Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Turnip in artistic style. Fairy tale in different styles of speech

1. Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her mother and grandmother loved her madly, they were simply drawn to her. On jam day, the grandmother presented her granddaughter with a red riding hood. The cap was made of Russian scarlet cloth, sewn in the manner of a skullcap. Since then the girl has been carrying it. The neighbors said this about her:
- There goes Little Red Riding Hood!
One day a mother made some pies and said to her daughter:
- Take some grub to grandma and find out how her health is.
Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went.
She walks through the forest, and a Wolf meets her.
- And where are you going? - asks the Wolf.
- To grandma, I’m bringing her some grub.
-Where is your grandmother?
“Far away,” answered Little Red Riding Hood, “in that village, behind the mill, in the first hut on the edge.”
“Okay,” says the Wolf. - I also want to visit your grandmother. You go along this road, and I will go along that one. Let's see which of us gets there first.
The Wolf said this, and ran with all his might along the shortest path.
And Little Red Riding Hood went on her own long road. She crawled slowly, like a snail, picking flowers and collecting bouquets along the way. Before she even had time to reach the mill, the Wolf had already materialized at her grandmother’s door and was knocking: Knock, knock!
-Who's there? - asks the grandmother.
“It’s me,” the Wolf answers, “like your granddaughter.” I brought some food for you.
And my grandmother was sick at that time, and thought that it was really Little Red Riding Hood, and shouted:
- Pull the string and the door will open!
The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.
The Wolf attacked the grandmother and devoured her. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for 3 days. Then he closed the door, lay down on grandma’s bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.
Soon she finally crawled to her grandmother’s door and knocked: Knock, knock!
-Who's there? - asks the Wolf in a rough, hoarse voice.
Little Red Riding Hood started to fuss, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold, and answered:
- It's me, your granddaughter. I brought food for you.
The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:
- Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!
Little Red Riding Hood pulled the rope and the door opened. The girl locked herself in the hut, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:
- Put the food on the table, and lie down next to me!
Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:
- Grandma, why do you have such big hands?
- This is to hug you tighter, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such huge ears?
- This is to hear you better, my child.
- Grandma, why are your eyes so big?
- To see better, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?
- And this is to devour you, my child!
Before Little Red Riding Hood could squeak, the Wolf swallowed her too.
But, fortunately, at that time woodcutters with axes on their shoulders passed by the house. They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they cut open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by her grandmother - both safe and sound.

2. Into the unknown locality lived a citizen named Little Red Riding Hood (real name has not been established). On October 26, 2008, she left the house. With her, citizen K. had a package, which she was supposed to give to citizen Grandmother (real name has not been established) at a predetermined place, namely at the above-mentioned place of residence. Citizen Babushka had a privatized plot of land and a place of residence not far from the place of residence of citizen Red Riding Hood, but due to her advanced age she could not manage the household independently.
Going to her destination, citizen Red Riding Hood had to go through the forest - an area with a high crime rate. While citizen Red Riding Hood was passing the above-mentioned section of the path, an unfamiliar citizen approached her, who, as it turned out later, turned out to be citizen Wolf (whose real name has also not been established). Citizen Volk had three convictions in the past for extorting material assets from both individuals and legal entities. Through questioning, he learned about the contents of the package of citizen Red Riding Hood and the purpose of the latter’s actions. Having politely said goodbye, he went straight to the address where the meeting between Citizen Little Red Riding Hood and Citizen Grandmother had been arranged. Having overtaken citizen Little Red Riding Hood, citizen Wolf reached the place of residence of citizen Grandmother and entered the territory private property the latter and took her hostage. After the arrival of Little Red Riding Hood, Citizen Wolf, skillfully playing the role of Grandmother, took her hostage through strong tricks. After that, he carefully began to prepare their deliberate murder...

