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Rules for quickly memorizing words in English. Secrets of memorizing English words

Has it ever happened that you learn a set of new words in English, repeat them several times, listen to the transcription and look at examples of use, but when you need to remember this word after some time, it does not immediately pop up in your head? It seems to be on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t remember for sure.

Regularly replenishing your vocabulary and learning thematic vocabulary is the key to rich English. But how can you ensure that new words remain in your memory for a long time?

Today we will share the secrets of how to learn English words correctly and easily remember them.

How many words do you need to know

Before we talk about techniques and techniques for memorizing, I would like to say that learning English words and learning the English language are not the same thing. After all, the language is living, it uses the rules of grammar, and the translation of the same word can vary depending on the context.

So even if you memorize ten thousand words from the Oxford Dictionary, it will be of no use if you cannot apply them in real speech.

Naturally, the norms for word knowledge for a native speaker and for a student of English as a foreign language are very different.

The average active vocabulary of an English speaker, which he regularly uses in everyday life, is from 10,000 to 20,000 words. But the passive stock can range from 50,000 to 100,000 words.

For those learning English as a foreign language, the numbers are completely different. So, for a general understanding of oral speech and superficial communication, knowledge of about 1000 high-frequency words will be sufficient. To maintain a conversation on general topics and watch simple films and TV series, 3,000–4,000 words are enough. But if you want to understand up to 100% of speech, you will need a reserve of about 20,000 words.

You can test your vocabulary using a special test:. Its results are quite accurate, especially if you answered honestly.

The number of words you learn does not guarantee that you will communicate fluently. It is important to approach vocabulary replenishment wisely: not to cram everything, but to concentrate on the most frequently used words and thematic vocabulary.

Start by studying basic topics such as: family, home, work, city, weather, animals, food, travel and so on.

The most frequently used words in English are called high-frequency words. You can take new vocabulary from ready-made lists of such words - then you will quickly master spoken language and be able to start applying new knowledge as early as possible.

It is simply pointless to learn all the available sets of words. It is unlikely that you will need advanced medical terminology unless you are planning a career in the medical field. Likewise, if you need special words on a narrow topic, learn them exactly. It is not necessary to know all the terms and special vocabulary by heart if you do not apply it in life.

Where to get new English words

The main source is thematic vocabulary. On the Internet and in teaching aids you will find enough sets of words for different levels.

There are also special textbooks for increasing vocabulary and dictionaries of the highest frequency words.

Progress does not stand still: recently many new words and slang expressions have appeared, and some are falling out of use. Keep your finger on the pulse and write down new words when you encounter them in TV shows, films, articles, podcasts and the media.

By the way, films, TV series, articles and books are an excellent source of new words. Regular viewing of video materials with subtitles is good because unfamiliar words are used in a context that interests you, which means they are remembered faster. A similar rule works with printed materials: find articles on the topic of your profession or area of ​​interest, and also read your favorite books in the original.

How to quickly learn and memorize English words


The method of memorizing new words using cards has been used for a long time, but it does not lose its relevance. It is convenient and accessible to everyone. The meaning is simple: on one side of the card you write the word in English, and on the other - the translation. You can make cards yourself with only the vocabulary that you need, or use ready-made thematic sets.

For the best effect, choose cards with pictures. We remember information much easier visually, and in the future the word will quickly come to mind if you just remember the picture.

Today, instead of ordinary paper flashcards, many mobile applications and web-based memorization simulators have appeared. All you need to do is download the application to your smartphone. This way, the virtual cards you need will always be at hand. The application itself will remind you which words you have already learned and which ones are worth looking at again, and will offer material for repetition.


The good old way, which is still popular. Write down new words in special notebooks in two columns: translation word.

The trick is that when you write, you remember not only the translation of the word, but also its correct spelling. Write down frequently used phrases with this word or stable expressions here. In the future, when repeated, these phrases will be deposited in your head and will be easily remembered as soon as you imagine the word written in the notebook.

Mind map

This method is suitable for those who love diagrams and drawing.

Highlight a few words on the topic. For example, house. Draw it in the center and make arrows to related words (in our case, rooms in the house). In different parts of the sheet write: bathroom (bathroom), living room (living room), bedroom (bedroom), dining room (dining room). Afterwards, for each room, write a few words that relate to it. For example, bed (bed), pillow (pillow), sheets (sheets) - to the bedroom, and shower (shower), towel (towel), mirror (mirror) - to the bathroom.

Mentally following such a visual scheme, it will be easier for you to remember words related to one or another category.

Rules for easily memorizing new words

Here are some useful tips and principles for those who want to quickly learn English words and not forget anything after a day.

Explore interesting topics

After learning a basic set of words, there is often a temptation to learn something “odd” in order to shine in a conversation with a foreigner. Yes, there are beautiful words, the use of which in speech can amaze the interlocutor. But, let’s say, why do you need to know the word “lightning fast” in English if you don’t know the word “speed”?

