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Flowers promotion for September 1st. How the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign is carried out in different regions of Russia

On the eve of September 3, Philanthropist selected several fund shares that you can join to help children. Participants in the action - schoolchildren and their parents - decide not to buy 20-30 bouquets for the teacher for Knowledge Day, but instead give the class teacher one bouquet from the class. Parents transfer the saved funds to a charity fund that helps children. In addition, these days you can hold “Lessons of Good” - employees of charitable foundations come to schools and talk about their work and help.

Over the course of five years, the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign, which was started by the Vera Foundation, began to be carried out by more than a dozen Russian foundations, including the foundations “Our Children”, “Creation”, “Sunflower”, the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, “Life Line” and other. “Philanthropist” already talks about why this is important. There is still time until September 3 to join the fund's shares.

How to join

  1. Agree with the teacher and parents of other students in the class that the class (or even the whole school) participates in the action and agrees not to give 20-30 bouquets, but to buy only one from everyone.
  2. Register on the promotion website (depending on the selected fund).
  3. Receive promotion symbols. The foundations provide flags, balloons, posters and other holiday souvenirs.
  4. Come to school on Knowledge Day, bring one flower for each student and make a beautiful bouquet for the teacher.
  5. Transfer the saved money to help children in the care of one of the funds.

Infographics of the Vera Foundation provided by the press service

"Children instead of flowers" of the Vera Foundation and the children's hospice "House with a Lighthouse"

Who it helps: The Vera Hospice Assistance Fund and the House with a Lighthouse children's hospice offer to support more than 700 families with seriously ill children on Knowledge Day. Using the funds raised, the Vera Foundation and the House with a Lighthouse Children's Hospice will purchase breathing apparatus, consumables, strollers and chairs, medicines and special food for seriously ill children and provide families with psychological and legal support.

About the promotion: Over the course of several years, the Children Instead of Flowers campaign has become very popular - in 2017, the Vera Foundation and the House with a Lighthouse children's hospice supported 1,157 schools and 6,500 classes from 132 cities and towns in Russia. As a result, together we collected a fantastic amount - more than 39 million rubles - and were able to help 463 seriously ill children across the country.

"Flowers with Meaning" by the Foundation "Creation"

Who it helps: The goal of the “Flowers with Meaning” campaign is targeted assistance to children with various diseases - the wards of the fund.

About the promotion: The Creation Foundation has been holding a charity event on September 1 for the third year and it is called “Flowers with Meaning.” Based on the results of the campaign, the fund provides a report on which child’s treatment the money collected by each class or school went to.

In 2017, 15 classes from 6 Moscow schools participated in the fund’s campaign. In total, “Flowers with Meaning” collected 240,040 rubles, which we used to pay for treatment for 6 children with various diseases: 3 girls and 3 boys under the program “He who walks can master the road.”

“Lessons of Good” by the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation

Who it helps: assistance to children with brain tumors: payment for examinations, treatment, medications, consumables and rehabilitation courses.

About the promotion: The foundation is holding the “Lessons of Good” campaign on September 1 for the fifth time. In 2016 and 2017 alone, 134 classes from 61 schools took part in it. Over the course of two years, students and their parents transferred almost 1.5 million rubles to the fund. IN in some cases both foundation employees and volunteers come to schools on the first day of school and, during class hours or even recess, talk as clearly as possible about the work of the foundation and helping children.

“Children instead of flowers” ​​Foundation “Our Children”

Who it helps: The funds raised go to the programs of the “Our Children” foundation, which is engaged in a systematic solution to the problems of orphanhood in Russia.

About the promotion: This year the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign is held by the “Our Children” foundation for the fourth time. This action not only allows you to support the fund’s programs (in 2016, more than 200 thousand rubles were collected, in 2017 - more than 84 thousand rubles), it also has an important information function: it allows you to convey ideas of competent assistance to orphans and talk about the problems of social orphanhood in Russia.

“Kind bouquet” of the Life Line Foundation

Who it helps: The funds collected go towards targeted assistance for those who require expensive treatment.

About the promotion: To take part in the action, you need to fill out the form via the link before August 31 and the fund will send a poster and thanks to the teacher and class. If desired, you can also Classroom hour and tell children about the importance of doing good deeds.

“Children instead of flowers” ​​by the Sunflower Foundation

Who it helps: The money raised will go to help children with primary immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases to the Sunflower Foundation.

About the promotion: This is not the first time that the Sunflower Foundation has held a campaign in honor of September 1st. You can agree to collect a common bouquet from the class (not necessarily sunflowers) until September 3. To participate, you must fill out and send a form to the fund. All participants will receive a detailed email on how to organize a class meeting, as well as information materials, balls, flags and gifts.

