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Inclusive education of children with disabilities in a preschool of a combined type in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. A group of children with disabilities in kindergarten: what difficulties await us

Olesya Isaeva
Forms and methods of working with children with disabilities in kindergarten

Forms and methods of work in kindergarten with children with disabilities.

Children with disabilities today do not have to study in special institutions, on the contrary, they will be able to get a better education and better adapt to life in a regular educational institution. Regardless of social status, race, physical and mental abilities, inclusive education provides every child with the opportunity to satisfy their need for development and equal rights to receive an education adequate to their level of development.

Our children's the kindergarten is attended by children with various psychological characteristics. Beginning work with children with disabilities, I faced the problem of organizing the educational process for them, choosing forms and methods of work with this category of pupils. Since at the current stage of the implementation of the educational program personal-oriented education is a priority, we working with children should be based on the individual characteristics of the child. The need for an individual approach to children is recognized by all, but its implementation in practice is not an easy task. The task of an individual approach is the most complete identification of the ways of development, the capabilities of the child.

As a rule, children with disabilities have difficulties in communication, behavior, learning, and emotional development. In addition to the problems of social interaction and communication, children with disabilities have difficulties in adequate perception of the world. They have a broken idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world. The child may perceive the world as a disparate chaotic set of elements. As a result, he cannot inspire his place in life, be a full-fledged member of society. As a result, the nature of interaction with the environment becomes destructive.

Psychological correction is one of the important links in the system of complex rehabilitation of children. The main task of the corrective work- creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of a child with disabilities in order to enrich his social experience and harmonious inclusion in the team of peers. Main methods, corrective effects that I apply in my work it:

1. Play therapy

The game is a favorite pastime and the leading activity of the child from an early age. It allows the child to get an idea of ​​the world around him. With her help formed such important mental functions as thinking, imagination, fantasy. Play therapy is also designed to help the child overcome developmental difficulties, eliminate behavioral problems, and figure out what really bothers the baby. The result of the therapy is an increase in the child's self-esteem, communication skills develop, the level of anxiety and fear decreases. I conduct the process of play therapy in the sensory room, or, if it is a group therapy in the music room, together with the music director. Different games are used, the following are used to improve psychological well-being games: "Zhmurki", "Obstacle Course", "Paints", etc., games that help in the correction aggression: "Battle", "Calling vegetables, fruits, berries", "Evil-good cats" and others, games aimed at relieving stress, relaxing: "Snowman", Pinocchio, "Ragdoll", "Pump and Ball", "Colored palms" other.

2. Psycho-gymnastics.

This is a course of special classes (studies, exercises, games aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child's psyche. Psychogymnastics is adjacent to the psychological, pedagogical and psychotherapeutic methodologies whose common task is to maintain mental health and prevent emotional disorders.

The most effective are psycho-gymnastics exercises, which include further elements of art therapy at the end of the lesson.

A game "blots"(blowing from a straw, "Monotype", these exercises help to weaken the imagination of children who are too disinhibited and develop their imagination.

Free and thematic drawing, (important in this exercise is the choice of color by the child). To create a comfortable environment, children are allowed to draw while lying on the floor. For educational purposes, for friendly emotional communication, the production of joint works on a large piece of paper. Drawing regulates behavior, children become calmer.

3. Fairy tale therapy, puppet therapy.

Another Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin said: "A fairy tale is a dream dreamed by a nation". This is one of the most effective methods of working with children with disabilities of younger age who have difficulty in the physical, emotional or behavioral sphere. "Fairy tale - for personal development" is a psychological term that means the development of emotional, volitional, moral, intellectual spheres storytelling method. Fairy tale therapy promotes formation mental processes, helps children overcome fears, develop imagination. work with a fairy tale I diversified didactic games:

- development of attention: "Find differences", "Help the hero of the fairy tale go through the labyrinth", "Where the heroes of the fairy tale hid" and etc. ,

- development of memory: "Who is behind whom"(remembering the sequence of heroes of a fairy tale, "Retell the passage" and etc. ,

- development of thinking: "Collect a turret for Masha", "Put the stories in pictures" and etc. ,

-development of fine motor skills: "Collect beads for Alyonushka", "Dress the Bear" and etc. ,

- development of gross motor skills: "Show the movement of each hero", "Dance like a bunny, like a bear, like a fox".

Methods and techniques of work with a fairy tale varied, and this wonderful: working with just one of the fairy tales, the baby learns a lot - the process of socialization and individual growth.

3. Corrective work in the sensory room.

Sensory stimulation is very important for children with cerebral palsy, early childhood autism, Down syndrome. Relaxation and meditation in this room is not only getting rid of emotional negativity and strengthening the nervous system, it is the preservation and enhancement of mental and physical health. Depending on the goals of training in the pool, you can achieve the effect of relaxation. (relaxation) or vice versa, an increase in motor and emotional activity. Plunging into a dry pool, moving in it, children take a pose that corresponds to the state of their muscle tone. At the same time, constant contact of the entire surface of the body with the balls allows you to feel it better, creates a soft massage effect, providing deep muscle relaxation.

Based on the results of the I made sure of the work that the interaction of a teacher-psychologist with children with disabilities is considered as a complex technology of psychological support and assistance to the child, parents and teachers in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization by the teacher-psychologist. The effectiveness and usefulness of training with children with disabilities depends on the chosen forms and methods of work, ongoing corrective Job leads to psychological and social rehabilitation, helps to increase the self-esteem of children.

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The national educational initiative "Our New School" when setting priorities in the field of education, one of the most important ones has determined the course to preserve the health of children. And at the stage of preschool childhood, we build our work in such a way as to preserve and strengthen the health of children as much as possible. However, the number of children classified as disabled is steadily increasing. They require special conditions and competent, from the point of view of correctional pedagogy, support.

Support as a process, as an integral system of activity, is based on certain principles: respect for the interests of the child; support system.

Along with this, of particular concern at the stage of transition from traditional preschool education to innovative is the problem of teaching and educating preschoolers with disabilities (disabled health), a large heterogeneous group of children with an insufficient level of psychophysical and speech development, which is in conditions of hidden integration in general developing preschool educational institutions. The integration of children with disabilities into mass educational institutions is a social order of society and the state, a natural stage in the development of the special education system. More than 30% of children with disabilities are in mass preschools, integrated into the environment of normally developing peers for various reasons:

Children without appropriate diagnoses, but with adaptation disorders; their "integration" is due to the fact that the existing deviation in development has not yet been identified;

Children whose parents, knowing about the violation of the development of the child, for various reasons, insist on studying in a mass kindergarten.

