Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Relationships at work with colleagues: what they can be and how to maintain them.

The team plays an important role in any field of activity. It’s no secret that we spend most of our time there, communicate with colleagues much longer than with friends and sometimes even with family, and devote as much time to work as we never allow to be spent on ourselves or our children. What follows from this? First of all, it is imperative to strive to implement the famous phrase, which has become truly popular: “In order not to work a single day, you need to make your passion work.”

But this is only one of the components of happiness. There is another, no less significant. It is defined by one comprehensive concept - the collective.

Oh, this work team... Each person has his own idea about it. Many are inclined to think that there can be no team in the service, since people brought together not by a common interest, but by the desire to earn a living, are unlikely to make friends, since such qualities as envy and competition will always exist between them . Others fundamentally disagree with this statement and sincerely believe that people not only can, but should treat each other positively, regardless of where and under what circumstances fate brought them together.

Be that as it may, normal relationships in a team are not a luxury, but a means of existence. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. And why? Yes, because in any team all its members secretly follow certain rules - also, of course, unspoken, which determine internal relations.

How many unspoken words are hidden behind this multifaceted concept - collective! At first glance, it seems that it has no significant meaning, but simply indicates the number of employees. However, this is far from the case. After all, a team can be called all employees in general, and only those between whom good relationships have developed. It’s not for nothing that they often say that there is no team at this or that enterprise. This does not mean that no one works there, but it means that relations between employees are tense or completely indifferent.

But let’s return to the fact that some special laws apply in the team. They actually happen, but many people don't realize it. They don’t realize it because these laws affect people whether they want it or not. They exist regardless of our knowledge about them, regardless of whether we want to obey them. These laws are subjugating, and it is impossible to avoid it.

And don’t think that they exist only in some groups. This is a gross mistake, because in any work collective a special atmosphere is created, which is initially alien to newcomers, but into which they soon begin to be drawn in and subsequently cease to notice it themselves. This atmosphere is precisely the very rules that were discussed.

Careerist's Memo

Never let gossips get the better of you. Do not give in to them and do not confirm with your behavior the rumors and speculations spread about you.

In any team there is a so-called common attitude. What does this mean? Let's say there are ten people working in a department. Common is the relationship that develops between everyone. It determines the atmosphere of the team.

For a new person, it is very important to grasp the general mood, the existing atmosphere. In no case should it put pressure on a person, because if he becomes an integral part of the team, he should feel at ease and naturally. Although its adaptation does not occur immediately. At first, the newcomer, as a rule, feels like a stranger among his newly minted colleagues, but gradually begins to get used to them, they to him, and in the end the new employee fits into that very general attitude that we have already talked about. And not a single colleague will escape this fate.

However, there are exceptions here, as with any other rule. Some people, who are usually called “white crows”, individual farmers or renegades (as you like), do not want to fit into the general attitude, preferring to remain neutral. Interestingly, such neutrality greatly angers some colleagues, who mistake it for a form of arrogance. And those workers who never participate in general conversations are first tried to be actively drawn into public life. Perhaps the attempts will be crowned with success and the employee will turn out to be very sociable and interesting. There are also those who cannot be broken in any way, and they remain hermits forever.

But maybe there is some ideal form of communication at work? Maybe. If you try to define it in a nutshell, you will get a very banal and natural formulation. People who make up the work team should strive for smooth and calm friendly relations, which would not be so close that it could interfere with work. It’s not for nothing that many managers don’t encourage their subordinates to get too close to each other. Nevertheless, it is certainly impossible to avoid this completely, because the similarity of thoughts and interests is clear evidence that people will become friends.

Is there a difference between the following two concepts: friends and people who have established friendly relations? Of course. Friendly relationships - ideal for a work team - do not imply the presence of any serious values ​​existing between people. Friendly relationships are easy and do not oblige you to anything. They do not assume that people should meet more or less often outside of work, much less they do not assume the existence of mutual assistance in various life situations. You should not consider a person with whom you have established a friendly relationship your friend. He may become one in some circumstances, or he may not. Every person should understand the difference between the fact that people are friends with each other, and the fact that there is simply a good relationship between them. Otherwise, you can make a serious miscalculation by relying on an imaginary friend.

The people who make up the work team are understandably not connected by similarities. Fate itself determines teams, places accents and forms a common attitude. It is impossible to predict what it will be like, because this will become known only when this relationship can be clearly seen. Those who make up the work team initially do not know about each other’s character traits and comprehend them only in the process of performing a common task, which can not only bring them closer together, but also vice versa.

All of the above does not mean that the life of the collective strictly obeys certain laws and rules. The team consists of people - therefore, its life is very changeable. Each person may have periods of intense joy and deep depression, melancholy and apathy, or the opposite moods. You should not try to determine a permanent model of the team, because its composition itself changes. The image of the team cannot be uniform, but we must strive to ensure that it is positive.

Any community has its own traditions, which largely determine the essence of relations between the people who make it up. For example, if it is customary for a team to get together and celebrate all holidays together, this indicates a healthy and favorable working environment. You can be sure that people who would like to see each other not only at work, but also in their free time, and are not averse to communicating, have such a wonderful factor as a good atmosphere of human relations.

How to establish good relations between employees, and who should do it? It is quite difficult to get an answer to these questions, because, unfortunately, there is no official at enterprises who would carry out these duties. However, the members of such a community themselves are simply obliged to monitor the climate of their relations. They need to establish relationships and learn to resolve conflicts with minimal losses.

Science will help us

Success in achieving a career, as psychologists say, is possible only if there is confidence that the activity being performed is aimed at good. If a person is not sure that he is doing what his calling is, he is unlikely to succeed in this field.

It also happens that such good relationships are established among the employees of a certain department that it literally slows down the work process. Instead of performing their immediate duties, workers begin to have long conversations on a variety of topics, while rejoicing that they understand each other so well. This may indeed be a good thing, but given this fact, we can conclude that people have clearly overdone their relationships. No matter how well those who work together understand each other, if this distracts them from their immediate responsibilities, there can be no talk of any promotion or career growth.

Friendly relationships in a team are the dream of any leader. However, each specific case has its own characteristics, and therefore it is very difficult to give specific advice on what to do if business relations leave much to be desired. First of all, the way to overcome this problem is to carefully study and fully understand the reason why it arose. Knowledge, as we know, is a power, the possession of which can eliminate such an annoying misunderstanding for career growth as poor relationships between people working together.

Popularity among colleagues

If you are serious about making a career, it is hardly wise to neglect some rules that can make you popular in the team. You may well be surprised: why do you need such popularity if your main goal is the most responsible and active work with a possible promotion? This is where it’s time to think about the problem of how to achieve this most coveted promotion. The location of the team here is simply necessary.

How can we explain the success of Andrew Carnegie, America's leading industrialist, whom his contemporaries called the “King of Steel”? He not only made an excellent career, becoming the head of a large company, but also became one of the richest people in the world. Of course, he was not only an excellent organizer and leader, but also knew how to find a common language with a wide variety of people. Even as a child, he realized how much his own name means to a person. And if the interlocutors call each other by name, pronouncing it often, this has a great effect on all their communication.

Subsequently, Andrew Carnegie always remembered the names of not only his transaction partners, but also the employees working in his company. Thus, he became popular in the team, and this brought him a lot of benefits. At least during his time at the helm of the company, there were never strikes among workers that disrupted the normal operation of the enterprise.

Those who hope to achieve great success through hard work alone are wrong. Of course, hard work is a prerequisite to be able to climb the corporate ladder. But, as life often shows, this is not at all enough for career growth. Because interpersonal relationships in a team are a very important condition for fruitful cooperation.

And, of course, interpersonal relationships in a team should develop in such a way that your colleagues treat you favorably and there are no hidden or obvious conflicts. What is it for? Don't forget that if your colleagues respect you, you won't have to draw attention to yourself for long if necessary. The situation of such a need can be very different, for example, the authorities are looking for a candidate to assign a task that is particularly important and complex. If you are popular among your colleagues, someone will certainly propose your candidacy for the role of performer of an important task, thereby raising you in the eyes of both management and the team itself.

In addition, if you are popular in the team, employees value and respect you, the results of your work will never remain hidden either from the team or from management. Your successes will be known to everyone, which means you cannot avoid a dizzying career. Popularity among colleagues will inevitably lead to the fact that they will become more lenient towards your mistakes and miscalculations, thereby freeing you from many problems. So, have you realized how important employee location can be? And would you be willing to enlist such support? But for this you will have to work hard.

Careerist's Memo

If you strive to ensure that you have good relationships with your colleagues, do not forget to listen carefully to them during conversations, showing sincere interest in them. Do not interrupt the person, even if he gets carried away with some overly long story about relationships in his family or about the quirks of his beloved cat. In this way, you will create a reputation for yourself as an attentive, responsive person, communication with whom is always a joy.

Before giving advice on gaining popularity in a team, you need to figure out who exactly you are working with and what kind of people surround you. This is necessary in order to avoid making mistakes when communicating with colleagues. Mistakes can sometimes cost you a lot because they take a long time to correct. But a real careerist should not waste his precious time not on a direct goal, because, as you know, it is valued much higher than money, because time is also the presence of certain opportunities, which are easy to lose, but not very easy to renew.

Think about who surrounds you, what these people might like, and what, on the contrary, can cause persistent hostility towards you. The human psyche is very complex, so sometimes even the most innocent, at first glance, action of yours can greatly harm you. Consider all the nuances so that your methods are as effective as possible.

Any person seeking to make a career understands that an overly frivolous and familiar attitude towards colleagues can not bring the best results. In this case, a person runs the risk of acquiring the reputation of a “good guy,” “one of our own,” or “one of our own.” Of course, popularity will be gained, but can it contribute to career advancement? Obviously not.

Employees, and then management, will perceive such a person as frivolous and frivolous, who is only capable of performing not the most important and responsible work. Who will have to blame for this? First of all, yourself, because such a reputation is the result of erroneous behavior, while this can be completely avoided. So such behavior is inappropriate in any team, regardless of the psychological characteristics and personal qualities of the people who surround you.

To gain the necessary reputation, you need a completely different kind of popularity, the kind of popularity that indicates respect from your employees and recognition of all your merits. Do not forget that acquiring such popularity is a long process that requires some effort.

If you are surrounded by conservative people who are accustomed to thinking about any matter long and carefully, you should not oppose yourself to the team and behave in a completely opposite way, demonstrating quick reaction, activity and pressure. Perhaps your colleagues will admire your zeal, but subconsciously they will consider your behavior as a challenge aimed at somehow belittling their business qualities and working methods. This state of affairs will inevitably lead to conflict, and this is of no use to you.

