Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Didactic material for the course history of language. What is a "strange war"? Deterioration of the economic situation

This manual presents all sections of the history of Russia, studied in the 7th grade. The material presented in the book includes a variety of tasks (tests with the choice of the correct answer, crossword puzzles, word puzzles, historical confusion, linguistic constructors, etc.), the content of which will help the teacher to constantly diagnose the quality of students' knowledge.
All tasks are compiled taking into account the requirements of the educational standard of the second generation and are aimed at developing universal learning activities for schoolchildren, developing the skills of working with historical terms and concepts in students of the 7th grade, the ability to work according to an algorithm, and the formation of logical thinking.
The book is addressed to history teachers, methodologists, students of advanced training courses for educators, and students.

Specify the reign of False Dmitry I:
A) 1605-1606
B) 1606-1607
B) 1605-1607
D) 1605-1612

June 1, 1605 Moscow swore:
A) Boyar Duma B) Seven Boyars
B) Shuisky V.I.
D) False Dmitry I

The appearance of False Dmitry I was due to:
A) rumors about the miraculous salvation of the rightful heir to the Russian throne - Tsarevich Dmitry
B) the arrival of the Polish ambassador in Moscow
B) the election of False Dmitry to reign by the Zemsky Sobor
D) the appointment of the Boyar Duma.

1.1. Board of Boris Godunov
1.2. Troubles (1605-1607)
1.3. Troubles (1607-1610)
1.4. Troubles (1611 - 1613)
2.1. Economic development of Russia in the XVII century
2.2. Estates of Russia in the 17th century
2.3. The state structure of Russia in the 17th century
2.4. Russia's foreign policy in the 17th century
2.5. "Rebellious Age"
2.6. Siberia in the 17th century
2.7. Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century
2.8. Culture and life of the Russian people in the XVII century
2.9. The reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov
2.10. The reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov
2.11. The heirs of Alexei Mikhailovich
3.1. Prerequisites for Peter's reforms
3.2. The beginning of the reign of Peter I
3.3. Foreign policy of Peter I. Northern war of 1700-1721.
3.4. Russian economy at the beginning of the 18th century
3.5. State reforms of Peter I
3.6. Popular movements under Peter I
3.7. Cultural transformations
3.8. The Romanov dynasty in the first quarter of the 18th century
4.1. The heirs of Peter I
4.2. The reign of Empress Anna Ioannovna
4.3. Board of the Brunswick family
4.4. The reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna
4.5. The reign of Peter III
4.6. Domestic and foreign policy 1725-1762
5.1. Catherine II. Personality and era
5.2. Foreign policy of Catherine II
5.3. Domestic policy of Catherine II
5.4. Russian economy in the second half of the 18th century
5.5. The uprising led by E.I. Pugacheva
5.6. The reign of Paul I
5.7. Age of Enlightenment in Russia
5.8. Development of artistic culture
5.9. Everyday life of Russians in the 18th century

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The collection may be useful to teachers of history and social studies when conducting extracurricular activities. Selected methodological techniques to enhance the interest of students in the study of history and social science. Entertaining material is compiled on various topics of the course, to broaden the horizons of students. The development of extracurricular activities provide an opportunity to familiarize yourself and try out games aimed at developing various competencies within the course. The presented material is designed for creative use.e.



State autonomous educational institution

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Collection of didactic materials

Extracurricular activities, games in the lessons of history and social studies

Savina Elena Vladimirovna

teacher of history and social studies



1. Preface 3 - 4

2. Retrospective, non-role-playing, competitive game "Historical casino" 5 - 8

3.Training, board game based on the given algorithm "5 + 5" 8 - 10

4. Retrospective, non-role-playing, route game "maze" 10 – 14

5. Retrospective, role-playing, theatrical performance

“Vivat, Russia! » 15 – 25

6. Business game with retrospective elements "Political debate" 26 - 27

7. Retrospective, problem-debating game

"Opinion of city residents" 28 - 38

8. Business game discussion "What is the main thing in the development of society -

Class struggle or class cooperation?" 39 – 46

9. Training game based on a given algorithm on the topic:

"In the world of economics" 47 - 49

10. Literature 50


Play is a natural form of learning for humans. She is part of his life experience. Transferring knowledge through the game, the teacher takes into account not only the future interests of the student, but also satisfies today's. The teacher using the game organizes learning activities based on the natural needs of the student. The game can also solve another problem - it organically combines emotional and rational types of cognitive activity. The games themselves were created for preschool children, they were first introduced by F. Fröbel and M. Montessori, but gradually they began to penetrate into elementary school, and then into the secondary level. In our time, games also take place in high school and beyond (PU, universities, academies, etc.). Back in the 1960s, the formula “teaching with passion” promoted by S. L. Soloveichik began to spread.

Of course, now, when there are many different methods, techniques for conducting lessons, it is possible to give students more interesting material, “make” work for themselves, but the question immediately arises: “And the preparation? Where to get, where to find the time? » A collection of didactic materials can help in solving this problem, which will be the baggage of useful material that will allow each teacher to prepare in advance for the lesson, to make it more interesting for students.

The element of the game in the lesson diversifies it and gives students the opportunity to wake up and actively engage in the discussion of the problem. Without noticing it themselves, in the process of discussion they memorize the material, saying it several times, and finding a way out of the problem, they answer your questions in advance: Why is that? And if? And many others.

I also want to note that the didactic game helps the students of the group become friends, teaches them to provide mutual assistance, support, makes it possible to reach out to the center for everyone, and not remain on the periphery, not be afraid of being rejected, because. if a team works, then everyone will find a place in it to achieve a high result.

Adolescence is the age of an inquisitive mind, a greedy desire for knowledge, an age of quest, vigorous activity. The basis for the successful assimilation of any academic subject, including history and social science in adolescents, is a cognitive need based on the emotional perception of the surrounding world, and on the attractiveness of the process of activity itself. The emotionality of the game is a very important feature of it, which makes it successful and necessary for teenagers.

The game creates special conditions under which creativity can develop. The essence of these conditions is to communicate “on an equal footing”, where shyness disappears, a feeling arises - “I can do it too”, that is, internal liberation occurs in the game.

For the convenience of organizing a didactic game in the lesson, I will give a classification of historical games:

Retrospective, non-role-playing, competitive game "Historical Casino"


Target: revealing the residual knowledge of students on the history of the Fatherland.

Equipment: 2 sets of questions (1 for members of the jury), signal devices, clock with stopwatch, black box with a toy snake, tray, money.

Rules of the game:

  1. The game consists of 15 questions;
  2. Each round includes 5 questions;
  3. Appeals to questions are not accepted;
  4. Each question is evaluated according to the degree of difficulty from 3 to 10 rubles. No money will be deducted for an incorrect answer;
  5. After reading the question, the word "time" sounds. The team has the right to press the answer button only after that;
  6. In the event of a false start, the team is deprived of the right to answer for 20 seconds, after which it again has the right to participate in the game;
  7. If the team's Answer is correct, it receives the corresponding amount. If the answer is incorrect, other teams are given another 20 seconds to discuss the question, but the price for it is reduced by 2 points;
  8. 1 minute is given to discuss the issue;
  9. If, after all the questions have been asked, some teams have collected the same amount of money, a replay begins between them according to the “+1” principle, i.e., until one of them collects more money than the other;
  10. The team with the most money in their account wins.

First round

1. What historical figure are we talking about? He devoted a lot of time to education, translation of books, creation of libraries, construction. Under him, the Golden Gate and the main temple of the city were erected in Kyiv, erected in honor of the cruel slaughter with the Pechenegs.

Issue price: 5 rubles.

Answer : we are talking about Yaroslav the Wise

2. In foreign policy, he achieved such amazing results that it was not for nothing that he earned the name of Alexander the Great of Eastern Europe. Who is it?

Issue price: 5 rubles.

Answer : Svyatoslav Igorevich.

3. Explain on what occasion the words were uttered at the meeting of one of the East Slavic tribes: “When a wolf is brought to sheep, it will drag the whole herd, if not kill it ...”. What happened next?

Issue price: 10 rubles.

A) at the meeting of the Drevlyans on the occasion of the secondary collection of tribute - polyudya by Prince Igor from the Drevlyan land;
B) the Drevlyans defeated the squad and killed Igor. The prince's widow Olga avenged her husband's death;
C) this event forced the princely authorities to establish the norms for collecting tribute.

4. With the name of which prince is the first chronicle mention of Moscow connected?

Issue price: 3 rubles.

Answer : Yury Dolgoruky.

5. The Ryazan prince Yuri Ingvarevich, receiving the ambassadors of the khan, heard his demand - to give a tithe (tenth) in everything: "in the prince and in people, and in horses, and in armor." The Council of Ryazan princes gave an answer. Which?

Issue price: 7 rubles.

Answer : "Only when we are not (alive), then everything will be yours."

Second round

6. When in history was the broom held in high esteem?

Issue price: 7 rubles.

Answer : in Russia in the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible during the period of the oprichnina.

7. When in military history was a pig a danger?

Issue price: 3 rubles.

Answer : in 1242 at the Battle of the Ice.

8. Two historical figures of Russia were countrymen, had the same fate. They are separated by a period of one hundred years. Who are they?

Issue price: 5 rubles.

Answer : S. Razin, E. Pugachev - both come from the Zimoveyskaya village on the Don.

9. King. Assuming the throne, he promised: "No one will be poor and poor in my kingdom." He pursued drunkenness, closed taverns and drinking establishments. All those who were in prison were released. Canceled executions. Under him, urban development developed greatly. Cities appeared: Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Tyumen, Surgut. For the first time in the history of Russia, the tsar sent four nobles abroad “for the science of different languages ​​​​and literacy” (no one returned). With his knowledge, a water supply system with a pump was built in the Kremlin. Died suddenly.

Issue price: 5 rubles.

Answer: B.F. Godunov.

