Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Unusual nicknames for girls in English. Nicknames for girls: beautiful, cool, funny, interesting for VKontakte, Youtube, Facebook

A stylish nickname is the key to success on a social network. They pay special attention to him. To create a unique image and stand out from the crowd, you need to carefully consider this point.

Ideally, a nickname should convey the characteristics of a real person and create a completely new and mysterious image. Now we will look at several options.

Nicknames in English with translation - List

Almost all sites, exchanges and games allow you to enter a nickname only in English. But this shouldn't be scary.

There are a lot of ready-made options:

  1. StrongB (Strong and the first letter of the name).
  2. Beautiful (Beauty).
  3. Pretty (Cute).
  4. Yes, I’m so (Yes, I am like that).
  5. The only way (Only this way).
  6. I do not know (I don’t know).
  7. What is it (What is it).
  8. My nickname (My nickname).
  9. Sometimes.
  10. Never.
  11. Great (Great).
  12. Schematic.
  13. It happens.
  14. Not little (Not small).
  15. I know (I know).

What do these nicknames for girls have in common? It's difficult to understand the whole point. Today people rarely write their real names. Entire statuses, thoughts, and life positions become nicknames. When the profile name is not clear to you, you become interested in finding out what is behind it.

Remember that wisdom is in simplicity.

Nicknames for girls for Instagram (translated from English)

How to stand out among millions? First, decide what you need. If this is advertising and earning money, then it is enough to hint at the desired product. For example, some girls post photos wearing clothes of a certain brand and provide links to the desired stores.

The following English versions with translation are suitable here:

  • Girl Clothing (girl clothes - literally),
  • Girl Style (girl style),
  • Girl beauty (girl beauty),
  • Brand (brand),
  • Cupboard (cabinet),
  • Wardrobe (wardrobe).

Let's celebrate! If the page was created to communicate with friends, then it is better to use your real name. It is enough just to write it in English or replace it with a similar foreign one. For example, instead of Katya we write Kethrin.

Nicknames for a game for a girl in English. Examples with translation

Most men believe that women cannot play computer games. But you will be surprised that in most online gaming projects, girls play equally with guys. As in social networks, the nickname is important here.

First, think about whether you should tell everyone right away that you are a girl. After all, it’s much cooler to occupy a leading position and read comments in your direction, such as “he did it”, “this is brilliant”, “I’m shocked”, etc. At the same time, you can calmly do a manicure and feel your superiority.

Here are examples of nicknames that can be used in different games:

  1. It is unrealistic (unrealistic).
  2. Go ahead (go forward).
  3. Without Weapons (unarmed).
  4. Where is my gun (where is my gun).
  5. Gets cleaned gun (cleaning the barrel).
  6. Confident (confident).
  7. Probably (possibly).
  8. Your problem (your problem).
  9. Secret (secret).
  10. Only words (only words).

For YouTube

There is no need to come up with a unique name for YouTube. If you have your own channel, you should enter its name in your profile instead of a name. It will be easier for fans of your videos to find you.

Here are some translated examples:

  • My Channel (my channel),
  • wondering (interesting),
  • you did not know (you didn’t know this),
  • secret (secret), etc.

Note! In addition, when registering, it is better to indicate your real name, so that later you can promote your profile and earn money from views.

Nicknames for ICQ with translation

Communication in ICQ is usually humorous. Many people no longer use this method of communication. But if you decide to register as a girl, then you need to think about a nickname. There's no need to dig deep.

You can take the following nicknames in English:

  1. Flower (flower).
  2. This is me (this is me).
  3. Waiting for you (waiting for you).
  4. Rather be (rather).
  5. Dream (dream).
  6. In love (in love).
  7. Still believe (still believe).
  8. Your Girl (your girl).
  9. Kitten (kitten).
  10. Butterfly (butterfly).

