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The comedy "Undergrowth" was written by D. I. Fonvizin in 1781. The main problem of the work is the condemnation of the traditional upbringing of nobles, in particular provincial ones, their stupidity and malevolence. The play "Undergrowth" was written in a classic style, which was reflected in the "speaking" names of the characters, a clear division into positive and negative characters, as well as in the unity of time, place and action: the events take place within 2 days, in the village of Prostakov. The name "Undergrowth" is associated with the decree of Peter I, which forbade unlearned nobles to serve and marry, calling such young people "undergrowth".

For a general acquaintance with the plot of the work, we offer a summary of "Undergrowth".

Main characters

Mrs. Prostakova - Prostakova's wife. An active, rude, uneducated woman who thinks more about her own gain than about people around and virtue, tries to solve everything by force or cunning.

Prostakov Mitrofan - the son of the Prostakovs, an undersized, young man of 16 years old, as stupid as his parents, completely weak-willed, agrees to everything that his mother or others say.

Pravdin is a guest of the Prostakovs, a government official who came to deal with the disorder in their estate, to resolve the issue of Prostakov's cruelty towards the servants. A highly moral person, a representative of the "new" educated nobility, personifies the truth and the word of the law in the work "Undergrowth".

Starodum is a person with high moral principles who achieved everything in his life on his own, without resorting to deceit or cunning. Sophia's uncle and guardian.

Sophia is an honest, educated, kind girl. After she lost her parents, she lives with the Prostakovs, in love with Milon.

Milon is Sophia's fiancé, whom they have not seen for several years. The officer, who was distinguished in the service by courage and courage, has high concepts of human virtue and honor.

Skotinin - brother Mrs Prostakova. A stupid, uneducated man, looking for profit in everything, easily lies and flatters for the sake of profit.

Other characters

Prostakov is the husband of Prostakova. Virtually nothing decides in the house, in fact the shadow and henpecked wife, uneducated, weak-willed.

Eremeevna - Mitrofan's nanny.

Kuteikin, Vralman, Tsyfirkin - Mitrofan's teachers.

Trishka is a tailor, a servant of Prostakov.

Action 1

The play begins with Mrs. Prostakova scolding Trishka that he made a bad caftan for Mitrofan, although he warned about his inability to sew. Prostakov agrees with his wife. The woman decides to punish the tailor. Skotinin claims that the caftan is sewn well and Trishka is kicked out.

A conversation comes about Mitrofan - he must have fallen ill, as he did not sleep well all night. During the discussion, the son claims that he did not eat at all, but in fact he had a hearty supper all night drinking kvass, and at night he saw that his mother was beating his father. To this, Prostakova hugs her son, saying that he is her only consolation and Mitrofan runs away to the dovecote.

Skotinin, Prostakova and Prostakov are discussing that they want to give the orphan Sofya for Skotinin. The only relative of the girl, Starodum, left for Siberia long ago and did not remind of himself. The conversation reveals the self-serving, evil personality of Skotinin, who likes not Sofya but the many pigs in her villages.

Sophia brings a letter from Starodum who suddenly appeared. The Prostakovs do not believe that he is alive, they try to talk the girl into thinking that this is actually a letter from a fan. When Sophia invites them to read for themselves, it turns out that everyone is illiterate.

Pravdin enters, who is instructed to read the letter. Those present will learn that Starodum made Sophia the heiress of 10 thousand rubles. Now not only Skotinin wants to marry the girl, but Prostakova also begins to flatter the girl, wanting to pass her off as Mitrofan. As the women leave, a servant runs in and informs the men that passing soldiers have stopped in their village.

Action 2

Milon and Pravdin turn out to be old friends. Pravdin says that he came to the village to put in place the "despicable fury" Prostakov. Milon shares that he is going to Moscow to meet his beloved, whom he has not seen for a long time, since after the death of her parents, distant relatives took care of her.

By chance, Sophia passes by. The lovers are happy for each other. Sophia tells Milon that Prostakova wants to marry her to her stupid 16-year-old son.
Immediately they meet Skotinin, who is worried that he can go home without his wife and money. Pravdin and Milon urge him to quarrel with his sister, saying that she plays with them like a ball. Skotinin loses his temper.

Mitrofan and Yeremeevna are passing by. The nanny tries to force the young man to study, but he does not want to. Skotinin quarrel with Mitrofan about the upcoming marriage, since both do not mind marrying Sophia. However, Eremeevna and Pravdin do not allow them to fight. Skotinin angry leaves.

The Prostakov spouses appear. Prostakova flatters Milon and apologizes for not coming out to meet him in time. Praises Sophia and tells how she has already arranged everything for her uncle. The girl and Prostakov leave to look at the room. They are replaced by Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin. The teachers tell Pravdin about themselves, how they learned to read and write, and how they ended up in the Prostakovs' house.

Action 3

Pravdin, seeing Starodum's carriage from the window, went out to meet him first. The official talks about the atrocities of the Prostakovs in relation to Sonya. Starodum says that one cannot act on the first impulse, since experience has shown him that ardor is not always good, tells Pravdin about his life, as he saw that people are different.

