Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Summer assignments for future fifth-graders at Mom's School. Summer notebook for a future fifth-grader educational and methodological material in mathematics (grade 4) on the topic

A set of summer assignments for fifth-graders “LET'S PREPARE FOR THE OGE”

You can already do all the arithmetic operations with decimals.

Remember: the fraction line indicates division. Write down the topic " Operations with decimals» and follow simple steps. Multiplication and long division - be sure to do it in your notebook! Addition and subtraction can be written on a line.

And a little more complicated. Here, all actions and calculations must be written down in a notebook!

In 7th grade you will start studying geometry. But now you can cope with simple geometric problems.

Remember what the sum of the three angles of any triangle is equal to. If you don't remember, the Internet can help! Write the topic in your notebook "Triangles"and solve the simplest geometric problems from the OGE. Complete the task in any way convenient for you. We need a clear answer! In the OGE, units of measurement are not written, so the answer is only a number!

And three more simple problems from the OGE about the square. Write down the topic: “ Square"and solve these problems:

Try to solve the simplest geometric problems of the OGE from the series “ Geometry on checkered paper" Answers can be entered here, next to the task. If necessary, build segments here. You don't need to write anything in your notebook.

In 6th grade you will learn to solve problems with percentages in a new way, using proportions. But now you can solve some OGE problems:

Write the topic in your notebook : "PERCENT" and write down the solutions to the problems in detail.

    Whole value – 100%

    Look for 1 percent (number divided by percentage)

And a little more complicated.

(If you remember that 50% is by…….on, then 33 and 34 are very easy to solve!)

Attention! These are problems from part C of the OGE! They require a detailed solution! Remember: to find the average speed, you need to divide the total distance by the total time. These tasks have 6 actions! If you manage to solve such problems, you are a real mathematician (and even a little physicist)! Only strong students can solve these problems. And persistent. The rest may not decide.

Write the topic in your notebook: "Average speed" and write down detailed solutions to the problems.

In exercises with diagrams, underline the correct statements. You don't need to write anything in your notebook

I) Column charts

Exercise 1. The diagram shows the seven largest countries in the world by area (in million km2). Which of the following statements are true?

1) Algeria is one of the seven largest countries in the world by area

2) The area of ​​Brazil is 8.7 million km2.

3) The area of ​​Canada is larger than the area of ​​Australia.

4) The area of ​​Australia is larger than the area of ​​India by 4.4 million km2.

Task 2. The diagram shows the seven largest countries in the world by area (in million km2). Which of the following statements incorrect?

1) Australia is one of the seven largest countries in the world by area.

2) The area of ​​China is 10.0 million km2.

8 and 9 are tricky problems! Remember: the more time an athlete spends in a race, the worse its result!

I think you weren't bored with these tasks and they took a little time to complete! Now you have an idea about the OGE!

After 6th grade you will be able to train on the website “I will solve the OGE!”

Have a nice summer holiday! N.G.

That is why, in the first grade, both students and parents treat their studies more responsibly than in the second, and even more so in the fourth grade. And they follow the teacher’s recommendations, and read all the literature on the list in the summer, and do developmental assignments. And at the end of the fourth grade, teachers seem to have disowned their students, they don’t give assignments for the summer, and sometimes they even forget about books. Not all, of course. There are pleasant exceptions.

For such teachers, and even for caring parents who do not want their child to become stupid over the summer, to put it mildly, we have developed complex, combined tasks for every working day of the summer, starting from the middle. The number of classes is designed for 6 summer weeks (from mid-July to the end of August), 5 classes per week. So, the children will go to the fifth grade prepared, and it will be easier to accept all the global changes of the fifth year of study, such as many different teachers and new subjects.

So, each activity sheet contains 3 tasks: one in Russian, two in mathematics. Mathematics - counting (oral, columnar), comparing numbers, plus a task on each sheet. One lesson should take no more than 40 minutes.

How to download: select the desired sheet with tasks from the list, right-click on it, save the picture as... and save it to your computer. Or just copy and paste into Paint or Word, and print from there.

Download and print the assignments "School 7 Guru from 4th to 5th grade"

Worksheets: Select sheet ---> 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

And don’t forget that at 7 Gurus we have a lot of math simulators, with the help of which a child can develop their computing abilities or just at least remember math before the new school year. And in the Russian language there are dictations and texts for test copying. For literary reading, there are lists of recommended books for the summer, and there are books themselves for reading online. In general, if you want to study in the summer, we will only be proud and happy that there are still reasonable people in our younger generation!

Summer assignment

Dear friend! Your studies in the fourth grade have ended. This year was very important for you, because you graduated from primary school! Ahead of you is 5th grade, meeting new teachers and friends, and most importantly, new interesting knowledge!

Congratulations! Summer holidays are ahead.

Sunny summer again

It's free time again!

How many songs will be sung

By the campfire!

Goodbye, dear city!

Goodbye, school, home!

There are forests and mountains ahead,

Breakfast in a thick spruce forest.

Be healthy, agile, brave

The country gave us an order

To be a healthy person

Back to class in September!

On summer days read every dayinteresting book(1-2 hours a day).

A list of books is attached.

In this notebook you are asked to complete tasks to review the material you have covered. Completing these tasks will take no more than 10-15 minutes a day.

At the end of August you need to submit this notebook to me for verification.

I hope you will be able to complete all the tasks.

I will always be glad to see you in our 6th office, remember our friendly 4G!