Unfortunately, to date, Russia has not developed a holistic, effective system for the inclusion of children with disabilities in social life. The system for including children with disabilities in mass kindergartens is also poorly developed. Many teachers find themselves in a difficult situation, because they are not ready and unable to provide assistance to such children.

Solving the problem of teaching and educating children with disabilities within the existing education system is complicated by a number of contradictions between:

The ability of children with disabilities to attend mass kindergartens and the unwillingness and inability of teachers to provide assistance to such children;

The need to implement an individually differentiated approach in the process of teaching and educating children of all categories with disabilities in preschool educational institutions, depending on their psychophysical capabilities and the lack of a theoretically based strategy for organizing this process at all levels of managing the preschool system;

An increase in the intensity of social transformations in society that give rise to the intellectualization of education in preschool childhood, an increase in training loads in the education and upbringing of children in mass preschool educational institutions and the imperfection of the system of education and upbringing of children with disabilities integrated into preschool educational institutions, which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the health of this category of children;

The need to find alternative technologies for education and upbringing that correspond to the individual psychophysical characteristics of all categories of children with disabilities and the lack of a system for evaluating the effectiveness and benefits of these technologies in the context of innovative transformations for children with disabilities.

Getting children with disabilities education is one of the main and indispensable conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities.

The task of teachers is to organize educational work in such a way that at each age a child with disabilities is offered to master knowledge, skills and abilities that are adequate to his age, psychophysical and speech development.

One of the conditions for increasing the effectiveness of correctional and pedagogical work is the creation of a protective-pedagogical and subject-developing environment adequate to the child's capabilities, that is, a system of conditions that ensure the full development of all types of children's activities, correction of deviations of higher mental functions and the formation of the child's personality. The organization of education and training of preschool children with disabilities involves making changes to the forms of correctional and developmental work. Most children are characterized by motor difficulties, motor disinhibition, low performance, which requires changes in the planning of educational activities and the daily routine. One of the important conditions is the need to organize a protective regime that spares and at the same time strengthens the child's nervous system. In the daily regimen, an increase in the time allotted for hygiene procedures, sleep, and food intake should be provided. A wide variation of organizational forms of correctional and educational work is envisaged: group, subgroup, individual.

One of the important conditions for organizing the process of raising and educating children with disabilities in a mass kindergarten is equipping it with special equipment: for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, special chairs with armrests, special tables, posture correctors (reclinators) are needed; a ramp should be provided. And therefore, it is necessary to create combined groups with similar disorders in children with disabilities in mass kindergartens.

Our kindergarten is attended by children with disabilities, impaired posture, hearing, and children with speech therapy and behavioral problems. For these children it is very important to be loved, to be accepted, to have independence as far as possible, and hence self-confidence.

When children with disabilities began attending our kindergarten, we faced the problems listed above. Such children need a systematic complex corrective action to be started as early as possible. We are convinced that the main thing in our work is, first of all, the full formation of the personality of each child, and not just classes to overcome violations. That is why we involved the entire staff of the preschool institution, parents and normally developing peers in the correctional development process, since we believe that our work should not be limited to the walls of the preschool educational institution. After all, successful overcoming of violations in children is possible only under the condition of an individual, tolerant attitude towards the personality of the child and a close relationship and continuity in the work of the entire team (teachers - speech therapists, educators, psychologists and other specialists). Having worked through the methodological literature, the areas of activity of specialists were determined and the activities of the teaching staff were organized, all specialists in their field developed methodological recommendations for working with children with disabilities. In our joint classes, we, in our opinion, solve the main task - the inclusion of a child with disabilities in the children's team of normally developing peers and the development of a mutually tolerant attitude towards each other. And the close relationship of the specialists of our kindergarten allows us to make these classes as productive as possible.

In addition, the involvement of parents in the real pedagogical process is important: these are joint “living rooms”, workshops. Before teachers of preschool educational institutions, striving to provide effective assistance to a family with a child with disabilities, there are a number of difficult problems in all respects. There cannot be any standard recipes and typical solutions here, everything is individual.

As mentioned above, there are still a lot of problems on this topic, but we already have our small victories: (these are the conditions created at the moment in our preschool educational institution):

Children with special needs have a desire to attend kindergarten;

Acceptance by the children's team and parents of normally developing peers of children with special needs;

The habituation of children with disabilities to the society of peers with normal development, the ability to interact with them, and we, in turn, try to organize this interaction as an interaction of equal partners.

Any educational institution is accessible to children with disabilities by teachers who are able to meet the educational needs of children in this category. This is the creation of a psychological, moral atmosphere in which a special child will no longer feel like everyone else. This is a place where a child with disabilities can exercise not only his right to education, but also, being included in the full social life of his peers, acquire the right to a normal childhood.

Children with disabilities in preschool conditions

In the Russian Federation, as in the entire civilized world, childhood is recognized as an important stage in a person's life and proceeds from the principles of the priority of preparing children for a full life in society, developing their socially valuable qualities. This applies to all children, regardless of their state of health. It is necessary to educate and teach the social skills of a child from an early age. Of course, we are talking about those children whose health condition allows them to attend preschool institutions. For various reasons, such children are often limited in communication with peers, which deprives them of the acquisition of social skills. He enters the world completely unprepared, with great difficulty adapts to the changed environment, acutely feels the hostility and alertness of those around him, and reacts painfully to this. Communication with healthy peers gives a child with special needs a model of a healthy, fulfilling life, provides conditions for the most complete disclosure of his potential. For a child experiencing certain difficulties, social adaptation, or, in other words, mastering the skills of adequate functioning in society, is impossible in an artificially created environment that is very different from the usual one.

From my work experience, I can say that one of the most important areas in the work of a teacher is the creation of psychological comfort during the adaptation period and further stay in a preschool educational institution. The educator should keep in mind that children with disabilities often find it difficult and embarrassed to ask an adult for help, being left alone with their problems. It is necessary to involve a child with developmental disabilities in the social life of the group, to participate in various competitions, this will help him acquire certain skills, become socially adapted. In 2009, a pupil of our preschool educational institution took II place in the district festival of children with disabilities "We can do everything."