This is where Sophia comes in. Starodum recognizes his niece, they are happy to meet. Uncle says that he left everything and left, because otherwise he would earn money without "exchanging it for his conscience" ...
he could not.
At this time, Prostakova and Skotinin managed to fight. After they were pacified by Milon, Prostakova notices Starodum and orders Eremeevna to call her son and husband. The entire Prostakov family and Skotinin greet Starodum with excessive joy, hug and flatter in every possible way. Mitrofan repeats after his mother that Starodum is his second father. This surprises Uncle Sophia very much.

Starodum says that he is taking the girl to Moscow to marry. Sophia, not knowing that her uncle chose Milon as her husband, nevertheless agrees with his will. Prostakova and Skotinin are trying to convince him. The woman says that studies were not held in high esteem in their family, but Mitrofan allegedly does not get up because of the book and studies hard. Pravdin interrupts the woman, saying that the guest is tired from the road and everyone disperses.

Tsyfirkin and Kuteikin remain, who complain to each other that Mitrofan cannot learn arithmetic and four years of reading and writing. They blame the German Vralman for that, who interferes with the teaching, and both are not opposed to beating the unfortunate student, if only he would start doing something.

Mitrofan and Prostakova enter. The woman persuades her son to learn, at least for the sake of it. Tsifirkin sets two tasks, but in both cases, before Mitrofan counts, Prostakova solves them based on her personal experience: “I found the money, don’t share it with anyone. Take everything for yourself, Mitrofanushka. Don't study this stupid science." Only Kuteikin begins to teach the young man to read and write, when Vralman appears and says that Mitrofan does not need to learn to read and write, and in general it is better to make friends with “his own”, illiterate people, in which Prostakova supports him. Vralman makes a reservation that he saw the light while sitting on a cab, but he catches himself in time and the woman does not notice that he is lying to her.

Prostakova and Mitrofan leave. The teachers are arguing. Tsyfirkin and Kuteikin want to beat Vralman, but he runs away.

Action 4

Starodum and Sofya are talking about virtue, about how people go astray from the righteous path. The uncle explains to his niece that nobility and wealth should be calculated not by deeds for their own benefit, but by deeds for the fatherland and other people. The man explains that the position should correspond to the deeds, and not to one name. He also speaks about family life that a husband and wife should understand each other, support that the origin of the spouses is not important, if they love each other, but this love should be friendly.

Here Starodum is brought a letter from which he learns that the young man for whom he was going to marry Sophia is Milon. Starodum, talking with Milon, learns that he is a man with high concepts of duty and honor. The uncle blesses the niece and the young man.

Skotinin tears them away from the conversation, trying to show himself in a favorable light, but only makes them laugh with his absurdity. Pravdin, Prostakova and Mitrofan arrive. The woman again praises her son's literacy. Pravdin decides to check. Mitrofan does not give a single correct answer, while his mother tries in every possible way to justify his stupidity.

Prostakova and Skotinin continue to ask Starodum who he will choose for his niece, to which they receive an answer that she already has a fiancé and they are leaving tomorrow morning. Skotinin and Mitrofan with Prostakova separately plan to intercept the girl on the road.

Action 5

Pravdin and Starodum are discussing what everyone will soon find out that without truth and good manners, nothing worthwhile can be achieved, that worthy, honest, educated, well-mannered people are the key to the welfare of the state.

They are interrupted upon hearing a noise. As it turns out, Yeremeevna wanted to take Sophia away by force on Prostakova’s orders, but Milon prevented her. Pravdin says that this is an illegal action. He points out that the girl's uncle and fiancé can accuse the Prostakovs of a crime and demand immediate punishment. The woman tries to beg forgiveness from Sophia, she forgives her. Prostakova, only she is released from guilt, is going to punish the servants who did not allow the atrocity to take place and missed the girl. However, Pravdin stops her - he reads out a paper that came from the government that from that moment the house and villages of the Prostakovs come under his care. Prostakova is indignant and asks for at least three days, but Pravdin refuses. Then the woman recalls the debts to the teachers and Pravdin agrees to pay them off himself.

Vralman, Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin arrive. Vralman's deception is revealed - that he is in fact a retired groom of Starodum, and not german teacher and a connoisseur of high society. Vralman agrees to go to the service of Starodum again. Tsyfirkin does not want to take extra money from Prostakova, since for all the time he could not teach Mitrofan anything. Pravdin, Starodum and Milon reward Tsyfirkin for honesty. Kuteikin is not against getting money even for fruitless science, but is left with nothing.

Starodum, Milon and Sophia are going to leave. Mitrofan tells his mother to get rid of him, his father reproaches him for this. Pravdin offers the young man to go to serve and he agrees. Prostakova is in despair, as she has lost everything. Starodum sums up what happened: "Here are worthy fruits of evil-mindedness!"


The comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin is a landmark work of the 18th century, which exposed sharp questions that time. The play contrasts education, upbringing, high moral principles with stupidity, ignorance, anger and waywardness. The subtle humor of the writer, his understanding of global human problems allows you to read classic comedy today. We advise you not only to read the retelling of the "Undergrowth" by actions, but also to evaluate the work in full.

