Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Historical reference. The village of Ivanovskoye: mysteries and facts

“Ivanovskoye - a field on the border of Moscow”
Ivanovskoye is a sea of ​​green silence.
Ivanovskoye - dawn, an unimaginable sunrise!
Ivanovskoye is my home as a patrol to the East.”

G. Maslennikov

Our favorite district, Ivanovskoye, is located on the eastern outskirts of Moscow in the southeastern part of the Eastern Administrative District. It stretches from north to south along the Moscow Ring Road from the mark of 107 km 850 m to the mark of 3 km 500 m. MKAD - eastern border district. From west to east, Entuziastov Highway (formerly New Vladimirskaya Road), one of the main highways of Moscow, passes through Ivanovskoye, which divides the area into two parts: northern - Yuzhnoye Izmailovo and southern - Ivanovskoye. Our district borders on the districts of the Eastern District - Veshnyaki, Novogireevo, Perovo, Vostochnoye Izmailovo, as well as on the Moscow region city of Reutov.

First written mention about the village dates back to the 16th century. The list from the scribe book of local lands of 1576 - 1578 names half of the village of Ivanovskoye as belonging to the landowners Belavins. These lands were considered good and large - 200 quarters of “good” land (about 100 hectares), from the water meadows of which 315 kopecks of hay were collected along the Robka (Serebryanka) River. The reserved grove stretched for 4 acres. The arable land under which individual areas of the forest were reduced was cultivated mainly with fallow trees. Unbeknownst to Belavin, the manor apple orchard is also mentioned in the book. The villages of Beruna, Reutovo and the Verkhovinskoye wasteland, “pulling” towards Ivanovsky, belonged to the landowner Fedor Evseev Pozdeev. Individual areas the arable lands were overgrown with forest, i.e. they were abandoned. Previously, these were the sole possessions of Mikita Romanovich Yuryev, brother-in-law of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The name of the village goes back to the early owner, who bore the name Ivan. Most likely, he was Ivan Reut, who lived in the first decades of the 16th century. He received his nickname for his loud, stentorian voice - “reut” means “screamer”. His nickname (Reutovo) stuck to the village, and his name (Ivanovskoye) to the village. The owners often erected temples in honor of their saints. The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist determined the status of the settlement already in the 16th century - a village.

Ivanovskoe was heavily damaged in early XVI century, during the Time of Troubles. In 1609, in the vicinity of the village on the Vladimir road, a detachment of Ataman Salkov was robbed, and only the liberator of Moscow D.M. managed to defeat him. Pozharsky. By the middle of the century, all that was left of the village was a wasteland of 41 acres of land.

Ivanovskoye was repopulated and rebuilt in the 1660s by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, whose “Sovereign Izmailovsky Estate” it was included in. Near the settlement in 1665-1669, two earthen dams were built - Ivanovskaya and Lebedevskaya on a dug pond, where they began to breed swans. At the dams there were two flour mills with barns. In the Ivanovsky Pond, crucian carp and tench were bred, and to the south of the Lebedyansky Pond, a mulberry garden was laid out - one of the fantastic ideas of the Tsar, who wanted to introduce silkworm breeding to produce silk on Moscow soil. In 1700, there were 69 peasant and peasant households in the village.

In the 18th century, Ivanovskoye belonged to the palace department. To the west of it was the famous Izmailovo menagerie. In the 1760s, there were 83 households in Ivanovskoye with 417 residents of both sexes, and by 1800 there were already 60 households with 439 residents. At the end of the 18th century, the stone Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist began to be built in Ivanovskoye. It was consecrated in 1801, so 2001 is the year of the 200th anniversary of our Ivanovo Church.

In September 1812, during Patriotic War, Ivanovskoye found itself in a combat zone. In a letter dated September 17, 1812, Lieutenant General Golitsin wrote to Field Marshal Kutuzov: “My adjutant, having learned from a peasant that the French were plundering 11 versts from Moscow in the village of Ivanovskoye, let the Cossacks know, who, waiting for night, attacked them and captured everyone. , of which two were wounded. There were no losses on our part. 11 prisoners: 7 Prussians, 3 Poles, 1 French; during the convoy they were escorted to Vladimir to the civil governor.”

On August 31, 1830, at the entrance to the village of Ivanovskoye, heading to his Boldino estate, A.S. Pushkin said goodbye to his friends P.V. Nashchokin and M.P. Pogodin, drinking a glass of champagne as a farewell.

The village of Ivanovskoye in the mid-19th century

According to 1859, Ivanovskoye was in the Appanage Department; it consisted of 84 households and 570 people of both sexes. After 10 years, there were already 130 households here, and by 1881 there were 110 of them left. late XIX century, the population increased slightly - there were 654 people per 138 houses.

