Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The real life of blacks in America. The future of American blacks

An outrageous number of "black on white"

Approximately 34 million crimes were committed in the US in 1992 - about 94,000 crimes per day. Those are the Department of Justice numbers. We don't know the true number because many, if not most, are simply not reported. However, we do know that the national crime rate has tripled in the last 30 years, and at least 71% of violent crimes involve economic damage.

Distorted statistics

Until 1986, Hispanics were classified as a separate racial group. No more. The FBI and the US Census Bureau no longer distinguish between Hispanics (who are, in essence, for the most part Spanish-speaking Indians) and whites, their crimes are now mixed together in one whole. Now the 22,354,059 Hispanics living in the US simply don't exist, at least not in the ethnic sense for the FBI's crime reports for statistics and news.

The FBI lists WHITEs not only for Hispanics, but also for West Asians, Jews, Arabs, North Africans, Iranians, Iraqis, Libyans, Palestinians, and refugees from all over the former Soviet Union.

The question that immediately comes to mind is why would the FBI and the Census Bureau suddenly classify "Hispanics" as white? The answer may surprise you.

FBI and Census Bureau along with fixed assets mass media deliberately misrepresent criminal statistics and conveniently classify Mexicans as white because they don't want the American public to know the truth - that blacks are responsible for the vast majority of crime in the US. For example, in 1993, 20,343 Americans were killed. Blacks compromising their 12% of the American population committed 11,686 or the vast 58% of these murders. The proportion of homicides among blacks is 38.8 per 100,000.
In 1986 proportions, Latinos committed 2,242 murders. That's 10.7 per 100,000.
76 percent of the population in America are white (European) Americans and they only committed 29.5% of these murders. On the other hand, blacks and Hispanics together make up 21% of the population, and they alone committed a staggering 68.7% of the murders in the US in 1993.
This means that, per capita, a black man is 12.3 times more likely to commit murder than a white man. Since this information is considered "politically incorrect" and offensive to the black part of society, it is hidden by a falsely inflated per capita white population, the dubious inclusion of Hispanics and other ethnic groups in the white ethnic group.

Here are some more shocking statistics:
Over 1,600 whites are killed by blacks every year.
Number of whites killed by blacks 18 times more number blacks killed by whites.
About 1 million whites were killed, robbed, attacked or abused by blacks in 1992.
Over the past 30 years, 170 million violent and non-violent crimes have been committed in the US by blacks against whites.
Blacks under 18 are 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than whites of the same age.
About 90% of the victims of racially motivated crimes are white.
Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crime than whites, even though they make up only one-seventh of America's white population.

Per capita, blacks commit 50 times more violent crime than whites.

In the United States in 1992, 27 million non-violent crimes were committed. 31% of robberies involved black robbers and white victims, and only 2% involved white robbers and black victims.
Of the 6.6 million violent crimes committed in the United States each year, 1.3 million are racial in nature.
Between 1964 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in racial conflicts in the US, by comparison: 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam and 38,000 in Korea.

The statistics above were compiled by Australian reporter Neil Sheehan, who dug up these semi-secret US crime figures for an article in the Sydney Morning Herald on May 2, 1995.
The content of his article, he commented, simply cannot be published and discussed in the regular American press. I wonder how many blacks should kill the whites so that the New York Times violates their silence about the losses of white guerrilla war that the Negroes wage against them?
"Patterned with Good Intentions" is the title of a book by Jared Taylor, who also studies crime statistics from a racial perspective. It is amazing, but blacks, making up only 12% of the US population in 1990 according to the census (and, accordingly, about 6% of men), commit such a huge number of violent crimes. Mr Taylor discovered:

58% of all those arrested for gun crimes are blacks
46% of all those arrested for violence are blacks
73% of all murders identified as self-defense are committed by blacks
60.5% of all blacks are always armed with some kind of weapon
98% of all young people arrested in Atlanta for shooting a firearm are blacks

In 1989, the FBI reported the following:
Negroes do

8 times more attacks than whites;
9 times more rapes than whites;
14 times more murders than whites;
19 times more armed robberies than whites.
In 1985 (the last year the FBI reported this information) there were 629,000 interracial attacks. Nine out of ten were committed by blacks against whites;
Black males (6% of the population) make up 46% of inmates in US prisons.