VKontakte (translated from English into Russian)

This network has a number of strict username rules. The page can be deleted if they do not follow the rules. But for lovers of bright nicknames, they left a space between the first and last names. What to choose for girls? For working options, you can enter the type of service in English.

But most often a bright word is placed there that can characterize a person:

  • fluffy (fluffy),
  • beauty (beauty),
  • fun (cheerful),
  • not yours (not yours),
  • everything is new (everything is new),
  • unmatched (unmatched).

For Skype

When communicating with management or customers, you should write your nickname as a surname in English. Additionally, you can specify initials. This will be enough to show your determination, practicality, and confidence.

But for correspondence with friends you can get by with funny names:

  • chicken (chicken),
  • hungry (hungry),
  • waiting for a call (waiting for a call),
  • that is my name (yes this is my name).

Cool and simply cool nicknames for girls with translation into Russian

Now pay attention to the list of good nicknames that are suitable for different (cool and simple) directions:

  1. Caprice (caprice).
  2. Sorceress (sorceress).
  3. The president’s wife (the president’s wife).
  4. Wife (wife).
  5. Single (free).
  6. Capricious (capricious).
  7. Joyful (cheerful).
  8. Kinoman (cinema buff).
  9. Writer (writer).
  10. Dreamer (dreamer).

Top 10 foreign nicknames for girls

There are many reasons why people choose to use a nickname instead of their birth name. A new name is an act of rethinking oneself, a kind of calling card. And before choosing it, you need to think carefully. The Internet is replete with name generators that help you create a new nickname very quickly and easily according to several criteria. Their lists are huge.

We offer you examples of pseudonyms for various cases, which will not only be of interest to you, but may also help you choose your own (individual and original pseudonym).

In English with translation into Russian

For inspiration in your creativity, we offer English versions of pseudonyms:

  • TearPrincess (princess of tears);
  • Freedom;
  • Lovely (beautiful);
  • ◄Only god can judge me (only God will judge me);
  • Funny girl (cheerful girl);
  • Sweetest (the sweetest);
  • Simply Girl;
  • Angel on duty (Angel on duty);
  • Flying Star (Flying_Star);
  • Cherry Pie (Cherry pie);
  • Amazing (Amazing);
  • Baby Angel, Baby Love - do not require translation;
  • Better Half;
  • Flower Child;
  • Honey Bun.

For YouTube

How to choose a nickname for YouTube? You can take as a basis keywords, symbols of your niche, or use universal ones, such as picture - Pictures, program - Programme, channel - Channel, TV, Zoom, Films, Show, Stories, Productions, Exclusive and add them to your abbreviated nickname.

Then we get:

  • VirginiaTV;
  • TainaShow;
  • Yolonda Program;
  • Delfina:
  • NinaChannel;
  • StudiosSabrina – StudSab;
  • Portia;
  • SabraFocus;
  • Zula;
  • TeodoraProductions;

Remember, for Youtube names can only be up to 50 characters in length. Some girls choose nicknames that don’t mean anything, but that sound good and are easy to remember.

Nicknames for social networks, for example, for VKontakte

When communicating on the Internet, not everyone wants to tell everything about themselves (which is absolutely correct). In the first stages of acquaintance, the name is hidden in most cases, some abstract nickname is taken that says nothing about the person or only slightly lifts the veil of uncertainty.

Girls prefer something light, sometimes funny or cool, they decorate the name with all sorts of symbols, like here:

We come up with a nickname based on the last name for girls

Sometimes circumstances force you to change your real last name (due to its dissonance or unpleasant memories). And young ladies are looking for a pseudonym for their creative sites, dating, only partially reminiscent of their former surname. Then their friends will easily recognize them, and the previous discontent will disappear. Choose an option that is easy to remember, concise, and looks beautiful in Latin. The name, as a rule, is preserved more often in its short form.

For example, for Svetlana Prus, you can offer the following options: Pruss Lana, Lana Pruss, Svetlana Locust (translated as locust, cicada) or Lana Tarakanova.