For ordinary children, the experience of joint activities with children who have developmental disabilities, with conscious and thoughtful pedagogical and educational work, leads to a more attentive and caring attitude, the manifestation of such character traits as benevolence, generosity, philanthropy. In order for peers did not focus on the defect, actively interacted with a special child, a certain style of behavior of adults is needed, demonstrating a tolerant way of treating an atypical child (primarily on the part of educators and parents). A non-typical child can cause a lot of questions from peers, due to the inherent curiosity and unusualness of the child. In this situation, educators must honestly answer the questions of the children, correctly, observing tact.

“There are different people in society - healthy people and people with disabilities. In healthy children, with properly built relationships in the spirit of cooperation, an attitude is formed towards children with disabilities as ordinary members of society. Currently, in pedagogical practice, there are various forms of work with children that are quite effective. One of these forms is joint activities that regularly organized by our teachers.

And we already have small victories for the academic year of visiting a preschool educational institution, a child with disabilities is accepted by children on an equal footing and participates in the social life of the group, takes part in various competitions and wins diplomas.

Thus, teachers have the following task - to help children with disabilities acquire and assimilate certain values ​​and generally accepted norms of behavior necessary for a full life in society.

Shevchenko Tatyana Pavlovna

The term "children with disabilities in kindergartens" appeared recently. This legal concept was introduced by the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” adopted in 2012 and entered into force on September 1, 2013.

Who does this law classify as students with disabilities?

How to build work with children with disabilities in preschool?

How to organize the education of children with disabilities in preschool organizations?

In the material, these issues are considered from all sides. Particular attention in the article is paid to adapted educational programs for children with disabilities, which are used for a group who have one or another health disorder.



Children with disabilities in preschool

The term "children with disabilities in kindergartens" appeared recently. This legal concept was introduced by the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” adopted in 2012 and entered into force on September 1, 2013.

Who does this law classify as students with disabilities?

How to build work with children with disabilities in preschool?

How to organize the education of children with disabilities in preschool organizations?

In the material, these issues are considered from all sides. Particular attention in the article is paid to adapted educational programs for children with disabilities, which are used for a group, for a class of children who have one or another health disorder.

The federal law defines students with disabilities as individuals with deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing education without creating special conditions. Obtaining the conclusion of the PMPK is the most important stage in confirming the status of a child with disabilities.

Consider an example. A mother comes to a preschool educational organization and says that the child has limited health opportunities. But the family cannot present a document confirming the oral statements from the PMPK. In this case, the child cannot be placed in a compensatory or combined orientation group.

Even if teachers and psychologists of the kindergarten see that a particular child needs corrective assistance, the family is obliged to visit the PMPK and obtain the conclusion of the commission. The conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission:



No. ___ from "__" __________ 20 __

on the creation of special conditions for education
student with disabilities,
disability in an educational organization

Full name of the child: _________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth: ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Educational program: __________________________________________________
  2. The level of education: ________________________________________________________
  3. Program implementation period: __________________________________________________
  4. Implementation of an educational program using e-learning and

Distance Educational Technologies: ____________________________________

required / not required

  1. Provision of assistant (assistant) services: __________________________________

required / not required

  1. Special teaching methods: ________________________________________________
  2. Special textbooks:_____________________________________________________________
  3. Special teaching aids: ________________________________________________
  4. Special technical training aids: ____________________________________
  5. Requirement for the organization of space: ______________________________________________

required / not required

  1. Directions of corrective work in an educational organization: _______________
  2. Teacher-psychologist: _______________________________________________________________
  3. Teacher speech therapist: ____________________________________________________________
  4. Defectologist teacher: _____________________________________________________________
  5. Social teacher: _________________________________________________________
  6. Tutor: ____________________________________________________________________
  7. Other special conditions:__________________________________________________

Deadline for conducting a survey in order to confirm the recommendations previously given by the commission: ____________________________________________________________________

(when moving from one level of education to the next)

The term of the survey for the purpose of _________________________ previously given by the commission


Head of PMPK ______________________ ____________________________

(signature) (full name)

Educational psychologist ______________________ ____________________________

(signature) (full name)

Teacher speech therapist ______________________ ____________________________

(signature) (full name)

Defectologist teacher ______________________ ____________________________

(signature) (full name)

Social teacher ______________________ ____________________________

(signature) (full name)

I have no complaints about the testing process.

______________________ ____________________________________

(signature) (full name of the parent (legal representative))

It is interesting:

Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education of the territorial PMPK It should be noted that the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission works in two directions:

  • examining children,
  • gives recommendations on the provision of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children and the creation of conditions for them in educational organizations.

PMPK employees know and understand that the recommendations must necessarily reflect the conditions that need to be organized for the education of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard using an adapted educational program for children with disabilities - either basic or individual. Quite often, the PMPK recommends that parents assign a child with disabilities to a compensatory group or a group of combined orientation, where inclusive education is provided. This approach makes it possible to more actively include children with disabilities in the life of society and instill in them communication skills.

Examination of children, including students with disabilities, children with disabilities is carried out at the direction of educational organizations with the written consent of their parents (legal representatives).


(Name of educational organization)

from __________________________________________

(Full name of the parent or legal representative of the child)

the address: _______________________________________

phone fax: _______________

E-mail address: ______________________


parents (legal representatives) for examination of the child

I, being the legal representative of ____________________________________________________________________________

(Full name of the child)

"_____" ____________________ year of birth, studying at _____________________________________________________________________________

name of the OO)

I do not object to the examination of the child to obtain a conclusioncentral/territorialPMPK with a recommendation to educate the child in an educational organization in accordance with his characteristics in physical and (or) mental development and (or) deviations in behavior.

"_____" ______ 20____


(Signature )

Organization of inclusive education for children with disabilities

The term "inclusive education", which is most directly related to the education of children with disabilities, first appeared in the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation in 2012, previously there was no such concept in any document at the federal level.

Did you know? The law "On Education" introduces the following definition: "Inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual opportunities."

Despite the fact that this concept appeared quite recently, inclusive education has already firmly entered our lives, it is being implemented in preschool educational organizations, and at the level of primary general and basic general education, and in higher professional and secondary vocational education.

