Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What type of temperament test. Temperament type test! How easy it is to make you angry

Psychologists distinguish 4 types of temperament: sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic and choleric. Depending on which of them dominates, a person has certain character traits. After reading this article, you can easily determine your temperament type based on the description of your personal qualities. If you want to get a more accurate result, you can take tests created for this purpose. We will talk about them a little later.


Looking for an answer to the question “How to determine a person’s temperament?” deals with such a science as psychology. At the origins of the doctrine of temperament is Hippocrates, who lived during the times of Ancient Greece. He believed that vital juices (blood, yellow and black bile, as well as phlegm) in certain proportions determine personal characteristics.

This idea was developed by the Roman Claudius Galen, who in his treatise gave a name to each of the 4 types of temperament. The word "choleric" is derived from the stem "bile" in Greek. The terms “sanguine”, “phlegmatic”, “melancholic” are translated as “blood”, “phlegm” and “black bile”, respectively.

Currently, the type of temperament is not usually identified with “vital juices”. Personality characteristics depend on the functioning of the nervous system. This theory was proposed by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Modern scientists have come to the conclusion that the type of temperament is inherited and is influenced by the social environment, upbringing, and the individual’s ability to self-control.

Currently, there are a large number of books on how to determine the type of temperament. In addition to literature, you can take tests on the Internet or sign up for a consultation with a professional. However, you should not expect the result to be one hundred percent. The fact is that having only one type of temperament is impossible. Each individual has characteristics of all four types, just some of them are more pronounced.


A person with a choleric type of temperament does not know how to control himself. Such people are often unrestrained and hot-tempered. Despite their unbridled temperament, they are easy-going and quickly calm down after the manifestation of violent emotions. They say about them: “It flared up like a match!” Indeed, these people get turned on immediately, but just as suddenly stop the outburst of emotions. Choleric people deeply experience both happy and sad moments. The reaction to current events is not long in coming; one might say, it is instantaneous.

All experiences are vivid, intense and fleeting. To understand whether you are choleric, observe your behavior. Exploring the depths of your personality will help you answer the question: “How to determine your temperament?” Cholerics are characterized by rapid changes of feelings and emotions. This can be seen in their facial expressions, facial expressions and gestures. Heat and passion, however, do not mean that the emotions of choleric people are superficial. All experiences come from the depths of the soul, it’s just that people with this type of temperament quickly switch from one event to another.

Age characteristics

Cholerics at any age are characterized by impatience and harshness in communication, energetic gestures and facial expressions, and a fast pace of work. In childhood, children with this type of temperament are the ringleaders in large companies; they easily encourage their peers to participate in various adventures. During puberty, teenagers become extremely active, they can get into fights, be rude to teachers and even disrupt classes! In adulthood, choleric people often notice a dislike for monotonous work. They take on a new task with enthusiasm, but they “cool down” very quickly, finish the activity they started hastily, and work carelessly.


To understand how to determine your temperament, you need to get acquainted with each of the four varieties. Melancholic people are characterized by unbalanced character. They deeply experience any events that happen to them, but do not give free rein to their emotions. Outwardly, they seem withdrawn and unemotional. Such people have inexpressive, monotonous, restrained facial expressions. They don't gesticulate too much.

The voice of melancholic people is quiet and inexpressive. These people are characterized by anxiety, vulnerability and sensitivity. They are wary of new activities, afraid of difficulties and avoid any unforeseen situations. Melancholic people prefer activities that can be performed without experiencing mental stress.

And emotions are very monotonous and stable. At first glance, these people seem too sad and gloomy, withdrawn and uncommunicative. They are very vulnerable, which is why they react painfully to failures and criticism. Any difficulties in life cause them depression. Melancholic people are characterized by indecision and lack of strength; they are pessimistic about everything. They show disinterest in work. Melancholic people are treated as ephemeral creatures, unadapted to life and flying in the clouds.

Age characteristics

Children of a certain temperament type behave differently. Melancholic children are calm and withdrawn, they are easily influenced by others. In the team they are offended, teased and called names. They cannot resist injustice, they do not know how to defend their rights, which is why they often become the object of ridicule.

In adolescence, melancholic people have difficulty adapting to new groups. They can become a “punching bag” for stronger guys. Teenagers are timid, shy, sometimes tearful and indecisive. In adulthood, these character traits are preserved.


People with a sanguine type of temperament are balanced, quickly react to events that happen to them, but at the same time their emotions are quite moderate. Mental processes are weakly intense and are characterized by constant change. New emotional states appear quickly and are not characterized by depth.

To do this you need to take care of yourself. For example, if you notice that you have expressive and rich facial expressions, active gestures, then most likely you are sanguine. Such people are very active and cheerful. They are impressionable and react to all external stimuli. Sanguine people practically do not delve into their experiences, as they are captivated by the world around them.

People with this type of temperament are quick-witted; their sharp mind allows them to easily solve all kinds of problems if they do not require much work and perseverance. Sanguine people have a positive attitude towards changing activities and quickly “light up” with new ideas. However, they leave what they started with the same speed when they find something more interesting to do. Very often they make decisions hastily.

Sanguine people are sociable, they make contact with any people. Relationships with them are very superficial, because owners of this type of temperament do not become attached to others and easily part with friends and acquaintances. Sorrows and joys, grievances and reconciliations are quickly forgotten by sanguine people. These people's facial expressions and gestures are very expressive, and their speech is fast.

Age characteristics

Sanguine people are able to work for a long time without feeling tired. They tend to choose a variety of activities and feel uncomfortable doing monotonous work. From childhood, sanguine people show a penchant for leadership. They are able to take responsibility. They are constantly looking for ways to be in the spotlight. Often people with a sanguine type of temperament make promises and do not keep them, admit their guilt and apologize, but continue to live as before.