3. One day protein body order of chordates species homo sapiens weighing 35 kg named Little Red Riding Hood made its way to the place of permanent residence of an elderly citizen Russian Federation, which is related to the above-mentioned individual.
Before following the laid trajectory, Little Red Riding Hood produced a number of small-diameter spheroids weighing 8 * 10 to the 2nd power at a temperature of 300-500 degrees Celsius using nuclear fuel, adding a filling of unknown origin to them. (The experimental object was code-named “pies”).
At the end of the process, Little Red Riding Hood left the experimental laboratory.
Having walked a certain number of kilometers along a trajectory laid out in advance, Little Red Riding Hood met an unfamiliar object with human intelligence and non-human appearance. (The object received the code name “Wolf”, because it had all the characteristics inherent in this type of living beings). The wolf began to take an active interest in the trajectory of Little Red Riding Hood and the place of her arrival. To which Little Red Riding Hood responded with a sincere confession that she was going to visit her relative of retirement age, called Grandmother.
Object "Wolf" demonstrated the ability to act in accordance with the situation. Thus, having materialized near the door of the “Granny” object, he immediately penetrated inside and made back-and-forth movements of his jaws, first in relation to Grandmother, and then against Little Red Riding Hood.
However, according to eyewitnesses, the “Wolf” object, when meeting with a more intelligent enemy, was unable to fulfill accurate assessment his strategic goal and made a mistake that led to his defeat.

To the question, help me write a fairy tale turnip in different styles speech given by the author able-bodied the best answer is 1. Fairy tale “Turnip”, presented in a scientific style
At the beginning of the spring season field work One elderly farmer planted various vegetable crops, including a two-year-old root crop of the cruciferous turnip family. After the period of ripening of the turnip root crop, when it was enriched with all useful mineral salts, fiber and vitamins, the harvest began on the farm. However, the root crop has reached such an impressive size that an elderly farmer who does not have much physical strength, was unable to extract it from the soil alone.
Through consistent manipulation and effort - by involving all members of the farmer's family (his wife and his minor granddaughter living with them) in the process of extracting the root crop, as well as using the power of draft animals (cats, dogs and mice), the turnip root crop was successfully extracted from the soil. Note, however, that the use of cats, dogs and mice as draft or pack animals is not typical for this area.
The reasons for the growth of turnip root crops of such size and mass are a phenomenon that has not yet been studied; no such case has yet been described in scientific literature. Undoubtedly, this is the work of future generations of young scientists, and this topic has enormous prospects further research.
2. The fairy tale “Turnip”, set out in formal business style
Farm director
From the oldest farmer
Please provide me with technical assistance in the form of one tractor for harvesting the turnip root crop growing on my farm plot. The root crop reaches the following sizes: diameter – 5 meters; height excluding tops is 3 meters, height including tops is 10 meters. It is not possible to harvest the root crop (extract it from the ground) by the members of one farm (Grandmothers, Granddaughters, Bugs, Cats, Mice).
3. The fairy tale “Turnip”, presented in a journalistic style
Report from the scene.
An amazing harvest was grown by the oldest farmer of one of the farms in our region, Grandfather. Even the old-timers will not remember this: on the plot of Grandfather and his family, turnips of immense size grew. At first, the respected farmer tried to pull out the turnips himself, but he failed. I had to call my wife for help, but even with her help, Grandfather could not pull out the turnip. Then all members of the family were called to help, but even their joint efforts were not enough!
It was only when a tractor arrived to help the grandfather that the turnips were finally pulled out of the ground and cut into separate pieces using a chainsaw.
Our newspaper will monitor Grandfather's further successes in his difficult agricultural field.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Conversational style Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. They lived modestly - without income. We ate radishes and drank kvass. Here’s a simple dinner every day: every time. It is on this sad note that I will begin my story. Once it “found” the old man: “There was definitely unaccounted for flour somewhere in the house.” He looks sternly at the grandmother, who quietly looks away. - Yes, there is a little flour. Yes, it’s not about your honor. You couldn’t touch her with your unwashed face. I was going to bake pies for my name day. - What kind of vile snake have I warmed up in my house? Or don't you know me? Well, come here quickly so that there will be food on the table within half an hour. Maybe you don't understand? I'm going to kill someone now! I’ll explain in English: veri hangri – you want to eat. - I’ll do everything this very hour. Drink the kvass while you're at it. I’ll bake a kolobok for such a fool. There are no teeth anyway - at least you can lick this ball. - That's okay, that's wonderful. That would be right away. What are those difficult? Is it difficult for you to understand me? Do you think it’s okay for me to threaten with brute force? Just know this, my darling. In my priorities, you are right behind the stomach. Even if you hit the wall with your forehead, do you understand who is in charge? The grandmother sighed sadly, waved her hand at him, placing the other on the crook of his hand. It turned out to be a bad gesture. She kneaded the dough in silence and heated it in the oven. And having rolled that dough into a ball, right into its ardor and heat, she brought it to the handle and closed the oven with the damper. That's how things are. The old man was glad to see the bun, opening both nostrils and inhaling the aroma. - Did you, old woman, follow every point in the recipe? Don't I want to get poisoned by consuming a baked goods product alone?

