications. If the signal is lost, viewers can see a test picture or a graphical map of the world that shows the station's location in orbit in real time. Because the ISS orbits the Earth every 90 minutes, the sun rises or sets every 45 minutes. When the ISS is in darkness, the external cameras may show blackness, but can also show a breathtaking view of the city lights below.

International Space Station, abbr. The ISS (International Space Station, abbr. ISS) is a manned orbital station used as a multi-purpose space research complex. The ISS is a joint international project in which 15 countries participate: Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, USA, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan. The ISS is controlled by: the Russian segment - from Space Flight Control Center in Korolev, the American segment from the Mission Control Center in Houston. There is a daily exchange of information between the Centers.

Means of communication
The transmission of telemetry and the exchange of scientific data between the station and the Mission Control Center is carried out using radio communication. In addition, radio communications are used during rendezvous and docking operations; they are used for audio and video communication between crew members and with flight control specialists on Earth, as well as relatives and friends of the astronauts. Thus, the ISS is equipped with internal and external multi-purpose communication systems.
The Russian segment of the ISS communicates directly with Earth using the Lyra radio antenna installed on the Zvezda module. "Lira" makes it possible to use the "Luch" satellite data relay system. This system was used to communicate with the Mir station, but it fell into disrepair in the 1990s and is not currently used. To restore the system's functionality, Luch-5A was launched in 2012. At the beginning of 2013, it is planned to install specialized subscriber equipment on the Russian segment of the station, after which it will become one of the main subscribers of the Luch-5A satellite. The launches of 3 more satellites “Luch-5B”, “Luch-5V” and “Luch-4” are also expected.
Another Russian communications system, Voskhod-M, provides telephone communications between the Zvezda, Zarya, Pirs, Poisk modules and the American segment, as well as VHF radio communications with ground control centers using external antennas module "Zvezda".
In the American segment, two separate systems located on the Z1 truss are used for communication in the S-band (audio transmission) and Ku-band (audio, video, data transmission). Radio signals from these systems are transmitted to American TDRSS geostationary satellites, which allows for almost continuous contact with mission control in Houston. Data from Canadarm2, the European Columbus module and the Japanese Kibo module are redirected through these two communication systems, but the American TDRSS data transmission system will eventually be supplemented by the European satellite system (EDRS) and a similar Japanese one. Communication between modules is carried out via an internal digital wireless network.
During spacewalks, astronauts use a UHF VHF transmitter. VHF radio communications are also used during docking or undocking by the Soyuz, Progress, HTV, ATV and Space Shuttle spacecraft (although the shuttles also use S- and Ku-band transmitters via TDRSS). With its help, these spacecraft receive commands from the mission control center or from the ISS crew members. Automatic spacecraft are equipped with their own means of communication. Thus, ATV ships use a specialized Proximity Communication Equipment (PCE) system during rendezvous and docking, the equipment of which is located on the ATV and on the Zvezda module. Communication is carried out through two completely independent S-band radio channels. PCE begins to function, starting from relative ranges of about 30 kilometers, and is turned off after the ATV is docked to the ISS and switches to interaction via the on-board MIL-STD-1553 bus. To accurately determine the relative position of the ATV and the ISS, a laser rangefinder system installed on the ATV is used, making precise docking with the station possible.
The station is equipped with approximately one hundred ThinkPad laptop computers from IBM and Lenovo, models A31 and T61P. These are ordinary serial computers, which, however, have been modified for use in the ISS, in particular, the connectors and cooling system have been redesigned, the 28 Volt voltage used at the station has been taken into account, and the safety requirements for working in zero gravity have been met. Since January 2010, the station has provided direct Internet access for the American segment. Computers on board the ISS are connected via Wi-Fi to a wireless network and are connected to the Earth at a speed of 3 Mbit/s for downloading and 10 Mbit/s for downloading, which is comparable to a home ADSL connection.

Orbit altitude
The altitude of the ISS orbit is constantly changing. Due to the remnants of the atmosphere, a gradual braking and altitude decrease occur. All incoming ships help raise the altitude using their engines. At one time they limited themselves to compensating for the decline. Recently, the altitude of the orbit has been steadily increasing. February 10, 2011 — The flight altitude of the International Space Station was about 353 kilometers above sea level. On June 15, 2011 it increased by 10.2 kilometers and amounted to 374.7 kilometers. On June 29, 2011, the orbital altitude was 384.7 kilometers. In order to reduce the influence of the atmosphere to a minimum, the station had to be raised to 390-400 km, but American shuttles could not rise to such a height. Therefore, the station was maintained at altitudes of 330-350 km by periodic correction by engines. Due to the end of the shuttle flight program, this restriction has been lifted.

The ISS uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is almost exactly equidistant from the times of the two control centers in Houston and Korolev. Every 16 sunrises/sunsets, the station's windows are closed to create the illusion of darkness at night. The team typically wakes up at 7 a.m. (UTC), and the crew typically works about 10 hours every weekday and about five hours every Saturday. During shuttle visits, the ISS crew usually follows Mission Elapsed Time (MET) - the total flight time of the shuttle, which is not tied to a specific time zone, but is calculated solely from the time the space shuttle took off. The ISS crew advances their sleep times before the shuttle arrives and returns to their previous sleep schedule after the shuttle departs.

The station maintains an atmosphere close to that of Earth. Normal atmospheric pressure on the ISS is 101.3 kilopascals, the same as at sea level on Earth. The atmosphere on the ISS does not coincide with the atmosphere maintained in the shuttles, therefore, after the space shuttle docks, the pressures and composition of the gas mixture on both sides of the airlock are equalized. From approximately 1999 to 2004, NASA existed and developed the IHM (Inflatable Habitation Module) project, which planned to use atmospheric pressure at the station to deploy and create the working volume of an additional habitable module. The body of this module was supposed to be made of Kevlar fabric with a sealed inner shell of gas-tight synthetic rubber. However, in 2005, due to the unsolved nature of most of the problems posed in the project (in particular, the problem of protection from space debris particles), the IHM program was closed.

