Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Why do people look alike. Similar people


The topic of twins has been haunting many people for a long time: some want to be like some kind of star, others simply dream of finding a person similar to themselves, while others become interested in this just by chance. As a rule, these people (especially if they are not very good at computers) have one thing in common: they got to some site that promises to find their double, sent SMS (most often the service did not even say that they would withdraw money, but simply under the guise of checking) - and as a result, instead of the found double - they saw a message that the search was made, the double was not found (and a certain amount of money was withdrawn from the phone ...).

In this short article I want to tell you a few simple (in my opinion) ways to find your doppelgänger by photo, without any catch and loss of money. And so, let's get started...

What is needed to find a double?

1. A computer with an internet connection (this is obvious 🙂).

2. A photograph of the person for whom you are going to look for doubles. It is best if it is an ordinary photo without processing by different editors (Photoshop, etc.). The most important thing is that the person captured in the photo looks straight at you from it, so that the face is not turned sideways or down (the accuracy of the search depends on this). Yes, one more detail, it is desirable that the background in the picture be some kind of neutral (white, gray, etc.). A full-length photo is not needed - only the face is enough.

Option number 1 - search for doubles among celebrities


The site is the first one worth looking at. Using it is very simple:

  1. go to the site (link above) and press the button " Upload image"(Upload the picture);
  2. then choose your prepared photo;
  3. then the service thinks for 5-10 seconds. - and gives you the results: the age of the person in the photo, his gender, and famous people who the photo looks like (by the way, the percentage of similarity is calculated automatically). The service is especially useful for those people who want to be like someone - they changed their image a little, took a picture, uploaded a photo and looked in which direction the percentage of similarity has changed.

Rice. 1. pictriev - search for doubles in a male photo (photo looks like Phoenix Joaquin, similarity 8%)

By the way, the service (in my opinion) works better with female photos. The service almost accurately determined the gender and age of a person. The woman in the photo is most similar to Phoenix Edwige (26% similarity).

Option number 2 - search for a double through search engines

This method will live as long as search engines live (well, or until they block the option to search for images based on the image (sorry for the tautology)).

In addition, the method every year will give the result more and more accurately (as search engine algorithms develop). There are a lot of search engines, I will give a small instruction on how to search on Google by photo.

1. First, go to the site and open the image search (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Google Image Search

3. Then upload your photo and Google searches for similar photos.

As a result, we see that the woman in the photo looks like Sofia Vergara (in the results found, there will be a lot of photos similar to yours).

By the way, in a similar way, you can find similar people in Yandex, and indeed any other search engines that can search by photo. Can you imagine the scope for testing? And what if a new search engine comes out tomorrow or new, more advanced algorithms appear?! Therefore, this method is the most reliable and promising ...

Where else can you look?

1. on this site you can find a double among celebrities. You must register before searching. While it works for free, it is possible to install an application for a mobile phone.

2. - a site with a huge number of photos. If you register on it and upload a photo, you can scan it for similar people.

3. is a good site for finding doubles, but in Lately often unavailable. Maybe the developers abandoned it?

This concludes the article. To be honest, I have never been specifically interested in and have not deeply studied this topic, so I will be very grateful for comments and constructive additions.

And the last thing - do not get fooled by various promises about finding similar people for SMS - in 90% of cases this is a hoax, unfortunately ...

The world is full of similar people who are not connected by blood ties. How is it possible that two people born and raised in different parts of the world look like two drops of water? Is there a clear scientific explanation for this phenomenon?

People who are similar to each other and are not relatives - is this possible? It turns out yes. A French photographer once had a wonderful idea. He found and captured on film similar people who were not connected by any blood ties. His name is Francois Brunelle. It took him about twelve years to realize his idea. The photographer tracked people with terribly similar features around the world and helped them find their doppelgangers. Some photos of similar people from the work of Francois Brunelle are presented in this article. Carefully study the proposed images and compare how many similarities have completely strangers who have no blood relationship.