10. A “memory” was sent to the churches: from now on, to be baptized with three fingers, to replace prostrations with waist ones. What event in Russian history are these innovations associated with? Who was against these measures?

Issue price: 3 rubles.

Answer : with the split of the Russian church. Old Believers are opponents of church reform. The most ardent opponent was Archpriest Avvakum.

Black box.

The black box is taken out.

Question :

In the black box is what caused the death of one of the great princes. One of the types of this class is part of the symbolism of Russia.

Issue price: 10 rubles.

Answer: snake.

Third round

11. Finish the sentence with "The Mother of the Battle of Poltava" Peter I called ...

Issue price: 10 rubles.

Answer : battle near Lesnaya in 1708

12. The totality of facts and events relating to a past life; the past that remains in the memory of people. What is this about?

Issue price: 3 rubles.

Answer: This is history.

13. Who are we talking about? “An abnormal person, always drunk, neurasthenic, suffering from fits of anguish and riot, strangling his son with his own hands ... A monarch who never knew how to reduce himself in anything - who did not understand that he should control himself, a despot, a maniac. A coward, hated the old days, accepted the blindly new, lived with foreigners, acquired a barracks upbringing, considered the customs of a Dutch sailor an ideal ... "
This description corresponds fairly well to reality, but it suffers from one-sidedness. About whom did the writer B. Pilnyak write?

Issue price: 10 rubles.

Answer: Peter I.

14. "Now the bomb of communist and private economy has been transferred to the economic soil, to the market, where nationalized industry, concentrated in the hands of the workers' state, must, by adapting itself to the conditions of the market and by the method of competition on it, win decisive dominance." This is an excerpt from a resolution of the Soviets in 1921. Give a name to the policy referred to in the document.

Issue price: 5 rubles.

Answer: NEP.

15. Cruisers and seven destroyers were approaching Odessa at full speed. Are the Japanese threatening the southern shores of Europe? No, a telegram was received from the capital from the Minister of Marine: “Immediately sink the battleship ... or prevent the opportunity to open fire on the city and ships. The escaping team ... if they resist, they will shoot.” What event are we talking about?

Issue price: 5 rubles.

Answer : the uprising of sailors on the battleship "Prince Potemkin - Tauride"

Training, board game based on a given algorithm " 5+5"

Subject: "History of the Fatherland from ancient times to the present day".

Target: revealing students' knowledge of the basic concepts studied by students in the framework of the course "Social Studies".

Equipment: card - a square of 5 + 5 cells, a scoreboard.

Game rule:

The name of the game is explained by the fact that the number "5" is repeatedly present in it. The playing field is a square of 5 + 5 cells, in each team (2 - 4 teams can play) 5 people. There are five areas of knowledge in the game, and in each game move there are 5 questions. The game is based on a word game, when adding one letter to the keyword "right" new words are formed. Educated words should be read horizontally, vertically, at right angles, but not diagonally. Teams go in turn, set by lot. For example, a team, having made a move, adds letters, forming the word "boa constrictor" - there are 4 letters in the received word. If successful, the team will receive 40 points (the number of letters of the formed word is multiplied by 10). The letter "B" fell into the column marked with the number "3", which means that the team will be asked questions from the field of knowledge indicated by this number. In order to get the declared 40 points, the team must answer three questions out of five given. The time for thinking over each question is set by the teacher depending on their complexity, but not more than 30 seconds. If the team copes with the task, then the teacher enters the declared points on its account. In case of failure, the points declared by the team are divided equally among the other participating teams. Then the next team makes a move. The repetition of words is not allowed, the game continues until there are no free cells left on the playing field. The team with the most points wins.

Questions for the game:

  1. What is a referendum?(National vote on an important issue).
  2. What legal act governs family relations?(Family Code of the Russian Federation).
  3. Which of the following is a legislator?(Parliamentarian).
  4. Which body is the highest judicial body for economic disputes?(Court of Arbitration).
  5. What is a declaration?(Application submitted to the tax office on the amount of income).
  6. Basic law of the state?(Constitution).
  7. Parliament adopts a law on the state border. Kind of power?(Legislature).
  8. The UN considers a child a human being from birth to ... years.(Up to 18 years old).
  9. At what age do you have the right to vote?(From 18 years old).
  10. What is the name of the union of a man and a woman, the purpose of which is to create a family?(Marriage).
  11. The science of society as an integral system and of individual social institutions, processes, social groups and communities, the relationship of the individual and society.(Sociology).
  12. Tolerance towards a different point of view, opinion. One of the most important principles of relationships between people in a civilized society.(Tolerance).
  13. A social stratum occupying commanding heights in any field of activity; the most prominent representatives of political parties and movements; figures of science and culture.(Elite).
  14. An ethnic community, a historically formed group of people with a common self-knowledge and self-name, a common origin, culture and, most often, language.(People).
  15. The procedure for studying and passing exams for the course of a complete secondary school, secondary vocational and higher educational institutions for persons who have not studied in them.(External).
  16. A person involved in the financing of an event, organization of exhibitions, sports competitions, etc.(Sponsor).
  17. A common name for one of the social groups of modern Russian society. This group includes entrepreneurs, bankers, whose standard of living differs sharply from the life of other social groups in society.(New Russians).
  18. Entry into office. Solemn act of inauguration of the head of state. ( Inauguration).
  19. A person with no fixed abode.(BUM).
  20. This is a commodity by which the value of other goods is measured, the purchase is paid for.(Money).

Retrospective, non-role-playing, route game "maze".

Subject: "Russia of the 19th century in the portraits of emperors".

Target: to generalize and systematize the knowledge of students, to summarize the study of the history of Russia in the 19th century.

Equipment: portraits of Russian emperors of the 19th century; tokens for evaluation, cards with tasks.

Preliminary preparation for the lesson:Compilation of crossword puzzles on various topics of the XIX century.


History in portraits of emperors

The task is given - to arrange in order the portraits of the emperors of Russia of the XIX century. And below the portraits, place tables with the years of their reign.

Pavel Alexander I Nicholas I Alexander II Alexander III Nicholas II
1796–1801 1801–1825 1825–1855 1855–1881 1881–1894 1894–1917

For the correct compilation, they receive a token and move further along the maze.

Which emperor is this referring to?

- The team takes an excerpt from the chest, reads and writes which emperor it refers to. For each answer, he receives a token, then moves further through the maze.
- Ascended the throne in 42 g - (P)
- The days of Alexander's are a wonderful beginning - (A-I)
– Cast iron charter – (Н-I)

“It is better to begin the abolition of serfdom from above than to wait for the time when it will begin to abolish itself from below” (A-II)
- Massacre with the Decembrists - (Н-I)
– Private Committee – (А-I)
- A lover of the Prussian order - (P)
- Killed by Narodnaya Volya - (A-II)
– Counter-reforms – (А-III)
- Tragedy on the Khodynka field - (H-II)
– “Europe can wait while the Russian Tsar is fishing” – (A-III)
- His chosen one - Alice of Hesse - (N-II)

Historical nickname of the emperor

Each team has 6 cards with the names of emperors. Students must remember the nickname of each emperor and why the people called them that.

Pavel - Grandmaster on the throne
Alexander I - Blessed
Alexander II - Palkin
Nicholas I - Liberator
Alexander III - Peacemaker
Nicholas II - Bloody

What kind of war is this?

Students must write what kind of war it was and in the reign, what emperor was it? For the correct completion of the task, they receive a token and move further along the maze.

- The longest war in the history of Russia.(Caucasian War of 1817–1864) (over 40 years) (Al-I; N-I; Al-II.)

- A war where Russia defeated a well-known political opponent who sought to conquer the whole world?(Patriotic War of 1812; Al - I).

- The war, as a result of which Russia was forbidden to keep a fleet on the Black Sea.(Crimean War 1853–1856; N-I; Al-II;)

- In memory of this war, today there is a monument-tomb on Shipka with the image of two warriors bowing the heads of a Russian and a Bulgarian.(Russian-Turkish war of 1877–1878, Al-II).

Russia in the transformations of emperors

A representative from each team comes to the teacher's table and draws out a card with the emperor's name written on the back. The team must write down all the transformations that were carried out during the reign of this emperor. You are given 3-4 minutes for this task. Teams can complement each other.

Pavel I
Alexander I
Nicholas I
Alexander II

For the correct completion of the task, they receive a token and move further along the maze.


Each team completes a crossword puzzle.

Russian statesmen of the 19th century.


1. 1819-1821 Governor General of Siberia. Since 1826 headed the 2nd department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, which carried out the codification of laws.(Speransky M.M.)


2. Initiator of the creation of the Ministry of State Property. (1837, until 1856 he headed it). Participated in the work of all secret committees on the peasant question in 1830-1840.(Kiselyov Pav. Dmitr.)
3. Awarded with a golden sword for heroism in the Battle of Borodino. Drafted a republican constitution.(P.I. Pestel).

4. In 1826 he organized and headed the 3rd branch of His Imperial Majesty's own chancellery - the secret police. Chief of the Gendarme Corps.(Benkendorf A.Kh.).
5. In 1859, he was chairman of the Editorial Commissions, where he defended the liberation of peasants with land plots.(Rostovtsev Ya.I.).
6. 1818-1855 - President of the Academy of Sciences 1833-1849. - Minister of Public Education(Uvarov S.S.)
7. From 1822 - Minister of Foreign Affairs. He took part in the work of the Congress of Vienna in 1814-1815.(Nesseldore K.V.)
8. Since 1831 he was a member of the State Council. In 1832 - headed the State Council and the Committee of Ministries(Novosiltsev N.N.)
9. Most Serene Prince, Diplomat, Chancellor. In 1856–1882 - Foreign Secretary(Gorchakov A.M.)
10. In 1859, he was the leader of the work on the preparation of the Peasant Reform. 1859–1861 - Chairman of the Zemstvo reform project of 1864(Milyutin N.A.).
11. Member of the Unspoken Committee since 1804 - Minister of Foreign Affairs. Governor Senator. Kingdom of Poland.(A.A. Czartorysky).

