Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Synopsis of a frontal lesson on the topic: “Sound and letter Ш”. Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Sound and letter Shch”

Lyubov Pronkina
Lesson on introducing the sound and letter Ш

Subject classes: Sound and letter"SCH".

Program content:

1 Educational objectives.

Introducing sounds and letters"SCH".

Characteristic sound"SCH" on articulatory and acoustic signs.

Pronunciation sound"SCH" in syllables, words.

Sound analysis of a word"cloak".

2 Corrective tasks.

Development of phonemic representations

Development of fine motor skills

Improving the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus.

3 Educational tasks.

Cultivating long exhalation

Fostering organization and developing interest in the learning process.


Subject pictures. Individual mirrors. Articulation profile sound"SCH". Workbooks, pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

1 Organizational moment.

Let's turn into little old men. And now to the children who go to the group "Titmouse". Show us how we clean our teeth, shoes, and trousers with a brush?

2. Subject message

Today we Let's get acquainted with a new sound and letter. And with which one you have to guess.

Selection sound"SCH" from Tongue Twisters: “Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.”. Which sound is repeated more often than others? (SCH)

3. Characteristics sound according to articulatory characteristics.

Let's consider the articulatory profile

What do lips do when we speak? sound"SCH".

Where is the tongue? (behind the upper teeth).

What is it, narrow or wide? (wide, cupped). Teacher's demonstration

do as I do.

The tongue, teeth, lips prevent air from leaving the mouth freely. Means sound"SCH" consonant or vowel sound? (consonant) And what else sound"SH"? (Voiced or unvoiced). Deaf. Let's check. Let's put our hand on the neck and say sound"SCH". How did we feel? (neck trembles).

Sound"SCH"- consonant, voiceless, always soft sound.

4. Development of tempo and rhythm of speech. Pronunciation sound"SCH" in syllables.

Shcha-scha-scha - say quietly

Shcha-scha-scha - say louder

5. Development of phonemic hearing.

A game “Clap if you hear Sh in the words”.(puppy, table, vegetables, box, car, goldfinch, book, tongs)

6. Determine position sound in words.

Name where we hear sound"SCH", at the beginning, middle or end of a word. (BRUSH, GROVE. LIZARD, BREAM, CLOAK, COMRADE)

7. Dynamic pause.

Pike lived in the river

Chalk water with a brush,

I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

She treated the minnows.

8. Collect the word first sounds of words.

Pillow, Boat, Orange, Pike. (cloak).

9. Sound analysis of a word"cloak".

Which one is the first? sound in a word -"P"

Which is the last one sound -"sch"

Which sound after sound"P" - "l"

Name all the vowels sounds. "A"

Name all the consonants sounds"p,l,sch".

How much in total sounds? (4 sound) .

Name it all sounds. (cloak).

10. Introducing the letter"SCH".

Today we will find out which the letter represents the sound"SCH" (exposed letter) . What does this remind you of? letter? (children's answers).

It looks like a comb.

Three teeth in total? Well, what then?

11. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

I brush my teeth with this brush

With this brush the shoes

I clean my trousers with this brush,

I need all three brushes.

Hatching letters Ш in notebooks.

12. Summary classes.

With which we met through sound? thanks for class!

Stage: Automation of the sound Ш in a syllable, word, simple phrase.

Educational purpose: consolidate the ability to correctly pronounce the sound Ш in a syllable, word, simple phrase; the ability to determine the position of the sound Ш in a word; activate the vocabulary on the topic “Shoes”; develop skills in sound synthesis of a simple syllable. Continue learning to compose a sentence with the specified word, analyze a simple sentence without a preposition, draw up a sentence diagram, highlight words with the sound Ш in a sentence.

Corrective and developmental goal: develop auditory memory, phonemic perception, eye coordination, fine motor skills.

Educational tasks: to develop skills of self-control and mutual control, to form a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to interact in a team.

Material: subject pictures for the sound Ш, subject pictures with images of shoes, a word diagram and green chips (according to the number of children), a screen, a projector, a disk with an electronic physical education lesson “Dancing” and an ophthalmic simulator L.G. Masco, sound suit Shch, sentence diagram (according to the number of children), phonogram of instrumental music.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. Each child has an object picture on the table (pike, shield, brush, bream). Children name the pictures.

