Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What is the difference between full-time and part-time education? What does full-time and part-time study mean?

Since ancient times, the process of higher education has been an independent phenomenon, that is, people either studied or worked - this is the so-called full-time form of education. But with the development of the industry, more specialists were required. When they need to get a degree but are already working, full-time is not an option. Therefore, other methods were introduced. Let's take a closer look at what forms of training there are and pay more attention to the full-time correspondence program.

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What is good about full-time distance learning?

Full-time distance learning is studying in your free time, usually in the evenings. From here the second name is evening uniform.

Full-time distance learning is chosen when a person has a stable job. The full-time course is not suitable here due to the workload of studies, but the correspondence course unsettles a person.

For full-time correspondence courses, independent educational institutions can be organized. In other cases, it organically complements the university with points. That is, these two forms almost do not overlap in time, which is convenient for teachers.

In addition, this evening study at a university is less prone to corruption, unlike distance learning. That is, the option when a student does something to the teacher during lessons is a rare occurrence here.

Basic Concepts

A lecture is a type of report, when the teacher presents information and students listen to him (record). Questions are usually not asked during the process, but this is also possible. A lecture is needed when a large and varied amount of material is given. Here you can teach a large number of students at the same time: several groups gather in the classroom at once, to which one person gives a lecture.

The seminar is an in-depth method presentation of material. Each group (or even semi-group) is given one person (teacher) who tells specific material and shows how problems are solved. Next, he gives the students the opportunity to cope with the task. At the seminar, there is a fairly active dialogue between the teacher and students, which is the main task of this type of educational process. Also, students can make presentations at seminars.

Laboratory work is carried out during studies. The teacher gives the assignment in advance so that the student becomes familiar with the theory and setting at home. Further laboratory work takes place inside the university. The student writes down the data obtained as a result of the experiments, and draws up the work itself at home. In serious universities, a set of equipment falls on one or two students during a laboratory experiment.

Today there is trend of replacing real equipment with virtual equipment or the program in general, which is a disadvantage.

What forms of training are there?

The traditional type of education is full-time, and it is of the highest quality. To solve the problem of compatibility between work and study During Soviet times, correspondence and evening forms were introduced. Let's study in more detail what it is.


Absenteeism involves a break from work while studying, which is about a month every six months. That is, for a month a person goes not to work, but to study (session). The rest of the time he works at the enterprise and does tasks at home.


Evening uniform does not imply any breaks in work activity. The student attends classes regularly, but in his free time (mostly in the evening). Hence the name, but this type of education also has other names - full-time correspondence or shift training.


Recently, another type of study has appeared -. This is when a student does not attend a university, but studies at home. All classes are conducted via the Internet.

These systems will be discussed in more detail below, except for the last one. The form of study at a university is chosen by the individual independently. It is possible to change one for another in the future, but usually it becomes difficult to combine the material covered. That is, you will need to pass some subjects.

How is the full-time form different?

In a full-time form, the student attends classes regularly for 5-6 days a week. The length of study time varies at different universities. It is calculated in teaching hours.

If you compare two universities with each other, then the program in one of them can be significantly richer and deeper. In terms of teaching hours, there may also be differences of more than double in one session. Roughly speaking, in two or three years a student at one university learns as much as a student at a second university does not learn in five years.

It is logical to ask, how are university diplomas valued if their levels of training are strikingly different? It would be fair that one diploma, where the training was more serious, would be valued more. In most cases p there are no benefits. Often they don’t look at a diploma at all, or they value not a higher-quality university, but one with which the employer is familiar.

Attention! In addition to lectures and seminars, homework assignments are given. So there is no need to talk about combining work and study, although this does happen.

Full-time training today most common in our country.

Studying at the correspondence department

Absentee learning is not fundamentally different from full-time learning. The difference is that the study lasts not six months, but about a month. Accordingly, students also study on weekends at this time. During this period they take time off from work, if possible. For distance learning you often have to travel to other cities, so you should think about temporary housing in advance.