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  1. DI Fonvizin Undergrowth Action the first Phenomenon I Gzh. Prostakova, examining Mitrofan's new caftan, scolds Trishka for having restrained and ruined the thing. She sends Yeremeevna for a tailor, and...
  2. The play "Undergrowth" by Denis Fonvizin was written in the 18th century - in the transitional era, when Russian society represented two opposing camps - adherents of new, enlightening ideas and carriers of outdated, landlord ...
  3. One of the main characters of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs. The name Mitrofan means "similar", similar to the mother. Maybe with this name, Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her ...
  4. At the beginning of 1782, Fonvizin read to friends and social acquaintances the comedy "Undergrowth", on which he had been working for many years. He did the same with the new play as he had done with The Brigadier....
  5. D. I. Fonvizin was destined to live in a rather gloomy era of the reign of Catherine II, when the inhuman forms of exploitation of serfs reached the limit, after which only a peasant revolt could follow. This...
  6. By the time the "Undergrowth" was created, quite a few plays had already been written, in one way or another related to peasant themes. But in many of them, the authors, trying to embellish serf life, portrayed the feudal landowners as kind...
  7. Denis Fonvizin wrote the comedy "Undergrowth" in the 18th century. In that era, a decree of Peter I was in force in Russia, prescribing that young men under the age of 21 without education were forbidden to join the military ...
  8. Mitrofan - the son of the Prostakovs, undersized - that is, a young nobleman who has not yet entered the public service. By decree of Peter I, all undergrowths were required to have elementary knowledge. Without it...
  9. One of the main characters of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin is Mitrofan Terentyevich Prostakov. The name Mitrofan means "similar", similar to the mother. Maybe with this name Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son is a reflection ...
  10. One respect should be flattering to a person - sincere, and only those who are in ranks not according to money, but in nobility not according to ranks, are worthy of spiritual respect. Fonvizin V early XVIII...
  11. Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" raised the problems of education. After all, it depends on this whether a person will be accepted in society and how society will react to a particular individual. By the way, about the upbringing in comedy ...
  12. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is the creator of the immortal comedy "Undergrowth". For more than two hundred years, it has not left the stages of Russian theaters, remaining still interesting and relevant to new and new generations of viewers....
  13. The first thing that draws attention modern reader comedy "Undergrowth" - these are the surnames actors. "Talking" surnames immediately establish the attitude of the reader (viewer) to their owners. It ceases to be more or less...
  14. The eighteenth century in the history of Russia is the era of the strengthening of the autocracy and the domination of serfdom. This order of things, which suited the ruling elite of society, caused critical thinking socio-political situation in the country from the side ...
  15. The only character conceived and performed in the comedy Woe from Wit, as close to Chatsky, is Sofia Pavlovna Famusova. Griboedov wrote about her: “A girl who is not stupid prefers a fool to a smart person:”... Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is a writer, playwright, educator, who entered the history of Russian literature as the creator of Russian social comedy. "Satyrs are a brave ruler" - that's what Pushkin called him. Already in its first original...

The story describes the life of a village family named Prostakov. Lady Prostakova had a son named Mitrofan. His mother ordered him a caftan from a tailor. Then she got angry at the tailor. Because the caftan was narrow for 16-year-old Mitrofan. The tailor Tryzhka justified himself as best he could. But the lady did not listen. Her husband, Mr. Prostakov, was an obedient person. This time he expressed his views on the narrow caftan. Taras Skotinin, who is the brother of the lady, also expresses his opinion. The caftan was made for Mitrofan on the day of the betrothal of Taras and Sophia. Sophia was a relative of Father Mitrofan and lived at their house. She was raised by her mother in Moscow, and her father died. But six months ago, the girl's mother also died. After the death of the Prostakovs, they took her to their place. Sophia herself did not know whom she should marry.

Through certain time Sophia receives a letter from her missing uncle. Here Prostakova was upset. Since her hopes for the wedding did not come true. Prostakova accused Sonya of cheating. But she couldn't check her guesses. Because she, her husband and brother could not read. Neighbor Pravdin helped read the letter. The letter said that the uncle was leaving his niece all his fortune. Having learned such news, Prostakova decides to marry her undersized son Mitrofan to Sophia. Pravdin was visited by his friend Milon, who was an officer. Milon was in love with a girl who was left an orphan. But he does not tell his friend about this. Sophia was his lover. They met and were very happy. Then Sophia talks about her imminent marriage to Mitrofan. Milon becomes jealous. His jealousy subsides when he learns of Mitrofan's underdevelopment.

Upon learning of the refusal to marry, Skotinin becomes furious and attacks Mitrofan. His nanny Eremeevna shields him. The teachers themselves came to Mitrofan. But Mitrofan expresses dissatisfaction and says that he does not want to study. Prostakova found out that Taras had attacked him. She consoled her son and said that he would soon marry. Sophia's uncle comes to the village. On the way, he met with Pravdin, and they talked.

Uncle Starodum came to free Sophia from these ignorant Prostakovs. He met with his niece and promised to release her. At this time, Taras and Prostakova entered the room. Brother and sister fought there. Upon learning that the rich uncle of Sofya Prostakov has arrived, he begins to flatter and shows hospitality. Prostakova told the guest about the imminent wedding. Starodum is categorically against the wedding. He promised that he would soon take Sophia to Moscow and marry her to worthy person. From such a statement, Sophia was very upset. Then her uncle explained to her that she herself was free in her decisions. Prostakova praises her son and his education.

