Biographies Characteristics Analysis

“Russian folk fairy tales. Russian folk fairy tales

When the whale had eaten all the fish, the cunning little fish described to him all the delights of the human snack and told him where to find him, but warned him that man is a restless creature. The whale swallowed the sailor along with his raft and suspenders. In the stomach of the whale, the sailor began to run, jump and generally behave very actively, so that the whale felt unwell. When he asked his prey to crawl out of his stomach, the sailor promised to think about it if the whale would take him home to the white cliffs of Albion. Before going home, the guy inserted a lattice of raft boards and suspenders into the whale’s throat, so that he could only eat very, very small fish. And the cunning fish swam away and hid in the mud, under the threshold of the equator, because it was afraid that the whale would be angry with it.

How a hump appeared on the camel's back

When the earth was completely new, animals that helped man came to a camel living in the middle of the vast Howling Desert, and tried to attract him to active work, but he only answered “grb” and ignored their requests. The animals complained to the genie; When the camel told him his usual “hump,” he rewarded him with a hump so that the beast could work for 3 days without lunch breaks.

How folds appeared on the skin of a rhinoceros

A fire-worshipping Persian baked sweet bread with raisins, but a rhinoceros drove him onto a palm tree and ate all the bread. When the rhinoceros took off all his smooth skin and went for a swim, the man poured stale crumbs and burnt raisins into it. To get rid of the tingling sensation, the rhinoceros began to rub against the palm tree, but only rubbed the folds and completely erased the buttons.

How the leopard became spotted

All animals lived in the High Feldt desert, where they were easily found by hunters: humans and leopards. To protect themselves, the animals went into the forest and acquired camouflage stripes and spots. The wise Babun advised the leopard to acquire spots, and the Ethiopian, too, to make changes to his appearance. In the forest they caught a zebra and a giraffe; they showed the hunters why they can hear and smell animals, but cannot see. The Ethiopian turned black and covered the leopard with 5 fingerprints.

Elephant child

When elephants did not have a trunk, a curious baby elephant asked many questions, for which he was beaten repeatedly. Finally, he wanted to know what the crocodile had for dinner. He turned to the crocodile with this question; he grabbed him by the nose and began to pull him into the water. The python pulled the curious baby out by its hind legs, but the baby elephant's nose remained extended. With it he could get bananas, and also beat off all those who had previously spread their paws.

Old Kangaroo's Request

The kangaroo, who at that time had a fluffy skin and short legs, asked the three gods to make him different from the others, and so that everyone would know about him by 5 pm. He annoyed one of the gods so much that he asked the dingo to chase the kangaroo. As a result hind legs The kangaroos stretched out to make it easier to jump. But he refused to thank the dingo for acquiring the kangaroo.

How did armadillos appear?

The jaguari told her inexperienced son about the hedgehog (it must be thrown into the water to turn around) and the turtle (it is better to scratch it out of its shell), but they managed to confuse the foolish one, who, as a result of the hunt, only painfully pricked his paw. To escape, the turtle began to learn to curl up into a ball, and the hedgehog to swim. As a result of training, the turtle's scutes separated, and the hedgehog's needles stuck together. The Jaguar advised her son to leave them alone and called the new animals armadillos.

How the first letter was written

U primitive man A spear named Tegulai Bopsulaya broke. While he was repairing it, Tefi’s daughter sent a drawing with the stranger to her mother with a request to send a new spear, but she was frightened by the strange drawings and raised the whole village to beat the stranger (and his hair was smeared with clay). This is how the first thought about the need for writing appeared.

How the first alphabet was compiled

Tegumai and Tefi came up with images of the letters in a few days: A is like the open mouth of a carp, U is like its tail, O is like a stone or an open mouth, etc. The letters were combined into words.

Sea crab who played with the sea

In the most ancient times, a magician showed the animals how to play, and they began to play: beaver with beaver, cow with cow, etc. For smart person this game was too easy. The sea crab decided to graze and float sideways into the sea. Only Adam's daughter noticed this. The wizard approved the deeds of all animals (for example, he made the pieces of earth that the elephant threw into the Himalayan mountains). But Adam complained about the ebb and flow of the tides; It turned out that it was the Crab who was misbehaving. The wizard made him small and strips him of his armor once a year. The little girl gave the crab her scissors so that he could dig holes and open nuts.