In a group in a group of compensating orientation,

In the group of combined orientation.

What are the features of the educational process in these groups?

1. Inclusive education in preschool educational institutions in combined groups.Combined orientation groups can hardly be called an innovative novelty; preschool education in such groups existed even before the adoption of the law, when children with minor health problems (low vision, mild deafness, etc.) were included in ordinary children's groups. A feature of combined orientation groups is that, along with normally developing preschoolers, children who have certain types of impairments (visual impairments, hearing impairments, speech impairments, mental retardation, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and so on) study together. ). In contrast to the occupancy of groups of a general developmental orientation, which depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the occupancy of groups of a combined orientation is regulated by SanPiN. The SanPiNs also indicate how many children with disabilities can be in such a group. As a rule, the programs that teachers use in such groups have also already been widely tested and introduced into pedagogical practice, into the educational process, however, the methods of teaching children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standards differ in these groups. Regardless of the number of such pupils (it can be two, three, four, five, seven people), the teacher in working with them uses an adapted educational program, and for each child his own.

Did you know? One program is allowed only if the group is attended by children with a similar type of impairment. For example, if two or three people have the same degree of hearing loss, then the adapted program can be the same. If there are different children in the team, especially different types of disabilities, for example, one child is with a hearing impairment, another with a visual impairment, a third with a mental development disorder, then an adapted educational program for a child with disabilities is prescribed individually for each child. health opportunities.

2. Inclusive education in compensatory groupsCompensatory groups are groups attended by children with the same disorder. For example, groups for children with hearing impairments, or groups for children with visual impairments, or groups for children with speech impairments, and so on. The Law “On Education” for the first time included in the list of children with disabilities also children with autism spectrum disorders, which was not previously in the model provision. This group of children with disabilities appeared for the first time. Unfortunately, in recent years there have really become a lot of children with early childhood autism; in the new millennium, doctors began to actively diagnose this disease. Children with autism need special educational conditions, which is why they also fall under the definition of children with disabilities.

Table for determining the number of children in groups of compensatory orientation, depending on the type of disabilities

Type of HIA

Number of children in compensatory groups

up to three years

over three years old

Children with severe speech disorders

Children with phonetic and phonemic speech disorders

deaf children

Hearing-impaired children

Blind children

Visually impaired children, children with amblyopia, strabismus

Children with musculoskeletal disorders

Children with mental retardation

Children with mild mental retardation

Children with moderate to severe mental retardation

Children with autism

Children with a complex defect (having a combination of two or more deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development)

Children with other disabilities

Based on the characteristics of the pupils, compensatory orientation groups can have 10 orientations - depending on the category of children.The groups implement an adapted basic educational program, the only adapted basic educational program. And this is one of the main difficulties in the implementation of inclusive education for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions in compensatory groups. The fact is that approximate adapted basic educational programs, taking into account which it is possible to write an actually adapted basic educational program, while they are not posted on the Federal State Educational Standards Register, have not been developed to date. There is only a federal state educational standard on the basis of which they are written, but on the basis of this document it is quite difficult for preschool organizations to create adapted basic educational programs.

Preparing Kindergarten for Inclusive Education

Our state guarantees equal opportunities for full development to all citizens, including those with health problems. Of course, each child needs to get to the right time and the right place, that is, to the very garden where he will be comfortable. This applies in particular to children with disabilities. Parents are not always able to get a ticket to the preschool organization where conditions are created for such a child. And if the mother receives a ticket to a general developmental group, and the educational organization does not have the necessary specialist (psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist), and the child categorically needs him according to the conclusion of the PMPK, then a twofold situation develops. From the outside it seems that the child is covered by preschool education. But is he getting exactly the education he needs? Far from it. Does it get exactly the set of conditions it needs? Again, no.

Did you know? As soon as children appear in the kindergarten who have provided confirmation of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the conclusion of the PMPK on the status of a “child with disabilities”, this immediately aims the educational organization to create special educational conditions for such a child.

And special educational conditions are not only ramps, handrails and some other architectural and planning things. Special educational conditions include:

  • advanced training of teachers, training of teachers, their preparation for working with children with disabilities
  • methodological component;
  • changes in the educational program, that is, the emergence of a certain section in the main educational program, which the Federal State Educational Standard defines as “correctional work / inclusive education”.

Thus, the preschool organization has quite a lot of serious problems that need to be addressed. It should be recalled here that the training of teachers who own special pedagogical approaches and teaching methods is the prerogative of the subject of the Russian Federation. That is, the public authority of the subject should worry about the training of these teaching staff, on the one hand, and promote the involvement of such workers in organizations, on the other hand. Today, pedagogical universities in their programs pay attention to the education of children with disabilities, students are offered a series of lectures on this topic. But there is very little time in the university program for studying this multifaceted problem, the depth of its study is insufficient for the full preparation of preschool teachers to work with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions. Future educators are given only general information about the diagnosis and some separate fragmentary information about the correction. Actually, students and graduates do not study the methods of working with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions, methods of work, methods and technologies and do not receive the skills of such work. Therefore, an educator who comes to a general developmental group after a pedagogical college is not ready, does not have the skills, abilities, these competencies that he needs. It is impossible not to say that today our society is constantly faced with the optimization of processes and conditions. A serious problem in many regions is the dismissal of speech therapists, psychologists, defectologists. Federal and regional authorities explain this by reducing funding and cost optimization. But the lack of much-needed specialists in kindergartens does not allow for the full implementation of the educational program for all children. It turns out that for some categories of pupils it can be implemented, but not for others. However, with this approach, it becomes impossible to comply with the law "On Education" and the federal state educational standard. And, of course, the social request from the parents is not fulfilled in any way, which is important.





" Every child has the opportunity to be psychologically prepared for school

learning at your level

according to their

personality traits"

The World Declaration for the Survival, Protection and Development of Children states: “The children of the world are innocent, vulnerable and dependent. They are also inquisitive, energetic and full of hope. Their time should be one of joy and peace, play, learning and growth. Their future must be based on harmony and cooperation...”.