For the correct completion of the task, they receive a token and move further along the maze.


The members of the group that emerged from the labyrinth count the tokens and evaluate their work.

Retrospective, role-playing, theatrical performance “Vivat, Russia! »

Target: to systematize students' knowledge on the topic "The beginning of the glorious deeds of Peter."

Scenario performance for didactic tetra.


  1. Golikov Ivan Ivanovich
  2. Security guard
  3. Alexey Mikhailovich
  4. Fedor Alekseevich
  5. John (small)
  6. Martha (small)
  7. Sofia (small)
  8. Peter (small)
  9. Peter (adult)
  10. Catherine I
  11. Natalya Kirillovna
  12. Franz Lefort
  13. Clerk
  14. Demidov
  15. Procopius Voznitsyn
  16. Isaac Newton
  17. peasant women
  18. Ladies
  19. Cavaliers at the Assembly

Scene I. In prison.

There is a prisoner in the cell. The guards come to him and read the decree.

Security guard: “Her Imperial Majesty, Catherine II, on the occasion of the opening in our capital, St. Petersburg, of a monument to the sovereign, the first emperor, Peter Alekseevich, they command:Kursk merchant Ivan Ivanovich Golikov, a wine merchant, arrested for abuse ...(Pause. The merchant gets excited, makes the sign of the cross, wipes the sweat from his forehead.)released under an amnesty."

The merchant falls to his knees, thanks the guards, cries. Then he goes free.

Golikov: (Stretching and then crossing)Thank you, Lord! And you, tsar-father, Pyotr Alekseevich, for a great miracle, for deliverance from bondage. I see that in heaven you are our intercessor, and in heaven you are Great. I want to make a vow: for such a miraculous deliverance from bondage, I promise to write the history of the deeds of Peter the Great, and to devote my whole life to this work, as much as it is written for my family, without a trace.

Scene II. Birth of Peter.

Music. M. Mussorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow River"

Golikov I.I. is sitting at the table. and writes.

The multi-family Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1669 experienced a series of family misfortunes. Following the death of his wife, Tsarina Marya Ilyinichna, a new test followed - the death of two sons: Simeon and Alexei.

In a difficult time of family grief, the tsar became close friends with Artamon Sergeevich Matveev, who then held the post of Head of the Moscow archers. Trying to entertain himself from family grief, the tsar often went to Matveev's house, where he met the owner's niece, Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina, more than once.

Soon the tsar liked her so much that from talking with Matveev about finding a rich groom for his poor niece, he went straight to admitting that he himself wants to be her groom, and asks to bless her for the wedding ...

Alexei Mikhailovich walks up and down the stage. He tries to call someone, then abruptly changes his mind. Women's screams can be heard offstage. Then everything is silent... and the cry of a baby is heard.

Daughter Martha runs in, bows to the king.

Marfa: The Tsar Father, Sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich, thank God, Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna resolved to have a son.I dare say: the boy was born such a hero that Simeon of Polotsk predicts that he will inherit your throne and will be such a hero that none of his contemporaries can compare.

Oh, I chatted, but they sent me on business. You need a father's shirt to wrap a baby. Please, tsar-priest, please give the royal shirt to the heir.

On May 30, 1672, the first-born was born to the young tsarina - the future emperor and reformer of Russia, Peter the Great. But the throne could hardly go to a newborn, because he had two older brothers from the Miloslavsky family.

Music. V. Yarushin "Holiday in the modern village."

Scene III. Games of princes and princesses.

Fedor, John, Martha, Sophia, Peter are playing.

Martha plays with amulets. Sofia is reading a book. The boys sit in a circle, playing with knives. Peter jumps up.

Peter: Brothers-princes, let's arrange a funny battle, take sabers, let's go to war against the Turk, break the enemy!

Fedor: I can’t, brother, get up on my feet, it hurts hard for me, my legs hurt. What kind of warrior am I!

Ivan: And I will not fight, the guns are firing painfully noisily! And also, suddenly I get hurt ... or killed. I'm scared! I'd better go to the princesses, it's calmer there.

Peter: Then I will go to war alone, I will be my own tsar-sovereign! Vivat, Victoria!

Sofia (jumping up, throwing the book away, raising his eyebrows and akimbo):What are you talking about, you commoner! Don't be king!!! Not in the game, not in life! It is we, the Miloslavskys, born to rule! And you Naryshkins are obliged to obey, but to grovel! Get out!

Fedor: Enough for you, Sophia. Why are you attacking the kid! He is a brother to us, and therefore, of the same royal blood as you and I. And to whom it is written for the people to reign, we do not know about that. That's the will of God. There, our elder brother, Tsarevich Alexei, the heir to the throne, did not wait, he died before the priest. Forgive me, Lord. ( baptized). What if Petrusha becomes king?

Sophia: (Through her teeth): Well, we'll see about that. And if the brothers are timid, then there are sisters. Why am I not Princess Olga?

Golikov: Much later, after the suppression of the Streltsy rebellion, having visited the Novodevichy Convent, where Sophia will be imprisoned under the name of Sister Susanna, Peter will say: “How smart, so evil. What a pity, could be my right hand!”.

Scene IV. Peter's teaching.

Golikov: (sitting at the table, writing)The happy father was denied the pleasure of seeing the marvelous development of the great powers of his son. Before Peter was four years old, Alexei Mikhailovich died, and the orphaned heart of the sad queen turned all her love and tenderness to her children Petrusha, Natalia and Theodora.

So in 1676 from the Nativity of Christ, nineteen-year-old Fedor became king. And although he was from birth in poor health, despite bodily suffering, his spiritual strength was worthy of his famous father.

Fulfilling royal duties with the greatest accuracy, Fedor performed family duties in the same way. The sorrowful widow Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna was often moved to tears by the tender affection he showed for her and for her son.

Fedor Alekseevich: (Entering Natalya Kirillovna):The lowest bow to you, queen!

Natalya Kirillovna:My respect, Your Majesty! What trouble did you complain about?

Fedor Alekseevich: Caring for our godson, Tsarevich Peter. The prince has entered his fifth year, it is time to determine him to the sciences.

Peter runs in, waving a stick ..

Peter: Mother, mother, we took the enemy fortress with the army!

Natalya Kirillovna(Hugging her son): Have mercy, king-father! The kid is still Petrusha! He needs babysitters, not teachers!

Fedor Alekseevich:Complete, mother! Petrusha is destined to reign. And therefore, it is necessary for him to understand the letter, for the greatness of our kingdom!

Natalya Kirillovna:Well, I'm not free to argue with the sovereign. I only ask you to order me to find a meek and humble person, the leading divine scripture.

Fedor Alekseevich:I found such a person. This is Nikita Zotov, clerk from the order of the Big Treasury.

Natalya Kirillovna:I know that he has a good life and is skilled in divine writing.

Fedor Alekseevich:May the patriarch bless both the student and the teacher. This is my royal will!

The inquisitive prince also became addicted to books with "kunshtami". Zotov himself showed him pictures, gave explanations about the events of the times of St. Vladimir, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy. So the mind of the young and receptive prince included information about the past of the Fatherland, the glorious deeds of the ancestors.

Music. A. Tsfasman "Fast movement".

Voice-over (Golikov):However, Zotov's lessons did not last long, and soon stopped altogether ... Disturbing and exciting events began. In 1682, Tsar Fedor Alekseevich died. His brothers were declared heirs: 16-year-old Ivan and 10-year-old Peter. However, not everyone agreed with the idea of ​​proclaiming Peter the king. Princess Sophia incited the archers to revolt. As a result, two kings were announced at once - Peter and Ivan. The only case in our history. Sophia became the ruler under the young kings.

Meanwhile, Peter grew up, studied, created “amusing” regiments that learned to take fortresses, fired from real cannons. He was restoring an old English boat - the "grandfather of the Russian fleet", while falling ill with the sea. However, for now it was all a game.

And Russia froze in anticipation of change ...

Change came in 1689, when Sophia tried to raise a new rebellion. But, left without support, she was overthrown and imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent. In 1696, Ivan V dies, Peter becomes the sovereign tsar. And soon the long-awaited changes followed ...

The splendid idea of ​​making Russia similar to the enlightened states of Europe brightened in the brilliant mind of Peter before. But only in 1697 it was decided to equip a large diplomatic mission abroad. It was headed by three plenipotentiary ambassadors: General and Admiral Franz Lefort, Fyodor Golovnin, head of the Ambassadorial Order, and Prokopiy Voznitsyn, a duma clerk. Among the numerous retinue, under the name of Peter Mikhailov, the Russian Tsar also took refuge.

Scene V. The Grand Embassy.

Peter: Well, gentlemen, let's sum up our journey. We were not even allowed into the capital of Swedish Livonia. We will remind them later. But in the Dutch town of Saardam, I worked as a carpenter, looked at factories, shipyards, workshops.

Prokopy Voznitsyn:I beg your pardon, my lord. But, I dare say that you have gathered a lot of onlookers around you. Rumors that the Russian tsar himself swings an ax and easily walks the streets of the city were perceived as a curiosity.

Franz Lefort: But I had to move to Amsterdam, which I think Peter does not regret. Is that right, Peter?

Peter: Yes, there I worked at the shipyard of the East India Company on the construction of the ship "Peter and Paul". And in the evenings he wandered around the city, learned to mend clothes, sew shoes, and also ... learned to deftly pull his teeth! Really, Franz?

Franz Lefort: Yeah, I'll never forget your kindness, Peter! Well, if you felt so good in Amsterdam, why did we come here, to damp, foggy Albion? What are you waiting for here? And anyway, where are we going?

Peter: Not too many questions? Wait, you'll find out everything... In Amsterdam, I learned how to swing an ax, and I want to build ships according to the drawings. And such wisdom can only be learned in England. That's why we are here. And now we have walked to the London Mint, where the great mind of our time is working… Isaac Newton.

