Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The Tale of the Cheerful Tongue or Why Some Children Don’t Pronounce Some Sounds.

Speech therapist S. V. Podoplelova

Tales of Language

Gening M. G., German M. A. Education of correct speech in preschoolers

There lived a tongue in the world. He had his own house. The house was called Rotik. The house opened and closed. Look how the house closes.The speech therapist slowly, clearly closes and opens the teeth.

Speech therapist: How does the house close?

Children: With teeth.

Speech therapist: Right! The lower teeth are the porch, and the upper teeth are the door.

Yazychok lived in his house and often looked out into the street. He will open the door, lean out of it and hide in the house again. Look!The speech therapist shows his wide tongue several times and hides it.

The tongue was very curious. He wanted to know everything. He sees a kitten lapping up milk and thinks: let me try that! He sticks his wide tail out onto the porch and hides it again. He sticks it out and hides it, sticks it out and hides it.

Let's all stick out our tongues together! Now let's hide it. Slowly at first, and then faster, faster. Just like a kitten will do. Look!The speech therapist makes lactating movements.Let's drink milk together now!Children repeat the exercise.

Tongue also loved to sing songs. He was cheerful. He sings what he sees and hears on the street. He will hear the children shouting “A-A-A”, open the door wide and wide and sing: “A-A-A”. He will hear the horse neighing “E-I-I”, make a narrow crack in the door and sing: “E-I-I”. He will hear the train buzzing “U-U-U”, make a round hole in the door and sing: “U-U-U”.

So the tongue will pass unnoticed and the day will pass. Tongue gets tired, closes the door and goes to bed. That's the end of the fairy tale.

Once Yazychok was sitting in the house and began to boast: “I can sing songs quietly, without a voice, and loudly, with a voice. All these songs are heard in the words that people speak. I'm very smart! That’s how great I am!”

The Lips heard the Tongue boasting and became angry. “That's it! You're the only smart one! Only you can sing songs! We also know how to sing songs. And our songs are also heard in the words that people speak. Listen!"

The lips closed, let out a warm breeze and quietly, without a voice, they sang: “P-P-P.” How did your lips sing?

The lips began to open the house-mouth wide and began to sing quietly, without a voice, “Pa-pa, papa.” How did your lips sing? Then they turned on their voices and sang loudly: “Ba-ba.” The lips kept singing. They sang loudly: “Beep-beep-beep”, the same way the car beeps.Children repeat “beep beep.”And suddenly the Lips began to sing quietly: “Pee-pee-pee” like little chickens in the yard.Children repeat "pee-pee-pee".

The tongue listened carefully as the Lips sang. He felt ashamed that he had boasted. He really liked the Lips’ songs, and he asked the Lips to sing all their songs again.

Let's sing these songs too.

Articulation of sounds K, G

Tongue sat idle for a long time. He decided to play pranks and do somersaults. He lowered his tail down, arched his back and began to quietly, without a voice, knock on the ceiling of his house: “K-K-K.”How did the Tongue knock?Then the tongue turned on the voice and began to loudly, loudly, with a voice, knock its back on the ceiling: “G-G-G.”How did the Tongue knock?

Then the tongue opened the house wide and sang quietly, without a voice: “ka-ka-Katya.” He turned on his voice and sang loudly: “ha-ha-Galya.”

It turns out that you can sing songs not only with your tail, but with your back, thought Tongue. And Tongue began to come up with rhymes for these songs.

Articulation of the sound X

Tongue tumbled, tumbled, played pranks, played pranks, knocking his back on the ceiling, either quietly “k-k-k”, or loudly “g-g-g”. How did he knock? And finally, he was so tired that, unnoticed by himself, he dozed off. But his tail remained down, his back was raised with a hump, only it no longer reached the ceiling. Tongue dozed off and began to snore and let out a warm breeze from the house: “h-h-h.”How did Tongue snore? Let's all snore together.

But soon Tongue woke up, probably from his own snoring, and began to boast: “Even in my sleep I can sing songs. Again I came up with a new song - “x-x-x”. This song of mine is heard in human laughter. Some people laugh "ha ha ha" and others laugh "hee hee hee."Let's all laugh together: ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee.