"The Creativity Movement"
Rev. Matt Hale, The Creativity Movement World Headquaters
P.O.Box 2002 East Peoria IL 61611 USA

Blacks are not liked in America. The white population is sure that blacks are lazy, stupid and can only organize themselves into gangs in order to kill each other and random passers-by who wandered into their area.

Well, that's what white people think. Blacks think otherwise. They say that hundreds of years of slavery have discouraged them from making a career, working, people in black areas are forced to live on welfare for generations. But even on him, blacks manage to be part of a consumer society and fulfill their civic duty - to buy, buy and buy goods with services. In this they see their civic duty.

Born in the black ghetto, there are no prospects. Getting the knowledge that will allow you to go to college is impossible in principle in their schools. Buy a gun and drugs - that's it. Knowledge is not. Without education and knowledge in America, you can’t really take a selfie. Who will hire an uneducated black guy to work? Sweeping floors at night in the office? A loader in a supermarket? A pizza delivery man? Well, maybe they will, but no more.

The salary of an unskilled worker is little more than the allowance. Despite the poor grades in school, blacks understand this. Elementary arithmetic, of course. And of course, it is better for them to do nothing than to work hard, but have the same amount.

Despite a thriving democracy in the US, this is not Norway. The social money that the blacks pay is not enough for anything. Black guys go out to the patch so that there, in the company of the same guys, they figure out how to cut down the dough for food. They also want to live beautifully. The consumer society dictates its own laws. And they take up arms, resell drugs, commit crimes.

The police must fight crime. The white law enforcement officer sees a Negro running with a knife. It is necessary to detain him, take away his weapon, plant him.

The policemen are also tired of risking their lives for a penny. The bosses got them, they got the black guys who the whites think are animals. Any reaction can be expected from a cornered black man with a weapon. Including that he can get a gun and start shooting at the policemen who surrounded him.

A black boy from Baltimore had his spine broken, he died. Like they shot a black guy from Ferguson before. As it happens almost every month for the last two hundred years in the USA.

Were those killed by criminals? Undoubtedly. Did the whites have the right to kill them? Of course not. But everyone has their own truth. Blacks have their own, whites have another.

The population of Baltimore peacefully protested for several days. Officially - against police brutality, in fact - against a system in which there is no place for blacks. None of the American media paid attention to the protests in Baltimore. People who wanted to change the rules of the game in American society were only noticed when they began to destroy stores. And the response was inadequate.

There are tanks in the city. National Guard shoots at civilians. The state governor is yelling about law enforcement and putting things in order in Baltimore. The US authorities do not want to see a systemic problem, it is more profitable for them to present what is happening as rampant crime.

Having a systemic problem is always a revolution. No, this is not a showdown between police officers and criminals, this is - revolutionary situation which the US authorities do not want to recognize or address. And therefore it is unsolvable and will be repeated regularly here and there.

What is the difference between the Kyiv Maidan and the riots in Baltimore? Essentially, nothing. And here and there, pogroms and looting. And here, and here - a revolutionary situation. But our opposition, singing along to the short-sighted US authorities, is actively pedaling the topic of redneck showdowns. Moreover, our liberals call only blacks cattle. What is this if not racism?

However, there is nothing to be surprised here. Our liberal party itself professes social racism. Considering 85% of the population to be cattle, they dream of seizing power by driving the people into a ghetto. Such an American model social structure is their dream.

Therefore, today they are laughing on their Twitters about the murders of the black population of Baltimore, as they mocked people from Ferguson a couple of months ago. Racism, including social, is close to them. That is why Akhedzhakova asks for forgiveness from the fascist Bandera, but not from the blacks.

Who are you for in this black and white confrontation in the USA?