It has been proven that interesting information is better absorbed and remembered much faster. Therefore, learn those words that are in your area of ​​interest. Everyone needs a solid vocabulary base, but each of us has our own interests and hobbies, so collect more information on your favorite topic. Do you like sports? Then watch the matches, listen to the commentators and read articles on this topic. Do you like to photograph nature and travel? Then subscribe to popular bloggers or watch the National Geographic program series. Look for new interesting words where they are used.

You shouldn’t waste time memorizing words that you rarely use even in your native language.

Learn words in context

It’s not enough just to learn a new word - you also need to be able to apply it. Therefore, immediately look at examples where it was used, in what context, for what purpose, and so on. Try to compose your own example sentences with the new word and find its application in speech. Imagine when and how you might need to use this word: come up with a situation and play it out several times.

The golden rule here is to learn to ignore words that you don't need. When learning new vocabulary, there is a great temptation to learn it “in bulk,” and this is not entirely the right approach. When you come across a new word, look through all its uses, but remember only the most frequently used ones.

Learn common phrases

Many beginners learning English make the same mistake: first they build a sentence in Russian in their heads, and then translate it. But the norms of our languages ​​are very different, and a foreigner may simply not understand what you mean.

Therefore, along with new words, remember common collocations and their use in speech. So, “to take a photo” in English will be “take a picture”, and not “do a photo”, as many would translate, and “to break a record” - “break a record”, and not “beat a record”.

Remember opposites

Opposites not only attract, but are also better remembered. This technique is good to use when memorizing adjectives. For example, it is better to learn words in pairs along with antonyms: good-bad (good-bad), big-small (big-small), happy-angry (happy-evil) and so on.

Thanks to this technique, you will be able to remember not only the desired word, but also its antonym, which will immediately come to mind.

Parse difficult words

Many foreign words consist of several simpler ones. When you encounter a complex word, take it apart and see how they are translated separately. This will help you build an associative connection and remember the word easier.

For example, the word microbiology (microbiology) consists of two words - micro (small) and biology (biology). It turns out that by analyzing this word, you will learn not one, but three new concepts at once.

You can often guess by analogy how similar words will sound in English. To do this, make a list of frequently occurring prefixes (un-, dis-, con-, micro-, etc.) and suffixes (-able, -ly, -ent, -tion, -ive, etc.) and remember what do they mean? In the future, when you encounter a new word, you will be able to easily guess its meaning.

Don't forget about grammar

As soon as you come across a new word, you need not only to analyze it thoroughly, but also to find out the grammatical rules that correspond to it. So, a new word may turn out to be just another form of a word you already know.

Also, learn more verbs and remember their situational use. For example, having learned the forms of irregular verbs from the tense table, you will no longer know one word, but three.

Use associations

Associative memory is a good thing. It helps to “pull” the right word out of the bins of consciousness without much difficulty. Therefore, when studying, it is good to use cards with pictures.

This is especially important for abstract concepts, of which there are plenty in the language. If you learn words without pictures, imagine them in your head. You can mentally draw a word in the air, give it a color or some shape.

By the way, the funnier the association, the faster the new word will be remembered. For example, the word clever is translated from English as “smart”, but in Russian it sounds like the name of the clover plant. Let’s build a sentence: You’re so clever! (You're so smart!), and for a fun association in Russian, imagine it as “You're a clover!”

You can even make up a funny story or phrase with a new word. Choose the most unexpected combinations, and you will be surprised how easily they are remembered.

Use new words in speech

As Benjamin Franklin said: “Tell me and I forget.” Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn" (Tell me - and I will forget. Teach me - and I will remember. Engage me - and I will learn).

One of the surest ways to quickly remember a new word is to find its use in everyday speech. If you are taking courses or studying individually with a teacher, use the words you just learned as often as possible. Build sentences specifically with new words and don’t forget about spelling: use the vocabulary you’ve learned in written English.

Make the process fun

We have already talked above about mobile applications and games for memorizing new words. Install this on your smartphone, make a selection of words that interest you and complete tasks regularly. These can be quick games with cards with translation in both directions, composing phrases with words, and so on.

The programs will help you identify words that are especially difficult for you and will focus on learning them.

Don't forget about funny songs or rhymes for memorization. They are mainly used in children's education, but sometimes they also help adults. In addition, you can always come up with your own funny rhyme for the word, which will activate associative memory.

Consider your type of information perception

Not everyone is equally suited to the same ways of learning new English words. Choose an approach depending on your type of perception. There are three of them: auditory, visual and kinesthetic.

For auditory learners, audiobooks, music or podcasts are suitable. In order to remember new words, auditory learners need to read them out loud, repeat them several times and analyze them.

For visual learners, the flashcard method is best, as well as other pictures, tables, and visual materials. They are better off watching movies and TV series with subtitles, and also follow the accompanying text when listening to podcasts.

