Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Household chemicals are harmful to health. The benefits and harms of chemistry in human life briefly

If you really care about your health and the health of your loved ones, you need to know and track the main chemical components of cleaning products in your home. Please note that cosmetics, as well as body and hair care products contain similar substances.

Of course, you won’t be able to choose a product completely free of harmful substances, but you can avoid minimizing the entry of the most dangerous ingredients into the body. Below are examples of the most dangerous and harmful substances:

  1. Organochlorine compounds.
  2. Phosphates and phosphonates.
  3. Surfactants are surfactants.
  4. Formaldehyde.
  5. Various acids, including hydrochloric acid.

Each on its own, and in various combinations, these common substances act on various organs and cause all possible pathologies and diseases.

View document contents

  • Purpose and objectives of the study
  • What are household chemicals
  • Chemicals in cosmetics
  • The most dangerous chemicals
  • Statistics of poisoning from household chemicals
  • Alternative to household chemicals
  • Conclusion
  • Literature

Purpose of the study: To determine the danger of the influence of household chemicals on human health

Research objectives:

1. Study the composition of household chemicals and their effect on humans

2. Find ways to solve the problem.




  • Household chemicals is a sub-sector of the chemical industry that produces and develops household chemicals.


Chemicals in detergents

  • Surfactants - these are surface active substances - surfactants (tensides, surfactants) - they are the basis of all detergents
  • Enzymes- provide removal of difficult to wash out protein contaminants, natural bactericides and foam stabilizers
  • Flavoring supplements -for example, hexylcinnamaldehyde, which gives odor

Chemicals in cosmetics



  • Mutagens
  • Synthetic musk - added to cosmetics as a fragrance; it is present in perfumes, lotions and other personal care products. Lead - present as an impurity in almost 3% of all base products

hazardous substances

contribute to excessive degreasing and dehydration of the skin, destruction of cell walls and sharply reduce the protective function of the epidermis

causes severe burns to the respiratory tract, corrodes the skin and can accumulate in the body.


are able to accumulate in the human endocrine system, harming hormonal levels and provoking the growth of cancer cells.

Statistics of poisoning by household chemicals in Russia.

  • The number of poisonings from household chemicals is growing every year. But household chemicals have become necessary for humanity, which means that we need to look for new safe substances that can replace household chemicals

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person in everyday life without the use of a lot of household chemicals:

  • washing powder that effectively washes things - most families use Myth, Sorti, Tide, Ariel, Denis, Persil, Pemos, Dosya, Lotus, Stork, Eared nannies
  • various types of cleaning products and detergents in the kitchen or bathroom: Pemoxol, Biolan, Pemolux, Domestos, Ac.
  • for washing dishes: Sorti, Feri, Myth, Biolan, etc.
  • window and mirror cleaners, air fresheners, carpet cleaners, and insect repellents.

Household chemicals contain many harmful substances that not only harm the fragile ecosystem, but also have a very detrimental effect on human health, leading sooner or later to chronic human diseases. Manufacturers claim that the amount of harmful substances in household chemical products is minimal, but they “forget” to mention such a fact as the cumulative effect of all components, which causes real harm to health:

  • Only 3% of the population carefully study the composition of purchased household chemicals and buy hypoallergenic products
  • 50% know that these products are harmful to health, but due to their effectiveness and time savings, they choose them
  • 50% don't think twice This is why they trust the ubiquitous advertising of manufacturers.

If you take care of your health and want to minimize the impact of dangerous chemical compounds, buy the safest household chemicals possible and carefully read the composition and instructions. The most hazardous chemical compounds often used in household products are:

  • Chlorine, organochlorine compounds - in cleaning products and detergents
  • Phosphates and phosphonates- in washing powders
  • Surfactants - in detergents and cleaning products
  • Formaldehyde - in dishwashing detergents, carpet cleaners (formaldehyd or methanal, methylene oxide, oxymethylene)
  • Hydrochloric acid - in cleaning products

Also, cosmetics - shampoos, creams, decorative cosmetics contain a lot of substances that negatively affect health, which manufacturers are silent about (see). One of the studies by American scientists found that the abuse of household chemicals and cosmetics affects women’s reproductive health, disrupting the functions of the endocrine system and bringing menopause closer (see)

Chlorine and organochlorine compounds - hypochlorite (hypochlorite) or sodium hypochlorite (sodium hypochlorite)

Chlorine and its compounds are found in many products:

  • bleaches - ACE (chlorine bleaches)
  • detergents for dishwashers and hand washing dishes (Prill)
  • disinfectants - Belizna, Comet (gel or powder with chlorinol), Domestos (a very highly concentrated product, practically a “poison” for the respiratory system, cannot be used in everyday life)
  • anti-mold products

In the European Union since 1987, some chlorine-containing compounds have been banned or their use is limited because they can cause:

Chlorine has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes, leading to primary inflammatory changes, which are easily followed by a secondary infection. At low and medium concentrations of chlorine, poisoning is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Mild household poisoning occurs when using detergents and cleaning products and recovery occurs within 3-7 days. However, with a low concentration of chlorine and its compounds, acute poisoning does not occur, the negative effect on health is not noticeable to a person, but if contact occurs regularly, changes in the respiratory tract occur and the person does not understand why he suddenly developed hoarseness, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma or pulmonary tuberculosis develops (note that by the age of 30, almost the entire population of Russia is considered infected with Koch's bacillus, and such slow poisoning can contribute to the development of the disease).

Not all housewives know that sulfur dioxide, ethylene glycol and chlorine, which are part of household disinfectants, are chemical warfare agents in the military industry. At the enterprises producing these detergents, workers wear protective clothing and respirators!!! The packaging of products usually indicates not just chlorine, but chlorine-containing compounds, which are the active ingredient, for example sodium hypochlorite (sodium hypochlorite) or simply hypochlorite (hypochlorite), and when using these household chemicals, chlorine is also released.

The risk of irritation of mucous membranes and the development of diseases of the respiratory system increases when using chlorine-containing products in winter in small (bathroom, toilet), poorly ventilated rooms, as well as in winter water parks and swimming pools.


Surfactants (surfactants) today are found in all cleaning products - soap, washing powders, dish and room cleaners, etc. Why do they clean surfaces so well? They promote the connection of water molecules with fat molecules, so these substances also break down the protective skin fat of a person. According to the standards established by GOST, the protective layer of the skin after using such products should independently restore up to 60% within 4 hours after using the surfactant, but this does not happen.

All surfactants are divided into:

  • Anionic surfactants (a-surfactants) are the most highly soluble in water, cheapest, most effective and most harmful to nature and the human body. They can accumulate in significant concentrations in the body.
  • Cationic surfactants - they are less harmful and have bactericidal properties.
  • Nonionic surfactants- 100% biodegradable

Anionic surfactants are often contaminated with nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic, and this is not stated on the label. Most modern household chemicals have a high concentration of anionic surfactants; when used frequently and abundantly in everyday life, this leads to:

  • severe degreasing and dehydration of the skin, which leads to premature aging
  • in combination with phosphates, which promote more intense penetration of a-surfactants through the skin, they are absorbed into the blood, reducing immunity.
  • Anionic surfactants accumulate in organs: in the liver - 0.6%, in the brain - 1.9% of the total amount of surfactants exposed to the skin and other organs.
  • these substances have a toxic effect: they disrupt the functions of liver cells, which leads to an increase in cholesterol levels and, as a result, increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes; in the lungs they can cause emphysema, hyperemia, and disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system and peripheral nervous systems.
  • the risk of developing allergic reactions increases.

When using any detergents (both for washing dishes and washing clothes), surfactants penetrate and accumulate in the body. Even rinsing dishes 10 times with hot water does not free them from chemical compounds. In order to somehow reduce their harmful effects, you should purchase products with an amount of a-surfactants of no more than 5%.

Modern packaging of washing powders - gel capsules - are such bright and pleasant-to-touch packaging that they attract small children, reminiscent of a toy, candy, or juice box. In the United States, 1 child is hospitalized every day with poisoning after exposure to, inhalation or ingestion of such products (see). Splashing and swallowing the laundry gel capsule causes coughing, choking, conjunctivitis, eye burns, and vomiting in children.


  • Eared nanny— phosphates 15-30%, silicates (5-15%), nonionic surfactants, defoamer (less than 5%), oxygen-containing bleaches, fragrance, enzymes, optical brighteners
  • Amway(contains phosphonates and optical brightener)
  • stork(if there are phosphates in the composition)
  • company "Edelstar" washing powder AMELY (a-surfactant, contains phosphates)
  • Pemos,Dreft,Nanny baby, Ariel, Myth,Tide, etc.


  • Garden kids (baby soap 30%, soda ash 60%, sodium citrate 0.3% and silver ions, fragrance-free), pour directly into the drum, it is better to pre-soak or pre-stark, because heavy soiling does not wash well)
  • Frau Schmidt (contain anionic surfactants, but not more than 15%, zeolites and anionic tensides, without fragrance)
  • Bio Mio (15% zeolites, less than 5% anionic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, polycarboxylates, enzymes, cotton extract soap) Denmark
  • soap nuts (and products based on them)
  • Sonett
  • Almawin
  • Japanese and Korean remedies (not all)
  • EcoLife (cleaning probiotics)
  • Ecover
  • Nordland Eco

Phosphates and phosphonates

In the former USSR, back in the 60s, the influence of SMS (synthetic detergents) on human health and the environment was studied, and the results coincided with the conclusions of similar studies by European specialists.

However, the conclusions drawn were different:

  • European countries have banned some harmful substances completely, while others have sharply limited their permissible content in washing powders.
  • in our country, these alarming facts were kept silent and hidden not only from society, but also from specialists, and to this day there is no control or ban on the inclusion of harmful substances in products not only for adults, but also for children.

It was found that phosphorus (phosphate) compounds disrupt the acid-base balance of skin cells, that is, they destroy the natural defenses; they interact with lipid-protein membranes, penetrating the structural elements of the cell and causing deep, subtle changes in biophysical and biochemical processes, which leads not only to:

  • dermatological diseases (,)
  • allergic reactions, respiratory tract damage, but also
  • Penetrating through the skin, phosphates partially penetrate into the bloodstream and affect the content of hemoglobin, protein, and blood serum density, which in turn leads to
  • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, skeletal muscles, as well as
  • metabolic disorders, severe poisoning, exacerbation of chronic diseases
Sodium phosphate
Calcium phosphate Potassium phosphate
  • Household chemicals
  • Food industry
  • in the food industry - baking powder
  • household chemicals
  • in the food industry - a preservative
  • household chemicals
What is it for?
  • Softens water, which is why it is used in washing powders
  • As a leavening agent (food additive E339 uses not sodium phosphate, but dihydrogen phosphate) not only for dough, but also for condensed milk, sausages, and cheeses
Cleans teeth more effectively, so it is included in toothpastes For softening water in shampoos, liquid soaps, etc.
Interesting Facts
  • used in laxatives
  • building material for teeth and bones
  • if you apply it to the cut of an apple, it will not darken

In addition, when phosphates enter natural bodies of water, they cause water blooms, since they serve as fertilizer for algae, and this leads to the death of living organisms in rivers and lakes. Today, many manufacturers refuse to add phosphates to household chemical products, and introduce polycarboxylates and zeolites as more environmentally friendly substances.

Phosphate content in our usual washing powders

In all popular and advertised brands of washing powders sold in Russian supermarkets, the phosphate content is indicated as 15-30%, but often their level is more than 40%. Why is this dangerous for human health when regularly used for washing clothes?

Phosphates in such quantities are practically not rinsed out of synthetic, cotton and woolen fabrics - that is, from all that modern people wear. To rinse them, you need to rinse the fabric 8-10 times in HOT water, and modern automatic washing machine programs rinse mainly in cold water and no more than 2-4 times!!!

As mentioned above, the presence of phosphate additives in washing powders enhances the toxic effects of a-surfactants, causing a slow destruction of the fragile chemical balance of the human body, causing first minor changes, subtle or even unnoticeable, then more significant.

And the saddest thing is that none of us associate the deterioration in general health, the appearance of chronic diseases by the age of 40-50, with the influence of household chemicals. And the manufacturers of these products are not interested in disseminating negative information about the dangers of their products to the health of the nation; for the same reason, there are no reliable studies over a long period of time on a large group of people about the dangers of using such products in everyday life.

In order to somehow protect yourself and your loved ones from the influence of phosphates, you should:

  • Rinse clothes and underwear in hot water more than 8 times.
  • Wear gloves on your hands not only to protect your delicate skin, but also to protect your body from harmful substances.
  • When washing, try not to be in the same room and ventilate the apartment while doing so.
  • After washing, be sure to wet clean the apartment.
  • Choose detergents with surfactants and phosphates of no more than 5%, certified, without a strong odor, hermetically sealed
  • Use a minimal amount of any disinfectant
  • Never mix different disinfectants
  • Wear a mask and gloves when cleaning and washing.

Other harmful compounds hazardous to health

  • sodium hypochlorite - sodium hypochlorite, used in bleaches. Since this substance is very unstable, it easily releases chlorine, the dangers of which are described above.
  • Petroleum distillates- used in polishes for metal surfaces, even short-term exposure leads to, and frequent and prolonged exposure leads to skin diseases, disruption of the nervous system, visual organs, and kidneys.
  • Nitrobenzolum, nitrobenzine, nitroben-zene, nitrobenzene- used in furniture and floor polishes. It causes birth defects in children, causes cancer, vomiting, shortness of breath, skin discoloration, and even causes death.
  • Ammonia— liquid ammonia, used in glass cleaning products. Causes headaches, respiratory tract and eye irritation.
  • Formaldehyde as a preservative in food is a carcinogen and causes irritation to the respiratory tract, skin, eyes, and throat.
  • Phenols and cresols- as bactericidal additives, they are very toxic, causing dizziness, diarrhea, impaired liver and kidney function, and loss of consciousness.

Before purchasing household chemicals, you should familiarize yourself with the composition indicated on the packaging and read the instructions. Try to avoid using chemical products with the following symbols:

  • Annoying

All cleaning agents and detergents, their fumes cause coughing, inflammation of the respiratory tract, and redness if they come into contact with the skin. inflammation.

  • Harmful

On solvents, paints, varnishes - these are very caustic and toxic substances.

  • Caustic

In products for removing blockages and cleaning sewer pipes, these are acids and alkalis. Causes burns upon contact with skin. Work only with gloves.

  • Dangerous

For the environment - terrestrial and aquatic animals, vegetation.

How to make your own safe cleaning products

For dish washing

Bag of soap - All of us have a lot of soap leftover if we put 2-3 soaps in a bag made from an old microfiber cloth (take a piece of fabric measuring 10x10 cm and sew it, putting the soap in it). This is very convenient and the dishcloth turns out to be self-soaping.

Dishwashing gel- you can make it yourself, it will be much cheaper and less harmful than using industrial products. You will need:

  • half a liter of hot water
  • laundry soap – 25 gr.
  • vodka - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • glycerin - 4 tbsp. spoons

Grate the soap, add hot water, stir well, let cool. Then add vodka and glycerin and stir thoroughly. The result is a homogeneous liquid with foam that needs to be removed. Then pour the liquid into a container from the same Fary (any bottle of dishwashing gel with a dispenser). At first, the product will be liquid, then it will thicken a little and its consumption will be slightly higher than that of industrial gels, but it is a safer and cheaper dishwashing detergent.

For cleaning kitchen and bathroom surfaces and washing kitchen utensils

You can make this paste yourself with some effort. You will need:

  • soap (preferably 72% laundry soap, but baby soap is also possible) - 100 g
  • hot water – 200 ml
  • mixer
  • baking soda - 250 gr
  • essential oil for scent (optional)
  • You can add mustard to the finished paste, but only directly when washing greasy frying pans, frying pans, and pots.

The first thing is to grate the soap
Second, add hot water and beat with a mixer until thick foam, it will be sticky and stick to the mixer (no problem), beat for 10-15 minutes.
Third, add baking soda to the mixture; it will break up the sticky mixture and give it a pleasant consistency. It is better to store the cleaning mixture in a glass jar with a lid to prevent it from drying out (photo 1).

  • If you want the mass to be more liquid, then
  • Add more water to the whipped soap (1.5-2 cups)
  • A whole pack of baking soda (500g)
  • As a result, the mass will be like this (photo 2).

Since the smell of laundry soap is not very pleasant, if you wish, if you are not allergic to essential oils, you can add any favorite scent. As for washing greasy kitchen utensils, adding mustard helps eliminate grease, but it should not be added to the container with the main mass, since it quickly deteriorates, it should be used directly.

Soda Ash

This is an effective, economical, natural, safe cleaning product! It differs from baking soda in varying degrees of alkaline activity. Soda ash is a stronger alkali (pH = 11), while baking soda is a weaker alkali (pH 8.1). Baking soda is a universal washing, cleaning, grease removing and water softening agent. Can be safely used for:

  • washing floors
  • cleaning bathtubs, sinks, tiles
  • hand wash, machine wash (soaking linen and cotton fabrics)
  • cleaning enamel, ceramic, earthenware dishes
  • to prevent scale and soften hard water

But this soda, unlike baking soda, is more aggressive, so in its pure form it can only be stored in places inaccessible to children, away from food products; when using it, be sure to wear rubber gloves.

Just baking soda or forgotten laundry soap

As for the laundry soap we have forgotten, this is the most natural product of modern household chemicals, you just have to get used to the not very pleasant smell. And baking soda is a truly natural remedy that copes with any stains on any surfaces; it cleans perfectly:

Gel for washing clothes

For the gel you will need:

  • laundry soap (or baby soap) - 50 g
  • 1 liter of water
  • soda ash 45 gr.
  • optional essential oil

For air conditioner: If you add wine vinegar when rinsing (125-250 ml), you can soften the fabric and get rid of soap residue. You can make the following conditioner: for 1 liter of vinegar, 5 drops of essential oil (lavender, mint).

Grate the soap, add boiling water to the soap shavings, stir thoroughly. Then add soda ash, it is very important to mix well, after cooling you will get a thick gel. Soda will give the liquid a jelly-like state and a pearlescent tint. After cooling, you can add (optional) essential oil of your choice. Pour into some container or canister. If the gel is too thick, dilute it with boiling water before use. If the smell of laundry soap is completely unacceptable, you can replace the laundry soap with baby soap.

This product is suitable for automatic washing machines at a rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of thick gel per 5 kg of laundry. The linen washes well and becomes soft. This is an excellent product for allergy sufferers, since it has neither phosphates nor harmful surfactants, ideal for white linen and children's clothes. Since the gel contains soda ash, you should wear gloves when using the product, especially if there are lesions on the skin or hypersensitivity.

The disadvantage of this method is:

  • Do not wash black or dark fabrics
  • clothes with membrane and special coating, wool and silk fabrics
  • It is better to put the gel directly into the drum

Amazing properties of toothpaste

Regular toothpaste can be used for more than just brushing your teeth, as teeth whitening ingredients can help clean many things around the house, such as:

  • taps, sinks
  • glass shower doors
  • Jewelry
  • chrome products
  • smartphone surface, protect DVDs from damage
  • you can remove black shuffling marks on white shoes or the soles of sports shoes
  • deposits on the surface of the iron
  • eliminates the smell of fish from your hands - wash your hands not with soap, but with toothpaste and the smell will go away
  • Toothpaste with a whitening effect can remove stains from juice and other food, lipstick on white fabrics, without a whitening effect - on colored fabrics. You should apply the paste, rub it in the dirty area and wash the item in the machine.

Mold control

The ingredients listed below should be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the moldy surface. Required:

  • half a liter of water
  • 2 teaspoons tea tree essential oil
  • Alcohol - 1 teaspoon

Vinegar is also effective in combating mold; it destroys up to 80% of fungal lesions. You can also add a little table vinegar to the water in a spray bottle and spray it on the problem surface.

Vinegar and lemon juice

Lemon juice is good for cleaning glass, removing rust from dishes, polishing silverware, and removing stains from clothes and china; exposure to sunlight increases its bleaching effect.

Vinegar is an excellent tool for treating toilets, cleaning tiles, tiles, removes mold, scale (boil a kettle with water and vinegar), effectively removes tar and wax stains, cleans brick and stone surfaces. To clean mirrors and glass, housewives have long used vinegar in the proportion of 2 teaspoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

Essential oils and essences

Spruce, lemon, orange, lavender are wonderful air fresheners. It is enough to add a few drops to a special aroma lamp and turn it on for 20 minutes.

Household chemicals occupy an important place in our lives - washing dishes and floors, washing and cleaning the apartment, air fresheners, etc. From the TV screen, in stores and when communicating with friends, we often hear which product works best when cleaning an apartment, and which one is worth buying. But few places do we hear about the composition of household chemicals, the quality of these products, and what impact household chemicals will have on us and our loved ones.

Often people do not even suspect what a huge amount of dangerous toxins that have ever been created are located directly in our homes: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in our rooms. The purpose of this article is not to scare you, but to enable you to understand the harmful effects of household chemicals and create a clean and healthy home for you, your family and your pets.

Safety and quality of household chemicals

When purchasing household chemicals, first of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer itself. It is better to buy products from companies whose products have been certified and approved by organizations responsible for health and the environment. Also, the company must be on the market for more than a year to attest to the quality of its products. It's good if cleaning products have natural ingredients. Try to buy products not second-hand, which will significantly protect yourself from counterfeits.

As for the safety of household chemicals, this is largely answered by companies that call their products environmentally friendly, non-toxic, safe and harmless. This is mostly true, since companies that produce such products are legally liable if any of their customers are harmed by their use.

It is advisable to read the composition of the household chemicals you buy. The composition may contain chemical elements that can cause great harm to the body. Most of these substances have long been banned in European countries, but on our shelves these substances are still found in products.

Avoid products that contain:


It has long been known that chlorine is dangerous. It leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, contributes to the occurrence of atherosclerosis, hypertension, and various allergic reactions. Chlorine destroys proteins in the human body, negatively affects human hair and skin, and increases the risk of cancer. Although chlorine is contained in household chemicals in small quantities, it still causes harm every time products containing it are used, and even when these products are not used - the chlorine disappears, and everyone who is nearby constantly inhales it.


Phosphates also cause great harm to the human body; over time, this can lead to various diseases and the development of cancer cells. They have been banned in many countries around the world for more than 10 years. Currently in Germany, Italy, Austria, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands they wash only with phosphate-free powders. In Belgium, more than 80% of powders are phosphate-free, in Denmark - 54%, Finland and Sweden - 40%, France - 30%, Great Britain and Spain - 25%, Greece and Portugal - 15%. In Japan, by 1986 there were no phosphates in washing powders at all. Laws banning phosphates in laundry detergents are in effect in the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and South Africa. In the US, such bans cover more than a third of all states.

Anionic surfactants

They are also designated A-surfactant. These are the most aggressive of surfactants. They cause immunity disorders, allergies, damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, and lungs. The worst thing is that surfactants can accumulate in organs and phosphates contribute to this, because they enhance the penetration of surfactants through the skin and contribute to the accumulation of these substances on tissue fibers. Even rinsing 10 times in hot water does not completely remove chemicals. Woolen, half-woolen and cotton fabrics (for children!) retain substances most strongly. Unsafe surfactant concentrations persist for up to four days. This creates a source of constant intoxication within the body itself.

Dishwashing detergents

One of the most dangerous types of household chemicals is dishwashing detergent. They are not particularly toxic, but they constantly end up in food from “clean” plates. It has long been proven that they are difficult to clean when washing dishes, even if we wash the dishes with running water several times. The next time we eat from this dish, the food, along with the chemicals on the dish, goes directly into our body.

Try to use less chemicals and more natural products - soda, mustard and other products that do not harm the body. And if you really have to, then dilute the detergent with water in a ratio of one to two. Pour half of the detergent into another container, and feel free to dilute the remaining half with water. This means savings (consumption is half as much) and less harm, and the dishes are washed just as well. In addition, wash, rather than rinse, dishes more thoroughly under the tap. This will help you and your family eat less chemicals.

Air fresheners

This type of household chemicals is ineffective, since it does not remove the cause of the bad odor, but only temporarily hides it, replacing the unpleasant odor with harmful air. It is often worth removing the cause of the smell - keeping the apartment clean or ventilating the room, and then there is no need to use air fresheners. You can also use more natural products to create a pleasant smell in your apartment - flowers, incense sticks, essential oils, orange peels, pine branches, etc.

Air freshener manufacturers strive to ensure that the scent of the air freshener stays in the air for as long as possible. This causes great harm to the body, since all this time we breathe this freshener and poison our body through the lungs.

The harmful effects of aerosols are well known to people with allergic diseases, as well as to children. But even if your body doesn't give any signals that you're breathing contaminated air, that doesn't mean it's not harming you. You just won’t know the result right away, but over time, through headaches, dry throat, dry cough, redness and various allergic reactions of the body are also possible.

In order to get rid of the cause of unpleasant odors, first of all, you need to regularly clean the apartment, regularly ventilate it, close the door to the toilet tightly and establish ventilation there. Usually this is enough to ensure that the apartment always has clean and fresh air.

Washing powders

All washing powders are very active detergents. Even children's and hypoallergenic powders are dangerous to health. Any washing powder must be handled with extreme caution.

No matter how thoroughly you rinse your clothes, some of the powder still remains in the fabric and, when you put on fresh clothes, your body comes into contact with the powder, which enters your body through the pores of the skin. Sensitive people, and especially children, immediately feel itching or redness on the skin. Therefore, each time you wash, you should set your washing machine to an extra rinse mode.

Washing powder should be stored away from food, dishes, and children's toys. You should pour the powder very carefully, otherwise the powder dust may get into your lungs.

When machine washing, it is advisable to open the door to the bathroom and go into another room, so that as little as possible of the harmful substances contained in the powder get into the lungs. It is advisable to ventilate the apartment after washing.

To reduce contact with washing powders, you should avoid hand washing. If you still have to wash by hand, you should do it with special gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after washing.

Insect control products

People use pesticides because they are effective in killing unwanted insects in the home. But the problem is that after using them, harmful substances remain in the apartment, from which children and pets especially suffer.

As with other chemicals, there are many non-toxic solutions for virtually every pesticide application. Keep food in sealable containers. Mouse traps, fly traps (sticky paper) and cockroach traps are effective for pests inside the home. Boric acid and pepper sprinkled in strategic places (against the wall behind kitchen furniture, along the walls) are also effective. Pieces of cedar and bags of herbs (such as wormwood) repel moths in cabinets.

Finally, about the impact of household chemicals on the world around us

Almost all household chemicals used today do not break down in nature. This means that washing powder or dishwashing detergent washed down the drain today will likely be present in our rivers, seas and oceans for many years. For this reason, the quality of drinking water is deteriorating, the aquatic inhabitants of our planet are suffering, the number of safe beaches for swimming is decreasing, and seafood becomes more dangerous when consumed.

For the sake of your health, your loved ones and our entire planet, it is better, whenever possible, to replace household chemicals with less dangerous analogues - laundry soap, soda, vinegar, water, in the end. There are plenty of alternatives to household chemicals for all occasions, and if you have a desire, you can find out about them through other articles on this and other sites on the Internet. If you cannot switch to alternatives to household chemicals, then at least be aware that you are not using harmless powders or liquids, but potentially dangerous chemicals. Therefore, be careful with them and try to use them in smaller quantities.

The development of the chemical industry takes human life to a completely new qualitative level. However, most people consider chemistry to be very complex and impractical science doing abstract things that are completely unnecessary in life. Let's try to dispel this myth.

In contact with

Why does humanity need chemistry?

The role of chemistry in the modern world is very great. In fact, chemical processes surround us constantly, this applies not only to industrial production or everyday matters.

Chemical reactions in our own body occur every second, decomposing organic substances into simple compounds like carbon dioxide and, as a result of which we receive energy to perform basic actions.

At the same time, we create new substances necessary for the life and functioning of all organs. Processes only stop after a person's death and its complete decomposition.

The source of nutrition for many organisms, including humans, are plants that have the ability to produce organic substances from water and carbon dioxide.

This process includes chain of complex chemical transformations, the result of which is the formation of biopolymers: fiber, starch, cellulose.

Attention! As a fundamental science, chemistry deals with the formation of ideas about the world, the relationships in it, the unity of the discrete and the continuous.

Chemistry in everyday life

Chemistry is present in human life every day; we are faced with a whole chain of chemical transformations during:

  • using soap;
  • making tea with lemon;
  • extinguishing soda;
  • lighting a match or gas burner;
  • preparing sauerkraut;
  • using powders and other detergents.

All these are chemical reactions, during which others are formed from one substance, and a person receives some benefit from this process. Modern powders contain enzymes that decompose at high temperatures, so washing in hot water is impractical. The effect of eating away stains will be minimal.

The effect of soap in hard water is also significantly reduced, but flakes appear on the surface. You can soften water by boiling, but sometimes this is only possible with the help of chemicals, which are added to washing machine products that reduce the process of scale formation.

Chemistry and the human body

The role of chemistry in human life begins with breathing and digestion of food.

All processes occurring in our body are carried out in dissolved form, and water is the universal solvent. Its magical properties once allowed the emergence of life on Earth, and are very important now.

The basis of a person’s chemical structure is the food he consumes. The better and more complete it is, the better the well-coordinated mechanism of life functions.

If there is a deficiency of any substance in the diet, ongoing processes are inhibited, and the body’s functioning is disrupted. Most often, we consider vitamins to be such important substances. But these are the most noticeable substances, the deficiency of which manifests itself quickly. The lack of other components may not be as visible.

For example, vegetarianism has negative aspects associated with the lack of supply of some complete proteins and amino acids contained in them with food. In such a situation, the body cannot synthesize some of its own proteins, which leads to various violations.

Even table salt must be included in the diet, since its ions help to carry out osmotic pressure, are part of the gastric juice, help work.

In case of various deviations in the activity of organs and systems, a person first of all turns to a pharmacy, which acts as the main promoter of human achievements in the field of chemistry.

More than 90 percent of the medications displayed on pharmacy shelves are artificially synthesized, even if they are present in nature, today it is easier to create them in a factory from individual components than to grow them in natural conditions. And although many of them have side effects, the positive value of eliminating the disease is much greater.

Attention! Cosmetology is almost entirely built on the achievements of chemists. It allows you to prolong a person’s youth and beauty, while at the same time bringing substantial income to cosmetic companies.

Chemistry at the service of industry

Initially, the science of chemistry was driven by curious and also greedy people.

The first were interested in learning what everything consists of and how it turns into something new, the second wanted to learn how to create something valuable that would allow them to acquire material wealth.

One of the most valuable substances is gold, followed by others.

Exactly ore mining and processing for the production of metals - the first directions of development of chemistry, they are still very important today. Because they allow get new alloys, use more effective methods of cleaning metals, and so on.

The production of ceramics and porcelain is also very ancient, it is gradually being improved, although it is difficult to surpass some of the ancient masters.

Oil refining today shows huge h the meaning of chemistry, because in addition to gasoline and other types of fuel, several hundred different substances are created from these natural raw materials:

  • rubbers and rubbers;
  • synthetic fabrics such as nylon, lycra, polyester;
  • car parts;
  • plastics;
  • detergents and household chemicals;
  • plumbing;
  • stationery;
  • furniture;
  • toys;
  • and even food.

The paint and varnish industry is completely based on the achievements of chemistry, all its diversity is created by scientists, synthesizing new substances. Even construction today makes full use of new materials that have properties uncharacteristic of natural substances. Their quality is gradually improving, proving that chemistry is necessary in human life.

Two sides of the coin

The role of chemistry in the modern world is enormous, we can no longer live without it, it gives us a lot of useful substances and phenomena, but at the same time it also causes certain harm.

Harmful effects of chemicals

As a negative factor, chemistry constantly appears in a person’s life. Most often we celebrate environmental consequences and public health.

The abundance of materials alien to our planet leads to the fact that they pollute soil and water, without being subject to natural decay processes.

Moreover, during decomposition or combustion they release large amounts of toxic substances, further poisoning the environment.

And yet, this question can be completely resolved with the help of the same chemistry.

A significant portion of substances can be recycle, again turning into the necessary goods. The problem, rather, is associated not with the shortcomings of chemistry as a science, but with the laziness of man, and his unwillingness to spend extra effort for processing waste products.

The same problem is associated with industrial waste, which today is rarely processed efficiently, poisoning the environment and human health.

The second point that says that chemistry and the human body are incompatible is artificial food, which many manufacturers are trying to stuff us with. But here the question is not so much the achievements of chemistry as the greed of people.

Chemical advances make human life easier, and perhaps the role of chemistry in solving the food problem will be invaluable, especially in combination with advances in genetics. The inability to use these achievements and the desire to earn money - that’s the main enemies of human health, and not the chemical industry at all.

Use of a large number of preservatives in food has become a problem in some countries where the inhabitants are so saturated with these substances that after death the processes of decomposition in them are greatly inhibited, as a result the dead just don't rot, and lie in the ground for many years.

Household chemicals often become a source allergic reactions and poisoning body. Mineral fertilizers and means for treating plants against pests are also dangerous for humans, and they also affect nature have a negative impact, gradually destroying it.

The benefits of chemistry

In psychology there is such a concept - which consists in removing internal tension through redistribution, to achieve a result in some accessible area.

In chemistry, this term is used to designate the process of obtaining a gaseous substance from a solid without a liquid stage. However, the psychology approach can also be applied in this industry.

Redirecting energy to advances in various chemical-related industries brings a lot benefits to society.

Speaking about why chemistry is needed in human life or industrial production, we recall many of its achievements that have made our lives comfortable and longer:

  • medicines;
  • modern materials with unique properties;
  • fertilizers;
  • energy sources;
  • food sources and more.

Chemistry in human life

If chemistry didn't exist. Why study chemistry


The role of chemistry in the modern world is undeniable, it took an important place in the system of human knowledge accumulated over thousands of years. Its active development in the 20th century is somewhat frightening and makes people think about the ultimate goal of using their knowledge. But without knowledge, humanity is only a separate group of individuals with not the best characteristics.

In everyday life, we use many chemical compounds to maintain cleanliness and disinfection. However, all these household chemicals can cause great harm to our health.

Various cleaning products and detergents contain surfactants, acids, alkalis, enzymes, bleaches, abrasives, fragrances, and volatile organic compounds. The presence of these drugs in the house does not contribute to a healthier atmosphere.

The thing is that, although household chemicals are synthetic, their main components are biologically aggressive, since they are used for cleaning and disinfection.

Substances that have the property of destroying other substances (even if it is dirt) can also harm humans.

Household chemicals very often cause skin irritation, inflammation and eczema. Volatile organic compounds irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, causing inflammatory reactions.

The odors of household chemicals can also irritate the nasal mucosa and cause a runny nose, difficulty breathing and coughing, even inflammation of the bronchi and even asthma attacks.

Some chemicals found in household chemicals cause dilation of the blood vessels in the brain, which causes migraine attacks (migraine sufferers are usually very sensitive to odors). Household chemicals even negatively affect digestion, causing nausea and heartburn, as well as increasing salivation. Damage to the stomach and intestines can also affect the functioning of the nervous system, which is expressed in a feeling of fatigue or increased irritability.

The human body's reaction to household chemicals mainly depends on the state of the human immune system and its ability to resist harmful external influences. The most sensitive to household chemicals are children, allergy sufferers, people with very delicate skin, and pregnant women.

Household chemicals weaken or destroy beneficial microflora. Long-term use of harmful substances can cause allergies and loosening of adipose tissue cells.

Even household chemicals diluted in water can cause harm to people with sensitive skin.

When household chemicals are used for cleaning and disinfection, harmful substances from them enter the air, which is then inhaled by people living in the apartment. Every day, in one apartment, several liters of water poisoned by chemicals are poured into the sewer, which then ends up in rivers and lakes, from which water flows back into the apartments. It turns out to be a vicious circle - the environment is polluted by cleaning products designed to clean it.

Household chemicals harm our health every day. People use it to wash dishes, bathtubs and sinks and often don't rinse them thoroughly enough. Because of this, some household cleaning products remain on the dishes, the surface of the bathtub and subsequently end up in the stomach or on the skin.

According to research results, the degree of air pollution from chemicals in the kitchen and bathroom of any housewife is much higher than outside the home.

The constant impact of these drugs on the body undermines the immune system and becomes an indirect cause of the development of chronic diseases.

According to dermatologists, many sources of allergens can be found in an apartment: they are present in washing powder, clothes cleaning products, polishing and waxing surfaces, textile treatments, insecticides and poisons for rodent control, air fresheners, scented candles, etc. d.

Harmful substances contained in household chemicals

Household chemicals (washing powders, cleaning products for clothes, home textiles, various surfaces, dishes, bathrooms, etc.) contain binding active substances: chlorine, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, phenol, formaldehyde, acetone, ammonia, enzymes, bleaches, abrasives, fragrances, etc.

All of them have a negative effect on the human body.

All harmful substances can be divided into the following groups:

– disrupting the functioning of the endocrine glands (they negatively affect the course of biological processes and cause neurological, behavioral and reproductive disorders);

– persist in the environment and do not decay over a long period of time;

– bioaccumulative (accumulate in our body and can be transmitted from generation to generation).

Among all harmful substances, the following pose the greatest danger:

parabens(easily penetrate the skin and cause harm from the inside);

phthalates(can cause premature birth, adversely affect sperm);

fragrances(general name for more than 100 substances that are potentially resistant to allergic components);

titanium dioxide(easily penetrates through the skin into the lymphatic system, causing a toxic effect on the body);

triclosan(an antibacterial agent added to some toothpastes and cleaning products. Very polluting to the environment);

alkylphenol ethoxylate(may disrupt endocrine glands. Contained in some laundry detergents, stain removers, hair dyes, detergents, hair care products, spermicides);

rapidly evaporating organic compounds. These include tuolene (risks babies being born with neurological disorders and developmental delays) and xylene (can cause birth defects and is found in most aerosols and air fresheners). These substances are harmful not only when used, but also when stored.

According to research published in the journal Washington Toxics Coalition, if a pregnant woman is frequently exposed to volatile organic compounds, she has a 25% increased incidence of headaches and a 19% increased risk of postpartum depression.

Washing powders

Every day new washing powders appear, promising to get rid of laundry and long soaking, whiten, remove all existing stains, etc. All this is presented as an effective means that saves our energy.

However, few people think that everything promised is achieved by increasing the level of highly active substances in the composition of washing powders. These reagents, in turn, are highly allergenic.

For an allergic reaction to occur, contact with a very small amount of a harmful substance is sufficient. Therefore, to maintain health, you should very carefully (for hand washing - at least 3 times) rinse your laundry with powder after washing.

However, rinsing alone cannot completely get rid of allergens. When pouring washing powder, some of the substances included in its composition enter the air from the box and then into the lungs.

Most of the washing powders on Russian shelves contain polyphosphates, which are dangerous not only to health, but also to the environment.

The basis of soap is lye. In advertising of any soap, the emphasis is placed precisely on this, or more precisely, on one of the properties of alkali - neutral reaction (pH 5.5). Soap actually has a neutral reaction in itself. However, when mixed with water, this alkaline balance shifts significantly towards the properties of water rather than soap. After all, for every gram of soap there is at least 100 ml of water. As a result, when soap is mixed with water, its valuable pH 5.5 quality simply dissolves.

But in fact, when using antiseptic soap, the opposite effect occurs, since the antibacterial substances contained in it also destroy beneficial microorganisms on the skin, which prevent pathogenic bacteria from multiplying. The skin is virtually left without protection against infections and bacteria.

Meanwhile, human skin is an organ whose main function is to protect the body from harmful external influences.

To do this, the skin also uses a protection method such as attracting beneficial microorganisms. For this purpose, the skin glands secrete special substances; in addition, the surface of the epidermal cells contains special antigenic determinants that fix exclusively beneficial microorganisms.

However, this entire complex defense mechanism breaks down after using soap with antiseptics for washing. A person becomes more susceptible to contracting various diseases, including life-threatening ones.

Dish detergents

Recently, many types of dishwashing detergents have appeared on store shelves. Manufacturers, trying to make their products more attractive to the buyer, add aromatic additives, special additives to maintain or strengthen skin health, etc. It seems that these products are not only absolutely safe, but also beneficial for health.

However, not everything is as rosy as the advertisement says. Most detergents contain antiseptics from the detergent group. The main property of detergents is to increase the surface tension of liquids (the result of this effect is rainbow soap bubbles).

If such a substance enters the intestines, it will lead to indigestion, flatulence and dysbacteriosis.

Bleach and chlorine detergents

In 1822, the Parisian pharmacist A. Labarraque produced a bleaching solution identical to the modern “Ace”, slightly improving the method for producing “javel water”. Thus, the new generation of bleach has actually been used in France since the 19th century.

Thus, “Ac” bleach is a solution of sodium hypochlorite, as stated on the label.

Insect repellents

To protect against insects, the modern market offers a variety of insecticides. Of these, even the most harmless in appearance are very poisonous and harmful to the body not only of insects, but also of humans.