Every person in this world has 7 twins

It is said that every person in this world has at least seven very similar people. One can easily agree that this assumption is rather frightening and unnatural. It is hardly possible to find two exact copies on our planet, identical as two drops of water. Even blood twins have features that, at least a little, but make it possible for others to distinguish them, not to mention a stranger who lives on the other side of the Earth.

Not the same, but, nevertheless, incredibly similar people still occur, and not as rare as it might seem. They live in different cities, countries, continents, lead a completely different way of life. They do not have common genes, they differ in language and culture, but their similarity really cannot be denied.

Same looks, same personality?

We all know that there are similar people. Is this purely a superficial resemblance? Can a person and his counterpart from another country have the same character traits and activities? It would be strange and surprising at the same time. In fact, it happens in different ways. For example, there once lived in Rome one emperor named Maximinus (beginning of the 4th century AD), and so, looking at his bust, you can see in his features the familiar dictator from the 20th century, Adolf Hitler. These similar people not only had the same facial features, but both were dictators in their time, and both perished ingloriously.

It is rather difficult to answer this question, modern science There are no exact answers, only guesses. One of the most likely versions is the one that explains the resemblance completely strangers identical genetic makeup. For a reason that has not been clarified to date, similar people have the same DNA to the smallest detail.

These twins are also called biogenic. This means that they have the same genetic material, but their biological parents are different. It happens that people can be similar and live in different places at the same time and be the same age. Some can be separated by years, centuries and even whole millennia. Natural diversity, it turns out, is not unlimited, there are billions of people in the world, and there is always a chance of a random coincidence of genetic sets.

secret relationship

Scientists consider it quite possible that similar people are very, very distant relatives. Having resorted to elementary mathematical analysis, we can make the following calculations: the average citizen after eight generations will be a descendant of 256 relatives who, one way or another, are related by blood ties. If we imagine that 40, 50 or more generations have passed, relatives will be in the millions. And no one knows where the genetic material will match, on which generation.

In card jargon, genes are shuffled like cards in a deck, but at a certain point, the same “hands” fall out with a minimum probability. Then twins are born into the world, people similar to each other, like two drops of water. Perhaps nature has its own plans in this regard, its secret goals.

Search for doubles in the network

Today, there are many sites on the World Wide Web with which you can find an exact copy of yourself among the stars of show business, great emperors and historically significant leaders from a photograph. They are also looking for their doubles among the most ordinary people of their different cities and states. you just need to upload your photo in a certain format, and after a while, search engines will be able to pick up a couple of twins for you, or at least people who will be very similar to you.

Such sites are quite popular, because it is actually interesting to know, and even more so to see your double. It's like meeting yourself in parallel world. Before the advent of the Internet, this was almost impossible to do, but now there are many opportunities. active search and why not use them?

Miracles, and only

Twins are a phenomenon that is interesting in itself. People are more or less accustomed to the similarity of blood twins and granddaughters and their great-grandmothers, but to meet a person who is exactly like another person who is not a relative of him, and even lives thousands of kilometers away, this is already more interesting.

Who knows, maybe in the future scientists will figure out how to use this quirk of nature. It is likely that the similarity of genomes can open up incredible prospects in such a field of medicine as transplantology. As biologists assure, the chance of an exact match of genetic sets tends to zero indefinitely. However, partial copying of genes is quite normal, which proves that all of humanity is one big family.

Sometimes it happens that in the Russian outback, a girl living in a village looks like, for example, Sophie Marceau. And the guy from the next entrance - well, the spitting image of Brad Pete! Why do people look similar in appearance to each other, having different parents and living, sometimes, in different countries? We will try to answer this rather specific question in this article.