To the question How do African-Americans behave in America? ? What is their percentage in the country from total population USA? given by the author Andrey Gorelov the best answer is African Americans make up 12.4 percent of US citizens, 14.8 percent are Hispanics. According to the Census Bureau, people of color will make up the majority of Americans by 2042. This is only legally living in the States. In fact, there are more whites than people of color. Currently, the Negro population is widely represented in many US states. But if in the south a significant part of blacks (up to a third) still lives in rural areas, then in the north of the USA - in major cities, where many traditionally live in special areas with comparatively low level life is a ghetto. The Negro population is characterized by higher employment in industry, mass sectors of the service sector (trade, etc.). At the beginning of the 20th century, many blacks in search of better job moved from the South to the industrial states of the Lake District and the Middle West, large cities. Since the late 1970s, a reverse trend has been observed: more and more migrants to the north and their descendants again return to their homeland. small homeland - southern states. The reason for this is the removal of labor-intensive industry to these areas and, as a result, "negro" jobs. In 1863, a crowd of white New Yorkers, dissatisfied with the introduction of universal conscription, staged a large-scale African-American pogrom. Thousands of people were killed, including children. Many were burned alive. Since the abolition of slavery, "lynching" has been practiced in the South - extrajudicial killings over African Americans accused of any offense, which ended with the hanging of the victim (the last - in 1946). Since 1865, in the South, the Ku Klux Klan and a number of other racist terrorist organizations have pursued a policy of intimidation of African Americans in order to reduce their political activity. Demonstrative murders of African-American political activists were used as a means (the last - in 1981). In 2005, during the storm and flood riots in New Orleans, there were outbreaks of racially motivated violence. In US prisons, since desegregation, there have been regular bloody clashes between inmates with different color skin. Traditional region of residence American blacks- the south of the USA, where they have made a significant contribution to the formation of a unique image of the region and especially music, cooking, art. Mass immigration of white Europeans to late XIX century was directed mainly to the north of the country, as well as to the Great Plains. Therefore, with the beginning of the natural growth of the black and colored population, it was the majority in several states of the south. So at the end of the 19th century, blacks made up 75% of the population of the state South Carolina, over half (about 60%) of the population of Mississippi, 55% of the population in Louisiana, from a third to half of the population of Texas, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia, etc. The position of blacks in the traditional regions of the south was very difficult due to the dominance of the Ku Klux Klan and the dominance of Jim Crow laws. In the 1930-1970s, the so-called Great Migration of African Americans took place, when hundreds of thousands of them went en masse to work in factories and factories in large cities of the north (Chicago, New York, etc.) ...

The ancestors of American blacks were taken out of Africa about 300 years ago. On the territory of Africa, trading posts of slave dealers were created, who in every possible way (by violence, soldering, deceit) captured blacks, chained them in stocks or chains. Ships regularly came from the United States, on which blacks were driven into the holds, battened down and taken into slavery.

By the way, the cost of one slave in the United States reached $2,000, while in Africa it was bought from dealers for 400 liters of rum, or $20. The slave traders explained the considerable cost of the Negroes at that time by their high mortality on the way from Africa to America. In fact, according to historical sources, out of every ten blacks on the coast of the United States, only one most often reached. In the years 1661-1774 alone, about a million living slaves were imported from Africa to the United States, and more than nine million died along the way.

US black to white ratio

Since 1790, a census has been regularly conducted in the United States every 10 years. I think that no one will be surprised by the fact that the absolute number of blacks is growing every year. If in 1790 there were 757,208 of them, then at the time of the last census in 2000, there were already 37,104,248 blacks in the United States.

However, if you look at the relative numbers, then a rather interesting situation arises. In 1790, the United States was 19.3% black and 80.7% white, and in 2000 the ratio of blacks to whites was already 13% and 82%, respectively. Do you notice the strangeness? The relative number of whites practically does not change and is about 80% of the population, while the relative number of blacks has decreased by almost a third over 200 years. Why? To answer this question, let's turn to genetics ...