On the way back, Peter visited Dresden, where he met with the Elector of Saxony Augustus I, in Vienna, where he talked with "the greatest sovereign of the Christian world" Leopold I.

Music. S. Rachmaninoff "Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini".

But urgent matters, namely the new performance of the archers, forced him to hastily return to Russia. The uprising was put down. And then there were such changes that they could not even think about ...

Scene VI. In the village.

Three peasant women are talking.

Oh, babonki, what is this saint doing in Russia? They say that Tsar Peter, like a simple worker, waves an ax himself, from the Germans, God forgive me, he studies, he dreams of building a ship.

Yes, not a ship, but ships! Whole fleet! No wonder he came to us near Voronezh! And why he does this, I do not understand. He would sit like his father, the Quietest in Moscow, and rule the people.

Oh, you stupid women! After all, his father, Alexei Mikhailovich, also built a ship. Here the son is trying to follow in his father's footsteps. And he tries to beat the Turk, and go to the Black Sea.

Yes, you, Avdotya, are painfully smart! From where, I don't know. I didn’t finish parochial school, I didn’t go to the bar in the estate. Well, tell me, how do you know this?

And that, your truth, babonki. My father lived with the Pomors for a long time, he knows how to build boats. Here his tsar-father noticed. He called to himself, asked questions, and asked to help with the ships.

Oh! Made me laugh! Where has it been seen that the king began to ask his servant for something. After all, everything in Russia is his. Whatever he wants, he will take.

No, babonki, the king does not look like the former ones. And an unprecedented growth, and a slanting sazhen in the shoulders, and a look that of an eagle pierces through and through. And if someone knows a lot, but does not hang out in front of him, he is painfully pleased - as he talks to a master.

Maybe that's true, but it doesn't make it any easier for us. There are rumors that they will gather men from the villages, and sign them up for some kind of recruits. What would we do without men? We can't live without men! Renovate the house, plow in the field, again, what, no. And protection!

Music. R.N.P. "The people blame me" in arr. A. Shalova.

The peasant women sit and sigh.

Well, okay, I'll tell you what I heard from my father a while back. The king decided to take from each village 2-3 recruits for the army, and for the royal fleet. Is it far from the war with the accursed Turk, the infidel infidel. And these recruits will be trained in military affairs, so they will break the enemy!

Yes, what is the use of that war for us? They take the men away and kill them, that's all the good! One trouble!

Let's not judge that! The king sits higher, looks further! All that is to come, knows!

And that is your truth, Avdotya. Let's go to the outskirts, meet the cattle from the pasture, otherwise we will miss. Here we will have a war!

Scene VI. Peter and Demidov.

Voice-over (Golikov):The war with the Ottoman Empire was postponed for a while. But the war with Sweden was on the threshold. The war for the Baltic Sea, the northern war, a war that lasted twenty-one years. The "embarrassment near Narva" had already happened, when the 34,000-strong Russian army was defeated by the 12,000-strong detachment of Charles XII. Already the Swedes decided that the fate of Russia is known, they set about the Commonwealth ...

Meanwhile, Peter launched a feverish activity.

Peter (dictates to a clerk sitting at the table):First, I order all the old foot and cavalry units to be disbanded, and new regiments to be created on their basis: soldiers, reiters and dragoons. Second: Regiments of Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky, as the most reliable and did not flinch in battle, be converted into guards. Third: to increase the production of rifles, cannons, sabers and various soldier equipment...

Clerk: I dare say, Your Majesty, in order to produce more guns, one word, even yours, is not enough.

Peter (in anger): Be quiet, dog! (calming down): Do I not know it myself? Yes, only what you order to do, we have no sensible masters, as in England.

Clerk: Oh, is it, the king-father? Do you remember how you were in Tula a month ago? Yes, how did you order the English broken pistols to be repaired?

Peter: How not to remember, the master there was one hefty strong, the silver ruble bent in half. What do you mean, his name is? Nikita Demidov?

Clerk: Nikita Demidovich Antufiev is a master gunsmith. Yes, he arrived today, he asked for an audience, he says, he repaired the pistols.

Peter: T why were you silent, you foolish head!? Call him over here.

The clerk leaves.

Music. Trotsyuk "Ring, ring, golden Russia!"

The scribe returns with Demidov.

Demidov (bowing, holding out a pistol):Excuse me, king-father! I completed the job as promised and on time!

Peter takes, looks at the gun, praises:Good job English! Just a sight! Where are our masters before them! Okay, at least they can fix it. Look what fine work!

Demidov: Do not be angry, tsar-father, Pyotr Lyakseevich. Let's take a look at this work. (Gives another box.) These are the guns you gave me to repair. And I myself made the first ones according to the English samples. Like this.

Peter (embracing the master, joyfully):That's such a rogue, that's such a devil! You made my heart happy! You comforted my soul! Well, tell us about yourself, who is, what kind of tribe.

Demidov: I am a master gunsmith. A couple of years ago, he built his first factory on the Tulitsa River. On my own, without government assistance. I think that it is necessary to build more factories in Russia, since the war will require a lot of metal. And I found out that ore was found beyond the Ural Range. Yes, only places there are undeveloped, wild.

Peter: And if I give you those lands, just like that, I’ll take it and give it as a gift!? Will you be able to build a plant there, beyond the Urals?

Demidov: Why not? There is strength in the hands, while the head rests on the shoulders. You can take a risk!

Peter: Ah yes Nikita, Demidov's son. It’s not scary to send him to hell, he will do everything, he will cope with any task! Hey, clerk, write a decree as soon as possible: “To transfer to the eternal possession of Nikita Demidov and his heirs the factories that he will build on the land of the Urals.

The Ore Order, created to organize work on the search for ores of gold and silver and others, to provide him with all kinds of assistance and not to put obstacles. So I commanded, the autocrat of Russia, Peter Alekseevich.

Demidov: Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty, I will not spare my stomach to justify your trust.

Voice-over (Golikov):And Peter did not fail. By 1720, the government founded four factories in the Urals, and private capital - five, of which three were launched by Nikita Demidov and his son Akinfiy.

Music. Trotsyuk "Ring, ring, golden Russia!" (Slides 60-66).

Over the years, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, a lot of new things have been created in Russia. Industry and trade are developing. A new capital was built - St. Petersburg. The way of life of the upper class has changed.

At the end of 1718, the population of the capital was notified of the introduction of assemblies.

Scene VII. Assembly.

Peter: I command that assemblies be held in the capital. The word is French. It means a certain number of people who have gathered together for their own amusement, or for reasoning and friendly conversations. Senior officers, nobles, shipmasters, wealthy merchants, along with their wives and marriageable daughters, should appear at the assemblies. The hosts, to whom the guests come, must provide a room, light refreshments, tables for games, candles.

The hall where ladies and gentlemen gather. The guests are talking, playing chess.

A group of girls.

Have you heard that on Red Square in the comedy temple the other day there was an embarrassment? Shortly before the first of April, the German actors announced in their playbill that on that day they would be presenting a hitherto unseen play. Spectators gathered, they say, the sovereign himself arrived ...

So what? Don't languish!

Ah, nothing! The overture sounded...


Well, the intro is musical. The curtain has risen... And there is only a white wall on which is written "April 1st!"

I can imagine how angry the audience was! What an inappropriate joke!

Nothing like this. Because the sovereign himself was not angry, but laughed, explaining this by the fact that in Europe they celebrate the day of the fools. And leaving the theater he said: “Here is the liberty of comedians!”

Oh, our sovereign is painfully kind! He forgives everyone, laughs at everything.

- (Whispers) Don't tell me. Remember, in June the case of the disgraced Tsarevich Alexei ended. What's the verdict? The death penalty. He did not spare his own son.

Holy, holy Why, he is trying to benefit the Fatherland. What would happen if the Miloslavsky old orders were returned?

We would sit again in the tower, but secretly sigh. And now we are in plain sight, they are having sophisticated conversations with us, they are dancing overseas dances.

Why, it’s understandable, just look at how Empress Catherine is holding herself. Not afraid to argue with her husband.

But what can I argue with, they say that only she can pacify the violent temper of the sovereign. Have you heard the story of the Order of St. Catherine?

No... Come on, tell me!

It happened a long time ago, back in 1711, during the Prut campaign. They say Catherine went camping with her husband. Near the Prut River, our army was surrounded by a 200,000-strong army of Turks. The well-known diplomat Pyotr Pavlovich Shafirov was sent to negotiate with the Turks. And Catherine gave him all her jewelry to bribe the vizier. Shafirov signed the necessary agreement and the Turks released the Russian army from the encirclement.

This is love! And then what?

And the sovereign in 1714 ordered the creation of the Order of St. Catherine: an oval medallion in a diamond frame. And the motto "For love and Fatherland." And he laid the first order on Ekaterina Alekseevna.

Servant enters.

Servant: The sovereign and the empress came.

Enter Pyotr and Catherine. Everyone bows.

Peter: Greetings, gentlemen! I thank the hospitable hosts who did not spare candles and treats.

Ekaterina: Enough, Pyotr Alekseevich, all the dances have been waiting, it's time to open the assembly.

Peter: And that's true. Musicians! Get started!

Music. I.S. Bach. Minuet.

Those present perform the minuet.

Ekaterina: How good, sir, you came up with this, with the assemblies.

Peter: Well, we are still far from the Parisian balls. Although a start has already been made.

The servant runs.

Servant: Urgent dispatch, Your Majesty. From Nystadt itself!

Peter: Come on, don't rush!(is reading). Lord, joy! The Swedes signed the peace! The Northern War, which lasted 21 years, is over! The Baltic Sea is ours! Long Live the Victory! Long live Russia!

All: Vivat Russia!

Music. N. Malygin "The Bells of the Ipatiev Cathedral".

Business game with retrospective elements "Political debate".

Subject: The political status of the individual.

Target: to systematize students' knowledge on the topic: "The political status of the individual."

