Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Russian campaigns in Western Siberia geography. Russians in Western Siberia

oleg_leusenko in Chechens and goblins watching over Crimea are squeezing out the business of Crimeans

Russian oligarchs take property from Crimean businessmen. The Russian government is trying to recoup the losses it incurred through the annexation of Crimea.

The annexation of Crimea has already cost Moscow a pretty penny. According to experts, the total loss to Russia, taking into account international sanctions, is over $100 billion. That is, more than two Olympics in Sochi, reports Censor.NET with reference to TSN.

How will Russia return them? Empty ATMs and banks in Crimea, empty stores, even grocery stores. And no imports. This is what eyewitnesses say. Officials add: 677 million hryvnia were transferred from Kyiv to Crimean pensions, but people did not receive them because the accounts were blocked. The self-proclaimed power of the peninsula did not transfer a penny of taxes to the budget of Ukraine and simply cut off the legitimate part of Ukraine from the electronic payment system.

Crimeans who want to remain Ukrainians state: Russian fascists are driving them out of the peninsula. According to official data from the Ministry of Social Policy alone, 25 thousand residents decided to leave Crimea. For comparison, this is the same as the entire city of Alushta. With refugees, the fate of tens of thousands of private homes is up in the air. It’s dangerous to stay, and it’s too dangerous to go. Those who decide the latter settle down where good people will help. The government, despite the empty treasury, quickly finds hostels and sanatoriums for them and decides how to reorient salaries and pensions. Meanwhile, property documents are already being stolen in Crimea.

However, some people were deprived of their property without any documents. The local Crimean television and radio company "Chernomorskaya" was not only cut off from the airwaves by the self-proclaimed authorities of the peninsula, like other Ukrainian television channels, but also expelled from the premises. The brand new satellite equipment was taken away, says Alexander Yankovsky, a journalist and author of Chernomorka programs. Just like thieves in the alley. He also left his apartment, car and everything he had in Crimea. And he moved to Kyiv, now the channel broadcasts from here: colleagues took him in. In addition to outright robberies, Alexander says, local entrepreneurs are forced to pay all taxes to an unknown account in one of the commercial banks.

At the same time, a note appears in the local Crimean publication about the new “supervisor” of Crimea - Chechen businessman Ruslan Baysarov. The ex-husband of Russian singer Kristina Orbakaite. They write that they gave him the entire resort business and real estate on the southern coast of the peninsula. According to the Minister of Health of Ukraine, there are currently 30 sanatoriums of the Ministry of Health in Crimea, which they want to take away from us. Confirms: at these moments, armed occupiers are living in luxury in vain. Meanwhile, the Russian press openly talks about Baysarov’s plans in Crimea.

They are planning the construction of a hotel, health and entertainment centers and restaurants. The project is estimated at 12 billion rubles. Where? Judge for yourself. According to TSN's own sources, Ruslan Baysarov is now in Crimea, blackmailing Ukrainian businessmen. Journalists were told about the scheme - quarters. That is, only 25 percent is left to the owner, while 3/4 goes to “overseer Baysarov.” Whoever refuses will take everything. That is, they “nationalize”.

Military experts say that Putin’s plans included not only steamship factories. And not only in Crimea. “They would like to take control of the Dnepropetrovsk junction. Three weeks ago, they specifically wanted to go to the east, south and even Kiev. But this is colossal money. They spent about 100 billion dollars on the seizure of Crimea,” says military expert, Alexey Arestovich .

The self-proclaimed Gauleiters of Crimea have publicly announced their intentions to “nationalize” a whole list in Crimea. In particular, Chernomorneftegaz and Oschadbank. Kyiv responded in a mirror way: Ukraine will take Russian property in response to what was seized in Crimea. And not only in Ukraine. Ukraine reserves the right to take adequate measures to compensate for all losses at the expense of property that belongs to the Russian Federation and is located both on the territory of Ukraine and in other countries. The Russian Gazprom has a lot of facilities in Europe,” says Ukrainian Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko.