At the end, Starodum, his niece and Milon left the city. And the Prostakov family remained in their village.

Very briefly

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Fonvizin. All retellings

  • Brigadier
  • undergrowth

Picture for the story Undergrowth

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Pravdin, Milon.

Milo. How glad I am, my dear friend, that I accidentally saw you! Tell me in what way...

Pravdin. As a friend, I will tell you the reason for my being here. I have been designated as a member of the governorship here. I have a command to go around the local district; and besides, from my own feat of my heart, I do not leave to notice those malevolent ignoramuses who, having full power over their people, use it for evil inhumanely. You know the mindset of our viceroy. With what zeal he helps suffering mankind! With what zeal does he thereby fulfill the philanthropic forms of the higher authority! In our region, we ourselves have experienced that where the governor is such as the governor is depicted in the Institution, there the well-being of the inhabitants is true and reliable. I have been living here for three days now. I found the landowner an innumerable fool, and his wife a wicked fury, whose infernal temper makes misfortune to their whole house. What are you thinking, my friend, tell me, how long have you stayed here?

Milo. I'm leaving here in a few hours.

Pravdin. What's so soon? Have a rest.

Milo. I can not. I have been ordered to lead the soldiers without delay ... yes, moreover, I myself am burning with impatience to be in Moscow.

Pravdin. What's the reason?

Milo. I will reveal to you the secret of my heart, dear friend! I am in love and have the happiness of being loved. For more than half a year, I have been separated from the one who is dearest to me in the world, and, what is even sadder, I have not heard anything about her all this time. Often, attributing the silence to her coldness, I was tormented by grief; but suddenly I received news that struck me. They write to me that, after the death of her mother, some distant relatives took her to their villages. I don't know who or where. Perhaps she is now in the hands of some greedy people who, taking advantage of her orphanhood, keep her in tyranny. That thought alone makes me beside myself.

Pravdin. I see similar inhumanity in the local house. I caress, however, to soon put limits on the wickedness of the wife and the stupidity of the husband. I have already informed our chief of all the local barbarisms, and I have no doubt that measures will be taken to appease them.

Milo. Happy are you, my friend, being able to alleviate the fate of the unfortunate. I do not know what to do in my sad situation.

Pravdin. Let me ask about her name.

Milon (excited). A! here she is.


The same and Sophia.

Sofia (in admiration). Milon! do I see you?

Pravdin. What happiness!

Milo. Here is the one that owns my heart. Dear Sophia! Tell me, how do I find you here?

Sophia. How many sorrows have I endured since the day of our separation! My shameless in-laws...

Pravdin. My friend! do not ask about what is so sad for her ... You will learn from me what rudeness ...

Milo. Unworthy people!

Sophia. Today, however, for the first time the hostess here changed her behavior with me. Hearing that my uncle was making me an heiress, she suddenly turned from being rude and quarrelsome to the very basest, and I can see from all her words that she will read me as a bride to her son.

Milon (eagerly). And you did not show her the same hour of perfect contempt? ...

Sophia. No...

Milo. And didn't tell her that you had a heartfelt obligation, that...

Sophia. No...

Milo. A! now I see my doom. My opponent is happy! I do not deny all the merits in it. He may be reasonable, enlightened, kind; but so that he could compare with me in my love for you, so that ...

Sofia (grinning). My God! If you saw him, your jealousy would drive you to the extreme!

Milon (indignantly). I imagine all its virtues.

Sophia. You can't imagine everyone. Although he is sixteen years old, he has already reached the last degree of his perfection and will not go far.

Pravdin. How far will it not go, madam? He finishes teaching hours; and there, one must think, they will also take to the psalter.

Milo. How! This is my rival! And, dear Sophia, why are you tormenting me with a joke? You know how easily a passionate person is upset by the slightest suspicion.

Sophia. Think how unfortunate my condition is! I could not answer this stupid proposal decisively. In order to get rid of their rudeness, in order to have some freedom, I was forced to hide my feelings.

Milo. What did you answer her?

Here Skotinin walks through the theater, lost in thought, and no one sees him.

Sophia. I said that my fate depended on the will of my uncle, that he himself promised to come here in his letter, which (to Pravdin) did not allow you to finish reading Mr. Skotinin.

Milo. Skotinin!

Skotinin. I!


The same and Skotinin.

Pravdin. How did you sneak up, Mr. Skotinin! I wouldn't expect this from you.

Skotinin. I passed by you. Heard that they called me, I answered. I have such a custom: whoever screams - Skotinin! And I told him: me! What are you, brothers, and for real? I myself served in the guards and retired as a corporal. It used to happen that at the exit they would shout at the roll call: Taras Skotinin! And I wholeheartedly: I!

Pravdin. We have not called you now, and you can go where you went.

Skotinin. I didn’t go anywhere, but I wander, thinking. I have such a custom, as if I take something into my head, then I can’t knock it out with a nail. With me, you hear, what entered the mind, it settled here. All I think about is that I only see in a dream, as in reality, and in reality, as in a dream.

Pravdin. What would interest you so much now?

Skotinin. Oh, brother, you are my dearest friend! Miracles are happening to me. My sister took me quickly from my village to hers, and if she takes me out of her village to mine just as quickly, then I can before the whole world clear conscience say: I went for nothing, brought nothing.