It is easier for kinesthetic learners to remember new words by writing them on paper. Active gestures come to the aid of this type: imagine a situation where you use a new word and repeat the accompanying hand gestures. For example, when memorizing the word cup, pretend to pick up a cup and pour tea into it. Later, reproducing these gestures will help you remember the situation and the word itself.

Whatever type of perception you have, while memorizing and repeating, try to fully concentrate on the word you are studying. This means that at the moment of repeating it, you must clearly imagine it in your head, how it sounds and what it means. If you begin to repeat the words you have learned mechanically, the likelihood that they will remain in your memory for a long time is noticeably reduced.

Spaced repetition technique

In order for a new word to stick in your head forever, it is important not so much how to repeat it, but when to repeat it. It's better to do this when you feel like you're about to forget a new word.

Effective memorization and timing of repetition of new information were developed by the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus. According to his research, you need to repeat a new word at least 9 times to remember it. And it’s better to do it this way:

  • 15 minutes after introduction
  • One hour after the last repetition
  • Three hours after the last repetition
  • The next day
  • Two days after the last repetition
  • Four days after the last repetition
  • One week after the last repetition
  • Two weeks after the last repetition
  • One month after the last repetition

When repeating new words, it is also important to use them in context: to create a phrase or phrase with them.

In conclusion, we will briefly repeat the main points that are necessary for easily and quickly memorizing new English words:

  • Learn only necessary and useful words.

    These are basic sets of high-frequency words and vocabulary from your area of ​​interest. Don't forget about verbs, set phrases and colloquial phrases.

  • Learn words in context

    If you find a new word in an article, song, movie, remember it immediately with context. If you learn a “lonely” word, then come up with a context for it yourself. Do not try to learn all the meanings of a polysemantic word; take into account only the most commonly used ones. Once again, don't forget about context.

  • Use the word in conversation

    If there is no opportunity for speaking practice yet, come up with your own examples and situations when using this word would be useful to you. For effective memorization, it is advisable to encounter the word in 7-9 different situations.

  • Use vivid associations

    It doesn't matter what association comes to your mind when you come across a new word. The main thing is that it is bright and memorable. And also, so that it matches your type of thinking and “works” for you.

  • Memorize words using the interval method

    It is better to repeat learned words after a certain period of time than to cram every day: this way the word will be deposited in long-term memory and will easily “pop up” in the right situation.

By learning 10 new words a day, within a month you will expand your vocabulary by 300 words, and by the end of the year - by more than 3000 words. This is quite enough to speak English confidently in everyday life.

Today we are talking about the method of spaced repetition, which allows you to memorize foreign words so that they will never leave your head again.

What kind of technology?

Spaced repetition is a mnemonic technique based on repeating words at intervals.

The method was developed by American linguist Paul Pimsleur in 1967. Pimsleur noticed that the brain forgets words almost instantly after learning them. But if you repeat words before they are erased from memory, the time of “forgetting” will increase exponentially.

Prepare cards: phrase in English, translation and, if necessary, transcription. Write clearly and large.

Why phrases and not words?

Learning phrases is easier and more effective. And that's why:

Phrases are easier to use in conversation;
- they already contain information that is usually searched for additionally: prepositions, articles, areas of use;
- a phrase is an image, it’s easier to remember.

How many repetitions does it take to learn?

Pimsleur advised repeating the phrase 11 times. You can make it simpler and get by with nine approaches: read, repeat after 30 minutes, then the next morning, then after three days, a week, a month, three months, six months and a year later.
If you repeat a phrase for 10 seconds (two voiceovers of five seconds each), it will take one and a half minutes per year.
To avoid confusion, write down the date of the next repetition on the word card and put everything in folders or boxes.

I'm too lazy to write on paper, is there anything else?

Eat. For example, Seinfeld Calendar. It allows you to program goals, intervals, and track your progress.

Instead of flashcards or stickers, try apps: Anki, Mnemosyne, Supermemo, Quizlet, you can write new words in them, set repetition intervals and create libraries. We have the services “Word Training” - for repeating words added to the dictionary, “Danette by Dictionary” - a game in which you see the translation of a word and choose whether it is correct or not, and “Exam Mode” for training a specific list of words.

How to support the result?

The method is based on regular repetition, so the main thing is a systematic approach and motivation. We have already talked about the systematic approach. And so that motivation does not fade away, it needs to be fed:

Use new words in conversations or correspondence,
- record short stories in English with memorized phrases on a voice recorder, and then listen to them until you remember all the words covered,
- take notes of articles and lectures listened to in English,
- share your knowledge on social networks or start a Telegram channel for the words you have learned.

Practice in a pleasant and quiet environment. This makes it easier to perceive new information, and a stable positive association “learning is pleasant and easy” will appear in your head.

For those who want to improve their English

We are giving blog readers a coupon for 500 rubles to purchase a subscription, which includes 8 types of training and weekly newsletters about English grammar and vocabulary - “Vitamins” and “Buns”.