Literature for the summer

From Russian classics

  1. A. S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila”
  2. N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas"

World of History

  1. A. Ishimova “History of Russia in stories for children”

Books about peers

  1. A. P. Gaidar “Timur and his team”
  2. V. Kataev “Son of the Regiment”
  3. V. Dragunsky “Deniska’s stories”
  4. K. Dragunskaya “Honest stories”
  5. A. Lindgren “We are on the island of Saltkrok”
  6. Y. Koval “The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov”
  7. V. Krapivin “The side where the wind is”
  8. D. Pennak “Eye of the Wolf”, “Dog the Dog”
  9. A. Givargizov “With a wardrobe on a bicycle”
  10. K. Nestlinger “Down with the Cucumber King”

World of adventure and fantasy

  1. A. Belyaev “Amphibian Man”
  2. R. Sabatini "Captain Blood's Odyssey"
  3. J. Verne "The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain"
  4. D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"
  5. M. Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
  6. L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"

Fairy tale world

  1. N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon”
  2. T. Jansson “Magic Winter”
  3. V. Krapivin “Magic Carpet”
  4. M. Ende “The Neverending Story”

Natural world

  1. D. Darrell “My Family and Other Animals”
  2. S. Sakharnov “Along the seas around the earth”
  3. E. Seton-Thompson “Little Savages”, “Animal Heroes”
  4. O. Perovskaya “Guys and animals”