The gravity of the Earth at the height of the station's orbit is 90% of the gravity at sea level. The state of weightlessness is due to the constant free fall of the ISS, which, according to the equivalence principle, is equivalent to the absence of gravity. The station environment is often described as microgravity, due to four effects:

Braking pressure of the residual atmosphere.

Vibrational accelerations due to the operation of mechanisms and the movement of the station crew.

Orbit correction.

The heterogeneity of the Earth's gravitational field leads to the fact that different parts of the ISS are attracted to the Earth with different strengths.

All these factors create accelerations reaching values ​​of 10-3...10-1 g.

Observing the ISS
The size of the station is sufficient for its observation with the naked eye from the surface of the Earth. The ISS is observed as a fairly bright star, moving quite quickly across the sky approximately from west to east (angular velocity of about 1 degree per second.) Depending on the observation point, the maximum value of its magnitude can take a value from? 4 to 0. European Space the agency, together with the website “”, provides the opportunity for everyone to find out the schedule of ISS flights over a certain populated area of ​​the planet. By going to the website page dedicated to the ISS and entering the name of the city of interest in Latin letters, you can get the exact time and a graphical representation of the station’s flight path over it for the coming days. The flight schedule can also be viewed at The ISS flight path can be seen in real time on the website of the Federal Space Agency. You can also use the Heavensat (or Orbitron) program.

It was launched into outer space in 1998. At the moment, for almost seven thousand days, day and night, the best minds of humanity have been working on solving the most complex mysteries in conditions of weightlessness.


Every person who has seen this unique object at least once has asked a logical question: what is the altitude of the orbit of the international space station? But it’s impossible to answer it in monosyllables. The orbital altitude of the International Space Station ISS depends on many factors. Let's take a closer look at them.

The ISS's orbit around the Earth is decreasing due to the effects of a thin atmosphere. The speed decreases, and the altitude decreases accordingly. How to rush upward again? The altitude of the orbit can be changed using the engines of ships that dock to it.

Various heights

Over the entire duration of the space mission, several key values ​​were recorded. Back in February 2011, the ISS orbital altitude was 353 km. All calculations are made in relation to sea level. The altitude of the ISS orbit in June of the same year increased to three hundred and seventy-five kilometers. But this was far from the limit. Just two weeks later, NASA employees were happy to answer journalists’ question “What is the current altitude of the ISS orbit?” - three hundred eighty-five kilometers!

And this is not the limit

The altitude of the ISS orbit was still insufficient to resist natural friction. The engineers took a responsible and very risky step. The ISS orbital altitude was to be increased to four hundred kilometers. But this event happened a little later. The problem was that only ships lifted the ISS. Orbital altitude was limited for the shuttles. Only over time was the restriction lifted for the crew and the ISS. The orbital altitude since 2014 has exceeded 400 kilometers above sea level. The maximum average value was recorded in July and amounted to 417 km. In general, altitude adjustments are made constantly to fix the most optimal route.

History of creation

Back in 1984, the US government hatched plans to launch a large-scale scientific project in nearby space. It was quite difficult even for the Americans to carry out such a grandiose construction alone, and Canada and Japan were involved in the development.

In 1992, Russia was included in the campaign. In the early nineties, a large-scale project “Mir-2” was planned in Moscow. But economic problems prevented the grandiose plans from being realized. Gradually, the number of participating countries increased to fourteen.

Bureaucratic delays took more than three years. Only in 1995 was the design of the station adopted, and a year later - the configuration.

The twentieth of November 1998 was an outstanding day in the history of world astronautics - the first block was successfully delivered into orbit of our planet.


The ISS is brilliant in its simplicity and functionality. The station consists of independent blocks that are connected to each other like a large construction set. It is impossible to calculate the exact cost of the object. Each new block is manufactured in a separate country and, of course, varies in price. In total, a huge number of such parts can be attached, so the station can be constantly updated.


Due to the fact that the station blocks and their contents can be changed and upgraded an unlimited number of times, the ISS can roam the expanses of near-Earth orbit for a long time.

The first alarm bell rang in 2011, when the space shuttle program was canceled due to its high cost.

But nothing terrible happened. Cargo was regularly delivered into space by other ships. In 2012, a private commercial shuttle even successfully docked to the ISS. Subsequently, a similar event occurred repeatedly.

Threats to the station can only be political. From time to time, officials from various countries threaten to stop supporting the ISS. At first, support plans were scheduled until 2015, then until 2020. Today, there is approximately an agreement to maintain the station until 2027.

And while politicians argue among themselves, in 2016 the ISS made its 100,000th orbit around the planet, which was originally called “Anniversary.”


Sitting in the dark is, of course, interesting, but sometimes it gets boring. On the ISS, every minute is worth its weight in gold, so engineers were deeply puzzled by the need to provide the crew with uninterrupted electrical power.

Many different ideas were proposed, and in the end it was agreed that nothing could be better than solar panels in space.

When implementing the project, the Russian and American sides took different paths. Thus, the generation of electricity in the first country is carried out for a 28 volt system. The voltage in the American unit is 124 V.

During the day, the ISS makes many orbits around the Earth. One revolution is approximately an hour and a half, forty-five minutes of which pass in the shade. Of course, at this time generation from solar panels is impossible. The station is powered by nickel-hydrogen batteries. The service life of such a device is about seven years. The last time they were changed was back in 2009, so very soon the engineers will carry out the long-awaited replacement.


As previously written, the ISS is a huge construction set, the parts of which are easily connected to each other.