In general, try to avoid obvious conflict situations whenever possible, as they will jeopardize the opinion of you as a correct and friendly person. Of course, friendliness does not necessarily mean imposing oneself on others, constantly showing interest in the personal lives of others. Of course, this also does not help strengthen normal relationships with colleagues, since at work it is better to maintain a somewhat detached position, maintaining neutrality.

So, if your colleagues are people who tend to be conservative in some way, be sure to respect their views and principles, because this is the first step to developing healthy relationships. Next, demonstrate to them that you are as thoughtful and responsible as possible at work. Because the reputation of a reliable and businesslike person who can be entrusted with responsible work is an indispensable condition for achieving your goal.

If you constantly draw attention to yourself by expressing valuable ideas, this will also be appreciated in the team in the most favorable way. But your proposals should not be frivolous, since you intend to gain respect, not cheap popularity. Try to treat your colleagues’ work with maximum interest, emphasizing in every possible way the important importance of their efforts for the overall process.

Conservative people, as a rule, are accustomed to living and working according to a certain way of life that has been formed in the team over a long period of time. And if you are new to this group, it is wiser to take note of the proverb: “You don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules.” Do not try to demonstrate your non-standard thinking, as this may not be understood by employees, and popularity will not benefit you, but harm you. Try to determine what manner of behavior in a given society is best for yourself to adopt, and behave accordingly. Constant adherence to the traditions that have developed in this team, smooth, calm relationships with all employees can make you a noticeable and popular figure.

If your colleagues are young, proactive people, then a measured and clear attitude towards work can be interpreted as sluggishness and lack of activity. And such behavior will not add popularity to you. Therefore, try, if possible, to match the image of an ideal employee that has already developed in the team. As a rule, this should be an active, easy-going person, capable of completing a large amount of work in the shortest possible time. However, its quality must be high, otherwise you will be condemned for negligence and negligence.

Also maintain the reputation of a person whose work is one of the first places, then your popularity will be guaranteed. But avoid trying to give advice to someone unless you are very knowledgeable about the issue yourself. Otherwise, employees will inevitably begin to doubt your competence, and your popularity, reputation as a reliable person and a valuable employee will suffer as a result.

Science will help us

Psychologists believe that if a person does not have excessive aggressiveness and, on the contrary, excessive softness and compliance, he will be able to choose the optimal middle ground in relations with others, including colleagues. Therefore, it makes sense to get rid of such shortcomings as excessive hot temper, emotionality, or, conversely, compliance bordering on spinelessness.

If a person knows how to control himself, controlling the manifestation of his emotions, he will definitely find a line of behavior that will lead to the most successful results. If he is overly emotional, he should learn to control his feelings. To do this, analyze the situation in detail in order to draw the right conclusions. When someone or something causes excessive irritation, the wisest thing to do is to distract yourself so as not to accidentally lash out at an innocent person. You can simply focus on your breathing, repeating to yourself: “I am calm, I am absolutely calm.”

Having understood the qualities of the people who surround you at work, analyze your characteristics and character traits to choose the most effective ways to gain popularity among colleagues. If you are confident in yourself and your abilities, you will have little difficulty impressing your employees.

But if you doubt your own merits, such uncertainty will inevitably be transmitted to your colleagues - and then it will not be easy to gain the necessary popularity. However, some lack of self-confidence is not a reason to abandon the intention to become popular among colleagues. You just need to do things in a different way.

Try to demonstrate maximum interest in the work, suggest new methods and methods that can lead to the most successful results. Employees will certainly appreciate your zeal, and you will gain the reputation you need.

Chatterbox is a godsend for the enemy

Speech is a necessary link in the development of humanity, because with the help of speech people can communicate with each other. But you need to be able to speak correctly, since with your speech you can evoke both positive and negative emotions in a person. And the fate of your future relationships depends on what impression you make on a person.

This is especially important for a person busy with his career growth, since all his activities are certainly related to communication. And his career depends to a greater or lesser extent on his ability to talk and behave correctly with people especially necessary for his activities.

The concept of correct speech includes not only correct pronunciation. It is necessary to know what can and should be said to whom, and what it is better to remain silent about. And the most important thing is to know when to say your important word, and when to pause. So, by saying even one careless word, you can ruin the entire impression you make on others. It is especially important to be able to feel when you need to stop, so as not to blurt out too much.

This is what can play a decisive role in your career growth. After all, as they say, a word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it. And then this word can be used against you. In this way, you will make it easier for your competitors and worsen your own situation. Once they know your plans, methods and strategies, they can use them for their own purposes and thereby prevent you from implementing them.

Also, don't talk too much in front of your colleagues, especially if they don't inspire confidence in you. After all, you cannot fully know what kind of people surround you. As you know, someone else’s soul is in the dark: you can know a person for many years and not know how he really treats you.

Of course, you cannot suspect everyone and everything without trusting anyone. You will not be able to adhere to such tactics when working in a team and directly communicating with people. Excessive silence, as well as excessive talkativeness, can adversely affect your career. It is important to know when to share certain information with others. So, by talking about your ideas and ways to bring them to life ahead of time, you can put an end to them once and for all, without ever starting to implement them. There is no need to rush things. It’s better to think carefully about everything again and check whether your plans are feasible, make sure that you are able to carry them out, weigh all the pros and cons.

We advise you to take a closer look at those around you in the team before revealing your plans to anyone. But do not be overly suspicious and suspicious, as this may completely alienate people from you, and in the end you will be left in splendid isolation, alone with your plans.

It’s not without reason that they say that a chatterbox is a godsend for a spy. You don’t need to ask such people to tell you something; they themselves will start talking incessantly and, without even noticing, they can reveal something important. You yourself understand what this can lead to if such information falls into the hands of your competitors or simply ill-wishers.

It is unlikely that in this case you will be able to rise at least one step higher in position. Moreover, you risk losing the position that you have already achieved today. After all, your enemies are just waiting for you to take a careless step and the “soil” under your feet becomes less stable. Therefore, excessive talkativeness (your own or that of your subordinates) can play a decisive role in your career. It can prevent you from realizing everything you have in mind. It will be especially easy for competitors and envious people to take you out of the business game if they know your every move. They will be able to monitor your activities at any stage without any problems. And you will literally be tied hand and foot.

Careerist's Memo

To avoid business failures, strictly follow the rules below:

* when sharing your plans for the future with your colleagues, do everything to ensure that this information does not go beyond the boundaries of your office;

* make sure that only those people you completely trust are present at this time;

* do not focus their attention on the smallest details, tell the plan only in general terms;

* do not talk about your professional affairs outside of the work environment - to friends, neighbors, your beloved woman - even if you trust these people, information leakage can happen completely by accident;

* remember that alcohol perfectly “looses the tongue”, so pay attention to what company and in what environment you are relaxing;

* be attentive to the people who constantly surround you. Often, selfishness, envy and malice are hidden under the masks of friends. But don’t overdo it - after all, excessive suspiciousness and suspiciousness have never led to good.

As we have already mentioned, try to rant as little as possible about your professional affairs outside of the work environment - with your parents, wife, friends, neighbors, or your beloved woman. This does not mean that you should not trust your family and friends at all. But try to draw a line separating personal and professional matters.

There are no perfect people in this world, and no one is immune from mistakes. And any of us, in a fit of anger, by an absurd accident, or simply by forgetfulness, can blurt out something about which we should remain silent.

At least believe me, at least check...

In 1983, in France, an incident occurred in a large and very well-known company, one of the leading companies in the world in the production of cosmetics and perfumes, which subsequently cost it several million francs.

The company's employees have been working on a unique formula for new perfumes for several years. The work was labor-intensive and at some points even impossible. But one fine day, the employees finally found what they had been looking for for so long - the missing component was found, and the long-awaited formula was derived. But the company was not destined to release this particular perfume, as one of the participants in the development shared his joy with his wife. She immediately told the news to a close friend.

As a result, secret information reached a competing company. And competitors immediately took advantage of this fateful moment. The new brilliant idea was stolen with all the drafts and preliminary developments, of course, not without the help of people from the company that developed this formula. But the victims had no evidence, no evidence, not a single fact against the kidnappers. In addition, they did not need a scandal in which the company's untarnished name could suffer. And this could very well happen, since the competing party had thought through everything to the smallest detail.

Oh, these beloved women, how many wars, tragedies, misfortunes, and accidents have happened in the world because of them! How many times have women used all their charm just to get the information they need! Of course, you should not suspect your girlfriend of being a spy, but talk to her better about love than about your affairs.

A person who likes to “waffle his tongue” and can accidentally blurt out the necessary information is unlikely to turn out to be a competent employee. He will constantly be distracted and waste his work time chatting with someone. He is not interested in doing his job or developing new ideas, but in discussing the latest news and new gossip. With his chatter, he will annoy those around him and distract them from their work, which will immediately affect everyone’s ability to work. Such a person can cause discord and quarrels in the team, which will also adversely affect the affairs of the company.

Remember that no one likes talkers and empty talkers, and never has. Although, as a rule, such people at first gather a large company around them and are in the center of everyone's attention, amusing those around them with their conversations. And at first they have many friends and acquaintances. But this doesn't last long. Having figured out what such a person is like, most try to avoid close communication with him, because no one wants everyone to know information about him that is intended only for a narrow circle of people.

This quality - the ability to “keep your mouth shut” - is valued not only by friends, it is invaluable in the business world. After all, each of us wants to have as a business partner or simply an employee of our company a reliable person who we can rely on at a crucial moment.

People prone to frivolity and endless chatter do not inspire trust or much respect. They say about such people: “I wouldn’t go on reconnaissance with him.” Indeed, such a person cannot be relied upon, especially in difficult moments.

It can also be said about talkers that they are simply a godsend for the enemy. And it is very difficult to disagree with this phrase. After all, you don’t even need to ask such a person to tell you the necessary information. Giving out the entire flow of information that he owns, he will, unnoticed even for himself, reveal what interests you. Such people who like to talk don’t need to be asked, begged, or even forced to tell you something.

As has already been said, chatterboxes are not valued as friends, they are simply used to obtain the necessary information. Thus, psychologists and sociologists conducted a survey among many people, including executives, and came to the conclusion that 96% of all respondents value in their friends the ability to listen and keep secrets entrusted to them.

By the way, 56% of surveyed executives reported that they would like to see this quality in their subordinates. And in the general list of requirements for office personnel, this item was second only to such a column as high professionalism.

Thus, before you say something, think several times whether it is worth doing and whether you will later have to repent of what you said and pay for your mistake. Because as a result, you can, firstly, lose a prestigious and highly paid job, secondly, bury all your chances of further advancement up the career ladder, thirdly, lose the trust and respect of your colleagues and, in the end, be left completely alone.