Phlegmatic person

Personality characteristics are manifested not only in a person’s mental activity. By movements you can also determine the type of temperament of a person. Phlegmatic people, for example, are not very active. Their gestures are slow and sometimes sluggish. People with this type of temperament are not characterized by increased feelings. Their feelings change infrequently and slowly. Phlegmatic people are very calm and calm, so it is difficult to anger them and force them into conflict with anyone. These people are very rarely seen agitated or disorganized.

Gestures and facial expressions are monotonous. Speech seems lifeless because it is not accompanied by body movements. Phlegmatic people think about their decisions first, but if they want to do something, they will confidently move towards their goal. They do not like change, so it is necessary to warn them about innovations in advance.

G. Eysenck's EPI method

If you are interested in how to determine a person’s temperament type, then most likely you are familiar with G. Eysenck’s method. This test consists of 2 options with 57 questions each. To pass this test, you need to answer yes or no questions, and you need to be completely honest with yourself. There can be no wrong answers, because they are absolutely individual.

Questions are aimed at determining behavior and reactions to various situations. The results are revealed by several indicators, including stability and instability of the reaction (neuroticism), introversion and extraversion.

Test by A. Belov

One of the most popular tests for determining temperament is A. Belov’s test. It consists of 40 questions divided into 2 blocks. The structure of the test is similar to G. Isaac’s method. The subject is presented with a series of statements to which he must answer “Yes” or “No.” The results show the percentage of temperament types. Two of them are usually dominant.

Professional techniques

How to determine your temperament? To do this, you can contact a professional. Psychologists use several methods, including “Temperament and Sociotypes”, as well as the “Pavlovian Questionnaire”. The first technique is aimed at determining the combination of behavior in society with the type of temperament. The “Pavlovian Questionnaire” allows you to identify the stability of the nervous system and the strength of the processes of inhibition and excitation.

How to determine a child's temperament?

You don't need to take many tests to figure out what type of temperament your child has. It is enough to observe a boy or girl and analyze the children’s attitude towards daily activities.

  • Cholerics, as a rule, have increased excitability. In the game, they strive for leadership and are distinguished by mobility and activity. Very quickly they get bored with monotonous activities. Such children prefer football, basketball and dancing. They may unknowingly offend people around them, so it is necessary to be patient in raising them.
  • Sanguine people are very friendly and active, they easily switch to other activities and quickly forget about grievances. These children love team games such as football and volleyball. Guys can be absent-minded and frivolous, but with proper upbringing you can get rid of these character traits.
  • Phlegmatic people are silent and slow. These children want to have their own space. They do not show interest in various games because they like to sleep and are not very imaginative. They enjoy drawing, music and embroidery.

  • Determine your child's temperament type by describing his personality traits before he goes to school, otherwise difficulties may arise. For example, phlegmatic people get tired quickly; they switch from one type of activity to another for a long time. These children are very touchy and a little cowardly, so at first it may be difficult for them to get used to the new team. Quiet activities such as reading and drawing are best for them.

What is the difference between the concepts of “character” and “temperament”? Temperament is what a person receives at birth. Properties, motives of behavior and skills that are genetically determined. Character is developed through experience, often in an attempt to change temperament. For example, a shy young man who has been shy since childhood becomes more determined as an adult because he has attended acting classes and developed the ability to speak boldly in public. Here shyness is a temperamental trait. And acquired determination is a character trait. Diagnosing your own temperament contributes to the development of character if you work on yourself. Self-knowledge at the psychological level allows you to reveal positive personality traits and work on negative ones. For parents, the diagnosis will give the key to his upbringing and will tell him how to treat the baby so that he hears and understands correctly.


Ever since school, everyone knows the four types of temperament into which people are divided. The distinction is made depending on the behavioral reactions to the expected events, from which clear models of behavior are formed. It is interesting that character traits can manifest themselves in a person regardless of the type of temperament. Many people do not think about this, confusing the concepts or combining them into one. But from these differences it is clearly clear that each person is unique, since events, everyday experiences, childhood, social environment - all this develops character.

Properties of temperament

The manifestations of properties depending on the personality type differ significantly. This is what makes it possible to conduct a high-quality diagnosis of temperament and character.

1. Sensitivity. This definition characterizes an individual's reaction to external stimuli. Each type reacts differently, one will show a violent reaction if touched. The other one won't pay attention.

2. Reactivity. Characterized by an involuntary reaction to external or internal stimuli, such as sharp sounds, loud music or screaming.

3. Activity. Refers to the reaction to the outside world. Purposefulness, willingness to overcome difficulties, the ability to steadfastly resist life's troubles.

4. Plasticity (rigidity). The ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Life flexibility.

5. Rate of reactive activity. Speed ​​reaction. Ability to quickly respond to stimuli.

6. Introversion (extroversion). Ability to make quick decisions. Speed ​​of information perception.

7. External manifestations of the response.

Based on the listed properties, a complex diagnosis of temperament types is constructed. How do you know which type to classify yourself as? The properties of temperament types are also associated with hormonal nature, physiological processes in the body, and body structure.

Method for determining the type of temperament

The most extensive and popular method is the Eysenck temperament diagnostic method.

Hans Jurgen Eysenck is a British psychologist. He has developed a system of questions, answering “yes” or “no” to which one can diagnose the properties and types of temperaments. The result of completing the questionnaire will be the identification of your true self, taking into account introversion and extraversion. The technique also reveals the emotional stability of the individual. The Eysenck test is a classic method for determining personality typology, one of the most used in modern psychology.

Eysenck questionnaire

So, answer a series of questions. Don’t think too long about the answers, act according to the dictates of your consciousness. Place a plus next to the question number if the answer is “yes”. And minus if the answer is “no”.

Questionnaire text:

1. Do you often experience a craving for new experiences, to be distracted, to experience strong sensations?

2. Do you often feel that you need friends who can understand, encourage, and sympathize with you?

3. Do you consider yourself a carefree person?

4. Is it very difficult for you to give up your intentions?

5. Do you think about your affairs slowly and prefer to wait before acting?

6. Do you always keep your promises, even if it is unprofitable for you?

7. Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?