As of March 2017, the station has fourteen elements. Russia delivered five blocks, named Zarya, Poisk, Zvezda, Rassvet and Pirs. The Americans gave their seven parts the following names: “Unity”, “Destiny”, “Tranquility”, “Quest”, “Leonardo”, “Dome” and “Harmony”. The countries of the European Union and Japan so far have one bloc each: Columbus and Kibo.

Units are constantly changing depending on the tasks assigned to the crew. Several more blocks are on the way, which will significantly enhance the research capabilities of the crew members. The most interesting, of course, are the laboratory modules. Some of them are completely sealed. Thus, they can explore absolutely everything, even alien living beings, without the risk of infection for the crew.

Other blocks are designed to generate the necessary environments for normal human life. Still others allow you to freely go into space and carry out research, observations or repairs.

Some blocks do not carry a research load and are used as storage facilities.

Ongoing research

Numerous studies are, in fact, why in the distant nineties politicians decided to send a constructor into space, the cost of which today is estimated at more than two hundred billion dollars. For this money you can buy a dozen countries and get a small sea as a gift.

So, the ISS has such unique capabilities that no earthly laboratory has. The first is the presence of limitless vacuum. The second is the actual absence of gravity. Third, the most dangerous ones are not spoiled by refraction in the earth’s atmosphere.

Don’t feed researchers bread, but give them something to study! They happily carry out the duties assigned to them, even despite the mortal risk.

Scientists are most interested in biology. This area includes biotechnology and medical research.

Other scientists often forget about sleep when exploring the physical forces of extraterrestrial space. Materials and quantum physics are only part of the research. A favorite activity, according to the revelations of many, is testing various liquids in zero gravity.

Experiments with vacuum, in general, can be carried out outside the blocks, right in outer space. Earthly scientists can only be jealous in a good way while watching experiments via video link.

Any person on Earth would give anything for one spacewalk. For station workers, this is almost a routine activity.


Despite the dissatisfied cries of many skeptics about the futility of the project, ISS scientists made many interesting discoveries that allowed us to look differently at space as a whole and at our planet.

Every day these brave people receive a huge dose of radiation, all for the sake of scientific research that will give humanity unprecedented opportunities. One can only admire their efficiency, courage and determination.

The ISS is a fairly large object that can be seen from the surface of the Earth. There is even a whole website where you can enter the coordinates of your city and the system will tell you exactly what time you can try to see the station while sitting in a sun lounger right on your balcony.

Of course, the space station has many opponents, but there are many more fans. This means that the ISS will confidently stay in its orbit four hundred kilometers above sea level and will show avid skeptics more than once how wrong they were in their forecasts and predictions.

The International Space Station ISS is the embodiment of the most ambitious and progressive technical achievement on a cosmic scale on our planet. This is a huge space research laboratory for studying, conducting experiments, observing both the surface of our planet Earth, and for astronomical observations of deep space without exposure to the earth’s atmosphere. At the same time, it is both a home for the cosmonauts and astronauts working on it, where they live and work, and a port for berthing space cargo and transport ships. Raising his head and looking up at the sky, a person saw the endless expanses of space and always dreamed of, if not conquering, then learning as much as possible about it and comprehending all its secrets. The flight of the first cosmonaut into earth orbit and the launch of satellites gave a powerful impetus to the development of astronautics and further flights into space. But simply human flight into near space is no longer enough. Eyes are directed further, to other planets, and to achieve this, much more needs to be explored, learned and understood. And the most important thing for long-term human space flights is the need to establish the nature and consequences of the long-term influence on health of long-term weightlessness during flights, the possibility of life support for a long stay on spacecraft and the exclusion of all negative factors affecting the health and life of people, both near and far. outer space, identifying dangerous collisions of spacecraft with other space objects and ensuring safety measures.

For this purpose, they began to build, first, simply long-term manned orbital stations of the Salyut series, then a more advanced one, with a complex modular architecture, “MIR”. Such stations could be constantly in Earth orbit and receive cosmonauts and astronauts delivered by spacecraft. But, having achieved certain results in space exploration, thanks to space stations, time inexorably demanded further, increasingly improved methods for studying space and the possibility of human life while flying in it. The construction of a new space station required huge, even greater capital investments than previous ones, and it was already economically difficult for one country to advance space science and technology. It should be noted that the former USSR (now the Russian Federation) and the United States of America took the leading positions in space technology achievements at the level of orbital stations. Despite the contradictions in political views, these two powers understood the need for cooperation in space issues, and in particular, in the construction of a new orbital station, especially since the previous experience of joint cooperation during the flights of American astronauts to the Russian space station "Mir" produced tangible positive results . Therefore, since 1993, representatives of the Russian Federation and the United States have been negotiating the joint design, construction and operation of a new International Space Station. The planned “Detailed Work Plan for the ISS” has been signed.

In 1995 In Houston, the basic preliminary design of the station was approved. The adopted project for the modular architecture of the orbital station makes it possible to carry out its phased construction in space, adding more and more new sections of modules to the main already operating module, making its construction more accessible, easier and flexible, making it possible to change the architecture in connection with emerging needs and capabilities of countries -participants.

The basic configuration of the station was approved and signed in 1996. It consisted of two main segments: Russian and American. Countries such as Japan, Canada and the countries of the European Space Union also take part, deploy their scientific space equipment and conduct research.

01/28/1998 In Washington, an agreement was finally signed to begin construction of a new long-term, modular architecture International Space Station, and already on November 2 of the same year, the first multifunctional module of the ISS was launched into orbit by a Russian launch vehicle. Zarya».