There were few literate peasants among Ivanovo peasants: by 1881 - 8.7% of the total population (indicators for the district were twice this level). Only by 1900, 22% of the population were literate. rural residents, which is explained by the appearance of a first-level zemstvo school in the village.

After the abolition of serfdom, Ivanovskoye became part of the Pekhorskaya volost of the Moscow district. In 1869, among local attractions, the census noted 4 shops, 2 drinking houses, 4 taverns and a weaving factory, to the south was located candle factory. In the 60s of the 19th century, the Vladimir Highway was built north of the winding Old Vladimir Road, which since 1919 has been called the Enthusiast Highway “in memory of the revolutionary enthusiasts condemned to hard labor by tsarism and heading along this highway to Siberia.”

IN Soviet time In Ivanovsky, the collective farm “Forward” was organized, engaged in agriculture and livestock breeding. According to the 1926 census, there were 218 households in the village and only 169 peasant farms with a population of 1,275 people. In 1928, a settlement appeared on the territory of what is now South Izmailovo - the state farm of the Hammer and Sickle plant, which in the 1960s was merged with the collective farm "Forward". Our district became part of Moscow in 1960, when the construction of the Moscow Ring Road determined the new border of the city.

Construction of a new microdistrict of the capital on the site of the village began in 1971. The head of the workshop that designed Ivanovskoye (1969-1971) was Lebedev Viktor Vladimirovich (1909 - 2001) Architect, artist and poet, full member Russian Academy architecture and building sciences and honorary member international academy architecture, laureate of the State Prize, professor. He was a great friend to our area. The first building erected in Ivanovsky was the 4th building of building 98 on Entuziastov Highway, although the foundations of all houses were laid at the same time.

In its current form, our district was formed by order of Moscow Mayor Yu.M. Luzhkov (order No. 641-RM) on December 22, 1994, when the territories of two microdistricts “Yuzhnoye Izmailovo” and “Ivanovskoye” were united. The head of the Ivanovskoye district administration is Natalya Mikhailovna Golovanova, and the head of the Ivanovskoye municipality is Viktor Konstantinovich Makarov.

On September 4, 1999, a regional local history museum was opened in Ivanovsky, the exhibition of which reflects all aspects of the life of the region: nature, past and present (the museum is headed by the initiator of its creation, deputy of the municipal Assembly Stepanov N.Yu.)

The built-up areas of the village have a linear planning structure with established functional use of land and high density developments. In the central part of the village there is an object cultural heritage- monument " Mass grave 12 Soviet soldiers, who died during the years civil war", created in 1919.

Some territories of production facilities belonging to the production zone are located in the residential area, but the main production facilities located on the western outskirts of the village and beyond its borders. Part of the residential area falls into sanitary protection zones from production facilities and structures.

There are two cemeteries: one is located in the central-western part of the village. A cemetery in the western part of the land is used for burial settlement.

The existing residential development in the village of Ivanovskoye is represented mainly by one-story manor residential buildings with land plots of varying sizes; there are also 2-3 storey buildings.

The following cultural and public service institutions are located in permanent buildings, including those built according to projects:

  • cultural center for 300 people (typical, built in 1940)
  • library with 20 thousand volumes
  • secondary school for 800 students (1975)
  • administrative buildings
  • 2 kindergartens for 50 and 35 places (1913, 1970)
  • outpatient clinic (typical, 1940)
  • hospital for 35 beds (adapted, 1940)
  • pharmacies
  • trade enterprises
  • the shops
  • communication center
  • bank branch
  • stadium

Within the boundaries of the settlement and in the existing industrial zone adjacent to residential buildings, industrial facilities are located:

  • bakery
  • warehouses
  • mill
  • auto repair shops
  • horse farm
  • PMK - 42
  • HRW - 3
  • public utility facilities

In the village of Ivanovskoye there is a centralized water supply from the water intake structures of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River, as well as from the Kazminsky group water supply system. The length of the water supply engineering networks is 47.1 km. Centralized system There is no sewerage system in the village. Administrative, industrial, cultural and public buildings are equipped with internal water supply and sewerage. Residential buildings have outdoor toilets and cesspools. Hot water supply to residential buildings is provided by gas hot water heaters.

The village of Ivanovskoye is gasified by Stavropolregiongaz from the Novoderevenskaya GDS. The length of gas networks is: 56.7 km.

The village is supplied with electricity from the regional power grid. The source is TP "Voronezhskaya". The length of the power grid is 162.8 km.