And for unlimited and eternal access to all features of the site, there is an “All Inclusive” tariff (the discount does not apply).

Knowing English in the 21st century is not just a way to broaden your horizons and once again prove your erudition, but also a real necessity. Without the ability to communicate and express yourself freely, the doors to the world outside the post-Soviet space are actually closed. And even more so, there can be no talk of any career advancement either. But if the logical basics (rules for constructing sentences, questions, punctuation) can be learned without any problems, then the question of how to memorize English words remains one of the most difficult for most people.

Say NO to cramming!

The root of the problem lies in the education system itself - at school and university we are forced to memorize new expressions. I retold the text, translated the passage, roughly speaking, “shot back” - and you can safely forget. But you won’t be able to expand your vocabulary this way. Therefore, it is worth listening to the opinions of experienced teachers and psychologists and finding out how to learn English words correctly.

Do you know why it's difficult for you?

In fact, when we learn English words (or try to do so), we often simply do not realize why we need all the information we receive and what exact function it will perform for us in the future. In fact, it is enough to overcome this barrier - and the process of memorization will become absolutely natural and enjoyable.

To achieve results and understand how easy it is to memorize English words, you just need to transfer new foreign expressions from the “foreign” category to the “your own” category. The process of filtering all information occurs uncontrollably in a person - the subconscious itself decides which part of it to skip, which part to retain, and which part to pass in an altered, distorted form. And the first thing we have to do is “hack” this filter.

How to do it?

To make this possible, you first need to reduce as much as possible the stress component, which inevitably makes itself felt in the process of memorizing new information.

You may not realize it or even feel it, but you are subconsciously afraid of that fear of vulnerability and insecurity - fearing not to give up something, forgetting, disgracing yourself, you put yourself in the position of a victim, not a predator. Change your perception of the situation and go hunting! For what? Of course, for new knowledge and a great vocabulary!

Ready to get to practice? Then we present to your attention the most effective ways to memorize English words!

Method number 1. Classical

Perhaps, of all the methods, this is the easiest, although it is inferior to others in terms of effectiveness. You will need a special notebook to write down new words. Write down about twenty words and other units of speech in a column so that the foreign expressions themselves are on the left, and their translation is on the right. Immediately prepare yourself for the fact that you need to learn all these words, and not for a couple of days, but for the rest of your life.

How to quickly learn English words this way? How easy it will be for you to learn new knowledge largely depends on you. The main secret to success is to concentrate 100% on studying. Although at first it will be very difficult, it is really worth striving for.

  1. Read all the written English words.
  2. Read the translation.
  3. Repeat the described steps again.
  4. Take a break for 8-10 minutes - during this time you can do what you want.
  5. Cover the column where the translation is written and try to remember the meaning of each word yourself. Don’t suffer from excessive perfectionism - it’s impossible to learn everything at once. If the translation of a word stubbornly refuses to emerge from the dark depths of your memory, just move on to the next one.
  6. Take another break of 3-5 minutes, relax.
  7. Read the list of all the words and their translations again, paying special attention to those expressions with which you have difficulty.
  8. Take a break again for 8-10 minutes.
  9. Repeat the exercise, covering alternately English and Russian words.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to memorize English words using this method. And one more little tip: after working through one batch of material, you don’t need to immediately move on to the next one - this way you will forget what you learned earlier. It's better to take a break and give your brain time to unconsciously repeat.

Another common mistake beginners make is constantly repeating newly learned words. This should not be done, since you will not contribute to better consolidation of the material in memory and will not speed it up, but, on the contrary, will interfere with the natural process of memorization. It is worth repeating the learned expressions after 7-10 hours, and then every 24 hours. It is generally accepted that after memorizing words you need to repeat them 4-5 times.

Method number 2. Subconscious

As in the previous case, you first need to make a list of 20 words that you plan to learn. We learn English words using this method exclusively before bed. Your task is to focus all your attention on the process of memorization and abstract from the rest of the world.

Try to exert all your willpower. After this, choose a new word and try to imagine it in your mind as vividly and vividly as possible. When this happens, repeat it in a whisper, and then to yourself, without opening your eyes. Then you should relax and work through all the remaining words on the list in the same way.

All information received is stored in the subconscious. When falling asleep, it is important not to think that you want to remember new expressions, take your mind off such thoughts and sleep peacefully. In the morning you will need to repeat everything you learned in the evening. The words that you have learned will remain in your memory for a long time.

Method No. 3. Background

Another interesting method for those who want to know how to remember English words well. On its own it will not be very effective, but in combination with other methods it can bring fantastic results.

Record about 40 new words and expressions or simple text on a tape recorder. Adjust the volume to a medium level and simply listen to the recording many times in a row. At the same time, you don’t need to constantly sit next to each other and listen to the pronunciation of every word and translation. Do what you want - after repeated listening, you will unconsciously remember new information.

