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Bibliotherapy: 15 books that will help you find yourself. Search for the meaning of life by literary characters Bibliotherapy - reading therapy

Greg McKeon

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Greg McKeon's book will help you put things in order in your life and separate the “wheat from the chaff” - the important from the unimportant. You won't find time management tips here, but there are plenty of practical tips for effective self-reflection. How do you know what's worth your time and what's not? Look for the answer to this and other questions in the work of McKeon, a business coach who collaborates with corporations such as Facebook and Twitter.

“Live with feeling. How to set goals that your soul is passionate about"

Danielle Laporte

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A practical guide for those who want to determine what he (or she) personally wants to get from life. Danielle Laporte won’t tell you, but she will help you realize that the meaning is not in the result as such, but in the emotions that we expect to receive from the implementation of our plans. Accordingly, the source of these emotions can be completely different events: for example, you can, of course, be happy about buying a new car on credit, but you can also be happy about your own good deeds or just a cozy evening. If emotions are essentially the same, why make superhuman efforts?

"The Power of Now"

Eckhart Tolle

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Sooner or later, many people come to the conclusion that the goal of life cannot only be to achieve their own success - in one form or another. Then the need for help to other people, not necessarily loved ones, comes first. As a matter of fact, this book is about overcoming (and receiving sincere joy from it).

"Psychological topology of the path"

Merab Mamardashvili

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As you know, one of the most profound works of the 20th century is a titanic text seven volumes long under the general title “In Search of Lost Time” by Marcel Proust. Not everyone has the strength and time to read this great work about finding oneself, much less understand its full meaning. We are glad to announce that this useful work was done by the excellent Georgian philosopher Merab Mamardashvili, who, based on the analysis of the book of the French writer, created an entire philosophical system in his research work “Psychological Topology of the Path.” The book, of course, is also not an easy read, but it will definitely help you set your life priorities, stop being afraid of the slipping time and become aware of yourself.

"Make yourself"

Tina Seelig

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Perhaps the most practical book in the entire collection: it will help you not only understand yourself by sorting everything into categories, but also understand where to get the strength to achieve success in your favorite business. It is interesting that the book not only motivates and explains how and in what situations one should act, but even suggests where to get ideas, for example.

"Big Magic"

Elizabeth Gilbert

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An ideal book for those who feel creative potential within themselves, but are afraid to admit it and take action. The bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love tells you how to overcome your own fears, learn to listen to your inner voice, and where to find inspiration. A sincere and lively book, reading which will not cause any extra effort and will bring quite tangible benefits.

“Logotherapy and existential analysis: Articles and lectures”

Victor Frankl

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If you are looking for the meaning of life, then you should take Viktor Frankl, the famous psychologist and creator of the Third Vienna School of Psychotherapy, to help you. He is the founder of the so-called logotherapy, which focuses on a person’s desire for meaningfulness in life. A survivor of Nazi camps, he knows very well how important it is to realize the purpose of his existence. All Frankl's books are written in a lively and understandable language, so reading will not be tiresome.

A wonderful book whose title speaks for itself. Its author, who received a doctorate in clinical psychology, talks about how to best spend one of the main periods in a person’s life - the decade between 20 and 30 years. In many ways, your entire future life depends on the decisions made during this particular time period, and that is why it is so important to be able to hear your inner voice and consciously make decisions. You can learn how to do all this from Mag Jay's book.

If you are in search of yourself and your calling in life, then these books are a must read. It's time to figure out what you really want!

We often imagine what our life would look like if something changed. In our constant expectation of movement, we forget that we are quite capable of making these changes with our own hands. The hardest thing is to start. We are afraid to step into the unknown, afraid to make a fatal mistake and be completely disappointed in ourselves. To help you in this, perhaps, the most difficult step, we have compiled for you a selection of must-read books, after which you will understand where to direct your energies.

1. Never: How to get out of a dead end and find yourself (Elena Rezanova)

This book is about inspiration, overcoming your own fears and indecisiveness. The author, using personal example, talks about the problems of motivation, reveals the secrets of achieving goals and helps to move forward, even if the situation seems hopeless. If you feel stuck, that you don’t have the courage to take the first step, try reading this wonderful book and you will feel how your attitude towards life changes.

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2. Diary as a path to yourself: 22 practices for self-knowledge and personal development (Kathleen Adams)

Kathleen Adams, a journal therapy specialist, talks not so much about the benefits of writing notes, but about the impact they have on the way we think. The book will teach you to enjoy journaling and show how a few words written in your hand can change your life. Using the author’s simple advice, you will finally be able to find a common language with yourself.