(FGB- functional cargo block) - launched into orbit by the Proton-K rocket on November 2, 1998. From the moment the Zarya module was launched into low-Earth orbit, the actual construction of the ISS began, i.e. Assembly of the entire station begins. At the very beginning of construction, this module was necessary as a base module for supplying electricity, maintaining temperature conditions, establishing communications and controlling orientation in orbit, and as a docking module for other modules and ships. It is fundamental for further construction. Currently, Zarya is used mainly as a warehouse, and its engines adjust the altitude of the station's orbit.

The ISS Zarya module consists of two main compartments: a large instrument and cargo compartment and a sealed adapter, separated by a partition with a hatch 0.8 m in diameter. for passage. One part is sealed and contains an instrument and cargo compartment with a volume of 64.5 cubic meters, which, in turn, is divided into an instrument room with on-board systems units and a living area for work. These zones are separated by an interior partition. The sealed adapter compartment is equipped with on-board systems for mechanical docking with other modules.

The unit has three docking gates: active and passive at the ends and one on the side for connection with other modules. There are also antennas for communication, tanks with fuel, solar panels that generate energy, and instruments for orientation to the Earth. It has 24 large engines, 12 small ones, and 2 engines for maneuvering and maintaining the desired altitude. This module can independently perform unmanned flights in space.

ISS Unity module (NODE 1 - connecting)

The Unity module is the first American connecting module, which was launched into orbit on December 4, 1998 by the Space Shuttle Endever and docked with Zarya on December 1, 1998. This module has 6 docking gateways for further connection of ISS modules and berthing of spacecraft. It is a corridor between the other modules and their living and working spaces and a place for communications: gas and water pipelines, various communication systems, electrical cables, data transmission and other life-supporting communications.

ISS module "Zvezda" (SM - service module)

The Zvezda module is a Russian module launched into orbit by the Proton spacecraft on July 12, 2000 and docked to Zarya on July 26, 2000. Thanks to this module, already in July 2000, the ISS was able to receive on board the first space crew consisting of Sergei Krikalov, Yuri Gidzenko and American William Shepard.

The block itself consists of 4 compartments: a sealed transition chamber, a sealed working compartment, a sealed intermediate chamber and a non-sealed aggregate chamber. The transition compartment with four windows serves as a corridor for astronauts to move from different modules and compartments and to exit the station into outer space thanks to an airlock with a pressure relief valve installed here. Docking units are attached to the outer part of the compartment: one axial and two lateral. The Zvezda axial unit is connected to the Zarya, and the upper and lower axial units are connected to other modules. Also installed on the outer surface of the compartment are brackets and handrails, new sets of antennas of the Kurs-NA system, docking targets, television cameras, a refueling unit and other units.

The working compartment has a total length of 7.7 m, has 8 portholes and consists of two cylinders of different diameters, equipped with carefully designed means of ensuring work and life. The larger diameter cylinder contains a living area with a volume of 35.1 cubic meters. meters. There are two cabins, a sanitary compartment, a kitchen with a refrigerator and a table for fixing objects, medical equipment and exercise equipment.

In a cylinder of smaller diameter there is a working area in which instruments, equipment and the main station control post are located. There are also control systems, emergency and warning manual control panels.

Intermediate chamber with a volume of 7.0 cubic meters. meters with two windows serves as a transition between the service block and the spacecraft that dock at the stern. The docking station provides docking of the Russian spacecraft Soyuz TM, Soyuz TMA, Progress M, Progress M2, as well as the European automatic spacecraft ATV.

In the Zvezda assembly compartment there are two correction engines at the stern, and four blocks of attitude control engines on the side. Sensors and antennas are attached to the outside. As you can see, the Zvezda module has taken over some of the functions of the Zarya block.

ISS module "Destiny" translated as "Destiny" (LAB - laboratory)

Module "Destiny" - on 02/08/2001 the space shuttle Atlantis was launched into orbit, and on 02/10/2002 the American scientific module "Destiny" was docked to the ISS at the forward docking port of the Unity module. Astronaut Marsha Ivin removed the module from the Atlantis spacecraft using a 15-meter “arm,” although the gaps between the ship and the module were only five centimeters. It was the space station's first laboratory and, at one time, its nerve center and largest habitable unit. The module was manufactured by the well-known American company Boeing. It consists of three connected cylinders. The ends of the module are made in the form of trimmed cones with sealed hatches that serve as entrances for astronauts. The module itself is intended mainly for conducting scientific research in medicine, materials science, biotechnology, physics, astronomy and many other fields of science. For this purpose there are 23 units equipped with instruments. They are arranged in groups of six along the sides, six on the ceiling and five blocks on the floor. The supports have routes for pipelines and cables; they connect different racks. The module also has the following life support systems: power supply, a sensor system for monitoring humidity, temperature and air quality. Thanks to this module and the equipment it contains, it became possible to conduct unique research in space on board the ISS in various fields of science.

ISS module "Quest" (A/L - universal airlock)

The Quest module was launched into orbit by the Atlantis Shuttle on 07/12/2001 and docked to the Unity module on 07/15/2001 at the right docking port using the Canadarm 2 manipulator. This unit is primarily designed to provide spacewalks in both Russian-made Orland spacesuits with an oxygen pressure of 0.4 atm, and in American EMU spacesuits with a pressure of 0.3 atm. The fact is that before this, representatives of space crews could only use Russian spacesuits when exiting the Zarya block and American ones when exiting through the Shuttle. Reduced pressure in spacesuits is used to make the suits more elastic, which creates significant comfort when moving.

The ISS Quest module consists of two rooms. These are the crew quarters and the equipment room. Crew quarters with a hermetic volume of 4.25 cubic meters. designed for exit into space with hatches provided with comfortable handrails, lighting, and connectors for oxygen supply, water, devices for reducing pressure before exit, etc.

The equipment room is much larger in volume and its size is 29.75 cubic meters. m. It is intended for the necessary equipment for putting on and taking off spacesuits, their storage and denitrogenation of the blood of station employees going into space.