Method number 4. Relaxation

How to remember a lot of English words? We offer you another interesting option in which you can use your memory. As in the previous case, new words need to be recorded on a tape recorder. However, the amount of information should be increased - to approximately 80-100 expressions.

It is important that quiet, calm, melodic music be played in the background of the recording. Sit down, try to relax and free your head from unnecessary thoughts, dream a little. Having turned on the recording, you don’t need to concentrate your attention on it and listen closely - let it just sound. You need to repeat this little ritual before going to bed and in the morning, immediately after waking up.

The secret of success is simple: when a person is in a state between sleep and wakefulness, the barriers of internal resistance are almost completely weakened, as a result of which we learn English words much faster and more effectively than usual. This exercise should take no more than 1/6 of the total time you devote to mastering a foreign language.

Method No. 5. Hypnotic

So, let's move on to the next method. How to quickly memorize English words without putting in almost any effort? Probably every person who reads this article has asked himself this question. This option is ideal for those who just can’t bring themselves to study the language seriously - in a word, a real salvation for the lazy.

Again, you need a tape recorder. This time we write down up to 35-40 words and expressions with translation. Before going to bed, re-read the material from the sheet twice, turn on the tape recorder and listen to the recording twice. You shouldn't focus too much on it - just repeat the words after the player. After that, go to bed. For 40 minutes, your assistant (yes, you can’t do this on your own) must play the recording, gradually reducing the sound. Fortunately, in our age of high technology, a computer program can also cope with this task.

In the morning, about 30-40 minutes before you wake up, the “assistant” should turn on the recording again. Now, on the contrary, you need to start with the minimum volume and gradually increase it. When you wake up, don't rush to get out of bed - wait until the recording ends. In just 20 sessions you can replenish your vocabulary by 100-120 words and expressions.

Method number 6. Motor-muscular

Most likely, you have already heard about him. The idea is simple - every new English word is compared with some real object and then learned. Naturally, you won’t be able to use this method with all expressions, but you can still use it with many.

How to quickly learn English words this way? It's simple - combine them with objects from your environment that represent a particular word. Let's say you need to remember the word “pen”. Take a pen in your hands, feel it, even write something while pronouncing a foreign term.

An important point: it is not enough to simply imagine the actions; you must perform them yourself. In this case, the entire memorization process is based on movements. To better consolidate words, you need to perform as many actions as possible. In this case, you should focus not on the term, but on the movement you are making.

Method No. 7. Figurative

Again, in order to learn the material, you do not need to make any effort - all information is remembered involuntarily. Just use your imagination and draw interesting pictures in motion. How to learn many English words in a figurative way? First, match the English word with a Russian word that sounds similar (for example, “snack” and “snow”). Now imagine how the snow and the snack come together. Logic is not important - the main thing is that the picture is suitable.

You can memorize up to 25 words at a time. When you get a little used to creating pictures for individual expressions, you can complicate the task. For example, you can take any dynamic picture or photograph from a magazine, memorize it and write down on a piece of paper the names of all the objects depicted on it, both in English and in Russian, and write down a consonant Russian word next to it.

Method No. 8. Composite

Regardless of the number of syllables, any foreign word can be divided into three parts. For each part it is necessary to select a Russian word that sounds similar to the beginning. The meaning of what you get as a result of such linguistic manipulations, in fact, does not matter at all. Having done this with each syllable, we move on to the next stage. All Russian words should be combined into one meaningful phrase, at the end of which there should be a translation of the word that you want to remember. Let's consider this using the example of the word “sinister” (sinister): A BLUE fog spread over the clearing.

  1. It is very useful to combine 5-6 new words into one short text, and then learn it in its entirety.
  2. Try not to learn all the words in a row, but only those that you really might need.
  3. Memorize not only individual terms and definitions, but also the features of their use in various set expressions.
  4. After your vocabulary exceeds the 1000 word mark, try to remember special formative statements and plug-in constructions that will help you make your speech smoother and more natural (“rather”, “probably”, “really”, “it should be said that.” ." etc.).
  5. Use synonyms: even if you cannot say exactly what you wanted, it is better than remaining silent for a long time.

How to remember a whole text?

Now that you already know how to memorize English words individually, you need to say a few words about the secrets of memorizing coherent texts. First of all, read the entire article and understand it 100% - without this, nothing further will work at all. Having finished reading, divide the text into several parts and title each of them. You also need to learn it in parts, restoring logical chains in memory. At first, you shouldn’t mock yourself, trying to “drive” articles longer than a page into your memory; you need to increase the volume gradually - this is the only way the learning process will be easy and enjoyable.

Every second person wants to study and learn English. For some this comes easily, but for others it is difficult, because... Every word is spelled and pronounced differently, not to mention the same words have different meanings, add grammar to that. To speak fluent English, you not only need to know the rules and grammar, use flashcards, stickers, etc., you also need to have an extensive vocabulary.