Gossip and you

The attitude towards gossipers and the rumors they spread is usually clear. People try to avoid those who are famous for their love of gossip; they do not trust them. This is understandable, because no one wants to be ridiculed or slandered, and this is quite possible, because gossipers constantly invent things that actually did not happen.

However, if you use information from gossipers wisely, you can gain a lot. The fact is that all gossip has some basis. It should be kept in mind: nothing on this earth comes from nothing. Any rumor is a consequence of some event.

The implausibility of information coming from gossipers is explained by the fact that they tend to exaggerate everything. Because of this, sometimes it seems that gossip is completely fictitious. However, this is not always the case.

The attitude of a person who wants to make a career towards gossips should not be unambiguous, but ambivalent. Let's explain what this means.

First of all, you should never avoid gossipers for fear of one day becoming the hero of some fantastic story. Know that nothing will increase your popularity more than information spread by gossips.

Gossip has another positive side, which we have already begun to talk about. They are a source of information that even the information desk cannot compete with. You can find out from gossipers what will never become known to you after communicating with sincere and truthful people. And if so, then you can be sure that gossipers are very useful people in the work team.

By the way, for the most part, gossipers are not bad people at all. Their ability to present everything in a light that does not correspond to the real state of affairs is explained by excessive emotionality and a desire to... please. Yes, strange as it may sound, gossipers are very often the nicest people who strive to win over their interlocutor, which is why they often say something that is not really there, or it would be more correct to say, what they want to hear from them .

On the other hand, gossip is built on some real basis. In other words, any event is naturally surrounded by numerous gossip. Naturally, the more there are, the more grandiose the event that took place.

At any enterprise, in any work team, everything that happens in one way or another is subject to this principle. It follows from this that the attitude towards gossip should be natural, as with any other inevitable phenomenon, for example the onset of rainy autumn. And if you suddenly become the hero of gossip, you shouldn’t make a tragedy out of it. Remember that this happens to everyone from time to time, and do not consider this an indicator of some kind of personal flaw in you.

How should you treat gossip so that it does not become a factor preventing you from working and achieving career growth? First of all, you should not pay attention to gossip. In other words, if you received any information from a famous gossip, know that it requires verification. In general, you should not be overly trusting at work, as this can lead to significant trouble.

At least believe me, at least check...

One man in a high position said that at the very beginning of his career he became the hero of one very skillfully launched gossip. The calculation was such that the young worker would be “overwritten” and would not be allowed to advance further. But he managed to turn things around in such a way that he was not only noticed by his manager, but also began to be respected by his employees.

To maintain your reputation, try to be above gossip.

You should not stoop to discussing, for example, your boss along with those who are famous for their talkativeness and frivolity. Do not try to appear more knowledgeable than you actually are when telling something, never speculate. Otherwise, your speculations may be used against you.

Gossip is a phenomenon that everyone is trying to avoid in one way or another, but if you say that gossip does not concern you, do not rush to rejoice. This can mean either that you are an impeccable employee, or that no one is interested in you. This can hardly be regarded as a positive factor for career growth. If, after careful analysis, this fact is no longer in doubt, urgently change the principle of your behavior at work, and even your habits. Otherwise, you risk becoming an ordinary, or, more correctly, a typical employee, so inconspicuous that few people know him by sight. It is clear that his career growth is very problematic.

If some gossip has been spread about you that directly threatens your reputation, carefully monitor your behavior in the near future. Of course, this does not mean that you should change your usual mannerisms to something else, but know that your colleagues will be closely watching you for quite some time. Do not tempt fate, no matter how great the desire to put in place those who started gossip about you, you should not publicly denounce the offenders. This will only confirm that gossip is not without meaning. If you are unfairly accused of anything or made the hero of successfully invented gossip, remain icy calm and demonstrate complete indifference. If you begin to actively prove that you have nothing to do with the rumors, you will only confirm their meaning.

Gossip can be very destructive for a person who wants to make a career. And the point here is not even that those around you will believe what has become the topic of gossip; this is not the worst thing.

It's all about the so-called public opinion. The appearance of gossip is a clear sign that there will be a lot of talk about your person, and many may consider this not in your favor.

First of all, this, of course, concerns your immediate supervisor, who may decide that you are unreliable. Needless to say, many people are weak in the face of public opinion. They are afraid to do something that others might judge them for. Of course, such a quality in a leader does not deserve praise, but bosses who bow their heads to public opinion are far from uncommon.

Based on the above, draw some conclusions. First of all, if you strive for a career, try to never become the hero of malicious gossip. They are regarded as evidence of a far from impeccable reputation, and in your case this may be detrimental to further career advancement.

And one more thing - never be like gossipers. As already mentioned, such people are not trusted, and therefore the manager will think very seriously before giving the go-ahead for your promotion. And, upon reflection, he may decide that you are an unreliable person because you are spreading gossip. Never discuss your employees, or worse, your boss, with your colleagues. Avoid communicating with someone who has a reputation as a malicious and unscrupulous gossip, because any phrase said in front of him can later be turned against you.

Careerist's Memo

If you know you have a weakness for gossip, ask a friend or friend who works with you to remind you often not to engage in negative conversations. If possible, let your friend take you during your lunch break away from the places where famous gossips gather.

If you firmly believe that you can avoid the fate of being a victim of a gossip, try to use his qualities for your own purposes. Chat with him to find out all the details of some matter that interest you, but avoid drawing any conclusions yourself. The best thing in talking with gossipers is to nod your head in agreement and, if possible, not speak out yourself, only occasionally assent approvingly. In this case, no one can accuse you of maintaining friendship with a famous gossip.

Never pass on gossip. In a conversation with your superiors, you should not remember what you learned from a person with a faulty reputation. And don't spread rumors about anyone. Stay above gossip, this will help you achieve your desired goal.

Don't let your boss see you having a peaceful conversation with a group of notorious gossips during your lunch break. Of course, he may not pay attention to it, but it happens differently. For example, he will decide that you enjoy such company and will draw the appropriate conclusions.

Remember that for a person who wants to make a career, even the most insignificant gossip can be very destructive. On the other hand, avoiding gossip is quite possible under certain conditions. Keep calm and do not get involved in dubious conversations - and then gossip will not affect you.

Your personal attitude towards gossip should be calm and somewhat indifferent. Never take information received from gossip on faith, do not judge people who have become heroes of rumors - you may find yourself in their place. Do not believe gossip, even if it becomes the subject of conversation not only among ordinary employees, but also among managers.

Gossip is certainly bad, but at the same time it is an integral part of our lives. However, it is still worth trying to reduce them to a minimum so as not to one day become the hero of such fictitious stories, which will certainly happen if you are inclined to spread them.

Careerist's Memo

Be yourself at work. Don't try to pretend to be innocent if in fact you love to gossip. People around you will still see your true nature, no matter how you hide it. Therefore, it is better to try to get rid of your quality than to hide it.

A wise and strong person will never be afraid of gossip, but will not be interested in it either. At least he won't do it openly.

Underestimated or overestimated?

Colleagues are human and make mistakes, and if they make mistakes about you, your reputation and ambition will suffer. What to do if you are underestimated or overestimated?

Of course, a situation where colleagues underestimate your abilities and attitude towards work affects your self-esteem and can make you seriously doubt your business qualities. But take your time, otherwise you risk harming your future career, which may not happen.

First of all, figure out what exactly was the beginning of your underestimation. Perhaps you are considered an insufficiently attentive and disciplined employee, perhaps you yourself have given your colleagues a reason for such an attitude. After all, sometimes some little thing is enough, for example, a careless statement about your unwillingness to do this or that work, and you will be branded as an unnecessary and lazy employee.

Sometimes colleagues can underestimate you without any fault of yours. The fact is that many people are accustomed to thinking in stereotypes, and such thinking becomes the only possible one for them. In this case, they may look down on you just because you, for example, are much younger than them. And your skills and business qualities are not important to them, because they will perceive you as a young upstart who does not know how to do anything, but is trying to take an inappropriate position.

Careerist's Memo

If you are a fierce arguer, it is best for you to control yourself at work. Perhaps your employees will watch with interest the verbal battles that you have with one of your colleagues. But at the same time, most will think that you are not spending your energy in the best way. After all, instead of arguing, you could do something more useful. Moreover, disputes often smoothly flow into a stormy showdown. As a result, the arguer begins to be considered an unrestrained and ill-mannered person. Such an attitude will gradually lead to conflicts within the team; accordingly, the majority’s opinion regarding the business and personal qualities of such a person will be far from impartial.

In other words, there can be many reasons, but the result is the same - employees underestimate you, considering your skills and abilities not high enough. What should you do in such a case? First of all, do not rush to get upset and blame yourself, your employees or your unfortunate star for everything. Everyone has mistakes and failures, but this is not a reason to worry too much about such a nuisance.

It will take maximum effort to change the situation at work. You need to do this for several reasons. Firstly, you are striving to make a career, and therefore you need to take care of your position in society. Secondly, for your own self-esteem it is necessary that employees value you as a good, promising and reliable employee. So, it's all up to you.

Try to pull yourself together and demonstrate your readiness to do any work, even complex and uninteresting work. Perhaps, because employees underestimate you and your abilities, initially you will be assigned work that is not particularly interesting, monotonous and boring. But do not rush to be indignant, any work must be done well enough. And in this way you will be able to demonstrate your talents and skills, even if this is not the most responsible job. But don’t stop at the role of a performer, try to delve into all the plans and projects of the enterprise, so that later, if possible, you can appear before the team as knowledgeable and proactive as possible. Be serious, this will help you gain the reputation you need.

If your co-workers think that you are too young to apply for something, try to assure them that you are truly interested in the results of your work, and therefore deserve to be treated as an equal member of the team.

Your colleagues may not immediately see you as a worthy employee, but with some effort this will happen sooner or later.

If you are much younger than your colleagues, some distrust of you is quite natural. Experienced and qualified specialists will doubt your business qualities, because you do not have enough work experience, or perhaps none at all. Don’t be upset, it won’t take long and you will gain the respect and trust of your colleagues. And, quite possibly, you yourself will begin to look at the newcomers with some distrust. In this case, it cannot be said that colleagues underestimate you and your abilities. They just don’t know you well enough yet, since you haven’t yet had time to prove yourself in a new place.

Careerist's Memo

If you are going to get a job, be sure to try to find out as much as possible in advance about the team where you will work. Such information will help you immediately orientate yourself properly in the situation so that you can feel comfortable later. Don't neglect even the most seemingly insignificant details, such as the dress code for your job. Even if a given organization does not have strictly established rules, there are still certain norms.

And try, if possible, not to stand out too much from other employees. That is, if your colleagues come to work exclusively in formal suits, then you shouldn’t go to work in frayed jeans.

In addition to clothing, there are many nuances that you need to consider.