Russian lessons

  1. Lev Uspensky “A Word about Words”
  2. Korney Chukovsky “Alive as Life”

(TRANSITION TO 5TH GRADE) Summer assignments _______________ __________________ A few words for moms and dads. Over the summer holidays, reading deteriorates in more than 50% of students, writing in 67%, and computing skills in 75% of students. In order to maintain the level of academic skills, it is enough to train for 15 minutes daily during the summer holidays. This pattern forms the basis for organizing summer classes in many countries of the world, for example in Italy. The same pattern is the basis for working on the “Mother’s School” notebook. There are 30 tasks in the notebook. They are designed for 6 summer weeks (from July 16 to August 26), 5 lessons per week. The grade is given daily by parents. Training activities are approximately:  reading the text three times – 4 6 minutes;  rewriting 5 minutes; taking a test – 2 4 minutes; solving a problem – 5 7 minutes. A total of 20 minutes. Please pay attention to the following:  is the text meaningful?  is the time reduced when reading it three times? is the height and correctness of lowercase letters maintained when rewriting and has the speed of writing increased over the last lessons? has the time spent on calculations and the number of errors decreased? Dear Guys! The first exercise is reading. The text must be read three times, each time measuring how much time it takes. The elders will help you with this. The time spent will decrease as the reading speed will increase. Try to keep your reading speed below 80 words per minute. The second exercise is writing. The read text must be carefully and carefully rewritten onto the lined part of the page within five minutes. After the time has expired, you need to add to the point. By counting the number of letters and dividing them by 5, we get the writing speed. Day by day, your writing speed will increase. It must be at least 60 letters per minute. The third task is a test. The fourth task is the task. With daily training, the time spent on solving a problem will be reduced to five minutes. Task No. 1 Being honest is everyone’s duty. A brother and sister were running down the street. A lame old woman walked ahead of them. A wallet with money fell out of her bag. Kostya saw this. He bent down, grabbed it, ran and gave it to the old woman. The old woman called herself confused and took the wallet. Kostya returned to his sister and began to complain about the old woman. He was offended that she didn't thank him. The sister stopped and looked sternly at her brother. She told him that being honest is the duty of every person, and not a merit. Kostya did not immediately understand his sister’s words. And when I understood, I remembered them for the rest of my life. (93 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1.Which word has more sounds than letters? a) life; b) sister; c) her 2. In which word the vowel sound does not correspond to the written letter? a) sister; b) brother; c) old woman 3. Find the mistake in writing the vowel: a) runs; b) life; c) part 4. In what case is a consonant sound indicated by the letter T? a) bra...; b) area; c) camel... 5. In which word is the unpronounceable consonant sound not indicated by a letter? a) Terrible; b) in vain; c) honest. Problem No. 1 72,000 tulips were brought to the flower exhibition, and 16 times less daffodils. From a twelfth part of the daffodils we made bouquets of 15 daffodils each. How many bouquets did you get? Task No. 2 In almost every corner of the planet, species of animals and plants appear that have never been there. The person is to blame for this. Sometimes consciously, and sometimes not, he spreads various types of living organisms across the planet. During the war, the British used bindweed from South America to camouflage airfields in India. Enemy scouts did not see anything under the continuous canopy of a climbing plant, which, moreover, grows very quickly. Now thousands of square kilometers are covered with this bindweed. Other plants cannot live there. People have been fighting bindweed for decades, but they cannot defeat it. (95 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. When is the punctuation mark incorrect? a) Vacations are coming! b) Where do you live. c) The snow is falling quietly. 2. In which sentence is a comma missing when there are homogeneous members of the sentence? a) In autumn, migratory birds fly south. b) Ducks, geese and cranes fly away to warmer climes. Problem No. 2 84 kg of oranges and 280 kg of tangerines were brought to the store in identical boxes. There were 12 boxes of oranges. How many boxes of oranges and tangerines were brought to the store? Task No. 3 Branches. One day I reached the village of Sosnovka. The weather was warm. In the evening the wind began to blow. A blizzard broke out. Snowdrifts formed. The road quickly became covered. I stopped near a small bush. It was snowing. Tired, I sat down on a snowdrift. They called out to me. I stood up and said that I had lost my way. The passerby laughed. He noticed that I was standing on the road and pointed to the branches. A branch was sticking out. I quickly began to move from branch to branch. I thought with gratitude about the people who took care of passers-by. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Which noun is never written with an E at the end? a) about the broom...; b) about the earth..; c) about roads.. 2. At the end of which verb should you write E? a) The moon looks through the clouds; b) mom remembers this; c) you read quickly. 3. Find the mistake in writing NOT: a) didn’t care; b) hate; c) don't want to. 4.Which word is “extra”? a) Mountain; b) mountain; c) burn. Problem No. 3 1,800 kg of butter was brought to two stores, which was packaged in boxes. 430 boxes of butter were delivered to one store, and 470 boxes to another. How many kilograms of butter were brought to each store? Task No. 4 Squirrel. The guys caught a squirrel in the hazel grove on the shore of the lake. They were delighted with the beautiful animal with a fluffy tail, curious eyes and nimble paws. The boys tidied up the old squirrel cage. They made a bed of leaves, put a saucer of milk, and put nuts. The guys thought that they had made the squirrel happy. But the animal did not settle into its house. The squirrel sat sadly in the corner and squealed pitifully. She didn't touch the food. The children were surprised. The boys decided to take the squirrel back to the hazel tree. She lived there. The animal easily and quickly rushed from branch to branch. (85 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Indicate the signs of related words. a) Close in meaning; b) have a common part; c) answer the same question. 2.Which part of the word is called the root? a) The general part of related words; b) part of the word at the beginning of it; c) the general part of related words, which conveys their basic meaning. 