ISS module "Pirs" (CO1 - docking compartment)

The Pirs module was launched into orbit on September 15, 2001 and docked with the Zarya module on September 17, 2001. Pirs was launched into space for docking with the ISS as an integral part of the specialized Progress M-S01 truck. Basically, "Pirs" plays the role of an airlock compartment for two people to go into outer space in Russian spacesuits of the "Orlan-M" type. The second purpose of the Pirs is additional berthing space for spacecraft of such types as Soyuz TM and Progress M trucks. The third purpose of the Pirs is to refuel the tanks of the Russian segments of the ISS with fuel, oxidizer and other propellant components. The dimensions of this module are relatively small: length with docking units is 4.91 m, diameter is 2.55 m and the volume of the sealed compartment is 13 cubic meters. m. In the center, on opposite sides of the sealed body with two circular frames, there are 2 identical hatches with a diameter of 1.0 m with small portholes. This makes it possible to enter space from different angles, depending on the need. Convenient handrails are provided inside and outside the hatches. Inside there is also equipment, airlock control panels, communications, power supplies, and pipeline routes for fuel transit. Communication antennas, antenna protection screens, and a fuel transfer unit are installed outside.

There are two docking nodes located along the axis: active and passive. The active node "Pirs" is docked with the module "Zarya", and the passive one on the opposite side is used for mooring spaceships.

ISS module “Harmony”, “Harmony” (Node 2 - connecting)

Module "Harmony" - launched into orbit on October 23, 2007 by the Discovery shuttle from Cape Canavery launch pad 39 and docked on October 26, 2007 with the ISS. "Harmony" was made in Italy for NASA. The docking of the module with the ISS itself was stage-by-stage: first, astronauts of the 16th crew Tani and Wilson temporarily docked the module with the ISS Unity module on the left using the Canadian manipulator Canadarm-2, and after the shuttle departed and the RMA-2 adapter was reinstalled, the module was reinstalled by the operator Tanya was disconnected from Unity and moved to its permanent location at the forward docking station of Destiny. The final installation of "Harmony" was completed on November 14, 2007.

The module has main dimensions: length 7.3 m, diameter 4.4 m, its sealed volume is 75 cubic meters. m. The most important feature of the module is 6 docking nodes for further connections with other modules and construction of the ISS. The nodes are located along the anterior and posterior axis, nadir at the bottom, anti-aircraft at the top and lateral left and right. It should be noted that thanks to the additional hermetic volume created in the module, three additional sleeping places were created for the crew, equipped with all life support systems.

The main purpose of the Harmony module is the role of a connecting node for the further expansion of the International Space Station and, in particular, for creating attachment points and connecting the European Columbus and Japanese Kibo space laboratories to it.

ISS module "Columbus", "Columbus" (COL)

The Columbus module is the first European module launched into orbit by the Atlantis shuttle on 02/07/2008. and installed on the right connecting node of the “Harmony” module 02/12/2008. Columbus was built for the European Space Agency in Italy, whose space agency has extensive experience building pressurized modules for the space station.

"Columbus" is a cylinder 6.9 m long and 4.5 m in diameter, where a laboratory with a volume of 80 cubic meters is located. meters with 10 workplaces. Each workplace is a rack with cells where instruments and equipment for certain studies are located. The racks are each equipped with a separate power supply, computers with the necessary software, communications, an air conditioning system and all the equipment necessary for research. At each workplace, a group of research and experiments are carried out in a certain direction. For example, the Biolab workstation is equipped to conduct experiments in the fields of space biotechnology, cell biology, developmental biology, skeletal disease, neurobiology, and human life support for long-duration interplanetary flights. There is a device for diagnosing protein crystallization and others. In addition to 10 racks with workstations in the pressurized compartment, there are four more places equipped for scientific space research on the outer open side of the module in space under vacuum conditions. This allows us to conduct experiments on the state of bacteria in very extreme conditions, understand the possibility of the emergence of life on other planets, and conduct astronomical observations. Thanks to the SOLAR solar instrument complex, solar activity and the degree of exposure of the Sun to our Earth are monitored, and solar radiation is monitored. The Diarad radiometer, along with other space radiometers, measures solar activity. The SOLSPEC spectrometer studies the solar spectrum and its light through the earth's atmosphere. The uniqueness of the research lies in the fact that it can be carried out simultaneously on the ISS and on Earth, immediately comparing the results. Columbus makes it possible to conduct video conferencing and high-speed data exchange. Monitoring of the module and coordination of work is carried out by the European Space Agency from the Center located in the city of Oberpfaffenhofen, located 60 km from Munich.

ISS module "Kibo" Japanese, translated as "Hope" (JEM-Japanese Experiment Module)

The Kibo module was launched into orbit by the Endeavor shuttle, first with only one part of it on 03/11/2008 and docked with the ISS on 03/14/2008. Despite the fact that Japan has its own spaceport on Tanegashima, due to the lack of delivery ships, Kibo was launched piecemeal from the American spaceport at Cape Canaveral. In general, Kibo is the largest laboratory module on the ISS today. It was developed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and consists of four main parts: the PM Science Laboratory, the Experimental Cargo Module (which in turn has an ELM-PS pressurized part and an ELM-ES unpressurized part), the JEMRMS Remote Manipulator and the EF External Unpressurized Platform.

"Sealed Compartment" or Scientific Laboratory of the "Kibo" Module JEM PM- delivered and docked on 07/02/2008 by the Discovery shuttle - this is one of the compartments of the Kibo module, in the form of a sealed cylindrical structure measuring 11.2 m * 4.4 m with 10 universal racks adapted for scientific instruments . Five racks belong to America in payment for delivery, but any astronauts or cosmonauts can conduct scientific experiments at the request of any countries. Climate parameters: temperature and humidity, air composition and pressure correspond to earthly conditions, which makes it possible to work comfortably in ordinary, familiar clothes and conduct experiments without special conditions. Here, in a sealed compartment of a scientific laboratory, not only experiments are carried out, but also control over the entire laboratory complex, especially over the devices of the External Experimental Platform, is established.