Pravdin. What a pity, Mr. Skotinin! Your sister plays with you like a ball.

Skotinin (embittered). How about a ball? Protect God! Yes, I myself will throw it so that they won’t find a whole village in a week.

Sophia. Oh, how angry you are!

Milo. What happened to you?

Skotinin. You yourself, clever man, consider. My sister brought me here to get married. Now she herself drove up with a challenge: “What is it to you, brother, in your wife; you would have, brother, a good pig. No sister! I want to have my own pigs. It's not easy to fool me.

Pravdin. It seems to me, Mr. Skotinin, that your sister is thinking about a wedding, but not about yours.

Skotinin. What a parable! I am not a hindrance to others. Everyone marry his bride. I will not touch a stranger, and do not touch my stranger. (Sophia.) Don't worry, darling. No one will beat you from me.

Sophia. What does it mean? Here's another new one!

sweetheart (shouted). What audacity!

Skotinin (to Sophia). What are you afraid of?

Pravdin (to Milan). How can you be angry with Skotinin!

Sofia (Skotinin). Am I destined to be your wife?

Milo. I can hardly resist!

Skotinin. You can’t drive around your betrothed, darling! You blame it on your happiness. You will live happily ever after with me. Ten thousand of your income! Eco happiness rolled; yes, I was born so much and did not see; yes, I will redeem all the pigs from the world for them; Yes, I, you hear, I will make everyone blow their trumpet: in the local neighborhood, and only pigs live.

Pravdin. When only cattle can be happy with us, then your wife will have poor peace from them and from us.

Skotinin. Bad peace! bah! bah! bah! do I have enough lights? For her, I’ll give you a coal stove with a stove bench. You are my dearest friend! if I now, without seeing anything, have a special pecking for each pig, then I will find a room for my wife.

Milo. What a beastly comparison!

Pravdin (Skotinin). Nothing will happen, Mr. Skotinin! I will tell you that your sister will read it for her son.

Skotinin. How! Nephew to interrupt from his uncle! Yes, I'll break him like hell at the first meeting. Well, if I'm a pig's son, if I'm not her husband, or if Mitrofan is a freak.


The same, Eremeevna and Mitrofan.

Eremeevna. Yes, learn a little.

Mitrofan. Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I will again complain to my mother, so she will deign to give you a task in yesterday's way.

Skotinin. Come here, buddy.

Eremeevna. Feel free to go to your uncle.

Mitrofan. Hello, uncle! What are you so bristling deigned?

Skotinin. Mitrofan! Look straight at me.

Eremeevna. Look, father.

Mitrofan (Eremeevna). Yes, uncle, what kind of unseen? What will you see on it?

Skotinin. Once again: look at me straighter.

Eremeevna. Don't make uncle angry. There, if you please look, father, how he goggled his eyes, and you, if you please, also goggle yours.

Skotinin and Mitrofan, bulging eyes, look at each other.

Milo. Here's a good explanation!

Pravdin. Will it end somehow?

Skotinin. Mitrofan! You are now within a hair's breadth of death. Tell the whole truth; if I had not been afraid of sin, I would have those, without saying a word, by the legs and about the corner. Yes, I do not want to destroy souls without finding the guilty one.

Eremeevna (trembled). Oh, he's leaving! Where should my head go?

Mitrofan. What are you, uncle, ate henbane? Yes, I don’t know why you deigned to jump on me.

Skotinin. Look, don’t deny it, so that I don’t knock the spirit out of you at once in my hearts. You can't put your hands up here. My sin. Blame God and the sovereign. Look, do not riveted on yourself, so as not to accept a needless beating.

Eremeevna. God forbid the slander!

Skotinin. Do you want to get married?

Mitrofan (spreading out). For a long time, uncle, hunting takes ...

Skotinin (rushing at Mitrofan). Oh you damned bastard!

Pravdin (excluding Skotinin). Mr Skotinin! Do not let your hands go.

Mitrofan. Mommy, cover me!

Epemeevna (shielding Mitrofan, frenzied and raising his fists). I will die on the spot, but I will not give the child away. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please. I'll scratch those walleyes.

Skotinin (trembling and threatening, departs). I'll get you!

Eremeevna (trembling, following). I have my own hooks too!

Mitrofan (following Skotinin). Get out, uncle, get out.


The same and both Prostakovs.

Ms. Prostakova (husband, go). There is nothing to override here. All your life, sir, you've been walking with your ears open.

Prostakov. Yes, he himself and Pravdin have disappeared from my eyes. What am I to blame?

Ms. Prostakova (to Milan). Ah, my father! Mister officer! I have now been looking for you all over the village; she knocked her husband down to bring you, father, the lowest thanksgiving for a good command.

Milo. For what, ma'am?

Ms Prostakova. Why, my father! The soldiers are so kind. So far, no one has touched the hair. Do not be angry, my father, that my freak missed you. Otrodu does not make sense to treat anyone. I was born so rotten, my father

Milo. I don't blame you at all, ma'am.

Ms Prostakova. On him, my father, he finds such, in a local way, tetanus. Sometimes, bulging eyes, stands dead for an hour as if rooted to the spot. I didn't do anything with him; What could he not stand for me! You won't get through anything. If the tetanus goes away, then, my father, it will bring such game that you ask God for tetanus again.

