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Let's make the world cleaner: the problem of garbage on the street and in the mind. How to make the earth cleaner and what is required of us

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Children may find some lessons boring. And then discipline begins to suffer in class, students quickly get tired and do not want to take part in the discussion.

Case lessons were created to connect educational school knowledge with urgently needed competencies such as creativity, systems and critical thinking, determination and others.

Thanks to the cases, you can help the student benefit from and enjoy studying and cope with his personal problems!

Gifted children - who are they? What are abilities, what is giftedness? And how are they different? capable children from the gifted? How to recognize a gifted child? Do all children show giftedness in the same way? What advice should parents of a gifted child give when raising him or her? About this in our webinar.

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For modern students unsuitable traditional methods teaching. It is difficult for them to sit over textbooks without being distracted, and long explanations make them bored. The result is rejection from studies. Meanwhile, the priority of visuality in the presentation of information is the main trend in modern education. Instead of criticizing children's craving for “pictures from the Internet,” use this feature in a positive way and start including watching thematic videos in your lesson plan. Why is this necessary and how to prepare a video yourself - read this article.

Articles with similar headlines flooded Western green media.
For many people on the planet, some methods will seem too extreme.
1. Use fluorescent lights. Although they are more expensive, they can save 30% of energy, and at the same time the contents of your wallet. These bulbs consume 75% less energy than conventional bulbs and last 10 times longer. It would only be undesirable to use these light bulbs in sleeping areas, since, according to some scientists, they can provoke the appearance of skin tumors.
2. Take care of your car, and with it the environment and natural resources. Gasoline, oil, tires, filters - all of this uses up the exhaustible natural resources of our planet. Get on a bike and walk more. Stay healthy at the same time. The production of medicines also requires resources.
3. Before turning on your dishwashers and washing machines, fill them completely with items. The above mentioned household appliances consume a large number of energy – don’t make them work in vain.
If you decide to purchase a new household appliance, then when purchasing, pay attention to the “ENERGY STAR” label, which is usually located on the back of the appliance. This tag will help save energy, and at the same time your money.
4. Wash clothes in cold water. Cold water quite enough to wash most things.
5. Turn off all electronics and household appliances when you leave home. Do not leave it in stand-by mode. According to European data, household appliances in standby mode consume up to 8% of all energy consumed in the European Union.
6. Don't buy water in plastic bottles. Their production, transportation and processing takes great amount energy. Besides, plastic bottles form wholes on the planet. Filter the water yourself and pour it into reusable containers.
7. Are you going to a restaurant where they pile up food? Bring a plastic container with you to put your uneaten lunch in.
Do not take bags in supermarkets; you should have a “reusable” bag or a “string bag” with you at worst.
8. Try to buy products either without packaging at all or with packaging that is easily recycled. You can often find products divided into parts, each of which is separately packaged. Forget about them. The production and processing of this “husk” also requires a lot of energy.
9. Support local producers. When choosing, give preference to products produced in your village/city/republic/country; turn up your nose at foreign products; it takes a lot of energy to deliver them.
10. Is there empty space in your yard or plot of land? Plant a tree. Over the period of its life, it deposits tons of carbon dioxide.
11. I desperately need some thing, for example a wardrobe. Look through all the newspaper advertisements, maybe you will find someone who doesn’t need it. Going to the nearest furniture store and ordering a new cabinet is wasteful. Making a cabinet will take a lot of resources and energy.
12. Use energy companies that get their electricity from solar panels and wind turbines.

Do you care about the health of our planet and what are you willing to do to save it? With daily bad news about global warming, shallowing oceans and endangered animals, it's hard to know where to start. You might think there's only so much one person can do, but there are actually so many ways you can help. Read Step 1 to learn how changing your personal habits and educating those around you can make a big difference.


Careful attitude towards water

    Be careful with water in your home. Wasting water is one of the most significant ways in which humans affect the health of the planet. You can start taking steps now to drink less water. If you live in a water-stressed region, this is even more important to the health and prosperity of your region. Try checking maximum amount items on this list:

    • Check if you have any water leaks. If there is, fix it. A leaky valve can waste a lot of water.
    • Install water saving devices on valves and in bathrooms. Installing a shower head with reduced water flow is a good place to start.
    • Do not wash dishes with the water constantly on. Use a method that will use less water to wash dishes.
    • Shut off the water supply to the dishwasher to prevent leaks. It doesn't have to be on all the time.
    • Replace old toilets with new ones that use much less water.
    • Only use fully filled dishwashers and washing machines. If they are only half full, this will result in water loss.
    • Don't use too much water to water your lawn.
    • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
  1. Reduce the amount of chemicals used. The chemicals we use to bathe ourselves, clean our homes, wash our cars, and anywhere else, are washed off and absorbed into the soil or grass, eventually ending up in the plumbing system. Because many people use strong chemicals, they cause significant harm to waterways and aquatic life. Chemicals are even more dangerous for people, so do everything in your power to reduce their use. Here are some ways:

    • Find out about alternatives to home cleaning products that don't contain dangerous chemicals. For example, a solution consisting of white vinegar and water (1:1) works just as well for almost all types of cleaning as their store-bought products. Baking soda and salt are also cheap, non-toxic cleaning products.
    • If it is not possible to find an alternative chemical agent, try to use minimally required amount to achieve the required cleanliness and disinfection.
    • Instead of using chemical-filled shampoos and soaps, try making your own.
    • Instead of using pesticides and herbicides, try natural ways to get rid of weeds and pests.
  2. Dispose of toxic waste correctly. Paint, motor oil, ammonia, and many other substances should not simply be washed off onto the ground or grass. They will penetrate deep into the ground and end up in groundwater. Contact locals treatment facilities to find out the location of your nearest toxic waste dump.

  3. Help find water pollutants. Even alone only person can do a lot to keep water clean. Very often, enterprises and industries are the culprits of water pollution. Interested in protection environment citizens must discuss and find ways to protect themselves from pollution.

    • Join a local conservation organization to help clean up the water in your area, be it a river, lake or ocean.
    • Contact representatives local authorities to discuss your views on keeping water clean.
    • Volunteer and help clean up beaches and riverbanks.
    • Get others involved in cleaning up the waters in your area.

Help to protect animals

  1. Make your home a haven for flora and fauna. Due to the progress of mankind, all kinds of animals, from birds to deer and insects, have lost their homes. You may have seen birds taking baths in oily ponds and deer wandering on the outskirts of settlements simply because they have nowhere else to go. If you have some free space, be hospitable to those animals that need help. You can make your home more pet-friendly by:

    • Plant shrubs, flowers and trees that can attract forest creatures.
    • Hang a bird feeder and water bowl that always contains clean water and food.
    • Let the snakes, spiders, bees, bats and other creatures to live. The existence of these animals in your neighborhood means your ecosystem is healthy.
    • If there is free space, place a hive.
    • use cedar chips instead of mothballs.
    • Don't use pesticides.
    • Use more humane traps rather than mouse poisons and insecticides.
    • Use an electric or manual lawn mower rather than a gas-powered one.

Photo by Shutterstock

Outside the window, it’s mid-autumn, the golden days of October leaf fall... I really want to take a walk in the park, rustle the fallen leaves, enjoy the clear autumn air, permeated with the passing sunlight... However, as soon as you leave the house, plastic bags are flying towards you, driven by a gusty wind; not leaves rustle under your feet, but cigarette packs...

It is enough to look around to see that our planet Earth is literally drowning in waste. One of the greatest landfills is located in Pacific Ocean near the Hawaiian Islands. According to some reports, areas with floating garbage in area exceed the territory of the United States (!). Plastic, cans - all of this eventually settles on the ocean floor or ends up in the stomachs of birds and marine life, which mistake the trash for food. There is debris even in low-Earth orbit.

You can endlessly give such examples, complain about imperfect laws and low culture of people. But, unfortunately, this is not enough to improve the environmental situation.

Today you can make your contribution to protecting the environment. And it is not true that this requires a lot of time, effort or money. It just seems to us that a few people are not able to decide global problem. However, it is the seemingly small things that are invisible at first glance that ultimately bring significant results. Planting a tree, cleaning up a clearing after a picnic, teaching a child not to litter on the street - each of us can do this. It is wrong to think that garbage collection is the responsibility of only public utilities. Remember the well-known proverb: “It is clean not where one sweeps, but where one does not litter.”

It’s simply incredible how much you can do for nature, without even leaving your home: fix a leaky faucet, install an energy-saving light bulb, use household items that do not harm the environment. Let's take garbage bags, for example. A thing that, it would seem, should help manage household waste, itself becomes such as soon as it ends up in a landfill. After all, as you know, plastic takes decades to decompose in the ground. Meanwhile, today this problem has already been solved - and all thanks to the innovative product TM Freken BOK. It's about about the exclusive series of compostable BIO waste bags. The material from which the bags are made includes a special additive. With its help, the used package, under the influence of environmental factors, decomposes over three years into components that are absolutely safe for nature and human health. At the same time, the environmentally friendly properties of the product are in no way inferior to traditional garbage bags: they are just as durable, waterproof and easy to use.

Start slowly rebuilding your household, and eco-living will become a daily habit for your family, such as brushing your teeth or washing your hands. Let's leave our children and grandchildren a clean and green planet!

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The trend of the new millennium is conscious consumption and economical use natural resources. How to make the planet cleaner and save it from garbage?

Admit it ecological situation terrifying, uncontrollable garbage cemeteries, our indifference and haste. What will we leave to our children and descendants? The question is not rhetorical, but requires fundamental changes in our consciousness.

If you think that taking the first step is difficult and you don’t have enough motivation, then you are deeply mistaken. Put economy, cleanliness and then global cleansing of the planet at the top of your priorities - this strange and contradictory set works 100%! Any miracle begins with small steps!