8. Do you usually act and speak quickly?

9. Have you ever had the feeling that you are unhappy, although there was no serious reason for this?

10. Is it true that in a “dispute” you are able to decide on anything?

11. Do you feel embarrassed when you want to meet someone of the opposite sex who you like?

12. Does it ever happen that when you get angry, you lose your temper?

13. Does it often happen that you act thoughtlessly, on the spur of the moment?

14. Do you often worry about the idea that you shouldn't have done or said something?

15. Do you prefer reading books to meeting people?

16. Is it true that you are easily offended?

17. Do you often like to be in company?

18. Do you ever have thoughts that you would not like to share with others?

19. Is it true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything in your hands burns, and sometimes you feel tired?

20. Do you try to limit your circle of acquaintances to a small number of your closest friends?

21. Do you dream a lot?

22. When people shout at you, do you respond in kind?

23. Do you consider all your habits to be good?

24. Do you often have the feeling that you are to blame for something?

25. Are you sometimes able to give free rein to your feelings and have carefree fun in a cheerful company?

26. Can we say that your nerves are often stretched to the limit?

27. Are you known as a lively and cheerful person?

28. After something is done, do you often mentally return to it and think that you could have done it better?

29. Do you feel restless when in a large company?

30. Does it happen that you spread rumors?

31. Does it happen that you can’t sleep because different thoughts come into your head?

32. If you want to know something, do you prefer to find it in a book or ask people?

33. Do you have palpitations?

34. Do you like work that requires concentration?

35. Do you have tremors?

36. Do you always tell the truth?

37. Do you find it unpleasant to be in a company where they make fun of each other?

38. Are you irritable?

39. Do you like work that requires speed?

40. Is it true that you are often haunted by thoughts about various troubles and horrors that could happen, although everything ended well?

41. Is it true that you are leisurely in your movements and somewhat slow?

42. Have you ever been late for work or a meeting with someone?

43. Do you often have nightmares?

44. Is it true that you love to talk so much that you don’t miss any opportunity to talk with a new person?

45. Do you have any pain?

46. ​​Would you be upset if you couldn’t see your friends for a long time?

47. Are you a nervous person?

48. Are there anyone among your friends who you clearly don’t like?

49. Are you a confident person?

50. Are you easily offended by criticism of your shortcomings or your work?

51. Do you find it difficult to really enjoy events that involve a lot of people?

52. Does the feeling that you are somehow worse than others bother you?

53. Would you be able to bring some life into a boring company?

54. Does it happen that you talk about things that you don’t understand at all?

55. Are you worried about your health?

56. Do you like to make fun of others?

57. Do you suffer from insomnia?

Decoding the result

All questions are divided into groups that relate to the personal qualities of the individual. Count how many times you answered “yes” or “no” to the number questions in each group.

Processing the results:

1. Extraversion - is the sum of the answers “Yes” in questions 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56, and the answers “No” in questions 5 , 15, 20, 29, 32, 37, 41, 51.

If the sum of points is 0-10, then you are an introvert, closed within yourself. If 11-14, then you are an ambivert, you communicate when you need it. If 15-24, then you are an extrovert, sociable, facing the outside world.

2. Neuroticism - find the number of “Yes” answers in questions 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57.

If the number of “Yes” answers is 0-10, you have emotional stability. If 11-16, then emotional sensitivity. If 17-22, then individual signs of nervous system instability appear. If you are 23-24, you have neuroticism bordering on pathology, a breakdown or neurosis is possible.

3. False - find the sum of the points for the “Yes” answers in questions 6, 24, 36, and the “No” answers in questions 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

If a score of 0-3 is the norm for human lies, the answers can be trusted. If 4-5, then it is doubtful. If 6-9, your answers are unreliable.

If the answers can be trusted, then a graph is built based on the data received.

Score the results on the Eysenck scale. Check which part of the circle the value of your questionnaire result is in.

Eysenck scale values

Interestingly, there are no 100% extroverts or introverts. Each personality combines the qualities of both types of temperaments in different proportions. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of each pole of the temperament test using the Eysenck circle.


He won’t reach into his pocket for words. Loves to talk about everything in the world. There is such a person in every team; he attracts listeners and is ready to support any conversation. Likes to meet new people and makes many friends. But he lacks the ability to give everyone due attention. Therefore, the relationship is superficial. An extrovert likes to create movement around him. They constantly call him on the phone, he is going somewhere, he is in a hurry. He enjoys being in company; it fills him with energy. Externally, an extrovert can be recognized by his loud voice, loud laughter and active gestures. It is often difficult for him to stop; he may say too much. He gets bored being alone with himself. Even when alone at home, an extrovert will communicate with someone on the phone or text. Prone to risk, impulsive in actions. But cheerful and lively.


A certain detachment from society is typical for him. The circle of friends is chosen carefully, with the expectation of a lifetime. Introverts are reluctant to make contact, only when necessary. These are rare guests at parties, and if they appear there, it is under pressure, since they do not want to go of their own free will. An introvert's loved ones are people who have proven themselves over the years and are sympathetic to him. If he does not see them for a long time, the relationship still remains sincere and friendly. Introverts feel comfortable alone and always have something to do. The company gets tired quickly. At the same time, they can lead quite an active life in society; they do not necessarily sit at home within four walls. An introvert gets energy from things: good food, interesting literature, healthy sleep. For him, the internal component of his life, stability and tranquility are more important. As a rule, he is pedantic and does not like to make quick decisions. Characterized by a high degree of self-control, he is rarely angry. He has high morality and is prone to excessive pessimism.


Characterized by increased excitability and irritability. This temperamental trait gives a person uncertainty in everything (in himself, in others, in things and actions). In diagnosing a person’s temperament type, this property indicates a restless nature, vulnerable and prone to depression. Reactions to external stimuli may be inadequate, which is fraught with consequences in the form of stress and neurosis. The person is susceptible to external events and anxious. In psychology, it is defined as an emotionally unstable personality type. An individual with signs of neuroticism worries all the time, overly self-critical, and fears public transport. Fears about loved ones are exaggerated.