What sound is there in all these words? (Sound Sh)

That's right, today the sound Shch came to visit us. (The sound Shch comes in).

2. Isolated pronunciation of the sound Shch. Clarification of the articulation of the sound Shch. Characteristics of the sound Shch. D.U. “We clean our shoes.”

The sound Shch asks for help cleaning your shoes.

Each child chooses an object picture with a picture of a shoe and names the item of shoe. Imitating the movements of a brush, “Cleans” the selected shoes.

Description of the articulation of the sound Ш: We raise the tip of the tongue to the front of the palate (to the alveoli). At the moment of exhalation, we press the entire mass of the spread out tongue and the tip onto the palate. We tense the muscles of the tongue.
We slightly push our lips forward and round them.
The exhaled air passes through the middle of the tongue into the resulting narrow gap; a warm, long-lasting stream of air is felt in the palm of your hand brought to your mouth.

Characteristics of sound: consonant, soft, dull.

3. Sound synthesis. Ball game.

The sound Shch suggests playing ball.

The speech therapist throws the ball to the child and names 2 sounds from which you need to assemble a syllable:

Y, Shch – Ysch; U, Ш – УШ; I, Ш – ИШ; ShchA, A – ShchA; Shch, O – ShchO.

4. Automation of the sound Ш in words. Development of auditory attention and memory.

Playing a series of 3-4 words with the sound Shch.

  • Sorrel, cheek, crevice
  • Sliver, puppy, shield,
  • pinch, shield, pike, feel
  • Food, coachman, raincoat, vegetable.

5. Determining the position of the sound Ш in a word. Working with the word scheme.

DI. “Pick mushrooms in a basket.”

The speech therapist invites the children to collect mushrooms in a basket; on the back of each mushroom there is a task hidden - an object picture, the name of which contains the sound Ш. It is necessary to analyze where the sound Ш is located in the proposed word and mark the position of the sound Ш on the diagram with a green chip.

6. Gymnastics for the eyes. Electronic ophthalmic simulator L.G. Masco.

The sound Shch will show us gymnastics for the eyes.

7. Automation of the sound Ш in sentences. Proposal analysis. Drawing up a proposal outline.


  • The goldfinch sang loudly.
  • Katya loves vegetables.
  • Ducks are nibbling greens.
  • Predatory pike.
  • Little puppy.

8. Electronic physical education “Dancing”.

9. Development of fine motor skills.

Laying out the letter Ш from cereals (millet, buckwheat, semolina) of the child’s choice, accompanied by music.

10. Summing up. Reflection.

Elena Myasnikova
Summary of a speech therapy lesson in preparation for learning to read and write “Journey to the country of Abvgdijk. Sound [у], letter Ш"

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson held in preparatory to the school group for children with special needs teacher- speech therapist Myasnikova E. N.

Subject classes: Travel to the country ABVGdeyka. Sound [sch], letter Ш.

Type classes: on acquiring new knowledge.

Target: to form knowledge about sound [sch], letter Ш.


correctional educational:

introduce the acoustic-articulatory characteristics sound[y] relying on various types of control;

strengthen the ability to highlight sound [ш] in syllables, words;

introduce graphic symbols sound [sch];

consolidation of concepts: “consonant sound", “syllable”, “word”;

correctional and developmental:

automate pronunciation sound [sch] isolated, in syllables, words and sentences;

develop phonemic hearing and perception;

prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia;

improve skills sound-letter analysis;

improvement of fine and gross motor skills and coordination of movements;

development of basic mental processes: attention, memory, thinking.

correctional and educational:

cultivate interest in classes, curiosity;

continue to develop strong-willed character traits (perseverance and discipline);

stimulate speech activity, enrich the emotional sphere, develop communicative qualities;

develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, and independence.


Flannelograph, strips of velvet paper (comp. letter Ш) ; ball; counting sticks for laying out letters(4 pcs each, persimmon seeds.

A5 size cards with letters Ш, Sh, Ts.

Green square (without bell).

Individual mirrors according to the number of children.

A4 card with a color image of Znayka the Gnome (see Appendix 1).

Subject picture A4 format illustration of the rule about sounds and letters(see Appendix 2).

