Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Translation from Russian into English exercises teams. Why do we need exercises for translation from Russian into English

1. My brother can't handle the fear of the dark.

My brother can't get over with the fear of darkness

2. Your story must not leave this room.

Your story mustn't get out of this room

3. By this time tomorrow we will shake hands and get on the bus

By this time tomorrow we will have shaken hands and got on a bus

4. How do you get along with your relatives?

How are you getting along with your relatives?

5. Why don't you and your brother-in-law get along?

Why don't you and your son in law get along?

6. Tomorrow at 5 o'clock I will get off the bus

Tomorrow at 5 o "clock I will be getting off the bus

7. The girl ran away before she was allowed to do so.

The girl had got away before she was allowed to do this

8. Oneither got off the train and hailed a taxi

They got off the train and caught a taxi

9. At 11 a.m. yesterday he got into his car

At 11 o "clock yesterday he was getting into his car

10. Ecif your car weren't so small it would be easier to get out of it

If your car weren "t so small, it would be easier to get out of it

11. If you got up earlier, you would go to work during the day

If you got up earlier you would get down to work in the afternoon

12. If you run away, we will be disappointed in you.

If you get away we will be disappointed with you

13. He looked at the winding river with regret, got on his bike and disappeared.

He had a look at a winding river regretfully, got on a bike and got away

14. If we had not run out of sugar, we would have made jam

If sugar didn't run out, we would make jam

15. When I entered the garden yesterday, they ran out of the kitchen.

When I entered the garden yesterday they were running out of the kitchen

16. If you pull yourself together, you can handle it.

If you pull yourself together, you will get over with this

17. If they hadn't worked their way to the exit, they would have been crushed by the crowd.

If they didn't push their way to the entrance they would be run over by the crowd

18. He feigned displeasure when he found out that we stopped by for a few minutes

He pulled a face when he learned that we had run in for a few minutes

19 My friend has already messed with my head by constantly humiliating me

My friend has pulled my leg by his jokes running me down constantly

20. When he pushed me to the extreme, I forgot about everything and the milk ran away.

When he had pushed me to the wall I forgot about everything and the milk ran over

21. I was ready to tear him to pieces since he crushed the kitten

I was ready to pull him to pieces as he had run over the kitten

22. You'd better not tempt fate and start the clock

You should better don't push your luck and wind the alarm clock

23. If you hadn't grimaced, the dog wouldn't have rushed at you.

If you didn't pull faces. the dog wouldn't rush at you

24. He ran up to me, gave me an expensive but useless gift and immediately ran away

He rushed up to me gave me a white elephant and rushed off immediately

25. My brother, who never was a coward, rushed to help

My brother, who has never been yellow, rushed to help

26. His words affected me like a red rag on a bull, and I swept past

His words had been like a red rag to a bull for me and I rushed by

27. A little girl ran away because her mother was often sad

A little girl rushed off because her mother was often blue

28. Instead of looking at me angrily, it would be better if you didn’t push me in the morning

Instead of giving a black look at me you "d better didn"t rush me on in the morning

29. By the evening they turned everything upside down, but did not find a medium-sized candlestick and were very sorry about it

By the evening they had turned everything upside down but hadn"t found the candlestick of the average size and regretted gratefully

30. He solemnly turned and turned his pockets inside out at the same time

He was solemnly turning around and turning his pockets inside out simultaneously

31. In order not to turn into a coward, he decided to smoke

Not to turn into a coward he decided to have a smoke

32. What a shame! This restless driver caused the car to overturn

What a shame! Because of this fussy driver the car has turned over

33. He will be in the same room with an outstanding scientist by the end of the week

He will have turned out in one room with a tremendous scientist by the end of the week

