Biographies Characteristics Analysis

With laughter he tempered the crafty souls of children. Enchanted letter

For a conversation, the teacher can use questions 3 and 4 of the textbook (pp. 184-185, part 2).

What feeling did the image of Kharlampy Diogenovich leave you with? Is it by chance that the author gives him such a middle name?

The image of Kharlampy Diogenovich evokes mixed feelings. On the one hand, it is unpleasant when a teacher makes fun of students. On the other hand, it is important that there is discipline in the lesson. Wit, when it does not offend another person, commands respect.

Why does the hero speak with gratitude about the teacher?

The hero speaks with gratitude about the teacher, because with his help he learned to treat himself and people critically, with irony and humor.

How do you understand the words: “With laughter, of course, he tempered our crafty children’s souls and taught us to treat ourselves with a sufficient sense of humor”?

What's happened humor?

If students find it difficult to answer this question on their own, we will tell them that they can turn to “ Brief dictionary literary terms"(p. 314, part 2 of the textbook).

Can Iskander's story be called humorous?

What makes readers laugh?

Students will note the comic nature of the episode, surprise as a technique for creating a humorous situation, hyperbole, for example, when describing Alik Komarov’s fear of an injection.

Iskander's story is written from the perspective of a boy who sees the world as if through the prism of a naive child's consciousness. This is expressed especially clearly in the following phrases: “The class is laughing. And although we do not know who the Prince of Wales is, we understand that he cannot possibly appear in our class. He simply has nothing to do here, because princes are mainly engaged in deer hunting”; “Look what you wanted!” I thought about this young man, realizing that greek mythology No one is allowed to correct it. Some other mythology that is lying around, perhaps, can be corrected, but not Greek, because everything has been corrected there a long time ago and there cannot be any mistakes.”

Students do not need to explain this, but it will be good if young readers note that laughter is caused not only by the comicality of the situation, but also by unexpected, unusual expressions, turns of speech, with the help of which the author wants to convey the train of thought of his hero.

You can invite students to answer question 7 of the textbook (p. 185, part 2):

Find humorous episodes and think about how the writer manages to evoke laughter.

The episodes that describe how the principal wanted to move the stadium because it made the students nervous could be called humorous; how Kharlampy Diogenovich met a late student; as Avdeenko called a “black swan”. There are many funny expressions in the story, for example: “... in fact, he was most afraid of our head teacher. It was a demonic woman...”; “He simply has nothing to do here, because princes mainly engage in deer hunting”; “It seemed that the executioner’s preparations went faster”; “He did not immediately take the dagger, but first thrust it into the straw that covered the Hut of the Pre-Revolutionary Poor Man.”

The writer manages to make you laugh unexpected turns plot and unexpected, unusual phrases applied to ordinary people or phenomena.

III. Independent work

When finishing work on a story, you can offer students a little independent work - answer (at the student’s choice) one of two questions:

What is the main idea of ​​this story?

Try to formulate your answers in one or two sentences.

main idea of this work is that laughter allows a person to see his hidden character traits from the outside, to recognize own mistakes and not allow them anymore.

Hercules performed twelve labors, but there was no thirteenth labor. The title of the story tells us that the hero committed an act that is not a feat.


The teacher can offer students a choice of task I or II under the heading “For independent work"(p. 185, part 2 of the textbook). When choosing a task, the teacher will take into account the state of the sixth graders, who recently wrote an essay based on the story of V. G. Rasputin, and will give the task to write an essay only if necessary (for an example of an essay, see the Appendix).

Related information:

  1. A) This is what determines, stimulates, encourages a person to perform any action included in the activity

Sakharov laughed, trying not to stop being an excellent student while laughing. Even Shurik Avdeenko, the gloomiest person in our class, whom I saved from an inevitable failure, laughed. Komarov laughed, who, although he is now called Alik, was and remains Adolf.

Looking at him, I thought that if we didn’t have a real redhead in our class, he would pass for him, because his hair is blond, and the freckles that he hid, as well as his real name, were revealed during injection. But we had a real redhead, and no one noticed Komarov’s reddishness.