For example, if the team consists entirely of workaholics, your desire to constantly take smoking breaks and drink coffee can turn the team against you. The same goes for talking on the phone. Do not occupy the phone while solving personal problems during working hours, otherwise you will displease your colleagues and superiors.

The situation of insufficiently high assessment of your work and abilities arises when you have worked in a given team for a certain time. What symptoms should alert you? If they treat you with a pointed condescension, they talk mainly about other, abstract things, but not about work. For example, if you are a lady, your colleagues talk to you about new magazines, cosmetics, and raising children. And as soon as you start talking about work, you see that no one takes you seriously.

They can talk to a man about sports news, cars, women and other, of course, pleasant moments that, alas, have nothing to do with work. Of course, such conversations cannot be avoided, because all employees need emotional and psychological release. But if they talk to you about everything except work, this is not a good sign. In addition, your opinion on this or that production point will definitely be ignored. And sometimes they won’t even listen to you, assuming in advance that you won’t be able to offer anything useful.

Such signs are a signal that you are perceived as an insufficiently intelligent employee who is unable to cope with responsible work. Perhaps this is largely your fault. For example, every morning you notify your team that “you don’t feel like working at all today.” Every five minutes you take a smoke break, leave for lunch fifteen minutes earlier than expected, and at the same time you always manage to be late, lingering anywhere - on the stairs, talking with someone, in the corridor or in the smoking room. Leave work early, each time coming up with a new, very convincing reason, just like in the morning when you were half an hour late.

And such “little things” that you don’t even notice can turn the team against you. Even if you have an extraordinary mind and high intelligence, others will still consider you a lazy slob. And nothing can be done about it - you yourself created such a reputation for yourself.

If your colleagues underestimate you, it is unreasonable to show all sorts of hostility towards them, which will lead to the fact that your relationship with the team will become worse and worse. Avoid asking directly why you are rated so low. Instead, try to correctly ask your employees what exactly it is about you that causes them to be dissatisfied.

Don't be shy about asking your colleagues for their opinions on your methods and ways of working. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to interrupt them every five minutes to ask them something. But most people respond positively to an employee who listens to the advice of more experienced colleagues.

Try to establish contacts with colleagues to avoid conflict situations. Showing kindness will help you smooth out rough edges and create a positive atmosphere at work.

Science will help us

When communicating, one should not neglect what psychologists call “communication distance.” When talking to someone, choose a distance that is not too far and at the same time allows you to feel comfortable. People, as a rule, do not like it when the interlocutor comes too close to them - of course, if it is not a loved one or relative. At the same time, too much distance can be perceived by people as inattention to their person and the arrogance of the interlocutor. Knowing such details helps build relationships in the work team in the most beneficial way.

So, if your colleagues underestimate you, your ambition, self-confidence and your professional and business qualities will suffer. But it may also happen that for some reason employees will overestimate you, that is, attribute to you some skills and abilities that you actually do not possess.

In this case, you may also be in trouble, because perhaps you will be assigned work that is not easy for you to cope with. The reasons for overestimation can be very reasonable, for example, employees will decide that because you have good education and work experience, it is easy for you to understand a certain problem. The fact that you don't have enough experience or skill doesn't matter to them. And you, in turn, are forced to try not to lose face.

Of course, if you honestly admit that you can't cope with such tasks, this will cause your colleagues to treat you in a less than favorable manner. They may think that you are not responsible enough, that you are lazy, and that you are deliberately ignoring the need to do serious work. This state of affairs will harm your career, and therefore it is better to avoid it.

Try to diplomatically explain to your employees that completing such an important and complex task is quite problematic for you. And the point is not about your abilities or lack thereof, but about the fact that you would like to gain proper experience from your more qualified colleagues. This method is good if you are a beginner. But what if you and your colleagues have been working together for many years and for some reason they consider you capable of carrying out important tasks? Of course, you cannot deny that you have certain experience and skills, so you are quite capable of doing what you are entrusted with.

If you really doubt that you are able to do a particular job well enough, discuss with your colleagues controversial issues that may cause you to make a mistake. Perhaps your colleagues themselves will try to help you with advice and recommendations.

In general, a situation where your abilities are overestimated for some reason is more profitable than if you are persistently underestimated. Overestimating your abilities is a kind of advance, which will later turn out to be completely deserved. Moreover, sooner or later you will rise to the level of a true professional and justify the trust of your colleagues.

So, if your colleagues have the wrong opinion about your abilities, do not let things take their course, but try to correct the situation as soon as possible. Don't forget that your employees are the people you spend nine hours with every day at work. So tense relationships are quite capable of turning this time into real torture, affecting the performance of official duties. However, if you are reasonable and diplomatic enough, you can achieve the most fruitful cooperation that will ensure your career.

Learn to resolve conflicts

You are a leader (it doesn’t matter whether it’s senior or lower), which means you need to be able to not only give orders and demand their execution. The job of a manager is much more intensive. It includes other duties that also need to be performed, and in a short time. The list of these responsibilities also includes resolving conflict situations at work, in a team, between lower and higher-ranking employees.

We will look at a number of such situations and give recommendations on how to neutralize them to make it easier for you to cope with this problem.

Situation No. 1. Two employees cannot decide which of them will work on this project.

How to resolve it? This situation occurs quite often in the workplace, and you need to develop a certain concept of behavior that you can constantly apply. What to do if this does happen?

First of all, invite your employees to your place, and you will be able to find out in a calm atmosphere their real plans for further work, that is, whether they have immediate developments, plans, and which of them is more prepared and knowledgeable on this topic.

This can be done with both employees at once, or by inviting them to the office separately. When inviting separately, try to give them the same amount of time and have both conversations on the same day. Based on the conversation, you can decide which of them is more worthy to take on this matter.

When making a decision and announcing it to the conflicting parties, you are obliged to give an explanation in which you indicate the reason for your choice.

Situation No. 2. The boss is dissatisfied with the quality of the work performed and finds fault with the employee.

How to resolve this situation? First of all, you yourself must see how correctly and efficiently the work was done; sometimes complaints from subordinates are unfounded. When you yourself are convinced that the work has been done efficiently, you can begin resolving the conflict that has arisen.

First of all, find out from senior management what the complaints are. Find out their rationale. If these are purely professional complaints (disagreements in the course of work, in the sequence of its implementation, in the quality of separately completed tasks), then this is one situation. If the boss is finding fault purely for his own personal reasons (he is a bad worker and cannot do everything correctly), this is a completely different matter.

Having learned about the reason for the nagging, you will be able to make a decision and resolve the situation without creating additional conflict between employees.

After you have reviewed the claims of each party, invite them to your office, where you can defuse the situation by explaining its reason to both parties.

Situation No. 3. The employee did not receive the required bonus for the work performed.

How to resolve it? If the work is completed, it must be paid. But sometimes situations arise when the financial situation does not allow you to allocate the necessary amount to pay for additional work done. What to do in this case? You can go several ways:

1) allocate the required amount from additional reserves (mutual aid fund, trade union, etc.);

2) apply for bonuses to one of the subsequent salaries;

3) give to the employee not in cash, but in another way (products of the enterprise, barter products);

4) this is the most difficult option, but sometimes it cannot be avoided. Just talk to the employee and find out how you can replace this bonus. These could be additional days of vacation, a temporary reduction in working hours, or a host of other concessions and incentives.

Situation 4. There is a struggle for the workplace.

How to resolve it? In many enterprises, work is carried out in several shifts; this, of course, increases productivity, but it is often a reason for a conflict situation, especially if the work is paid by the piece. Changing shifts always adds to the fuss. Some employees try to stay at work until the very last minute, after which they begin to get ready. And the shift worker stands and waits for all this to end, and he loses his working time.

In this situation, you must stand up for the victim, since he is the one who is wasting his time and cannot do his job as much as is required of him. You should develop a clearer work schedule and bring it to the general council. For example, immediate work must be completed within ten minutes, and the remaining working time must be used to put the workplace in order. And let the whole team make a common decision on this topic.

If the whole team makes a decision, you will have no choice but to approve it. In addition, you will be able to require its implementation from each employee.

Situation No. 5. The behavior of some employees leaves much to be desired.

How to resolve it? Sometimes a difficult situation may arise at work due to the fact that some employees allow themselves to be rude or indiscipline. The whole team suffers from this. Of course, you won’t be able to kick out such an employee, especially if, despite his shortcomings, he does the job efficiently.

But in a team in which such a violator of discipline works, conflicts cannot be avoided. What can you do in this situation? First of all, you must have a conversation with the person creating the conflict. Perhaps his behavior is temporary and due to something serious, such as difficulties or problems in his personal life. It happens that temporary personal problems affect people quite strongly, and they lose control over themselves, which leads to breakdowns that affect their communication with people. This can be neutralized by listening to the employee and coming to his aid.

But if he’s just rude and impudent, that’s a different matter. This will need to be changed somehow. Remember the movie “The Unyielding” and arm yourself with one of the ways to eliminate conflict. The second thing you can do is place the rude person in an environment where he will simply be ashamed to behave ugly. Promotion and assignment of difficult responsibilities are also a good cure for rudeness. Along with the promotion, other requirements begin to be applied to the employee, which will force him to behave differently.

Situation No. 6. There were disagreements between employees in solving the problem.

How to resolve it? Sometimes you give a team task that is completed by the entire department, and during the work, disagreements often arise between employees. It’s one thing when it’s minor differences of opinion, but another thing when it’s a real conflict. What to do if things have gone too far?

You can solve this problem in several ways.

1. Invite the conflicting parties and hold a production meeting with them, during which you find out exactly what details of the case led to the disagreement, and based on this information, solve the problem by choosing the best path for their further joint actions.

2. Invite each party separately, find out their requirements and desires and, based on this information, decide for yourself how to complete the work or task. After all, it was you who gave it,

which means it’s up to you to decide how to end it and what needs to be done for this.

But the situation can also be the most difficult; at the moment we want to talk about a situation where further activity is simply unrealistic, since the conflict has gone too far. In this case, you can do one thing: give the completion of the work to those employees who will complete it most efficiently and quickly (in your opinion). And so that a conflict does not arise on this basis, the remaining employees should receive a new job or assignment from you, so that they can also realize themselves in their work activities.

Situation No. 7. There is a mixture of business and personal relationships.

How to resolve it? Some employees allow so-called office romances. It’s one thing if this happens between “free” people or the relationship is not put on display, but it’s another thing if it happens in front of everyone. Some react negatively to this; on this basis, constant clashes occur between the “lovers” and the “moral inspector,” which lead to conflict, since personal relationships are everyone’s business.

In this situation, you can stand up for the couple and have a confidential conversation with the annoying employee (most often it is women who act as champions of morality). She must understand that their personal relationship does not concern her.

If you stand up for morality, then talk to the employees themselves who create a difficult environment in production. Let them behave more decently and not flaunt their relationship.