34. If you had not humiliated him, you would not have found yourself in such a ridiculous situation

If you didn't run him down you wouldn't turn up in such an odd situation

35. By the evening they will call in and turn on the alarm

By the evening they will have run in and turned on the alarm

1. My brother can't handle the fear of the dark.

2. Your story must not leave this room.

3. By this time tomorrow we will shake hands and get on the bus

4. How do you get along with your relatives?

5. Why don't you and your brother-in-law get along?

6. Tomorrow at 5 o'clock I will get off the bus

7. The girl ran away before she was allowed to do so.

8. O neither got off the train and hailed a taxi

9. At 11 a.m. yesterday he was getting into his car

10. Ec if your car were not so small it would be easier to get out of it

11. If you got up earlier, you would go to work during the day

12. If you run away, we will be disappointed in you.

13. He looked at the winding river with regret, got on his bike and disappeared.

14. If we had not run out of sugar, we would have made jam

15. When I entered the garden yesterday, they ran out of the kitchen.

16. If you pull yourself together, you can handle it.

17. If they hadn't worked their way to the exit, they would have been crushed by the crowd.

18. He feigned displeasure when he found out that we stopped by for a few minutes

19 My friend has already messed with my head by constantly humiliating me

20. When he pushed me to the extreme, I forgot about everything and the milk ran away.

21. I was ready to tear him to pieces since he crushed the kitten

22. You'd better not tempt fate and start the clock

23. If you hadn't grimaced, the dog wouldn't have rushed at you.

24. He ran up to me, gave me an expensive but useless gift and immediately ran away

25. My brother, who never was a coward, rushed to help

26. His words affected me like a red rag on a bull, and I swept past

27. Did a little girl run away because her mother was often sad?

28. Instead of looking at me angrily, it would be better if you didn’t push me in the morning

29. By the evening they turned everything upside down, but did not find a medium-sized candlestick and were very sorry about it

30. He solemnly turned and turned his pockets inside out at the same time

31. In order not to turn into a coward, he decided to smoke

32. What a shame! This restless driver caused the car to overturn

33. He will be in the same room with an outstanding scientist by the end of the week

34. If you had not humiliated him, you would not have found yourself in such a ridiculous situation.

35. By the evening they will call in and turn on the alarm

attached great importance skills colloquial speech. The classic technique, which significant role devoted to translation exercises, receded into the past. It was replaced by a communicative technique, which is aimed at the possibility of communication and pays special attention to speaking and listening to speech. But, nevertheless, the classic translation exercises can greatly help in learning in English and you don't have to give them up completely.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of such exercises.

Benefits of Translation Exercises

How to do translation exercises

Examples of exercises for translation from Russian into English

Here is an example simple texts for translation, which you can find in the online English tutorial website. As part of this article, we provide you with an English and Russian version of the text (we gave the most literal translation), as well as its audio recording. You can test yourself by doing English-Russian first and then Russian- English translation text and compare them with the original. You can also try to record the translation of the text without relying on the written version, that is, by listening to the recording. The choice is yours.

A little boy looks at his mother at the wedding and says:
“Mom, why is the girl wearing all white?”
His mother replies:
"She is the bride
and she's in white because she's happy
And this is the happiest day of her life."
The boy nods and then asks:
“Okay, why is the guy wearing all black?”

Listen to the exercise "Curiosity"

A little boy looks at his mum at a wedding and says,
“Mummy, why is the girl dressed all in white?”
his mum replies,
“She is a bride
and she is in white because she is happy
and this is the happiest day of her life.”
The boy nods and then asks
“OK, and why is the boy dressed all in black?”

My name is Lima.
I am 16 years old.
I'm in 11th grade.
I am American.
There are five of us in the family.
My mother's name is Jane.
She is a housewife.
My dad's name is Thomas.
He is a sales manager.
My younger brother's name is Tom.
He is 10 years old.
My little sister's name is Kerry.
She is only 5 years old.

Listen to the exercise "Family"

My name is Lima.
I am sixteen years old.
I am in the eleventh form.
I am American.
We are five in the family.
My mother's name is Jane.
She is a housewife.
My father's name is Tomas.
He is a sales promoter.
My younger brother's name is Tom.
He is ten years old.
My younger sister's name is Kerry.
She is only five years old.


London - Capital of the UK.
This is one of largest cities peace.
London is made up of four parts: West End, East End, City and Westminster.
The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre.
Westminster is also an important area of ​​the capital.
This is the administrative center of London.
To the west of Westminster is the West End, the wealthiest area of ​​London.
To the east of Westminster is the East End, the capital's industrial district.
The Queen's official London residence is Buckingham Palace.
The changing of the guard ceremony takes place every day in its courtyard.

Listen to exercise "London"

London is the capital of Great Britain.
It's one of the largest cities in the world.
There are four parts in London: the West End, the East End, the City and Westminster.
The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre.
Westminster is also an important part of the capital.
It's the administrative center of London.
To the west of Westminster is West End, the richest part of London.
To the east of Westminster is the East End, an industrial district of the capital.
The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace.
The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guard takes place in its courtyard.