Thus, the self-worth of the personality of a growing person comes to the fore, regardless of the characteristics of his development and level of health. It was the ideas of humanization that led to the appearance in the Law on Education of a provision on the right of the child and his parents to independently determine the form of education and the educational institution. Both gifted and disabled children, as well as children with normative development - all should have the opportunity to receive an education of the appropriate level.

Special GEF(federal state educational standards) for children with disabilities are considered as an integral part of federal state standards of general education. This approach is consistent with the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees all children the right to compulsory and free secondary education. A special educational standard should become the basic tool for the implementation of the constitutional rights to education of citizens with HIA.
Children with disabilities can realize their potential only under the condition of timely started and adequately organized education and upbringing - satisfaction of both common with normally developing children and their special educational needs, given by the nature of the violation of their mental development. (Basic provisions of the Concept of a special federal educational standard for children with HIA ) .

The special standards are based on the principles of agreement, consent and mutual obligations of the individual, family, society and the state. The state special educational standard is a regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation that establishes a system of norms and rules that are mandatory for execution in any educational institution where they are trained and educated children withHIA.

Today, one of the urgent problems is the implementation of psychological support for children with HIA in the conditions of a preschool educational institution.

At present, there is a differentiated network of specialized educational institutions directly designed to organize the upbringing and education of children with disabilities. HIA. It includes, first of all, preschool educational institutions of a compensating type, special (correctional) educational institutions for students with HIA.

In addition, in recent years, the process of integrating children with disabilities into the environment of normally developing peers has been developing in Russia. The current legislation currently allows organizing the education and upbringing of children with HIA in ordinary preschool educational institutions, preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type, as well as "other educational institutions that are not correctional (educational institutions of a general type)".

Children with disabilities - These are children with disabilities.Children whose health condition prevents the development of educational programs outside the special conditions of education and upbringing, i.e. these are children with disabilities or other children under the age of 18 who are not recognized in the established order as children with disabilities, but who have temporary or permanent deviations in physical and (or) mental development and who need to create special conditions for education and upbringing.

A group of preschoolers with HIA is not homogeneous, it includes children with various developmental disorders, the severity of which may be different . Currently there are the following categories children with developmental disabilities, which are listed in the Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010. - p. 275-277:

    hearing impaired children(deaf and hard of hearing), the primary violation is sensory in nature - auditory perception is impaired due to damage to the auditory analyzer;

    children with visual impairments(blind, visually impaired), the primary violation is sensory in nature, visual perception suffers, due to an organic lesion of the visual analyzer;

    children with severe speech disorders, the primary defect is the underdevelopment of speech;

    children with musculoskeletal disorders, the primary disorder is movement disorders due to organic damage to the motor centers of the cerebral cortex;

    children with mental retardation, they are characterized by a slow rate of formation of higher mental functions, due to mild organic lesions of the central nervous system (CNS);

    children with intellectual disabilities, primary violation - organic brain damage, causing violations of higher cognitive processes;

    children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere(Children with early childhood autism (EDA) are a heterogeneous group characterized by different clinical symptoms and psychological and pedagogical features;

    children with complex (complex) developmental disorders who combine two or more primary disorders (for example, hearing impaired with cerebral palsy, visually impaired with mental retardation, etc.).

A significant group of children are children with mild , and, consequently, difficult to detect deviations in the development of the motor, sensory or intellectual sphere. A group of children with minimal or partial impairments polymorphic((Greek, from polys many, and morphe view, many-looking) and can be represented by the following options:

    children with minimal hearing loss

    children with minimal visual impairment, including strabismus and amblyopia;

    children with speech disorders (dyslalia, erased dysarthria, closed rhinolalia, dysphonia, stuttering, poltern(stumbling, pathologically accelerated speech with the presence of discontinuity in the rate of speech of a non-convulsive nature), takhilalia, bradilalia, violations of the lexical and grammatical structure, violations of phonemic perception);

    children with a slight mental retardation (constitutional, somatogenic, psychogenic);

    pedagogically neglected children;

    children- carriers of negative mental states (fatigue, mental tension, anxiety, frustration, sleep disturbances, appetite), somatogenic or cerebro-organic nature without intellectual development disorders (often ill, post-traumatic, allergic, with compensated and subcompensated hydrocephalus, cerebroendocrine conditions);

    children with psychopathic forms of behavior (by the type of affective excitability, hysteria, psychasthenia, etc.);

    children with disturbed forms of behavior of organic genesis (hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder);

    children with psychogenies (neurosis);

    children with the initial manifestation of mental illness (schizophrenia, early childhood autism, epilepsy);

    children with mild manifestations of motor pathology of a cerebro-organic nature;

    children having asynchrony of maturation of individual brain structures or violations of their functional or organic genesis (including by type minimal brain dysfunction).

It is advisable to consider the category of children with minimal and partial disorders of mental development as an independent category, occupying an intermediate position between "normal" and "impaired" development, and designate it as "risk group". The qualitative peculiarities and depth of violations that children have are such that they do not need to create specialized institutions, but they need the organization of timely corrective assistance in order to prevent further aggravation of these problems.

Thus, contingent of pupils mass preschool institutions are children, both with the normal course of mental development, and with various variants of mental dysontogenesis (violation of the individual development of the organism; difficulty, deviation from the norm, disorder).

The problem of psychological and pedagogical support for children with HIA under the conditions of kindergarten is not sufficiently developed. The difficulties of building a correctional and pedagogical process in such an institution are largely due to the fact that the category of children with HIA heterogeneous in composition. Pupils of compensatory groups differ both in the level of development and in the nature of the existing shortcomings. The achievements of children in terms of knowledge, ideas about the world around them, skills in subject-practical activities with which they enter diagnostic and correctional groups are different.

In providing conditions and opportunities for the development and education of children with HIA a special role belongs educational psychologist . Talking about work psychologist , we mean not just psychological help, support for children with learning difficulties. And we're talking about psychological support children at all stages of education as a complex process of interaction, the result of which should be the creation of conditions for the development of the child, for mastering his activities and behavior, for the formation of readiness for life self-determination, including personal, social aspects.

Psychological support preschoolers withHIA is considered as a process that includes the strategy and tactics of professional activity psychologist aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the integration of children with HIA into society. It should be aimed at mastering preschoolers with special competencies that ensure the gradual formation of a system of social behavior skills, productive forms of communication with adults and peers, based on partnership subject-subject relationships.