Thus, the American Environmental Protection Agency has banned the use of chlorpyrifos, a substance that is a component of such products as Globol, Raptor, etc. Chlorpyrifos belongs to the group of organophosphates - substances that were developed back in Nazi Germany for use as nerve agents. gases Currently, these substances have been adapted for “peaceful” purposes. However, like all nerve gases, chlorpyrifos has the ability to affect the nervous system, including insects.

A person, even with short-term contact with this substance in high concentrations, experiences headache, nausea, sensory disturbance and paralysis, and in severe cases, coma can develop, and death is not excluded.

In this regard, the safest way to protect against mosquitoes in the house is to install a special mesh on the windows.

Products used in repairs and gardening

Paints, solvents, preservatives, pesticides, oils, varnishes, sealing materials contain toxic components, which are quickly evaporating organic compounds.

Paints also contain alkylphenols, which have the property of causing hormonal imbalance in the body.

Creosote was banned for home use in 2004.

Nowadays, when repairing, it is difficult to completely abandon chemicals. However, home renovation using the most modern building materials involves the use of many products that doctors list as hazardous to health and capable of causing serious illnesses.

Household products containing formaldehyde

Scientific research conducted in the 90s. XX century, showed that asthma is becoming more common every year. The reason for this is considered to be changes occurring in the environment. The greatest harm to health, according to scientists, is caused by formaldehyde, which is found in floor coverings, paints, wallpaper, home textiles, cleaning products, clothing and furniture. It is the most active contributor to environmental change.

Studies of the environment in classrooms with young children have shown that where levels of formaldehyde in the air are higher, children are more likely to suffer from asthma and allergies. Research results also showed that people who clean premises and work related to any cleaning are more likely to suffer from asthma among various groups of the population.

7019 children under the age of 3.5 years were also examined for susceptibility to allergies and asthma. The work was aimed at identifying the relationship between the frequent use of household chemicals by women during pregnancy and cases of allergies in subsequently born children.

Research results have shown that in 10% of women who frequently used household products containing formaldehyde during pregnancy, children at an early age are 2 times more likely to suffer from asthma.

Among the remedies used by women were:

– disinfectants (87.4% of cases);

– bleaches (84.8%);

– air fresheners (68%);

– glass cleaning products (60.5%);

– carpet cleaning products (35.8%);

– paints, varnishes (32.2%);

– pesticides, insecticides (21.2%).

Household products containing dioxins

This is a group of chemicals that have very high toxicity. Dioxins are not produced by synthesis - they are formed as additional substances as a result of many chemical processes, so they can be present in many foods and water.

Dioxins are chemically stable - they are not destroyed by microorganisms. In addition, these substances can accumulate in the human body, adding up to toxic effects.

The dangers of dioxins began to be discussed seriously when these dangerous compounds were discovered in the milk of lactating European women.

The main route of their entry into the body is chlorinated water. The dangers of disinfecting tap water by treating it with molecular chlorine have been discussed since 1980, but this purification method is still in use.

Dioxins can also be formed during the paper production process. They dissolve well in fats, so they easily pass into products that are wrapped in this paper. Dioxins enter the human body with food. The use of such paper for packaging baby diapers, sanitary tampons, handkerchiefs, etc. is especially dangerous, since dioxins easily penetrate from the paper onto these items, and then into the body through the skin and mucous tissues.

In 1976, an explosion occurred at a trichlorophenol production plant in the Italian city of Seveso. A toxic cloud with a high concentration of dioxins formed. It covered the territory where 17 thousand people lived. As a result, among these people, mortality from cardiovascular diseases and cancer (mainly from cancer of the lymphatic system, hematopoietic organs and gastrointestinal tract) has increased.

The main symptoms of intoxication are drowsiness and depression. Even in minute concentrations, dioxins can suppress the immune system and disrupt the body’s ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. As a result, mental and physical performance drops sharply.

In high concentrations, dioxins can cause carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic and embryotoxic effects, and can also lead to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

To protect your body from dioxins, you should follow the following recommendations:

– use filters to purify tap water or buy specially purified water;

– use special cling film rather than paper for packaging products;

– try to purchase food products grown far from industrial areas;

– do not use herbicides that also contain dioxins in high concentrations.

Methods of protection against harmful substances

Currently, many companies are turning to the production of health-friendly household chemicals. But truly gentle chemistry is not as effective as conventional chemistry. Therefore, no matter how convincing advertising is of the usefulness of the proposed chemicals, manufacturers will never agree to reduce the effectiveness of their products for the sake of caring for the health of their consumers.

What can be done to maintain health, especially if the skin is already sensitive or doctors have discovered that the child has allergies or asthma? In this case, doctors often advise using alternative remedies prepared according to ancient recipes.

In addition, when choosing cleaning products, it is advisable to give preference to products with a simpler composition, without dyes and fragrances. From time to time it is useful to change your preferences in household chemicals.

You should also try to use cleaning products only when it is really necessary, without overusing them. So, you should not often use air fresheners or products that are diluted with water. When using household products, you should always pay attention to the instructions that come with them.

It is recommended not to use household chemicals containing chlorine, ammonia, phenol, formaldehyde and acetone too often. It is advisable to purchase more gentle products labeled “for sensitive skin.” In addition, you should pay attention to what is written on the label and in the instructions included with the cleaning products.

Household chemicals should be stored in tightly closed containers and in a room where the inhabitants of the house are least likely to visit. It is best to use gels, liquid or granular products rather than powders.

There is a hypothesis that one of the reasons for the rapid spread of allergies among the world's population is the excessive sterility of our current environment, which disrupts the normal formation of the human immune system.

In order to prevent direct contact with aggressive substances, you need to use household gloves and protective creams. It is advisable to limit yourself and your household in the use of household chemicals and cosmetics in aerosol cans. In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse off household chemicals so as not to come into further contact with active substances remaining on objects.

The room in which household chemicals were used should be ventilated more often. You can also install an air purifier at home.

The most important thing is not to purchase a lot of cleansers. It is enough to have only dishwashing and laundry detergents.