Some restrictions

The thing is that mother nature does not have so many forms and materials for creating human images, as it might seem at first glance. We all know that there are only a few human races and people within one of them often have fairly similar physiognomic features. So, the Chinese, for example, especially from the point of view of a European, look very similar to each other. Interestingly, the "black race" also perceives all "whites" as similar to each other.

Childbirth and genes

According to scientists, each race has within itself from 400 to 600 different genera, distinguished genetically. So there is also not too much variation within race and gender, given general population planet Earth. These reasons are considered quite objective in terms of the similarity of people who are not relatives.

Relatives and spouses

Relatives, of course, can be similar to each other even with a gap of two or three generations. Interestingly, spouses who have lived together for many years also become similar to each other.

Optical illusion

Often the similarity of people is determined by facial expressions, gestures, behavioral features. So, you can copy almost any inhabitant of the Earth. What is used, for example, by parodists of famous personalities.

Recently, American scientists were able to explain where similar people come from in the world, and in particular, this concerns why the Chinese are so similar to each other. It turned out that the more isolated a certain ethnic group develops, the more similar its representatives acquire.

Michael Sheehan, who is an assistant professor of neuroscience at Cornell University, says that a set of genes that are directly responsible for appearance man, is a kind of deck of cards in the hands of nature, and regardless of how it is shuffled, such a combination periodically falls out that has already been encountered before.

Why is this happening?

Scientists have determined that similar people appear because a certain number of genes are associated with appearance much more than with any other areas of human anatomy. Of course, scientists have not yet been able to determine which specific genes are responsible for the width of the nose, the shape of the face and ears, as well as other features of appearance. But one fact remains clear - if people who are not relatives to each other, but have an external similarity. They will also be similar to each other at the gene level, and the genes responsible for appearance of man are an excellent illustration of this.

An interesting fact is that human faces differ much more among themselves compared to such parts of the body as feet or hands. Most likely, in the process of evolution, a separate emphasis was placed on detailing human faces so that members of a particular family can be easily distinguished from others.


In the process of evolution, several main ethnic groups have formed, in which similar people are found. The largest such group is the Chinese and Hindi, and at the same time, accordingly, the maximum chance of meeting your double is present directly within a certain ethnic group. In other words, it is virtually impossible for a Chinese person to meet an incredibly similar person among African Americans. At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that within the Asian group there may be huge amount twins, and similar people are much more common here than anywhere else.

Such identity in certain cases reaches the level when the similarity is not only external, but also internal, since a practically identical set of genes can be present even in people who are not closely or distantly related.

As a rule, people who are similar to each other and have the same nationality differ in a similar set of genes, since in isolated ethnic groups all kinds of injections from even neighboring groups were minimized.

How many twins can there be?

Nature periodically creates copies of a person, but at the same time academic science cannot reliably say why they appear, and only conjectures remain. Of course, the version described above is the most common today, which suggests that people who are similar to each other have an identical genetic structure. By unknown on this moment cause there are several "versions" of a person, and at the same time they all have almost identical DNA. Such doubles in scientific circles are usually called biogenic, since, despite the fact that they have different biological parents, they differ in similar genes.

It often happens that a huge number of identical people appear in nature in short periods of time, and there are also such incidents when these intervals stretch for hundreds or even thousands of years. That is why you should not be surprised when you see a double of some famous classic or politician on the street.

Mathematical calculation

Mathematicians also decided to take up this issue and contribute to the investigation of why people are similar to each other. In particular, the theory of probability was used, according to which the chances of a random coincidence of sets of genes are far from zero, because there are several billion people, and this number is only growing.

Some scientists say that the phenomenon of the emergence of such twins is due to the so-called "secret relationship". Even if you use the standard one, you can understand that after 8 generations any person is a descendant of 256 relatives related by blood relationship. Thus, if we are talking not about 8, but, for example, about 30 generations, then this will be a million people, and all these closely related ties are based on the transmission genetic material. In this regard, to some extent, all people in a certain ethnic category are related to some extent.