The key areas of work of a psychologist preschool with children HIA is diagnostic, corrective and developmental work; preventive and advisory work with teachers and parents raising children of this category.

    Respect for the interests of the child . The principle defines the position of a specialist who is called upon to solve the problem of the child with the maximum benefit and in the interests of the child.

    Consistency and accessibility . The principle ensures the unity of diagnosis, correction and development, i.e. a systematic approach to the analysis of developmental features and correction of disorders in children with disabilities, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach of specialists in various fields, interaction and coordination of their actions in solving the problems of the child; participation in this process of all participants in the educational process.

    Continuity . The principle guarantees the child and his parents (legal representatives) the continuity of assistance until the problem is completely resolved or an approach to its solution is determined.

    variability . The principle involves the creation of variable conditions for the education of children with various disabilities in physical and (or) mental development.

    The principle of integration into the general educational environment . The principle involves the inclusion of children with disabilities in the joint educational and upbringing activities of an educational institution, the surrounding society.

    The principle of interaction with social partners . The principle provides the possibility of cooperation with the socio-cultural institutions of the municipality on the issues of continuity of education, development, socialization and health protection of children with disabilities.

    The principle of creating a situation of success. The principle involves the creation of conditions for the disclosure of the individual abilities of children with HIA , both in and out of class, the unconditional acceptance of each child.

    Humanity- faith in the capabilities of each child, a subjective positive approach.

    realism- taking into account the real capabilities of children in various situations, their age, personality and psychophysical characteristics of development.

    Adequacy- the right of the child to choose from the proposed maximum amount of information as much as he can learn.

    Variability (flexibility)- variability of the content and methods of activity depending on the uniqueness of the situation, position and capabilities of children.

    adaptability- Approaches and requirements for children should not be frozen, should not be based on some abstract idea of ​​the ideal, but should focus on specific children with their real capabilities and needs.


    Advisory nature of assistance. The principle ensures observance of the rights of parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities guaranteed by law. HIA choose forms of education, educational institutions, protect the legitimate rights and interests of children, including the mandatory coordination with parents (legal representatives) of the issue of sending (transferring) children with disabilities to special (correctional) educational institutions.

    The principle of psychological comfort- creation of an educational environment that ensures the removal of all stress-forming factors.

The program of correctional work at the preschool level of education includes interrelated areas. These directions reflect its main content:

    Diagnostic direction.

For the success of the upbringing and education of children with HIA it is necessary to correctly assess their capabilities and identify special educational needs. In this regard, a special role is assigned to psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnostics, which allows:

    early identification of children with HIA ;

    identify the individual psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child with disabilities ;

    determine the optimal pedagogical route;

    provide individual support for each child with HIA in a preschool;

    plan corrective actions, develop corrective work programs;

    evaluate the dynamics of development and the effectiveness of corrective work;

    determine the conditions for the upbringing and education of the child;

    counsel the child's parents.

The scientific and practical developments of S. D. Zabramnaya, I. Yu. Levchenko, E. A. Strebeleva, M. M. Semago and others can be used as sources of diagnostic tools. based on a system of quality indicators.

The following qualitative indicators characterizing the emotional sphere and behavior of the child are distinguished:

    features of the child's contact;

    emotional reaction to the examination situation;

    reaction to approval; reaction to failure

    emotional state during the performance of tasks;

    emotional mobility;

    features of communication;

    reaction to the result.

Qualitative indicators characterizing the activity of the child:

    the presence and persistence of interest in the task;

    understanding instructions;

    independence of the task;

    the nature of the activity (purposefulness and activity);

    pace and dynamics of activity, features of activity regulation;


    help organization.

Qualitative indicators characterizing the features of the cognitive sphere and motor function of the child:

    features of attention, perception, memory, thinking, speech;

    features of motor function.

The diagnostic line of work includes a primary examination, as well as systematic stage-by-stage observations of the dynamics of the child's development in the process of corrective work.

The teacher-psychologist performs the tasks of determining the current level of development of the child and the zone of proximal development, identifying the features of the emotional-volitional sphere, the personal characteristics of the child, the features of his interpersonal interactions with peers, parents and other adults.

In accordance with the characteristics of the development of the child and the decision of the council of the educational institution, the psychologist determines the directions and means of correctional and developmental work, the frequency and duration of the cycle of special classes. The most important task is the development of individual-oriented psychological assistance programs or the use of existing developments in accordance with the individual psychological characteristics of a child or a group of children as a whole.

    Correction and development direction.

The main directions of the correctional and developmental work of a psychologist with children with HIA , in conditions of educational integration are:

    development of the emotional and personal sphere and correction of its shortcomings (through art therapy, fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, music therapy, aromatherapy, relaxation therapy, etc.);

    development of cognitive activity and purposeful formation of higher mental functions;

    formation of arbitrary regulation of activity and behavior;

    formation and development of social skills and socialization.

Psychological activities with children in terms of content, they should not copy the programs of classes of a defectological orientation, where the main emphasis is on the development and correction of the cognitive sphere.

Software and methodological support.

To date, special (correctional) educational programs have been developed for preschoolers with various developmental disabilities, which are implemented in institutions of compensatory and combined types. But, unfortunately, there are no program and methodological materials that reveal the content of the correctional and pedagogical process with the named category of children in educational institutions.

The basis of developing psycho-correctional work is a program developed by E.A. Strebeleva. The technologies of psycho-gymnastics and developing kinesiology are used by A.L. Sirotyuk, M.V. Ilyina.

Work is being carried out in the direction of correcting the emotional-personal, moral sphere of pupils - elements of fairy tale therapy. Authors used in fairy tale therapy: O.N. Pakhomova, L.N. Eliseeva, G.A. Azovtsev, folk tales, Orthodox tales, parables.

In the process of implementing the program of correctional work, correctional and developmental programs are used to solve the problems of mutual understanding between children and adults, develop communication skills with peers, correct typical emotional and personal disorders (fear, anxiety, aggression, inadequate self-esteem, etc.), facilitate the adaptation of children to preschool institution.