Subject color pictures of A5 format with images of objects that look similar to letter Ш: stylized brush, puppy, sorrel (see Appendix 3).

A4 card showing writing order letters Ш(see Appendix 4).

"Card" A3 format with images of items whose names include sound [sch], and other items (see Appendix 5).

A4 card with different writing options letters Ш(correct, inverted spelling) and others like her letters(see Appendix 6).

A subject color picture in A4 format depicting various objects, the names of which include sound [sch](see Appendix 7).

Linguistic material:

Syllables: more, more, cabbage soup, more, more.

Words: pike, puppy, cabbage soup, brush, shield, chips, tentacles, goldfinch, ticks, lizard, box, vegetables, cloak, bream, grove, sorrel, rod, sliver, crack, cheek, crack.

Location: speech therapy room.

Organizational form carrying out: traditional.

Logic of educational activities.

1. Greeting (communication training).

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you today at class.

Let's remember the beautiful words of greeting and greet each other.

“Hello,” you say to the person.

"Hello!" – he will smile in response.

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,

And you will be healthy for many years.

– Many interesting adventures await us today. We will learn new things, enjoy successes, and cope with failures together.

Now look at me.

2. Didactic game "The green door to the magic country» .

An excerpt from a song by V. Shainsky and E. Uspensky sounds « ABVGDeyka»

Today the Dwarf Znayka came to visit us again, and we know that the Dwarf does not come to us alone, but comes with his friends - sounds and letters.

(a painting with the image of the Dwarf Znayka is exhibited - see Appendix 1).

Not high, not low, not far, not close, but right in front of you - a magical green door to country ABVGDeyku. Today Znayka again invites us to visit this amazing country, there we will meet a new one letter, let's get to know her better, read funny poems, answer difficult questions, play fun games. But to get into this country you need to answer my question correctly and step over this green line

Who is this standing, sad? Who looks sour there?

Hey guys, don't yawn, to my question answer:

What kind of predatory fish is found in the river? (pike)

What is the name of a baby dog? (puppy)

What is the name of cabbage soup? (cabbage soup)

How do you clean clothes and shoes? (brush)

How did warriors defend themselves in the old days? (shield)

What flies off when wood is cut? (chips)

How does an octopus capture prey? (with tentacles)

What is the name of a songbird with colorful feathers? (goldfinch)

3. Didactic game "Hello, sound.

- Well done. Who's to say which one is first? sound in all the words you mentioned?

- Right. Today we will learn a new one sound [sch]. Look at me everyone. Take the mirrors, say sound [sch]. (children take individual mirrors).

What position are the lips in when pronouncing? sound [sch]?

- Lips "window".

– What form does the tongue take?

– The tongue is cup-shaped.

- And when pronouncing what other sounds Does your tongue take the shape of a cup?

- All these sounds - hissing, the sound [u] is also hissing.

4. Didactic game "What the sound? Tell".

Sound[u] consonant or vowel?

- I agree.

– How to determine?

– The air meets an obstacle. It cannot be sung.

Sound[u] voiced or deaf?

- Deaf.

- How to check?

Sound[u] hard or soft?

- Soft.

- Guys, remember that the sound [u] is always soft, he doesn't have a solid brother. How will we designate sound [sch]?

– A green square without a bell.

– Who will give a description sound [sch]?

Sound [u] consonant, dull, soft.

5. Didactic game "Merry Brush".

- And now I will pronounce the couplet, and you repeat the last syllable after me.

Sh - we sweep away the garbage with a brush,

We pronounce sounds clearly:

We will clean any item

The brushes will sing to us - MORE.


What else do you need to clean?

The brushes will ask their mother - YET.

More, more, more.

Look for something to clean.

Repeat brushes - cabbage soup.


Mother's cloak will become clean.

The brushes clean loudly - ASH.


Not a speck on the cloak.

The brushes are so happy - YET.

More, more, more.

6. Didactic game "Let's get acquainted".

Sound we hear and pronounce, but in order "see" sound, what should be done?

- Write it down, write it down letter.

- Right. Let's review how they are related sounds and letters. (a plot picture is exhibited - see Appendix 2). Sounds we hear and pronounce. we see the letters, read and write, and we can also draw them.

The sound [ш] is indicated by the letter Ш. This letter denotes only one soft sound.