Correspondence courses are shorter in terms of teaching hours. Homework and laboratory work can be completed and submitted not only during school, but throughout the entire semester. Between sessions exams are being held.

If a student usually comes to the full-time department immediately after school, having good preparation, then a student can get into the part-time department having already forgotten the school curriculum. That is, the level of preparation of an applicant entering the correspondence department is lower than that of a full-time student. Consequently, the student's preparation will be lower.

A procedure is also practiced when a student comes after receiving secondary specialized or higher education. Then school begins not from the first year, but from the 2nd or 3rd. Previously, when specialists were trained, you could enroll in the third year.

Since classes are not held every day, like for a full-time student, they last a year longer. This applies to obtaining an engineer (specialist) diploma and.

Important! P Subjects for extramural classes are somewhat different from subjects for full-time classes. This is due to different preparation in general subjects or other factors. In particular, if full-time students always have the subject “physical education,” then part-time students usually do not have it.

Many are closed for correspondence courses, such as a doctor, a pilot, and others (strictly speaking, they are not closed, but since these specialties are “in plain sight,” the diploma can be “cancelled”).

A correspondence diploma opens doors for a person in organizations that require employees to have a high school diploma.

Full-time distance learning involves a lot of independent preparation

Pros and cons of correspondence education

People usually come to correspondence if they are already working. Therefore, they do not have enough time for full-fledged studies. This means their preparation is lower. Let's list pros and cons of correspondence receiving a diploma.

  • combining work and study;
  • less time is spent studying if you count the hours;
  • While studying, you meet people who already have jobs.
  • lower preparation than in full-time mode;
  • fewer subjects studied;
  • studies last a year longer;
  • there is no active student life.

When applying for a job, the form of training does not play a special role.

Which is better, part-time or full-time education?

Full-time education, for objective reasons, is better if you are going to become a professional in his specialty.

Correspondence studies at higher military schools look somewhat strange. In the event of the outbreak of hostilities, specialists graduating from such educational institutions are unlikely to be able to command a unit.

Paradoxically, studying full-time leaves more free time for hobbies. The fact is that today stable work is a rare occurrence. Often a person is in the process of constantly searching for work. Because of this, he not only has no time for hobbies, but he may even miss a session completely or partially.

Distinction of diplomas

There are examples of forms and diplomas on the Internet. It doesn't say what form you studied in. The difference can be determined by the number of training hours that are given in the application. However, this is often not looked at. Correspondence diploma has the same power, as well as a full-time diploma.

Full-time correspondence (or evening) form

Part-time and part-time education, in other words, evening, follows the general rules, only the student’s study time is chosen in such a way as not to affect the work itself. He usually works during the day, but Study takes place in the evening or on weekends.

Since classes are regular, you can expect higher training, than in correspondence form. At the same time, it is difficult for a person for physical reasons. Therefore, the program here will differ from the program for full-time students, so as not to overload the student.

This form assumes stable work. It is in this case that we can talk about some kind of study schedule. At the same time, it also provides an opportunity for hobbies.

In order to stimulate the student to work independently and develop his creative abilities, often, with this form of education, students preparing reports. The training time in this case is a year longer than in full-time mode.

If you have already found a job, you should choose correspondence or evening training. Therefore, the pros and cons of the evening uniform will be listed below.

  • combining work and study;
  • a stable class schedule is expected;
  • higher quality preparation than in correspondence;
  • meeting people who are already working.
  • less quality training than in full-time training;
  • training lasts longer than in full-time mode.

Attention! Students often give reports.

Evening diploma is valued just like the rest. And what is better to choose, a person decides for himself, depending on the circumstances.

Evening education is an excellent opportunity to obtain a diploma while working in your chosen specialty.


What are the training levels? Today is school takes place in two stages

Full-time education– one of the four forms of mastering the educational program of secondary, higher and postgraduate professional education. It is also called classical day education.

Full-time education is a natural continuation of school lessons. Depending on the shift, classes begin at 8 a.m. or afternoon, and last 2 academic hours. Training is conducted away from work, in contrast to correspondence and evening courses.

The educational process in the full-time department is built on personal contact between the teacher and the student, which contributes to the acquisition of in-depth knowledge. Full-time students are given homework, they are required to attend lectures and seminars, and undergo internships.

Full-time students of technical schools and colleges study from 2 to 4 years. Full-time bachelors study for four years, specialists – at least five, and to obtain a master’s qualification (degree) another two years are needed. There are also full-time departments in graduate school (adjunct), residency and internship.

The law allows transfer from part-time to full-time and vice versa. However, the chance to transfer from part-time to full-time, and even more so to a budget one, is small. This is possible under two conditions: availability of free places and excellent academic performance. In addition, the subjects completed and the number of academic hours must be completely identical. Otherwise, you will have to take additional tests and exams. But there are no problems with transferring to distance learning. On the contrary, the university recommends it to lagging or working students.

From a financial point of view, full-time education is the most expensive. The cost for correspondence courses is usually half that.

What is distance learning?

Extramural studies - a form of organizing the educational process that combines the features of daytime education and self-study. Correspondence students master a large amount of knowledge (70%) on their own. However, in accordance with state standards for training specialists with higher education, correspondence courses are carried out according to the same curricula, in the same volume and with the same list of disciplines studied as full-time courses. The diploma of higher education is the same for both full-time and part-time students. The form of study is indicated in the annex to the diploma.

The main distinguishing feature of the correspondence course is the duration of study (6 years instead of the traditional 5 years) and the receipt of education on the job. Correspondence students study in two periods. During the orientation session, teachers give introductory lectures, give lists of references, test assignments, topics for essays and term papers, and approximate questions for tests and exams. As a rule, six months pass between installation and the examination session.

Before each session, the university sends summons certificates to correspondence students, on the basis of which students are asked to take time off from work. If a student receives higher education for the first time, the employer is obliged to provide him with paid leave for the period of study and examination sessions.

Part-time students are deprived of many privileges. The main one is a deferment from the army. Also, part-time students do not receive a scholarship and do not have the right to use student travel cards.

However, there are also positive aspects of such education. Among the advantages, we note the opportunity to work and earn money, the relative ease of admission, and affordable prices for paid education. Oddly enough, part-time students are better acquainted with their specialty in practice.

In modern Russia, there is an increase in applicants to correspondence courses. Previously, the correspondence course was chosen by those applicants who did not pass the competition for the full-time course. Today, students purposefully apply only for distance learning.

Part-time and part-time education is also called “evening”. It is aimed primarily at students who combine study with work. Lectures, laboratory and practical classes at part-time and part-time departments of universities are held in the evenings or on weekends. This implies that the student devotes a lot of time to independent work.

The full-time component is university-based classes that take place throughout the academic year. At the same time, “evening students” have fewer classes than those who study full-time and spend 5-6 days a week at the university. On average, part-time students study 3 days a week, sometimes more. The start time of classes is set with the expectation that students come to the university after a full day of work. As a rule, the first class in the part-time department begins between 18.30 and 19.00. Classes must end no later than ten in the evening.

Sometimes part-time departments practice weekend classes or “immersions,” when students are given weekend intensive courses several times a semester. But the most common mode is still studying on weekday evenings.

The correspondence component includes homework, essays and tests that students complete independently and submit during the semester. The volume of material for “independent processing” can be quite serious. And, while full-time students sometimes just need to attend all classes to master the course, evening students usually have to do quite a lot of extra work - at home or in the library.

Evening students (like everyone else) take exams and tests during sessions that take place twice a year.

Is it possible to study part-time on a budget?

Many people believe that free higher education can only be obtained as a full-time student. This is a misconception: training is possible in any form of education, including part-time and part-time.

There are usually fewer free places in the evening department than in the daytime department, however, the passing score for the full-time budget is lower - after all, for the most part, students strive for the “classical” full-time course. Therefore, “” becomes a way out for applicants who have not obtained the points to qualify for full-time admission, but at the same time cannot afford to study on a contract basis.

How many years have you studied in the evening department at the institute?

Since the intensity of classes for “evening students” is lower than that of full-time students, their program for each semester is slightly less dense. Accordingly, it takes more time to master the entire volume of disciplines.

Therefore, in the evening department they usually study a little longer. If full-time students receive a bachelor's degree after 4 years of study at a university, then for evening students it usually takes 5 years. Sometimes the part-time program is designed for 9 semesters (4.5 years). The defense of diplomas in such cases takes place in winter.

How to combine work with study at the part-time department

Evening education in Soviet times was introduced precisely so that people had the opportunity to receive education “on the job.” And you can combine study with full-time work quite successfully, but subject to a number of conditions:

  • student's readiness for increased loads,

  • compatibility of work schedule with study schedule,

  • the employer's willingness to meet halfway.

A part-time student immediately goes to school after work, so the “work-school” day, starting in the morning, ends around 10 pm - and so on three days a week. In addition, on weekends you need to devote time to independently practicing the material, so there is very little time left to rest your strength.

At the same time, studying in the evening does not fit well with irregular working hours, a shift schedule or work in the evening hours. Of course, evening teachers are usually sympathetic to the problems of working students and are ready to “turn a blind eye” to tardiness or periodic absences. But at the same time, regular attendance at classes is still considered the responsibility of the student, and a large number of absences can lead to problems during the session.

By law, part-time students must be provided with additional paid leave to pass the exam, undergo practical training, and prepare and defend their thesis. If the employer is interested in his employees improving their educational level, there are no problems. But in many cases, the need to take additional vacations becomes a big “minus” that reduces the value of the employee. Therefore, evening students often agree that they will use their next vacation during the session. Or they take the session “on the job,” asking to take a few hours off work to take an exam or test.

Disadvantages of full-time and part-time study at the institute

The main disadvantages of the evening form of education are obvious: when combining full-time work with study “without hack work,” students become very tired both mentally and physically. Lack of free time, lack of sleep - all this is exhausting and leads to absences, problems in school, lack of time for hobbies and personal life. At the same time, the hectic student life - both “official”, taking place within the university, and informal, passes by evening students: work usually does not leave time for parties and casual communication with each other.

A significant disadvantage for young men is that part-time study at a university does not give the right to a deferment from the army.

In addition, the university usually does not provide places in the dormitory for evening students from other cities, so the issue of housing has to be resolved independently.

A diploma of higher education obtained in a full-time or part-time department is usually rated somewhat lower - it is believed that the volume of knowledge of such students is less than that of full-time students. However, this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that most graduates of the evening department already manage to gain full-fledged work experience in their specialty by the time they graduate. A specialist with experience is valued much higher on the labor market.

Advantages of evening study at university

Some students choose part-time education because it turns out to be more accessible than full-time education:

  • passing scores for the budget are lower,

  • when studying on a contract basis, prices for evening training are more affordable “points”,

  • enrollment takes place later, so you can apply for part-time studies if the applicant does not pass the competition for full-time studies,

  • the opportunity to work while studying allows you to pay for training in your “dream profession.”

For many young people, evening education becomes a step towards independence and independence from their families. Full-time students are usually supported by their parents during their studies, and they continue to be considered “children,” while combining work and study gives them the opportunity to build their own lives.

From the point of view of the relationship between the full-time and part-time components, evening study is a good compromise between the full-time form, when the student spends all day long at the university, and the “correspondence” course, when he is essentially left to his own devices:

  • you can independently plan the pace of homework completion,

  • systematic attendance at classes does not allow you to “start” your studies,

  • there is an opportunity to consult live with teachers on complex issues,

  • active work and good attendance during the semester often makes it possible to receive tests and exams “automatically,” unloading the session;

  • The attitude towards “evening parties” is usually quite loyal, teachers tend to meet halfway.