Now we will come up with rhymes with this song.

Articulation of sounds T, D

One day, Tongue was sitting in his house. He raised his tail and began to quietly, without a voice, knock on the top door with his tail: “t-t-t.”How did the tongue sound?

“This is a new song, it is sung quietly, without a voice,” said Tongue. “I’ll try to turn on my voice and knock on the top door.” He turned on his voice and knocked loudly on the top door: “d-d-d.”How did the Tongue knock?

Then Tongue opened his little house-mouth wide and began to beat his tail quietly, without a voice. “Ta-ta-ta,” the tongue sang. This is a drum song.

Articulation of soft consonants

One day, Tongue was sitting in his house. He got bored. He opened his house and sang the song of a cheerful drum: “ta-ta-ta.” He sang it easily, without straining, and the song sounded as firmly as a drum roll.How did the tongue sing? Children repeat: “ta-ta-ta.”

Then Tongue thought: “What if I sing this song with muscle tension?” He took a step back, lowered his ponytail, raised his back and pressed himself tightly against the ceiling. “Tya-tya-tya,” the tongue sang. Now it was not a merry drum song, but a new song. She sounded soft.How did the tongue sing?

They heard the lips that the Tongue was singing soft songs, tensed up and sang: “five-five-five, pe-pe-pe, me-my-mya, bya-bya-bya.”

And the Lower Lip sang: “Vya-Vya-Vya.”

So the Tongue and Lips learned to sing soft songs. And then they began to pronounce words in which soft songs are heard.

Articulation of the sounds F, V and their differentiation with the sounds S, Z

The tongue woke up early and sang the song of the water - With , and then a mosquito song - h. The lower lip listened and listened and suddenly said: “I, too, know how to blow the breeze and sing quiet and sonorous songs.” “Come on, try it,” said Tongue.

Lower Lip quickly rose to the upper door of the house, let in the breeze and quietly, without a voice, sang: “f-f-f.”

“Yes, this is a good song,” said the tongue. - This is how a hedgehog farts. This is his song." Then Lip sang loudly: “v-v-v.” And Tongue said: “That’s how the plane hums when it flies high, high.”

Then the Tongue and the Lower Lip began to sing together: “s-s-s,” the tongue sang, and the Lip behind it, “f-f-f; “z-z-z,” sang Tongue, “v-v-v,” echoed Lip.

Articulation of sound C

The tongue sat in a closed house for a long time. He got tired of sitting like that, he opened the house and sang: “and-and-and.” He became thin and wide, pressed his tail to the porch, quickly closed the house and blew strongly, letting out a cold breeze.Speech therapist shows articulation With.

- What a good song it turned out to be, as if water was flowing from a tap. - thought the tongue and sang again: “ssss.”

- And now let’s all sing together, as the tongue sang. Children say “ssss” for a long time.

Articulation of sound Z

Tongue really liked the water's song. He sang it often, but he sang the little water song quietly, without a voice, but Tongue wanted to sing a sonorous song, with a voice. He closed his house, pressed his tail to the porch, let in the breeze, turned on his voice and sang loudly: “z-z-z.” “This is a new song,” said Tongue, “this is a mosquito song. A mosquito sings like this when it flies and wants to bite someone.”

Let's all sing the mosquito song together. Children pronounce: “z-z-z.”

Tongue was sitting in his house. He decided to see what was happening on the street. He opened his house and looked out. It was nice and warm outside. I decided to play with my tongue. I imagined that he was a fox. He spread his ponytail so that it was wide and put it outside to bask in the sun. Like this. Show.

Suddenly Tongue noticed a large dog. He got scared, ran into the house and raised his tail up. Like this. Show. And he closed the house so that the dog wouldn’t run in, and kept his tail raised up.

Preparatory exercises for the articulation of sounds Ш, Ж

Tongue waited a little and again decided to see where the dog was. He opened the house, but did not lower his tail. He was very afraid that the dog would bite off his tail. He kept his ponytail up the whole time. Like this. Show. Let's do everything together.Children open their mouths and raise their tongues.Several times the tongue opened and closed the house, and kept its tail raised up. Like this. Show. But the dog was nowhere to be found. She ran away a long time ago.