3.Are the words fish, small fish, small fish the same root? a) Yes; b) no. 4. The variable part of the word is... a) Root; b) ending; c) prefix; d) suffix. Problem No. 4 To renovate a store, they brought 1,600 kg of paint in cans of the same mass: 120 cans of white paint and 280 cans of green paint. How many kilograms of white paint and how many kilograms of green paint were brought to renovate the store? Task No. 5 Eagle. The eagle built a nest on the main road and brought out its cubs. One day people were working near the tree. The eagle flew up to the tree with a fish in its talons. People saw the fish and began throwing stones at the eagle. He dropped the fish. People took it and left. The eagle sat on the edge of the nest. The eaglets asked for food. The eagle was tired and could not fly. He covered the eaglets with his wings and began to caress them. The bird seemed to ask to wait a little. But the chicks began to scream. Then the eagle flew to the sea. He returned late in the evening. He had a fish in his claws again. The eagle looked around, sat on the edge of the nest and fed the children. (96 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Indicate the composition of the word saw. a) Prefix, root, suffix, ending; b) root, suffix, ending; c) root, ending. 2.Which prefix does not exist? a) B; b) for; c) zo; d) under. 3.Which suffix does not exist? a) -n; b) –tel; c) –ist; d) th. 4.Indicate a word with a prefix in each row. 1. a) (before) the road; b) (to) dear; c) (to) the city; d) (pre)negotiation. 2. a) (on) chopped; b) (at) hail; c) (on) the stairs; d) (on) lim. 3. a) (arrive); b) (pri)mus; c) (in front of) me; d) (prince) princess. 5. The spelling of which consonants at the end of a word does not need to be checked? a) T; b) d; c) l; d) p; d) w; e) s. Problem No. 5 For the library, on the first day they bought 12 bookshelves, and on the second day - 16 of the same shelves at the same price. They paid 840,000 rubles for all the shelves. How much money did you spend on the first day and how much money did you spend on the second day? Task No. 6 Onion with joy. In the fall, dad brought a large gray onion from the south. He said that she should bring joy to everyone. I was surprised. Mom planted the onion in a box and put it in a dark place. Many days have passed. We took out the box. There was a small sprout there. He became bigger and bigger every day. Here the leaves appeared, and then a thick column. He was all in buds. We moved the box to the window. Just before the New Year, the flower bloomed. How handsome he was! This is the joy that was hidden in the gray onion. (85 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Indicate the word with a separating sign. a) joy..., b) more, c) autumn... 2. Indicate the inanimate plural noun. a) dark, b) got it, c) leaves, d) flower 3. Indicate the continuous spelling. a) (by) appeared b) (c) dark c) (c) south d) (c) box 4. Indicate the words in which the letter “a” is missing. a) onion...vitsu, b) z...bloomed, c) d...shna, d) dark...e 5. Nouns change: a) according to gender and number; b) by numbers, genders, cases; c) by numbers and cases Problem No. 6 One factory sewed 120 identical tracksuits in a day, and another – 130 identical suits. 750 m of fabric were used for all these costumes. How many meters of fabric did each factory use on these suits in one day? Task No. 7 Cruelty. The silence of the forest is broken by barking. Two moose fly out. The running of animals is easy. Sokhatykh It's October. The forest is choking with rain. I'm walking through a spruce forest. A sharp chill creeps in here too. chased by dogs. A minute later the barking stopped. I go out into the clearing and see a forester. He told me a story about dogs that people abandon. Hungry dogs run into the forest. They are angrier than a wolf. They do not harm the moose. But they can slaughter a moose calf. We walked and talked about the cruelty of people who leave their dogs to their fate. (79 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. A noun is... a) a part of speech; b) part of a sentence; c) word. 2. A noun means... a) a characteristic of an object; b) subject; c) the action of the object. 3.What kind of nouns can you substitute the words: he, mine? a) Masculine; b) neuter; c) feminine. 4. Find the mistake. a) m.r. - chill, spruce forest, barking; b) f..r. – dog, window, cruelty; c) s.r. – apple, desire, dungeon. 5. At the end of what kind of nouns after sibilants is the b sign written? a) Masculine; b) neuter; c) feminine. Problem No. 7 9 boxes of oranges, 12 kg each, and several boxes of tangerines, 10 kg each, were brought to the store. In total, they brought 188 kg of oranges and tangerines. How many boxes of tangerines were brought to the store? Task No. 8 Historical documents claim that in the era of the Roman emperors, inattentive students could be recognized by their black tongues. Papyrus was then used for writing, and the student immediately licked off mistakes with his tongue. Later they began to write on parchment. Errors were wiped away with a pumice stone or cut off with a knife. Parchment is treated leather, and a stone or a knife did not harm it much. The situation changed with the spread of paper. The pencil was wiped with bread crumbs, and the ink had to be removed with hydrogen peroxide. Two hundred years ago, an English chemist tried to wipe off inscriptions with a piece of rubber. A student's elastic band appeared. (81 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. In what case are the nouns in the phrases: bread crumb; hydrogen peroxide; student's rubber band? a) In the nominative; b) in the creative; c) in the genitive. 2. In what case are nouns used with the prepositions to, by? a) In the genitive; b) in the dative case; c) in the prepositional. 3. What case are we talking about: “Nouns answer questions by whom? how? and are used with prepositions with, for, under, above”? a) About the dative case; b) about the instrumental; c) about the prepositional case. Problem No. 8 To renovate the kitchen, we bought 6 rolls of wallpaper, 18 m each, and to renovate the room we bought several rolls of wallpaper, 10 m each. In total, we bought 198 m of wallpaper. How many rolls did you buy to renovate your room? Task No. 9 Having opened your pencil case, you take out a pen. How did her story begin? Probably from a reed pen used to write in Ancient Egypt. Later, for one and a half thousand years, people wrote with feathers of birds: peacocks, swans, and most often, geese. A lot of feathers were needed. The writer did not sit down at the table unless there were 15 to 20 prepared pens in front of him. There were more and more people writing, and metal pens were needed. They were created in Germany and England. The feather was inserted into a wooden handle. Such pens survived until the 60s of the last century. Teachers believed that such a pen could develop “correct handwriting.” But progress won, and the students began to write with ballpoint pens. (102 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. In which case do nouns in the plural form end in –am (yam)? a) In the genitive; b) in the dative; c) in the instrumental; d) in the prepositional. 2. Nouns of which declension in three case forms have the same endings? a) 1st declension; b) 2nd declension; c) 3rd declension. 