The man was lazy and did not want to row to the shore. To make the sea work for him twice a day, the wizard gave a command to the old man of the moon and the rat that was gnawing his net (the fisherman dragged the sea past the continents with his net).

The cat who walked by himself

A wise primitive woman tamed animals (a dog with tasty bones, a horse and a cow with fragrant hay). The cat, who walked wherever he wanted, watched all this (he even received a promise of eternal enmity from the dog for not going with her on reconnaissance); the woman promised that if she praised the cat once, he could go into the cave, two times, sit near the fire, three times, he could drink milk 3 times a day. The woman did not want this, but the cat, playing with her baby and catching a mouse, achieved praise three times, as evidenced by the skin that covered the entrance, the fire and the jugs of milk. But the man made an agreement with the cat: if he did not always catch mice, then the man would throw one of his five things at him (boots, a stone ax, a log and an ax), and the dog promised to chase him if he was not gentle with baby.

The moth that stomped its foot

Suleiman ibn Daoud had many grumpy wives and one beloved wife, Balkis, as well as a magic ring that summoned genies (however, Suleiman did not want to show off his strength and pacify his spouse with the help of genies). In the garden, he once saw a married couple of moths who were quarreling, and the husband claimed that all he had to do was stamp his foot and the entire palace of Suleiman would disappear. Balkin’s wife, who had taught him, dared him to stomp, and Suleiman, in cahoots with her husband, ordered the genies to carry the castle into the air. Thus, not only the moth’s wife was pacified, but also the scandalous sultanas.

// "The Tales of Uncle Remus"

Date of creation: began publishing in 1879.

Genre: cycle of fairy tales.

Subject: the fight between good and evil.

Idea: cunning and resourcefulness will help you prevail over force.

Issues. Child education.

Main characters: Remus, Joel, Rabbit, Fox.

Plot. Every evening, the boy Joel runs as fast as he can to the old black man Remus to listen to a fascinating story about the adventures of Br'er Rabbit and Br'er Fox. Uncle Remus willingly fulfills the boy's wish. His tales are not just entertainment. Each contains deep meaning. Using animals as an example, the old man explains to the boy how to behave and what to fear in life.

When Joel commits a bad act, Uncle Remus at first does not want to talk to the boy, but then he remembers a suitable fairy tale. A compelling story works best for Joel. He always remembers that it is not good to deceive, to blame someone else. The old man notices that the boy really tries to do only good deeds.

Sometimes fairy tales have a continuation, and Joel looks forward to the next evening with great impatience.

What is common to the entire cycle of fairy tales is the eternal confrontation between the Rabbit and the Fox. The Fox constantly tries to eat the Rabbit, but cannot catch him. The fox uses all his cunning, but as a result he ends up being a fool.

One of the most famous and revealing stories is “The Resin Effigy.” The fox sculpted a figurine from resin and put it on the road. The rabbit began to talk to her and, not receiving an answer, hit the scarecrow and clung to it. Not knowing anything, the Rabbit began to fight back and stuck to the figure with his arms and legs. The Fox celebrated his victory, and the Rabbit began to beg him not to throw himself into the thorn bush. The fox fell for the deception. Having thrown the Rabbit, he soon heard his cheerful voice.

Brer Rabbit doesn't always play the role of an innocent victim. It happens that he himself exposes his opponent to ridicule. This, for example, happened in a fairy tale where the Rabbit was able to ride the Fox and boast about it to Mother Meadows and her daughters.

Sometimes other predatory animals come to the aid of the Fox, but they cannot deceive the Rabbit. While he had a straw house, the Wolf often visited, destroyed it and carried away one little rabbit. Rabbit built stone house and waited for the right moment to take revenge on the Wolf. One day he was running away from hunters and in desperation asked the Rabbit for help. Brother Rabbit locked him in a box and began pouring boiling water into the holes. The Wolf managed to break free and run away, but after that he avoided the Rabbit.

After the incident with the Wolf, Brother Fox was afraid to touch the Rabbit. They even started to be friends, like old times. But the Rabbit did not forget past grievances and often deceived the Fox, “adding” his intelligence. With the help of cunning, he stole the Fox's prey; lured him into the well, where the Fox was almost caught by the owner.

Brother Rabbit is rightfully considered the most cunning in the forest. Sometimes he does not entirely good things. Having deceived Mother Cow, the Rabbit milked all her milk. Uncle Remus specifically tells the boy about how the Rabbit stole butter from other animals and blamed it all on Brother Possum. Joel is dissatisfied with the behavior of his favorite hero, he immediately declares that this is unfair.

Another defenseless animal in Uncle Remus's tales is Brother Turtle. He is friends with the Rabbit and is also able to deceive the Fox. The Rabbit also deceives the Turtle during a running race. Joel pleases the old man by immediately recognizing the deception.

In addition to the adventures of the main characters, Uncle Remus tells Joel stories about other animals. In a fabulous in a fun way he explains to the boy why the possum pretends to be dead when it sees danger, and also why it has a bare tail. The old man surprises the boy by telling him that the Rabbit used to have a big fluffy tail, but he lost it because of the Fox.

In the last fairy tale of the series, “How Brother Turtle Surprised Everyone,” the old man promises the boy that he knows many more fascinating stories that will last for a long time.

Review of the work. D. Harris deserves a lot of credit for preserving the original folklore American blacks. His fairy tales are not only kind and exciting stories. They increased interest in the culture of a people in a state of slavery. "The Tales of Uncle Remus" confirmed that all people, regardless of race, have the same universal values.

The works of H. H. Andersen have long been included in school curriculum and are usually read by children with great pleasure. In this article we will look at the analysis and summary fairy tales "The Swineherd" for reader's diary.

About the product

The literary fairy tale “The Swineherd” was first published in 1841 in a collection of works by Andersen. The work quickly gained popularity and was even adapted for theatrical productions.

It is believed that the work was entirely composed by Andersen himself, however, it contains many folklore motives. So, very popular among folk tales was the motive for punishment by the proud prince. He is present in one where the king disguises himself, wooing an arrogant princess. However, unlike folklore stories, which traditionally end well, Andersen's tale is less sentimental.

Summary: “The Swineherd” (for the reader’s diary)

The main one is a poor prince who rules a small kingdom. He decides to marry the emperor's daughter. The prince sends a nightingale and a wonderful rose with a wonderful aroma as a gift to his beloved. However, she did not accept the gifts because they turned out to be alive and not made by human hands.

Andersen's fairy tale has a clearly instructive orientation, and this can be confirmed by the summary (“The Swineherd”). For a reader's diary, you can shorten the text presented here a little more and not go into detailed descriptions gifts.

The prince decides to serve the emperor as a swineherd. He invents a pot that plays a melody and shows who is cooking what, and a rattle that can reproduce all the polkas and dances in the world. These things attract the princess's attention, and the prince sells them to her for a kiss.

Andersen shows how cruelly pride and arrogance can be punished. Confirmation of this can be found by reading the summary (“The Swineherd”) for the reader’s diary.

So, the princess kisses the prince and at that moment the emperor finds them. He angrily expels both of them from his lands. The princess began to sob in grief. The prince, meanwhile, changed his clothes and told the sobbing girl that he despised her because she did not agree to become his wife. honest man, but for simple trinkets she agreed to kiss the swineherd.

Theme and idea of ​​the tale

Now we can talk about the main theme and idea of ​​the fairy tale, and the above summary (“The Swineherd”) will help us with this. For the reader's diary, it is also recommended to write a few words about this.

So, the main theme of the work is hopeless love. the main problem - social injustice, love of convenience, replacement of true feelings with artificial ones.

The idea of ​​the fairy tale is that you cannot judge people by their wealth and social status.

December 24, house of medical adviser Stahlbaum. Everyone is preparing for Christmas, and the children - Fritz and Marie - are guessing what the inventor and artist godfather, senior court adviser Drosselmeyer, who often repaired the clock in the Stahlbaums' house, will give them as a gift this time.

