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Astafiev writer short biography. Brief biography of Astafiev V.P. Brief biography of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev

Victor Petrovich Astafiev was born on May 1, 1924 in the village of Ovsyanka (now Krasnoyarsk region) in the family of Pyotr Pavlovich Astafiev and Lydia Ilyinichna Potylitsina. He was the third child in the family, but his two older sisters died in infancy. A few years after the birth of his son, Pyotr Astafiev goes to prison with the wording “sabotage.” In 1931, during Lydia Ilyinichna’s next trip to her husband, the boat in which she, among others, was sailing, capsized. Lydia Ilyinichna, falling into the water, caught her scythe on a floating boom and drowned. Victor was 7 years old at the time. After the end of the fishing season, returning to Igarka, Pyotr Astafiev ended up in the hospital. Abandoned by his stepmother and relatives, Victor ended up on the street. For several months he lived in an abandoned hairdresser's building, but after a serious incident at school he was sent to an orphanage.

Therefore, we who participated in the “white movements” are now “agents paid by the United States.” Independent foundations such as Memorial were declared "agents foreign influence" However national idea, which arrives today from the Kremlin, is no longer communist. This is called "patriotism" and everyone should be " a true patriot" Every critical judgment is interpreted as “Russophobe” and subject to censorship. The concept of the “Russian world” has all the features of militant imperialism and indicates that the efforts are crazy, indeed, to restore Soviet Union.

In 1942 he volunteered for the front. Military training received in the automotive training unit in Novosibirsk. In the spring of 1943 he was sent to the active army. He was a driver, a signalman in howitzer artillery, and after being seriously wounded at the end of the war he served in internal troops in Western Ukraine.

He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals “For Courage”, “For the Liberation of Warsaw”, “For Victory over Germany”.

A retrograde utopia, dangerous not only for neighboring, former Soviet states, but also for the whole world. The authorities do not allow anyone to speak. Last free zone is the Internet. It became an analogue of the famous “kitchens” of dissidents of Soviet times. The saddest thing for me, who has been Orthodox since the days of “militant atheism,” is the position of our church. Typically, Church officials believe that they are incompatible with Christian doctrine, full of hatred of the West, for our intelligence, norms and laws of modern civilization.

In the battle of October 20, 1943, Red Army soldier V.P. Astafyev corrected the telephone connection with the advanced NP eight times. While performing the task, due to a nearby bomb explosion, he was covered with earth. Burning with hatred for the enemy, Comrade. Astafiev continued to carry out the task even under artillery and mortar fire, collected pieces of cable and again restored telephone communications, ensuring uninterrupted communication with the infantry and its support with artillery fire.- From the award list for the medal “For Courage”

He was demobilized with the rank of “private” in 1945, went to the Urals, to the city of Chusovoy, Molotov region (now Perm region); worked as a mechanic, auxiliary worker, teacher, station attendant, and storekeeper. In the same year he married Maria Semyonovna Koryakina; they had three children: daughters Lydia (born and died in 1947) and Irina (1948-1987) and son Andrei (born in 1950). Astafiev also has two adopted daughters, Anastasia and Victoria.

The creativity of poetry reveals an image that fits into the prose of the dialogue: The term “spiritual attractions” was coined: a system of prohibitions and mandatory duties for everyone. The Church offers itself as the guarantor of these “connections.” The first is patriotism, not devotion to Christ. And these are countless martyrs killed for their faith in Soviet times! I am surprised by many Europeans who are ready to accept this “moralism” for normal conservatism. This is an Islamic type of radicalism that has nothing to do with traditional norms.

An irrational hatred of modernity, rather than a love of traditional values, lies at the heart of this movement. The latest manifestation of resistance was civil mourning in Moscow after the murder of Boris Nemtsov. Our parliament did not perpetuate the memory of Nemtsov even from a moment of remembrance, and our Patriarch did not publish a word about the scandalous murder.

Since 1951, he worked in the editorial office of the Chusovskoy Rabochiy newspaper, where he first published his story (“ Civilian"). Wrote reports, articles, stories. His first book, “Until Next Spring,” was published in Molotov in 1953.

In 1958, Astafiev was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. In 1959-1961 he studied at the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow.

Every day people bring flowers to the bridge where Nemtsov was killed, and every night the police take them away. This symbolic battle remains for me a sign that not everything is dead in Putin's Russia. Anyone who had the opportunity to see him closely felt this breath of holiness in himself. Her faith, so young and poetic, was almost physically felt, her love and her deep interest in everyone, her courage. Without it, it was impossible to even imagine the collapse of the communist system. And his courage in history: he was not afraid to admit some tragic mistakes of the church and ask for forgiveness.

In 1962, Astafiev moved to Perm, in 1969 to Vologda, and in 1980 he left for his homeland - Krasnoyarsk.

From 1989 to 1991, Astafiev was a people's deputy of the USSR.

On October 5, 1993, Astafiev’s signature appeared in the “Letter of the 42” in support of the forceful dispersal of the Congress of People’s Deputies and Supreme Council Russia. However, according to the poet Yuri Kublanovsky, Astafiev stated that his signature was affixed without asking.

I am very sorry that all his efforts to restore peace and brotherhood with the Russian Orthodox Church didn't receive a response. His love for Russian culture, for “the beauty of the Russian soul,” according to him, was not reciprocated. Wojtyła said that as a boy he decided to stand on the side of the poor and downtrodden. As Terence's motto says, there is nothing human that Sedakova considers among the topics that are not addressed. In his opinion, there is a gap between history and news: even more so today that fundamentalism is becoming a problem, no more theoretical, for freedom of thought here and now, in the heart of Western societies: Yes, the threat of radical Islamism is becoming more and more obvious.

Died on November 29, 2001 in Krasnoyarsk. He was buried in a cemetery located on the Yenisei highway between the villages of Ovsyanka and Ust-Mana.

Creativity[edit | edit wiki text]

The most important themes of Astafiev’s work are military-patriotic and rural. One of his first works was an essay written at school, which was later turned by the writer into the story “Vasyutkino Lake.” The author's first stories were published in the magazine "Smena". Already Astafiev’s early stories, “Starodub”, “Starfall” and “Pass”, attracted the attention of critics: Edward Kuzmin in the magazine “ New world“Noted that they are characterized by “a harsh, clumsy roughness of sound, unsmoothness, unplaned details and images,” “a living sense of words, freshness of perception, a keen eye.”

This is not only a threat, but also a reality of our days. We live in times of a new world war: strange war, unprecedented, without rules, without regular troops. Europe - and all free world- are in a position of attacking from the outside and inside the fortress. What to do in such a situation? The risk is twofold: one that does not respond properly, and that it becomes like an enemy, that is, turns a completely controlled society into state of emergency, in which the laws no longer apply. Take this seriously, don't hide it from yourself and others in favor of political correctness: "But no, they are not our enemies, they are poor, traumatized," etc. but if they themselves tell us: We are enemies!

Astafiev’s narrative style conveys a view of the war simple soldier or junior officer. In his works he created literary image a simple worker-warrior - an impersonal platoon leader - on whom the entire army rests and on whom, in the end, “all dogs are hung” and all sins are written off, who is bypassed by rewards, but receives punishment in abundance. Astafiev largely copied this half-autobiographical, half-collective image of a front-line trench soldier, living the same life with his comrades in arms and accustomed to calmly looking death in the eyes, from himself and from his front-line friends, contrasting him with the rear-line hangers-on who large quantities lived throughout the war in a relatively safe front-line zone and for whom the writer felt the deepest contempt until the end of his days. According to Marshal D. T. Yazov (2013), who recognized Astafiev’s “strong literary talent,” he “wrote very blackly about the war, hysterically, I would say. You know, Astafiev did not attack at full height. He was just a signalman."

short biography Astafiev Viktor Petrovich

The famous Russian writer, our contemporary Viktor Petrovich Astafiev was born on May 1, 1924, in the small village of Ovsyanka in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, located on the banks of the Yenisei River. The future writer's mother died when he was only seven years old. Until the end of his days, Viktor Petrovich will never get used to this loss. After my mother's death best friend Astafieva becomes his grandmother, Ekaterina Petrovna.

Viktor Petrovich’s grandfather was exiled to the village of Igarka. I moved there new family Astafiev - his father found himself a new wife. But the relationship little boy and the stepmothers were terrible, she never loved him. While still very young, Astafiev leaves his family, he wanders, and then he is taken to an orphanage.

Astafiev is very lucky, because one of the teachers at the boarding school turns out to be the poet Ignatius Rozhdestvensky, who very quickly notices literary talent in Victor. And it is he who begins to develop it in the future writer. One day the teacher will ask him to write an essay - a description of Astafiev’s favorite lake. This essay will be published in a magazine, and a few years later he will write the story “Vasyutkino Lake”, based on this essay.

After Astafiev is released from the orphanage, he, still very young, gets a job at Kureika’s machine. He worked very hard to support himself. But at the same time, he saved money to leave for Krasnoyarsk. This is exactly what Viktor Petrovich does, having collected enough money for a ticket. In Krasnoyarsk he continues to receive his education, and later gets a job railway- to one of the stations near Krasnoyarsk.

In 1942, when the Great War was already in its second year Patriotic War, Astafiev becomes a volunteer, and a year later begins to take part in military battles. At the same time, he went through the entire war and was wounded several times. For your military merits he will receive the Order of the Red Star and several medals - “For courage”, “For the liberation of Poland”, “For victory over Germany”.

After the war, Astafiev marries and leaves for the city of Chusovoy for permanent residence. His wife, Maria Semyonovna Koryakina, will be the writer’s main muse. In two years they will have a daughter, who will die in half a year - it was a very hungry time. In 1948, God will give them another child - a girl Irina, and two years later - a boy Andrei.

Since 1951, Viktor Petrovich Astafiev begins to write a lot, and within two years his first book will be published - a collection of stories “Until Next Spring”. Already in 1955, he will publish a second collection - “Sparks”. Mostly the stories were written for children - probably the most famous is the story “A Horse with pink mane" For adults, he wrote the novel “The Snow is Melting.”

Since then, the famous Russian writer Viktor Petrovich Astafiev will write and publish great amount works, stories and novels. He will be accepted into the Writers' Union, his literary achievements will be constantly celebrated with various awards. On November 29, 2001, Viktor Petrovich Astafiev dies at the age of 78.

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