  • Irina Naumenko - Iren Naumenko, Naum Irina, Naira$;
  • Solar - Sun, Sun;
  • Kuznetsova - Blacksmith, Smith, Farrier (blacksmith in English).

You can fantasize endlessly. For example, taking my childhood nickname as a basis, most of them were very accurate. And your friends will recognize you easily. Another option is to swap your last name and first name.

  • Ivanova Nastya - Ivanna Nastina;
  • Alexandrova Tatyana - Alex Tannin, Alex Tannin;
  • Marinina Ekaterina - Marianna Katina.

Or completely move away from the old surname: Tatyana Petrushkina can become Tanya Fortuna, Cool, Beautiful or Smart.

Names are pseudonyms. Examples

A nickname can be formed simply from a name, shortening it, writing it in Latin, or slightly altering it.

  • Caterina;
  • Kira;
  • Kati;
  • Sonya;
  • Stacy;
  • Clar;
  • Marian;
  • Kitty;
  • Irene;
  • Lana.

Cool - (cool), cool and interesting nicknames

Some girls want to show wit. They come up with cute, cute names for themselves that convey their mood, or use nicknames that cause surprise, laughter, and even dissatisfaction from the public. And thereby making the owner herself happy.

How do you like these pseudonyms collected on the Internet:

  • ★Malenkaya pakost★●;
  • Girl Shock Therapy;
  • Stealing_Souls_Expensive;
  • PrIkoL`nAyA_GeRLa;
  • DREAMS_WILL COME TRUE (nickname of the optimist);
  • Dreams come true? (nickname of a pessimist);
  • What came to mind =) (funny);
  • Awesome_me;
  • ॐYour_personal_NightMareॐ (your personal nightmare:);
  • Harmful. ;
  • Bubble;
  • Sweet candy.

Names associated with color also sound interesting:

  • Pink;
  • Aqua;
  • Phlox.

It is possible to create a nickname by combining your nickname and color or using verbs.

It will turn out incredibly cute:

  • Pink candy;
  • BlueLemon;
  • Flying Kitty.

You can take the syllables that sound nice to you and create the perfect name. It will take time to come up with something decent.

  • Prekacho;
  • Kachoray;
  • Psikatoni;

Yes, they sound Chinese, but perhaps you can come up with something more euphonious.

How can a girl choose (come up with) a suitable nickname?

Your nickname should set you apart from others. Therefore, take his choice responsibly. Although... humor will not be superfluous.

  • Try to make the name look good. For example, TainaShow looks better than tainashow.
  • Do not use special characters such as ★~](](, this is not always appropriate.
  • If you create a nickname based on your last name or first name, use their short form, then the final version will be concise.
  • The nickname should be easy to pronounce.
  • When choosing, remember your talents and hobbies. Such applications (Act, Dancer, Speaker, Coach, Violin) to the name - in combination they will give a good nickname: AnnaViolin, LanaDancer, AlexCoach.
  • You can associate a nickname with your place of birth or residence. Lesya Ukrainka is a great example.
  • After reading our recommendations, come up with a few names, write them down on paper and read them out loud. Are you pleased to hear them? Choose the most euphonious one, ask your friend to address you this way for several days. Do you manage to get used to the new nickname, isn’t it annoying? Something is wrong, look for an alternative.
  • Remember, overly loud nicknames (Mistress, Goddess, Demon) are unlikely to take root and will cause rejection among friends. But too funny ones (Malenkaya pakost), on the contrary, can stick very tightly and cause laughter in others, and of course - dissatisfaction with you.
A nickname in English may be required when communicating on English-language sites and forums. There are situations when the site is in Russian, but the login is only available in English letters. You don’t always want to transliterate Russian letters into an unreadable mess; it is much more correct to choose a nickname in English, which most of the Internet audience now knows.