Online translation exercise


Let's summarize. Translation exercises from Russian to English are very useful. They perfectly develop thinking and contribute to the development of several skills necessary for successful language acquisition. By translating Russian texts into English, you create an excellent basis for colloquial speech. Some of the phrases you have translated can be memorized as patterns and used in spoken language.

educational online service Lim English is a great way to learn English. Translation exercises are an integral part of our methodology. In addition, training on our website provides an excellent opportunity to develop perception skills. English speech listening, reading and writing.

Translation exercises from Russian into English is one of the ways to consolidate knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, learn how to build sentences and express thoughts in English. Today I will talk about the online service "Translates", with the help of which you can practice translating simple texts, check the translation with the correct options, and even ask questions to teachers.

Review last updated: 05/08/2017

What are "Translates"?

“Translates” is one of the sections of the Puzzle English service, which includes a lot of interesting things, but you can learn more about this from. Now let's dwell on "Translates" in more detail. The service is very simple:

  • Select a task in the catalog - pay attention to the level of difficulty.
  • You will see the text of the exercise itself:

  • And also words for the exercise:

  • Click “Start Translate” and translate the text sentence by sentence.
  • If you wrote the translation incorrectly, the error will be marked in red.
  • If something is not clear to you, write in the comments - the moderator will answer you.

  • When you translate the entire text, you will be shown total errors and correct answers, as well as the text itself.

The service on the day of writing the review (05/08/2017) is partially free.

  • In the Puzzle English service, if you do not have a paid account, you can collect 25 free phrases per day (read more about what these phrases are and why they are collected).
  • When you use Translates, each Translate (text) counts as one phrase.
  • That is, you can either collect 25 phrases in Puzzle English, or make 25 “translates”, or otherwise distribute these 25 exercises allocated per day.

Considering that there are only about 40 translators so far (the collection will be replenished), the restriction is quite sparing.

How do interactive exercises for translating from Russian into English differ from tasks in textbooks?

By and large, “Translates” is such an interactive version of exercise books with “keys” (correct answers), but this service is distinguished by two features:

  • The book, unfortunately, cannot be questioned. In "Translates" you can discuss the task in the comments, ask for the help of an expert, ask why the correct translation is this and not another.
  • In the "keys", as a rule, one translation option is given, although even very simple sentences can often be translated in different ways. Translates take this feature into account.

Are translation exercises from Russian into English really necessary?

In my opinion, translation exercises from Russian into English are most useful in early stage learning when you are still uncertain about even the most basic grammar. They help to consolidate grammar, learn to build sentences. Sentences in English and Russian are built in completely different ways, and when translating sentences from Russian into English, you feel these differences more than just reading an English text.

On the other hand, being able to translate into English is not the same as being able to speak or write in English. When we speak or write (we write “from the head”, and do not translate the text of the exercises), the “internal translator” should be turned off - it only interferes. There is no special switch - with the practice of communication, this goes away on its own.

In general, translation from Russian into English is only one of the types of exercises that help to consolidate grammar, but not at all a “magic key” to learning a language. Practice in communication, reading, listening, he will not replace. If your knowledge and skills are enough to practice speaking and writing (composing texts, not doing exercises from a textbook), it is better to do this practice.

Note: For those who know English well, translating complex texts can be an interesting exercise and, let's say, an ordeal. But this will no longer be the study of English, but the study of the art of translation - a completely different story.

Why exactly from Russian to English, and not from English to Russian?

Above, I mentioned exercises where it is necessary to translate “Rus - Eng”, but why not vice versa? Because translation from English into Russian is an exercise not so much in English as in Russian. You are required to:

  1. Understand English text.
  2. Formulate its equivalent in Russian.

And in this case, the difficulty is not so much in the first point as in the second. To learn to understand English lyrics, it is better to practice reading more, and translating from English into Russian is already a task for those who study translation as a profession.


“Translates” are unlikely to be of interest to you if you freely correspond with foreigners, communicate with native speakers. But if you are at the stage when you already “know” the grammar, but still “do not know how”, translation exercises can help to consolidate it.