Neuroticism is accompanied by feelings of guilt and defenselessness.

Emotional stability

Self-confidence, aptitude for leadership. Calm and poise. The individual is ready to help everyone (and helps whenever possible). There is no tension, in stressful situations he acts clearly and quickly. Adapts quickly to new circumstances and easily assimilates information. A person does not pay attention to the little things in life. Purposefully moves towards his goal.

Pavlov's method

Russian scientist-physiologist I.V. Pavlov identified four well-known personality typologies. The classification is as follows: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic. Express diagnostics of Eysenck's temperaments, in combination with Pavlov's method, provided the most accurate and comprehensive definition of these concepts. As a result, we can characterize people as follows:

A sanguine person is a person with emotional stability and extroverted traits.

Choleric is an emotionally unstable personality and an extrovert.

Phlegmatic - emotionally stable and introverted.

Melancholic is an introvert prone to neurosis.

Let's study each type in more detail.


In expressed representatives of this temperament, emotions prevail over reason. Any event in life is expressed on the emotional level of such a person. In a moment of joy, he will jump, scream, hug everyone and laugh loudly. At times of disappointment, it is bitter to cry and tell others about your misfortune. Moreover, it will move from one state to another quickly. The flow of energy released in a fit of emotion quickly dries up, which constantly requires replenishment with new sensations.

The choleric energetically takes on new things, his whole life is filled with actions that require his vigilant, urgent attention. If he has a favorite thing, the choleric person will devote himself to it with all passion. He has pronounced leadership qualities, he is capable of becoming a leader, leading people. He is highly resistant to stress because he is unable to hold attention to unpleasant moments for a long time. Choleric people tend to abandon unfinished business if they are not interested in it. The mood often changes because he reacts emotionally to every moment in life. Hot-tempered and unrestrained. Cholerics, who prefer honest relationships, will defend those unreasonably accused until they lose their pulse. Truth-tellers, rather from lack of restraint. They strive to be the main character in any event.


Vulnerable, prone to knowing the inner “I”. If a temperament test shows that an individual is basically melancholic, this does not mean that he is a sad pessimist. This type of temperament has a clearly expressed creativity. A melancholic person is spiritually developed and prone to deep emotional experiences. Knows how to look at the root of a problem or event, notices the details. Able to cope well with any job, especially one that requires perseverance and attentiveness. Sees beauty in the most ordinary things. He is suspicious, which is why he avoids contacts with people whom he does not completely trust. Reduced self-esteem, takes offense at statements addressed to him. Slow, but resilient and capable of analysis. A sensitive melancholic person is prone to long-term relationships with people. Having lost his trust, it will most likely not be possible to restore it.


Changeable type. If a temperament test shows that you are sanguine, you need to carefully monitor your emotions. A sanguine person changes his mind instantly, and the same goes for his commitment to hobbies and work. At the same time, the sanguine person is the most lively and cheerful of all types of temperaments. He is active, artistic, and has rich facial expressions. It's interesting to watch him. Quickly adapts to changing circumstances. He gets to work easily and joyfully, and since childhood he has been interested in various hobby groups and clubs. A sanguine person lives with pleasure, enjoys both work and rest. If there is a lack of affection and interesting hobbies, it becomes superficial.

Phlegmatic person

This type of temperament is thorough and consistent. He is selective in his hobbies and always brings everything to its logical conclusion. Life position is weak, not active. He is not prone to impulsive actions, is calm and collected, and does not like empty talk. He is a hard worker at work, always ready to help and take responsibility. A phlegmatic person has a deep inner world. In negative traits, he is lethargic, incapable of taking a decisive step. But the calmest of all, inert. Persistent in achieving the goal. Stress-resistant, avoids conflicts. It is difficult to adapt to new conditions and is not ready for drastic changes. Not susceptible to emotions, does not express feelings directly. He is able to listen to another person, but does not talk about his feelings. There are no problems with self-esteem; it is rarely a little low.

Personality typology in children

For parents, knowing the type of temperament their child has is undoubtedly important. Determining a person’s temperament in childhood provides the key to education and building an effective learning process. If you correctly understand what type your baby is, there is a chance to make the most of his positive traits and provide the opportunity for favorable personality development. Having an understanding of how a child thinks and taking into account the characteristic traits of temperament, a thinking adult is able to avoid causing harm to the child’s psyche and minimize the development of negative aspects of character.

Choleric child

This child is noisy, restless and active. He can be aggressive and is characterized by rapid mood swings. He perceives information well, but often forgets what was asked of him. Difficulty going to bed. He loves noisy games and quickly finds contact with other players. The body works quickly, the baby easily recovers from illness.

Parents need to fill the free time of their choleric child with some useful activity. It would be better if it was a sports section. He needs to be taken out into nature more often; he needs a lot of space. After the release of energy in the sections, you can engage in intellectual activity. The child should approach educational activities physically tired, then he will be able to perceive information and be diligent. Fatigue will not affect the functioning of the brain; a choleric child has inexhaustible energy reserves.

Melancholic child

Extremely reasonable, unhurried. He feels uncomfortable in an unfamiliar atmosphere and has difficulty getting along with other children. But if you make friends with someone, then for a long time. Sensitive, this makes us vulnerable. You need to communicate with him carefully, as he takes everything personally. It takes a long time to learn information, and is timid and unsure when communicating. A change of place of residence or kindergarten is difficult for a melancholic child. It is difficult to put him to sleep, but in the morning he is alert and ready for active actions.

A melancholic child needs parental approval and support. He needs this more than anything else. He withdraws from criticism and scolding; this will bring him a lot of problems in the future. Support for his initiative in any endeavors is required, stimulation of stories about his own feelings.