If you are not an expert in English, arm yourself with a dictionary. When choosing any nickname, you should keep in mind that the shorter it is, the better. Naturally, your nickname should reflect your views and individual character traits. A nickname can consist of several words - especially since in English the words combine perfectly with each other. For example, if you communicate on a forum for translators of English poetry, nicknames like Sunshine, or Lonely_spirit.

You can choose nicknames that correspond to your favorite characters from movies or world-famous books (X-man, Anonimus, Crazy_minion).

In online games, some secret codes, such as IDDQD, can act as nicknames. Also interesting are nicknames that use symmetrical designs of English letters like X_x_X, poIoq, lilil, WVW and other unusual combinations of characters. Just don’t get carried away by nicknames like L*i*g*h*t*L*a*D*y, firstly, they are difficult to read, and secondly, all this cute splendor is almost impossible to type the first time.

Otherwise, choosing a nickname in English is not much different from choosing a Russian login. The only advantage is that English words are shorter, which means your nickname will be short enough and easy to remember.

A comment:


I recommend nickname karapushch

Do it in English

I want an unusual nickname, I was sitting and breathing, make a pzhnik unusual, positive buzz

[~`PaRniShka~`] I recommend the nickname for the guys

Cool nickname)

I haven't gotten tired of this nickname yet in 4 years

There is no suitable nickname for me((

I just play with the nickname Zus)