A K AD EM I Z SCIENCES OF THE USSR Department of Foreign Languages





PUBLISHING HOUSE "NAUKA" Leningrad branch Leningrad 1970

420 M 216 Malchevskaya T.N. Collection of exercises for translating humanitarian texts from English into Russian: Practical aid / Malchevskaya T.N.; Academy of Sciences of the USSR.Department of Foreign Languages-L.: Nauka.Leningrad.Department, 1970.-214p.


This collection of exercises is a practical guide for translating scientific literature from English into Russian. It is intended for graduate students and researchers in the humanities who are preparing to take the PhD exam. It can also be used in student groups humanitarian faculties, as well as everyone who wants to master the translation of scientific literature on linguistics, literary criticism, history, archeology, ethnography, philosophy, etc.

According to the general plan and the arrangement of the material, this collection is similar to the collection of exercises for specialists in the exact sciences by T. N. Mikhelson and N. V. Uspenskaya (L., 1967), which has fully justified itself in practice. However, when compiling it, the peculiarities of the grammatical structure and vocabulary of humanitarian scientific texts were taken into account, which led to the need to expand some sections (for example, “Passive voice”, “Infinitive and infinitive phrases”, “Participles and participial phrases”), as well as add a new section ( "Basic Difficulties of Syntax").

In each section, after a brief grammatical information on this issue several exercises are given that are difficult to translate. To facilitate the assimilation of the material, the same grammatical phenomenon, as a rule, is demonstrated first on simpler lexical material, then on the original text.

At the end of each section is a summary exercise containing a significant number of mixed examples. In addition, at the end of the collection, a general repetition of the entire material is given, including mixed exercises on grammatical, lexical and syntactic difficulties. Vocabulary related to this grammatical topic is attached to individual exercises. The footnotes provide translations of some technical terms.

The material for the exercises is taken from the original English and American literature in all the indicated specialties - from monographs, general courses, textbooks and manuals. In total, about 80 titles of books were used. Only in exercises of the facilitated type, everyday vocabulary is used to a small extent.

Part of the material for the exercises on individual sections of grammar was kindly provided to us by K. A. Ivanova.

The author is deeply grateful to Assoc. E. G. Lapshina, T. N. Mikhelson and N. V. Uspenskaya, as well as Assoc. O. V. Kovalnitskaya, Assoc. R. O. Katz, Head of the English Section Assoc. E. A. Zvereva and I. K. Likhacheva, who reviewed the manuscript and made a number of valuable comments, which made it possible to eliminate some shortcomings. The author also thanks the staff of the Leningrad branch of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who took part in the discussion of the collection.


1. Basic translation methods passive voice

If the predicate is expressed by the verb in the passive voice, then the subject does not perform the action, but undergoes the action expressed by this verb; compare:

Active voice

Theyasked about it. They asked about it.

Passive voice

They were asked about it. They were asked about it (They were asked about it).

Passive forms

The house is built.

The house was built.

The house will be built.

The house is being built.

The house was built.

The house has been built.

The house had been built.

The house will have been built.

When translating into Russian, the passive construction can be conveyed in the following ways.

The Russian form of the passive voice of this verb in the appropriate tense, person and number:

The paper was written last year.

The article was written last year.

The reflexive form of the verb in "-sya", "-sya" in the appropriate tense, person and number:

The excavations were made on the left side of the hill. Excavations were carried out on the left side of the hill.

The indefinite personal form of the active voice verb in the corresponding tense in the 3rd l. pl. hours:

The excavation was made with great care. The excavation was carried out with great care.

The personal form of the verb in the active voice (such a translation is possible only if the person performing the action is indicated, that is, if the sentence contains an addition with the preposition by):

These papers were written by one and the same author. These works were written by the same author.

Note. In some cases, the combination of the verb to be with participle II is not a form of the passive voice, but is a nominal predicate, which, unlike the forms of the passive voice, expresses a state, not an action; compare:

simple verb



This door is(usually) locked

by the porter. This door (usually) locks up

Compound noun



This door islocked. This door locked.


1. Determine the time of the predicate. Give it allpossible translations.

    Only a few instances will be given here.

    His answer was appreciated by everybody.

    A new exhibition has been organized in this building.

    The most important documents are signed here.

    His lecture will be broadcast by the radio tomorrow.

    The new-discovered language was described and deciphered.