Gene Migration

In the US, offspring from mixed marriages between whites and blacks are classified as blacks. The frequency of the allele that controls the Rh factor in the white population of the United States is 0.028. In blacks of African tribes, the frequency of this allele is 0.630. However, in the modern black population of the United States, whose ancestors were taken out of Africa 300 years (about 10 generations) ago, the frequency of this allele is already 0.446. Thus, the flow of genes from the white population to the Negro went at a rate of 3.6% per 1 generation. As a result, after 10 generations, the proportion of genes of African ancestors is now 0.694 of the total number of genes of the modern black population of the United States. Or, in other words, about 30% of the genes of American blacks inherited from the white population.

If things continue like this, then in 600 years the blacks of the United States will be no different from the whites. Moreover, the lower the percentage of Negro blood in a Negro, the more likely is incest between him and a representative of the white race, so the mixing of races can occur faster. Compare for yourself the likelihood of conceiving a child between an 18th-century blue-black Negro slave and a white man with the likelihood of a relationship between a modern-day American mulatto and a white American brought up on the principles of political correctness.

But I think that it is difficult to convince anyone with numbers and statistics. Therefore, let us turn to more illustrative facts, namely, to compare the appearance of the population of Liberia and the blacks of the United States.

Liberia, Liberia is a free country...

By the way, what do you know about such an African country as Liberia? Is it just what is shown on TV in the news? That some rebels are fighting there, and the population is asking the United States to send its troops there to maintain peace? Do you know why Liberians love and trust the US so much that they ask them, and not, for example, the UN, to intervene in their internal problems?

Well, it's quite a long story, but I'll try to be brief. Look at the picture with the Liberian flag. Does he remind you of anything? ;-) And it was like this...

In 1816, a group of white Americans founded the American Colonization Society in the United States, which set itself the goal of solving the "Negro problem" by settling freed black slaves in Africa. In 1818, two representatives of the society were sent to Africa in search of a place to settle, and in 1820, 88 black colonists, led by three white Americans, headed for the shores of Sierra Leone. Before leaving, they signed a document stating that a representative of the American Colonization Society would manage the future settlement. True, already in Africa, due to the outbreak of the malaria epidemic, 25 of these colonists died, including all three whites. Of the 63 blacks who survived, some remained in Sierra Leone (whose capital, in memory of this, is called Freetown, that is, “the city of freedom”), and some founded their own settlement.

In 1824, the entire territory of this settlement was named Liberia (from the English liberty - freedom), and its capital - Monrovia in honor of US President James Monroe. About 5 thousand liberated blacks from the United States, having learned about Liberia, went to live in this "country of freedom".

In 1847 the Declaration of Independence was promulgated and a constitution adopted. So there was the first independent state in Africa called the Republic of Liberia. English became the official language, and the Liberian dollar became the currency. True, many years later, English in Liberia turned into "Liberian English", and the US dollar became the currency.

But I will not continue to tell the story of Liberia, although it is full of very interesting facts and funny events. In particular, I will not say anything about the largest in the world merchant navy, which runs under the Liberian flags. About how the government of Liberia, secretly trading in diamonds from Sierra Leone, almost destroyed the entire global diamond market. About how the American company “Firestone” bought several hundred hectares of territory in Liberia, where until the Second World War (and possibly still) slaves worked on the plantations, extracting rubber for car tires produced by “Firestone”. About how Ukraine sold weapons to Liberia, and what came of it. Perhaps I will tell all these stories some other time, but for now I will continue the story about the Negroes.

Let's look at photographs of blacks in Liberia, in particular photographs of the descendants of former American slaves, and compare them with photographs of blacks living in the United States (hover over the photo to see the captions):

White Americans Move to Reservations

Indulging in morning coffee and reflections on the imperfection of being, I leafed through the latest issue of Time magazine. And I came across an interesting article by African-American writer Rich BENJAMIN, who, following a two-year investigation, wrote the book “In Search of a White Utopia: An Incredible Journey to the Heart of White America.” In it, this same Benjamin told just an extraordinary thing. It turns out that in the United States, more and more wealthy white people are leaving big cities and establish purely white settlements - enclaves. These are not isolated examples, but almost mass phenomenon. To the writer's question, why are you doing all this, he was gently but intelligibly answered: - We are not racists. We do not consider ourselves better than you, we just want to be separate from you.
- Horror is simple! - the black Benjamin is surprised. In short, the unprecedented is happening in the promised land, the American...