This is such a fucking nickname


Normal nickname for taschers

fox like31 BLACK_PRINCE like20
DeFreeZe Dead like18 Keyplex like18
Darkfury likes16 GoSeek likes15
CmeTano4Ka like13 Funnyway like11
KARATEL like10 Mŗ.ĆŘęđÒ like10
ShadiBoo like10 BoOT like9
Howard like9 i_Pro like9
may_comp_ne_tianet_games like8 Mr.ByBlIk like8
SkulL like8 blow_crazy like7
face_of_vengeance like7 h1me3ra like7
Howlux like7 LexPlay like6
best_of_the best like5 killer_in nothing like5
V_A_V_I_L_O_N like5 BlackMoney like4
company_THE_Best likes4
Electro_Dragon liked4
ghost_of fear likes4
great_man likes4
Valett likes4
BeJIukuu likes3
chopper liked3
DarkAngelKael likes3
darklight likes3
duelist likes3
MrKat2015 likes3
Nix likes3
poloviny_prosim like3 VAVILON like3
Vip-DaMsTeR like3 wertyi like3
2fab4u like2 Baradys like2
cop_zombie like2 dark_palladin like2
Daxmaut like2 Dead_gun like2
degeneration like2 destroyer_for_us like2
Don"t_StOp like2 dReamLike like2
Gold Mystery likes2 Kaevus likes2
Light Soul like2 MayBug like2
Mexanick like2 Mr.Winston like2
NèVéR like2 red devil like2
Termit like2 TheTrix like2
The_Max_Game like2 virtual_lord like2
$kRitMaN like1 8-BIT like1
Above Daemons like1 AFYE like1
AlwaysWannaCry like1 Carpe Diem like1
chameleoner like1 ECYTEVUN like1
flash like1 Golden_dick like1
GuardiaH like1 impulse_of_pain like1
inside_bight like1 i_zadrot like1
JITI like1 Komilffo like1
LaN2mAsTer like1 LegoBoy like1
Limuzin like1 MAUkisa like1
Mr.Fenikc like1 Mr.Owen like1
MrDerry like1 RED_KILLER like1
Rampage like1 Sad1qunrez like1
Shoker like1 SLIK like1
sword_of_rage likes 1
the_games_tv likes1
urban_hunter likes 1
WinerBust likes1
WOOOlf likes1
X_E_I_T_E_R likes1
AuRuM Black_Niger
Chemical Warfare Danie D
DarkBlade dasten
diablo Dole Me Down
ecl!pse Endi_Gamer
fir3_shadow GoodMen
I must teach you? I3lack Wolf
Imposter KillerVip
last_human LES
lost cat lost_in_grawling
Low skill but, happy mill Lux West
Max Yunak Monster_Energy
Mr Zlager mr.KinG
Mr_Falver Mr_Leo
Ninjas Razer OLACUB
one battom ONE TAP
peon Pipca
Rantom RedGEN
Sanya ScreaM
SinnerFromHell sky
SoCloseToHaven Speed ​​games
Sr.Cyclesss Super_Star_For
sweet poison Terrible Bunny
The_Teddy Throbbing
TITAN touch my cook
TopGame[R] Werty as
blood_around disliked-1 Glambit disliked-1
hardliner disliked-1 Leaf disliked-1
MASTER GRIF disliked-1 Master_SHow disliked-1
n1ce_DayZ disliked-1 napalm_death disliked-1
red_nightmare disliked-1 The legend of the stasis disliked-1
awaken disliked-2 d3ath_assasin disliked-2
Dizzer disliked-2 doom bringer disliked-2
EeVanGay disliked-2 Extra Boy disliked-2
j111m disliked-2 MC GaMeR disliked-2
Means disliked-2 moonfighter disliked-2
outcaster disliked-2 punishment_of_doom disliked-2
RazorChrome dislike-2 Schewzov dislike-2
slowly_death disliked-2 Smack disliked-2
TUCA disliked-2 Vicks disliked-2
zgil disliked-2 $torm disliked-3
BadLike disliked-3 Cool killer disliked-3
Energy disliked-3 fallen angel disliked-3
Frostorik disliked-3 GoldoPooKolKa disliked-3
IHADY dislike-3 ITASYRU dislike-3
i_am_destructor disliked-3 i_not_like disliked-3
JoJoramar disliked-3 key_to life disliked-3
KillerGamer disliked-3 king of swords disliked-3
Lijoiner disliked-3 Luno_O4eT disliked-3
massu disliked-3 Meztinos disliked-3
NEQAS disliked-3 Raindrops disliked-3
Rankrunace disliked-3 Rapier disliked-3
Sakaen disliked-3 SteepCat disliked-3
Sumerbraum disliked-3 Vonegidra disliked-3
x_toad disliked-3 NT disliked-3
Artemad disliked-4 Deman disliked-4
destroyer of life disliked-4 dirty thoughts disliked-4
EKEN disliked-4 geroimen disliked-4
i_lol disliked-4 KeeN disliked-4
last hero disliked-4 Masses from Daburn disliked-4
Modinis disliked-4 mouz disliked-4
new terminator disliked-4 nosiara disliked-4
rain of tears disliked-4 soul keeper disliked-4
WoJDoo disliked-4 Ancestor from Nothrad disliked-5
anianara disliked-5 Askaroon disliked-5
AVSTRAL dislike-5 bibishka dislike-5
blood harvest disliked-5 BuLLeT disliked-5
Buri disliked-5 death lord disliked-5
deep silence disliked-5 Eksnet disliked-5
Fordrendis disliked-5 Hotzarzim disliked-5
Kael disliked-5 KikET disliked-5
MOPAL disliked-5 MrCat2015 disliked-5
Mr_Het disliked-5 Nadorns Monsters disliked-5
necro cannibal disliked-5 nero disliked-5
Overlords of Todal disliked-5 shield of storv disliked-5
Updars Rebels disliked-5 WinstonLight disliked-5
Wolly disliked-5 Zedsuo disliked-5
Destruction disliked-5 ARULU disliked-6
BlAD TI LiSs disliked-6 blaster_man disliked-6
Croleek disliked-6 Denil disliked-6
FOHUQOX disliked-6 frost knight disliked-6
HabitusPhthisicus disliked-6 Jopa_negra disliked-6
JOSOROD disliked-6 mage disliked-6
Navy Mars disliked-6 Netfriendless disliked-6
rebellion x disliked-6 shield of storm disliked-6
Tagal disliked-6 Thozar disliked-6
ZloyKot disliked-6 IIISETIII disliked-7
Izexi disliked-7 KOHCTAHTUH disliked-7
punisher disliked-7 WAK disliked-7
wykyee dislike-7 dron dislike-8
F1ASH_F1SH disliked-8 god of chaos disliked-8
IKI disliked-8 quick bullet disliked-8
pusher disliked-9 buffalo disliked-10
CrezyMegaHell dislike-10 fear tastie dislike-10
invizible_hero disliked-10 Wuxtenlord disliked-14
you private nightmare disliked-14 Dedpool disliked-17
Lee-Kei disliked-31 black_boomer disliked-85