"Experimental Cargo Bay" ELM- one of the compartments of the Kibo module has a sealed part ELM - PS and a non-sealed part ELM - ES. Its sealed part is docked with the upper hatch of the laboratory module PM and has the shape of a 4.2 m cylinder with a diameter of 4.4 m. The inhabitants of the station freely pass here from the laboratory, since the climate conditions are the same here. The sealed part is mainly used as an addition to the sealed laboratory and is intended for storing equipment, tools, and experimental results. There are 8 universal racks, which can be used for experiments if necessary. Initially, on 03/14/2008, ELM-PS was docked with the Harmony module, and on 06/06/2008, by astronauts of expedition No. 17, it was reinstalled to its permanent location in the Pressurized compartment of the laboratory.

The leaky part is the outer section of the cargo module and at the same time a component of the “External Experimental Platform”, since it is attached to its end. Its dimensions are: length 4.2 m, width 4.9 m and height 2.2 m. The purpose of this site is the storage of equipment, experimental results, samples and their transportation. This part with the results of experiments and used equipment can be undocked, if necessary, from the unpressurized Kibo platform and delivered to Earth.

"External experimental platform» JEM EF or, as it is also called, “Terrace” - delivered to the ISS on March 12, 2009. and is located immediately behind the laboratory module, representing the leaky part of the “Kibo”, with platform dimensions: 5.6 m length, 5.0 m width and 4.0 m height. Here, various numerous experiments are carried out directly in outer space in different areas of science to study the external influences of space. The platform is located immediately behind the sealed laboratory compartment and is connected to it by an airtight hatch. The manipulator located at the end of the laboratory module can install the necessary equipment for experiments and remove unnecessary equipment from the experimental platform. The platform has 10 experimental compartments, it is well lit and there are video cameras recording everything that happens.

Remote manipulator(JEM RMS) - a manipulator or mechanical arm that is mounted in the bow of a pressurized compartment of a scientific laboratory and serves to move cargo between the experimental cargo compartment and an external unpressurized platform. In general, the arm consists of two parts, a large ten-meter one for heavy loads and a removable short one 2.2 meters long for more precise work. Both types of arms have 6 rotating joints to perform various movements. The main manipulator was delivered in June 2008, and the second in July 2009.

The entire operation of this Japanese Kibo module is managed by the Control Center in the city of Tsukuba, north of Tokyo. Scientific experiments and research conducted in the Kibo laboratory significantly expand the scope of scientific activity in space. The modular principle of constructing the laboratory itself and a large number of universal racks provide ample opportunities for constructing a variety of studies.

Racks for conducting biological experiments are equipped with furnaces that set the required temperature conditions, which makes it possible to conduct experiments on growing various crystals, including biological ones. There are also incubators, aquariums and sterile facilities for animals, fish, amphibians and the cultivation of a variety of plant cells and organisms. The effects of different levels of radiation on them are being studied. The laboratory is equipped with dosimeters and other state-of-the-art instruments.

ISS module “Poisk” (MIM2 small research module)

The Poisk module is a Russian module launched into orbit from the Baikonur cosmodrome by a Soyuz-U launch vehicle, delivered by a specially upgraded cargo ship by the Progress M-MIM2 module on November 10, 2009, and was docked to the upper anti-aircraft docking port of the Zvezda module. two days later, November 12, 2009. The docking was carried out only using the Russian manipulator, abandoning Canadarm2, since financial issues had not been resolved with the Americans. “Poisk” was developed and built in Russia by RSC “Energia” on the basis of the previous module “Pirs” with the completion of all shortcomings and significant improvements. “Search” has a cylindrical shape with dimensions: 4.04 m long and 2.5 m in diameter. It has two docking units, active and passive, located along the longitudinal axis, and on the left and right sides there are two hatches with small windows and handrails for going into outer space. In general, it is almost like “Pierce”, but more advanced. In its space there are two workstations for conducting scientific tests, there are mechanical adapters with the help of which the necessary equipment is installed. Inside the pressurized compartment there is a volume of 0.2 cubic meters. m. for instruments, and a universal workplace was created on the outside of the module.

In general, this multifunctional module is intended: for additional docking points with the Soyuz and Progress spacecraft, for providing additional spacewalks, for housing scientific equipment and conducting scientific tests inside and outside the module, for refueling from transport ships and, ultimately, this module should take over the functions of the Zvezda service module.

ISS module “Transquility” or “Tranquility” (NODE3)

The Transquility module - an American connecting habitable module was launched into orbit on 02/08/2010 from the launch pad LC-39 (Kennedy Space Center) by the Endeavor shuttle and docked with the ISS on 08/10/2010 to the Unity module. Tranquility, commissioned by NASA, was manufactured in Italy. The module was named after the Sea of ​​Tranquility on the Moon, where the first astronaut landed from Apollo 11. With the advent of this module, life on the ISS has truly become calmer and much more comfortable. Firstly, an internal useful volume of 74 cubic meters was added, the length of the module was 6.7 m with a diameter of 4.4 m. The dimensions of the module made it possible to create in it the most modern life support system, from the toilet to the provision and control of the highest levels of inhaled air. There are 16 racks with various equipment for air circulation systems, purification systems for removing contaminants from it, systems for processing liquid waste into water, and other systems to create a comfortable environmental environment for life on the ISS. The module provides everything down to the smallest detail, equipped with exercise equipment, all kinds of holders for objects, all conditions for work, training and relaxation. In addition to the high life support system, the design provides 6 docking nodes: two axial and 4 lateral for docking with spacecraft and improving the ability to reinstall modules in various combinations. The Dome module is attached to one of the Tranquility docking stations for a wide panoramic view.