Articulation of the sound Ш

Tongue was sitting at home and remembered how he was scared of the dog, how he lifted his tail up and hid in the house. He raised his tail with a wide cup up and took a step back in his house. He closed the house, kept his tail raised, made a wheel with his lips, let in a warm breeze and sang: “sh-sh-sh.” “This is a new song,” said Tongue. “That’s what an angry goose hisses when it wants to pinch someone.”

Articulation of the sound Ch

Tongue wanted to sing a locomotive song– h. He raised his tail, took a step back in his house, began to knock on the ceiling with his tail, “t-t-t-t,” blew the breeze and it came out: “ch-ch-ch.” Tongue was happy that he had learned to sing the locomotive song.

Let's all sing the locomotive song together.

Articulation of the L sound

“I’ll try to sing the turkey’s song too,” said Tongue. He puffed out his cheeks, ran back and forth and squawked like a turkey: “BL-BL-BL.”How does a turkey bubble? Children repeat: “bl-bl-bl.”Then the tongue stopped running, puffed out its cheeks, pressed its wide tail tightly to the top door and sang loudly: “l-l-l.” “This also looks like a turkey song,” said Tongue. - such a song is heard in people’s speech. She sounds solid."

Articulation of the L sound

One day Tongue heard the sound of a bell. He opened the house and saw little Petya running around the yard and waving a bell. And the bell rings: “li-li-li.”You have to pronounce it quickly so that And heard as little as possible. How does the bell ring? Children repeat.Tongue really liked the bell's song, and he wanted to sing it. He raised his tail, hit the top door with his tail and sang loudly: “li-li-il.” “This is a new song - a song of a ringing bell,” said Tongue. She sounds soft."

Articulation of the sound R

The tongue was sitting in its house. He really wanted to learn how to sing an airplane engine song. He smiled, showed all his teeth, opened the house wide, turned on his voice, quickly threw his tail to the top door and let in a cold breeze. The tongue sang “rrrr” and felt its tail tremble. Show. The tongue put up the piece of paper and sang again: “rrrr.” The paper was rejected. Show. The tongue was happy and said: “So I learned to sing the song of an airplane engine. After all, this is the most difficult song!”

The Tale of the Merry Tongue.

In a small but very beautiful house there lived a Merry Tongue. Here it is.

We show and hide our tongue, opening and closing our mouth.

He was small and very cheerful.

He usually couldn't sit still. Then he would go out into the yard and run there, sticking out his tongue, opening his mouth and moving it from side to side.

Then he went up the mountain raise the tip of your tongue upward, trying to reach your nose.

Or rolled down a hill. Stick out your tongue, lowering its tip down, running from the lower lip towards the chin.

Cheerful Tongue also knew how to change his appearance.

It could become narrow and long show your little tongue. Otherwise he became as wide as a shoulder blade. Relax the muscles of the tongue, place it on lower lip, with his mouth slightly open. Or even rolled up into a tube. Show how.

The cheerful tongue was a neat owner

And he often cleaned his house. He swept the floor from side to side and from deep to the doors. Run the tip of your tongue across the lower palate from right to left, and then from the inside towards the jaws.
Then he began sweeping the ceiling. Make the same movements with your tongue across the upper palate. From right to left. And from the depths of the palate to the teeth, in the center, and then on the sides.

I didn’t forget about the walls of the house. The same movements on the inside of the cheeks.

But Tongue especially liked to paint the fence that stood around his house. First he painted the inside of the fence run your tongue along the inside of the upper teeth, first from right to left, and then sequentially along the teeth from their root to the edge. And the same for the lower teeth.

This is how beautiful the fence is now. Why did our Tongue forget to paint the fence on the outside? Let's help him. Movement of the tongue outside teeth from edge to edge, and then vertical movements. First the upper teeth, then the lower ones.

