Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Ready report of pre-diploma practice. Thesis: Report on pre-diploma practice using the example of the activities of a private entrepreneur in a trade pavilion

The final stage of a student’s studies is the acquisition of skills and consolidation of acquired knowledge in pre-diploma practice. This stage always takes place before writing a thesis, because it is in practice that one can obtain empirical data for the practical section of the thesis project.

The main advantage of pre-diploma internship is the opportunity to gain real work experience. If a student has already decided on a future place of work after graduating from university, he strives to get an internship at this particular enterprise or company. In this case, it is also an internship, i.e. probation.

It is extremely important to be able to correctly distribute your energy and time, because in order to prove yourself well before a potential employer, you will have to give your best and show all your positive sides. In this case, you will have to combine study and work!

If a student has an internship in an organization for which he does not plan to work in the future, he at least tries to get a positive assessment for the internship.

Also, some students use internship to write the practical chapter of their diploma project, which is very correct.

Pre-graduation practice – its goals and objectives

This stage of the educational process has many purposes:

  • Conducting research for a thesis;
  • Collection of information and documentation for creating a diploma;
  • Acquiring skills to work in an organization;
  • Participation in production events.

During the internship, it is necessary to choose the topic of the diploma project, decide on a supervisor, set the goals and objectives of the internship, draw up its plan and begin collecting materials for the diploma.

The implementation of the plan is controlled not only by the student himself, but also by the curator from the university, and the curator directly from the place of practice. All this is recorded on special forms issued by the university supervisor, as well as in the practice diary kept by the student himself. At the end of the practice, a report is written.

Please note that without an approved thesis topic, a student is not allowed to take pre-diploma internship! One of the main tasks of the curator is to provide comprehensive assistance to the trainee, providing him with the necessary information and materials that may be useful when writing a diploma.

The tasks and goals set for the practice are achieved in the following ways:

  • Monitoring the activities of the organization;
  • Reading and researching company documents, incl. regulatory legal acts to which the organization’s activities fall;
  • Listening to instructions and attending excursions from leading specialists of the enterprise;
  • Consultations with company employees and practice supervisors;
  • Direct participation in the production process.

The practice report should contain the student’s observations in terms of the company’s weaknesses, as well as recommendations and ways to eliminate them.

The trainee's responsibilities depend on his specialization and the topic of the diploma.

What is included in the pre-diploma internship report?

Obtaining admission to defend a diploma project depends on the successful completion of the internship report, and a good grade significantly affects the grade for the diploma. But for this it is important to correctly and competently prepare a report on pre-graduation practice.

It should include:

  • Information about the organization;
  • Organizational structure of the company and work schedule;
  • Conclusions and conclusions of the student to improve the activities of the enterprise;
  • Tables, graphs, drawings, regulations and other documents as applications.

When submitting the report, both curators put their signatures, and the organization’s seal must also be present. When the report is accepted, the student is allowed to defend.

What is the structure of the practice report?

The main difference of this document is that errors and omissions are unacceptable in it, which are sometimes allowed in other student works. It is important to follow all the rules for its preparation.

The structure of the report is as follows:

1. Introductory part, which briefly describes the relevance of the topic, the tasks and goals of the practical research, the position of the trainee, the name of the organization and the university, what materials were used to write the report.

2. The main part, which provides information about the type of activity of the company, the organizational structure, and analyzes the factors influencing the operation of the enterprise (staff, suppliers, clients, partner companies, environmental situation). It is necessary to provide a personal analysis of the financial activities of the company.

3. The final part, where the student sums up the practice and draws conclusions. This section should contain information about the goals achieved, what problems and how they can be solved, what skills the trainee acquired, and recommendations for improving the organization’s work.

4. A list of literature, which must be compiled according to the following requirements: first, regulatory documents, then textbooks, books and websites that were used during the preparation of the report.

5. Applications – all kinds of calculations and statistical information in the form of tables and graphs used in the work.