    The inscriptions have not yet been fully studied.

    The most important archaeological collections are housed in museums.

    This paper was first published in another edition, and is reprinted here with the permission of the editors.

    The above problem is being investigated by one of the writers, 1 and the results will be published separately.

    All these ancient tools have been mentioned above, and something more will be said about them in the following chapter.

2. Pick up the best option translation.

1. According to one version of the famous library was destroyed during the strife between Ptolemy XV and his sister Cleopatra for the throne; according to another, it was burned six centuries later.

2. Almost all sciences except perhaps medicine suffered a relapse 2 during the Dark Ages 3 when scientific pursuits were considered antireligious. The occasional scholar who attempted such studies was often persecuted and his progress discouragingly slow.

    The origin of the race of men who made the Nile valley the cradle of civilization is still being sought by scholars.

    On the whole 4 Chekhov's plays are constructed in the same way as his stories. The differences are due to the differences of material and are imposed by the use of dialogue.

    These papers were in their original form read at a conference of the English Institute, 1954.

When you learn grammatical tense or any rule, you must definitely work them out in training exercises until the clarity and automatism of speech comes. We have reviewed present time Indefinite in previous messages, and worked it out and now the final victory is the translation from Russian into English with text markup, and this is already an advanced level, that is, advanced. is in the previous message, so I will write sentences that need to be marked up and translated, and the correct answers will be next, and you can check yourself and correct errors if any appear.

1. On Saturdays we usually go to the theater or to the cinema. = We usually go to the theater or the cinema on Saturdays.

2. My brother often meets me after school. = My brother often meets me after school.

3. I do not believe him, he often lies. = I don't believe him, he often lies.

4. Does your daughter learn English at school? = Does your daughter learn English at school?

5. I don't always feel like studying English. = I don't always want to have my English.

6. They don't usually go home after school, they go to the library. = They don't usually go home after school, they go to the library.

7. His sister sometimes speaks English with her children, she knows him well. = Sometimes his sister speaks English with her children, she knows it well.

8. At the lessons we read English texts, translate them, learn new ones grammar rules. = We read English texts, translate them, learn new grammar rules at lessons.

9. My brother does not learn English, he learns German. = My brother doesn't learn English he learns German.

10. Do they often come home late? = Do they often come home late?

11. Their children go to school every day. = Their children go to school every day.

12. You are reading English books and magazines? = Do you read English books and journals?

13. Usually Nikolai sits at this desk. = Nick usually sits at this desk.

14. He does not always want to work here with his brother, but he works and does not complain about it. = He doesn’t always want to work with his brother here, but he works and doesn’t complain about it.

15. My father reads newspapers every morning and then tells us the news. = My father reads newspapers every morning then he tells us news.

16. Do they help you translate texts from English into Russian? = Do they help you translate texts from Russian into English?

17. My mother works at this school. She teaches mathematics. My mother works in this school. She teaches Mathematics.

18. In the evenings I usually go for a walk with my dog. = I usually go for a walk with my dog ​​in the evening.

19. Do you often see him at school? = Do you often see him at school?

20. My grandmother lives in this house. I visit her often. = My grandmother lives in this house. I often go to see her.

21. Our teacher writes sentences on the board, and we copy them into our notebooks. = Our teacher writes sentences on the blackboard and we copy them out in our copy-books.

22. Do you know this rule? = Do you know this rule?

23. Every day I meet him after work. = I meet him after work every day.

24. They sometimes play chess in the evenings. = Sometimes they play chess in the evening.

25. Do your sisters live in Moscow? = Do your sister live in Moscow?

26. He receives many letters and always answers them. = He gets a lot of letters and always answers them.

27. She teaches German At school? No, she doesn't learn German, she learns French. = Does she learn German at school? – No, she doesn’t learn German, she learns French.

28. Do you often translate texts at school? - Very often. At the lessons we translate sentences from Russian into English. = Do you often translate texts at school? Yes, very often. We translate sentences from Russian into English at the lessons.

29. I don't remember his address and I don't know his phone number. – I don’t remember his address and don’t know his telephone number.

30. Do you want to talk about it? - No I do not want to. I don't even want to remember it. = Do you want to talk about it? - No, I do not. I don't even want to remember about it.

TO BE CONTINUED = to be continued.

In the next message, we will continue to train in translation from Russian into English.