How to increase the volume of words and learn English quickly and effectively will be discussed in this article. We will present the most relevant and simple exercises, and also reveal the secrets of quick learning.

Seven Memory Techniques

This section is devoted to seven effective techniques that make it easy to learn and remember new words, phrases and use them in conversations with foreign citizens. Let us note that English is a global language, so knowledge of it will be useful not only for studying instructions for household appliances, but also during travel, as well as in work.

These are unique secrets for memorizing English words that will be useful in life:

  1. Formation of an associative series. The brain remembers images best, not words, making a constant connection with those pictures and emotions that have accumulated in a person. Thus, we see that the brain, when memorizing new and old data, connects this information, making up a certain series of associations. For example, the crown of a tree is easier to see than one specific branch that is nailed through the ground. It turns out that if there is a relationship between old and new data, it is much easier for the human brain to navigate and select the necessary information. The practice is quite simple. You need to take a sheet of paper and write down in the center the word that is necessary for memorization; if you are already more advanced in use, then in the center you can indicate a phrase or phrase. Draw lines radiating from the center, ending with a picture or other phrase that is associated with the task. Then, look at the sheet and, without memorizing it, put it aside. Throughout the day, keep the word in your head. In order to remember the selected word, reproduce the associated image, so the brain will draw a logical chain, and you will easily remember the necessary phrase or word. If you are limited in time, then for quick learning, you can learn the language by pronouncing these words and the connections between them. We recommend making a card with a picture on it.
  2. Don't forget to learn phrases. You can learn a word separately from a sentence only at the initial stage. In the future, they need to be taught in conjunction with a sentence or another word. This method is not only simple, but also effective. For example, you need to remember the word “strong” (strong), then learn it in the context - “Big strong man” (big strong guy). This way the information is easier to perceive, because... there is a connection for the brain. After this, we advise you to compose five or six sentences with the chosen word to reinforce the material through repetition. You can carry the cards with you and repeat them whenever the opportunity arises.

Presentation on the topic: "How to quickly learn a lot of English words"

  1. Remember the word? Support them with pictures (cards). This way, for each new word or phrase you will have cards with pictures. You don’t have to draw them big, they can be small, like a cheat sheet. But be sure to contain the word and picture being studied. Don't worry if you don't have drawing skills. It can also be a schematic drawing of an extraordinary execution, so the brain will even remember the word faster, because visual information is processed faster by him.
  2. The ability to tell a beautiful story (storytelling). For those who need to learn large amounts of information in English, we recommend putting various words and phrases into a short story. He can be funny and absurd. And it will be better, because... you will be able to remember more words, and at the same time improve your mood. Note that the brain remembers information better if it is of interest. Therefore, if you create an easy and relaxed atmosphere for your lessons, this will only be a plus.
  3. Use pairs. It is more effective to learn words in pairs. Along with this, study antonyms and synonyms. With this approach, the brain will create connections between the words being studied. Accordingly, it will be easier to remember them, and your vocabulary will expand.
  4. Break the words down into their components. The English language, like Russian, has prefixes, roots and suffixes. By breaking a word into components, you leave it in your memory for a long time. This task should be done using a dictionary, because... there is a need for careful verification. This technique can be used by those people who do not want to wait, i.e. for the impatient.
  5. Use words. Once you learn a word, use it in your everyday vocabulary. Make up sentences and pronounce it. Then, after an hour, return to it, then, after a day and a week. This allows you to memorize the language efficiently and for a long time, without even using flashcards.

Subliminal Methods

When developing the brain, one should not forget about the subconscious, which influences the process.

So, you should use an emotional component, with the help of which words are easily remembered.

Therefore, give your activities a strong emotional overtones. For example, speak with an accent or imitate a character from your favorite movie.

Then, when remembering a word that was previously endowed with emotion, the subconscious mind will reproduce the word. We recommend learning new words as a game.

No cards, techniques or secrets can influence learning ability as much as a game form of learning. With its help you can quickly and easily learn the language. Moreover, the technique is relevant for both children and adults.

Modern techniques

Today, there are many methods and techniques to effectively learn foreign words: dictionaries, mobile applications, working with the subconscious, etc. These methods have almost replaced traditional cards with words, stickers and decals, although they are still effective. What is the best way to memorize foreign words quickly and efficiently?

You can install a program that will remind you that you need to repeat a word, display associations, and build logical connections.

However, most people still use flashcards to learn a language. The convenience of this method is that they can be laid out around the house, glued to interior items, and also carried with you in a bag. Cards are the traditional method. By using it in combination with other techniques, you can improve every day.

Make and implement a personal plan every day. It is optimal for a person to learn 7-15 new words daily. Follow it strictly, adding rules of grammar and vocabulary, so that in 1-2 months you will see progress. It is important to remember to move from theory to practical exercises, applying them in everyday life.