6. An abstract (a brief description of the report), a practice diary and a review from the supervisor from production are also included in the list of required documents attached to the report.

The rules for preparing a practice report are usually specified in the manual, which can be obtained from your department at the university.

Despite the fact that each university has the right to independently determine these requirements, they are still practically the same:

  • The report is drawn up in 14 font, one and a half line spacing, on sheets of A4 paper, text alignment is in width;
  • If a paragraph is made, no additional indentation or spacing is allowed;
  • Numbering starts from the first sheet, continuous, in Arabic numerals. The title page is not numbered, but it is the first by default;
  • Sections (chapters) are numbered, but appendices are not numbered;
  • There is no period after the headings;
  • Each section begins on a new page, and there should be one blank sheet between sections;
  • All lists in the report should be labeled or numbered;
  • Only generally accepted abbreviations in the text, or abbreviations with mandatory decoding, are allowed;
  • Writing style – business or scientific;
  • The same concepts and processes must be called the same throughout the entire text, i.e. do not use synonyms;
  • All tables need links in the text, the table title is placed in the upper right corner or in the middle, there should be a one-line spacing between the table and the text;
  • You must indicate your full name on the title page. student intern, name of the university, department, subject, full name. curator, city, year of writing.

What is a practice diary?

The pre-diploma practice diary is a description of the student’s daily activities during the internship, what he achieved and learned, and what events he participated in. As a rule, the diary is a special form that must be filled out by hand and is issued by a curator from the university.

The date, goal, progress towards achieving this goal, and conclusions are recorded daily.

The practice diary is an official document on which the company’s seal and the signature of the curator are affixed. The diary along with the student's profile is attached to the report.

If for some reason a student missed practice or several days of it, he will have to come up with something and negotiate with the curators.

What is the characteristic of a student trainee?

The characteristic is an assessment of the trainee from various aspects, in particular as an employee of the enterprise, diligence and responsibility during the internship. It is certified by the seal and signature of the supervisor from the place of internship.

The characteristics of a trainee are influenced by the following factors:

  • Attendance (absence or presence of absenteeism);
  • Student involvement in the research topic;
  • Participation in various events of the organization;
  • The degree of fulfillment of one’s direct responsibilities as an employee of the company;
  • Learning ability and ability to acquire skills.

Problems and nuances of writing a practice report

In addition to the difficulties that a student faces when completing an internship and writing a report, he has to comply with an additional number of requirements, without which he will not receive access to defend a report on pre-diploma internship, and therefore the diploma itself. These requirements include:

  • High uniqueness of the text in the practice report, i.e. the trainee’s own thoughts must be formulated and displayed;
  • Finding the necessary documentation, which can be quite difficult to find;
  • Regular attendance at practice and absences only for a valid reason. The fact is that if the curator writes a good reference for the student, but the thesis turns out to be a failure, this will have a bad impact on the reputation of the manager and the entire enterprise;
  • Absence of any even minor deviations from the rules for writing and formatting a report. Otherwise, the report will not be accepted, which means the student will not be allowed to defend his thesis.

So, try to prove yourself in the best possible way when completing an internship at a company and show that you are worthy of working there. Writing a report is also not an easy task, but if you think that you cannot cope with this task, turn to professionals for help!

Now we invite you to look at an example of a production practice report. More precisely, our task will be as follows:

  • explain what a practice report is;
  • consider its types;
  • tell where to start;
  • give an example of structure;
  • Explain how the diary is filled out.

The practice report is an integral part of the student’s work, which helps the teacher understand whether the student understands this area and what his professional skills are.

Where to begin

Internships are completed three times during the entire period of study (educational, industrial and pre-graduation). We will take a closer look at each of the species below. Examples of reports on practical training or pre-graduation, which are posted for free viewing, do not always correspond to the standards and norms of the university where students are studying. It is for this reason that you need to do this work yourself, which will make it easier to work with your thesis project in the future.