3. What letters are missing? In the garden... long and green, but in the tub... yellow and salty. a) and; b) e. 4. In which line do all unfinished words end in -i? a) keep in memory..., love for the Fatherland..., born in a shirt...; b) memories of youth..., no wisdom..., blooms in the autumn...; c) not a drop fell..., I see in the child..., tell the queens... Problem No. 9 The train has 9 compartment cars, with 36 seats in each, and several reserved seat cars, with 54 seats in each. How many reserved seat cars are there on the train if there are 756 seats in total? Task No. 10 A simple pen with a feather was not very convenient. It had to be dipped into the inkwell all the time. If there was a lot of ink, it would inevitably result in a blot. The school kit necessarily included an inkwell - a sippy cup and a razor, which was used to clean up mistakes. The excellent girls also had feather cleanings. These are small rag books. Boys sometimes cleaned the feather on the sleeve of their school uniform. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the simple pen was replaced by an automatic one. It is called the “eternal feather”. The ink in it was in a special container. When they ran out, the pen had to be refilled. Today, an automatic pen from a well-known company is a prestigious thing that indicates success in life. (90 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1.What is an adjective? a) Word; b) part of a sentence; c) part of speech. 2. Adjectives answer the questions... a) who? What? b) which one? which? which? which? c) what to do? what to do? 3.What part of speech is the adjective associated with? a) With a noun; b) with a verb; c) with a pronoun. 4.If an adjective has the ending –ой (й, й), then what gender is it? a) Masculine; b) neuter; c) feminine. 5.How to find out the gender of an adjective? a) At the end of the adjective; b) at the end of a noun; c) by the gender of the noun with which the adjective is associated. Problem No. 10 9 packs of magazines for adults, 58 magazines in each pack, and several packs of magazines for children, 32 magazines in each, were brought to the tent. How many packs of children's magazines were brought to the tent if a total of 746 magazines were brought? Task No. 11 A lighthouse is the last thing a sailor sees when setting out to sea. He meets him when the sailor returns to the port. In ancient times, sailors navigated by the stars. Later, someone thought of creating a man-made star - he lit a fire on the shore. This was the first lighthouse that helped sailors get into the narrow bay and avoid running into underwater rocks. A Greek scientist of the 7th century BC wrote about the first lighthouse built. The most famous lighthouse is, without a doubt, the Alexandria lighthouse. Its height reached 130 meters, and the light was visible for 60 kilometers. From the name of the island of Pharos, on which this wonder of the world stood, the word fari comes. (96 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. In what case do adjectives have the ending -ого (his)? a) In the genitive; b) in the dative; c) in the instrumental; d) in the prepositional. 2. Indicate the case of adjectives in phrases: watching an amazing phenomenon, a famous lighthouse, admiring the evening sky. a) Genitive case; b) dative case; c) instrumental case; d) prepositional case. 3. In what case do adjectives answer the question? a) In the genitive; b) in the dative; c) in the instrumental; d) in the prepositional. 4. Which letter is missing at the end of adjectives in the phrases: circled in sin. .. in the sky, man-made .. stars, underwater .. stones? a) E; b) i. Problem No. 11 One train moved at a speed of 47 km/h and traveled 1128 km. Another train moved at a speed of 49 km/h and traveled 1813 km. How many more hours did the second train travel than the first? Task No. 12 Once upon a time, every Slavic tribe, clan and even individual family had their own amulets. That is, signs that protected from evil forces. Embroidery and carving not only decorated clothes and homes, but were also filled with a special sacred meaning. Those things that surrounded a person every day were also amulets. One of the sacred things is bread. It had to be cut while holding it in your hands. It was impossible to crumble it. Fire, symbolized by a candle or lamp, was especially revered. In addition to material ones, words were also amulets. “Good riddance!”, “Hello!”, “Greetings!” These are not just words of politeness, but a talisman. (102 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. What part of the sentence is an adjective? a) Chief member; b) a minor member. 2. Find a sentence in which the adjective refers to the subject: a) The family had beautiful amulets. b) The home was filled with sacred meaning.. c) The wise Slavs decorated their homes with embroidery. 3. Indicate a sentence with an adjective in the masculine form, accusative case: a) With a fishing rod in my hands, I made my way through the thick fog. b) Stormy waves shine behind the iron wall of the ship. c) A new school was built in the city. Problem No. 12 From two piers located at a distance of 343 km from each other, two steamships left simultaneously towards each other. One steamer was traveling at a speed of 26 km/h. How fast was the second ship going if they met after 8 hours? Task No. 13 It turns out that there are snakes that hatch eggs. Yes Yes. They hatch in exactly the same way as birds do. These snakes are pythons. The female surrounds the eggs with rings of her body, and covers them with her head like a lid. In a closed space, the eggs are not only protected by the mother’s body, but also receive warmth. But snakes are cold-blooded! Their body temperature is the same as their environment. It has been established that between the coils of the snake the temperature is 712 degrees higher than the air temperature. The snake must be straining its muscles. They work, and during operation they always generate heat. (85 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1.What does the verb mean? a) Attribute of an object; b) subject; c) the action of the object. 2.Indicate the verb: a) fun; b) joyful; c) in autumn; d) to please. 3. Does the verb change according to numbers? a) Yes; b) no. 4.How many tense forms do verbs have? a) 2; b) 3; c) 4. Problem No. 13 The flower seller made a large bouquet of 9 roses and several small bouquets, 3 roses in each bouquet. How many small bouquets did the seller make if he had 30 roses in total? Task No. 14 There are monuments to dogs, horses, even frogs. Why not erect a monument to the worm? The one who is called the rain one. After all, thanks to him we get a harvest. If it weren’t for the worms, the whole earth would be littered with last year’s leaves. And the worms turn it into soil. Most people have no idea how many worms live in the soil. So, on a hectare of meadow there are about 3 tons of these animals! Even though they live under our feet, we don’t know much about them. In most countries they are called rainwater because after rain they come to the surface. Meanwhile, water is not dangerous for the worm. The worm can live for a long time at the bottom of the aquarium. (105 words) ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. .What questions do past tense verbs answer? a) What does it do? What are they doing? b) What will he do? What will it do? c) What did you do? What they were doing? 