- This letter Ш. What does she look like?

– Children offer options.

Speech therapist shows pictures and reads text.

It looks like a comb.

Three teeth in total? Well then! (E. Tarlapan).

Shch is a playing puppy.

He lay down with his paws up. (G. Vieru).

The letter Ш will help us

Brush your teeth in the morning. (V. Stepanov).

Shch, at the request of vegetables,

Tears sorrel for sour cabbage soup. (N. Tolokonnikov).

(based on the corresponding picture, see Appendix 3).

– Which ones? the letters are similar to the letter Ш?

(The speech therapist clarifies, What is the difference letter Ш from the named letters).

- Right. What parts does it consist of? letter Ш?

– Three long vertical sticks, one long horizontal, one short vertical.

– Writing order the letters Ш are like this: (demonstration from the picture) . (see Appendix 4).

- Now we write with our index finger letter in the air together; now in the air themselves; now on the table; on the neighbor's back.

- Now let's lay it out letter on flannelgraph. Who's going to post it? letter? And everyone else is posting letter I have sticks and bones on my tables.

Let's settle this letter to our house letters.

7. Dynamic pause.

- And now I suggest you play with the ball. I will throw you a ball and say a word, and you will replace the first one in this word sound to sound[sch] and say the resulting word.

Cap... (sliver,

whale... (shield,

stranded... (gap,

auntie... (brush,

river... (cheek,

wreath... (puppy,

shelf … (slit).

- Well done. Let's continue class.

8. Didactic game "Where did you hide sound.

– Look carefully at the board (punched card is hung, see Appendix 5). Which items have sound [sch]? I will mark these items. Tell me where it is sound[u] in the names of the pictures in the top row?

- At the end of the word.

- Where is sound[u] in the names of the pictures in the middle row?

- In the middle of a word.

- Where is sound[u] in the names of the pictures in the bottom row?

-At the beginning of the word.

- Turn over the sheet. Connecting the dots, repeating the order of writing letters Ш. Well done, you found all the items from with the sound [ш] and the letter Ш was obtained.

9. Didactic game "Find letter Ш» .

- Take a piece of paper from the table. Turn it over. Your task is to circle ONLY the correctly written letters Ш. (Look again at how to spell it correctly letter Ш) . (see Appendix 6).

10. Didactic game "Find and name".

- Look carefully at the picture. Who can name the objects depicted in this picture, the names of which include sound [sch]? (see Appendix 7).

– Vegetables, box, bream, pike, cloak, grove, puppy, sorrel, lizard, goldfinch, puppy, chips, rod.

– Now come up with a sentence with these words.

(Children come up with suggestions). Tanya is holding a box of vegetables. Etc.

11. Summary. Reflection.

This is our journey with the Gnome Znayka is coming to an end. It was interesting and educational. Goodbye, ABVGDeyka! Until next time! But in order to exit through the magic door, each of you will have to remember and name the word with sound [sch] for the door to open. (Children, approaching the door, call the word and go back through the magic door. The music of V. Shainsky and E. Uspensky sounds « ABVGDeyka» )

- So we returned to our kindergarten. About what sound Did we talk today?

- ABOUT sound [sch].

- Which it is designated by the letter?

Letter Ш.

– Which game of Gnome Znayka did you like the most?

– …. (children's answers)

Class is over.


A phonetic test was carried out lesson with elements of literacy.

The stated goal corresponds to the stated topic. Progress classes corresponds to the planned plan. All structural parts classes were held.

Class built on the basic principle of correctional education: from simple to complex. Content classes corresponds to the level of knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as the experience of children in this group. The material is selected taking into account the logical sequence and its complexity.

Along the way classes a timely change of activities was carried out.

Contact with the group was established. Speech speech therapist was available, intonated, expressive, but it should be noted that the speech is somewhat slow and the tempo is somewhat low. There was control over the children's speech, but attention should be paid to the uniform distribution of attention to all children in the group.

The children were included in the process, interested, and actively worked on class.

The set goals were achieved. Speech therapist satisfied with the work occupation.


1. Kulikovskaya T. A. speech therapy tongue twisters and counting rhymes. Speech material for automating sounds children: a guide for speech therapists and parents. – M.: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2008 – 128 p.