Both industrial and pre-graduate practice begins with the fact that you need to take from the graduating department the methodological materials that are necessary for correctly and competently writing a report. These materials contain the following information:

  • tasks;
  • goals;
  • design recommendations;
  • practice plan (that is, the tasks assigned to the student during the internship, but no more than four).

Start your work by studying the received teaching materials. Study the theoretical part of the question, then proceed to collecting information about the activities of the enterprise (base of practice). Industrial and pre-graduate practice involves collecting information about the activities of the enterprise, analyzing the data obtained and making proposals for improving activities.


An educational institution has the right to put forward its own special requirements for the structure of practice reports. If there are none, then stick to the standard form:

  • title page;
  • content;
  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion;
  • applications.

Please note that during the course you must fill out a diary of industrial practice or pre-graduation. If the base of industrial and pre-graduate practice is one enterprise, then the information in the diary should not differ much. Please also note that reports for different types of practice differ slightly, but differ from each other. Now let's talk about this in a little more detail.


In total, students undergo three types of practice during their studies. The similarities and differences between them can be judged by studying the table in this section.

Type of practice


This is the simplest type of practice, which does not involve introducing the student into a work environment. Typically, these are group classes where you need to learn theoretical material and complete some practical tasks. The structure of the report is the same as described above.


Next, we will consider an example of a production practice report, where each item will be described in detail. Please note that the student is already immersed in the work environment. The obligatory task that is set for the student is his own recommendation for improving the enterprise.


This is the final stage. Some of this material may be included directly in your thesis. During your internship, you must decide on the topic of your diploma project and, when writing, focus on this area.

Any practice report must contain documents, which include: a practice diary, a student’s characteristics, and an explanatory note.

Explanatory note

As mentioned earlier, an explanatory note is one of the necessary documents. What is it? In this document, the student must very briefly but clearly describe his actions during the internship. A brief information about this enterprise would also be useful.

The section contains a note from an example of a production practice report. Please note that when reading the note, the teacher should not doubt that you actually wrote this report yourself.


During your internship, your supervisor may give you some tasks that will help him figure out what kind of specialist you are. Please note that the work should be taken responsibly, because, based on these results, the practice manager from the enterprise will write a testimonial. Your manager, based on all the documents presented to him, will give an assessment based on the results of the work.

The better the characteristic, the higher the grade you will receive when defending your practice report.

Filling out the diary

A diary of industrial practice or pre-diploma work is an important part of the work. This document is filled out independently by the student and contains information about the daily stages of the internship. This also includes individual assignments that can be received by a student from a supervisor (from an enterprise or university).

The document form is required to be provided to students. The diary is quite easy to fill out: just write down everything you did at this enterprise. For example: “04/20/2017/Study of regulatory documents. 04/21/2017/Work in program “A”, familiarity with reporting rules, and so on.” Please note that the diary must be stamped and signed by your supervisor from the place of internship.

An example of a plan and a brief description of the points of the practice report

Now we will briefly look at an example of a report on production practice at the enterprise LLC "A". First, we draw up a title page according to the requirements of your educational institution. The following is the table of contents:

  • Introduction (goals, objectives, documents and regulations used in the work, description of work steps).
  • The main part (usually there are two parts: theoretical and practical). Theoretical - description of the organization, practical - analysis of the collected analytical information, calculations, proposals for improving work.
  • Conclusion (in this section it is necessary to summarize the work done, describe the knowledge and skills acquired during it).

Please note that all work is written in a business style. An example of a production practice report plan can be seen in the picture in this section.

The formation of a future specialist enters its final stage with the beginning of pre-graduation practice. Its characteristic feature is the opportunity to gain full-fledged professional experience, which will be difficult to overestimate when applying for your first job. In addition, when choosing a place where pre-graduate practice will be carried out, you should take into account the possibility of further employment at this enterprise. Often, pre-graduation practice becomes a kind of probationary period for getting a job. Therefore, it is not surprising that students strive to demonstrate their business skills at their best during pre-graduate practice. But this is a double-edged sword. The fact is that by working hard at the enterprise, trying to earn extra points, a student can completely neglect his responsibilities related to his studies.