DO NOT cram

The source of the problem in the educational process in government institutions is the cramming of new expressions. The essence of all lessons comes down to reading the text, retelling, and translating the passage. All. The student “passed” the lesson. However, with this approach, the brain does not retain the lesson learned for a long time. Therefore, we recommend that you do not cram, but delve into the meaning of the subject being studied.

The secret of difficulties

When trying to learn English or other foreign words, we, as a rule, simply do not understand in what cases it may be useful to us , those. what is the benefit for the future. Psychologists and experienced teachers assure that as soon as a person overcomes this barrier, the process of memorization and reproduction will become not only comfortable, but also natural.

In order to achieve results in memorizing the English language, it is necessary to translate foreign phrases from the “strangers” group into the “us” group. Such a filter turns on unconsciously in the human brain. The subconscious mind independently decides what information to skip, and what to hold back and what to distort, while letting it pass. Therefore, another goal is to overcome this invisible border and then you can congratulate yourself on the beginning of an exciting journey in learning foreign languages. However, remember that only daily training will help you effectively cope with the task.

Do you have problems remembering English words and expressions? Do you find it difficult to remember idiomatic and slang expressions? Are you constantly struggling with grammar rules?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone: ​​most people who study face such problems.

Even native speakers have difficulty remembering how to spell a particular word, since there is often no direct connection between the spelling of a word in English and its pronunciation.

The secret to remembering new words and their spelling—for both native and non-native speakers—is to develop a good memory. If you are one of the people with poor memory, read on.

This article will explain several techniques that will help you memorize words and grammar in a much easier way.

First of all, you need to understand how memory works.

So how does memory work?

Our memory stores information. As soon as we see, hear, smell, taste or touch something, our memory places this data in a specific place.

In some cases, however, when we need to retrieve this information, we cannot find it. Sometimes, even when we try to remember something, this piece of information simply cannot be “removed” from its proper place in our memory.

Can I improve my memory?

Yes! You can use aids - mnemonics.

These include pictures, sounds, rhymes or acronyms that make a connection with a word, expression or spelling that is difficult to remember.

Imagine: the sea after a storm with parts and debris from a wrecked boat floating in it, algae and other debris floating aimlessly on the surface.

This is what happens to poorly organized memory. It is difficult to find anything in such a huge pile of disorganized information.

Now imagine a port or harbor where every boat is anchored or docked in the right place. Everything is organized and in its place.

TO The picture is a little unrealistic, but hopefully it will help you imagine what a well-organized memory looks like. Following this analogy, a mnemonic is an anchor that fixes a piece of information in a certain place, preventing it from “sinking.”

Let's look at a few different ways to use these memory anchors to learn a language.

Using mnemonics to remember the spelling of words

Spelling mnemonics are used by both native speakers and language learners because it is very easy to get confused when it comes to spelling English words. If you can't remember how to spell a certain word, create a mnemonic link to something that will help you remember.

Here's a great example: many people are not sure about the correct spelling of the word "vacuum" (vacuum cleaner). They know that there must be a double letter in the middle, but which one, “c” or “u”? The following video presents a wonderful mnemonic technique designed to help with this:

Hear, here! How to remember English homophones

Weather or whether? Hear or here? There, their, or they're?

It is especially difficult to remember the spelling of words that sound the same but have different meanings. And again mnemonics help us!

For example, you confuse the words compl i ment and compl e ment There is a mnemonic to help you understand the difference between these words. Let's take a look at it and you'll never have trouble with these two homophones again.

Compliment is translated as “compliment”, “praise”. This is an expression of delight, admiration.

He told her he admired her music, and she returned the compliment by saying that she was a fan of his poetry. He told her he loved her music, and she returned the compliment by saying she was a fan of his poetry.

Complement, on the other hand, is something that complements or enhances - an addition.

The necklace was a perfect complement for her dress. The necklace was the perfect complement to her dress.

Both words can be verbs and nouns. Also, both can have other meanings depending on the context, but these meanings are the most important.

The difference in spelling between these words is that the word compl e ment has an e in the middle, and compl i ment — i. For those who are fluent in Russian spelling, there will not be much difficulty here, since in our country the word compliment is also written through And. But what if you are confused with the Russian language too? How then can you remember how to spell each word correctly?

Here's a mnemonic for you: antonym compl i ment — i nsult (insult). Insult starts with i, so compl i ment in the middle is also a letter i .

When one thing complements another (one thing complements another), it improves it in some way. Enhance starts with the letter e, so just remember the phrase: if one thing enhances another, it complements it- and you will remember the letter e in the middle of the word.

A barefoot bear drinks beer

Another way to remember words that have the same sound and pronunciation is to create a mnemonic sentence that includes all the words you are trying to remember.

The sentence should make some sense and be simple enough to visualize and remember. For example: A barefoot bear drinks beer. The sentence is a little silly, but it's memorable and helps teach the difference between homophones.

Idioms and slang expressions

A picture that expresses a literal interpretation of an idiom can be an excellent mnemonic.