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Scientific style Kolobok is a character from the Russian story of the same name. folk tale, depicted as a small bread spherical yellow color, who escaped from his grandparents and various animals who baked him, but was eaten by a fox. It has analogues in the fairy tales of many other peoples: the American gingerbread man, the English Johnny Donut, there are similar Slavic, Scandinavian and German fairy tales, the plot is also found in Uzbek, Tatar fairy tales and others. According to the Aarne-Thompson plot classifier, the fairy tale belongs to the 2025 type - “the runaway pancake.”

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The etymology of the word Kolobok is a diminutive of kolob - “rolled lump, ball; small, round loaf of bread; unleavened dough dumpling.” In Tver dialects there are the words kolobukha “dumpling, lump”, koloban “thick flat cake”, okolobét “shrink”. A thick, round flatbread made into a bread-like ball, almost a ball, or swelling to a ball shape at the end of baking. Also in Slavic languages there is the word kolo (cf. wheel, etc.) meaning “circle”, but its connection with the word kolobok is doubtful. Some researchers consider the word borrowed, for example from Greek. κόλλαβος “wheat bread” or from Swedish. klabb “chock”, Norse. klabb “com” or from other Isl. kolfr “beam, pole”, but such comparisons are unconvincing from a phonetic point of view. Sometimes the word is compared to Latvian. kalbaks “a loaf, a crust of bread.” Scientific style

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Journalistic style Dear friends! Before us stands important task– proper education of the younger generation. We must use all available pedagogical methods for the benefit of the goal. The problem of street children is relevant today. After all, why did Kolobok run away from home? He was probably a pedagogically neglected child; he lacked parental attention and care. Why was he left to cool off on the window alone, unattended? Why didn't parents keep their child busy with educational activities? educational games, didn’t pay enough attention to him? Where was the public? It’s “stuffy” in the house, and “stuffy” in moral life. Take a good breath out of all the petty worries, all the fuss everyday life, get rid of, shake off everything that hinders the movement of thought, that crushes the soul, that does not allow a person to accept life, its values, its beauty. Maybe that's why Kolobok ran away from home? To the younger generation The desire to seek and find the best is characteristic; this desire enriches a person spiritually. Kolobok sought to expand the sphere of life, the living space in which he lived, but the lack life experience ruined him. What was the most important thing for himself and for others, Kolobok thought when he ran from home into the forest? Maybe it’s about being open to people, tolerant of people, looking for the best in them first of all. The ability to seek and find the best, simply “good”, “overshadowed beauty” enriches a person spiritually.

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The pedagogical mistake in Kolobok’s upbringing was that no one helped his personality develop. The task of pedagogy is the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual. Now introduced by the Minister of Education Fursenko new task– prepare a universal consumer. If problems were solved using a new method, then Kolobok would not go beyond the outskirts, into nature, into the forest in search of beauty, but would go to the supermarket, where it is crowded and safe for his life, and would return home safe and sound. Kolobok's permissiveness led him to exorbitant boasting: he arrogantly told everyone how he had deceived his grandmother, grandfather, hare, wolf, and bear. So why was Kolobok punished? He is punished for our pedagogical mistakes! But even here the limitations of our everyday knowledge interfere. Life cannot be reduced to everyday impressions. We must be able to feel and even notice what is beyond our perception, to have, as it were, a “premonition” of something new that is opening or could be revealed to us. The greatest value in the world is life: someone else’s, one’s own, the life of the animal world and plants, the life of culture, life throughout its entire length - in the past, in the present, and in the future... And life is infinitely deep. We always come across something we haven’t noticed before, something that amazes us with its beauty, unexpected wisdom, and uniqueness. Journalistic style