According to the specifics of practice:

Economist practice Law practice Teacher's practice

The educational process continues, and the student should collect information for writing a thesis project, as well as complete a number of assignments received with a referral to practice. The result of all this activity should be a report on pre-graduation practice. And sometimes a student is faced with a choice: to devote himself entirely to work at an enterprise, where subsequent employment may be possible, or to write this very report. The latter takes a lot of time and requires a lot of effort. If the prospects for getting a job are justified, then the preparation of a report on industrial practice can be entrusted to a “reference” company. Its specialists will do everything at the proper level.

But we must not forget that this report has to be defended. And you should also take into account the fact that collecting materials for the report will probably be useful when writing your thesis. Please remember that the report will be carefully reviewed. Whatever decision path you choose: write a report yourself or, due to lack of time, entrust it to a specialist, the report on pre-graduate practice must meet certain standards.

How to write a characteristic in practice How to write a diary in practice

The report must necessarily contain:

  • a brief description of the report itself with schematic material, that is, an annotation;
  • general information about the company: address, location, line of business;
  • documentation of the enterprise, which is used to record its activities;
  • conclusion, list of references, including all sources used in the analysis and writing of the report, and there should be at least thirty of them;
  • brief content of the diploma project (goals, objectives, relevance, structure).

Design requirements may vary from university to university, so it is best to check with the department about the font size, indentation, etc. The materials on which the report was written must necessarily correspond to the dates of pre-diploma internship at the enterprise of the given student. It should be remembered that a company cannot always provide all the documents necessary for writing a report; this is due to the confidentiality policy. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a more general direction of practice so that you do not have to invent non-existent data. The design needs to be treated with special attention. Every interval, every indent, every comma is important. If you get confused in the rules for preparing a report on pre-diploma practice, there is a high probability of getting a low grade.

Assess your strengths and decide: you will do this work yourself or entrust this task to a qualified hired specialist who has extensive experience in writing similar works and is well acquainted with the requirements of various universities.

Practice... Report... What and how to do, what to include in the practice report? Are these questions that arise in many students as soon as the deadline for submitting their internship report approaches? And if you know how to write a term paper and what sections to include in it, and the structure of term papers is generally similar, then with practice everything is not so simple. In this article we will make an attempt to formulate general recommendations for writing practice reports.

What is a practice report?

The internship report is processed materials of the student’s work in practice.

Practice is an integral element of any training program, and it is necessary for a future specialist to gain practical skills and consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom. Therefore, upon completion of the theoretical course, students are sent to practice to gain practical experience. This is the purpose of the practices.

In theory this looks very cool. In practice, things don't always work out as planned. Why is that? There are several reasons: the educational institution cannot always provide a good practice base, sometimes students themselves do not strive to acquire the required skills in practice, and it happens that the practice base itself is not interested in trainees. However, the student’s internship report must be available and must be provided. That is, there was practice in reality or formally, please write a report.

Types of practices

A few words about the types of practices. Depending on the time of implementation and its essence, three types of practices are usually distinguished.

  1. Educational practice - the very first and simplest practice, very often carried out on the basis of an educational institution and aimed at the primary consolidation of the acquired theoretical knowledge.
  2. Internship - the second type of practice in the course of the educational process. The essence of production practice is obtaining primary professional (production) skills. Typically, this practice is carried out in specialized organizations, either provided by the educational institution or chosen by the student himself. This is where problems arise related to the difference between what should be in practice and what is. It often happens that trainees perform routine minor procedures, as we say, “shifting papers.” But it also happens differently when the trainee gains real work skills. When you come to a branch of large banks, especially state-owned ones, at the entrance you can meet an assistant consultant who will tell you where to go and help you get an electronic queue coupon. These are the very PRACTITIONERS!
  3. Undergraduate practice - final type of practice. Based on the name, it is carried out before writing the final work. The main goal of this type of practice is to collect the necessary material for the thesis itself. Therefore, practice should be carried out at the enterprise, and a selected range of issues should be studied in accordance with the chosen topic of the graduation work. The main difference between pre-graduation practice and production practice is that it already studies one area of ​​the organization’s activity.