Psychological-correctional-developing programs:

1. Zhuchkova G.N.. "Moral conversations with children" (classes with elements of psycho-gymnastics) Ed. "Gnome and D", 2000 The program is aimed at children of senior and middle preschool age. It represents a successful combination of moral conversations with a variety of games, psycho-gymnastic exercises and studies. It will help the development of emotional and motor spheres, the formation of ethical ideas in children. The exercises of this program will help in playing out plots, in emancipating and uniting children into groups, and in improving the creative abilities of preschoolers.

2.C.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina, I.G. Toporkova, S.V. Shcherbinina "Tests for preschoolers" "Moscow, ROSMEN 2006" "We develop attention, perception, logic." The classes of this program for children aged 5-6 are aimed at developing the child's visual and auditory perception, voluntary attention, logical thinking, as well as graphic skills, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements.

3. K. Fopel"From head to toe" Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take the initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, be attentive, collected. Toddlers can learn to relax, become empathetic, caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.

This manual contains games and exercises that help the child to become aware of his body, to form his holistic positive image. Games contribute to the development of dexterity, coordination, harmony of movements, teach children to concentrate and relax, cope with stress.

4. K. Vopel"Hey feet!" Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take the initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, be attentive, collected. Toddlers can learn to relax, become empathetic, caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.

This manual combines games and exercises specifically designed for leg training. They will help children learn to run and jump, climb and crawl, walk silently, feel their feet and knees, and coordinate movements.

5. K. Vopel"Hey pens!" Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take the initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, be attentive, collected. Toddlers can learn to relax, become empathetic, caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.

This manual contains games and exercises specifically designed for training hands. They will help children learn to throw, catch, make subtle manipulations with objects, feel their fingers, hands, shoulders, and coordinate movements.

6. K. Vopel"Hi, eyes!" Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take the initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, be attentive, collected. Toddlers can learn to relax, become empathetic, caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.

This manual contains games and exercises that contribute to the training of the eyes, the development of visual perception in general. They will help children learn to finely differentiate visual information, manipulate moving objects, correctly assess distance, and navigate in space.

7. K. Vopel"Hi ears!" Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take the initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, be attentive, collected. Toddlers can learn to relax, become empathetic, caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.

This manual contains games and exercises that contribute to the development of auditory perception, musical ear and a sense of rhythm. They will help children learn to listen carefully, distinguish sounds subtly, perform movements according to the model, and move spontaneously to music.

8. Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. Program "Let's live together!" Moscow, ed. Genesis, 2007 The purpose of this program is to help children adapt to the conditions of kindergarten. It is built on the basis of game exercises aimed primarily at ensuring a psychologically comfortable stay of the child in a preschool institution. All classes have a common flexible structure filled with different content.

9. Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. The program "Angry, afraid, happy!" Moscow, ed. Genesis, 2007 The purpose of the program is the emotional development of children. It is built on the basis of game exercises aimed primarily at ensuring a psychologically comfortable stay of the child in a preschool institution. All classes have a common flexible structure filled with different content.

10. Pylaeva N.M., Akhutina T.V. "School of attention" method of development and correction of attention in children aged 5-7 years. This technique is designed to prepare for school the so-called children with problems that manifest themselves in the lack of organization of attention, the inability to plan and control their actions, the inability to successfully follow the instructions of the teacher, listen to the task to the end, in distractibility and inconsistency during its implementation, and, consequently, in a decrease in motivation. This program is an assistant in developing the ability to plan their actions and control over them in children.

11. "The program of neuropsychological development and correction of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" ed. A.L. Sirotyuk

12. "Diagnosis and correction of attention: a program for children aged 5-9" ed. Osipova A.A., Malashinskaya L.I.

13. "Training program for the adaptation of children 4-6 years old to the conditions of a preschool institution" Let's live together! “
ed. S.V. Kryukov

14. "Training program for the emotional development of preschoolers" ed. S.V. Kryukova
15. "Program for the formation of arbitrary regulation" ed. N.Ya. semago

16. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide. – M.: Genesis

17. Artsishevskaya I.L.. The work of a psychologist with hyperactive children in kindergarten. – M.: Knigolyub, 2008.

18. I - You - We. The program of socio-emotional development of preschoolers. O.L. Knyazev.- M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2003.

19. Venger A.L. Psychological counseling and diagnostics. Practical guide: In 2 books. – M.: Genesis, 2007.

20. Alekseeva E.E. What to do if a child… Psychological assistance to a family with children from 1 to 7 years old. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2008.

21. Bavina T.V., Agarkova E.I.. Childhood fears. Solving the problem in a kindergarten: A practical guide. – M.: ARKTI, 2008.

22. Volkovskaya T.N., Yusupova G.Kh. Psychological assistance to preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech. – M.: Knigolyub, 2004.

23. Volkov B.S., Volkova N.V.. Child psychology. Mental development of the child before entering school. – M.: A.P.O., 1994.

24. Diagnosis in kindergarten. The content and organization of diagnostic work in a preschool educational institution. Toolkit. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004.

25. Egorova M.S., Zyryanova N.M., Pyankova S.D., Chertkov Yu.D. From the life of preschool children. Children in a changing world: - St. Petersburg: Aleteyya, 2001.

26. Kostina L.M. Methods for diagnosing anxiety. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2002.

27. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Diagnostics and development of the personal sphere of children of senior preschool age. Tests. Games. Exercises. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2006.

28. Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.

29. Kulagina M.Yu., Kolyutsky V.N.. Developmental psychology: The complete life cycle of human development. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001.

30.Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V.. The work of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution: a methodological guide. – M.: Iris-press, 2005.

31. Mirilova T.V.. Emotional development of the child. Junior and middle groups. - Volgograd: ITD "Coripheus", 2010.

32. Peresleni L.I.. Psychodiagnostic complex of methods for determining the level of development of cognitive activity: preschool and primary school age. – M.: Iris-press, 2006.

33 .Workshop on developmental psychology: Proc. Allowance / Ed. L.A. Golovei, E.F. Rybalko. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2002.

34. Rogov E.I. Handbook of a practical psychologist: Textbook. - M .: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2001.

35. Sevostyanova E.O. Classes for the development of the intellect of children 5-7 years old. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

36. Semenaka S.I. Socio-psychological adaptation of the child in society. – M.: ARKTI, 2004.

37. Smirnova E.O., Kholmogorova V.M.. Interpersonal relationships of preschoolers. – M.: Humanit. publishing center Vlados, 2003.,

38. Sharokhina V.L. Correctional and developmental classes in the younger group. - M.: Prometheus; book lover, 2002.

39. Shirokova G.A., Zhadko E.G. Workshop for a child psychologist. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2008.