When Merry Tongue wanted to have fun,

He set about expanding the boundaries of his house. Don't know how he did it? And like this. With your mouth closed, run your tongue along the upper jaw, between the lip and teeth. Pulling and protruding the skin of the upper lip as if puffing it up. Similar movements with the lower lip.

Most of all, Tongue undoubtedly loved to inflate his house like a balloon, and then fix the walls of the house so that they did not stretch. Inflate a bubble in your cheeks with air and break it with your hands. Oh, and it was fun for the Merry Tongue then! Like this, like this. He especially loved to watch the funny sound that came out of his mouth.

To keep the walls of the house flexible and elastic, he trained them like an athlete. He inflated it with air, and then pulled the walls inward. Like this. Inflate your cheeks with a bubble as you exhale, and as you inhale, pull them inward so that the pits or outlines of your jaws are visible.

Oh, and Merry Tongue loved to play around!

Do you know how he played with the door of the house? He simply slammed it, opening and closing it many times. Like this. One two three four..
Open and close your mouth slowly or quickly, stretching your lips up and down, or left and right, opening your mouth wide or slightly. He did it in different ways. He could open it sharply, slamming the door loudly, especially when closing it. Open and close your mouth with sound

And other times he only liked to quietly open the door so that no one would see that he was looking into the yard. Sometimes I made the slit high, and sometimes wide and narrow. And when he was expecting guests, he would open the doors of the house wide, inviting them to visit: “Please come in. I am waiting".

Who do you think came to visit the Merry Tongue?
What did they do and how did they play?
What did Yazychok treat his guests to? –
Let your child use his imagination and continue to compose a fairy tale.

Dear Parents!

You can change this fairy tale in your own way.
You can’t do all the exercises at once, divide them up speech therapy classes with the child for several sessions. The main thing is interest.
As soon as you see that your prankster is distracted, slower or less diligently performing the movements, “wind up” the story and end the lesson.

When playing with a 2-3 year old child, do not focus on the quality of the movements at all. At this stage, it is important that he learns to consciously control the movements of his tongue, lips, and cheeks.

When working with a 4-5 year old child, ensure that the movements are performed thoroughly.

Please note that this story can be used wonderfully for many other teaching purposes.

Learning to count - how many times to do one exercise

Orientation in space - right - left, up - down, outside and inside.

Orientation in time - fast - slow, strong - easy.

Development of imagination, creativity, expansion vocabulary. If your son or daughter takes the initiative and comes up with a different plot and other movements, support their endeavors.

From an adult's point of view, the purpose of this tale is muscle development speech apparatus. Differentiation and awareness of movements. Everything else is the game plot.

You can play a tale

Sitting opposite each other. Looking at each other and copying movements.

Or you can sit comfortably and do all these pamperings in front of the mirror.

It will be a lot of fun for both adults and children!

Be prepared for the fact that your baby will want to do such gymnastics in public transport, and in front of your guests. One girl complained to me that her dad punished her when she began to show him on the trolleybus how she learned to speak beautifully in kindergarten. It was important for her to clarify who was right - dad, who says that you can’t make faces and lick your lips. Or me, who teaches children this.

So we, adults, need to always be on the alert, ready for the most unexpected questions from our young prodigies.

The main thing is to remember

We only officially call speech therapy classes with children seriously. But in fact, it's a wonderful fun time with our favorites. Moreover, with great benefit and pleasure for all participants.

Valentina Ilyina

DIY speech therapy manual: « Cheerful tongue» .

Performed: teacher- speech therapist Ilyina Valentina Alexandrovna

preschool educational institution Kindergarten № 43 "Alyonushka" Lipetsk

It is simple to make, but quite effective in use. allowance. « Cheerful tongue» Maybe "go out" from their house, children can pet and touch it. He has mischievous eyes, legs, and arms.

And the main thing is that it gets done with your own hands.

Tale of Cheerful Tongue

The mouth is a house, lips are doors.

Who lives in this house?

In this house, my friend,

Lives Cheerful Tongue.

Oh, and he's a smart boy,

And a little naughty.