"Flowers for Life" Foundation "Life is a Miracle"

Who it helps: The money collected will go to help children with severe liver diseases - wards of the Life as a Miracle Foundation.

About the promotion: The campaign is carried out jointly with the fund’s partner flower shops. To participate, you must register.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

September 1st is a holiday or an outdated tradition

First, let's remember what September 1st is. Start school year, a holiday for children and teachers. How are we used to celebrating holidays and, most importantly, congratulating our beloved teachers? Of course, with beautiful bouquets of flowers. There are traditions that do not change for years, and this is one of them. Beautiful, dressed-up children come to the assembly line, listen to the director's parting words for the entire subsequent school year, and then go to their classes, discussing with their classmates as they go what changes have taken place in their lives during the holidays.

But what if we look at what this holiday looks like for parents? Besides necessary items To teach a schoolchild, everyone needs to buy a beautiful bouquet for their teacher.

What if there are several children and each has their own teacher? The amount spent on the celebration is quite impressive. But this is a tradition, as without this.

In 2016, one of the teachers came up with the idea that bouquets for September 1 are not the most necessary thing. After all, no matter how it happens, the teacher does not take all 30 bouquets to his home. He can take one or at most two, and the rest will be in the staff room. Of course, I won’t tell anyone the secret that flowers don’t last long. They delight our eyes for several days, and then they go into the trash bin and we forget about them. So does this make sense? It turns out that no. That is why the teacher came up with the idea that it was possible to hold a charity event on September 1 without flowers.

What kind of promotion is this: September 1 without flowers

It's no secret that there are many disabled children on our planet who need help. Most often, we do not think about this problem until it affects us and the families of our loved ones. Most children become disabled for one reason or another. There's no one to blame, that's life. And it’s certainly not the children’s fault. Many are kept in shelters and hospices that lack financial security to help every child.

What if, instead of buying another bouquet on September 1, we donate these funds to charity? After all, this is exactly what can help many children. We will be able to purchase the necessary medicines and equipment for sick children.

Of course, many may say that September 1 is a holiday, and charity can be done at another time and in another place. But why should good deeds be postponed until later? After all, as we said earlier, buying so many bouquets is an irrational waste of our own money. The teacher can be presented with one bouquet from the entire class, and the money saved can be donated to the fund.

Agree, this looks more reasonable. We will preserve the tradition of celebrating September 1, help sick children, and also be able to teach our own children that they need to help each other. After all, a holiday will not cease to be such due to the lack of many bouquets, you must agree. You can always find an alternative that would suit everyone.

Remember yourself at the age of your children. Did you really like standing in the sun, listening to speeches and holding the bouquet to yourself, afraid of breaking it?

A friend once had an incident on her way to the line. The parents in the class decided that it was not worth buying a lot of flowers, but that it was better to collectively collect a beautiful bouquet. True, this was not entirely thought out. Instead of chipping in and buying one bouquet, everyone had to bring a certain number of flowers, and then assemble a mosaic in class. And here she goes, satisfied, happy with three beautiful flowers and imagine her horror when one flower breaks and she is left with two! She had never been so ashamed, after that she also thought about the need for this tradition.

What can you come up with instead?

To make the line look festive without flowers, you can use balloons and then launch them into the sky. I think it will look very beautiful and interesting, and all children and teachers will remember it.

How does the promotion work?

You can act independently or make a collective donation as a class. You must fill out a form on the foundation’s website, in which you will indicate your details, as well as school, class and class teacher, and then make a donation. As you can see, there are no complicated procedures.

And for anyone who may have doubts about the honesty of the charity event, a report on the amount of funds that were collected will be posted on the foundation’s website within a month. In the future, reports will be issued on what needs these funds were spent on and what assistance we were able to provide.

This action has been going on for several years. Every year, through collective efforts, we managed to collect more than 18 million rubles, and if we add up, the amount is unrealistic. With these funds we were able to provide assistance to thousands of sick children and will be able to help many more in the future if we support the September 1st campaign without flowers.

In conclusion, I would like to say that each of us has our own troubles and problems. We are in the abyss of our own experiences and everyday affairs. But every time I complain and cry about my problems, the thought comes to my mind that someone else is doing much worse than me. Don’t forget about basic humanity, because doing good deeds is so simple.

Finally, I would like to wish well-being to you, your families, friends and loved ones. Share this article with your friends on in social networks and subscribe to the blog, because there is much more to come interesting information. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

The charity event “Children instead of flowers” ​​will traditionally be held on Knowledge Day. Its essence is simple: do not buy it for the teacher, but give one bouquet from the class. The money saved is donated to help sick children. Every year everyone joins the action more schools. Last year, 6.5 thousand classes from different regions of Russia took part. Then almost half a thousand families received money. Currently, 700 children across the country are waiting for help. Read more in the material of MIR 24 correspondent Artem Vasnev.