Telephonization of the village is carried out from the village ATSC

There is more than one century. The first mention of it dates back to 1576. Now this area belongs to the Eastern administrative district Moscow and is called an intracity municipal formation. Ivanovskoye district index (Moscow) - 111558.

Name of the village Ivanovskoye

Ancient scribe books have survived to this day, in which the village of Ivanovskoye was first mentioned. But it is not possible to establish its exact owner, since there are many spaces and the pages are very mixed up. Most likely, the owner of the village was Ivan, nicknamed “Reut”. He lived in that area at the beginning of the sixteenth century. He received his nickname for his sonorous and very loud voice. As a result, the village where Ivan lived was named Reutovo, and the nearby village was named Ivanovskoye.

Some scribal books contain more than detailed description owners of the area. Half of the village belonged to the landowners Belavin. The apple orchard, the villages of Reutovo and Beruna and the Verkhovinskaya wasteland were owned by the landowner Pozdeev. In those days there was good tradition owners of settlements to build churches in them in honor of saints. Therefore, the Church of John the Baptist was erected in the village of Ivanovskoye. Thanks to the church, the area gained the status of a village.


The area traces its history, we repeat, from the sixteenth century, from the time of Ivan the Terrible. Now this place is municipal metropolitan education. Previously, the village of Ivanovskoye was located here. At the beginning of the seventeenth century it was severely destroyed and was revived only fifty years later. The village of Ivanovskoye became part of the Izmailov sovereign estate. Its owners were the Romanov dynasty.

Thanks to the efforts of Alexei Mikhailovich, the territories under his control turned into an agricultural academy. Experimental fields, vegetable gardens for pharmacists, and greenhouses were created in which southern plants grew. Many orchards have also been planted. Forty ponds were dug for fish breeding and household needs. In 1812, the village of Ivanovskoye fell into a war zone and suffered from French robberies.

At the end of the 19th century. A first-level zemstvo school was opened. Literacy of the population has increased greatly. For a while peasant reform in 1861, four shops and taverns, two drinking houses, a candle factory and weaving factory. Around the same years, the Vladimir Highway was built near the village, which in 1919 was renamed the Highway. Enthusiasts.

In the village there was a collective farm “Forward”. By 1926, there were already 218 households in this area, of which 169 were peasant households. Then a state farm appeared from the Hammer and Sickle plant, which later merged with the Vpered collective farm. All these territories became part of Moscow in 1960. Modern construction began in 1971. Today, the Ivanovskoye district (Moscow) occupies 1,150 hectares, of which 520 are residential buildings. The rest of the territory is a forested park area.

Emergence of the modern district

In 1960, after the Moscow Ring Road was built, one half of the village went to the Moscow region and entered the city of Reutovo, and the other part was given to the capital. The northern territory of the modern district became part of Stalinsky, later renamed Pervomaisky. South part the village began to refer to Kalininsky, and since 1969 - to Perovsky.

In 1991 it took place administrative reform. appeared in the capital municipal districts. They were part of the administrative staff. In September 1991, the Ivanovskoye district appeared, which became part of the Eastern Administrative District (Moscow). In December of the same year, due to territorial features, a separate district, South Izmailovo, was “split off” from it. In 1994, it was abolished by order of Luzhkov and re-entered the Ivanovo district, and in 1995 it received the status of a Moscow district.

Location of Ivanovskoye district (Russia, Moscow)

The Ivanovskoye district is located along the Moscow Ring Road in the east of the capital. Municipality stretches along the ring from north to south, and from west to east it crosses the Enthusiasts Highway. Previously it was called the New Vladimir Road. The Entuziastov Highway is one of the main metropolitan highways, which divides the area into Ivanovskoye proper and South Izmailovo.


The municipality of Ivanovskoye (Eastern Administrative District, Moscow) has its own flag. This is a rectangular double-sided canvas blue color. It depicts a white dove taking off, framed by long and short yellow rays. The dimensions of the image are three-eighths of the length and nine-sixteenths of the width of the canvas. In its lower part there are drawings of yellow oak leaves and acorns.

Ivanovskoye District (Moscow): natural beauty of the area

Not far from the Ivanovo district there is a small oak forest. It is called Terletskaya oak grove. The massif received its name from the last owner of these places, a retired Russian general. Today this forest area belongs to the Ivanovskoye district. In addition to oaks, coniferous trees and larches grow in the forest. There are beautiful ponds nearby. Residents of the area love to relax here on weekends.

Using our website, you can plot the route Moscow - the village of Ivanovskoye both by car and by public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed based on maps from Yandex and Google services. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you were able to find out how to get by car from Moscow (Russia) to the village of Ivanovskoye (Russia).