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3. One habit a week: Change yourself in a year (Brett Blumenthal)

Do you think 52 assignments a year is a lot? The author of the book “One Habit a Week: Change Yourself in a Year,” Brett Blumenthal, believes that they are more than enough to radically change your life. This book does not require you to perform any impossible tasks, but, on the contrary, little by little introduces simple but useful habits into your life that will help you not only love yourself, but also find your true calling.

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4. Good to Great (Jim Collins)

Although the book describes strategies and ideas for running a successful business, it is also quite applicable in everyday life. The author shows things that are familiar to us from the other side, reveals the possibilities of their practical application, gives original ideas and ways to implement them. The book is recommended reading for anyone who wants not only to achieve success, but also to leave something great behind.

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5. Space. Agile diary for personal development (Katerina Lengold)

In no case should you consider this diary as a simple diary or, even worse, a notebook. This diary is a real test, after which you will change your life. It will help you visually trace the course of your life, make you get up and engage in self-development. Not only will you learn to manage your time, but you will also take a real nine-week self-improvement course, after which you will no longer want to return to your old life.

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6. You can do more. A practical guide to managing changes in your life (Maria Kolosova)

You are probably familiar with the feeling of not having any control over the situation, as if your life is passing by, and you are just watching it from the side. The author of the book “You Can Do More” will show you from personal (and not only) experience how to bring meaning back to life and learn to enjoy it again. She will describe in detail the path to realizing your own self, unlocking your potential and achieving small but very important goals. The main thing is to be ready for change.

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7. 100 ways to change your life (Larisa Parfentyeva)

How to find the courage to leave a job you don’t like? How to properly maintain motivation and keep moving forward? We ask ourselves these and a thousand other similar questions literally every day, but we never find an answer to them. The book “100 Ways to Change Your Life” will tell you not one, but many inspiring stories that will not only give you an outside perspective, but will also help you understand yourself a little better.

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8. Rice storm and 21 other ways to think outside the box (Michael Mikalko)

Creative crisis is not only a problem for artists and writers. The lack of ideas can ruin the life of anyone: from a housewife to an economist. This unusual book is a real collection of techniques for combating dullness and insipidity. It will not only give you a great mood, but will also help restore brightness and originality to your ideas. If you feel like you need a little push, take the time to read this book!

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9. Looking for ideas. An Illustrated Study of Creativity (Grant Snyder)

How to catch an idea by the tail in time and force yourself to implement it? How to distinguish a successful plan from an obsessive thought? If you are used to working in spurts, constantly waiting for inspiration and a visit from a magical muse, then stop your attention on this wonderful book. It is designed specifically for those who cannot find the motivation and desire to create something bright and unique.

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10. Refraction. The Science of Seeing Differently (Bo Lotto)

Bo Lotto, a world-renowned neuroscientist and the author of this book, has been studying human perception and its dependence on the world around him for several years now. His definitely non-standard book will be remembered by you because it will give you a completely different look at already familiar things. Family, work, relationships, life in general - wouldn't you like to experience it all again, somehow differently? So why not start right now?

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Sit back comfortably in an easy chair, close your eyes, take a deep breath and honestly and truthfully answer the questions: “Are you happy with your life?”, “Are you doing what you always wanted to do?”, “Do you feel like you are in the right place?” . If in all three cases you give positive answers, then congratulations, you are one of those lucky ones who have successfully found your destiny, and now live in accordance with it, enjoying every day. If these questions only give you sad thoughts and a feeling of dissatisfaction with the current situation, turn to our current selection of books about finding yourself. The main characters of these works, like you, had a rather poor understanding of what they should do with their lives, but in the end they managed to find a solution.

Swami Radhanatha's Journey Home. Autobiography of an American Yogi"

Once upon a time, Richard Slavin was an ordinary American boy from the suburbs of Chicago. Today he is known as Swami Radhanath, a bhakti yoga teacher, social activist and ambassador of peace. His story, which began as a fun hitchhiking trip with friends across Europe, turned into something much more valuable - a real spiritual journey. For two years, Richard traveled halfway around the world, met powerful yogis and famous gurus, experienced many difficulties and hardships, and even put his life in danger several times. But, believe me, it was worth it, because, following the call of his heart, he found himself.