You can have conversations with both sides. This will be the best option even if you do both at the same time. The parties may sort things out a little, but this will happen in your office and will not affect the entire team. And the result can be much higher, since the parties will have the opportunity to express their opinion in the eyes of their opponent.

But the biggest problem will be the appearance of the “other half” of one of the employees in the office, who will tell you straight to your face that you are a lecher who allows such morally corrupting relationships to your employees. This will be your personal conflict, and it can be resolved in one way: to defend the injured party.

Situation No. 8. Temporary difficulties in production.

How to resolve it? In this situation, you will find yourself under fire from employee demands. Lack of work leads to lack of finances, which will not suit any employee.

In this situation, you will have to make a lot of effort to provide people with work, which you can later pay for adequately. To do this, you will need to hold a meeting at which you can collect the necessary information, proposals for innovations, proposals for other sources of work or direct developments.

After this, you can choose the best from everything offered and at least temporarily provide employees with work. During this time you will have to find your sources. Otherwise, what kind of leader are you if you cannot stand in this position?

We could list the situations endlessly, there are quite a lot of them, and they are quite diverse. If you are a good leader, then based on this information you can learn to neutralize any conflicts that may arise. We would like to note that the resolution of any conflict situation is, first of all, a conversation with both parties. With this in mind, you will be armed with all the knowledge you need. And if you can resolve a difficult situation, then you will be respected by both lower-level employees and your immediate superiors.

Don't get into an argument with your boss

The statement that truth is born in a dispute is not always true and relevant. There are situations when you should beware of categorical statements, so as not to create a negative situation and provoke a conflict. By the way, the latter is especially true in the work environment and, in particular, in relationships with superiors.

People who always strive to defend their point of view rarely achieve success in terms of professional growth. Disputants are disliked not only among department employees, but also at higher levels. And in fact, what can be the attitude of a boss towards a subordinate who is reputed to be a great debater? It is clear that the management is unlikely to bestow such an employee with their honors, since overly active defense of one’s point of view does not in any way endear the manager to his subordinate.

First of all, this happens because the boss considers it beneath his dignity to argue with his subordinates. And this really makes sense, because what the leader says, in theory, should not be discussed. Of course, disputes with superiors are perceived as if the subordinate does not agree with the principles of his leadership, and this, for obvious reasons, cannot but cause aggression.

Meanwhile, there is always a basis for disputes to arise. And it can be so difficult to resist the temptation to defend your opinion, prove that you are right and feel the sweet taste of this small victory! But in life, the opposite is most often the case—disputants are subjected to various persecutions and attacks. And when a serious conflict arises, those around us usually say: “It’s his own fault. There was no need to argue." Really, no need.

Moreover, there is no point in this. Disputes are an ostentatious way of demonstrating one’s importance, which, as practice shows, is very untenable.

Meanwhile, wise people know that the best way to achieve what they want is not to insist that they are right. "How so? – many will probably say, “after all, in this way you will have to agree with a point of view opposite to your own.” Yes, you will have to. But after this, space opens up for your own activity, because peaceful agreement with the opinion of another person does not mean at all that you need to act in accordance with his principles.

As an example, let us give an analogy with the relationship between spouses. One married couple celebrating their golden wedding was interviewed. When they were asked whether there were any serious conflicts in their family life, the wife wanted to answer. She said that married life is never cloudless and only worldly wisdom helps maintain the relationships that should exist between family members.

And then the journalist asked whether there were any contradictions between the spouses that were difficult to resolve peacefully and that threatened to result in serious conflicts. “Yes,” the woman answered, “and this certainly happened. But one little trick has always helped me. I never entered into open disputes, because I did not see a more useless activity. In words, I always agreed with my husband, no matter what he said. But she still acted as she considered necessary.”

Of course, at work it can be difficult to get things done the way you think necessary, because there are too many controlling people who monitor the progress of the process. We will not advise acting contrary to everyone, since such tactics do not contribute to well-being and professional growth.

However, when it comes to unprincipled workflow issues, here you can resort to small tricks. For example, use to your advantage the fact that management, as a rule, controls the overall progress of the work process, without going into a detailed study of how exactly the job is done. And if so, it means that it is quite possible to use the space for creativity and look for your own ways of execution. Believe me, no one will judge you for this.

But let's return to the main topic of this chapter - disputes. It is they who serve as the factor that negatively affects relationships between people, and in the case of a boss and a subordinate, they can generally become a reason for a serious problem. After all, if the boss is dissatisfied with the behavior of his employee, then he can transfer this personal attitude to the work process, and then the subordinate will have a hard time.

Usually the desire to argue is present among young workers who have not yet had time to gain worldly wisdom. Youthful maximalism, characteristic of youth, often finds manifestations in the most inappropriate guises. Well, nothing can be done, in order to gain experience, you need to make mistakes and try, and before a person begins to really understand the principles of work, he must learn to understand life. After all, at work, wherever it is carried out, not only direct production or any other type of profit-generating activity occurs. The fact of interaction between the people who make up the work team remains undoubted. And problems that arise in relationships inevitably affect the course of affairs.

If a fully grown and mature person enters into active disputes with his superiors, then he can put an end to his career. This is beyond doubt among people who more or less understand life. And the desire to defend one’s point of view in insignificant disputes that have no fundamental meaning is completely incomprehensible. We can conclude that a person who gets into such disputes with his superiors is simply childish.

In order to make a career, a person must first of all be a diplomat. And you should not make categorical statements that this contradicts the concept of one’s own dignity, because such a statement does not correspond to the truth.

Defending your point of view is not at all evidence of inner strength and significance; most often it is a banal way to rise in your own eyes and raise your authority among others. It should be borne in mind that everyone understands this perfectly well, and therefore they often make fun of active debaters.

Disputes often do not, and cannot, make sense for one simple reason. There are people who, even if they realize that they are wrong, still defend their opinion. And if your boss is just this type, then it will be very difficult to prove anything to him, even if he is clearly wrong.

But on the other hand, you need to keep in mind that agreeing with any boss’s theory can sometimes also have not the most rosy consequences. So, in particular, there are situations when the leader seems to be making a trial, cautiously expressing an idea that has not currently been thought through at the proper level. He can thus check the employee for seriousness and thoroughness. And if an employee, without understanding the essence of the situation, immediately agrees with the arguments that his boss gives him, then most likely he will not prove himself in the best way in his eyes.

What to do in this situation? In principle, the answer to this question is very simple, but sometimes it is not easy to translate it into real life. The fact is that when communicating with superiors, a subordinate must express specific rationalization ideas, proposals and thoughts regarding the conduct of the work process. This is what is commonly called initiative. This quality is precisely the factor that in most cases contributes to career growth.

However, you should understand the difference between initiative and assertiveness, bordering on arrogance. If the first is the quality for which a true leader values ​​and respects his subordinate, then the second is directly opposite to it. No one will agree to tolerate a disputant in their subordination if this can somehow negatively affect the work process. And this will certainly happen if the topic of dispute becomes something related to the operation of the enterprise.

If an employee argues with his boss solely on abstract grounds, then this indicates his abstraction from the work process, which, for obvious reasons, also cannot contribute to the boss’s special disposition towards this person.

Whatever one may say, it turns out that disputes in the full sense of the word are a very negative factor.

However, there is one point that inevitably evokes sympathy on the part of the manager in relation to the person below him. We are talking about a situation where a local boss stands up for the interests of his employees, without being afraid to defend them before his superiors. This quality is attractive, especially among experienced managers.

Be that as it may, every person who holds a certain position and does not want to part with his place must keep in mind that disputes with superiors do not lead to anything good, and certainly do not contribute to professional growth. However, like lack of initiative, which can also slow down career development. There remains one solution that is so universal that sometimes just following it can lead to incredible success in the work environment. A person seeking to make a career, in addition to professional potential, must certainly have diplomacy, which allows him to smooth out rough edges in relations with colleagues and avoid the underwater reefs of his activities.

Two faces of the team: informal and working relationships

A team is a group of people united by common goals and objectives, which has achieved a high level of development in the process of joint activities. A special type of interpersonal relationship is formed in a team, which is characterized by: high cohesion, collectivist self-determination, as opposed to conformity and nonconformity, manifested in groups of a low level of development, identification of the team, socially valuable nature of the motivation for interpersonal choices, high self-referentiality of team members in relation to each other , objectivity in assigning and accepting responsibility for the results of joint activities.

In a team that has all of the above characteristics, conditions are created for the comprehensive and harmonious development of each member of the team, and this also contributes to the emergence of collectivism as a special quality of group development.

The team is also characterized by the fact that a number of socio-psychological patterns appear in it, which are qualitatively different from the patterns of groups of a low level of development. So, there is a certain series of patterns. As the team grows larger, the contribution made by its members does not decrease, nor does the level of group emotional identification decrease. As the team grows, the motivation for joint activities does not weaken either.

In any team there is a positive connection between the effectiveness of joint activities and a favorable psychological climate. In random communities, the probability of providing assistance to the victim decreases with an increase in the number of eyewitnesses, but in a team this effect is absent.

Group processes in a team are hierarchical and form a multi-level structure, the core of which is joint activity determined by socially significant goals. So, in a team we can distinguish three levels. The first level of the collective is formed by the relationships of its members to the content and values ​​of collective activity, ensuring its cohesion. The second level is interpersonal relationships mediated by joint activities. The third level is interpersonal relationships mediated by value orientations not related to joint activities. The patterns operating at this level of the team’s structure do not appear at the second, and vice versa, therefore assessments relating, for example, to facts obtained within the third level cannot be transferred to the characteristics of the second level and the team as a whole.

Now let's take a closer look at the structure of the team. After all, if in a diffuse collective or group relationships are relatively direct, then in a highly developed community group processes are indirect and form strata.

The central link of the group structure is formed by the collective activity itself, its socio-political and socio-economic characteristics. The first level fixes the relationship of each member of the group, collective to the common activity, its goals, objectives, principles on which it is built, and also fixes the motivation of the activity, its social meaning for each member of the team. The second level localizes the characteristics of interpersonal relationships mediated by joint activities, as well as principles, ideas, and value guidelines accepted in the team. The last superficial level of interpersonal relations in a team presupposes the presence of certain connections (mainly emotional), in relation to which neither joint goals of activity nor value guidelines generally significant for the group act as the main factor, personal contacts of team members. But the above does not mean that such connections are direct. In general, it can hardly be assumed that the relationship of at least two people does not have an intermediary link in the form of common interests or tastes. But the content of group activity does not essentially affect these connections or is detected to a very weak extent.

The most important characteristic of a team is unity, which is manifested in the similarity of value ideas of group members about the subject or purpose of joint activity.

A team is a kind of group, a human community, distinguished on the basis of a certain characteristic.