Practice report example

Let us formulate a number of basic rules for writing a practice report. In this case, there is no significant difference between the practices. Both educational, industrial, and pre-graduation internships are carried out using the example of some organization (practice base). This means that one cannot escape the characteristics of the organization itself. We will characterize each of the reports, then give general recommendations for writing reports.

Study practice report - includes a general description of the organization, characteristics of the main economic and managerial processes, the flow of information, a security system for economic specialties, for technical specialties the basis of practice, a description of the relevant technical processes.

Industrial practice report - includes a description of the practice base, calculations on the main economic indicators, analysis of activities in the main area of ​​activity, analysis of competitors, analysis of the environment and directions of development of the organization for economic specialties, for technical specialties a detailed description of processes and actions.

Report on pre-graduate practice - includes a description of the economic and managerial activities of the organization, a full analysis of a separately selected problem, identifying bottlenecks and positive aspects, with the aim of further improving the identified shortcomings. The basis of the report on pre-diploma practice should be the second chapter (analytical) of the thesis.

We present the basic rules for writing a practice report in the figure.

Let us describe these provisions in more detail:

  • Be sure to describe the organization what she does, what she does - if in reality you have not completed an internship in an organization, then its website will help you, if suddenly there is no website, then find an organization engaged in similar activities and borrow a description from its website;
  • Describe the organization's management processes and analyze the main economic indicators of its activities , the data for analysis should ideally be taken from the financial statements or in the accounting department or on the website, which are now often in the public domain. If you couldn’t find the documents, then improvise. But the main thing to remember is that most practice reports require a company seal. Typically, organizations agree to put a stamp on “inflated numbers” in order not to reveal their actual data.
  • The contents of the report must match the practice diary! Today this is a very important requirement. This is, in fact, the main element of the test, so you shouldn’t care about the practice diary. What you put in the diary should be revealed in the report. This means that adjustments are needed, it is better to create a report and write a diary for it - what you did and when.
  • Applications required . Apps are at a premium right now. Managers ask for their availability. Therefore, if possible, applications should be enabled. Even if these are not exact copies, for example, an aggregated balance sheet, or, say, an example of a job description, they still need to be inserted into the application. Couldn't find the apps? Refer to a trade secret, they won’t give it and that’s it.

An example of a training practice report can be downloaded from this link.

An example of a production practice report can be downloaded from this link.

An example of a report on pre-diploma practice can be downloaded from this link.

If you have questions about writing reports, ask them in the comments or in our contact group. If writing a report is difficult, you can contact us and order writing a report,

Hello, dear reader.

This article consists of the following sections:

  1. How to count the days of practice
  2. Then an example of filling out a pre-diploma practice diary
  3. Lots of items to use when filling out your diary
  4. Some important questions at the end of the article

If you don’t want to fill out the pre-diploma practice diary yourself - you can always order it at any student exchange - this is a fairly inexpensive job that will be done for you in a very short time.

To order a practice diary, I can recommend you to use any student work exchange, for example, author24 - simply because there are the most performers:

How to fill out a diary of pre-graduate (or industrial) practice as an economist? To fill it out you need to follow several steps:

  1. Determine how many days the practice lasts (This is written in the training manual or in the order for practice, options: 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks)
  2. Put dates in your diary - from the first day to the last (except weekends).
    Dates can be viewed using this service: .
    That is, for each week in practice you will have 5 lines in your diary (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday).
  3. Opposite each day you will need to write several tasks that you did. You will get something similar to the picture below. The supervisor will mark the completion. Usually the word “completed” is written there.
    If in reality you were not in practice at all, you will have to invent points. There should be 3-5 of them in each cell.