(The mouth is open, a narrow tongue is shown several times. Exercise "Arrow".)

Our Cheerful Tongue

He turned on his side.

Looks left, looks right.

And then forward again,

Take a little rest here.

(Exercises “Clock”, “Snake”.)

Tongue opened the window,

And it's warm outside.

Our tongue stretched,

He smiled at us widely,

And then I went for a walk,

Sunbathing on the porch.

(Exercise “Smile”, “Sting”, “Arrow”.)

Lying on the porch

He ran to the swing.

He flew up boldly.

But it's time to get down to business.

(Exercises “Spatula”, “Swing”.)

He hurried to his yard,

To fix the fence.

He quickly got down to business

And the work began to boil.

(Exercise "Fence".)

Nails, hammer and pliers -

Things a carpenter needs.

The hammer knocks "knock-knock!"

He's tongue's best friend.

(The mouth is closed. The teeth are exposed. With the tense tip of the tongue, knock on the teeth, repeating “t-t-t” repeatedly.)

There's a can of paint next to it.

The fence needs to be updated.

The tassel began to dance,

Our fence is unrecognizable. (Exercise "Painter".)

Our tongue finished the job.

He can rest safely

I'll take my horse for a walk

I'll play the harmonica for her.

I'm playing football

And I'll score a goal.

Very difficult task -

Drive the ball into the goal.

(Exercises “Horse”, “Accordion”, “Football”.)

The sun hid behind the mountain,

The tongue went home.

He locked the door.

He lay down in bed and fell silent. (Exercises “Slide”, “Spatula”.)

We will need a silicone pot holder, a silicone spatula and silicone jaws (goods for jokes)– all this can be bought in the fix price list.

The silicone pot holder is the mouth.

silicone spatula - that's what it is « Cheerful Tongue» .

silicone jaws (goods for jokes)- these are teeth.

Now all that's left to do is put it all together!

Let's get started: sew to the potholder "jaw", nylon threads, since they are transparent and not noticeable, acrylic paints we paint "teeth", then in the middle, make a slot, insert « funny tongue» , (aka silicone spatula... and a fairy tale about « funny tongue» - ready! Try it, it's very simple, good luck!

Publications on the topic:

"Miracle Box" - speech therapy benefit with your own hands. It's no secret that handmade gifts are a big hit with children.

I would like to bring to your attention a speech therapy doll manual “Vowel sound”. .These sounds can be used to identify consonants.

The didactic manual “Wide is my native country” helps to acquaint older preschoolers with the variety of coats of arms of Russia and teach them to “read”.

The development of speech, as is known, is associated with the development of manual actions. Training fine movements of the fingers also affects general development child.

Play is the main activity of a child preschool age. It is a need for a growing organism. The child is always playing, he.

Didactic game “Name the words” Objectives: consolidate the skill correct pronunciation sounds, determine the place of the sound and the number of syllables in.

It's no secret that development articulatory apparatus is an important component in correcting defective pronunciation of sounds.

It should be carried out by a speech therapist, teachers, and parents several times a day. As a result, full-fledged movements of the articulatory organs are developed, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. In addition, it helps to unite simple movements into complex articulatory structures of various phonemes.

Traditional articulatory gymnastics consists of a number of exercises:

  • Static,
  • Dynamic.

I was able to use these exercises to create logically structured, entertaining story tales about the Merry Tongue. Their use certainly increases children’s interest in doing exercises and adds variety to their educational process and helps accelerate the improvement of articulatory organs and, accordingly, the speech of children.

We began to actively use “Tales of the Merry Tongue” in the garden in our practice. The kids like it. The results of the development of the speech apparatus are excellent.

The Tale of the Merry Tongue No. 1

1. Once upon a time there lived a Cheerful Tongue in his house. One day he decided to take a walk. He looked out of the house and froze, became thin, sharp, like a needle. He hid in the house and looked out again, and again, like a snake’s tongue. Then I finally decided to go out and take a walk. He went to the clearing and didn’t even walk, but rolled like a reel. In the clearing he saw a fungus. I saw a horse and rode it. He also met an important turkey. Suddenly he heard the steamer hum and realized that it was already a long time, it was time to go home. I looked at my watch and it was definitely time. And at home the sponges punished him for walking for so long. I brushed Tongue's teeth and went to bed in my warm bed.