"Turnip" in official business style

Citizen Makhorkin Nestor Petrovich, born in 1930. decided to take up farming. Having acquired a plot of land with an area of ​​​​twenty hectares, he decided to grow annual (biennial) herbaceous plants, the genus cabbage, the cabbage (cruciferous) family, hereinafter referred to as turnips.

Makhorkin N.P. sowed the entire sown area with turnips. With the onset of autumn, Nestor Petrovich noticed that the turnips had grown large. He couldn't handle the turnips himself. Nestor Petrovich invited his wife, citizen Avdotya Mikhailovna Makhorkina, to participate in the cleaning campaign, who, appreciating the scale of the harvesting campaign, decided to immediately inform her grandchildren about her misfortune. The daughter of Natalia Vladimirovna and Anatoly Andreevich Prokhorov, citizen Marina, who is the granddaughter of Nestor Petrovich and Avdotya Mikhailovna, responded to the request for help. Arriving at the scene of the incident, Marina Anatolyevna received instructions on industrial safety and immediately began work. However, the common efforts of Nestor Petrovich, Avdotya Mikhailovna and Marina were not enough. Showing vigilance, Marina Anatolyevna called on her subordinates, the dog Zhuchka and the cat Natasha, to do agricultural work. Unfortunately, this team also failed to cope with the task. Passing by this agricultural collapse, the Pelageya mouse offered the workers its services in the field of agricultural work, and in particular harvesting. Pelageya's offer of help was accepted, and within an hour the turnip harvest was completed. All workers employed in this harvesting company were awarded the title “Honorary Worker of the Village,” and Pelageya, as the most outstanding worker, received a state award.

1. The fairy tale “Turnip”, presented in a scientific style
At the beginning of the spring field work season, one elderly farmer planted various vegetable crops, including a two-year-old root plant of the cruciferous turnip family. After the period of ripening of the turnip root crop, when it was enriched with all useful mineral salts, fiber and vitamins, the harvest began on the farm. However, the root crop reached such an impressive size that the elderly farmer, who does not have great physical strength, was unable to remove it from the soil alone.
Through consistent manipulation and effort - by involving all members of the farmer's family (his wife and his minor granddaughter living with them) in the process of extracting the root crop, as well as using the power of draft animals (cats, dogs and mice), the turnip root crop was successfully extracted from the soil. Note, however, that the use of cats, dogs and mice as draft or pack animals is not typical for this area.
The reasons for the growth of turnip root crops of such size and mass are a phenomenon that has not yet been studied; Not a single similar case has yet been described in the scientific literature. Undoubtedly, this is the work of future generations of young scientists, and this topic has great prospects for further research.

2. The fairy tale “Turnip”, presented in an official business style
Farm director
From the oldest farmer
Please provide me with technical assistance in the form of one tractor for harvesting the turnip root crop growing on my farm plot. The root crop reaches the following sizes: diameter – 5 meters; height excluding tops is 3 meters, height including tops is 10 meters. It is not possible to harvest the root crop (extract it from the ground) by the members of one farm (Grandmothers, Granddaughters, Bugs, Cats, Mice).

3. The fairy tale “Turnip”, presented in a journalistic style
Report from the scene.
An amazing harvest was grown by the oldest farmer of one of the farms in our region, Grandfather. Even the old-timers will not remember this: on the plot of Grandfather and his family, turnips of immense size grew. At first, the respected farmer tried to pull out the turnips himself, but he was unsuccessful. I had to call my wife for help, but even with her help, Grandfather could not pull out the turnip. Then all members of the family were called to help, but even their joint efforts were not enough!
It was only when a tractor arrived to help the grandfather that the turnips were finally pulled out of the ground and cut into separate pieces using a chainsaw.
Our newspaper will follow Grandfather's further successes in his difficult agricultural field.