There is a classification of groups into large and small, which, in turn, are divided into real (contact) and conditional, formal and informal.

Large groups can be real, forming a social community, including a significant number of people, existing in a common space and time. The labor collective can be classified as such groups.

Small groups are a kind of community connected by the real interaction of the individuals included in them and the real relationships between them. Such groups can be formal or informal. Informal groups differ from formal ones by the established system of interpersonal relationships, such as friendship, sympathy, mutual understanding, and trust. They can act as separate communities, or they can develop and turn out to be quite stable within official groups (an example here would be a friendly company in a work team). Finally, the formal group can retain all the characteristics and qualities of the informal group.

Thus, the boundaries between official and informal groups are very blurred, conditional and relative.

Communication and activity in any group, in any team, is determined and regulated by social relations that determine the way of life of the people included in these groups, relations that shape their values, ideals, beliefs, and worldviews.

People included in a team cannot be there in equal conditions and positions in relation to each other or to what the team is doing. Each member of the team, in accordance with his personal and business qualities, has a certain status, i.e. certain rights and responsibilities assigned to him, which indicate his place in the group, as well as his recognition or non-recognition by other members of the team.

So, very often in any groups, as well as in work collectives, there is a leader. A leader is a person for whom all other members of a team or group recognize the right to take the most responsible decisions that affect their interests and interests, determining the direction and nature of the activities of the entire group. Thus, the system of official leadership of a team may or may not coincide with the distribution of unofficial authority within it and the promotion of unofficial leaders, or there may not be a clearly defined leader at all. Leadership can be shared by two or more people. Usually an experienced person who has “eaten a pound of salt” becomes a leader. But as a rule, such people remain simply authorities with whom they go for advice, from whom they look for solutions to problems, most often work-related problems. It happens that sometimes a new person comes to the team and immediately wins the title of leader, often due to the characteristics of his character.

But it happens that there is no need to talk about any leadership at all. The team works like a machine, and there are no failures in work, but the atmosphere is heavy. People in such a team are afraid to communicate and rarely approach each other, only on work-related issues. It is difficult to say what this depends on in a given team; there may be many determining factors. Perhaps in such groups it is not customary to communicate closely and discuss pressing problems; perhaps in this group there is a mixture of different ages, and young people are in the minority, or vice versa.

There are also groups in which people communicate with each other both on work issues and on issues of everyday life. Typically, informal communication in such groups does not go beyond questions about where someone bought this or that item, and dry congratulations on the holidays. Such cases occur quite often, but over time, such a team has the opportunity to degenerate into a very friendly team. Usually such cool relationships exist in new, not yet established teams. But very quickly they develop into a well-coordinated team with informal relationships within.

Team “Time for business - time for fun”

Typically, in most teams it is not customary to have informal conversations during working hours. At the same time, everyday informal communication is limited only to the polite question “how are you?” or “how is it at home?” Such questions are not answered at length and in detail; they are usually asked out of politeness. It’s just that in teams it is not customary to communicate closely during working hours, but here it is customary to celebrate all kinds of holidays on a wide scale, which is characteristic of the Russian people. In such groups, they often celebrate the New Year and birthdays together, but they do this on the eve of the date itself, which is celebrated with the family. Usually, in such groups, it is during such celebrations that informal communication takes place.

At such holidays, both the boss and the subordinate are all equal. But, unfortunately, this type of informal communication now remains only in old factories or in old-school organizations. Agree, there are a lot of positive features in such relationships. Thus, colleagues do not distract each other from work, communicate with minimal losses, and if they communicate closely, it is not to the detriment of work. This is a friendly and well-working team that knows their job and lives by the principle: time for business - time for fun.

Team “Both Friends and Colleagues”

A very interesting type of team. People work here who are united not only by joint activities, but also by other broader interests. Typically, such a team is not large in number; as a rule, it is five to seven people who have been working together for a long time. And, as a rule, young people occupy leadership positions in such teams. The leadership chair is shared by two comrades who decided to open their own business together.

Such managers recruit their own team; usually their team includes people of approximately the same age as them, often their acquaintances. After some time of working together, people in such a team become so accustomed to each other that they do not make any distinction between colleagues and just friends. Most often, such relationships arise in small, as mentioned earlier, groups, where all members of the group “live” in the same room. These are private companies with a small staff. The day in such organizations begins with continuations of conversations that were started in the evening. Therefore, at first it is difficult for beginners to navigate such a team. But in less than a couple of weeks, the newcomer will feel equal to the rest. In such a team, it is not unusual for subordinates to easily communicate with their boss on equal terms. In such organizations it is not customary to call each other by last name and first name and patronymic, but simply by first name, even to the boss.

This is a very friendly team; they celebrate all holidays together, as families, going on picnics. Since quite young people work in such organizations, many of them do not yet have families, and couples often form in such teams. After and outside of work, colleagues spend a significant amount of time together. It is more like a very friendly group of schoolchildren who achieve everything not individually, but together. As for the work itself, everyone does it properly, because they understand that if they don’t work well, they will lose not only their jobs, but also their friends. They take their work responsibly, and they are not averse to jokes about each other and their work.

These are the teams of the future, where liberated people work. The main thing about them is that, in addition to joint activities, people are united by common interests.

Between these two borderline types of collectives there are intermediate types. The qualities of these two teams are not so strongly expressed in the intermediate ones. In some groups one trait is more pronounced, in others another. And which of these types of teams is the best is up to you to decide, and it’s in your hands to make the situation in your team better.

The problem of team cohesion is of great practical importance, primarily for selecting groups of people who are able to best solve practical problems. A close-knit team is able to better cope with difficulties, work together, create the most favorable opportunities for the development of the personality of each team member, and remain as a single whole even in unfavorable conditions. The only question is how to identify, using experimental methods, the presence or absence of cohesion in a team.

Understanding a team as a set of people united by a common activity and in direct contact, a number of psychologists identify the cohesion of a team with the contact nature of its members. There is a direct connection between the number, frequency and intensity of interactions and contacts in a team and its cohesion. This connection is that the number and strength of positive or negative choices is evidence of a certain level of group cohesion. This is where the measurement principle was derived - the coefficient of group cohesion, which is defined as the quotient of dividing the number of mutual connections by the number possible for a given group. However, this method can only establish the quality of communication in a group of employees, but not necessarily the cohesion of the team.

A leader definitely needs to know his team. By getting to know him better, you will know all the strengths and weaknesses of your work and activities. Gradually, you will be able to change the work of your team in the right direction, and thereby improve the productivity of your team. In order to get to know the team better, you can hire a professional and competent psychologist to your staff, who will help you find out everything about each employee and help you recruit a new staff, where people will be suitable not only for their work qualities, but also for their psychological ones.


The world does not stand still, it is constantly evolving and does not allow those who want to climb the development ladder at the same pace to stand still. This also applies to women over 40 who are either bosses or subordinates in the team. And if in the first case everything is extremely clear and uncomplicated, then what should those who have just joined a young team with an average age of 30 years do?

Psychology of a young team: types of relationships at work and some nuances

The psychology of relationships in a team is a complex topic that should be considered on each individual case. The reason for the subjective analysis of the situation lies in the human factor, which manifests itself atypically in a variety of cases. There is no one system that can predict what will cause a conflict situation. Thus, anything can become a bone of contention, since all people are different, and it will not be possible to measure them with one yardstick.

There are three main types of relationships at work:

  1. Equals. These are friendly relations between colleagues, which provide not only mutual assistance, but also the opportunity to make a comment if necessary. In this case, everything is smooth in the team, no one quarrels or has conflicts. But there are also exceptions in which superiors develop friendly relations with a subordinate, thereby distinguishing him from the rest, which can cause envy and serious problems.
  2. Psychology of relationships at work between senior and junior from the position of a senior employee. Such relationships are divided into mentor-student and supervisor-subordinate. The first option is convenient because in this case the mentor does not participate in the same work processes as the student, so the relationship is neutral and safe. In the second case, we are talking about business relationships that do not involve support and participation, friendly conversations and advice. The manager punishes the subordinate for misconduct and rewards him for success, but in no way distinguishes him from the rest of the team.
  3. Psychology of relationships in a team of junior and senior from the position of a junior employee. Here the situation is exactly the same as in the previous type of relationship, only it is viewed from the position of a junior employee, which applies to both an experienced specialist and a completely green student undergoing an internship. Relationships with a mentor presuppose advice and all possible support, and with a manager - conscientious fulfillment of one’s direct responsibilities.

Working relationships: nuances and subtleties

The psychology of relationships between colleagues can be understood with effort. If you do not want to become a cause of conflict, but feel insecure in a young team, talk to those employees you trust. By expressing your dissatisfaction, desires, fears and gratitude, you simplify the situation. It is always easy to understand what is happening and what will happen, what to do next if you are an open and friendly person who does not remain silent when misunderstandings arise. Very often, misunderstandings become the cause of conflicts in a team. You will be misunderstood, you will misunderstand someone, and it will no longer be possible to quickly solve the problem.

Conflicts in a team: what is the cause?

Anything can happen at work - anyone who has changed teams more than once, moving from one organization to another knows this. Thus, a woman who has become part of a new and fairly young team faces several problems:

The psychology of relationships in a team at work is something that develops on its own when a team of people with different ideas about the work process is formed. It is impossible to say with certainty what exactly will cause the conflict in a particular situation, but against the backdrop of technologies that continue to develop, new business programs being introduced, which all companies that want to further grow in a changing world have to work on, the main ones are the three mentioned.

How to prevent conflict?

In the first case, you should rely only on education. If a young specialist adequately perceives his position At work, brought up and accustomed to listening to elders, no special problems will arise. But this is not always the case, so you should initially dot all the i’s by discussing the problem in its infancy, without allowing it to develop.

Senior-junior relationships presuppose that the first specialist has more experience and the second specialist has practically no experience. In such a situation, you can only rely on your own patience. By presenting herself without arrogance, but with rigor, an older woman will be able to achieve well-coordinated work, a desire to cooperate in complex issues, and effective solutions to emerging problems.

To solve the problem of handling modern technologies, a woman should take care of improving her qualifications and taking special courses that will help her become familiar with current innovations and not lose face.

Women's team and its problems

The situation is more complicated with the psychology of relationships at work in a female team. If it happens that a woman over 40 joins a young women’s team that has not changed for several years in a row, problems can arise out of nowhere. This is due to the extreme suspicion of newly-made colleagues, who may be kind and sympathetic people, but behave somewhat biasedly, fearing drastic changes that have occurred at work.

The psychology of communication between women's teams should be built on mutual trust. This is the only way to achieve a calm atmosphere, because everyone knows that one squabble can cause an entire local war when it comes to women. It is also worth taking into account the presence of superiors, who, being of the stronger sex, are unlikely to want to see strained and unproductive relationships in their team. It is often difficult for a male leader to understand the root cause of the conflict, so both sides will most likely be to blame.