Equipment: political map of the world, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a video projector (visually, in the thesis form, the programs of the parties are covered).

I. Introductory speech of the teacher

In the future, you will take part in parliamentary elections. The main thing is not participation, but the ability to make an informed choice. To consolidate the knowledge gained in previous classes, it is advisable for us to conduct a business game “Political Debates”, which will even more allow many of you to form your own civic position.

Evaluation Criteria

The mark “excellent” is given to the participants of the game who correctly stated the political position of their subject, argued for it, fluent in theoretical material and correctly use political terminology.

The grade “good” is given to students if they, with the help of the teacher, cope with the task, allowing 1-2 minor errors or inaccuracies.

The grade “satisfactory” is given to students if they generally imagine the position of their subject, but find it difficult to select arguments, do not actively participate in the discussion of the issues of the topic.

To make the right choice, we, as voters, need to know what programs the representatives of the party come up with, what is the position of the President and the Government on the most pressing political issues. In order to avoid surprises in the political course of the country, it is necessary for citizens to control all branches of government. Politics becomes understandable if you study it.

II. Game “Political Debates”

BUT) In the speech of the representative of the President of the Russian Federation, Russia's achievements along the path of a radical transformation of society should be noted:

  1. strengthening the democratic system;
  2. development of civil society;
  3. strengthening the foundations of the country's economic course;
  4. expansion of activities for the implementation of national projects;
  5. strengthening the international status of the state.

AT) The speech of the representative of the Government of the Russian Federation should contain a brief description of the program for the stable development of Russia:

  1. increase in wages for employees of the public sector;
  2. strengthening ties between the center and regions;
  3. updating tax policy;
  4. ways of growth of a profitable part of the budget for 2008 - 2009;
  5. strengthening the country's defense capability, etc.

WITH) Presentation of the programs of the representatives of the parties on the problems:

  1. political stability;
  2. development of a competitive innovative economy;
  3. formation of civil society;
  4. protection of national interests in the international arena.

During the debate, the facilitator should keep the discussion within the suggested questions. Representatives of each party can briefly state their position on the issues included in the “debate” by asking questions.

The “debate” ends with a teacher acting as a political observer. You should not strive to ensure that all the proposed issues are discussed equally. Some of the issues will be the most acute and the main controversy may go around it. The main objective of the lesson is to demonstrate the skills necessary to participate in the discussion of political problems.

III. Speeches in defense of democracy by representatives of "parties".

At the end of the lesson, representatives of the parties make speeches in defense of democracy. They focus on those aspects of democracy that are in line with the programs of their parties. Each part is given 2 minutes to perform.

V. Summing up the game, scoring

The teacher makes general conclusions about the level of preparation for the lesson of each group, gives an overall mark for oral presentations and, based on the test results, each student comments on them.

Retrospective, problem-debating game"Opinion of city dwellers"

Target: help students understand the causes of crime, tried to understand the origins of crime, and thought about what can be done to prevent crime in a particular city, the whole state.

Equipment: business cards of the participants and forms for the survey, which will be conducted by "journalists", the form for the survey.

Rules of the game: During the game, participants assume roles that allow them to discuss the reasons for committing crimes from the perspective of different people, and then summarize other opinions about what measures should be taken to contain the increase in crime. This game involves the simultaneous active and free participation of the entire group in an impromptu sociological study.

In this game, you need to divide the students into two roughly equal groups. Some of them will play the role of representatives of the press, television, radio, who are instructed to conduct a survey of the city's residents. The other half play the role of city residents who will be interviewed to find out their opinion about the causes of crimes committed in the city and about possible ways to combat them.

When dividing into two groups, you can adhere to the principle of voluntariness. In this case, students are almost immediately ready to engage in playing roles.

To help students get involved in the ongoing game, they should be set up by turning to everyone with an explanation that this is not an ordinary lesson and that you will not give them "deuces" for mistakes.

Game progress:

Teacher's word:

You know that the administration of our city is concerned about the state of crime. A discussion of the draft resolution of the City Duma (Administration) "On measures to combat crime" is being prepared. In order to find out the opinion of city residents on this issue, it was decided to conduct a selective survey of residents.

Now we will be divided into two large groups: one of you will play the role of journalists, television and radio commentators, and the second group will play the role of residents of our hometown, including law enforcement officers: police, courts, prosecutors who directly work with criminals.

Journalists have the right to interview any "resident of the city. During this interview, you will mainly ask two questions: "What are the causes of crime, in particular, in our hometown"; and "What needs to be done so that the city has fewer crimes, including among minors"?

In order to record the answers of respected residents of the city (your classmates), you need to prepare a special form for answers according to the following model:






BUT. __________________________

BUT. __________________________

B. __________________________

BUT. __________________________

B. __________________________

Note. Under the letter "a" the answer to the first question (about the causes of offenses) is written, under the letter "b" - the answer to the second question (about ways to combat this phenomenon).

The task of journalists- to collect as many opinions as possible from people of various professions about the causes of offenses and about what needs to be done to eliminate crime in the city. To do this, you must approach the "residents of the city" and ask them these two questions. All the answers that you hear must be very briefly written down on the form, after indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of the person with whom you spoke, and be sure to write down who he is by profession. Without these data, the answer will not be accepted when summing up your work. Do not forget to identify yourself first, ask the "resident of the city" his last name, first name and place of work, and at the end of the interview thank your interlocutor for the answers. Time for all interviews - 10 minutes. The goal is to gather as many opinions as possible.

Dear residents of the city!You must answer the questions as the person you are playing would do. For example, one of you plays the role of the city court chairman. He must answer journalists' questions exactly as, from his point of view, a judge could answer. Please be polite when answering questions from members of the media. Your opinion will help develop and adopt a resolution that will significantly improve the situation in the city.

I emphasize once again that you are all working at the same time. Journalists find themselves an interlocutor, and residents of the city, fulfilling their civic duty, answer the questions of the press (remaining in the role that they received for the duration of the game) and try to help the Duma (Administration) realize the reasons for the increase in crime and ways out of this difficult situation. Your answers should be clear and short. And journalists should write down the answer in just a few words, marking only the most important points on the form.

When summing up the results of the work, the one of you who indicates the reasons for committing crimes, which will be recognized by the whole class as the most important, is declared "the wisest inhabitant of the city." The determination of the most important causes of crimes is carried out by simply counting the number of participants - residents of the city who indicated these causes in their answers. In the final count, we will also take into account the opinion of "journalists" who will be able to vote for one reason or another. We will carry out the same calculation for the main ways of combating crime.

If the forms are ready, you can begin. Wish you luck;

Quite often, students during this game come up with other surnames and first names or go beyond the role. For example, a participant's business card says "factory director", and he answers the "journalist" that he is a "racketeer" or "homeless person". Such initiative should not be resisted. Let the guys dream up, but you don’t need to specifically suggest this idea to them. Otherwise, a significant part of their time will be spent on inventing an original surname, and not on working with questions. With regard to the roles of city residents, you need to show some perseverance, explaining to the guys that the roles were not chosen by chance, that you would like to discuss with them the possible points of view of people of various specialties who can more professionally judge the state of crime and ways to combat it. But if such a failure does occur, you should not pay attention to it during the game so that the rest of the participants successfully complete the survey. But after summing up, we can say that the rules of the game were partially violated and repeat that the roles were not chosen by chance. It would be appropriate to express regret that not all participants had the patience to play out the role they had received.

If a situation arises when one of the students does not agree to play the role received, you should explain that this is only a role for the time of the game. It provides an opportunity to try to understand how a person of this particular profession can think, so that citizens in the city live more calmly. This does not mean at all that the participant must himself think in the same way as his "hero" can think. It is simply necessary to play this particular worker, try to enter into his position and imagine what he can think, answering the questions posed. And do not be afraid to make a mistake: this is just a role that you need to try to play and help everyone else get different opinions of "city residents". And the better everyone plays their role, the more interesting and versatile the issue of the causes of crime and ways to effectively combat it and its consequences will be considered.

But if the student insists, you can offer him to switch roles with one of the guys (but before the start of the game, so as not to disturb the rest of the participants later). Or simply change the role of this child to the one that he wants to take on during the game, but only as an exception. This must be done, especially without insisting on the original role, so that this participant is nevertheless included in the discussion of the causes of crime. Otherwise, he may remain indifferent to the topic under consideration, or even prevent others from seriously discussing it.

During the survey itself, you should not interfere with the conversation of individual couples. It is better to observe from the outside, giving teenagers the opportunity to calmly and efficiently discuss the proposed topic. At the same time, you need to listen to the dialogues as you move from pair to Parsi, helping a little those who are having difficulty entering into free conversation. It is also useful to intervene, stopping those who have gone off topic, or are discussing for a long time which name to write on the form.

Naturally, if during the game the guys will turn to you with questions, as a "resident of the city", you can also answer, while naming the role that you took on during the game. At the same time, it is better not to take the role of a teacher for yourself, but to show the students that you are ready for the game and can play with them.

Game results. After the end of the allotted time, you need to sum up the work, discuss the answers. In this case, you should find out which of them are more common. That is, to determine what the guys consider the main cause of crime and what specific measures, in the opinion of the majority of "residents of the city", can reduce crime.

To summarize, we recommend using the school board. On one half of the board, you summarize answers about the causes of delinquency and crime, and on the other half, about ways and means to combat this phenomenon. For example, one of the journalists read out the answer of the "prosecutor": "The laws are being implemented very poorly." This is exactly how you should write this answer on the left half of the board. Then you listen to the next journalist, write down in a column on the same half of the board the answer that he received during his interview, etc. When determining the final results, the opinion of the guys who played the role of journalists should also be taken into account. They can simply express their opinion by adding their vote to one of the answers. You need to "choose" at least the top three reasons for committing crimes using direct voting. After studying the causes of crime, the second half of the board is filled in the same way with entries on ways to combat it, and the three most effective ways or ways to combat crime are determined.