Well, what is it? End american dream, the famous melting pot of all nations and races? End of peace, friendship, gum in America? Oh sure. The melting pot is long gone! All major cities in the US have special areas where exclusively black people live. With their own ideas of morality, with their own black police officers, restaurants, cinemas where they play special African-American movies. AT recent times this is considered the norm.
African Americans make up 12.4 percent of US citizens, 14.8 percent are Hispanics. According to the Census Bureau, people of color will make up the majority of Americans by 2042. This is only legally living in the States. In fact, there are more whites than people of color.
And so, if white Americans wanted to live apart, Mr. Benjamin immediately panicked.


The Americans are building a barrier wall on the border with Mexico, eight meters high! You can freak out. Still, the number of illegal immigrants is not decreasing. Rod and rod... Entire cities already speak only their native Spanish. They don't want to learn English. But this is nonsense, the main thing is that the majority categorically does not want to integrate into American culture. And they bring to America all the nastiest things they have. Drugs, crime, illiteracy...
I'm not anti-American at all. But I'm offended that in the country of my beloved Mark Twain, Jack London, Steinbeck and Hemingway According to a 2004 poll, only half of Americans have read at least one book. Illiteracy in the US has reached 20 percent and continues to rise. 30 percent of Americans believe that the US population is between one and two billion people. Magazine " national geographic found that more than three-quarters of those surveyed could not find Japan on the map. 20 percent of Americans believe that the sun revolves around the earth. 17 percent of respondents rightly believe that the Earth revolves around the Sun, but are convinced that full turn of our planet around the Sun is completed in a day, not a year. One in five US adults cannot name a single country in Europe. Among Americans aged 18 to 24, one in seven cannot find their country on a map, one in four confuses the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
What does the black and Hispanic population of America have to do with it? Yes at that! Because it's mostly about them! If it goes on like this, but it will definitely go on, then only rap with basketball will remain in history from the USA. Plus, of course, the garden planted by the first lady on the lawn of the White House.


Somehow I dug up statistics on benefits for black families in Chicago. Benefit for poverty, not for unemployment, - $ 658 - 822 per month. Food Stamps, Food Stamps, $140 - 288. Single Mother Co-payments - $145 - 265. Child Under 18 Co-payments - $670 - 980. Food Stamps per Child - $220 - 295. Utility Allowance - 96 - 100 percent. Medical insurance "MedicAid" - 85 - 100 percent.
The average family is a single mother with three children. Even if you count by the minimum, then in a month she receives $ 2813 without taking into account food stamps. Cool, yeah?! But this is all provided that she is a black woman born in the USA. Americans of a different skin color have prices an order of magnitude lower. Of course, I kind of understand the government. It's better if the Negroes don't work and play basketball, otherwise, entrust them with an important matter, they'll do something like that - mother don't worry. But African Americans are not eager to work.


According to a report by the US Department of Justice, last year There are more than 37,000 court-proven cases in the country in which a white woman was the victim of sexual assault by a black man. During the same period, there were less than 10,000 such facts related to white men and black women.
I read a funny incident about how a few years ago the US public was concerned about the case of a sergeant coercing a newly recruited woman into cohabitation. Feminist organizations began to collect information on similar cases. They got quite a lot, were preparing to submit it to some kind of hearings and were already looking forward to a resounding victory over “sexism” on a national scale. But then it turned out that all the women forced into cohabitation were white, and the sergeants were blacks. Well, since even a woman is taller than a man, but a black man is “more important” than a woman and racism is worse than sexism, we had to quickly shut up.