The psychology of the female team remains a dark forest for many. But not for the women themselves. If you are in your fourth decade and are confident about further career growth or working in a company that you like, even with a completely unfamiliar team, get ready for difficulties. Better yet, overtake them, initially setting yourself up in a peaceful and friendly manner. A lot depends on the first meeting with future colleagues. Think carefully about your behavior, how you will demonstrate professionalism and willingness to work as part of a team.

Kinship relationships and gender issues

It is difficult to say what is the bigger problem - family relationships or mutual understanding between a man and a woman. In the first case, you have to deal with a number of natural nuances:

  • envy of colleagues;
  • rejection of the team;
  • evil rumors.

It just so happens that family relationships are normally perceived only in a number of individual and, one might say, unique cases, when the family business grows and develops, and leadership positions are traditionally occupied by heirs. But most often, the team is faced with the fact that one of the management’s many relatives is hired for a good position, but he is not able to cope with the responsibilities assigned to him. If a woman finds herself in such a situation, everything gets even worse, because then certain prejudices affect the first impression. You can avoid such problems by proving your ability to cope with assigned tasks and responsibilities.

Relationships between a man and a woman are always difficult when it comes to business cooperation. Different views on problems, different ideas about their possible solutions and a completely different style of communication with colleagues. All this can cause both conflicts and quarrels not related to work. However, according to many psychologists, it is much easier to work in a diverse team than with just women or men.

As a woman over 40, when you go to work in a new team, you will not encounter anything fundamentally new. Other means of achieving goals are used, which remain unchanged from decade to decade - productive and well-coordinated work of the team is still the very desired result that those who want to succeed in climbing the career ladder strive for. By working effectively in one team, you will achieve personal and professional growth, since a good specialist will find his place in a team of any age.

Good relationships in the work team not only create a pleasant atmosphere, but can also have a direct positive impact on increasing the efficiency of both each individual employee and the organization as a whole. Establishing team relationships between various representatives of the company is, first of all, the task of managers. However, even if you are currently at the bottom of your firm's job hierarchy, the tips below can be extremely helpful. Try suggesting them to your immediate supervisor for consideration. The advice from NameWoman is based on the idea of ​​establishing bonds of mutual aid and mutual support. So, if you want your work to be one for all and for everyone to be for one, and for the common cause to strengthen and develop, do the following:

1. Put into practice QBQ business

QBQ (The Question Behind the Question) is a special personal responsibility strategy actively promoted by John and Karen Miller. John Miller is a well-known business coach, founder of the QBQ consulting company, and author of a methodology for developing personal responsibility. Karen Miller is his wife and like-minded person, the mother of seven children and John’s co-author on the book “The Rules of Happy Families.”

The QBQ strategy is equally applicable both in work and in personal life. It’s very simple: take responsibility for what is happening (bad behavior of a child, infighting or lack of motivation within the team of your organization) and ask yourself “What your actions led to the existing problem", "Where to start to you to change this." Regardless of your position in the company, you can start small, in the morning before the start of the work day, ask your colleagues or manager, emphasizing the importance to you of the atmosphere and success of the organization, “what can you do to become a more useful employee / how to contribute to the development of more trusting relationships / how or how to help colleagues in their work.” This principle will help you begin to change the world and atmosphere from yourself - by building confidence and positive thinking. The destructive principles of finding the guilty and the like are cut off.

2. Play Mutual Ring

In a certain sense, this can be linked to the QBQ strategy, making it a deep reflection. The Mutual Aid Ring is an exercise and business tool created by husband and wife team Wayne and Cheryl Baker for Humax. Gather together a small group of employees (15-30 people) and invite each of them to approach the others with a request. It can be either work-related (searching for a mentor or needing information that will help career growth) or not (requesting advice on where to go on vacation, or finding a tutor for a child), the main requirement is that it must be meaningful. The rest should try to solve the problem voiced, using their resources, knowledge and connections.

Personally, after playing the “Ring of Mutual Aid” game with executives, managers and employees of many companies, such asIBM,CitigroupEsteeLauder,UPS,Novartis andBoeing, was amazed at the variety of requests fulfilled: from work inGoogle and help you find a mentor to getting an autograph from your favorite professional football player. But before this happened, many participants in the game strongly doubted that anyone would provide the help they needed. And every time I said: “You simply underestimate the number of altruists in your ranks.”

Adam Grant, "Give or Take?"

3. Help others and yourself make work more attractive to increase selflessness

Another tip, vividly illustrated by Adam Grant in the book "Take or Give?" In 2011, a certain Jay (president of a transnational trading company) sent out an e-mail to all employees about entrusting each of them with a top-secret mission, the details of which were to be announced in a personal meeting - face to face. In one-on-one meetings with each employee, Jay asked about the interests, hobbies and places of his subordinates and asked what they would devote their time to most happily. After which he explained that a confidential project is a personal development that an employee can do with pleasure for the benefit of himself and others. Each person's personal project had to meet the following conditions:

Be attractive to at least one other person in the company;

The implementation of the project should not be costly (represent a realistic vision of changes in working conditions, increasing its attractiveness);

You need to start the project yourself.

Over the course of a year, Jay monitored how employees were coping with the mission assigned to them. Two thirds tried to complete the task assigned to them, half of them succeeded. One successful example was a book club, where employees read books and then discussed topics that were interesting to them personally and useful for their work.

4. Launch a program of support and gratitude to “givers”

The strong team of a successful company is made up of people who are committed to giving back and are supported in this great initiative. It is advisable not to leave even small good deeds unnoticed; a project to support them can be completely inexpensive. Keep a special gratitude board with little sticky notes where anyone can note how someone has helped them in any way. All employees of the company will be able to read such messages of gratitude; they will strengthen the reputation of “givers”, serve as motivation for selflessness and simply lift the mood in the team.

5. Maintain useful informal communication

A common cause and common leisure bring people closer together, which is why serious companies conduct general trainings, organize holidays with the invitation of relatives of employees, and hold off-site events with team games. All this, when carried out competently, helps to establish relationships within the team. But such programs are organized only from time to time, while regularity and frequency are very important. Make a system of joint breakfasts before the start of the working day or special coffee breaks. It is enough to carry them out once a week - on Monday or Friday. Start by planning who will be responsible for what. Anna will organize a snack, Lena will set the table, Kirill will briefly talk about the company’s latest achievements and how they will affect everyone, Ivan Petrovich will recognize those who particularly distinguished themselves in the last week. Give everyone a minute to note the most positive and most difficult moments of the past period. Take advantage of this time for a very brief presentation of useful literature or a new film “on the topic”, to launch a weekly mutual aid ring.

Maria Koshenkova

based on the books “The Rules of Happy Families” by John and Karen Miller

and “Take or give?” Adam Grant

Mobbing, bullying, bossing... These mysterious words mean just different options for bullying an employee they don’t like at work, organized by one or several people. Do you think this is not a threat to you? You are wrong. Any of us can become a potential victim, and the number of victims of office terror runs into the millions all over the world.

Conspiracy against the victim

Alla knows firsthand what it’s like when a team rejects you and doesn’t let you into their friendly ranks. She once worked in a company where the main contingent of workers were ladies much older than her. But instead of maternal care, the girl was faced with ignorance and open hostility from her colleagues. And although she liked the work and her bosses had no complaints against her, Alla had to quit a few months after the conspiracy against her began.

This is a typical example of mobbing ( mob- crowd), or persecution by a group of people of one person. As a rule, the goal of mobbing and other types of psychological pressure is to make the victim lose his nerve and shamefully flee from the “battlefield.”

The main difference between targeted bullying and ordinary conflicts and strained relationships with someone is its consistency and duration, from several weeks to several years. There are other signs that suggest that a war has been launched against you. For example, regular criticism, often too petty or lacking any specifics; ridicule and insults; threats and outright slander. They hide important information from you or do not provide it on time; are loaded with tasks that are not particularly relevant to your competence; they are not invited to joint team events... But if you are presented with justified complaints about the truly poor quality of your work, you cannot attribute them to bullying.

A person subjected to psychological terror may also develop health problems: sleep disorders, physical exhaustion, constant migraines, and various diseases. Self-esteem falls, self-doubt appears. When dealing with health problems, pursuers will also not fail to play another trump card: “Why keep an employee who is always on sick leave?”

Five reasons for mobbing

There are several most common reasons for mobbing and its variants.

  1. Banal envy and the fear that you will cross someone's path - this is why successful professionals are quite often ostracized.
  2. Sometimes the trigger becomes quarrel between people which, when reaching its peak, leads to harassment in the workplace.
  3. Another option - the boss and his subordinate have already had a relationship, going beyond the official: for example, friendship or love. But then they were interrupted. However, both parties have to work together, and in some cases the boss will try to get rid of the person with whom he had something in common.
  4. Most often, office wars are provoked by unhealthy atmosphere in the company— constant staff turnover, a strict system of fines and control, distrust of each other. In such a team there is tension hidden for the time being, which sooner or later will require release. And then anyone can become a scapegoat.
  5. A large role in determining whether there is a witch hunt tendency in an organization is leader's personality. There are bosses who love to manipulate people and pit them against each other. Collective bullying of an employee occurs with their tacit approval, or even at their suggestion, when they want to get rid of an objectionable person through the wrong hands. Sometimes managers underestimate the seriousness of the current situation, tolerate such antics of their subordinates and do not take any measures against the instigators of bullying, leaving them with a feeling of impunity. But the boss, like no one else, is responsible for the positive psychological climate in the team and the resolution of industrial conflicts.

Daria Stasevich, psychologist

Some companies have adopted “hazing” of newcomers; this is a kind of tradition of joining the team. When you go through this stage, everything will most likely work out. You can look at the reasons for putting pressure on yourself from the other side. Perhaps similar situations have already occurred in your life. Then you need to figure out what in your behavior can provoke others to such an attitude. For example, you are used to playing the role of a victim and do not know how to stand up for yourself. Or you are too different from your colleagues - in behavior, appearance - and they do not understand or accept you. Among other reasons - you, out of ignorance or deliberately, ignore the established “rules of the game” and do not share the values ​​of the group; you came to the company through connections; They want to put “their” person in your place.

Bullying: one on one

When the boss of Maya, who worked as an assistant judge, was hospitalized for a whole year due to a serious illness, his employees were temporarily transferred to another site. There the woman had to deal with the inappropriate behavior of one of her colleagues. “She worked as an assistant to my new boss and for some reason immediately took a dislike to me, she did dirty tricks with terrible force. Either she would spread rumors behind my back that I supposedly got the job through bed. she gave it to me,” Maya shares.