2. How do past tense verbs change? a) by numbers; b) by cases; c) by birth. 3. Verbs in the indefinite form answer the questions... a) What did you do? What did you do? b) What will he do? What will it do? c) What to do? What to do? 4. What verbs change according to persons? a) Past tense verbs; b) Present tense verbs; c) Verbs of the future tense. Problem No. 14 Sellers decorated a large store window with 15 blue balls, and the rest of the windows were decorated with red balls, 6 balls in each window. How many windows did the sellers decorate with red balls, if in total they prepared 39 balls to decorate the windows? Task No. 15 Our Earth inside consists of molten rocks. Sometimes they break to the surface. A volcano erupts. This is a beautiful but dangerous natural phenomenon. It resembles porridge that comes out of a pan. Molten rocks are called lava. Lava solidifies on the surface. Layers of lava accumulate and the volcano grows. Volcanoes that erupt regularly are called active. Those that are not active are called extinct. It is very difficult to determine whether the volcano has gone out or is just pretending to be asleep. The eruption of a dormant volcano can take people by surprise. (71 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. If a verb answers the questions: what does it do? what are they doing? what kind of face is he? a) 1st person; b) 2nd person; c) 3rd person. 2. What endings do second conjugation verbs have? a) -u (yu), eat, eat, eat, eat, ut (ut)? b) -u (yu), is, it, im, ite, at (yat)? 3.What needs to be done to correctly write the unstressed ending of a verb? a) Conjugate it; b) change by persons and numbers; c) determine the conjugation. 4.What letter is missing at the end of the verbs: proleta., this...m,, fight...m, pull...m? a) f; b) i. Problem No. 15 Two trains left two cities at the same time towards each other and met 8 hours later. The speed of the first train is 56 km/h, and the speed of the second train is 4 km/h less than the speed of the first. Find the distance between cities. Task No. 16 Volcanic eruptions are accompanied by earthquakes, which themselves have enormous destructive power. But, if the eruption occurs on the seabed, a huge wave is formed - a tsunami. The wave rushes across the ocean at the speed of an express train. In the open sea it is almost not felt. But when the wave approaches the shore, its height grows to 30 meters. With terrible force it flies onto land, sweeping away everything in its path. In Japanese, “tsunami” is a “wave” that floods a bay. (67 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Indicate the verb with b before -СЯ: a) is removed; b) ride; c) wash... 2. Indicate a sentence with a 2nd person singular verb: a) Guests often come to our house. b) Do you do exercises in the morning? c) Clouds are floating high in the sky. d) Wind, wind, you are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds. 3.To correctly write the unstressed personal ending of a verb, you need to know it... a) conjugation; b) time; in face; d) number. Problem No. 16 Two motorcyclists left two cities at the same time towards each other and met after 3 hours. The speed of the first motorcyclist is 75 km/h, and the speed of the second motorcyclist is 5 km/h more than the speed of the first. Find the distance between cities. Task No. 17 There are many volcanoes on the island of Java. An unusual flower grows on their slopes - the royal primrose. It blooms wildly before a volcanic eruption, as if warning of danger. Other plants and animals also sense the approach of a natural disaster. Not a single elephant died during the last devastating tsunami in Burma. The animals sensed the approaching wave and went into the jungle. There were many cases when a dog pulled a child out of the cradle and ran out into the street with him. Of course, the whole family ran out after the dog. And then the earthquake turned the house into a pile of rubble. Lizards, snakes, and rodents leave their burrows several hours before a disaster. This means that when living in a dangerous area, you need to be careful. (101 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Restore the order of spelling actions when writing unstressed personal endings of verbs. a) I look at what the indefinite form of the verb ends with. b) I find a verb with an unstressed personal ending. c) I put the verb in the indefinite form. d) I determine the conjugation of the verb: if the indefinite form ends in -it, this is a verb of the second conjugation - that means I write and; if the indefinite form does not end in - it, this is a verb of the first conjugation - that means I write e; Problem No. 17 On the first day, the tourist walked 20 km, and on the second - 30 km. On the second day, the tourist was on the road 2 hours more than on the first. How long did the tourist travel each day if he walked at the same speed all the time? Task No. 18 A survey was conducted among the population: what is the most necessary thing? It was not the computer, not the car, but the toothbrush that won. People started brushing their teeth a very long time ago – in the Stone Age. At first it was a simple toothpick. Then they chewed the end of it. People have used this “broom” for thousands of years. Finally, about 500 years ago, they created a toothbrush that is no different from a modern one. This happened in China. And after 200 years, the toothbrush came to Europe. The shape and materials changed - the brush continued to improve. Over the past 40 years, about three thousand patents have been received for various toothbrushes. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. What does our speech consist of? a) From proposals; b) from letters; c) from words. 2. The words in the sentence are connected... a) in meaning; b) on the issue. 3.What does the predicate mean? a) Who or what is being talked about in the sentence. b) What is said about the subject. 4.What questions does the subject answer? who? What? b) What does it do? What did you do? What will it do? Problem No. 18 512 mathematics textbooks, 32 textbooks in each pack, and 864 natural history textbooks, 48 ​​textbooks in each pack, were brought to the store. How many packs of textbooks on mathematics and natural history did you bring to the store? Task No. 19 Each bird has its own flight style. The partridge flies like a thrown stone. Sparrow and his relatives zigzag. Large birds of prey soar in the skies, barely moving their wings. And the little hummingbird flaps its wings so fast that it’s hard to keep track. Partridges live in the fields, peck grain, they have no need for long flights - they fluttered up and hid among the grasses. Sparrows collect caterpillars among the foliage - they need maneuverability. Eagles spend hours searching for prey. And the hummingbird drinks nectar, hovering over the flower like a small helicopter. This means that the flight of birds depends on how they get food. (87 words) ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. What is the name of a sentence in which something is reported? a) Interrogative; b) motivating; c) narrative. 