And I also thought that if we hadn’t torn off the class sign from our doors the other day, maybe the doctor wouldn’t have come to see us and nothing would have happened. I vaguely began to guess about the connection that exists between things and events.

The ringing, like a funeral bell, cut through the laughter of the class. Kharlampy Diogenovich marked me in the journal and wrote something else in his notebook.

Since then, I began to take my homework more seriously and never went to the football players with unsolved problems. To each his own.

Later I noticed that almost all people are afraid of seeming funny. They are especially afraid to appear funny women and poets. Perhaps they are too afraid and therefore sometimes look funny. But no one can make a person look funny as cleverly as a good poet or woman.

Of course, being too afraid to look funny is not very smart, but it’s much worse to not be afraid of it at all.

I think that Ancient Rome died because his emperors, in their bronze arrogance, stopped noticing that they were funny. If they had acquired jesters in time (you should at least hear the truth from a fool), perhaps they would have been able to hold out for some more time. And so they hoped that if something happened, the geese would save Rome. But the barbarians arrived and destroyed Ancient Rome along with its emperors and geese.

Of course, I don’t regret it at all, but I want to gratefully exalt Kharlampy Diogenovich’s method. With laughter, of course, he tempered our crafty children's souls and taught us to treat ourselves with a sufficient sense of humor. In my opinion, this is a completely healthy feeling, and I resolutely and forever reject any attempt to question it.

Alexander Raskin

How dad chose his profession

When dad was little, he was often asked the same question. They asked him: “Who will you be?” And dad always answered this question without hesitation. But each time he answered differently. At first, dad wanted to become a night watchman. He really liked that everyone was sleeping, but the watchman was not sleeping. And then he really liked the mallet that the night watchman uses to knock. And the fact that you could make noise when everyone was sleeping made dad very happy. He was determined to become a night watchman when he grew up. But then an ice cream seller appeared with a beautiful green cart. The cart could be transported! You could eat the ice cream!

“I’ll sell one portion, I’ll eat one!” - Dad thought. “And I will treat small children to ice cream for free.”

The little dad's parents were very surprised to learn that their son would be an ice cream maker. They laughed at him for a long time. But he firmly chose this fun and tasty profession. But one day little dad saw him at the railway station amazing person. This man played with carriages and locomotives all the time. Not with toy ones, but with real ones! He jumped onto the platforms, crawled under the carriages and all the time played some wonderful game.

Who is this? - Dad asked.

“This is a wagon coupler,” they answered him.

And then little dad finally realized who he would be. Just think about it! Couple and uncouple the cars! What could be more interesting in the world? Of course, nothing could be more interesting. When the gentleman announced that he would be the coupler on railway, one of my friends asked:

What about ice cream?

Then dad became thoughtful. He firmly decided to become a coupler. But he didn’t want to give up the green ice cream cart either. And so little dad found a way out.

I'll be a coupler and an ice cream man! - he said.

Everyone was very surprised. But little daddy explained it to them.

He said:

It's not difficult at all. In the morning I will go with ice cream. I walk, walk, and then run to the station. I’ll hitch up the trailers there and run back to the ice cream. Then I run to the station again, uncouple the carriages and run to the ice cream again. And so all the time. I’ll place the cart close to the station so that I don’t have to run far to connect and uncouple.

Everyone laughed a lot. Then little daddy got angry and said:

And if you laugh, I’ll still work as a night watchman. After all, I have a free night. And I already know how to bang a mallet really well. One watchman let me try...

That's how dad arranged everything. But soon he wanted to become a pilot. Then he wanted to become an artist and play on stage. Then he visited the same factory with his grandfather and decided to become a turner. In addition, he really wanted to become a cabin boy on a ship. Or, as a last resort, become a shepherd and walk with the cows all day, loudly cracking the whip. And one day, more than anything in his life, he wanted to become a dog. All day long he ran on all fours, barked at strangers and even tried to bite one elderly woman when she wanted to pat him on the head. Little daddy learned to bark very well, but he couldn’t learn to scratch behind the ear with his foot, although he tried his best. And to make it work better, he went out into the yard and sat down next to Tuzik. And an unfamiliar military man was walking down the street. He stopped and began to look at dad. I looked and looked and then asked:

What are you doing, boy?