40. Electronic manual: Diagnostic work in the preschool educational institution. - Volgograd: Teacher Publishing House, 2008.

41 .Electronic manual: Comprehensive classes. Planning, class notes, didactic material. - Volgograd: Publishing house "Teacher", 2009.

42 .Typical program “Preparing children with mental retardation for school / Under the general editorship of. S.G.Shevchenko.

43 .The program of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with intellectual disabilities. Correction-developing education and upbringing / E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva /

44. SemagoM.M.Psychological-medical-pedagogical examination of the child.-M: Arkti, 1999.

45 .Psychocorrectional and developmental work with children

/ Ed. I.V.Dubrovina. - M.: Academy, 1998

46. ​​Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrective work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. - M., 2000.

47 . Katherine Maurice, Gina Green, Stephen K. Lewis. Behavior modification classes for autistic children: a guide for parents and professionals / Per. from English. KolsE.K. //Behavioral Intervention for Young Children With Autism: A Manual for Parents and Professionals/Edited by Caterine Maurice, Cina Green and Stephen C. Luce/School Greek Boulevard, Auslin, Texas, 1996

48. Mamaychuk I.I. Psychocorrective technologies for children with developmental problems. - St. Petersburg, 2004. - 400 p.

49. Mamaychuk I.I., Ilyina M.N.. Help of a psychologist for a child with mental retardation. - St. Petersburg, 2004. - 352 p.

50 . Nikolskaya O.S., Baenskaya E.R. Autism: age characteristics and psychological assistance. - M .: Polygraph service, 2003. - 232 p.

51. Petrova O.A. Educational activities for preschool children with hearing impairments. - St. Petersburg, 2008. - 50 p.

52. Plaksina L.I. Development of visual perception in children with visual impairments. - M., 1998.

53 . Plaksina L.I., Grigoryan L.A. The content of medical and pedagogical assistance to children with visual impairments. - M., 1998.

54.Prikhodko O.G. Special Education for Persons with Musculoskeletal Disorders/Special Pedagogy. - M., 2000.

55. Fomicheva L.A.. Development of visual perception and acquaintance with the outside world//Training and correction of the development of preschool children with visual impairment: Methodological guide. - St. Petersburg, 1995.

56 . Boryakova N.Yu. Steps of development. Early diagnosis and correction of mental retardation in children. Teaching aid. - M .: Gnome-Press, 2002. (Correctional and developmental education and upbringing of preschool children with mental retardation)

57 .Brin I.L., Demikova N.S. and others. To the medical-psychological-pedagogical examination of children with autism. - M.: "Signal", 2002.

58. L.M. Shipitsyna, I.I. Mamaychuk. Cerebral palsy (problems of psychodiagnostics, correction, education, upbringing of children, their social and pedagogical integration). - M., 2001

59. LebbyCumin. Formation of communication skills in children with Down syndrome.

60 .P.L. Zhiyanova, E.V. Pole. A baby with Down syndrome (organization of classes with a baby). - M., 2007

61 .A.V. Semenovich. Neuropsychological correction in childhood (method of replacing ontogenesis). - M., 2007

62 . E.A. Alyabyeva. Psychogymnastics in kindergarten. - M., 2003

63 .O.V. Zakrevskaya. Develop baby. The system of work on the prevention of lag and correction of deviations in the development of young children. - M., 2008

64 .Development of basic cognitive functions with the help of adaptive gaming activities. / A.A. Tsyganok, A.L. Vinogradov, I.S. Konstantinova(center of curative pedagogy). - M., 2006

    The condition of children with disabilities, their individual characteristics are extremely variable, and therefore psychological support programs should be individualized.

    Consultative - educational and preventive direction

Work in this area ensures the provision of assistance to teachers and parents in the upbringing and education of a child with HIA. The psychologist develops recommendations in accordance with the age and individual-typical characteristics of children, the state of their somatic and mental health, carries out activities that help improve the professional competence of teachers, and involve parents in solving correctional and educational problems.

    Psychological tips for parents

    “If your child has low self-esteem”

    "How to deal with a little stubborn"

    “If a family has a child with HIA »

    How to help an autistic child

    “What to play with a special child”, etc.

    "Developing the potential of children with HIA based on the construction of individual educational routes "

    "Adaptation to School"

    "Psychological support for the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the families of pupils with HIA " and etc.

    Organization of interaction between a psychologist and teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions.

The most important condition for updating the potential of children with HIA is the psychological competence of the teacher: delicacy, tact, the ability to help the child in the implementation of cognitive activity, in understanding the successes and causes of failures, etc.

The main tasks of psychological education of teachers are to reveal the "weak" and "strong" aspects of the cognitive and personal development of the child, to determine ways to compensate for difficulties, to develop the most adequate ways of interaction between the teacher and the child in the frontal and individual forms of organizing educational activities. Specific forms of psychological education of teachers can be diverse: classes and seminars on key issues of child development with HIA and his special educational needs, the organization of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations with the participation of teachers-defectologists, speech therapists, music workers, physical education instructors, medical specialists; preparation for thematic parent meetings, individual consultations, master classes, workshops, psychological lounges, etc.

    Organization of interaction between a psychologist and parents.

At individual and group consultations with parents, a joint discussion of the progress and results of correctional work is held. The factors of the positive dynamics of the child's development are analyzed, recommendations are made to overcome possible problems (in particular, those related to the adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool education, to schooling).

Work with parents is also carried out in a group form at thematic consultations, workshops, etc.

    Organizational and methodological direction.

This area of ​​activity of a teacher-psychologist includes the preparation of materials for consultations, methodological associations, pedagogical councils, participation in these events, as well as documentation.

The main goal in creating a model of psychological support for children with HIA is the development of tools to accompany such a child, ensuring successful further integration. For the development of a child HIA, it is necessary to create conditions under which he could master the processes associated with socialization. This is the organization of children's activities and the creation of a specially created environment in the preschool educational institution. This environment represents the unity of all participants in the educational process, as well as the creation of psychological assistance, support and provision in order to overcome the barriers that arise in the way of the child's development.