Pravdin. At least, ma'am, you can't complain about his wicked temper. He is humble...

Ms Prostakova. Like a calf, my father; that's why everything in our house is spoiled. It doesn’t make sense for him to have strictness in the house in order to punish the guilty by way. I manage everything myself, father. From morning to evening, as if hanged by the tongue, I don’t lay my hands on it: either I scold, or I fight; That's how the house holds up, my father.

Pravdin (to the side). Soon it will be different.

Mitrofan. And today, mother deigned to be busy with the servants all morning.

Ms. Prostakova (to Sophia). Cleaned up the rooms for your kind uncle. I'm dying, I want to see this respectable old man. I heard a lot about him. And his villains only say that he is a little gloomy, but such a deceitful one, but if he already loves someone, he will love him directly.

Pravdin. And whom he dislikes, that bad man. (To Sophia.) I myself have the honor of knowing your uncle. And, moreover, I heard from many things about him that instilled in my soul a true reverence for him. What is called in him sullenness, rudeness, that is, one action of his straightforwardness. From birth, his tongue did not speak Yes, when his soul felt No.

Sophia. But he had to get his happiness by labor.

Ms Prostakova. God's grace to us, we succeeded. I want nothing so much as his paternal mercy to Mitrofanushka. Sofyushka, my soul! Would you like to see Uncle's room?

Sophia leaves.

Ms. Prostakova (to Prostakov). I gaped again, my father; Yes, if you please, sir, to see her off. The legs didn't come off.

Prostakov (departing). They didn’t withdraw, but they buckled.

Ms. Prostakova (to guests). One of my concerns, one of my joys is Mitrofanushka. My age is passing. I cook it for people.

Here appear Kuteikin with a book of hours, and Tsyfirkin with a slate and slate. Both of them ask Eremeevna with signs: should I enter? She beckons them, but Mitrofan waves them off.

Ms. Prostakova (not seeing them, continues). Perhaps the Lord is merciful, and happiness is written for his family.

Pravdin. Look around, ma'am, what's going on behind you?

Ms Prostakova. A! This, father, is Mitrofanushka's teachers, Sidorych Kuteikin...

Eremeevna. And Pafnutich Tsyfirkin.

Mitrofan (to the side). Shoot them and take them with Eremeevna.

Kuteikin. Peace to the master's house and many years from children and households.

Tsyfirkin. We wish your honor a hundred years, yes twenty, and even fifteen. Uncountable years.

Milo. Ba! This is our soldier brother! Where did it come from, my friend?

Tsyfirkin. There was a garrison, your honor! And now he's gone clean.

Milo. What are you eating?

Tsyfirkin. Somehow, your honor! A little bit of passion fruit arithmetic, so I eat in the city near the clerks at the accounting department. The Lord has not revealed science to everyone: so whoever does not understand himself hires me either to believe the account, or to sum up the results. That's what I eat; I do not like to live idly. In my spare time, I teach children. Here, for the third year, their nobility and the guy have been fighting over broken lines, but something is not glued well; Well, it's true, man does not come to man.

Ms Prostakova. What? What are you, Pafnutich, lying? I didn't listen.

Tsyfirkin. So. I reported to his nobility that in ten years you cannot hammer into another stump what another catches in flight.

Pravdin (to Kuteikin). And you, Mr. Kuteikin, aren't you one of the scientists?

Kuteikin. From scientists, your highness! Seminaries of the local diocese. I went to rhetoric, but God willing, I turned back. He submitted a petition to the consistory, in which he wrote: “Such and such a seminarian, from church children, fearing the abyss of wisdom, asks her to dismiss her.” To which a gracious resolution soon followed, with the note: "Such and such a seminarian should be fired from any teaching: it is written for there is, do not cast pearls before pigs, but they will not trample him underfoot."

Ms Prostakova. Where is our Adam Adamych?

Eremeevna. I was pushed towards him, but by force I carried my legs away. Smoke pillar, my mother! Strangled, damned, with tobacco. Such a sinner.

Kuteikin. Empty, Eremeevna! There is no sin in smoking tobacco.

Pravdin (to the side). Kuteikin is also smart!

Kuteikin. In many books it is allowed: in the psalter it is printed: "And cereal for the service of man."

Pravdin. Well, where else?

Kuteikin. And the same thing is printed in another psalter. Our archpriest has a small one in an octagon, and in the same one.

Pravdin (to Mrs. Prostakova). I don't want to interfere with your son's exercises; obedient servant.

Milo. Not me, sir.

Ms Prostakova. Where are you, my lords?

Pravdin. I will take him to my room. Friends, having not seen each other for a long time, have a lot to talk about.

Ms Prostakova. Where would you like to eat, with us or in your room? We just have our own family at the table, with Sofyushka ...

Milo. With you, with you, ma'am.

Pravdin. We will both have this honor.


Mrs. Prostakova, Eremeevna, Mitrofan, Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin.

Ms Prostakova. Well, now at least read the rears in Russian, Mitrofanushka.

Mitrofan. Yes, asses, how not.

Ms Prostakova. Live and learn, my dear friend! Such a thing.