I think the logic of filling out the diary is already clear to you. Below is a list of possible points and some important questions.

  1. Getting to know the company as a whole
  2. Getting to know the management of the enterprise and your immediate supervisor
  3. Meeting the practice manager
  4. Preparation of documents for arrival to practice
  5. Signing an order for access to the enterprise
  6. Completing safety training
  7. Familiarization with the provisions on trade secrets
  8. Signing documents on trade secrets
  9. Corporate conduct training
  10. Meeting the organization's employees
  11. Familiarization with the organizational structure of the organization
  12. Drawing up an organizational chart for company management
  13. Familiarity with the activities of the organization as a whole
  14. Assessing the scale of the company's work
  15. History of the creation and development of the enterprise
  16. Drawing up a brief description of the enterprise
  17. Familiarization with the industry of the enterprise in Russia
  18. Studying the legal aspects of the organization's activities
  19. Study of regulations governing the operation of the enterprise
  20. Drawing up an agreement for the provision of consulting services to a company client
  21. Copying sales contracts and adjusting them for new clients
  22. Answering telephone calls and providing telephone consultations
  23. Accepting requests for service
  24. Filling out invoices
  25. Filling out invoices
  26. Collection of reports on the operating activities of the organization
  27. Studying the organization's archives
  28. Copying and filing organization documents for archiving
  29. Attendance at negotiations with suppliers
  30. Participation in an operational meeting
  31. Reconciliation of settlements with counterparties based on financial statements
  32. Making changes to counterparties in the 1C: Enterprise program
  33. Studying theory on the topic of work and report
  34. Selecting sources for analysis
  35. Listing apps
  36. Compiling a bibliography
  37. Preparation of applications with reporting
  38. Drawing up tables with general indicators of the organization
  39. Preparation and analysis of accounting documents
  40. Preparing a financial analysis structure
  41. Selecting sections for financial status
  42. Checking collected documents for typos and other errors
  43. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of the company’s property
  44. Assessing the dynamics and structure of the company's capital
  45. Main indicators of the economic condition of the organization
  46. Main indicators of the organization's economic results
  47. Assessment of key indicators of economic condition and economic results
  48. Study of technical and economic indicators of the enterprise
  49. Preparation of materials for analysis
  50. Drawing up an analysis scheme
  51. Selecting Analysis Sections
  52. Studying the reporting forms used by the organization
  53. Preparation of management reporting for analysis
  54. Analysis of indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise
  55. Assessment of the economic security of an enterprise
  56. Analysis of the enterprise's marketing activities
  57. Conducting an analysis of competitors' prices and drawing up an explanatory note for the manager
  58. Conducting analysis of cash flow, credit and settlement transactions
  59. Studying the staffing table of the enterprise and the organizational objectives of the company
  60. Conducting analysis of finished products and inventories
  61. Conducting an analysis of fixed assets and intangible assets
  62. Conducting labor efficiency analysis and payment calculations
  63. Estimation of depreciation of equipment at the enterprise
  64. Participation in checking the completion of enterprise reporting
  65. Preparation of initial data for an individual task
  66. Communication with the manager about the mission and objectives of the organization
  67. Study of the organization, main activities, composition and structure of the organization.
  68. Study of normative documents regulating the activities of the organization, types and contents of constituent documents, organizational and legal form of the enterprise, forms of ownership, types of statutory activities.
  69. Constituent documents and main legal acts
  70. Studying the responsibilities and job descriptions of the organization's employees.
  71. Study of technical and economic indicators.
  72. Familiarization with the accounting procedures.
  73. Study of the organization of the system of payment and labor incentives.
  74. Study of the organization's sales plans, study of planning standards, orders for organizing planning in the organization, methodological recommendations and orders.
  75. Study of the main indicators used to evaluate the activities of the organization.