When asked about the reasons for committing offenses, the responses of schoolchildren often include, for example, the following: “People steal today because of poverty”, “Many simply have nothing to do, life is not at all interesting”, “Often crimes occur when drunk”, etc. As an example, here is a list of reasons for committing crimes, which was compiled during the game in one of the classes:

1. Lack of firm power in the country.

2. Lack of morality, moral licentiousness.

3. Failure of the laws of the state.

4. Bad economy.

5. Corruption.

6. Tolerance for criminals on the part of others.

7. Rising unemployment among the people.

8. Small scholarships.

9. Poor education at school and in the family.

10. Promotion of violence and crime.

11. Social disadvantage of many people.

12. The small number of police and other law enforcement agencies.

13. High prestige of the criminal and crimes among young people.

The first three places among the causes of crime were distributed as follows:

1. Bad economy.

2. Corruption,

3. The prestige of the criminal and crimes. When asked about the ways of fighting crime, the guys of the same class answered as follows:

1. Tougher laws.

2. Allow more, but within certain limits.

3. Build more clubs, cafes, etc.

4. Better provide for the police and other law enforcement agencies.

5. Proper upbringing.

6. Carry out a "cleansing" of the police and other authorities.

7. Introduce censorship on propaganda of crime and violence.

8. Improve legislation.

9. Promote discipline and respect for the law.

10. Create more jobs.

11. Raise the entire economy.

12. Adopt a new law on commerce.

13. Give more money to children so that they do not steal. The first three places among the ways to combat crime were distributed as follows:

1. Raise the economy.

2. Proper upbringing.

3. Clean up the police.

These examples show that the guys of this class, on the whole, reasonably approached the definition of ways to fight crime, since the main reasons are covered by the proposed measures: bad economy - to raise the economy; corruption - "cleansing" of the police and other authorities; the prestige of a criminal is the right upbringing.

Note the frequent inconsistency between the answers to these questions. For example, a teenager replies that the main reason for crimes in the city is "boring, there is nowhere to go in the evening", and in order to eliminate crime, he advises "to increase the terms of punishment." It would be more logical to propose measures for the construction of new cinemas, stadiums, discos, etc. This inconsistency can be pointed out to the participants in the game, and during the discussion, specifically dwell on the issue that the study of the causes of offenses is carried out precisely in order to find ways to eliminate crime. The result can be obtained only when you know well the causes of this negative phenomenon. This idea needs to be emphasized several times in order to be well understood.

You can also determine the student who managed to interview the most residents and at the same time correctly filled out his form, that is, to sum up the quantitative results of the game.

To determine the attitude of students to the game that took place, you can conduct a blitz survey with two or three small questions. One of the questions it is advisable to put on the content of the game: "What did you manage to understand better during the game, what did you learn"? The second question may be about the procedure of the game: "What was not entirely clear to you, what difficulties did you experience during the game, what interfered"? And finally, the third question may relate to future games that are supposed to be used in the educational process, for example: "What is the best way to organize a game in our class, what needs to be done for this? How can you help in organizing and conducting the following games"?

Appendix 1

Examples of business cards used in the role-playing game "The opinion of the inhabitants of the city"

"You are an employee of a weekly business newspaper. You are taking part in a survey of city residents to study the causes of crime and ways to effectively combat crime. You have the right to interview any city resident. During this interview, you must ask two questions: "What causes of crime, in particular in our hometown"? and "What needs to be done to reduce crime in the city, including among minors"?

The same business card can be made for a daily newspaper employee.

"Business card of the participant"

"You are an employee of the local television." You are taking part in a survey of city residents to study the causes of crimes and ways to effectively combat crime. You have the right to interview any resident of the city. During this interview, you should ask two questions: "What are the causes of crime, in particular in our hometown"? and "What needs to be done to reduce crime in the city, including among minors"?

You need to write down the answers of the residents of the city on the form. You need to collect as many opinions as possible from people of various professions. To do this, you must go up to several children in your class (the ones who play the role of residents of the city) and ask them these two questions. All the answers that you hear must be very briefly written down on the form, after indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of the person with whom you spoke, writing down who he is by profession. Without these data, the answer will not be accepted when summing up your work. Do not forget to identify yourself first, ask the "resident of the city" his last name, first name and place of work, and at the end of the interview thank your interlocutor for the answers. Time for all interviews is 10 minutes.

"Business card of the participant"

"You are the chairman of the city court. You have been working in the court for 10 years already. Your opinion on the causes and ways of fighting crime will be very useful for adopting a resolution of the city Duma on this issue."

"Business card of the participant"

"You are a city prosecutor. You have been working as a prosecutor for 15 years already. Your opinion on the causes and ways of fighting crime will be very useful for adopting a resolution of the City Duma on this issue."

"Business card of the participant"

"You are the chairman of the commission on juvenile affairs of the city administration. You have been doing this work for 5 years. Your opinion on the causes and ways of combating crime will be very useful for adopting a resolution of the city Duma on this issue."

"Business card of the participant"

"You are the head of the Inspectorate for Juvenile Affairs. You have been working in this position for 3 years already. Your opinion on the causes and ways of fighting crime will be very useful for adopting a resolution of the City Duma on this issue."

"Business card of the participant"

"You are the chief of police. You have been working in the police for 10 years already. Your opinion on the causes and ways of fighting crime will be very useful for adopting a resolution of the City Duma on this issue."

"Business card of the participant"

"You are the director of a large plant. There are not enough workers at your plant, but you refuse to hire former convicted of a crime. Your opinion on the causes and ways of fighting crime will be very useful for adopting a resolution of the City Duma on this issue."

"Business card of the participant"

"You are the director of the school. There are many teenagers in your school microdistrict who are registered with the police. Your opinion on the causes and ways of fighting crime will be very useful for adopting a resolution of the City Duma on this issue."

"Business card of the participant"

"You are the owner of a commercial store. You are threatened if you don't pay tribute. Your opinion on the causes and ways of fighting crime will be very useful for the City Duma to pass a resolution on this issue."

"Business card of the participant"

"You are a plant worker. You only know about crimes from television programs, you have never encountered this in your life. Your opinion on the causes and ways of fighting crime will be very useful for adopting a resolution of the City Duma on this issue."

"Business card of the participant"

"You work at a confectionery factory. Most recently, your apartment was robbed and valuables were taken away. The criminals have not yet been found. Your opinion on the causes and ways of fighting crime will be very useful for adopting a resolution of the City Duma on this issue."

"Business card of the participant"

"You work at a bakery. You had a misfortune, your son committed a crime and was sentenced to 3 years in prison. Your opinion on the causes and ways of fighting crime will be very useful for adopting a resolution of the City Duma on this issue."

Business game discussion "What is the main thing in the development of society - class struggle or class cooperation?"

Target: expand students' knowledge of social progress based on an in-depth study of philosophical views on the criteria for progress, progressive forces: consider the role of class struggle and class cooperation in the development of society.

The discussion involves two teams of 5 people.

Discussion progress:

Introductory speech of the teacher.

Society is in constant motion. Thinkers have long pondered the question: in what direction is it moving? Can this movement be likened to cyclical changes in nature, or is the life of society like the life of a living being? Does the direction of development of society depend on the social activity of people? What is the most important thing in the development of society? What are the criteria for human progress?
I would answer these questions with the words of Pitirim Sorokin, the founder of Russian and American sociological science. He wrote: “Having gone through a series of tortures, staggering, falling under the burden of the pains of the cross, mankind has, step by step, won the possibility of legislation and the construction of its history.

Step by step, it sought to realize its ideals of Truth, Truth and Beauty. These conquests, sometimes slowing down, weakening, in general, have been increasing so far.

True, who counts how much suffering and effort was spent on this! Who can count all the tortures that countless builders of this Truth have been subjected to? But they created this Truth as individuals, and in the same way we create our future. And the more active each person is, the higher their ideals will be, the faster we will approach the Truth, and the purer and more beautiful human truth will be!”

In the debate, we will consider what role the class struggle played in the development of society and draw a conclusion.

The team defending the position "The main thing in the development of society is the class struggle."

The team defending the position “The main thing in the development of society is class cooperation”

First position.

Thinkers about the development of society.

1st student.

K. Marx and F. Engels put forward the theory that social being determines social consciousness. In the process of joint labor activity, people enter into production relations, which are based on their attitude towards the means of production. The whole system of production relations depends on who owns the main means of production. This determines the place of a person in the system of production, distribution of products of labor and appropriation of income from sales of what is produced. Under capitalism, this leads to exploitation.

2nd student.

The founders of Marxism believed that the contradictions that arise between more dynamically developing productive forces and relatively stable production relations, at a certain stage develop into a conflict. It, in turn, is resolved as a result of the replacement of obsolete production relations with new ones corresponding to a higher level of development of the productive forces. The changes that then take place in the entire system of social relations lead to the replacement of one formation by another. This change does not occur automatically: it is carried out in the course of social and political struggle by people driven by their own interests.
K. Marx and F. Engels came to the conclusion that capitalism, where exploitation dominates, will collapse under the pressure of the class struggle and a new socio-economic formation will come - communist. And although they sharply oppose the extremes of the class confrontation, they warned that “an uprising would be madness where peaceful agitation would lead to the goal in a faster and surer way,” nevertheless, their conclusion was unequivocal: since the bourgeoisie does not voluntarily give up power, insofar as the proletariat must conquer it. At the same time, violence, as Marx and Engels believed, is not only historically inevitable, but also morally justified, because the proletarian revolution is always a response to the systematic, centuries-old violence against the working people.

1st student.

We will defend the point of view that the highest and universal objective criterion of social progress is the development of productive forces, including the development of man himself. The German sociologist M. Weber believed that values ​​largely determine the way of life, influence the nature of relations between people. Values ​​are determined by a certain interest of the era, that is, they have a historically specific character and strength only for a certain period of time, and then lose their meaning. Values ​​not only influence the purpose and evaluation of phenomena, but also determine the norms of people's behavior, their goals.