However, the Russian press did not hesitate to discuss the benefits of Crimea even before its brutal military annexation: one of the publications describes the delights of the Kerch Strait, ports and the free stay of the Black Sea Fleet on the Ukrainian peninsula, even without a $100 discount on gas. This week, fascist Russia took off its masks: they say, Crimea was taken away, discounts are not allowed.

The Ukrainian government is already preparing claims in international courts. They want to show Russia not only military aggression, but also Soviet debts - 80 billion dollars. “We are now processing the relevant statements to the international court at the UN regarding the fact that the Russian Federation has encroached on our territorial integrity. Our statements regarding claims to the property of the former USSR, which belongs to Ukraine, will also be presented here,” says Minister of Justice of Ukraine Pavlo Petrenko. However, while the trials continue, experts are unanimous: in order to repel the invaders, production resources should be immediately redirected from Russian markets and gas supplies diversified. In order not to lose time and the rest of the territories of Ukraine.

Five copies: In one expression, the situation in Crimea can be characterized as follows: Russian gopniks, while “protecting” the Kremlin and criminal groups, raided Crimea. Now, in all areas of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, chaos is beginning from those watching.

- Andrey, this is a sure thing! He is a Chechen, and Chechens are better than anyone in Moscow at solving problems. Urgently take him 5,000,000, - I hear such seemingly not very ethical remarks in Moscow quite often. There are nations that make even men tremble! Nations-brands that have built a reputation as the strongest, the smartest, the most successful. Moscow is almost universally in love with brands, so it is in Moscow that the representatives of the nation, whom we will discuss later, most effectively benefit from the current situation.

The Chechens have built a brand through their uncompromising ability and extreme ability to protect members of their community. I first heard about Chechens in Moscow about 9 years ago, not counting mentions in various TV series like “Streets of Broken Lanterns.” An acquaintance got a job at a Moscow company of Chechen origin. At first he seemed to make excuses: they say, there was no money, I had to go to work for the Caucasians.

An ordinary "buy and sell" distribution company, nothing like that. But the discipline in this company was extremely strict. Virtually no lateness to work, no bickering within the team (80% consisting of the same Chechens). There was also a strict system of fines for almost any mistake or miscalculation. But behind the discipline there was also a completely human wage. They also helped the Chechens find housing (as a rule, with their own people), and solved some everyday issues (but at the level of the department head, not higher).

The brand is built not only on discipline, but also on cruelty. There is an opinion that it was the Chechen groups in the 90s that were the most brutal in their methods of conducting economic activities. They didn’t want to get involved with them; they said about them: “A bad peace is better than a good war.” Fortunately, I didn’t see those times and I hope that our country will never return to the “dashing 90s”. There were many opportunities then, but all of them, by and large, were associated solely with the willingness, in the literal sense, to go over one’s head.

Over the past twenty years, Chechens have radically changed their image, significantly expanding the characteristics of their national brand. Of course, strict discipline remained, but it was supplemented by such qualities as financial success (many Chechens of the 90s were able to transform their resources and influence into modern business assets), education (the heirs of “those” Moscow Chechen pioneers study at leading universities Moscow), unconditional loyalty to Russia (to which Chechnya owes a lot).

Today's Chechen of my age in Moscow most likely knows English quite well, manages some small business asset or accompanies a business as a business consultant, auditor or lawyer. Girls still believe that any Chechen is generous by definition, but it seems to me that we are still talking about close and dear people. Moreover, Chechens rarely marry representatives of other nations.

A powerful fundamental group was able to turn its strength and drive of the 90s into a glossy brand. Needless to say, mercantile Moscow loves the Chechens for their way of life, where money flows like a river, there is never enough wine, and fun is a prerequisite for everyday life. Chechens, for their ability to establish discipline, are loved by the authorities, who are ready to support a nation capable of mobilizing 99% of the population in elections. Most likely, there will be no changes in this regard in the coming years: Chechnya has truly turned itself into a brand region, and it is customary to pay extra for branding.

If earlier a girl told her father that she was dating a Chechen, the father could be horrified, but now nothing like that will most likely happen. And someone will even be happy! Times change, so does perception. How would you react?) Would you conduct common business with the Chechens? Tell us about your experience of communication, work, friendship with them.