2.What is this offer? Take care of your city, street, house. a) Interrogative; b) motivating; c) narrative. 3.According to the emotional coloring of sentences there are... a) exclamatory; b) non-exclamatory; c) narrative; d) interrogative; d) incentives. 4. According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are... a) exclamatory; b) non-exclamatory; c) narrative; d) interrogative; d) incentives. Problem No. 19 At a confectionery factory, 840 chocolates with nuts were placed in boxes, 24 candies in each box, and 927 chocolates with jam, 18 candies in each box. How many boxes of candy did you get in total? Task No. 20 Why is the cucumber green, the strawberry red, the lemon yellow, and the cornflower blue? The fact is that the color that we see is particles of a single sunlight. After the rain, a rainbow is visible in the sky. This sunlight hits the water droplets and breaks up into separate parts. There are seven of these parts: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Every object absorbs some colors and reflects some. Cucumber reflects green, and cherry reflects red. Thus, a colorful world is formed that surrounds us. (73 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Which sentence matches the diagram? a) October was unusually cold and stormy. b) The plank roofs have turned black. c) The tangled grass in the garden died down, and everything was blooming and only a small sunflower by the fence could not bloom and fall off. d) Loose clouds dragged over the meadows from behind the river, clinging to the willows that had flown around. Problem No. 20 What are the area and perimeter of a rectangular plot with sides of 8 m and 6 m? Task No. 21 The sun that we see in the sky is very large. It is many times larger than the Earth. It's like comparing a watermelon and a poppy seed. The Sun appears small because of the enormous distance that separates it from the Earth. The Earth moves around the Sun (although it seems to us that it is the other way around). There is a change of day and night. And you probably noticed that in winter the days are shorter and in summer they are longer. Twice a year the length of day and night is the same. These are the days of the spring and autumn equinox. They fall on March 21 and September 23. And there are also solstice days. The night of June 22 is the shortest, and December 22 is the longest. (96 words) ____________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 1. What should the word be to check the spelling of paired consonants in the root? a) After the paired consonant in the test word there must be a vowel. b) After the paired consonant in the test word there should be a voiced consonant [n]. c) After the paired consonant in the test word there must be a consonant. 2. In which line are all words written with the letter d? a) Kle...ka, mone...ka, sose...; b) city..., yago...ka, provo...; c) salyu..., camel...,; d) century..., parachute..., rain... Problem No. 21 19 identical boxes contain 95 kg of marshmallows. How many boxes will be needed to arrange 90 kg of marshmallows if each box contains 4 kg more marshmallows than marshmallows? Task No. 22 The first glass in Europe was made in Venice. Masters from the island of Murano were famous all over the world. They also made glass copies of precious stones. They shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, and cost tens of times less than the real thing. The success of the Venetians haunted the craftsmen from the Czech Republic. Two brothers decided to reveal the secret of the wonderful glass. The brothers spent five years and a lot of money, but never achieved their goal. The Venetians sacredly guarded secrets. The brothers returned home with nothing. We had to undertake the experiments ourselves. A piece of lead that accidentally fell into the molten mass gave the glass an unusual shine. This is how the famous Bohemian crystal was born. (95 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. In which line are all words written with the letter w? a), river...ka, p...kom; b) this..., ants..., woman...; c) lo...ka, friend...ka, we...ka; d) book...ka, small..., beech...ka. 2. In which line are all words written with the letter b? a) Oshi...ka,,; b) work..., bend..., dig...ka; c) meat grinder...ka, koro...,; d) river...ka, river...b, pro...ka. Problem No. 22 17 identical bags contain 85 kg of grapes. How many bags will be needed to arrange 76 kg of peaches if each bag contains 1 kg less peaches than grapes? Task No. 23 Why is a polar bear white? Because he lives among eternal snow and ice. White on white is hard to see. And the hare changes his fur coat for the winter: it was gray, but became white. But it doesn’t happen year after year. If winter arrives late, the hare will have a hard time. It is already white, but there is still no snow. But white animals are also found among those who have never seen snow. There are white monkeys, tigers, giraffes. They are called albinos. Albino animals do not survive in the wild. It is difficult for them to hide from their enemies. And their relatives avoid them. It’s not for nothing that “the black sheep” has become a proverb. (92 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. The spelling of which unstressed vowels should be checked? a) A, o, e, i, i; b) a, o, y, s, e; c) i, e, e, yu, i. 2. Specify the test word. 1. a) surprised, b) marvelous, c) surprise; 2. a) Kindness, b) kind, c) fertilizer. 3. Which letter is missing in the words: v...t...t, p...sal, na...r...s, explanation, p...terka? a) And, b) I, c) f. Problem No. 23 What is a rectangle if its length is 8 cm? The area of ​​the rectangle is 56 cm2. What is the perimeter of this Task No. 24 Who is stronger - a lion or a tiger? The question is not easy. Despite its title of “king of beasts,” the lion usually loses to the tiger in a fight. It's not just that the tiger is bigger. A lion weighs 200 kilograms, and a tiger weighs more than 300. The length of a tiger reaches almost four meters (with a tail), and a lion is only three meters. Leo is always used to relying on his family - the pride. After all, even lionesses mostly go hunting, and lions take advantage of what the females have killed. But the tiger is used to living on his own. She relies only on herself and her strength. Therefore, he is bolder and more decisive in battle. This means that the tiger is the strongest and biggest cat in the world. (99 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. In which line are all words written with the letter and? a) See, dream, s...dit; b) l...line,, n...heavenly; c) f...muddy, tr...crawling, m...much. 2. In which line are all words written with the letter o? a) Fight, see... shoot, steal; b) x...telos, m...litva, pog...sila, c) repeats,...renews, gr...wants. Problem No. 24 What is a rectangle if its length is 9 cm? The area of ​​the rectangle is 72 cm2. What is the perimeter of this Task No. 25 A person has always wanted to have light at home. The home of the first people was lit by a fire. Later it was replaced by torches. They illuminated streets and castles during the Middle Ages. And in the peasant huts there