Hi, I'm a nicker, how do you like my nicknames? Put Like and there will be 10 nicknames.
Which you will definitely like.

Cool nickname I just came up with right now

My nickname is in TO.)

But what to do when you want an unusual nickname (in a game in which you can make it in English) I saw hundreds of Russian nicknames:
And many others, I think you understand my inclinations

Here's your nickname from the guard

Gl Hf

Here's my nickname ^^
I've been using it this way for 6-7 years now.
Here are a couple more options for those who are too lazy to come up with ideas or have little imagination.
LastOfTheLost (female and male - depending on what you write instead of Lost), ŔæP_Įřàá,ХäM, ĿĩmBø (female and male), Łĭñţřå (female), LamBada (female and male), Ţвóй Вòжух (female and male), TheBESToJlo4b ( for humorous people and suitable for everyone), KissKess (female and male), Sakura (female), Şu4KaYDa4a (female). That's all for now ^^
I hope it helped ^ ^

This is the most legendary nickname I've been wearing for 4 years

This is the most legendary nickname I've been wearing for 4 years

help me come up with a nickname for PUBG

help me come up with a short and practical nickname

Not bad

How to make such a nickname yourself

Cool nickname

Top nickname

cool nickname

Feat Slipper

Catch a cool nickname from me

Nick is normal.))

Here's the nickname

I wanted to change my password, but I couldn’t find anything!!!


How do you like mine

It's normal what's wrong

The Internet today is a universal way to communicate with your friends and loved ones at a distance, as well as endless gigabytes of entertainment and opportunities. Often people “go online” to forget about reality and become someone else.

And while social networks usually use your real name so that friends and family can easily find you, nicknames are often required for online games, dating chats and other cases. Choosing a nickname, of course, is not as difficult as choosing, for example, a stage name for an artist, but it is also important. Who knows how far your hobby will go and how long and where you will need to use this nickname.

Therefore, it needs to be memorable, original and more or less neutral. Just imagine a respected man under 30 with the nickname Seigneur puppy (“Senior Puppy”), which he chose for fun about 15 years ago. To prevent this from happening to you, approach choosing a name for the Internet not only with a great deal of creativity, but also wisely.

In this article you will find a variety of English nicknames for guys and girls with translation into Russian. So, if you are now looking for a cool, cute or original nickname, then these lines are for you.

What is a nickname?

The word nickname translates as “nickname, nickname, pseudonym” and comes from the Middle English expression an eke name, which over time transformed into the similar-sounding “a nick name”.

In Russian, we more often use a shortened version of this word - “nik”, also known as “nickname”.

How to choose a nickname in English?

Secondly, understand for what purpose you are choosing a nickname. Most often, nicknames in English are used by guys for online games. Here the imagination is almost limitless. You can call yourself Rambo for a shooter or Badass for a survival race. Also, nicknames for guys may be needed for online dating chats or Tinder. In this case, it is better to choose a nickname that will not scare away the opposite sex.

By the way, a nickname is not always a word that is not related to your real name. You can often find nicknames with variations of names, especially among girls. For example, Katrin can take the nickname Sweety Kate (Sweet Kate) or Creepy Kitty (Strange Kitty), but for a guy such a nickname in English would be at least a strange choice, so men often use shortened versions of their name. Like Joe The Runner or Just Matt.

In general, guys usually look for cool nicknames in English, and girls look for cute nicknames. Nicknames are often based on real nicknames given to a person by friends. Some people use their date or year of birth in their nickname, but it’s better not to do this in order to protect your personal data from hackers.

Show originality in choosing your future Internet name: this way, the likelihood that your nickname will be taken will be reduced to almost zero.

English nicknames with translation

Below you will find interesting nicknames consisting of one or two words. Most often, if a nickname consists of several words, it is written together or using punctuation marks.

For guys:

Alpha - alpha
Beast - beast
Brave spirit - brave in spirit
Casanova - Casanova
Chieftain - leader, ataman
Clearheaded - prudent
Coolfire - cool light
Commando - commando
Cowboy - cowboy
Crash test - crash test
Detector - sensor
Dilemma fixer - dilemma resolver
Dragon - dragon
Flame host - flame carrier
Football Onlooker - football lover
Gutsy heart - fearless heart
Help bringer - assistant
Hawk - hawk
Killer - killer
Lucky Guy - lucky guy
Mountain man
Phantom - phantom
Pugilist - fighter
Rockstar - rock star
Romeo - Romeo
Secret player - secret player
Shooter - shooter
Warrior - warrior

For girls:

Banshee - witch
Blueberry - blueberry
Brown eyes - brown-eyed
Brunette - brunette
Charming hostess - charming hostess
Crazy lady - crazy lady
Crystal - crystal
Cuddlies - cutie
Eco prettiness - environmentally friendly beauty
Fearless housewife - fearless housewife
Feral berry - wild berry
Flowers lover - flower lover
Forever smile - always with a smile
Free butterfly - free butterfly
Funny Bunny - funny bunny
Good cobra - good cobra
Lady luck - lady luck
Little monster - little monster
Muffin - muffin, cupcake
Raspberry - raspberry
Real blonde - real blonde
Runaway bride - runaway bride
Snowflake - snowflake
Sports beauty - sports beauty
Strawberry - strawberry
Sunshine - a ray of sunshine
Sweet cheeks - sweet cheeks
Sweety pie - sweet pie
Tender lioness - gentle lioness
Tragedienne - tragic actress
Your dream - your dream
Wicked - villain

Universal nicknames:

Absolute zero - absolute zero
Accident - disaster
Aurora - northern lights
Black pearl - black pearl
Dark horse - dark horse
Dumpling - dumplings
Endless summer - endless summer
Frank heart - honest heart
Freak - freak
Friendly guide - friendly mentor
High tower - high tower
Lava - lava
Moonshine - moonlight
Pizza lover - pizza lover
Sandstorm - sand storm
Shooting star - shooting star
Spy - spy
Stardust - star dust
Tabasco - tabasco
Temptation - temptation
Thunder - storm, thunderstorm
Tornado - tornado
Trouble - problem
Vital force - vitality

Funny nicknames:

Accidental genius - random genius
Big head - big head
Big Mac - Big Mac
Chewbacca - Chewbacca
Coffee zombie - coffee zombie
Corpse breath - breath of a corpse
Disco potato - disco potato
Disco thunder - disco thunderstorm
Dreamy devil - dreamy devil
French fries - French fries
Friday night - Friday night
Gummy bear - jelly bear
Mad Irishman - mad Irishman
Monday morning - Monday morning
Muffin lover - cupcake lover
Odd duck - strange duck
Poker face - poker face
Rocket man
Sarcasm Provider - sarcasm provider
Tiger toes - tiger paws
Toxic alien - poisonous alien

As you can see, the choice of name for a nickname is almost limitless: we have presented in the article only a small part of what can be found on the Internet. Choose wisely and remember that the only limit is your imagination.