Sanguine child

The soul of the company, open to both other children and adults. A little careless, lacking a sense of self-preservation. He takes on a lot of things, but brings few things to completion. Doesn't calculate strength. Does not remember insults, is restless. He is prone to team games, loves sports and communication.

Parents need to train perseverance and hard work in their sanguine child. A joint activity will put the child at ease and prepare the ground for a trusting relationship. Assembling a construction set or a jigsaw puzzle is something that he cannot do alone, but together with his parents such an activity will give the desired educational effect. It is necessary to instill in the child the basics of morality so that a light attitude towards life does not develop into a superficial one.

Phlegmatic child

Slow, thorough. Loves to find out what the essence of everything is. He is not emotional, so he often gets the feeling that he doesn’t care what happens around him. Can play independently for a long time and enthusiastically and not disturb adults. He sleeps well, but has difficulty getting up in the morning. Loves to snuggle under a blanket.

Parents need to learn to convey positive emotions to their children. He will easily succumb to a passion for useful activities: caring for animals, household chores. It is necessary to add variety to his daily routine: watching cartoons and films, going to the circus and the zoo. To stimulate physical development, a home wall bars or rope are suitable.


Psychological diagnosis of temperament affects not only self-knowledge. Knowing which type you are provides the opportunity to stimulate the development of personality strengths. By recognizing your weaknesses, you can combat them. Or, conversely, use it for good. Diagnosis of temperament in adolescents and young children allows parents to raise a child without disrupting his worldview and attitude. The willingness to work and develop the child’s strengths will definitely find a response.

Each type of temperament has its own strengths and weaknesses, and a person’s task throughout life is to find harmony between them. The integrity of a person is determined by the ability to find the edges of all inherent possibilities and skillfully use them in one’s own life. Society consists of many individual personalities, and even complete opposites in temperament can exist side by side without mutual claims.

Temperament is one of the most important innate characteristics of an individual. There are 4 main ones that are widely known:

  1. strong, agile, balanced (sanguine);
  2. strong, agile, unbalanced (choleric);
  3. strong, inert, balanced (phlegmatic);
  4. weak, unbalanced, responsive (melancholic).

However, none of these temperaments can be found in their “pure form.” All 4 main temperaments are present in a certain proportion in every person (very rarely - 3).

Word "temperament" is of Latin origin and literally means “ratio of parts.” It is to establish the relationship between the 4 basic temperaments for a particular person that the test proposed below is aimed at.

It is based on 4 “passports”: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic.“Passport” represents 19-20 characteristic qualities of a given temperament.

Temperament is then calculated using the formula proposed by A. Belov.

Mark those characteristics that are true for you personally. So you -

uncontrollable, hot-tempered;
harsh and straightforward in relationships with people;
decisive and proactive;
some people think you are stubborn;
resourceful in argument;
work in jerks;
prone to risk;
unforgiving and non-offensive;
have fast, passionate speech with confused intonations;
unbalanced and prone to ardor;
aggressive bully;
intolerant of shortcomings;
have expressive facial expressions;
tend to act and decide quickly;
tirelessly strive for something new;
have sharp, jerky movements;
persistent in achieving their goals;
prone to sudden mood swings.

cheerful and cheerful;
energetic and businesslike;
often do not finish what you start;
tend to overestimate themselves;
are able to quickly embrace new things;
unstable in interests and inclinations;
easily experience failures and troubles;
easily adapt to different circumstances;
take on any new business with enthusiasm;
you quickly cool down if it ceases to interest you;
quickly get involved in a new job and quickly switch from one job to another;
are burdened by monotony, everyday, painstaking work;
are sociable and responsive, do not feel constrained with people who are new to you;
hardy and efficient;
have loud, fast, distinct speech, accompanied by lively gestures and expressive facial expressions;
maintain composure in unexpected, difficult situations;
always have a cheerful mood;
you fall asleep and wake up quickly;
are often not collected, show haste in decisions;
Sometimes you tend to skim the surface and get distracted.

Phlegmatic person
calm and cool;
consistent and thorough in business;
careful and judicious;
know how to wait;
don’t like to chat in vain;
have calm, even speech with stops, without pronounced emotions, gestures and facial expressions;
reserved and patient;
bring the job you started to completion;
don’t waste your energy;
strictly adhere to the developed life routine and work system;
easily restrain impulses;
low sensitivity to approval and censure;
are not malicious, show a condescending attitude towards barbs addressed to you;
are constant in their relationships and interests;
slowly get involved in work and switch from one task to another;
equal in relations with everyone;
love punctuality in everything;
find it difficult to adapt to a new environment;
you have endurance.

shy and self-conscious;
you get lost in a new environment;
find it difficult to establish contact with strangers;
do not believe in your strength;
tolerate loneliness easily;
feel depressed and confused when you fail;
tend to withdraw into themselves;
you get tired quickly;
have weak, quiet speech, sometimes reduced to a whisper;
you involuntarily adapt to the character of your interlocutor;
impressionable to the point of tearfulness;
extremely susceptible to approval and blame;
make high demands on yourself and others;
prone to suspicion and suspiciousness;
painfully sensitive and easily vulnerable;
extremely touchy;
secretive and uncommunicative, do not share your thoughts with anyone;
inactive and timid;
resignedly submissive;
strive to evoke sympathy and help from others.

Test results

Your temperament is:

Description of temperament types

Temperament is not a character, as is often believed, but a property of the human nervous system.

Understanding a person’s temperament comes from determining the inertia and degree of stability of his nervous system, as well as the amount of vital energy.

Inertia- the speed of the nervous reaction to external stimuli, as well as the speed of acceleration and deceleration.

Stability or stability nervous system - this means how long a person can act under the pressure of external conditions. These 2 main variables give 4 types of temperaments: Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic, Melancholic. It is interesting to note that the stability of the nervous system, its resistance to stress and the amount of vital energy depends Rationality or Irrationality thinking. The most stress-resistant people - sanguine people and phlegmatic people - belong to the rational type of thinking. These are people who naturally fit into all work frameworks. They always have a reason for their actions, while choleric and melancholic people are more emotional, therefore, subject to impulse and mood.