were torches burning. The Eskimos lit and at the same time heated their ice houses with pieces of seal fat. The Greeks burned olive oil in their lamps. The lamp smoked light for many centuries, because lamp glass was created only 200 years ago. They even lit the streets with vegetable oil. About two thousand years ago a candle was invented. It was replaced by the kerosene lamp, which, in turn, was replaced by the electric light bulb. (81 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Members of a sentence are called homogeneous if... a) answer the same question; b) refer to the same member of the sentence; c) consist of the same parts of speech; d) are written with the same spelling. Problem No. 25 150 kg of bread was brought to the holiday home. For breakfast they cut a fifth of all the bread, for lunch - three-fifths of the total bread. How many kilograms of bread did you leave for dinner? Task No. 26 Just the word “shark” terrifies a person. But there are sharks that you have nothing to fear. These are the largest fish in the ocean - 20 meters in length. Such sharks are called whale sharks. And not only for its size. They, like whales, feed on small crustaceans and fish. A shark swims in the ocean and sips water with its mouth. Her mouth is wide, like a catfish. And in the mouth there are 15 thousand small teeth, like a sieve. All the floating fines remain on this sieve. Whale sharks are very calm animals. Scuba divers often ride them. The shark grabs the fin and tows them like a boat. (93 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. In what case is a comma not placed between homogeneous members of a sentence? a) If homogeneous members are connected by unions a, but. b) If homogeneous members are connected by the union and. 2. Which word does not contain a b sign? a) Reed...; b)shush...; c) silent... Problem No. 26 270 kg of paint were brought to repair the school. A ninth of all the paint was spent on renovating the cafeteria, five-sevenths on renovating classrooms, and the rest was painted on the gym. How many kilograms of paint did you spend on renovating the gym? Task No. 27 Glaciers are real storehouses of water. They are in the mountains. At the poles, the globe is also covered with ice caps. The Earth has been getting warmer lately. The ice is melting quickly. Scientists believe that if this continues, the water level in the world's oceans will increase by 12 millimeters per year. “Is that a lot?” someone will say. Yes a little. But in a few decades, big changes can occur on the planet. Huge areas of land could go under water. What will happen to the coral islands that barely rise above the water? Already today, residents of an island state in the Pacific Ocean are forced to seek refuge. (97 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Is the student right in asserting that the nouns in the phrases: Roman emperors, inattentive students, bread crumb are in the prepositional case? a) Yes; b) no. 2. With what endings do feminine and masculine nouns belong to the first declension? a) –o (e); b) – a (i); c) with b sign at the end. Problem No. 27 270 kg of paint were brought to repair the school. A ninth of all the paint was spent on renovating the cafeteria, five-sevenths on renovating classrooms, and the rest was painted on the gym. How many kilograms of paint did you spend on renovating the gym? Task No. 28 There are no seasons in the tropics. Whenever you find yourself in a tropical forest, you will always see bright flowers in the semi-darkness of the trees. You are immersed in a whole ocean of aromas. But local residents do not have allergies - after all, there is no main allergen in the air - plant pollen. Flowers in the jungle grow too far apart to rely on wind pollination. Animals pollinate them. To attract insects, you need a strong smell. And the bright petals attract birds to the nectar. Some plants have simply become closely related to one type of pollinator. In orchids, only hummingbirds are able to reach the sweet treat with their beaks. (91 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. What word consists of a root, a suffix, an ending? a) Transition; b) birch; c) birch. 2. In which word is the separating word written? a) Let...let; b) driveway; c) sparrows. 3. In what case is the preposition written incorrectly? a) Found; b) table; c) came in. Problem No. 28 The atelier received an order to sew 45 suits and 50 dresses. One dress requires 2 meters of fabric. How many meters of fabric will be used to sew one suit if you bought a total of 235 meters of fabric? Task No. 29 They say about a cowardly person: “Afraid like a hare”, “Hare soul”. In fact, the hare is not such a coward as they say. If he sees that the dog is sitting on a chain or is simply full and lazy, then he calmly goes about his hare business next to mortal danger. And he runs away from people almost from under their very feet. We don’t see him, but he noticed us a long time ago and kept waiting for us to turn aside. Sometimes the hare can even fight back the enemy. His hind legs are so strong that sometimes they tear a hunter’s sheepskin coat with one blow. So it is wrong to talk about the hare as a coward. (99 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Indicate the correct statement: a) The ending is a part of a word that serves to form new words. b) An ending is a part of a word that serves to connect words in a sentence. c) The ending is the unchangeable part of the word. 2.Indicate a group of words in which a voiced consonant is missing. a) None...but...ka, colo...; b) du...lo, pu...ka, li...cue; c) boil...ka, take...ka, soft...cue. Problem No. 29 36 packs of Russian language textbooks and 28 of mathematics textbooks were brought to school. One pack contains 9 textbooks on the Russian language. How many books are in each pack of mathematics textbooks, if a total of 604 textbooks were brought to school? Task No. 30 Of the seven wonders of the world, only the Egyptian pyramids have survived to our time. They withstood the blows of the elements and human barbarism, confirming the proverb: “Everything on earth is afraid of time, and only time is afraid of the pyramids.” This applies primarily to the three largest pyramids. They belonged to the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure. And although they have been standing for more than four thousand years, we do not know exactly how they were built. There are only numerous assumptions and hypotheses. Research into the “first wonder of the world” continues. (84 words) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Indicate a group of nouns ending in “e”. a) Lived in a village..., rode a horse..., lies on the palm...; b) saw through the window..., worked at the factory..., along the green plains...; c) from the thicket bushes..., high into the sky..., on the edge of the lawns... 2. Indicate the word that matches the diagram: a) correspondence; b) successful; c) security guard; d) there is no such word Problem No. 30 90 kg of gingerbread and 150 kg of cookies were brought to the store in identical boxes. There were 18 boxes of gingerbread. How many boxes of gingerbread and cookies did you bring to the store?