ISS module "Dome" (cupola)

The Dome module was delivered to the ISS together with the Tranquility module and, as mentioned above, docked with its lower connecting node. This is the smallest module of the ISS with dimensions of 1.5 m in height and 2 m in diameter. But there are 7 windows that allow you to observe both the work on the ISS and the Earth. Workplaces for monitoring and controlling the Canadarm-2 manipulator, as well as monitoring systems for station modes, are equipped here. The portholes, made of 10 cm quartz glass, are arranged in the form of a dome: in the center there is a large round one with a diameter of 80 cm and around it there are 6 trapezoidal ones. This place is also a favorite place to relax.

ISS module "Rassvet" (MIM 1)

Module "Rassvet" - 05/14/2010 launched into orbit and delivered by the American shuttle "Atlantis" and docked with the ISS with the nadir docking port "Zarya" on 05/18/2011. This is the first Russian module that was delivered to the ISS not by a Russian spacecraft, but by an American one. The docking of the module was carried out by American astronauts Garrett Reisman and Piers Sellers within three hours. The module itself, like previous modules of the Russian segment of the ISS, was manufactured in Russia by the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation. The module is very similar to previous Russian modules, but with significant improvements. It has five workplaces: a glove box, low-temperature and high-temperature biothermostats, a vibration-proof platform, and a universal workplace with the necessary equipment for scientific and applied research. The module has dimensions of 6.0 m by 2.2 m and is intended, in addition to carrying out research work in the fields of biotechnology and materials science, for additional storage of cargo, for the possibility of use as a berthing port for spacecraft and for additional refueling of the station. As part of the Rassvet module, an airlock chamber, an additional radiator-heat exchanger, a portable workstation and a spare element of the ERA robotic manipulator for the future scientific laboratory Russian module were sent.

Multifunctional module "Leonardo" (RMM-permanent multipurpose module)

The Leonardo module was launched into orbit and delivered by the Discovery shuttle on 05/24/10 and docked to the ISS on 03/01/2011. This module formerly belonged to three multi-purpose logistics modules, Leonardo, Raffaello and Donatello, manufactured in Italy to deliver necessary cargo to the ISS. They carried cargo and were delivered by the Discovery and Atlantis shuttles, docking with the Unity module. But the Leonardo module was re-equipped with the installation of life support systems, power supply, thermal control, fire extinguishing, data transmission and processing and, starting in March 2011, began to be part of the ISS as a baggage Sealed multifunctional module for permanent cargo placement. The module has dimensions of a cylindrical part of 4.8 m by a diameter of 4.57 m with an internal living volume of 30.1 cubic meters. meters and serves as a good additional volume for the American segment of the ISS.

ISS Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM)

The BEAM module is an American experimental inflatable module created by Bigelow Aerospace. The head of the company, Robber Bigelow, is a billionaire in the hotel system and at the same time a passionate fan of space. The company is engaged in space tourism. Robber Bigelow's dream is a hotel system in space, on the Moon and Mars. Creating an inflatable housing and hotel complex in space turned out to be an excellent idea that has a number of advantages over modules made from heavy iron rigid structures. Inflatable modules of the BEAM type are much lighter, small-sized for transportation and much more economical financially. NASA deservedly appreciated this company's idea and in December 2012 signed a contract with the company for 17.8 million to create an inflatable module for the ISS, and in 2013 a contract was signed with Sierra Nevada Corporatio to create a docking mechanism for Beam and the ISS. In 2015, the BEAM module was built and on April 16, 2016, the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft in its container in the cargo bay delivered it to the ISS where it was successfully docked behind the Tranquility module. On the ISS, the cosmonauts deployed the module, inflated it with air, checked it for leaks, and on June 6, American ISS astronaut Jeffrey Williams and Russian cosmonaut Oleg Skripochka entered it and installed all the necessary equipment there. The BEAM module on the ISS, when deployed, is an interior windowless room up to 16 cubic meters in size. Its dimensions are 5.2 meters in diameter and 6.5 meters in length. Weight 1360 kg. The module body consists of 8 air tanks made of metal bulkheads, an aluminum folding structure and several layers of strong elastic fabric located at a certain distance from each other. Inside, the module, as mentioned above, was equipped with the necessary research equipment. The pressure is set to the same as on the ISS. BEAM is planned to remain on the space station for 2 years and will be largely closed, with astronauts only visiting it to check for leaks and its general structural integrity in space conditions only 4 times a year. In 2 years, I plan to undock the BEAM module from the ISS, after which it will burn up in the outer layers of the atmosphere. The main purpose of the presence of the BEAM module on the ISS is to test its design for strength, tightness and operation in harsh space conditions. Over the course of 2 years, it is planned to test its protection against radiation and other types of cosmic radiation and its resistance to small space debris. Since in the future it is planned to use inflatable modules for astronauts to live in, the results of the conditions for maintaining comfortable conditions (temperature, pressure, air, tightness) will answer the questions of further development and structure of such modules. At the moment, Bigelow Aerospace is already developing the next version of a similar, but already habitable inflatable module with windows and a much larger volume “B-330”, which can be used on the Lunar Space Station and on Mars.

Today, anyone on Earth can look at the ISS in the night sky with the naked eye as a luminous moving star moving at an angular velocity of about 4 degrees per minute. Its greatest magnitude is observed from 0m to -04m. The ISS moves around the Earth and at the same time makes one revolution every 90 minutes or 16 revolutions per day. The height of the ISS above the Earth is approximately 410-430 km, but due to friction in the remnants of the atmosphere, due to the influence of the Earth's gravitational forces, to avoid a dangerous collision with space debris and for successful docking with delivery ships, the height of the ISS is constantly adjusted. Altitude adjustment occurs using the engines of the Zarya module. The initially planned service life of the station was 15 years, and has now been extended until approximately 2020.