“I want to become a dog,” said little dad.

Then the unfamiliar military man asked:

Don't you want to be a human?

And I’ve been a man for a long time! - said dad.

“What kind of person are you,” said the military man, “if you don’t even make a dog?” Is this a person?

Which one? - Dad asked.

Just think! - said the military man and left. He didn't laugh at all or even smile. But for some reason little daddy felt very ashamed. And he began to think. He thought and thought, and the more he thought, the more ashamed he became. The military man did not explain anything to him. But he himself suddenly realized that he couldn’t choose a new profession every day. And most importantly, he realized that he was still small and that he himself did not yet know who he would be. When he was asked about this again, he remembered the military man and said:

I will be a man!

And then no one laughed. And little dad realized that this was the most correct answer. And now he thinks so too. First of all you have to be a good man. This is most important for the pilot, and for the turner, and for the shepherd, and for the artist. And there is no need for a person to scratch behind the ear with his foot.

“We are listening to you,” said Kharlampy Diogenovich, without looking at me.

“An artillery shell,” I said cheerfully in the jubilant silence of the class and fell silent.

“An artillery shell,” I repeated stubbornly, hoping, by the inertia of these words, to break through to other similar the right words. But something held me tightly on a leash that tightened as soon as I uttered these words. I concentrated with all my might, trying to imagine the progress of the task, and once again rushed to break this invisible tether.

An artillery shell,” I repeated, shuddering with horror and disgust.

Muffled giggles rang out in the class. I felt that a critical moment had come and decided not to make myself funny under any circumstances, it was better to just get a bad mark.

Did you swallow an artillery shell? - asked Kharlampy Diogenovich with benevolent curiosity.

He asked this so simply, as if he was asking if I had swallowed a plum pit.

“Yes,” I said quickly, sensing a trap and deciding to confuse his calculations with an unexpected answer.

Then ask the military instructor to clear the mines for you,” said Kharlampy Diogenovich, but the class was already laughing.

Sakharov laughed, trying not to stop being an excellent student while laughing. Even Shurik Avdeenko, the gloomiest person in our class, whom I saved from an inevitable failure, laughed. Komarov laughed, who, although he is now called Alik, remained Adolf as he was.

Looking at him, I thought that if we didn’t have a real redhead in our class, he would pass for him, because his hair was blond, and the freckles, which he hid as well as his real name, were revealed during injection. But we had a real redhead, and no one noticed Komarov’s reddishness. And I also thought that if we hadn’t torn off the class sign from our doors the other day, maybe the doctor wouldn’t have come to see us and nothing would have happened. I vaguely began to guess about the connection that exists between things and events.

The ringing, like a funeral bell, cut through the laughter of the class. Kharlampy Diogenovich marked me in the journal and wrote something else in his notebook.

Since then, I began to take my homework more seriously and never went to the football players with unsolved problems. To each his own.

Later I noticed that almost all people are afraid of seeming funny. Women and poets are especially afraid of appearing funny. Perhaps they are too afraid and therefore sometimes look funny. But no one can make a person look funny as cleverly as a good poet or a good woman.

Of course, being too afraid to look funny is not very smart, but it’s much worse to not be afraid of it at all.

It seems to me that Ancient Rome perished because its emperors, in their bronze arrogance, stopped noticing that they were funny. If they had acquired jesters in time (you should at least hear the truth from a fool), perhaps they would have been able to hold out for some time longer. And so they hoped that if something happened, the geese would save Rome. But the barbarians arrived and destroyed Ancient Rome along with its emperors and geese.

Of course, I don’t regret this at all, but I would like to gratefully exalt Kharlampy Diogenovich’s method. With laughter, he certainly tempered our crafty children's souls and taught us to treat ourselves with a sufficient sense of humor. In my opinion, this is a completely healthy feeling, and I resolutely and forever reject any attempt to question it.