Laurie Nelson Spielman - "Life Plan"

They say that our true desires and dreams are those that came from childhood, and all others are imposed by family, public opinion or the media. Sometimes it seems almost impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff and understand what is really yours, but only by honestly understanding yourself can you become truly happy. The main character of the novel “Life Plan,” Brett, after the death of her mother, was surprised to learn her last will: her beloved daughter does not receive an inheritance, she cannot live in her father’s house, and yes, she is fired from the family corporation. She also got a list of goals that the girl wrote at the age of 14: buy a horse, work as a teacher, make peace with her father. If Bret can fulfill them, he will receive a reward, and if not, well... The heroine had no choice but to swear at her mother’s extravagance and begin to implement the plan. Only now, this whole undertaking turned out to be not at all an easy task. His father died a long time ago, the horse does not fit into the city apartment, and his job as a teacher is turning into a complete disaster.

Jon Krakauer "Into the Wild"

If Richard Slavin managed to find the truth largely thanks to communication with sages and famous teachers, then the main character of Jon Krakauer’s documentary novel “Into the Wild”, in search of himself, chose a different path - loneliness and self-denial. Chris McCandless, being one of the most promising students at Emory University, left his property after graduation, gave money to charity and went to Alaska, to the dark and harsh kingdom of eternal glaciers. In the taiga wilderness, many kilometers from civilization, this impressionable young man, who admired Leo Tolstoy, tried to find answers to fundamental questions and understand what human happiness consists of. Freed from the extra husk of everyday life and socially imposed patterns of behavior and rules, Chris, after spending 189 days in complete solitude, finally coped with this riddle. But the price for the correct answer turned out to be too high.

Erlend Lu “Naive. Super"

Any person at some point in life can feel the absolute meaninglessness of their existence. It seems that everything is in order: there is work, there are also relatives and friends, but still some kind of melancholy gnaws every minute, and it is not clear who you are, and most importantly, why you are. The main character of the novel “Naive. Super”, realizing that he had fallen into such a swamp, he decided to set aside a month to reboot and try to closely study himself during this period. No trips around the world, no life upheavals, just loneliness, reflection, silence. So what do you do when you're lost in this world? Make lists. Play and have fun. Remember good stories. See the little things. Believe in important things. The answers to the most difficult questions are usually the simplest.

Julie Powell "Julie & Julia" Cooking happiness according to the recipe"

Julie Powell once had that typical and familiar “midlife crisis.” An unloved job, problems with your husband, monotonous days and oppressive relatives - when all this comes at one moment, you urgently need to look for some ray of light before you find yourself in the dark, buried under the rubble of your own life. For Julie, cooking became such a saving ray - the girl decided to implement an ambitious plan: to prepare 524 recipes for French cuisine from the book of Julia Child, a famous American chef, in a year, and highlight this project on her blog. Dish after dish, recipe after recipe, Julie changed her daily routine, proving to others and herself that the key to a new life can be anything, as long as there is a sincere desire for change and a little imagination.

Barbara Sher is a psychologist, renowned speaker, and author of seven best-selling books on achieving goals. The highlight of her books is their light style, lack of moralizing and “water”, and a lot of practical advice. The publication “What to Dream About” will teach you how to find your strengths, show you how to get rid of self-doubt, and help you draw a diagram of the path to success.

Another book by the famous psychologist, which will tell you how to live according to your own, and not according to circumstances, to find your voice and believe in it. The publication contains many useful examples and practical tasks. Aimed at those who have long dreamed of changing their professional activity.

An inspiring book from a famous coach. The publication contains a lot of practical advice on how to overcome inertia, understand yourself, and start taking action - even if you have been putting it off for many years. Suitable for those who want to change their profession, but do not know where to start.

A manual written by a practicing psychologist. Inside there are many comics and motivational pictures, tasks for self-testing, and personal stories of the author. The book will help you find, draw up a plan for self-development and overcome self-doubt.

The book is for those who have passed the 20-year mark, but have not yet reached their fourth decade, as well as for parents of teenagers. The author explains with examples why life should not be put on the back burner and the best time for intellectual and professional development is from 20 to 30 years old. The conclusions are supported by the opinions of leading sociologists, psychologists, neurologists, top managers in the personnel sector and economists.

An inspiring bestseller about finding yourself, written in the form of a work of fiction, and has been translated into 30 languages. The main character is an ordinary office worker John, whose life changed dramatically after visiting the Why Cafe. A lot of revelations, presented in an accessible form, will motivate you to look at your life from the outside and find new ones.