Based on materials from

The International Space Station (ISS) is a large-scale and, perhaps, the most complex technical project in its organization in the entire history of mankind. Every day, hundreds of specialists around the world work to ensure that the ISS can fully fulfill its main function - to be a scientific platform for studying the boundless space and, of course, our planet.

When you watch the news about the ISS, many questions arise regarding how the space station can generally operate in extreme conditions of space, how it flies in orbit and does not fall, how people can live in it without suffering from high temperatures and solar radiation.

Having studied this topic and collected all the information together, I must admit that instead of answers I received even more questions.

At what altitude does the ISS fly?

The ISS flies in the thermosphere at an altitude of approximately 400 km from the Earth (for information, the distance from the Earth to the Moon is approximately 370 thousand km). The thermosphere itself is an atmospheric layer, which, in fact, is not yet quite space. This layer extends from the Earth to a distance of 80 km to 800 km.

The peculiarity of the thermosphere is that the temperature increases with height and can fluctuate significantly. Above 500 km, the level of solar radiation increases, which can easily damage equipment and negatively affect the health of astronauts. Therefore, the ISS does not rise above 400 km.

This is what the ISS looks like from Earth

What is the temperature outside the ISS?

There is very little information on this topic. Different sources say differently. They say that at a level of 150 km the temperature can reach 220-240°, and at a level of 200 km more than 500°. Above that, the temperature continues to rise and at the level of 500-600 km it supposedly already exceeds 1500°.

According to the cosmonauts themselves, at an altitude of 400 km, at which the ISS flies, the temperature is constantly changing depending on the light and shadow conditions. When the ISS is in the shade, the temperature outside drops to -150°, and if it is in direct sunlight, the temperature rises to +150°. And it’s not even a steam room in a bathhouse anymore! How can astronauts even be in outer space at such temperatures? Is it really a super thermal suit that saves them?

An astronaut's work in outer space at +150°

What is the temperature inside the ISS?

In contrast to the temperature outside, inside the ISS it is possible to maintain a stable temperature suitable for human life - approximately +23°. Moreover, how this is done is completely unclear. If it is, for example, +150° outside, how is it possible to cool the temperature inside the station or vice versa and constantly keep it normal?

How does radiation affect astronauts on the ISS?

At an altitude of 400 km, background radiation is hundreds of times higher than on Earth. Therefore, astronauts on the ISS, when they find themselves on the sunny side, receive radiation levels that are several times higher than the dose received, for example, from a chest x-ray. And during moments of powerful solar flares, station workers can take a dose 50 times higher than the norm. How they manage to work in such conditions for a long time also remains a mystery.

How does space dust and debris affect the ISS?

According to NASA, there are about 500 thousand large debris in low-Earth orbit (parts of spent stages or other parts of spaceships and rockets) and it is still unknown how much similar small debris. All this “good” rotates around the Earth at a speed of 28 thousand km/h and for some reason is not attracted to the Earth.

In addition, there is cosmic dust - these are all kinds of meteorite fragments or micrometeorites that are constantly attracted by the planet. Moreover, even if a speck of dust weighs only 1 gram, it turns into an armor-piercing projectile capable of making a hole in the station.

They say that if such objects approach the ISS, the astronauts change the course of the station. But small debris or dust cannot be tracked, so it turns out that the ISS is constantly exposed to great danger. How the astronauts cope with this is again unclear. It turns out that every day they greatly risk their lives.

Space debris hole in shuttle Endeavor STS-118 looks like a bullet hole

Why doesn't the ISS fall?

Various sources write that the ISS does not fall due to the weak gravity of the Earth and the station’s escape velocity. That is, rotating around the Earth at a speed of 7.6 km/s (for information, the period of revolution of the ISS around the Earth is only 92 minutes 37 seconds), the ISS seems to constantly miss and does not fall. In addition, the ISS has engines that allow it to constantly adjust the position of the 400-ton colossus.

Most space flights are carried out not in circular orbits, but in elliptical orbits, the altitude of which varies depending on the location above the Earth. The altitude of the so-called “low reference” orbit, from which most spacecraft “push off”, is approximately 200 kilometers above sea level. To be precise, the perigee of such an orbit is 193 kilometers, and the apogee is 220 kilometers. However, in the reference orbit there is a large amount of debris left behind by half a century of space exploration, so modern spacecraft, turning on their engines, move to a higher orbit. For example, the International Space Station ( ISS) in 2017 rotated at an altitude of about 417 kilometers, that is, twice as high as the reference orbit.

The orbital altitude of most spacecraft depends on the mass of the ship, its launch site, and the power of its engines. For astronauts it varies from 150 to 500 kilometers. For example, Yuri Gagarin flew in orbit at perigee 175 km and apogee at 320 km. The second Soviet cosmonaut German Titov flew in an orbit with a perigee of 183 km and an apogee of 244 km. American shuttles flew in orbit altitude from 400 to 500 kilometers. All modern spacecraft delivering people and cargo to the ISS have approximately the same height.

Unlike manned spacecraft, which need to return astronauts to Earth, artificial satellites fly in much higher orbits. The orbital altitude of a satellite orbiting in geostationary orbit can be calculated based on data about the mass and diameter of the Earth. As a result of simple physical calculations, we can find out that geostationary orbit altitude, that is, one in which the satellite “hangs” over one point on the earth’s surface, is equal to 35,786 kilometers. This is a very large distance from the Earth, so the signal exchange time with such a satellite can reach 0.5 seconds, which makes it unsuitable, for example, for servicing online games.

Today is March 18, 2019. Do you know what holiday is today?

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