Doubles of famous people

Interesting examples of what very similar people can be can be found in domestic open spaces. For example, while Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov were spouses, the Primadonna said that she liked Nemtsov, since he was very similar to her husband. After that, many people really looked at them and realized that they had the same ears, eyes, nose, and both at that time were curly and had a very cheerful character, but at the same time they had no even approximate relationship.

Historical doubles

There are also twins that are extremely spaced apart in time. For example, at the end of the 3rd century in Rome, the ruler was Emperor Maximin, who was an almost perfect double of Adolf Hitler, and at the same time remained in history as an extremely tough dictator. His death was as inglorious as that of a distant descendant.

The busts of Thebes Montuehmet (the ruler of ancient Egyptian Thebes) and Mao Zedong are very similar, despite the fact that the ruler of Thebes lived more than 700 years before our era.


Probably, every resident or guest of the capital paid attention to the fact that on Red Square you can almost always meet the twins of Lenin, Stalin and even a huge number of others. famous personalities who make money by taking pictures with passers-by. Also, such twins can be found in various theatrical performances.

In fact, quite often it happens that the similarity is present only in racial and anthropological types, as well as in the external design and proportions of the face. If such people are undressed and the makeup is completely washed off, then in this case the similarity will either completely disappear, or will no longer be so obvious, which is quite important. Of course, quite often various theater troupes prefer to hire real doubles in their composition, and not just disguised personalities, as this allows you to make the performance truly unique.

How to find your doppelgänger?

In fact, in the era of information development, this is not difficult. Outwardly similar people are quite common on the Internet, and you can often see such photos in the news, on any sites or in various in social networks. There are already a huge number of precedents when people found their twins on the net and posted photos for comparison.

There are even specialized sites through which there are similar people in the world by photography. Some make it possible to find one's own copy only among the stars, or while others are extended to the point where one can find one's own double even among ordinary people from other countries. On such resources, it is quite enough to simply upload your own photo in a certain format, and then in a few days receive one or even several photos of people very similar to you. If you wish, you can find similar ones that are of interest to you, and not look for your own double.

similarities between spouses

Many people often notice that couples who live together for a long time begin to resemble each other, and some even become so similar that they are then perceived as brother and sister. First of all, many try to explain why people are similar in this case, by the fact that quite often we ourselves choose partners who are similar to us to a certain extent, but besides this, even over time they begin to become similar.

In the process of conducting research, scientists have determined that visual similarity is enough important factor to attract two people to each other. In particular, it was determined that two similar person of the opposite sex, especially if they have similar facial features.

What explains this?

This is due to the innate tendency that each person is looking for someone who can be trusted and whom he "knows". When we see someone as a literal reflection of ourselves, we automatically associate the person with those thoughts.

Even more interesting is the fact that people who are visually similar to each other are prone to long-term relationships, they can trust each other to the maximum and enjoy carefree cohabitation. According to psychologists from the University of Michigan, older couples who have been living together for several decades also begin to become similar over time, because people who have close connection, often imitate unconsciously various facial expressions and gestures of their loved ones.

Among other things, it cannot be said that happy couples often have similar physical characteristics.

Most important role in this case, genetics plays, as people with different genetic indicators begin to attract each other much more than people with a similar genetic code.

Even ordinary people it is often noticed, for example, that many women are often interested in men who resemble their fathers - this is a subconscious act of selection. Fathers are for young girls, and this model is subsequently subconsciously postponed and forms a further choice of a spouse already. adult woman. This is one of the reasons why quite often couples are similar to each other.

People who belong to the same religion, race, age and social class are always more likely to develop really strong and lasting relationships. Subconsciously, they are pushed towards each other by the fact that for them culture, traditions and eating habits are not some kind of obstacle, but only another similar feature.

If people live together for a long time, then they are more likely to eventually adapt to their partner, and this life experience, according to scientists, is ultimately reflected in facial features. But no one could reliably say why people look alike.