- They gave you one bouquet, and was that enough?

- Yes, my parents gave me one bouquet, and I was glad.

Mathematics teacher Yulia Yakovleva has been in the profession for 13 years. In the career of every teacher, a bouquet on September 1 is the norm. But five years ago, a new tradition appeared, which became a nationwide campaign: saving on bouquets for charity. The meaning of the flash mob: one bouquet goes to the class teacher, the rest of the money goes to seriously ill children.

“The greatest joy on Knowledge Day is meeting our children on the threshold of school,” noted Yulia Yakovleva, mathematics teacher at School No. 498 in Moscow.

In Russia, this year the lines will bring together 15.5 million schoolchildren. A million of them are first graders. The kids are guaranteed to come with flowers. The average bouquet in Moscow is about 1,500 rubles, in the regions the price tag is 1,000 rubles. Simple arithmetic. If on September 1st all schoolchildren in the country come with flowers, then it will be quite a decent amount - 15 billion rubles.

“Agree with the teacher to come to the lineup with one flower instead of a bouquet. Put it all into one beautiful bouquet, and use the saved money for charity and make hundreds of seriously ill children happy,” says the PR director of the Vera Hospice Fund.

Last year, 132 cities took part in the event. Raised millions. The Vera Foundation reports for every ruble. This is for the skeptics. The Bashinkaev family doesn’t even think about it. Parents are doctors, they know what pain and illness are, and they tell the truth to their children.

"Very correct solution. One bouquet of it will be enough for the teacher. But children still need money more,” says Zulyana Bashinkaeva.

Mom, returning from work, brings each of her four children a carnation. The round sum is converted into good. The funds will also go to help this blond girl - Kira is now undergoing a rehabilitation course.

Second-grader Kira got an electric scooter just this spring. She will now ride it to school. The girl has a serious problem genetic disease– . The body is naughty, and Kira dreams of becoming an actress.

“Well, we have dances at school and I liked the dances. Everything works out for me and I don’t need to do anything there at all. It’s easy to remember,” says the schoolgirl.

"On New Year Kira took part, we had a concert, Kira was our Snow Maiden. I sewed a dress for her walker. And she made a splash there,” said her mother Alla.

All schoolchildren still have time to be a wizard. And their parents have the opportunity to give them this opportunity.

September 1 is a time of congratulations, bouquets, and joy. The children return with summer holidays. Many will go to school for the first time or kindergarten. Everyone wants to celebrate the holiday with a bouquet of summer flowers. On this day, teachers receive a lot of flowers, a lot... Sometimes too many. Flowers die and cannot be taken home, but every student wants to bring joy to their beloved teacher. How not to offend the teacher and be useful? Teachers come up with their own charitable initiatives!

The “children instead of flowers” ​​campaign appeared thanks to the personal initiative of Asya Stein, a teacher at the capital’s lyceum. Asya Stein wrote on her personal page that it is better to give the teacher one bouquet from the class and give the rest of the money to those in need, than to bring a thousand flowers. The call was made only to a specific class, but interesting idea suddenly supported a large number of teachers and parents of students. Perhaps your child, teacher and the whole class will also want to support the “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign.

Children instead of flowers: how the campaign came about

Officially, the “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign was started by the “Vera” hospice relief fund, and later other charitable foundations and schools joined it.

The head of the Vera Foundation, Nyuta Federmesser, emphasized that the action is important not only for those whom the collected money will help, but also for the participants themselves - the children, who will bring one bouquet to the teacher and will know that they have helped many people. “It is these children who make us kinder, more honest, and teach us to be more real. The more attention we pay to children who are seriously ill, the more valuable and merciful our own children are. It is important not how much we collect, but who takes part in the collection. These are teachers, parents and children - those who shape our future,” says Nyuta Federmesser.

The idea of ​​“Children instead of flowers” ​​is very simple: on September 1, the teacher is given one bouquet from the class instead of a bouquet from each student, and the money that was supposed to be spent on flowers is transferred to a charity fund. Various funds are participating in the campaign, anyone can help wards charitable organization. Charity is not coercion, so you shouldn’t be forced to take part in it. But, almost certainly, your idea will be supported by teachers and parents.

Participating charitable foundations

Among the participants of the charity event “Children instead of flowers”:

  • Charitable Foundation for helping children with severe liver diseases “Life is a Miracle”

You can transfer funds to any charitable foundation whose activities you trust.

How to take part in the “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign

Every year, charitable foundation participants tell on their pages about how you can take part in the event. Many create separate pages where they report on the promotion, but you can also help with a regular transfer to the fund’s account. The best way to participate is to:

  1. Coordinate participation in the event with the parents of classmates.
  2. Agree on the purchase of a bouquet for the teacher and organize a fundraiser in favor of the “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign
  3. Transfer money saved on buying bouquets to any charity from the list of participants.

In Russia, the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign is gaining popularity, under which parents of schoolchildren, instead of buying bouquets on September 1, can donate money to help sick children. Instead of the traditional approach, when on Knowledge Day each student brings flowers to school, teachers are given one bouquet from the entire class, and the rest of the money is transferred to children's hospices.

This flash mob was invented in 2014 by a teacher at one of the Moscow schools, Asya Stein. He was supported by many charities, as well as simple people countrywide.

In 2015, teachers, parents and students from 200 schools and 500 classes joined the action. The money raised (more than 8 million rubles) helped 220 children with incurable diseases. In 2016, more than 600 schools and 1,800 classes participated in the movement, over 18 million rubles were collected, and 394 families across the country received assistance.

RT asked the Russian public figures, teachers and florists, how they feel about this initiative and assess its prospects.

  • RIA News
  • Maxim Bogodvid

Vladislav Popov, winner of the “Teacher of the Year 2016” competition in Moscow, teacher at the international gymnasium in Novye Veshki, spoke in support of the “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign. He agreed that flowers are a symbol of September 1, but suggested looking for a compromise.

“It seems to me that this is an eternal struggle between rationalism and established traditions. Flowers are a symbol of September 1, but parents can find some kind of compromise. It seems to me that one bouquet from the class will be enough. And it will be quite human to participate in this action. My school takes part in it,” Popov noted.

Two-time world champion in figure skating Irina Slutskaya called the action a double-edged sword, since, according to her, it is impossible to talk about the unambiguous participation of every person in it.

“In our gymnasium, where children study, this is not practiced, but you know, if there was such an action, I would take part in it. I think that every sensible person, if they were confident that this money would really go to the needs of children, would support this action,” said Slutskaya.

“If you want your child to go to school with flowers, it seems to me that now this is not such an expensive pleasure, because there are flowers for every taste and color. Everyone chooses for themselves,” she added.

Slutskaya noted that she intends to invite the director of the gymnasium to take part in the action in 2018.

  • RIA News
  • Alexander Kryazhev

In turn, TV presenter Elena Ishcheeva spoke out against this flash mob, since participation in it, from her point of view, only imposes an additional financial burden on parents.

“I can’t imagine a child, especially a second-grader, going to school without flowers. Therefore, I will have to buy flowers and give money in an envelope so that the child can stand with this flag (symbol of the promotion. - RT). There is a good comment from one woman. She has several children, and she also said: just imagine, now I need to multiply all this, because I buy flowers, because there is a tradition, and I donate money,” said Ishcheeva.

“She expressed a very good idea: couldn’t this charity be somehow separate from September 1? After all, September 1 is about the teacher and his students. This is their holiday,” the TV presenter noted.

“And charity... We are ready! But can’t it be moved somewhere else? Don’t drink a cup of cappuccino, but give the money to charity!” - Ishcheeva added.

Meanwhile, florist and owner of the Royal Greenhouses company Irina Rogovtseva admitted that the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign will not actually harm the business, since the desire of children and their parents to thank their teacher will not go away.

“It doesn’t have to be timed to coincide with September 1, when a child is in a white apron or white blouse, in a smart uniform, with a bouquet of flowers... It’s touching, it’s good, it’s somehow traditional for us,” Rogovtseva noted.

“When we sell, say, 10 roses, and the 11th goes towards this fund. Or, for example, we sell three bouquets, and the sale of the fourth goes to the benefit charitable foundation. And there are many such options, and they do not undermine either the business itself or the preparation itself, and do not become so intrusive and contradictory,” Rogovtseva added.

  • RIA News
  • Alexey Malgavko

Singer Olga Orlova told RT that she first heard about the action, but was ready to take part in it.

“I think this is correct. Because in any case, 30, 20, 15 bouquets are too much. One big and beautiful one (or two) would be enough, and this money would be useful to those in need,” Orlova said.

“It is very important for us that this action is primarily an initiative of teachers and parents, that it is voluntary. This is not a story about orders and directives, because charity is, in principle, about the desire to help,” said Elena Martyanova, spokeswoman for the Vera charity foundation.

She added that the foundation helps schools that decide to take part in the campaign. Martyanova emphasized that a feature of the “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign in 2017 was the significant expansion of its geography.

“This idea resonated with so many teachers and parents. But some people didn’t find a response, some people say and think that this is wrong. And that's okay too. It is the right of every person to decide exactly how to help and how exactly to celebrate September 1,” concluded Martyanova.