Mitrofan. How not like that! Learning comes to mind. You should bring your uncles here!

Ms Prostakova. What? What's happened?

Mitrofan. Yes! that and see that from uncle melancholy; and there from his fists and for the watch book. No, so I, thank you, already have one end with me!

Ms. Prostakova (frightened). What, what do you want to do? Remember, sweetie!

Mitrofan. Vite here and the river is close. Dive, so remember your name.

Ms. Prostakova (beyond himself). Dead! Dead! God be with you!

Eremeevna. All uncle scared. Almost grabbed his hair. And for nothing... for nothing...

Ms. Prostakova (in anger). Well...

Eremeevna. I pestered him: do you want to marry? ..

Ms Prostakova. Well...

Eremeevna. The child did not hide, for a long time, de, uncle, the hunt takes. How he will freak out, my mother, how he will throw himself up! ..

Ms. Prostakova (trembling). Well... and you, the beast, were dumbfounded, and you didn't bite into your brother's mug, and you didn't pull his snout up to his ears...

Eremeevna. It was accepted! Oh yes, I did...

Ms Prostakova. Yes ... yes ... not your child, you beast! For you, even kill a roben to death.

Eremeevna. Oh, creator, save and have mercy! Yes, if my brother didn’t deign to leave at that very moment, then I would have broken with him. That's what God would not put. These would be dull (pointing to nails) I would not save fangs.

Ms Prostakova. All you beasts are zealous in words alone, and not in deeds...

Eremeevna (crying). I'm not zealous for you, mother! You don’t know how to serve more ... I would be glad not only that ... you don’t feel sorry for your stomach ... but you don’t want to.

Ms Prostakova. You are still, the old witch, and burst into tears. Go, feed them with you, and after dinner immediately come back here. (To Mitrofap.) Come with me, Mitrofanushka. I won't let you out of my eyes now. As I tell you a little, so live in the world will fall in love. Not a century for you, my friend, not a century for you to learn. Thanks to God, you already understand so much that you yourself will cock the children. (To Eremeevna.) I’ll be translating with my brother, not your way. Let everything good people they will see that mother and that mother is dear. (Leaves with Mitrofan.)

Kuteikin. Your life, Eremeevna, is like total darkness. Let's go to a meal, but with grief, first drink a glass ...

Tsyfirkin. And there is another, here are those and multiplication.

Eremeevna (in tears). Not easy will not take me away! I have been serving for forty years, but mercy is still the same...

Kuteikin. How great is the blessing?

Eremeevna. Five rubles a year, and five slaps a day.

Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin take her by the arms.

Tsyfirkin. Let's see at the table what you earn all year round.

End of the second act.

Phenomenon I

Pravdin, Milon.

Milo. How glad I am, my dear friend, that I accidentally saw you! Tell me in what way...

Pravdin. As a friend, I will tell you the reason for my being here. I have been designated as a member of the governorship here. I have a command to go around the local district; and besides, from my own feat of my heart, I do not leave to notice those malevolent ignoramuses who, having full power over their people, use it for evil inhumanely. You know the mindset of our viceroy. With what zeal he helps suffering humanity! With what zeal does he thereby fulfill the philanthropic forms of the higher authority! In our region, we ourselves have experienced that where the governor is such as the governor is depicted in the Institution, there the well-being of the inhabitants is true and reliable. I have been living here for three days now. I found the landowner an innumerable fool, and his wife a wicked fury, whose infernal temper makes misfortune to their whole house. What are you thinking, my friend, tell me, how long have you stayed here?

Milo. I'm leaving here in a few hours.

Pravdin. What's so soon? Have a rest.

Milo. I can not. I was ordered to lead the soldiers without delay ... yes, moreover, I myself am burning with impatience to be in Moscow.

Pravdin. What's the reason?

Milo. I will reveal to you the secret of my heart, dear friend! I am in love and have the happiness of being loved. For more than half a year, I have been separated from the one who is dearest to me in the world, and, what is even sadder, I have not heard anything about her all this time. Often, attributing the silence to her coldness, I was tormented by grief; but suddenly I received news that struck me. They write to me that, after the death of her mother, some distant relatives took her to their villages. I don't know who or where. Perhaps she is now in the hands of some greedy people who, taking advantage of her orphanhood, keep her in tyranny. That thought alone makes me beside myself.

Pravdin. I see similar inhumanity in the local house. I caress, however, to soon put limits on the wickedness of the wife and the stupidity of the husband. I have already informed our chief of all the local barbarisms, and I have no doubt that measures will be taken to appease them.

Milo. Happy are you, my friend, being able to alleviate the fate of the unfortunate. I do not know what to do in my sad situation.

Pravdin. Let me ask about her name.

Milon(excited) . A! here she is.

Phenomenon II

The same and Sophia.

Sofia(in admiration). Milon! do I see you?

Pravdin. What happiness!

Milo. Here is the one that owns my heart. Dear Sophia! Tell me, how do I find you here?

Sophia. How many sorrows have I endured since the day of our separation! My unscrupulous cousins...

Pravdin. My friend! Do not ask about what is so sad for her ... You will learn from me what rudeness ...

Milo. Unworthy people!