The inertia of the nervous system determines how a person turns inward ( Introvert) or to the outside world ( Extrovert). Extroverts: sanguine and choleric. Introverts are phlegmatic and melancholic.

1. Sanguine (rational, extrovert). A stress-resistant (stable) nervous system with good reflex speed - low inertia (a person easily takes on something new and just as easily switches to something else), vital energy is in full swing - this is a sanguine person.

Strengths sanguine person: balanced character, easy to communicate, often the life of the party. They often have the gift of persuasion, are good speakers, and they know how to lighten the mood. Everything comes relatively easily to them. Minions of fate.

Negative sides: very often he is superficial in communication, he can joke and have fun, but is not able to understand deep human experiences, because He himself copes with his problems quite easily and has no need to discuss them with others. Often these people have many acquaintances, there is always somewhere to go to relax - they are always loved in campaigns, but they do not have close friends. The family is often perceived as a closed space and one strives to get out of it into “freedom.” If a person is still committed to home and family, he will strive to constantly organize parties at home, or plan family outings somewhere with family and friends.

Professional implementation: professions related to people, and where the power of persuasion is needed - lawyers, politicians, bosses, conductors, HR managers, trainers, announcers and marketing directors.

Sport: Sanguine people are suitable for active sports - football, alpine skiing, cycling, roller skating.

Sense of time: overpriced. Their own minute is much shorter than the real one. Therefore, they always manage to keep up with everything and be everywhere in advance. In one real minute, like in a suitcase, they manage to pack much more than others.

2. Phlegmatic (rational, introvert). A stress-resistant (stable) nervous system with high inertia (a person with a stable nervous system, he has an average amount of vitality, but he feels how to distribute them and does not waste energy in vain, it is difficult to switch from one thing to another) - a phlegmatic person.

It is a misconception to believe that a phlegmatic person is a person who “doesn’t give a damn.” This is far from true. Everything is much more parallel to the Sanguine than to him. But due to the fact that a phlegmatic person does not waste energy in vain - he saves it and will not worry openly, and inside he tries to organize his thoughts and feelings so as not to waste unnecessary emotions - therefore he often looks like an insensitive robot or even a cracker who does not care. no matter what. Actually this is not true.

The phlegmatic person is very early and knows this, so he tries to avoid any conflicts. He is most often determined to avoid problems and does not understand people who are always ready to rush into battle. He considers his vulnerability to be a weak point, which is actually true. The fact is that vulnerable people, when experiencing conflicts, look for ways to compensate for them - they are often vindictive: “I’m not angry - I’m just writing everything down.” Learning to forgive is just as important for them as learning to understand people with less nervous system inertia than theirs. Phlegmatic people are rational. They are often perfectionists.

Strengths of a phlegmatic person: stress-resistant, spends energy measuredly, is organized and loves order in business or things. He is often a collector. Reliable when dealing with rational people. They tend to calm or even “ground” people around him with their mere presence. Outwardly they appear calm and confident. They give the impression of a fortress, behind which you can be like behind a stone wall.

Weaknesses of a phlegmatic person: high inertia - a person does not like change. If possible, I would do one thing all day - even if it is difficult and confusing, but one thing. And if there are still 3 such cases, then he must know about this in advance in order to have time to “distribute” his forces according to each case. Outwardly, he can be too restrained - interlocutors are often at a loss about their attitude even to the discussion itself, not to mention some other issues. Nothing is written on the face. They often prefer to leave questions unanswered. Because of their certain secrecy, people do not strive to get closer to them. It is often said about them that “there are devils in still waters.”

Professional implementation: in professions that require endurance and diligence: doctors, teachers, assembly line workers, lawyers, investigators, system administrators, scientists, engineers, mechanics.

Sense of time: understated - a phlegmatic minute lasts longer than the real one, so they are often slow. Decisions are made right on time. In order to be somewhere on time, they have to manage their time or adhere to rules, such as “I always leave 2 hours before the meeting.” The tasks entrusted to them are completed on time, but not earlier. Because the bulk of the time allotted for the task entrusted to him will be thinking about how to do it in the optimal way and with the least amount of effort and time. And he really thinks about it, even if you find him playing table tennis during working hours before the report is due. Don't worry about this. A phlegmatic person takes his work responsibly and always gets things done to the end and on time.

Sport: all sports in a limited space where forces can be distributed economically: wrestling, martial arts, tennis, shooting.

The most characteristic phrase for them:“Yes, it’s troublesome...” that’s why they don’t strive for companies, don’t take the initiative and don’t openly confront anyone. However, if a phlegmatic person is asked for something, he easily agrees to help and does everything exceptionally well and on time.

3. Choleric (irrational extrovert). Stress resistance is lower than that of a phlegmatic person. Inertia is low. Easily takes on any undertaking. Unfortunately, he doesn’t distribute his energy well, so he tends to leave things unfinished. Choleric loves everything new. To his surprise, he often rejoices not only at good changes, but also at bad ones. Changes are no less important to him than air; they are the whole salt of life. The instability of the nervous system results in irrational thinking. He does not operate with such concepts as “profitable - not profitable” or “useful or not useful.” They are subject to emotions and mood swings. Everything he's thinking about is written on his face. Lecturers in classrooms often give their lectures as if for them. It turns out this is not arbitrary. It’s just that they have an emotional impact and the lecturer sees which moments of the lecture are of particular interest, even when the choleric person is silent throughout the lecture. Choleric dreamer. He often has his head in the clouds. Very easily gets carried away by the creative process. And if a muse has descended on him, then at that moment it is better for him not to fall under the hand - it will sweep away and not leave a trace.