Distance between Moscow and the village of Ivanovskoye

If you drive along the road by car, the distance between Moscow and the village of Ivanovskoye, Chekhovsky district, Moscow region is 77.7 km.

  • Travel time

    1 hours, 25 minutes

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and food

  • Fuel consumption

    with a consumption of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter

  • Straight line distance

    distance between centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Distance by road

    according to the Yandex Maps service for 2015

  • tell friends
Start of the route
Less than 1 minute - 0 km
Moscow, Russia Less than 1 minute 0 km
14 minutes - 8.8 km
gardening partnership Neftemash, Moscow, Russia 14 minutes 8.8 km
14 minutes - 11.6 km
Alkhimovo village, 29 minutes 20.4 km
6 minutes - 10.4 km
Erino village, Novomoskovsky administrative District, Moscow, Russia 36 minutes 30.8 km
20 minutes – 33.5 km
Podolsk, 57 minutes 64.3 km
2 minutes - 2.4 km
SNT Veteran, Podolsk urban district, Moscow region, Russia 59 minutes 66.7 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.1 km
Kostishovo village, Troitsky administrative district, Moscow, Russia 1 hours, 0 minutes 66.7 km
7 minutes - 4.8 km
gardening partnership Vasilek, Podolsk urban district, Moscow region, Russia 1 hours, 7 minutes 71.6 km
4 minutes - 2 km
SNT Agat, 1 hours, 11 minutes 73.5 km
4 minutes - 1.4 km
Khodayevo village, Chekhovsky district, Moscow region, Russia 1 hour, 15 minutes 74.9 km
2 minutes - 0.7 km
Chekhov, Chekhovsky district, Moscow region, Russia 1 hours, 18 minutes 75.6 km
7 minutes - 2.1 km
village Ivanovskoye, Chekhovsky district, Moscow region, Russia 1 hours, 25 minutes 77.7 km

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Ivanovskoe and Makarovo are the closest villages to Chernogolovka with a story that can be started to be told, but difficult to finish. Materials about Ivanovsky have already appeared on the pages of the Chernogolovskaya Gazeta, but that was a very long time ago, and Ivanovsky deserves to be written and written about. We hope, dear readers, that you have been to our Ivanovsky? Where there is an extraordinary temple, where there is a lake, and behind it a pine forest.

Once upon a time here were the patrimonial possessions of Demid Ivanovich Cheremisinov. In 1599, the Islenevs, one of the most famous Russians, became the owners of the local lands. noble families. In 1689, an entry appeared in the book of the Patriarchal Order: “The wooden Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist was built in the village of Ermakova, in the Moscow district, in Sherensky and Otezzhy camp, by the steward Ivan Ivanovich Islenyev, on his estate.” So the village of Ermakova became the village of Ivanovsky.

The once extensive possessions of the Islenyevs kept shrinking, and in the end only the village of Ryazantsy remained, about 20 km from Ivanovsky, where in the 1830s the composer A.A. lived with his sister Natalya Alexandrovna Islenyeva for some time after exile. Alyabyev, and in August 1840 his wedding took place with E.A. Rimskaya-Korsakova.

In 1789, the Islenyevs sold Ivanovskoye to Johann Heinrich - and in Russian to Ivan Nikolaevich - Yanish. Ivan Nikolaevich, a native of Silesia, a doctor of medicine, came to St. Petersburg in 1758, and in 1773 he became a doctor at the Moscow Orphanage; by the end of his life he was very wealthy man, owned houses in Moscow and lands in different districts of the Moscow and Vladimir provinces. With him and his “care”, the Church of the Baptist was restored in 1798 - and again in wood. After the death of I.N. Yanisha Ivanovskoe belongs to his widow Anna Petrovna, who, by the way, in 1812 commissioned Moscow militia 16 warriors. Then this estate goes to one of the sons, Nikolai Ivanovich, Major General of the Engineering Service.

His son, Nikolai Nikolaevich Yanish, is listed as the owner of Ivanovskoye and a number of villages, including Nikolskoye, Chernogolovka and also, in the 1850s. Anton Fridrikhovich (Fedorovich) Vokach marries Nikolai’s sister, Evgenia Nikolaevna. This is how the descendants of immigrants from Serbia who served as doctors under Ivan the Terrible find themselves in Ivanovo.

One of the Vokaches began serving in the Russian army and quickly got used to it. He took part in the elevation of Elizabeth Petrovna to the throne, for which he was granted the dignity of nobility. During the accession of Catherine II, the Vokaci were forced to leave for Germany, since they were supporters of Peter III.

The Lubny-Gertsyk and Vokach families, 1878: Seated in the bottom row: first from left Vera Vokach, later Sekretareva; far right - Yulia Antonovna Lubny-Gertsyk; in the center of the first row - perhaps Maria Andreevna Vokach (Muromtseva); in the second row, far left - Joseph Antonovich Lubny-Gertsyk; far right, possibly Lydia Maximilianovna Tidebel; in the third row: first from left Elena Maximilianovna Tidebel; the second - Evgenia Antonovna Vokach, later Lubny-Gertsyk; third - Sofya Maximilianovna Lubny-Gertsyk (Tidebel), first wife, K.A. Lubny-Gertsyk; fourth - Elena Antonovna Lagorio (Lubny-Gertsik); Standing in the fourth row from left to right: possibly L.F. Lagorio and Nikolai Antonovich Vokach, third from left - Kazimir Antonovich Lubny-Gertsyk, fourth - Arnold Tidebel. (Photo from the archive of E.A. Lubny-Gertsyk).

After the death of Catherine II, one of the sons of Leipzig University professor Friedrich Vokach, Friedrich Friedrichovich, returned to Russia, and it was his son Anton who married Evgenia Nikolaevna Yanish. In 1890, the estate was listed as E.N. Vokach, she lived there almost constantly, from time to time visiting her children and grandchildren who lived in other places, who, in turn, visited their mother and grandmother in quiet Ivanovsky. Sons of A.F. Vocaca - Nikolai Antonovich(on the picture) , the candidate is right, and Fyodor Antonovich, a retired lieutenant, became well-known zemstvo figures in the Bogorodsky district. Nikolai was married to Maria Muromtseva, a relative of the wife of the writer I. Bunin, and their daughter Natalya became the wife of the outstanding Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin. Yes, if you remember the relatives of the owners of the estate, you will have to write another one separate article. But let's return directly to the estate. Now all that remains is the linden alleys of the park. The estate was located on the high bank of the Pruzhenka River in the middle of a large French park and orchard. It is known that the owners lived on the estate permanently, maintaining and decorating its few buildings. Interesting information information about the state of the estate in 1928 was found in one of Noginsky’s folders local history museum. A certain Vladimirov, apparently a local historian of the Bogorodsk Institute of Local History, left the following description: “A small one-story wooden main house with large verandas, in front there is a portico with columns in the Empire style. The interior layout of the house is interesting (the owners valued antiquity and protected it): a hall with a choir on which stood an organ. In front of the house, a large circle is stenciled, planted with honeysuckle, jasmine, etc. Standing in this circle stone statue men. On the sides of the house there are wings: a kitchen for the manager and workers. The park is French with straight, long linden alleys that open to the horizon. At the end of the alley there is a gazebo, quite elegant in the Doric style... A small cozy wooden church in Empire forms stands at the turn of the birch alley towards the river. And there the cheerful noise of the mill wheels complemented the charms of the village corner. The estate is not maintained by anyone and is gradually being destroyed, its owners were evicted quite recently." Let us recall that the wooden church was located next to the cemetery. The church burned down in 1978, and at present there are practically no old graves preserved, although there are remains of very ancient monuments with now indistinguishable inscriptions. The study of this necropolis can lead to very interesting results.

The village of Ivanovskoye was the volost center of Bogorodsky district. Not far from the wooden one, the brick Church of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist was built at the turn of the century. The village had a hospital and a school with a library. Every year fairs were held with carousels, swings and, of course, Parsley in booths.

We also have the opportunity to meet the last owners of Ivanovsky. In addition to their sons, Anton Fridrikhovich (Fedorovich) and Evgenia Nikolaevna Vokach had daughters - Evgenia, Yulia and Vera. Evgenia and Yulia Antonovna connected their lives with Joseph and Kazimir Antonovich Lubny-Gertsyk, brothers, representatives of an old Polish-Lithuanian family, known from chronicles from the 15th century.

Yulia Antonovna and Joseph Antonovich Lubny-Gertsyk were the last owners and residents of the Ivanovskoye estate. In the photograph from 1912 you see the whole family on the veranda of the manor house in Ivanovsky. On the far left and right are Joseph Antonovich and Yulia Antonovna, in the back are their children: daughter Evgenia Iosifovna Lubny-Gertsyk, sons Nikolai, Konstantin and Lev, the daughter-in-law, wife of Lev Iosifovich, Elizaveta Alexandrovna, née Shlesinger, turned to face us. And the little son of the latter, Shura, looks at us from a photograph of the manor house dating back to approximately 1920.