Sophia. Today, however, for the first time the hostess here changed her behavior with me. When I heard that my uncle was making me an heiress, she suddenly turned from being rude and quarrelsome to the very basest, and I can see from all her bluffs that she will read me as a bride to her son.

Milon(eagerly) . And you did not show her the same hour of perfect contempt? ..

Sophia. No…

Milo. And didn't tell her that you had a heartfelt obligation, that...

Sophia. No.

Milo. A! now I see my doom. My opponent is happy! I do not deny all the merits in it. He may be reasonable, enlightened, kind; but so that he could compare with me in my love for you, so that ...

Sofia(grinning). My God! If you saw him, your jealousy would drive you to the extreme!

Milon (indignantly). I imagine all its virtues.

Sophia. You can't imagine everyone. Although he is sixteen years old, he has already reached the last degree of his perfection and will not go far.

Pravdin. How far will it not go, madam? He finishes learning the Book of Hours; and there, one must think, they will also take up the Psalter.

Milo. How! Is that my opponent? And, dear Sophia, why are you tormenting me with a joke? You know how easily a passionate person is upset by the slightest suspicion.

Sophia. Think how unfortunate my condition is! I could not answer this stupid proposal decisively. In order to get rid of their rudeness, in order to have some freedom, I was forced to hide my feelings.

Milo. What did you answer her?

Here Skotinin walks through the theater, lost in thought, and no one sees him.

Sophia. I said that my fate depended on the will of my uncle, that he himself promised to come here in his letter, which (to Pravdin) Mr. Skotinin did not allow you to finish reading.

Milo. Skotinin!

Skotinin. I!

Phenomenon III

The same and Skotinin.

Pravdin. How did you sneak up, Mr. Skotinin! I wouldn't expect this from you.

Skotinin. I passed by you. Heard that they called me, I answered. I have such a custom: whoever screams - Skotinin! And I told him: me! What are you, brothers, and for real? I myself served in the guards and retired as a corporal. It used to happen that at the exit they would shout at the roll call: Taras Skotinin! And I wholeheartedly: I!

Pravdin. We have not called you now, and you can go where you went.

Skotinin. I didn’t go anywhere, but I wander, thinking. I have such a custom, as if I take something into my head, you cannot knock it out with a nail. With me, you hear, what entered the mind, it settled here. All I think about is that I only see in a dream, as in reality, and in reality, as in a dream.

Pravdin. What would interest you so much now?

Skotinin. Oh, brother, you are my dearest friend! Miracles are happening to me. My sister quickly took me out of my village to hers, and if she takes me out of her village to mine just as quickly, I can honestly say before the whole world: I went for nothing, brought nothing.

Pravdin. What a pity, Mr. Skotinin! Your sister plays with you like a ball.

Skotinin(angrily). How about a ball? Protect God! Yes, I myself will throw it so that they won’t find a whole village in a week.

Sophia. Oh, how angry you are!

Milo. What happened to you?

Skotinin. You yourself, a smart person, think about it. My sister brought me here to get married. Now she herself drove up with a challenge: “What is it to you, brother, in your wife; you would have a good pig, brother. No sister! I want to have my own pigs. It's not easy to fool me.

Pravdin. It seems to me, Mr. Skotinin, that your sister is thinking about a wedding, but not about yours.

Skotinin. What a parable! I am not a hindrance to others. Everyone marry his bride. I will not touch a stranger, and do not touch my stranger. (to Sophia.) Don't worry, darling. No one will beat you from me.

Sophia. What does it mean? Here's another new one!

Milon(shouted). What audacity!

Skotinin(to Sophia). What are you afraid of?

Pravdin(to Milan). How can you be angry with Skotinin!

Sofia(Skotinin). Am I destined to be your wife?

Milo. I can hardly resist!

Skotinin. You can’t drive around your betrothed, darling! You blame it on your happiness. You will live happily ever after with me. Ten thousand of your income! Eco happiness rolled; yes, I was born so much and did not see; yes, I will redeem all the pigs from the world for them; Yes, I, you hear, I will make everyone blow their trumpet: in the local neighborhood, and only pigs live.

Pravdin. When only cattle can be happy among you, then your wife will have poor peace from them and from you.

Skotinin. Bad peace! bah! bah! bah! do I have enough lights? For her, I’ll give you a coal stove with a stove bench. You are my dearest friend! if I now, without seeing anything, have a special pecking for each pig, then I will find a room for my wife.

Milo. What a beastly comparison!

Pravdin(Skotinin). Nothing will happen, Mr. Skotinin! I will tell you that your sister will read it for her son.

Skotinin. How! Nephew to interrupt from his uncle! Yes, I'll break him like hell at the first meeting. Well, if I'm a pig's son, if I'm not her husband, or if Mitrofan is a freak.

Event IV

The same, Eremeevna and Mitrofan.

Eremeevna. Yes, learn a little.

Mitrofan. Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I will again complain to my mother, so she will deign to give you a task in yesterday's way.

Skotinin. Come here, buddy.

Eremeevna. Please come to your uncle.

Mitrofan. Hello, uncle! What are you so bristling deigned?

Skotinin. Mitrofan! Look straight at me.

Eremeevna. Look, father.

Mitrofan(Eremeevna). Yes, uncle, what kind of unseen? What will you see on it?

Skotinin. Once again: look at me straighter.

Eremeevna. