Biographies Characteristics Analysis

About everything useful and interesting. Interesting facts about everything in the world (38 photos)

There are so many amazing things in the world that we will never cease to be amazed. We invite you to read the most interesting facts about everything in the world. We have a lot of them.


1. The Queen of Great Britain owns a sixth of the entire earth's landmass.

3. There is a village called Fucking in Austria. All road signs in it are made of cement. This is necessary to prevent signs from being stolen.

5. In Havana there was a ban on toasters until 2008.

6. The Queen of England is a relative of Vlad Kolovnik (aka Dracula).

7. Summer on the planet Neptune lasts 40 years in a row, however, the temperature reaches -200 °C. By the way, Neptune is included in.

8. Wombats poop cubes.

9. 8 out of 10 people, when eating marmalade figures, first bite off the figure's head.

10. All hurricanes are divided into 5 categories, and the slowest category will overtake the cheetah.

11. If you weigh a newborn panda, it will weigh as much as a cup of tea.

12. If you open a dictionary Latin language, you won’t find a translation of the word “interesting” there.

13. Eskimos have refrigerators, but they need them to keep their food from freezing.

14. In Parliament Square, the statue of Winston Churchill is under electric shock. This is necessary to prevent pigeons from perching on the monument.

15. Red Bull is banned in Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Uruguay.

16. If acid from your stomach gets on your hand, it will burn a hole in your skin.

17. You can listen to the radio on the Moon, but not on board a submarine. This is due to the fact that radio waves travel easily in air and with difficulty in water.

18. Brazil nuts contain so much radiation that if you carry them on nuclear power plant, the alarm will go off there.

19. Vatican ATMs also operate in Latin, and this.

From the history

20. The Spanish Inquisition was required to give 30 days notice of its arrival.

22. Winston Churchill studied worse than others in first grade.

23. B late XIX century, the 21st anniversary was customary to give the removal of teeth and their complete replacement with false ones. Victorian era.

24. The Times newspaper of 1894 predicted that by 1950 London would be covered in horse manure.

25. Democracy in Ancient Greece existed for 185 years.

26. When Gillette released their razors in 1903, they could only sell 168 units.

27. When the first supermarkets appeared in Britain, customers were afraid to take food from the shelves for fear of being scolded.

28. The tin can was invented in 1810, and the can opener in 1858. 48 years before the invention of the can opener, people used a chisel and a hammer.

29. The secret password that the US President had to enter to launch nuclear missile, was 00000000. This password was valid from 1960 to 1977.

30. Neanderthals were so strong that even a Neanderthal girl was stronger than a modern strong man.

31. For 99% of history, man was a hunter-gatherer.

33. Battery charge first mobile phones 20 minutes was enough.

Some numbers

34. 40% of humanity have not lived even a year on the planet.

35. 10% of photographs were taken within the last year.

36. Half of NASA employees are dyslexic.

37. In the UK, 98% of homes are carpeted, but in Italy only 2%.

38. One issue of The New York Times contains as much information as a person of the 18th century would not have received in his entire life.

39. There are 6,900 languages ​​in the world, but 50% of the population uses only 20 of them.

40. There are 300 earthquakes a year in the UK, but only 11 people have been affected by them.

41. The mass of the Internet is equal to the mass of a large strawberry.

42. Television broadcasts 10 times more crimes than actually happen.

43. The US population is only 5% of the total globe, but 25% of prisoners around the world are Americans.

44. 2/3 of people who are already 65 years old are still alive.

45. contains 10 thousand times more photos than the American Library of Congress.

46. ​​Police security cameras will not be able to notice an object on the highway if it is moving at a speed of 45 thousand km per hour.

Did you like our most interesting facts about everything? Write in the comments which ones surprised you the most.

An educational selection of facts and facts. We read, argue, discuss.
Ten days after the Chernobyl disaster, there was a threat of another massive thermal explosion. Three engineers, who were later called “Chernobyl divers” - Valery Bezpalov, Alexey Ananenko and Boris Baranov, volunteered to dive under water from lethal dose radiation to locate and open safety valves. They prevented another disaster and died within days.

A Cambodian man named Aki Ra spent 22 years of his life single-handedly clearing an area of ​​130 square kilometers of mines. He works without any protective equipment, using a penknife, pliers and an ordinary stick.

Methuselah funds are trust funds created for the purpose of accumulating enormous wealth over hundreds of years, using compound interest. One such giant fund was formed under American college Hartwick in 1936. Experts seriously feared that this giant would ultimately crush the financial structure of the entire United States.

In the 1970s, researchers conducted a series of experiments on rats to study the nature of drug addiction. Rats living in single cramped cages were given a choice clean water or water with added morphine. They all chose drugs and died. Then the researchers repeated the same experiment in the so-called “rat park”, where everything was colorful, there was a lot of space for mating and cozy nests, a lot of interesting balls, fragrant cedar shavings and all sorts of other rat entertainment. The inhabitants of the rat park were almost never tempted by drugs (even if the water with it was deliberately sweetened) and never died from an overdose.

The world's first roofed city is being built in Dubai. Its area will be 4-5 million square meters. The city's infrastructure facilities will be connected to each other by seven kilometers of streets covered with a transparent dome to maintain a comfortable temperature regime.

Feeding ducks bread in the park is slowly killing them. In such cases, ducks do not receive enough proteins and other necessary substances, which they easily find if they get their own food. According to experts, over the past ten years, most waterfowl have died for reasons one way or another related to artificial feeding.

One of the strangest cults exists among the inhabitants of the island of Tanna. These people worship the American World War II pilot John Frum - “the king of fabulous America, who descended to the land of the Melanesian people with wonderful cargo” (that is, “with cargo” in English). The local population dresses in some semblance of American military uniforms and builds fake runways with fake planes. They believe that one day John will return and bring with him trucks, Coca-Cola, radios and other “priceless treasures.”

Every time you remember something, what is actually being recalled in your memory is an image of a previous memory of that event or person. It turns out something like a game of broken telephone: the more often you remember something, the more this memory is distorted.

Basque is the oldest language European language. Its roots go to stone Age, it is older than Latin and Ancient Greek and has no related languages.

In 2010, an Indian Gurkha soldier named Bishnu Shrestha single-handedly repelled an attack by forty armed bandits who tried to rob the train he was traveling on and rape his girlfriend. Wielding one knife, Bishnu killed three bandits, wounded eight, and put the rest to flight.

In 1970, America's entire semiconductor industry was forced to shut down production because manufacturers couldn't buy blades to cut circuit boards. All the major companies purchased these blades from the same man, who was working in his own garage and suddenly fell ill.

An American woman from Los Angeles won $1.3 million in the lottery and decided to immediately divorce her husband so as not to split the money in half. After the divorce, the duped husband found out about this trick and filed a lawsuit. The judge found the woman guilty of falsifying property documents during the divorce and ordered her to give her husband all the winnings.

During a powerful earthquake of magnitude 8.0 in Mexico City, one of maternity hospitals collapsed, but almost all the babies survived. The “miracle children” spent seven days without food, water, warmth or contact with adults.

If we could collect even 0.1 percent kinetic energy ocean waves, we would receive five times more electricity than currently required to meet the needs of the world.

International charitable foundation Make-A-Wish (translated from English as “make a dream come true”) offered a hopelessly ill six-year-old boy named Levi Mayhew to make his every wish come true. He asked for a trip to Disneyland for his little pen pal. The girl cut out his figure from an enlarged photograph, went to Florida and rode all the rides in the company of paper Levi.

If you're bored and have ten minutes to spare, why not read 100 of the most interesting and funniest facts from life on our planet.

1. If you want to burn more than 150 calories in an hour, bang your head against the wall.

2. Did you know that eating pies in the UK at Christmas is illegal.

3. Pteronophobia causes panic in people from being tickled by bird feathers.

4. Did you know that hippos sweat? And their sweat when they are upset is red.

5. A flying flock of crows is very dangerous to life; it is better to avoid meeting them.

6. On average, over the course of 5 years, a woman puts on so much lipstick on her lips that if they were put into one tube, its length would be equal to the woman’s height.

7. Cherophobia is an inexplicable fear of received pleasure (fun).

8. Have you heard that human saliva is three times higher than the boiling point of water?

9. If you lift a kangaroo's tail, it will not be able to jump.

10. Ed Handrick was the man who invented Frisbee (flying saucers) and was cremated after his death. Plates were made from his remains and given to relatives as a sign of his memory.

11. A person produces so much saliva throughout his life that it can fill an entire swimming pool.

12. An eagle can grab a young deer and even kill it.

13. Polar bear can eat as many as 86 penguins in one sitting.

14. King Henry VIII I took a giant ax with me at night.

15. Do you imagine that women's tampons and bikinis were invented by a man?

16. Doctors found that on Monday he large quantity people have heart attacks.

17. Beans, corn, bell peppers, cauliflower, cabbage and milk, these foods will turn your intestines upside down.

18. Hobo Spider, this is another species of spider recently discovered by scientists.

19. “Penis fencing” is scientific term, which marks the beginning of the mating ritual between flatworms. It consists in the one who “pricks” the other one the most, he wins. The prize is that the winner becomes a queen.

20. A toaster uses almost half the energy that full-size ovens use.

21. The spider's child is called Spiderling.

22. A person cannot snore and dream at the same time.

23. A baby octopus is born the size of a flea.

24. A duck, a sheep and a rooster were the first passengers to take off in a hot air balloon.

25. In Uganda, 50% of the population are minors, their age reaches 15 years.

26. Arab women can file for divorce only because their husbands did not make them a cup of coffee.

27. Dog feces diluted in vinegar help relieve itching and swelling from an insect bite.

28. Catfish is the only animal that has an odd number of antennae.

29. Facebook, Skype and Twitter are prohibited in China.

30. 95% of people cannot say in person their opinion about any things.

31. The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS signal.

32. In the town of Poole, England, the Pound of the World store went bankrupt, only because the store across the road called 99p. sold the same goods, but only 1 pence cheaper!

33. Approximately 8,000 Americans are injured by musical instruments each year.

34. Almost 3% of the ice in Antarctica consists of penguin urine.

35. When sea otters sleep, they hold on to each other so as not to move away during the current.

36. Small child can swim through the veins of a blue whale.

38. The name of the Hewlett-Packard company was drawn by lot.

39. Total steps by Eiffel Tower is 1665 steps.

40. The Pokémon Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan were the “children” of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.

41. Toothpaste"Colgate" on Spanish translates as “go and hang yourself!”

42. Pirates wear earrings because they believe it will improve their eyesight.

43. Los Angeles's full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula."

44. Dr. Kellogg introduced Kellogg's Corn Flakes in the hope that it would reduce masturbation.

45. The octopus's testicles are in his head!

46. ​​In England, in the 1880s, "Trousers" was considered a dirty word.

48. Each person spends about half an hour looking at one point.

49. If you leave everything until the last minute... it will only take a minute.

50. Ithyphallophobia means fear of erection.

51. The first alarm clock can only ring at 4 am.

52. Birds don't pee.

53. The word "ejaculation" is translated from Latin as "throw away"

55. A slug has 4 noses.

56. Potatoes, apples and onions all taste the same when you eat them with your nose closed.

57. George Washington grew marijuana in his garden.

58. A company in Taiwan makes tableware from wheat, so you can eat your own plate for lunch!

59. The Bible is one of the most stolen books in stores.

60. Marco Hort set a world record for placing 264 straws in his mouth at once!

61. Mel Blanc, the man who voiced Bugs Bunny, suffered from an allergy to carrots.

62. In California, 6 drivers named Jesus Christ were licensed to drive.

63. Genesis 1:20-22 says the chicken came before the egg.

64. In the Caribbean, there are oysters that can climb trees.

65. Worms drink their urine.

66. More than 1,000 birds die every year from being smashed into windows.

67. The inventor of the waffle iron hates waffles.

68. George Bush was once an amateur.

69. In Japan, it is quite acceptable to call your child "Ass" or "Prostitute".

70. Every year, there are more than 40,000 toilet injuries in the United States.

71. Madonna suffers from gamophobia, this is the fear of entering into marriage.

72. In China English language know more people than in the USA.

73. Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th!

74. The Kleenex company provided its fabrics for filters in gas masks.

75. In 1998, Sony sold more than 700,000 video cameras that filmed people through their clothes. These cameras had special lenses that were used infrared radiation, which made it possible to see through several layers of clothing.

76. When the monkeys finish fighting, they start masturbating.

77. In Japan, Ronald McDonald is called "Donald McDonald" because the pronunciation is easier for the Japanese, and in Singapore he is known as "Uncle McDonald".

78. American archer Matt Stutzman, who was born without arms, set a Guinness record and plans to compete at the Olympics.

79. Scientists in Germany have produced candies that do not cause tooth decay.

80. In 1964, Randy Gardner, who was 17 years old at the time, set a wakefulness record of 264 hours and 12 minutes. Afterwards he slept for 15 hours.

81. About 4 billion years ago there was oxygen on the planet Mars.

82. Astronauts in space cannot burp.

83. A fruit like avocado is poisonous to birds.

84. Anyone spacecraft must move at a speed of 7 km/s.

85. An elephant does not have a single bone in its trunk, but there are 4000 muscles.

86. A rodent's teeth never stop growing.

87. On average, a person spends 3 years of his life “reading a newspaper” on the toilet.

88. In 2006, a woman farted on a plane and tried to hide the smell, resulting in an emergency landing and an FBI investigation.

89. B Russian army During the march, the soldiers sing a song from the cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants instead of the anthem.

90. Most people who read the word “yawning” begin to yawn.

91. 99 hours is the record time for playing Monopoly.

92. Men who kiss their wives in the morning live 5 years longer than those who don’t.

93. Statistics prove that Australian women have sex on the first date.

94. More than 30% of Chinese adults live with their parents.

95. Harvard scientists believe that if you eat chocolate regularly, you can live longer.

97. When the ancient Romans took the oath, they placed their hands on their kokushki.

98. During the gold rush in 1849, only $100 was paid for a glass of water.

99. The can opener was invented 48 years after the invention of the can.

100. Close to 150 people die from coconuts every year.

Thank you for reading our news, if you have any weird and wonderful facts, please leave them in the comments!