2nd student.

The existentialist philosophers N. Berdyaev and J.-P. Sartre argued that there is no predetermined human nature, no external force, no one, except for this individual, can realize his becoming a man. This greatly increases the responsibility of a person for himself, for being successful as a person, and for everything that happens to other people.

3rd student.

The progress of society is in the development of the individual. The criterion of freedom put forward today gives the concept of progress a “human dimension”. We are talking about every person, about the possibility of his self-realization in various types of activity, that is, about economic, political and spiritual freedom. The wider the real possibility of choosing the types of activity, the freer the person.
The criterion of freedom consists not only in the ability of a person to know himself, not only in the knowledge of what and how he could do, but also in the availability of his preferred activities. Does society provide an opportunity to choose a profession to your liking? Are there means (technical, financial, etc.) for studying in the chosen field? Is a person free from diseases that limit the ability to do what you love? Can he freely choose representatives who will defend his interests in government? Are books, concerts, theatrical performances available to him, which he chooses? Does he have the opportunity to improve himself physically by visiting swimming pools, gyms? Etc.

The free development of a person in a free society is a condition for the many-sided and complete development of the individual, the growth of his spiritual wealth.

4th student.

I want to defend my position on this issue with the words of Nikolai Berdyaev: “The materialistic socialism of Marx and others, which concentrated in itself all the poison of bourgeois atheism, did not limit itself to a sharper knowledge of the fact of the class struggle - it sanctified this fact and finally subjugated person to the class.

Materialist socialism, enslaved by the economism of capitalist societies, denies man and universal human nature, it recognizes only class man, only class collectives. Class is quantity. Man is a quality. The class struggle, elevated to an “idea”, closed the qualitative image of man. In our harsh era, tearing down all the veils, old-fashioned idealism is already impossible and naively ridiculous, turning away from the unattractive fact of class struggle, from the knowledge of class antagonisms and class stratifications that distort the nature of man.

Second position.

Examples of historical development that support your position.

1st student.

There are many events in the history of Russia that confirm our position that it was under the pressure of the masses of the people, through unrest, uprisings, peasant wars, revolutions, that a change took place, the movement of society forward.

Here is an example: 945 - the uprising of the Drevlyans against the arbitrary collection of tribute. In response, Olga accepts the reform of streamlining the collection of tribute.

1068 - an uprising in Kyiv, where voices are heard about the abuse of princely governors and governors, about the oppression of the people, unfair requisitions. This forced the Yaroslavich brothers to adopt the code of laws “Russian Truth” (1072), which established an order that excluded social upheavals in the future.

2nd student.

1773-1775 - the uprising of the peasants led by E.I. Pugachev made Catherine II think about the abolition of serfdom, about an enlightened society.

3rd student.

Great upheavals in Russian society occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. These are the February and October revolutions. As a result of the October Revolution, the issues of allotment of land to the peasants, peace, etc. were resolved. Russia embarked on a new path of development - the building of socialism.

4th student.

In world history, as proof of our position, we can cite the bourgeois revolutions in Western Europe, which liquidated the feudal order and cleared the way for the bourgeois.

1st student.

I would like to answer my opponents to their statement with the words of N. Berdyaev: “Many times in history, the lower ranks of the people rebelled, tried to sweep away all hierarchical and qualitative differences in society and establish mechanical equality and confusion. This mixing management of society has always been inconsistent with progressive historical tasks, with the level of culture. Periodically in history, tides of chaotic darkness occurred and sought to overturn the social cosmos and its law of development. These kinds of movements were quite often completely reactionary and threw the people back.

2nd student.

It is impossible to recognize the class struggle as the progress of society just because as a result of this struggle there were countless human victims.

3rd student.

Here we must agree with V.I. Lenin that not every revolutionary situation develops into a revolution. When social conflicts are brewing in society, they must be resolved with the help of reforms, laws, and transformations. There is such an example in the history of our state. In 1859-1861. society shook with social explosions. Alexander II carried out reforms on the abolition of serfdom, zemstvo reform, judicial, military. These reforms gave a new impetus to the development of society along the capitalist path.

4th student.

It must be added that reforming in society should take place at the moment when transformations are brewing. The delay in reform leads to social explosions.

Third position.

Examples in modern society that confirm your position.

1st student.

On October 20, 2004, a strike of public sector workers took place in Russia. In Moscow itself, more than 8 thousand teachers, doctors, and cultural workers took part in the picketing and rally. The rally participants unanimously adopted a resolution stating: “We express our deep indignation at the plans of the Government of the Russian Federation to completely destroy the education system in Russia, to destroy science, to deprive public sector employees of social guarantees. The projects developed within the walls of the ministry completely cross out the previously adopted presidential decrees and legislative acts of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which were aimed at supporting the intellectual potential of Russia. The scientific and pedagogical community categorically insists on its direct participation in the development of reform decisions concerning science, education, health and culture” (Teacher's newspaper No. 43, October 26, 2004).
This fact is proof that any transformations in society take place directly with the participation of members of society. And if the authorities cannot solve social problems, cannot make changes aimed at the progress of society, then this leads to a class struggle.

1st student.

I would formulate a criterion for the progress of society as the level of humanization of society, that is, the position of the individual in it. The following criteria may also be included:

  1. growth rates of production, labor productivity, leading to an increase in human freedom in relation to nature;
  2. the degree of freedom of production workers from exploitation;
  3. the level of democratization of public life;
  4. the level of real opportunities for the comprehensive development of individuals;
  5. increase in human happiness and goodness.

2nd student.

According to these criteria, I can give examples at OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.

Norilsk Nickel implements a set of pension programs: Six Pensions, where retired employees are paid a monthly allowance of 12.8 thousand rubles, and Lifelong Occupational Pension.
In addition to projects aimed at providing intra-corporate social benefits and investments in the future of the enterprise, Norilsk Nickel is successfully implementing programs aimed at all residents of Greater Norilsk, regardless of their place of work. The task of most of them is to compensate for insufficient budget financing to provide all levels of state benefits to socially unprotected segments of the population. Nornickel also takes an active part in the fate of the indigenous peoples of the North, helping them to preserve their national and cultural traditions, maintaining the material standard of living of small peoples at the proper level.
Significant sums from the enterprise go to patronage assistance to the educational institutions of Norilsk, which today are provided with both modern technology and new textbooks. Gifted children and talented youth are not left behind here.
Every year, more than 30% of its employees have a rest in recreational facilities, both in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and beyond.
Approximately 1,700 children are sent to summer camps every summer. It must be said that the company also pays for the travel of its employees and their families to and from the place of rest.
The plant takes care of the new generation, which will have to work in its structures. No wonder that in the Russian competition for the highest social efficiency in 2003 OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel won first place in the nomination “Qualification of Personnel, System of Their Training and Retraining”. The training of students is carried out by the most qualified and honored employees of the departments. During the period of the program, 770 people have already taken part in it, of which 450 are already working in the subdivisions of the Polar Division of the company. (“Projects to stay ahead of A and F on the Yenisei” No. 38, 2004).

Fourth position. Findings.

Yes, we can agree with our opponents that class cooperation is a more humane solution to emerging problems in society. It does not bear sacrifice, destruction. But if the authorities do not solve problems, if they lead society to regression, then social upheavals are inevitable.

We believe that the progress of society is in class cooperation. After all, life is a movement forward, it is a constant solution to the problems that have arisen, overcoming some, others arise, and they must be solved peacefully, without destroying what has been created, and increasing it.

Training game based on a given algorithm

Cabinet "History"

Didactic material



publishing house

The year of publishing

Number of copies


Didactic games, tests, riddles on the history of the Ancient World - a methodological guide

N.B. Kryuchkina





300 tasks on the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day: Didactic materials. - 2nd ed. stereotype.

Stepanischev A.T.

M.: Bustard





Problem book on the history of the fatherland: 6-7 cells. A guide for the teacher.

Lerner I.Ya.

M.: Aquarium





Assignments for independent work on the history of the Middle Ages.

G.M. Donskoy






Didactic materials on the history of the ancient world

G.A. Tsvetkova.






Didactic materials on the history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 16th century.

V.V. Shapoval.






Didactic materials on the history of Russia in the 19th century.






Didactic materials on the history of Russia at the end of the 16th-18th centuries:

V.V. Shapoval.




local history material



publishing house

The year of publishing

Number of copies


The region from ancient times to 1916. 1 part

Authors: Drozdov N.I., Artemyev E.V., Bezrukikh V.A., Bykonya G.F., Fedorova V.I.


Group of companies "Platina"




Krasnoyarsk: five centuries of history.

Edge from 1917 to 2006. part 2

Authors: Drozdov N.I., Mezit L.E., Sivatsky F.L. etc.


Group of companies "Platina"




Siberian local history

Andyusev B.E.





Yenisei province. Almanac 2

Vdovin A.S.





History of the Krasnoyarsk Territory grades 5-6


Molodtsova I.V.





Reader History of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Grade 9

Molodtsova I.V.





History of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Methodical manual grade 9

Molodtsova I.V.





Yenisei Encyclopedic Dictionary

Drozdov N.I.





History of the Yenisei Territory 17th half of the 19th century

Bykonya G.F.




Krasnoyarsk Territory in the history of the Fatherland. 2 books

Grigoriev A.A.




Monuments of history and culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory



Culture and life of the Khakass in the 18th-19th centuries.




Toponymic Dictionary of the Khakass-Minusinsk Territory

Butanov E.Ya.




History of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Methodological manual grade 7

Molodtsova I.V.




teacher's library



publishing house

The year of publishing

Number of copies


Methods of teaching social science at school. Textbook for Universities

Bogolyubov L.N.





Methods of teaching history at school. Textbook for Universities

Studenikin M.T.





Methodology for teaching history in diagrams, tables, descriptions

Korotkova M.V.





Methodology for conducting games and discussions in history lessons

Korotkova M.V.