An obvious advantage of evening study is the opportunity to start your career early. Even in their first years, students often work in entry-level positions in their chosen field, and have the opportunity to grow professionally in parallel with their studies. And, if relations with the employer are built within the framework of labor legislation, then the “vechernik” can enjoy an extensive package of benefits:

  • paid vacations during sessions (40 days per year, for senior students - 50),

  • four months of vacation to prepare and defend a diploma and pass the state exam,

  • in the last 10 months of study, the work week is reduced by 7 hours (these hours are paid at 50%).

In addition to the well-known full-time course, universities offer several more types of training, each of which is aimed at a particular group of students. Those, in turn, when choosing a suitable department for admission, are guided either by life circumstances or by interests and opportunities. Today we will talk about what forms of training are possible in addition to full-time (full-time/part-time/evening, part-time).

The full-time form implies a program designed for students to master when attending 5-6 times a week. Classes are held mainly in the morning, but sometimes the university management draws up a schedule for the second shift. This often happens for several reasons:

  • the desire of the university to provide students with the opportunity to work part-time in the morning;
  • insufficient classroom fund;
  • insufficient human resources (lack of teaching staff), etc.

The training program provides a theoretical course (lectures), which is supported by practical exercises (seminars) and independent work of students (tests, coursework, reports, etc.). In the final years of study, students must receive practical knowledge in order to reinforce the theory (the corresponding mark is given in addition to the diploma).

The duration of training can be 4 years (bachelor), 5 years (specialist) and another 2 years (master's degree).

Attention! If a graduate of a technical school/college enrolls for full-time study, the program for him is reduced to 3 years.

Some of the benefits of full-time education include:

  • excellent “baggage” of theoretical knowledge;
  • the opportunity to receive a deferment from military service;
  • an opportunity for a student to participate in the active life of an educational institution: competitions, olympiads, debates, celebrations, that is, in simple words, the opportunity to fully realize their intellectual and creative potential;
  • the opportunity to receive a scholarship (we are talking about a free department at a university).

Full-time students may receive a scholarship

But everything is far from so smooth in reality. Of course, it should be understood that from a higher educational institution, but without experience, a university graduate will not be able to get a good starting position. And this, in principle, is a normal situation for the majority.

Part-time and part-time education

Quite often it is called evening work, since it gives the student the opportunity to study at a university and work at the same time. Most often, this form of training involves visiting an educational institution 3-4 times a week, that is, less often than with full-time education, but still quite often. Such a training schedule will be quite enough to not disrupt your work schedule and at the same time gain a sufficient amount of theoretical knowledge.

Part-time and part-time education - a dense theory course with subsequent confirmation by the student of the acquired knowledge (test session and exams). As for the duration of the training process, it leaves from 4.5 (bachelor) to 5.5 years (specialist) and an additional 2 years to obtain a master's qualification. For college/technical school graduates, the duration of training, as in the first case, is 3 years.

The most significant advantages of evening education include the opportunity to simultaneously obtain knowledge necessary for the future and earn money independently. In addition, a “freshly minted” specialist, for example, will already have some work experience behind him.

As for the minuses, this includes, perhaps, only the lack of opportunity to express oneself creatively during the period of study, participating in the life of the university, as well as the lack of a scholarship.

Attention! Please note that when studying in the evening department, a deferment from the army is not granted.


Well, as for the correspondence course, everything is simplified as much as possible: the “lion’s” share of knowledge should be acquired by the student independently. The educational institution provides only the necessary theoretical minimum. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge is carried out by conducting tests and, of course, the examination session.

Part-time study is suitable for those who work

As for the time frame, everything is quite “blurry” here, since each university interprets the concept of “correspondence course” in its own way. For example, many educational institutions conduct classes for the correspondence department once a week (weekday/weekend), and at the end of the theoretical course they reinforce it with a test/exam. This system is called “modular”.

Other universities provide distance learning using the classical method. In this case, the “reading” of the lecture course is carried out immediately before the examination session.

Correspondence education is an ideal option for those who simply do not have the opportunity to attend a standard course of lectures.

That, in principle, is all you need to know about the various forms of education at universities. Good luck!

Admission to university: video

The education system provides everyone with various options for forms of education. You can make a choice depending on your employment. Everyone knows face-to-face and However, with the development of technology, distance learning is gradually gaining popularity. But there is a variety that combines the main characteristics of all types. Sometimes it is also called evening. Not everyone has an accurate idea about it. What does full-time and part-time education mean?

Features of this method

First you need to define what full-time and part-time education means. A pupil (student) comes to lessons (lectures) a certain number of times a week. These could be weekdays or weekends. This applies to those who study in college and university. Classes can be held in the evenings on weekdays. This form is considered the most similar to full-time education.

Advantages of this training system

Why do some people decide to switch to this method of acquiring knowledge? The main advantage of part-time study is that the student can combine work and study. But at the same time, you will receive better and more regular knowledge than by correspondence. The student has the opportunity to apply the acquired skills and knowledge in practice.

It is easier to enroll in this form of education than in the standard one. After all, the passing grade on the Unified State Exam is lower. So does the cost. Evening classes are cheaper than full-time studies. Despite the fact that classes are not held every day, the student has the opportunity to participate in fun

Disadvantages of this method of training

Despite the listed advantages, the part-time form has its disadvantages. The duration of study is longer than in full-time studies. This applies to both bachelor's and specialty degrees. Also, for some students, the disadvantage is that classes are held on weekends.

Having analyzed what part-time education means and its main features, you can move on to educational institutions that may have such a system for acquiring knowledge. Now in almost all universities it is provided in both the humanities and technical faculties. This system is less widespread in colleges and schools.

Night school

As a rule, very few students choose this type of study. What does full-time and part-time education at school mean? Lessons are held 2 to 4 times a week throughout the academic year. The training is divided into two stages. At the first, the student receives basic knowledge, at the next, a test of mastery of the material is carried out.

In order for a student to receive the necessary material, he must be provided with all the necessary aids. And if the need arises, then create an individual educational program. Classes are conducted both in the form of standard lessons and in the form of independent work. There are other types that are provided. Now you know what part-time and part-time education in secondary educational institutions means.

Part-time study in college

Those who decide to receive education in this way have the opportunity to work without interrupting their studies. Let's take a closer look at what part-time and part-time college education is. Students attend classes twice a week in the evening hours on weekdays. Classes are conducted in two versions. These are lectures at which students receive theoretical knowledge, and seminars that involve practical activities.

One of the disadvantages is that such training does not provide for the availability of budget places. The test for mastering the educational material is a session, during which a certificate for work is issued.

What does full-time and part-time study at a university mean?

This method is most popular in institutions. Some people come to higher education already having a specialty. Therefore, it is more profitable for them to combine work and study. What is full-time and part-time education at the institute?

This means attending lectures several times a week on weekdays and weekends. There are no budget places available. But their cost is significantly lower than the daily price, because... Students have to learn most of the material on their own. Compared to the correspondence form, lectures are held more frequently and regularly. Students have the opportunity to get more advice on unclear questions regarding the educational material. Therefore, the knowledge acquired in this department is of better quality than in the correspondence department.

Classes can be theoretical, in which students are given all the necessary basic concepts, and practical, which are conducted in the form of seminars. Exams and tests (quality control of material assimilation) are held on weekends. Of course, this is convenient for working students, but for some, such a schedule seems stressful due to the fact that there is little time for relaxation.

It is especially worth noting the importance of this form for people with special needs. What does full-time and part-time education mean in inclusive education? It allows students to adapt to conditions different from those in which they are brought up. It is also an opportunity to interact with other people in small groups or just with the teacher.

The part-time form allows you to write an individual educational program for the student. This makes it possible to select the most appropriate teaching methods and adequately assess the student. Why is evening studying not as popular in schools as in universities?

Because it is more difficult for schoolchildren to independently study the material and search for the necessary information. This form of training arose due to the fact that many students work and want to receive high-quality knowledge. Therefore, a compromise was found between full-time and correspondence forms of education. And with the development of issues of integration of people with special needs into society, such a system of acquiring knowledge allows them to adapt and receive a quality education. Although it is not so important which form you choose, the main thing is the desire to learn.