The Tale of the Merry Tongue No. 2

2. Once upon a time there was a Merry Tongue. So one day he decided to go for a walk to the children's park. I looked out of the house - it was warm and sunny. He decided to bask in the sun, like a pancake in a frying pan. I warmed myself up and hit the road. Tongue came to the park and decided to ride the slide first, then on the swing. I clicked the tip with pleasure and went to watch magic tricks. And then Tongue enjoyed the delicious jam that was in a beautiful ladle and ate some candy. I looked at my watch - it was already late. And he rolled home like a reel. And at home the sponges punished him for walking for so long. I brushed Tongue's teeth and went to bed in my warm bed.

The Tale of the Merry Tongue No. 3

3. Once upon a time there lived a Merry Tongue. And he had a house - his mouth. And the house had 2 doors - lips and teeth. Tongue decided to put things in order in his house. First I whitewashed the ceiling. Then the walls, like a real painter. The house sparkled like new. The tip of the tongue clicked with pleasure. He sat down on the porch and played the pipe, the harmonica and the drum. I also gave myself a festive dinner - pancakes with delicious jam. Then he looked at his watch - it was late. It's time to rest. He brushed his teeth and went to bed in his bed.

Kuznetsova Elena Alexandrovna,
teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification categories,
kindergarten combined type №5,
village Otradnaya, Krasnodar region

Individual lesson. Preparatory stage.

Goal: to develop in the child full movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for correct pronunciation of sounds.

1. Develop the ability to hold the tongue in a free, relaxed position;

2. Strengthening the tongue muscles(especially the tip), practicing its mobility;

3. Preparing the tongue for vibration, which is later necessary for...

Equipment: mirror, object pictures.

Progress of the lesson

Once upon a time there lived a Merry Tongue. He smiled cheerfully at everyone (That’s it! – a speech therapist shows a child a picture of a smiling bunny) Look at the bunny! He smiles at us too.
One day he opened the door of his house wide (So wide!) and went out to bask in the sun (the speech therapist shows the child a picture of the sun) ( : Lay across the smile - the tongue is resting. Look how flat and lazy the tongue is).

Then the tongue went further and further (Stretched forward - like that!). Tongue looked at the sun, the sun also smiled at him (Like this!), looked at his feet, stretched up again, leaned down (And one more time! Like this! – the child repeats the exercise after the speech therapist).

After charging, Cheerful Tongue looked at the watch (show a picture of the watch). The pendulum on the clock moved from side to side () : Like this! The tip moves left and right, as if it can’t find room).

“It’s time to drink tea,” thought Tongue. He took out his favorite cup (Like this one! The speech therapist shows the child) and decided to have a tea party.

Turkey came to Tongue for tea. (The speech therapist shows the child a picture of a turkey). And there was a cup for him (repetition of the “Cup” exercise). The turkey drank tea and chatted cheerfully (That's it! Exercise "Turkey"). Let's chat with the turkey: open your mouth slightly, put your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of your tongue along upper lip forward and backward. Now slowly stroke your lip, trying not to lift your tongue from your lip. Quickly stroke your lip with your tongue and add your voice until you hear the sounds: bl-bl-bl.
Then the friends went to the horse together ( The speech therapist shows the child a picture of a horse). She jumped merrily and clattered her hooves (That's it!).
After playing in the yard, Tongue remembered his new drum ( Speech therapist shows a child a picture of a drum). He showed the drum to his friends and taught him how to bang on it (Like this! Exercise "Drum"). Repeat after me: smile, open your mouth, tap the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, saying clearly solid sound D. Make your blows slowly, make sure that lower jaw didn't move.
Merry Tongue got tired and returned home (remove tongue, close mouth), and the kitten Vaska was waiting for him at home (The speech therapist shows the child a picture of a kitten). The tongue decided to give the kitten milk. Vasya lapped milk ( Like this!