Marie dreamed of a garden and a lake with swans, and Fritz said that he preferred gifts from his parents that he could play with (the godfather’s toys were usually kept away from children so that they wouldn’t break them), but the godfather couldn’t make a whole garden. In the evening, the children were allowed to see the beautiful Christmas tree, near and on which there were gifts: new dolls, dresses, hussars, etc. The godfather made a wonderful castle, but the dolls dancing in it performed the same movements, and it was impossible to get inside the castle, so The children quickly became tired of the miracle of technology - only the mother became interested in the complex mechanism. When all the gifts were sorted out, Marie saw the Nutcracker. The ugly-looking doll seemed very cute to the girl. Fritz quickly broke a couple of the Nutcracker's teeth, trying to crack the hard nuts, and Marie began to take care of the toy. At night, the children put their toys in a glass cabinet. Marie lingered at the closet, accommodating her charge with all the comforts, and became a participant in the battle between the seven-headed mouse king and the army of dolls led by the Nutcracker. The dolls surrendered to the onslaught of mice, and when mouse king. The king sent Drosselmeyer and the astrologer in search of salvation; both the nut and the young man (the watchmaker's nephew) were found with Drosselmeyer's brother in his hometown. Many princes broke their teeth over Krakatuk, and when the king promised to marry his daughter to the savior, his nephew stepped forward. He cracked the nut and the princess, having eaten it, became a beauty, but the young man could not complete the whole ritual, because Myshilda threw herself at his feet... The mouse died, but the guy turned into the Nutcracker. The king expelled Drosselmeier, his nephew and astrologer. However, the latter predicted that the Nutcracker would be a prince and the ugliness would disappear if he defeated the mouse king and a beautiful girl fell in love with him. A week later, Marie recovered and began to reproach Drosselmeyer for not helping the Nutcracker. He replied that only she could help, because she ruled the kingdom of light. The Mouse King got into the habit of extorting Marie for her sweets in exchange for the safety of the Nutcracker. The parents were alarmed that there were mice.

When he demanded her books and dresses, she took the Nutcracker in her arms and sobbed - she was ready to give everything, but when there was nothing left, the mouse king would want to kill her herself. The Nutcracker came to life and promised to take care of everything if he got the saber - Fritz, who had recently dismissed the colonel (and punished the hussars for cowardice during the battle), helped with this. At night, the Nutcracker came to Marie with a bloody saber, a candle and 7 golden crowns. I'll give the trophies to the girl, he took her to his kingdom - the Land of Fairy Tales, where they got through her father's fox fur coat. While helping the Nutcracker's sisters with housework, offering to crush caramel in a golden mortar, Marie suddenly woke up in her bed. Of course, none of the adults believed her story. About the crowns, Drosselmeier said that this was his gift to Marie for her second birthday and refused to recognize the Nutcracker as his nephew (the toy stood in its place in the closet You looked at the site category Russians folk tales . Here you will find full list

Russian fairy tales from Russian folklore. Long-known and beloved characters from folk tales will greet you here with joy, and once again tell you about their interesting and entertaining adventures.

Russian folk tales are divided into the following groups:

Animal Tales;

Fairy tales;

Heroes of Russian folk tales are often represented by animals. So the wolf always represented a greedy and evil person, a fox a cunning and savvy person, a bear a strong and kind person, and a hare a weak and cowardly person. But the moral of these stories was that you should not hang a yoke on even the most evil hero, because there can always be a cowardly hare who can outwit the fox and defeat the wolf.

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Russian folk tales also play an educational role. Good and evil are clearly differentiated and give a clear answer to a specific situation. For example, Kolobok, who ran away from home, considered himself independent and brave, but a cunning fox got in his way. A child, even the smallest one, will come to the conclusion that he, too, could be in the place of the kolobok.

The Russian folk tale is suitable even for the youngest children. And as the child grows up, there will always be a suitable instructive Russian fairy tale that can give a hint or even an answer to a question that the child cannot yet solve for himself.

Thanks to the beauty of Russian speech Russian folk tales read pure pleasure. They store and folk wisdom and light humor, which are skillfully intertwined in the plot of each tale. Reading fairy tales to children is very useful, as it replenishes lexicon child and helps him in the future to formulate his thoughts correctly and clearly.

There is no doubt that Russian fairy tales will allow adults to plunge into the world of childhood and magical fantasies to a great extent. happy moments. A fairy tale on the wings of a magical firebird will take you into an imaginary world and will more than once make you break away from everyday problems. All fairy tales are presented for review absolutely free of charge.

Read Russian folk tales