Strengths of a choleric person: No, no, don’t think that choleric people don’t know how to control themselves! They still know how! The fact is that in a critical situation, when something has happened, in moments of emergency, the choleric person instantly concentrates and makes the right decision. In group conflicts, he most often calms down and takes the position of an observer. He analyzes the situation well and takes control of it. He lets his passions flow and listens to everyone in silence. Analyzes and gives one general summary in a calm tone full of conviction, so that he manages to collect all the vectors of opposition in one direction and, if necessary, add his own vision of the situation to them.

Choleric innovator. He has good penetration abilities. He is ready to go where it is practically impossible to pass and will pass, and he will achieve it if he learns to bring things to the end. These are people who can quickly concentrate on the go and make the right decisions. But they cannot constantly live in a state of tension - their vitality is not enough. He approaches any work creatively and looks for new opportunities to expand his activities. Constantly strive to introduce something new.

Weaknesses of a choleric person: Leaves things halfway. Often torn between several tasks or projects, as a result of which not a single task stands on its own feet. He has very broad interests, but he does not have the patience to work on at least one area. Therefore, all his knowledge is superficial - a little about everything. However, he quickly learns to grasp the essence and highlight the main thing. A choleric person cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. Always causing all sorts of revolutions in teams. You won't get bored with him. But he himself often gets tired of himself, so he looks for calm and balanced people as friends. In general, this is a king who constantly throws away his crown and gathers for a monastery. At these moments, you just need to force him to rest and he will return and continue the work he started. Unfortunately, due to his passion and excessive emotionality, he does not feel the moments when it is time to rest and gain strength. In this he needs outside help.

Professional implementation: These can be professions associated with extreme circumstances, creativity, as well as short-term project tasks - rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, artistic activities, athletes, innovative managers, people involved in marketing, politicians, lawyers, investigators.

Sense of time: A choleric person feels great about time and feels well when he doesn’t fit into it. He doesn’t fit in with time because of his disorganization and constant switching and rushing between different things. He has to deliberately learn to stop, evaluate situations without emotions (rationally) and force himself to fit into the framework. This is not natural for a choleric person.

Sport: extreme sports, outdoor recreation, in the mountains, diving.

The most characteristic phrase:“I don’t know what will happen next... we’ll see.” And he really doesn’t know, because he is in constant search.

4. Melancholic (irrational introvert). The weakest type of nervous system with high inertia. There is little vitality. If the sanguine person is, as it were, the darling of fate, then the melancholic person always seems to be unlucky. In fact, this is exactly the case when weakness also has its own strength. Don't think that a melancholic person is someone who is always sad. Nothing like this. It is really more difficult for him than for others to adapt to life in this difficult world, where everyone, including sanguine people, strives to survive. They often feel out of place or like people “not of this world.”

They often strive to prove to everyone that they are the same as everyone else. And behind these efforts they lose their individuality. It's actually not that scary. Like any other temperament, a melancholic person is just as necessary for society and can fully realize himself and be happy while remaining melancholic. You just need to understand that a melancholic person has a refined nature. This is a romantic and creative person. When he is passionate, he can work for a day, two, three - a week at a time without sleep or rest. During this time it should not be touched. The muse visited him! And it doesn’t matter what the muse is: songs, music, poetry or sewing, or science. As long as she sits next to him, he is literally lost to society. But it won't be long. He will pour it all into something material - give birth)) and return to normal life.

He can work quite well under tension, even as a sanguine person, but not for long. His vitality is simply not enough for this. After working in this mode for a week, he needs to rest for three weeks to regain his strength. He strives to go where there are fewer people so that he can have privacy. Therefore, most often he sleeps during the day and lives at night. Most often they are owls. In critical situations, he endures for a very long time - it is very difficult to anger him, but if he succeeds, he gathers all the rest of his strength and literally brings down all these emotions on the side in conflict with him, so their reaction is often inadequate. And this is where people get confused - “but I said I have no strength...”, but there really is no more strength at all. Therefore, there comes a moment of helplessness and tears into the pillow.

Strengths of a melancholic person: The melancholic person is precisely the type who can create in the most significant sense, creating something new, and not recreating the old in a new form. He feels the world very subtly. All his creativity flows from his special world of sensation. After all, he spends a lot of time in the clouds, thinking and thinking. He understands and feels the mood of people and knows how to empathize like no one else. A melancholic person will bear on his shoulders any difficulties related to the health of a loved one and will not abandon a friend in trouble. He can concentrate well in moments of creative inspiration. And can work painstakingly on research.

Weaknesses of a melancholic person: High inertia - very difficult to swing. He can hatch plans to do something for a very long time. And when he is passionately engaged in something, he cannot stop and switch to another thing. Therefore, he prefers to ignore everyone and everything, immersing himself in his business. After all, if he switches, he may never return to what he has already started. In this, his “brother” in terms of irrational type of thinking - the choleric person - is similar to him. But if a choleric person still forces himself not to switch, a melancholic person simply cannot switch. It takes effort to force yourself to break away from creating the next masterpiece and go to sleep for at least 4 hours before starting the working day. What can we say about the state in which he will come to work? The inept distribution of forces is the reason for the failures of melancholic people. There is little strength, so they need to be used very, very correctly and sparingly, and this is very, very boring for him. There is another option - without forcing yourself, choose an activity that will allow them to live at their own rhythm. There is always chaos at home. Oh no, sorry, of course not chaos! It's just so convenient for him. It's just a business mess. He lives in another world and therefore he has no desire to comb the real world. Order forces him to be somewhere near the earth.

Professional implementation: melancholic people are people of art first and foremost. Actors and directors. They have a lot of feelings and experiences that are literally yearning for freedom. They are characterized by mannered movements. They subtly understand the feelings of others and know how to support in difficult times. Their poetic soul knows how to penetrate into the depths of another soul. Therefore, they make good psychologists and, in general, consultants who work, although not with the public, but one-on-one. These are child psychologists and speech therapists, teachers in music and art schools, and social workers. The following should be noted here - a melancholic person is a creator, but not a seller! He is completely devoid of commercial spirit, and simply does not know how to present himself. Therefore, success and its implementation largely depends on someone who could take on these efforts.