2. Svetlova I. E. Homemade speech therapist. – M., Publishing House LLC "Eksmo", 2004 – 250 p.

3. Skvortsova I. V. Preschooler development and training program. Difficult sounds. Grammar in pictures. Sounds Sh-Zh. for children 4-6 years old. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Neva", 2003 – 64 p.


The lesson notes are intended for working with students with disabilities. It will help consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound [sch] in speech. The tasks presented in the notes greatly contribute to the development of children’s visual perception and attention. The material of the summary is presented in accordance with modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Topic: Sound [Ш], letter Ш.

Goal: To teach children to correctly pronounce the sound [u] in speech and relate
it with the corresponding letter Ш.

Tasks aimed at developing personal results:

  1. Introduce students to and reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound [у] in speech.
  2. Monitor your own speech and the speech of classmates.
  3. Work on improving word formation skills using games: “Name your profession”, “Make the word huge”.

Tasks aimed at developing meta-subject results:

  1. Develop logical thinking while working on a poetic text and its title.
  2. Develop visual perception and attention through the example of working with letter material: reading words among letters, reading words with building up letters.
  3. Develop sound-letter and sound-syllable analysis and synthesis through exercises on composing words from letters and syllables, isolating sounds from words.

Tasks aimed at generating substantive results:

  1. Introduce students to the writing of the letter Ш, not to confuse it with similar ones: Ts, Sh.
  2. Remember the rule for writing sha in words.

Equipment: Subject pictures: brush, shoes, boots, boots,
mirror, pictures of people's professions.

Lesson stages

  1. Organizing time
  2. Articulation gymnastics
  3. Introducing the sound [u]
  4. Work on clarifying the pronunciation of a sound, practicing it, consolidating it in speech.
  5. Physical education minute
  6. Introducing the letter Shch.
  7. Completing tasks aimed at reading and writing words with the letter Ш.
  8. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, guess the riddle. What kind of house are we talking about?
This house has red doors,
There are white animals near the doors.
And those little animals love sweets and buns. (Mouth)

Who lives in this house? (tongue, tongue)
Do articulatory gymnastics exercises with me.

It’s clean in the house near the tongue, but there’s a problem, he himself got dirty and fussed about. The tongue took the brush and began to clean itself like this: shch, shch, shch. Let's help the tongue, all together: shch, shch, shch. A goose came to visit the tongue and hissed at it: sh sh sh sh sh sh. Hiss like a goose, and now stretch your lips into a smile, while your tongue moves forward and instead of the sound [w], you hear [sch].

Take the mirrors.

So, when we pronounce the sound u, our lips are in a slight smile, the teeth are close together and visible, the tongue is wide, it is raised to the tubercles behind the upper teeth, in the middle of the tongue there is a strong air stream, which is easily felt by the palm of the hand raised to the mouth.
Let's characterize this sound. (Consonant, voiceless, soft)

The goose did not come alone, look what he brought: shoes, boots, shoes (Show pictures). What is this? (Shoes). The goose invites us to clean it. Take a brush (on everyone’s table) and brush your shoes first, while saying [sch shch], then boots: [sch shch], then boots [sch shch].

If we need a brush for shoes, what kind is it? (Shoe)
If we need a brush to clean our teeth, what kind of brush is it? (Dental)
If we need a brush for a dress, what kind is it? (dress)
- If you hear the sound sch, clap your hands: silk, nutcracker, heron, chocolate, sliver, tickle, hat, ears, shield, tongs, cat, room.
- Let's play the game “Agree and Repeat”
As-as-as-as-Tanya has a new one...(cloak)
Still-still-still-swimming in the river...(bream)
Oh-oh-oh-oh-we have delicious...(borscht)
Shchik-schik-schik - put all the things in... (box)
Shchi-schi-schi - they bite...(ticks).
- Listen to the tongue twister and tell me how many times the sound u is repeated in it?
Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner. (5)
- Who plucks the brush? (Puppies)
- How many are there? (2)
- How do they pinch the brush? (Cheek to cheek)
-Where do they pinch her? (In the corner)
- Repeat the entire tongue twister.
Puppies love to play with the ball, let's play too.

Game "Make the word huge"

Game “Who is this - name the profession” (Showing pictures)

Who trains animals?...
Working on an excavator...
Cleans shoes...
Sharpening knives...
Plays the drum...
Regulates traffic...
Makes stone masonry...
Repairing the watch...
Engaged in fencing...

What consonant sound is common to all these words?

I hear the wind carrying sounds. Collect a word from them, be careful, the wind will not carry one sound to you, which one?

[O, V, Ш, И] -….(vegetables-..o)
[Х, И, Ш, И, К]-…(predator-…н)
[SH, I, C, Y] -...(tongs-...p)
[V/, Ш, И]-...(things-...e)
[Shch, U, A]-...(pike-...k)

What consonant sound is present in all these words? ([SCH])

Listen to the poem and think about what title you would give to this poem. (The speech therapist reads the poem).

In fact, this poem is called “Helper” and was written by the famous children's poet A. L. Barto.

Do you think this title is appropriate for the poem?

What word is the word “helper” derived from?

In what sense is the word “helper” used?

Divide the word into syllables?

How many syllables are there in a word?

In which syllable is the sound [у]?

Name this syllable?

We were working and tired.
And now, guys, stand up.
They quickly raised their hands up,
To the sides
Back and forth.
Turned left, right,
Raise your shoulders together
To make work easier
Now bend forward
And touch the toe with your hand.
We sat down at our desks boldly,
We need to continue the work.

In writing, the sound [ш] is indicated by the letter Ш.

It looks like a comb. Three teeth in total? - Well then!

What two letters does the letter Ш resemble? (W, C)

Yes, this letter is as wide as the letter Ш and as tailed as the letter C.

Restore the printed letter Ш using these letters:

Look at the writing of the written letters Ш, write down the capital and lowercase letter Ш in your notebook.

What words can be formed from the following letters?

a, sch, o, r - grove
sch, d, a, o, p, a - mercy
v, sch, e, a, b, l - sorrel
a, sch, p, a - food
l, o, sch, a, b, p, d - area

Write the resulting words on a line, underline the same part in these words. What did you emphasize? (Share)

Remember, guys, the rule: sha - we write with the vowel A.

Which of the words you wrote down does the diagram fit to?

Make up a sentence using these words.

There are words in front of you. Read them, starting with the shortest word and ending with the longest.
Bream, drummer, sliver, vegetable, square, defenders, predator, fist.

Now read it backwards, starting with the longest word and ending with the shortest.
- Find a word among the data that denotes many objects, used in the plural. (Defenders)

Find words with the letter u among the letters of each line and write them down in your notebook. Who is first?

A V A SCH E L A T IK (slit)
K D Y S H E R I T A M O (lizard)
T O R D S I S H I R V Y (cabbage soup)

Our lesson is coming to an end. How well you understand today's topic will be determined by your answers. Continue my statements:

Today we learned to pronounce the sound...

This sound...

I can name words containing this sound...

The sound [ш] in writing is indicated by the letter ...

We write the syllable shcha with a vowel...

Today I did well...

For the next lesson I will try...

Topic: Sound and letter Sh. Journey through the Land of Knowledge.

Goal: to introduce children to the sound and letter Sh.


1. Correctional and educational:

Training in clear pronunciation of the sound Ш, sound analysis;

Introducing the letter Shch.

2. Correctional and developmental:

Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

Development of phonemic hearing;

Development of fine motor skills;

Development of voluntary attention.

3. Correctional and educational:

Develop the ability to listen to the speech therapist and other children.

Equipment: TSO (tape recorder), Fairy doll, mirrors, toy Cat, Puppy, image of the Beast, poster with pictures of the sound Shch, image of the letter Shch, pictures with images of what Shch looks like, envelopes with individual tasks for children, pens, pencils, felt-tip pens , magnetic board.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational point:

A minute before the start of the lesson, the music is turned on so that the children standing outside the door can hear the first fairy-tale sounds.

L: Guys, now we will enter a magical fairyland. You hear these sounds - a fairy tale awaits you. But only those who know how to listen to what is happening around them can enter the magical land. And only the one who knows how to walk easily and softly, without disturbing the peace in a magical land. Therefore, now we will quietly, without talking to each other, stepping softly and carefully, enter the magical land. And now... (whispers) - let's go!

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

Children enter the group and see the Fairy.