1. Replacing plastic bags with fabric bags and bags

The solution to the problem came from vegans. It was in their shops that the first fabric bags and bags appeared. Let's look at the pros and cons. Now you can get rid of numerous bags in a bag, free up the bowels of the kitchen cabinet or space under the sink! It is there that, most often, deposits of packages are stored.

A lightweight cotton fabric bag fits perfectly into even a small women's bag, is much stronger and more durable than a bag, and, importantly, more environmentally friendly. The only “but” is that it requires washing and drying. Perhaps this is the only negative and worry for the owner.

2. Use of rechargeable batteries and rechargeable batteries

If you can't stop using batteries, then bet on proper disposal and purchase batteries that only need to be charged periodically. Recycling will allow you to quickly recycle the material, and rechargeable batteries will significantly save the family budget.

3. Down with household chemicals - we are looking for an environmentally friendly alternative!

Modern household chemicals significantly makes a woman’s life easier, simplifying and speeding up household chores. The only reason we refuse chemicals is food and skin allergic reactions. Unfortunately, every year there are more and more such complaints. How to solve it? Let’s use “grandmother’s” remedies and proven methods. To do this you will need vinegar, lemon juice, mustard for washing dishes, and soap root for washing. A set that saves many allergy sufferers! By spending just 5-10 minutes, you can find many recommendations and tips on the ratio of ingredients.

4. Disposable bottles are a thing of the past, we are looking for a replacement!

Of course, plastic bottles are very convenient, they are light and have different volumes, but used plastic decomposes up to 500 years! Unless it is a biodegradable material, the decomposition time of such a discarded bottle is much shorter - about a year.

What has come to replace the usual disposable plastic? Containers made from biodegradable material, bottles with built-in filters, soft reusable bags, and the list of eco-innovations is growing daily.

5. Install a water sprayer on the tap

We often use tap water completely thoughtlessly. Did you know that just for the morning procedure, brushing your teeth and washing your face, up to 5 liters of water are spent. And during the day, one person can use up to 250 liters. It’s scary to think how much water is wasted if the family is large, and even with a small child! Washing dishes, cleaning, showering family members...

We do not call for skimping on hygiene, but only for consciousness. After all, you can turn off the water while you are washing or brushing your teeth, do not run the washing machine with 2-3 items, and one more tip - install aerators, special attachments on the taps. They reduce water consumption by 50% and modern models They also additionally purify the water from terrible impurities!

6. Looking for new uses for old things

How hard it is sometimes to part with your favorite things, you must agree. But sometimes a strict revision of closets and living space is still required. Something can be given away as a gift to those in need, something unnecessary but valuable can be sold, something can be sent “courageously” for scrap, and something can be given as a gift. new life in an apartment or in a country house!

Pots can be perfectly turned into flower pots, broken dishes into an artful panel in the country, old T-shirts can be used to make bright rugs. Immediately awaken within yourself creativity and the sleeping genius, let me create and create!

Don’t entertain the illusion that one day you will lose the hated 10 kilograms and fit into a dress or jeans from 15 years ago. Charitable foundations, shelters, churches will gratefully accept your old clothes. The main thing is to bring it in good, washed condition, and give it away with a pure heart!

7. We help shelters and “adopt” a new family member

Animal shelters are a headache not only for animal activists, but also for their owners who are trying to help four-legged street children. How can we help them, make their city safe and clean?

We cannot influence the increase in the number of animals, but we can help with money and medicine, or shelter a little friend. Alas, he will not have a rich pedigree and you will not be able to show him off at the exhibition either, but you will gain a reliable friend.

8. Install a motion sensor

Everyone associates motion sensors with foreign films and institutions where security is strictly monitored. We assure you that such innovations are appropriate for apartments and country houses. Sensors will significantly save energy consumption by almost 70%. With simple mathematical calculations, you will understand that the cost of purchasing and installing the device quickly pays off! Why pay more?

9. We sort the garbage

Properly recycled waste in Europe and Japan allows you to heat houses, create electricity, and obtain new items for use. Luckily, we too are finding innovative ways to recycle our recyclables. You just need to learn and help. As a standard, collection points accept plastic, glass, paper, metal products, food waste separately, lamps and batteries go separately. By the way, did you know that expired medications cannot be thrown away in a twisted form? Required, go pour it down the drain and wash the bottle, or mix the tablets with crushed food waste.

10. Infuser instead of bagged tea

An incredible number of different flavored sachets delight us during a five-minute break and lift our spirits. Here you will find aromas with the smell of chocolate, and with mango and strawberry, how can you refuse such temptation? It is possible and necessary! Tea connoisseurs unanimously claim that bagged tea is the most terrible evil. And the point is not that there is practically no tea in the bags, but that they decompose for a very, very long time.

Give preference to brewed tea, it is more healthy and aromatic, and you only need a couple of minutes more time to brew.