  76. Assessment of the enterprise’s balance sheet (dynamics of accounts payable and receivable, inventories, finished products in the warehouse, balance sheet currency, etc.)
  77. Analysis of accounts receivable, study of own and borrowed funds, analysis of the formation of the organization's working capital.
  78. Analysis of the organization's accounts payable.
  79. Study of the procedure and mechanism of pricing (determining the cost) of goods sold.
    PCs, programs and office equipment used in the work of the institution.
  80. Work in the program “1C Enterprise 8.0” and “Client-Bank”.
  81. Conducting an analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise
  82. Assessing the liquidity of an enterprise
  83. Conducting an assessment of the organization's solvency.
  84. Studying the practice of relationships between the organization and banks and other credit institutions.
  85. Study of payment and settlement procedures in force in the organization
  86. State of settlement and payment discipline.
  87. Study of payment forms used by the organization.
  88. Participation in the preparation of primary documents (invoices, delivery notes)
  89. Studying relationships with tax institutions, budgets of various levels, extra-budgetary funds.
  90. Studying relationships with clients (suppliers and customers or buyers).
  91. Participation in payment and settlement work.
  92. Studying the procedure for the formation, development and approval of a product range
  93. Studying the sources of goods receipt
  94. Analysis of product range. Working with price lists.
  95. Familiarization with the procedure for acceptance and delivery of goods, their documentation and types of vehicles used.
  96. Participation in the preparation of primary documents.
  97. Participation in the preparation of applications for the import of products from suppliers.
  98. Studying work with suppliers to determine the price level for supplied goods.
  99. Familiarization with the advertising activities of the enterprise
  100. Participation in ordering promotional products, business cards, souvenirs for customers, etc.
  101. Study of the organization of financial responsibility.
  102. Studying the procedure for conducting inventories, collecting losses and shortages.
  103. Conducting an assessment of the economic situation.
  104. Income Statement Analysis
  105. Analysis of the organization's equity.
  106. Study of contracts between suppliers and buyers.
  107. Work with primary documents and correspondence.
  108. Studying the requirements for report formatting
  109. Creating a report template
  110. Drawing up the contents of the report
  111. Preparation of a report on the internship
  112. Checking the findings and official documents of the organization
  113. Preparation of conclusions based on the analysis performed
  114. Preparation of charts and graphs for the report
  115. Determining areas for improving performance
  116. Studying similar situations in other companies
  117. Offering recommendations for improving the company's activities
  118. Proposal of improvement measures
  119. Preparation of a draft practice report
  120. Filling out a practice diary
  121. Obtaining characteristics of the practice manager from the enterprise
  122. Submitting a report to the practice manager for review
  123. Preparation of a final version of the practice report
  124. Drawing up a practice report and submitting it to the practice manager for review.
  125. Collection of documents, signatures and seals

Now a few important questions that arise when filling it out.

  1. Is the practice diary strictly checked? No, not strictly. It simply describes what the trainee does every day at the internship site. What to check there. Check the practice report in more detail (more on that).
  2. Is it possible to write immediately in it, without drafts? Yes, you can. Some students fill out this diary immediately before taking the test. Although if you have doubts, you can do it on a draft first. But this doesn’t make much sense.
  3. And if every Monday an economist does the same thing, then you can write like this - the same thing every Monday? You can do the same thing, as long as it doesn’t catch your eye: use synonyms, change the order of points, and so on
  4. Is it possible to write the same thing if it really is so? In principle, the same thing is possible. But, again, it’s better to be a little unique. For example: analysis of plan implementation = assessment of achievement of turnover goals.
  5. Where to put stamps on the practice diary (Inzhekon). It is necessary to put three round seals of the company (as of spring 2013): on the title page(over the words “Head of practice from the enterprise”); in the description of a student from the internship site(in the lower right corner); in the review of the practice manager from the organization(also in the lower right corner).

You can ask your questions about pre-graduation practice for economic specialties in the comments to this post or in contact.