For example, so that the meaning of the expression " to be all ears» stuck in your memory, imagine a man with large elephant ears facing you. This image will help you remember the meaning and main idea of ​​this idiom.

What do people use to hear? Ears, of course. So, if a person has big ears, it means that he is listening carefully to what you say.

By the way, how do you like this literal depiction of the phrase to be all ears?

Now you will probably remember this expression forever. I hope you are not reading this article at night, as some troubles are possible.

What about grammar?

If the structure of English grammar is different from your native one, it can be difficult to understand the logic behind the “alien” grammatical concepts.

Learning grammar rules can take a lot of time and effort before you truly master them.

Mastery means that you feel absolutely confident in it and use the rules of grammar 100% correctly.

Look at 4 rules that will help you understand these very “alien” grammatical rules. Perhaps they will remind you of your own experiences.

  1. I read the rules and read/see/hear examples of their use. I understand the meaning (or at least I think I do). The rule makes sense. More or less…
  2. I start doing the exercises and now I realize that I don't quite understand them. I need to see/hear/read a few more examples before I start using them myself.
  3. Now I understand the idea, but there are so many expressions here! I hear native speakers use this concept incorrectly. Are they just wrong, or is there something that neither my textbook nor my teacher have conveyed to me yet?
  4. Now I know (hopefully) how to use this part of the grammar. I can use it correctly and know several different cases when it should be used. Now I own these rules.

This raises a very important question: is it possible to skip a step or two in this process?

Answer: Yes. It's difficult, but possible.

How to Use Mnemonics for Grammar

It is important to be able to visualize (present) a new concept; a mental picture will help you understand and remember it.

Here's an example. In Slavic languages ​​there are no auxiliary verbs for the perfect tense (I have read the book) or for the continuous tense (I am reading the book).

If we draw an analogy with English, in Russian, for example, there is no difference in the sentences “I read” and “I am reading” (in both cases - “I am reading”), since we understand the difference from the context. But there are no differences in verb forms.

In order for us, Russians, to understand the difference between the simple present and simple perfect tense in English, we need to try to imagine two pictures.

For repeated actions (for example, Present Simple: “I read every day” [I read every day]) imagine a kangaroo jumping up and down on a calendar: I read Monday (jump), Tuesday (jump), Wednesday (jump) and so on.

Well, or this mnemonic for the phrase “I read every day”

For actions that are happening right now (for example, Present Continuous: “I am reading”), you can imagine a river filled with words and phrases in front of you. You are sitting on the bank of a river, text floats past from left to right, illustrating that the reading process is happening right now.

At first, the difference between these two actions may seem very confusing - one is repetitive and general in nature, and the other is unfolding right now in front of you.

But the pictures definitely help to visualize the difference and eventually internalize it as well.

And one more grammatical example

Let's look at another example of a difficult grammatical concept: stative verbs.

These are verbs that are not usually used in continuous forms, even when we are talking about temporary situations or states. Have you ever been confused by the logic of stative verbs? How can one and the same verb denote both a phenomenon and an action in the same situation?

Example: compare “The girl is smelling the rose” and “The rose smells good.”

How can we know whether it is an action verb (in which case we can use the Present Continuous) or a state verb (in which case we cannot use the Present Continuous)? Visualization will help us again.

Imagine every little step in this process: you are a girl, you take a flower in your hands, bring it to your nose and calmly inhale the delicate aroma of a rose. Where is the action here?

I hope you see the action and understand that, in fact, in this case the action is associated with this whole process.

Now imagine that you are a rose.

What are you doing? What is your action? If you think about it for a couple of seconds, it becomes clear that the flower is not doing anything.

Let's look at a couple more examples:

The cook is tasting the soup. The soup tastes good. (The cook tastes the soup. The soup is delicious.)

I'm feeling your forehead. Your forehead feels really hot. Are you sick? (I feel your forehead. Your forehead is very hot. Are you sick?)

Can you imagine yourself as a chef? What about soup? Can you imagine that you are a forehead?

How to create mnemonics

1. Not all words and expressions are equally important. Therefore, not every vocabulary item “deserves” to have a mnemonic created for it. Identify the words and expressions that really have professional or social meaning for you, and create mnemonics for them first. Don't worry about words that are too rare and "mysterious" that you can't remember.

2. Create mnemonics in English, not in your native language. If your mnemonic is a picture, then try to think of it only in English.

3. Don't overdo it: Don't use too many mnemonics. If you do this, you will have to spend a lot more time memorizing mnemonics instead of reading, writing or speaking English. We all have limits on how much we can remember, so know your limit.

4. Not every mnemonic makes sense to other people. Mnemonics can be divided into two groups: private and public. Public ones are those that can be easily understood by other people. Personal ones, on the other hand, will only be clear to you. Your own mnemonics will be difficult to explain to other people, but don't worry about it: the only thing that matters is your own ability to quickly retrieve a word or concept from your memory.