This is another version of psychological terror - bullying (bully), or the persecution by one person of another, usually of equal status. It is believed that a characteristic feature of bullers is a constant thirst for “fresh blood”. Often after the victim, unable to withstand the bullying, quits, the attacker takes over for the next “lamb.”

How to improve relationships?

If you feel that a purposeful large-scale action is being carried out against you, you can choose several fighting strategies. The main thing is to realize what you are willing to fight for.

Try to rebuff the aggressors decisively. Another option is to ignore the attacks with the expectation that sooner or later they will leave you alone. A technique such as “external agreement” also helps: “Perhaps you are right, I’ll think about it.” Sometimes this has the effect of surprise: you were expected to have an outburst of anger or lame excuses, and now you have a chance to take control of the situation.

Ask your boss for help. By and large, mobbing or bullying can be stopped if the appropriate measures are taken. Otherwise, further struggle for your rights may turn into a battle with windmills.

You can also take certain steps to prevent possible negative attitudes towards yourself. When hiring, find out what the company's corporate culture and values ​​are, whether mutual assistance, respect for each other, etc. are accepted. Sources of such information are interviews with the HR manager and the future manager. If you are hired by a company whose products you have used, pay attention to how the stores of this organization treat customers. After all, this is often a reflection of the style of relationships within the company. During the probationary period you can also learn a lot of interesting things. For example, about whether there is pressure on any of the employees. If such a phenomenon exists, draw appropriate conclusions.

Karina Khutaeva, director of the international educational center

If you experience bullying at work, stay calm and don't stoop to the level of the bullies. Don't yell or intimidate back. Often, “attackers” deliberately provoke you, expecting retaliatory aggression, since this will give them a chance to respond to you with even stronger provocation. It is not recommended to cry or show your weakness; this is expected of you first of all. Continue to do quality work, because “well-wishers” hope to see you broken, and when you achieve success over and over again, they perceive it as failure. Be sure to show the results of your work to your superiors to protect yourself from malicious slander about your unprofessionalism. And do not allow yourself to be isolated from your loyal colleagues; maintain business and friendly ties with them.

Natalya Verigina, business coach

People with low self-esteem often become victims of bullying or mobbing, so it is important to work on increasing it. This will help by contacting a psychologist, participating and winning professional skills competitions. Those who keep themselves apart from the group are often persecuted. Learn to build relationships with people - this will make it easier to establish contact with colleagues and form an “army of allies.” They can be employees not only from their own, but also from related departments, and even more important - the immediate supervisor. Learn to defend your position, taking into account the interests of all parties and the “rituals” accepted in the company, so that controversial situations do not develop into a violent conflict. Do not create enemies for yourself with your own hands.

Bossing: boss - against

The confrontation between Nina and her boss has been going on for a long time, and no one will remember the root cause. The manager creates an unbearable work environment for his employee. He sets unrealistic deadlines for her to complete tasks, demands strict adherence to labor discipline, and the rest are given significant concessions. Nina is under constant stress, and the only thing stopping her from quitting is the even greater fear of being unemployed.

In this case we are talking about bossing ( boss- chief, boss), bullying by a leader of his subordinate. In fact, this is the same bullying, but not horizontal, but vertical. It is usually used when the boss does not have enough compelling arguments to legally fire a person.

As a rule, the victim has little hope of getting help from his colleagues, because they are not at all eager to fall under the punishing sword. Sometimes the boss’s attitude towards someone is perceived by his subordinates as a clear indication of action; in such a situation, the person is under the crossfire of bullying from literally all sides.

They may put pressure on you, forcing you to urgently write a letter of resignation of your own free will. Do not make any decisions in a hurry; you have every right to take a break to think. If you agree to quit your job, try to negotiate a dismissal by agreement of the parties. This assumes that both sides are willing to make concessions to each other. You leave, and the employer, if you can reach an agreement with him, pays severance pay in a certain amount. After all, dismissal on one’s own initiative only involves compensation for unused vacation.

Experts recommend, in any case, to quit a company where people are allowed to terrorize people with impunity, and the sooner the better. Otherwise, the consequences for your health and psychological state may become irreversible.

Daria Stasevich, psychologist

If your boss decides to fire you, you will have a very difficult time. But your departure is not the only scenario, although it is very likely. You can try to transfer to another department of the same company or to another branch or even region, if possible. You can turn to your superiors or the court for help. There are also city and district labor inspectorates. It is important to provide documentary evidence of violation of your rights - voice recordings of conversations with superiors, various correspondence, an employment contract, etc. will do.

No matter what position we hold, no matter how long we work, as a rule, each of us works in a team. Even those who work remotely (from home) do not fall under the exception, because they, one way or another, have to communicate with the manager, and for some, with other employees of this company. We often depend on these people at work, which is why the role of relationships with colleagues is extremely important. After all, it’s difficult to work when relationships with colleagues are difficult and sometimes hostile, when relationships with superiors don’t work out either, in a word - when psychological climate in the team leaves much to be desired; few people manage to effectively fulfill their work responsibilities. We’ll talk about this today, and also look at some behavior patterns that will help you.

Modern companies have long been conducting all sorts of trainings for managers, which tell them how to instill a sense of teamwork, responsibility and organization in their subordinates, thereby increasing efficiency and labor efficiency.

So how can an ordinary employee improve relationships within a team? To more clearly examine the relationships in a team, let’s divide them into four groups (4 types):

  1. Human rigidlike he’s always right in everything, it’s simply impossible and useless to argue with him. It is better to try to communicate with him, guided by the rules, laws and instructions. He will respect such people, but your personal opinion is unlikely to ever interest him.
  2. Pedanticpeople always question everything, are constantly ready for something, even the most trifling detail, and to find fault. But they have a big advantage: such a person can be entrusted with the most tedious and painstaking work.
  3. People demonstrative like they are ready to do anything just to capture the attention of others. Everyone has met such “artists”. Give him this attention, and then he will move mountains!
  4. I agree with everything . This type of person is easy to communicate and open. However, there is a minus: you will soon see that all his promises are dust. Therefore, you should not rely on such a person, no matter how kind he may be.

Also, do not forget that team relationships largely depend on ourselves, because we are not always “angels” either. Even if you suddenly get a new job, or if you hire new employees with whom you don’t have a good relationship, you shouldn’t immediately antagonize or give up, frantically looking for a new job. A way out of the situation can always be found, especially since it is impossible to change another person, and it is not necessary, because no two people are the same, we are all different, each has our own character and temperament. Therefore, the only thing that can be done in this situation is to work on yourself. After all, as they say: “If you want to change the world, start with yourself”! “But how to work on yourself, what exactly needs to be changed in yourself?”, you ask. But you don’t need much - just change your attitude to the situation and control all your actions and words; at work it’s impossible to do otherwise. Here are some guidelines to help you improve team relationships:

  1. Sooner or later at work, you may develop friendly relationships with some of the employees. There are both pros and cons here. If you have such a trusting relationship with any of your employees, as they can have with the best friends in everyday life, then you must remember that if a conflict arises, you risk turning from good friends into enemies. And don’t blame me here, more than half of the company you work for can find out all your secrets. Of course, here everything depends on the person’s decency, since not everyone will rush to tell everything about your life after the first quarrel. But, nevertheless, it is worth being prepared for such an outcome of events. If you want to avoid all this, then it is better to just have good relationships with your colleagues. But you shouldn't tell your new friend and co-worker about your secrets, at least until you know him well enough to be sure that your secrets will never be known to others.
  2. Be friendly with all employees of the company, as well as with your superiors. This will work to your advantage. Don’t forget about the basic rules of etiquette - say hello to all the employees you meet along the way, even if you don’t know them personally. Of course, you don’t need to start a completely unnecessary conversation with each of them; it will just be enough to say: “Hello” or “hello” (depending on the relationship). Also while waiting for the elevator, you can exchange a few phrases with them.
  3. Never take part in squabbles and gossip; this is not a sign of good upbringing. If one of your employees tries to “wash someone’s bones” with you, nip it in the bud by letting him know that you are not at all interested in this. As for gossip behind your back, you shouldn’t take it to heart. Those whose lives are uninteresting or unsuccessful often have a desire to gossip about others. But that's just their problem.
  4. You should not complain to your boss about your colleagues and vice versa.
  5. The topic of discussing salary is considered impolite, even indecent, especially if you have signed a non-disclosure document.
  6. If your boss insulted you or shouted at you, you should not look for the “extreme” to “let off steam.” It’s better to find another way to relax, for example, physical labor is the best way to relieve stress. If there is no opportunity to do something “useful” at your job, then try to hold out until the lunch break, either for a while (about 15 minutes, if possible), distract yourself and take up a hobby, or just listen to your favorite music. In any case, this will be better than suppressing negative emotions and spending the rest of the working day wondering how to do it, because it is unlikely that you will be able to perform your work duties effectively.
  7. Some people believe that they are not accepted in the team just because they always tell the truth. But here we should not confuse sincerity with intemperance. As a rule, such people are intolerant of the mistakes and shortcomings of others, they will say nasty things and calm down. Therefore, try to be more tolerant and kinder to each other. You should not waste yourself on insignificant quarrels and conflicts.
  8. Imposing your point of view on any employee, even if it is your subordinate, will not lead to anything good. Therefore, in this situation, try to simply explain everything reasonably, convincing him that you are right. Try it, maybe you will succeed.
  9. An individual approach to each employee is also important. You should not try to change someone for yourself, express dissatisfaction with the words and actions of employees, it is better to try to look at the situation through the eyes of another person.
  10. If you want to be listened to, be sincere. Also, be yourself, try to say only what you think is necessary, do not try to seem better than you really are. On a subconscious level, your co-workers will sense that something is wrong here and will begin to distrust you.
  11. Conscious and responsive people, according to studies by foreign psychologists, rarely move up the career ladder. And it’s all because of the suppression of one’s desires for the sake of someone. You shouldn’t take on extra burden and rush to help as soon as you are called. Yes, you need to be responsive, but there is a limit to everything. So don't be afraid to say no if it's not in your best interest.
  12. Look around you, you will see people, on the one hand, very different, but on the other hand, very similar. After all, every person sincerely believes in his uniqueness and irreplaceability, everyone considers himself the most wonderful in the world and demanding respect. Therefore, if you have a desire to improve relationships with colleagues and superiors, try to show attention and respect to people, maintaining in them a sense of exclusivity and indispensability, because each of us enjoys feeling like a special and respected person.

In the way that improve team relationships First of all, you will need to work on yourself, remember that all people are different, that everyone, due to their upbringing, education, temperament and character, reacts to this or that situation in their own way. If it suddenly happens that you feel hostility towards someone, try to look at this person from the other side and find something good in him. After all, absolutely every person, even the worst, has something good. Remember this.