Nicknames for Instagram in English for girls with translation into Russian is one of the most important components for the successful management of this social network. An increasing number of modern users are using this service. There are, of course, more girls, but there are also a considerable number of young people. If you carefully consider your own nickname, you can attract more attention to yourself and your profile. This is an ideal opportunity to show off your high-quality photos and new acquisitions. And for some it helps to develop their own business much faster and more successfully.

In the process of choosing the best name for a social network, it is worth taking into account certain tips and useful recommendations. Here are a few of the most basic ones:

  • it is allowed to use special Latin letters that are consonant with one’s own name;
  • It is advisable to use the standard English layout;
  • you can use dots and regular underscores;
  • Additional characters are strictly prohibited from being used at the very beginning of the selected name or at the end.

Compliance with such requirements and rules for composing the name of your profile will result in an ideal, sonorous and at the same time easy to remember option.


When choosing the coolest nickname for a girl on Instagram in English, you shouldn’t make unnecessary efforts. This may result in a ban on the use of the selected phrase. It is strongly recommended not to use words such as follow or like when creating a name.

These are words characteristic of the system’s operation that the social network simply will not miss. Even if initially everything goes well and an account is created, administrators will quickly delete the profile, and without any legal proceedings.

Cool nicknames for Instagram for guys in English

Options such as.alexandr_ivanov alexandr_ivanov cannot be used by a guy. You may encounter profile blocking, which will nullify all efforts related to the promotion and development of your account.

Beautiful nicknames

To get a profile with a fairly beautiful and memorable name, you should give preference not to simple names, but to well-thought-out and correctly composed ones.

Beautiful names can be in English, but they must comply with the following rules and requirements:

  1. It is strongly recommended not to use multiple underscores at the same time.
  2. It is then very difficult for people to reproduce such a name in order to find the desired profile on a social network.
  3. To get an attractive name, you should first select a similar English name.

If you need to change even the most beautiful name for some reason, this can be done through the usual settings. You can carry out this process as many times as you like, the main thing is not to fall into already used options.

Niki with translation

If you want to use a particularly attractive name in your profile, it’s worth exploring options other than those that are characterized as Russian words written entirely in English. For this purpose, you need to use a regular translation. Here are some of the most suitable cool options:

  • @lucky_Mary - lucky_Mary;
  • @thumbelina - Thumbelina;
  • @happiness_Inside - happiness_within;
  • @i_wave - i_wave;
  • @blueberry - blueberry;
  • @mermaid_sea - Little Mermaid_sea.

You are allowed to use other options, and these examples will allow you to gain modern ideas and inspiration. You should not blindly copy these examples. There is also no need to swap them or simply insert other characters. It’s better to sit and think a little than to steal from other top users.

Cool nicknames

When developing a profile name that does not have a business focus, it is worth using special cool names. In this case, the optimal result can be achieved by using categories such as:

  1. Superhero names.
  2. Cool names.
  3. Trending words.

Here are a few examples of such profiles that are quite popular among users - ironman283, for boys lalka_vanek, and also kek_ahmet.

What nickname can you come up with on Instagram for girls in English?

If you don’t want to bother and waste time coming up with your own original popular name, you can always use ordinary first and last names, only written in English. The best option would be to write words such as ekaterina.sergeevna, katya_sergeevna or sergeevna.k in the profile header.


If you encounter some difficulties during the account registration process, you can simply type the top names in the search and you can come up with the most ideal option from them. The user will be presented with fairly simple and relatively easy to remember words to choose from. If you want to use a simple, beautiful English name, you can simply give preference to a beautiful word in this language. The ideal option would be one that, to one degree or another, reflects the essence of the profile.

Summing up

There is no need for a girl to copy numerous phrases on the Internet and select special interesting names from them. You can simply take a translator and translate your name into Russian or reveal the essence that an open account conveys. Everything is quite simple and does not require spending a lot of time. The most important thing is to make sure that the system of this social network was not against the chosen option and did not block the entire Instagram profile as a whole, no matter how cool it was.