Sense of time: The melancholic's time flows slower than real time. He says: “just a minute” - get ready to wait half an hour. He is almost always late everywhere. In company, if he tells something, it’s only a teaspoon per hour. His “time suitcase” fits very little.

Sport: sports and ballroom dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, skating, acrobatics. In any case, these must be beautiful sports.

The most characteristic phrase:“I’m tired” - well, what can you say... it’s true. A melancholic person simply needs to sleep more than others. Therefore, it is better not to allow yourself to turn day and night.

A psychological test to determine your character type will determine your emotional type. Each person has one of two types of character, which usually does not change from birth. Our online test: [Your Character] will help you determine your type. It is very likely that you cannot be classified into just one group, because your character is usually a mixture of two different types. Try to answer the test questions honestly. At the end of the test you will be given an assessment of your character type with some comments. Our online test: [Your Character] is completely free without SMS or registration! The result will be shown immediately after answering the last question!

The test contains 30 questions!

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What makes you and I so different from each other? Why are we different?

A person’s behavior and fate are influenced by his upbringing, development, tastes, and also such an important parameter as temperament.

What is temperament, how and why is it determined? These are special innate qualities that do not change throughout life and create the general behavioral background of a person.

Temperament does not affect tastes, preferences, or life goals. It rather determines reactions to any external or internal events, as well as the type of behavior.

For example, a person is standing near the road in rainy weather, and a passing car pours water on him. One will begin to swear in the worst words, cursing the driver. Another will be upset, but will not show it - rather, he will harbor a grudge deep inside.

The third will not pay any attention to the incident, and the fourth will only laugh at this curiosity. This behavior directly depends on the type of temperament.

Determining the type of temperament is very important, because this will allow you to better understand yourself, make meaningful decisions in life situations, and treat your life consciously.

The test will not let you make mistakes!

Before determining your own type, it is worth understanding what they are and what their features are. There are only four of them: melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic and sanguine.


This is a deeply vulnerable person, prone to experiencing problems inside, destroying himself. Such a problem as “they don’t like me”, “they don’t understand me” - this is about him.

A melancholic person is an absolute introvert, it is difficult for him to be the center of attention, he often changes his mood and is prone to depression. Main qualities:

  • Closedness.
  • Vulnerability.
  • Reasonableness.
  • Mistrust.
  • Pessimism.

This does not mean that a melancholic person is a gloomy snob, but he is more prone than others to quiet, depressive states, cannot bring aggression out, and keeps everything to himself.

Phlegmatic person

It is well known that a person is phlegmatic - quite peaceful, friendly and positive, but he never shows strong emotions.

This is a reliable and calm person. Its qualities:

  • Reasonableness.
  • Hardness.
  • Calm.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Inertia.
  • Kindness.

These are good qualities, which, perhaps, just lack a little emotionality. Such a person will never exclaim: “I love you!” - rather, he will show it in action or whisper in his ear.


This is an aggressor and at the same time a big entertainer. A choleric person is an active, nervous person; he cannot sit in one place.

Whether he becomes a screen star or a serial killer depends on his upbringing and fate, but he will never remain in the shadows. A person such as choleric has the following qualities:

  • Impermanence.
  • Nervousness.
  • Activity.
  • Emotionality.
  • Impulsiveness.


This is a “live”, a positive and cheerful nature. Luck smiles on him, those around him love him, and troubles pass him by.

And he solves problems easily and playfully. The most striking signs of a sanguine person:

  • Cheerful disposition.
  • Carefree.
  • Sociability.
  • Optimism.
  • Kindness.

Test: determine your type

A simple and quick temperament test will allow you to determine your type online. To do this, select only one answer in each proposed question, and write down the selected letter under the corresponding question number.

As a result, one or another letter will be repeated more often. Using it you will determine your predominant type of temperament.

So, let's start the test to see what type of temperament you have.

1. Your strengths:

A) Rationality.

B) Balance.

B) Activity.

D) Positivity.

2. Your shortcomings:

A) Indecisiveness.

B) Passivity.

B) Impermanence.

D) Frivolity.

3. What mood are you in most often?

A) Pessimistic.

B) Calm.

C) Restless, changeable.

D) Good.

4. How sociable are you?

A) Uncommunicative.

B) Uncommunicative.

B) Moderately sociable.

D) Very sociable.

Find out the results:

A - . Your prevailing temperament type suggests that you find it difficult to enjoy life and solve problems. You often get stuck in unfavorable situations and can relive them for years.

You are advised to choose a field of activity where there is a minimum of negativity and a maximum of good - working with animals or flowers, and not in the police, for example. You are shown creativity and any creative activity.

G - . You are lucky: sanguine people are considered the happiest. Direct your potential in a good and correct direction: help people, give them positivity and the belief that life is wonderful.

Whatever you do in life, you can make the world around you brighter and brighter. And how can one not use such talent!

Please note that there are practically no “pure” temperaments. Observe yourself, try to understand what type of temperament prevails in you and how to live in perfect harmony with yourself.

If you are interested in learning more

There are much longer and more complex tests that will also help determine the type of temperament of any person. One of the most popular is a test to determine temperament, a psychiatrist who first created a classification of types.

This test consists of many questions and helps to accurately determine a person’s temperament type. You can take Eysenck's psychological test online completely free of charge; all you have to do is find it on the Internet, it is in the public domain.

However, the Eysenck test online gives a one-sided answer, that is, it determines one, main type of temperament. As a rule, one psychological type predominates in a person, and some second one approaches it in percentage terms.

The temperament test, or online Eysenck test, allows you to determine the type of temperament, but does not explain in detail what this classification is based on. But it’s better to know the main theoretical principles before determining the type - this will allow you to better understand your own psychology.

This means acting correctly in various life situations, choosing a suitable field of activity and social circle, living in a natural, natural rhythm that will correspond to the type of temperament.
Author: Vasilina Serova