A fascinating non-fiction about the nature of consciousness will tell you why we underestimate the capabilities of our own brain and how to find ourselves. The author - president of the Higher School of Methodology, founder of the intellectual cluster "Mind Games" - shares the results of research in the field of neurophysiology, neurobiology and medicine and gives advice on unlocking your capabilities. Thanks to this book, you will learn how to manage your own mind and recognize your talents.
A non-fiction book about the subconscious and its influence on us, written by a professor of neurochemistry and neurobiology. Dispenza offers a four-week life transformation program based on a scientific approach. The book will tell you how your brain and subconscious mind work and what to do to make them work to fulfill your desires.

The book will not help you find your calling, but it will show in an elegant form that the search for it is always difficult and is especially difficult to experience in youth. The novel about the lame orphan Philip Carey was written by an English prose writer in 1915. The main character, whose story is described from birth to his student years, is trying to find his calling and understand what it is. This is an inspiring work about ordinary people who find themselves, no matter what.

It's no secret that reading develops a person. Today we decided to collect 7 books that will help you understand and understand yourself.

Somerset Maugham - Theater

The Theater is Somerset Maugham's most famous novel. A subtle, bitingly ironic story of a brilliant, intelligent actress who celebrates her “midlife crisis” with an affair with a handsome young “predator”? "Vanity Fair" of the Roaring Twenties? Or - a timeless, fascinating book in which each reader finds something for himself? “The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors!” So it was - and so it will always be!


Ayn Rand - Source

For many years, this novel has topped the bestseller list. It has become a classic. Its main character, Howard Roark, fights for his personal right to creativity, takes unexpected actions that seem extraordinary in the eyes of others. But this is not the only thread of the work. The plot also contains room for Roarke's unusual relationship with the woman he loves. Subsequently, she becomes the wife of his worst enemy.

The author raises such topics as the presence of talent, genius and individualism in people. Through the actions and words of his character, he fights against dullness and careerism. Emphasizes the highest value - to be free. From public opinion and prejudices. From negative emotions. Therefore, the book inspires, gives strength and faith in yourself, in your purpose!


Jack London - Martin Eden

The most unusual novel by Jack London. A novel that blew the minds of several generations of young people from different countries, obsessed with his almost Nietzschean idea of ​​a “strong man” who overcomes any obstacles. Now, of course, Nietzschean motives are no longer relevant, but his main idea is still noble... A real man is not afraid of difficulties, does not commit betrayal, does not retreat from the enemy and is always ready to protect the woman he loves. Sounds corny? But not for Jack London's timeless heroes.


George Sand - Consuelo

The work of the French writer Georges Sand (real name Aurora Dupin) became one of the most significant phenomena in European culture of the 19th century. George Sand was a creative, bright, freedom-loving and talented person. And many of the heroines of George Sand’s works are similar to their creator. Consuelo’s prototype was the French singer Pauline Viardot, and the writer’s most famous novel tells the story of the calling of a true artist, the difficult burden of talent bestowed by fate, and sometimes the tragic choice between success, fame and personal happiness, the joy of family life...

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Thomas Mann - Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus (1943) is the key work of Thomas Mann and one of the most significant books of the 20th century. The old German legend about Doctor Johann Faustus, who sold his soul to the devil not for money or fame, but for absolute knowledge, under the pen of Thomas Mann takes on the features of a mysterious novel-parable about the young talented composer Leverkühn, who either in reality or in his imagination made a similar deal with Darkness: everyone whom Leverkühn loves will die, and his genius will bring people nothing but misfortune.


Joanne Harris - Chocolate

The sleepy calm of a small French town is disturbed by the arrival of a young woman, Vianne and her daughter. They appeared along with a noisy and colorful carnival procession, and when the carnival ended, its bright joy remained in the eyes of Vianne, who opened her chocolate shop here. Somehow, miraculously, she learns about the innermost desires of the town's inhabitants and offers everyone exactly the kind of chocolate treat that makes them feel the taste for life again.

“Chocolate” is a story about kindness and tolerance, about the confrontation between innocent temptations and hidebound righteousness. The Hollywood film of the same name directed by Lasse Hallström (starring Juliette Binoche, Johnny Depp and Judi Dench) was nominated for an Oscar in five categories and a Golden Globe in four.


Vladimir Nabokov - Gift

“The Gift” (1938) is the last Russian novel by Vladimir Nabokov, which can rightfully be called the pinnacle of the Russian-language period of his work and one of the masterpieces of Russian literature of the twentieth century. Narrating the creative development of the young emigrant writer Fyodor Godunov-Cherdyntsev, this deeply autobiographical book touches on the most important Nabokovian themes: the fate of Russian literature, the mystery of a true gift, the idea of ​​personal immortality, achievable through memories, love and art. In this edition, the text of the novel is published along with the author's preface to its later English translation.