L: Guys, look, we are greeted by the Beautiful Fairy of Knowledge herself!

The speech therapist speaks on behalf of the Fairy: I am glad to welcome you to my fabulous land of Knowledge. I've been watching you for a long time, and I really like you! You coped with all my tasks. You are just great! You are not afraid of any difficulties or obstacles. Today I invited you to my country of Knowledge in order to make an interesting and exciting journey through it, and at the same time learn something new. Today you should get acquainted with a new sound. Listen to this funny poem:

Two puppies cheek to cheek

They pinch the brush in the corner.

Yes, the floor brush

There is a stick above your head.

Stick click puppies from the shoulder,

The two puppies left grumbling.

Who is this poem about? What sound occurs most often in it?

Right. This is the sound of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now let’s find the sound Ш in my magic mirrors and see what the tongue should do when we pronounce the sound Ш.

3. Sound characteristics.

They look in the mirrors.

The tongue rises to the sky. The lips are rounded and pulled forward.

The children move away from the mirrors.

Fairy: Thank you, magic mirrors.

L: Guys, I think I hear the sound of the wheels of a steam locomotive.

The children, together with the speech therapist and the Fairy, approach the sound train.

L: Look, a steam locomotive with trailers has arrived. There is an empty trailer. There is not enough sound Shch there, and for it to appear there, you must give the sound Shch a characteristic.

There is an obstacle - the sound is consonant, dull, always soft.

4. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Fairy: Guys, I’m leaving you for a while, go on a trip around my country. I think that you will cope with all my most difficult tasks. And arrows will show you the way.

A) D/i “Collect the word.”

L: Riddle: Eyes, whiskers, tail, claws, but he washes himself cleaner than anyone else. Who is this?

Children: Cat.

Cat: Hello, guys. I’ve been sitting here for a long time, waiting for you. I even got bored. Let's play!

The speech therapist opens the envelope with the assignments. You need to swap the syllables to make a word.

Ka, cabbage soup, tong cabbage, groves of cabbage soup, cabbage soup, cabbage soup, bream cabbage soup, ya ka, cabbage soup

ka, wood chips

B) “Working with pictures”

L: Guys, look, the Beast doesn’t have eyes, but what? (eyes), not a mustache, but (mustache), not a nose, but (nosche), not arms, but (hands), not legs, but (knives). But we are not afraid of him. This is a good big Monster.

The poster contains pictures with the sound Ш. Draw a line from the picture to the diagram (beginning, middle, end of the word), depending on the location of the sound in the word.

Physical exercise. The children follow the arrows, and at this time the speech therapist says:

We'll straighten our shoulders

And let's bring the shoulder blades together.

Here we go on our toes,

And then on your heels.

5. Introducing the letter.

L: Guys, look, the letter Ш has been waiting for us here for a long time!

Shch: Hello, children. I am the letter Sh. I have poems for you about me.

The speech therapist reads poems about the letter and shows pictures.

It looks like a comb.

Three teeth in total? Well then!

Pike can grab and swallow -

They don't need any other science!

The letter Ш will help us

Brush your teeth in the morning.

SC: I have prepared tasks for you. Take these envelopes. Your names are written on them. Everyone will take their own envelope.

1.Task: arrange the letters in order according to the numbers.

2.Task: Sound analysis of the resulting word from the first task. (words food, sorrel, dragging, searching, grove, pike, brush). Each child has his own word.

SC: Well done, guys. I have a friend, a cheerful Puppy, and he wants to play with you.

Puppy: I have a crossword puzzle for you!

Children do a crossword puzzle.

Having completed the tasks, the children follow the arrows to the Fairy.

6. Summary of the lesson.

She asks what happened to them in her land of knowledge. The fairy praises them. Thanks.

The children tell the Fairy what they liked. Who they met and what tasks they performed.

Fairy: I was not mistaken about you. After such adventures, you have become smarter and more savvy. I think that you are already ready to go to school and study there, with only fours and fives.

I want to give you a small sweet gift from myself. This is one of my favorite treats. Its name also has the sound Ш. What do you think it is?

Sherbet. Eat and remember my fairyland.

But now it's time for you to go home. Hear magical music...

The fairy says goodbye to the children. Music plays, and the children carefully exit, just as they entered.