Historical education in modern Russia. Reference - methodological manual for teachers

Vyazemsky E.E.

Russian word




Quite an unusual lesson. Practical guide

Kulnevich S.V.





Labor Code of the Russian Federation



Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation




Symbols of Russian statehood

Romanovsky V.K.

Russian word




The Constitution of the Russian Federation. State symbols of the Russian Federation. Anthem, Coat of arms, Flag




Glossary of terms and concepts on national history of the 20th century

Krivosheev V.

"Russian word"




Formation of a healthy lifestyle in history lessons grades 5-11

Kulakova A.E., Tyulyaeva T.I.





Methodical recommendations for the teacher of history. Fundamentals of professional excellence

Vyazemsky E.E.





Methodological guide for a history teacher

Stepanischev A.T.





Handbook for history teachers grades 5-11

Chernova M.N.







Number of copies (folders)



Tests on the history of the Middle Ages.




Tests on the history of Russia.




Tests on the history of the ancient world.




New History Tests




Tests on the history of Russia.




New History Tests.




Tests on the history of Russia.




Tests on the history of Russia.




Social studies tests.




Social studies tests.




School Olympiad tasks.




Section, theme

Name of the map, atlas

Number of copies



The Ancient East

Egypt. Western Asia in antiquity




The Ancient East

Egypt. Mesopotamia. China. India




Ancient Greece

Macedonian conquests in the 4th century BC The conquest of A. Macedon





Arabs in the 7th-11th centuries





Byzantine Empire and Slavs









Russia Ancient

The oldest tribes and states on the territory of our country and neighboring countries




Russia Ancient

The growth of the territory of the state in antiquity




Russia Ancient

Kievan Rus in the 9th-12th centuries.




Principalities in the 12th-13th centuries




Political fragmentation in Russia

The struggle of our country against foreign invaders in the 13th century.




Russia Moscow

Formation of the Russian centralized multinational state




Russia Moscow

Russian state in the 16th century.




Europe in the 14th-15th centuries Hundred Years War. Hussite wars




Russia in the 17th century

Popular uprisings in the Russian state and Ukraine in the 17th century.




Russia in 1762-1801

Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century.




Building a new Europe

Europe 1799 to 1815




The countries of Western Europe at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

Europe in the 50-60s of the 19th century Unification of Italy and Germany.




Two Americas

American Civil War 1861-1865




Two Americas

Revolutionary War and the formation of the United States




Two Americas

The formation of independent states in Latin America in the early 19th century.




Russia in per. half of the 19th century




Russian Empire at the beginning 19th century from 1861 to 1900




Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945




Krasnoyarsk region

Krasnoyarsk region




World 16th century

Great geographical discoveries




World 17-18 in

World in 17-18 centuries




Russia in the 2nd half. 19th century

Russia after reforms




Russia in the 2nd half. 19th century

Map of European Russia, compiled in accordance with the provisions on peasants who emerged from serfdom




Russia at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

European Russia




Great Russian Revolution

First Russian Revolution 1905




Great Russian Revolution

Great October Socialist Revolution




Europe 14th-15th centuries

Europe in the 14th-15th centuries




The Ancient East

Egypt and Western Asia in antiquity




medieval cities.

Byzantine Empire 9th-11th centuries

The development of crafts and trade in Europe in the 14th century.

Byzantine Empire in the 9th-11th centuries.




Ancient Rome

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Italy in the 7th - early 3rd century. BC.




Reformation and counter-reformation in Western Europe 15-17 centuries.

National Liberation War in the Netherlands 1566-1609.




Russia 17th century - 18th century.

Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century.

Time of Troubles in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century.




Russia in the 2nd half of the 19th century

The development of capitalism in Russia from 1861 to the end of the 19th century.

Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century.




Russia second half. 20th century

USSR in 1946-1990

Russia as part of the USSR (20-30s) 20th century




Russia at the beginning of the 20th century

Russia in the 19th at the beginning of the 20th century.




Russia 17-18 centuries

Russian Empire in 1762 -1800

The economic development of Russia in the 17th century.




Ancient Greece

The conquest of A. Macedon

The Ancient East. Egypt. Mesopotamia




USSR on the way of building a new society

World War I (1914-1918)

Formation of Soviet Russia in 1917-1922.




Russia and the world in the 20th century

Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century.

The world at the beginning of the 20th century


Study guide (tables)



Section, topic

Table name

Number of copies



The formation of the Russian state

1. Stages of the formation of the Russian state.

2. Kievan Rus.

3. Feudal fragmentation.

4. Formation of the Russian centralized state.

5. Rise of Moscow.

6. The process of formation of a centralized state in the 14th century.

7. Russian idea of ​​the 15th century.

8. Creation of central authorities.




The development of the Russian state in the 14th-16th centuries.

1. The Russian state in the 16th century.

2. Political program of I.S. Peresvetov

3. Features of the development of the estate system in Russia and Europe in the 15-16 centuries.

4. The estate system in Russia in the 15th-17th centuries.

5. Features of traditional and modernization of culture.

6. Elements of traditional Russian culture in the 16th century.




Decembrist movement

1. Movement of the Decembrists.

2. Stages of development of the Decembrist movement.

3. Program documents of the Decembrists 1-2 hours.

5. The state structure of Russia in the programs of the Decembrists




World and Russia

1. World at the beginning of the 17th century.

2. Russia at the beginning of the 17th century

3-4. Time of Troubles 1.2 hours

5. Legislative registration of serfdom.

6. Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

7. Crisis of traditionalism

8. 1730: Lost chance.




Factors in the formation of Russian civilization

1. Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs

2. Pagan customs in Russian culture




Civilizational alternatives in the history of Russia

1-4. Civilizational alternatives in the history of Russia

6. Results and consequences of the reforms of Peter 1.

7. Socio-economic integration of Russia and Europe.

8. Contradictions in the integration process between Russia and Europe.

9. Sociocultural inversion in Russia in the 19th century.



  1. ancient farmers

  2. formidable

  3. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir

  4. Settlement and s / s guns of other Slavs

  5. Conquest of Siberia by Yermak

  6. Popular uprising in Kyiv in 1113

  7. Slavic village

  8. Interior view of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

  9. Jewelry

  10. Buffoons-fresco of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, 11th century.

  11. Writing in Kievan Rus

  12. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, 16th century

  13. Beginning of book printing in Russia

  14. Eastern Slavs in antiquity

  15. Metal processing in Kievan Rus

  16. Jacquerie

  17. medieval university

  18. The Rise of Wat Tyler

  19. medieval fair

  20. Entry of Joan of Arc into Orléans

  21. Feudal hunting right

  22. In the Alhamra

  23. Surrender of quitrent to a feudal lord

  24. Storming the city

  25. Entry of the Cortes into Mexico City

  26. Siege of Leiden

  27. Morning on the Kulikovo field

  28. The beginning of the battle of the peasant army of I. Bolotnikov

  29. Technical inventions at the end of the 18th century.

  30. Water engines

  31. Russian manufactory of the 17th century.

  32. Kolomna Palace 1667-1671

  33. Terem Palace in the Moscow Kremlin

  34. Kizhi

  35. Petersburg

  36. Lomonosov

  37. University of Moscow

  38. Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan

  39. Battle at the Devil's Bridge

  40. The uprising of S. Razin

  41. For government service

  42. The construction of St. Petersburg under Peter 1

  43. Popular uprising led by E. Pugachev

  44. Blast shop

  45. Popov

  46. Mendeleev

  47. Jacobi

  48. Herzen

  49. Shop of the capitalist enterprise of post-reform Russia

  50. First railroad

Maps by geography:

1.Geological map of the USSR.

2. Map of the peoples of the world.

3. Climatic map of Australia and New Zealand.

4.Physical map of the world.

5. Central Asia (physical).

6.Southeast Asia.

7.Southwest Asia.

8. Climate map of Africa.

9. Europe (political).

10. Physical Africa.

11. Natural regions of Africa.

12. Vegetation zones of the USSR.

13.Climatic map of North Africa.

14. European part of the USSR.

15. Vegetation zone of the USSR.

16. Tectonic THE USSR.


18. Natural zones of the USSR.

19.Climatic Eurasia.

20. Physical map of the USSR.

21. East Siberian and Far East region.

22. Nature of the USSR.

23. South America.

24. Soil map of the USSR.

25. Eastern hemisphere.

26.USSR (political)

27. Political map of the world.

28. Siberia.

29. Climatic map of Australia and New Zealand.

30. Plan of the area.

31. Topographic map.

32. Center and West of Europe and the USSR.

33.Econ. Latin America.

34. Geographical discoveries.

35. Australia.

36. The structure of the earth's crust and minerals of the world.

37. South America.

38.Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

39. Map of plants and animals of the world.

40.Technical cultures of the world.

41. South America (political)

42. Minerals of the world.


44. Political map of the world.

45.Map of minerals of the world.

46. ​​The climate of Africa.

47. Natural zones of the USSR

48. Political map of Eurasia.

49. Map of the oceans.

48. North America. Physical map/Africa. political map

49. Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Physical map./Eurasia. Political map.

50. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia. / European North and North-West of Russia. Socio-Economic map.

51. European South of Russia. Socio-Economic map./ Power industry of Russia.

52. Zoogeographic map of the world. / Climate map of the world.

53.Geography textbook./ Peoples of the world.

54. Africa. Physical map./South America. Political map.

55.Eurasia. Political map./Eastern Siberia and the Far East. physical map.

56. Central Russia. Socio-Economic map./Chemical and petrochemical

Industry of Russia.

57. Geological map of Russia./Agroclimatic map of Russia.

58. Physical map of Russia.

59. Russia. federal districts.

60. Physical map of the world.

61. Australia. New Zealand.

Teaching instruments:

1. Curvimeter

2.Compasses -3 pcs.

3. Weather vane-1.


Relief model of the Mountain system

Relief model "Watershed"

Relief model "The structure of the river"

Multimedia Tutorials:

7th grade

8th grade

Electronic cards