Why does all this American stuff bother me? Who knows, I'm just thinking. I saw the same thing in Paris. Walked one evening in lyrical mood and turned the wrong way. Look, and there not a single white face glows in the dark, only the whites of the eyes, frankly, sparkle disapprovingly and get closer and closer. Well, I blew ... By the way, a secular columnist for Izvestia wrote very well about France Bozena Rynska. I quote the passage verbatim, preserving the author's literary twists:
“Bouillabaisse was eaten at the Miramar restaurant in the old port. We got back into the monstrous train. In the second-class carriage, where my mother sat down on principle, the air conditioner did not work. The whole train was suffocating, the windows were sealed shut. Like in a bath - not figuratively, but literally. Real gas chamber. As a result, she dragged her mother to the first class. There was hell too. The air conditioner worked, of course. But disgusting Arab gopniks climbed into our car. Gopniks went naked to the waist. The gopniks were smoking. Gopniks turned on the music and sat down with their asses on the arms of the chairs of people who specially spent money on first class so that this kind of trash would not hang out there. Disgusting, vile urks.
There were four of them. There are at least forty of us in the car. Everyone spent money on first class. No one but us tried to do anything. In the USSR, such hooliganism would have been taken out by the whole bus. Healthy men seemed to be driving, and no one hit turnips.
Furious from the unbelted cattle, I went to look for at least someone from SNCF. There was not a single person in the whole train. Do not go to the driver. Mother, I say, you are our kung fu player. Can you at least fuck one?
- Well, in principle, if the client will stand still and not twitch, then I can hit him.
Half an hour from home, the mother could not stand it, clenched her fists and almost rushed into battle. We yelled at the French that this was their country, and that they needed to protect themselves from the inhabitants of the former colonies, and that they themselves deserved Clichy because they put cattle on their necks.
The naked Arabs, seeing the fists, subdued. It looks like they were being patient on purpose. In the face, like, they asked. Passing by the mother's chair, they said "sorry." Before leaving the train, they announced to the carriage that they were leaving and the performance was over.

Do we need it?

Just don't accuse me of Negro-Arab-Latino-all other nations phobia! I grew up in Soviet school where internationalism was cultivated. And a fan of Soviet film"Circus", where the famous artist Volodin shakes a Negro child in her arms and sings a song: “Bears and elephants are sleeping, uncles are sleeping and aunts ...” Yes, yes!
It's just that I, looking at America, think about the fate of Russia! I am not against Tajiks, Uzbeks, Chinese, Kirghiz... But the great Muslim Magomaev, director of The Elusive Avengers Edmond Keosayan Yes, many beautiful smart people and now they are coming. Musicians, doctors, writers, who is against them! But along with them there are still tons of unknown people! And even they, one by one, are nice guys, but when there are a lot of them, it's just a separate life, believe me, alien to us.
I understand that there is no work in their homeland, and unlike Gorbachev, collapsed great country, they can be understood. But do not impose their habits from the Karakum desert on me! Why not establish a visa regime, why not strengthen the border? Previously, they kept the border even without the eight-meter American walls, but they coped with a bobby on a leash.
Here I read a conversation with the head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region Andrey Markov. Says what for last year crime among migrants has risen by almost 40 per cent. And he also says that he does not know how unregistered foreigners get into our country, they seem to dissolve after crossing the border.
They don't dissolve anywhere. They live ... And here are the numbers: foreign citizens in the first half of 2009, 6392 crimes were committed on the territory of the Moscow region. Compared with the data of the same period last year, there was an increase of 39.6 percent. In Moscow, from a third to a half of the crimes are on their own conscience.
Why do residents of villages or Chinese outback need Moscow? If you want to work, please. Strictly on visas and strictly on those specialties that the country needs. And they pay taxes, otherwise, according to the most conservative estimates, about $ 15 billion float uncontrollably to the former fraternal republics.
Why did I talk about the Americans in such detail? Yes, I do not want to run away from my native places to the pampas! This is a journalist writer Rich Benjamin called the white enclaves utopias - like white man's fairy tales. I don't want stories like this! And I don't want them to come true! And everything goes to this.
And as a result, the example of Kosovo is before our eyes. At first, the Albanians quietly climbed in, then they began to grow incredibly demographically, then they became the majority, and then bam, and the cradle of Serbian civilization was no longer Serbia at all, but another state. The same will happen with the United States, and maybe with us too.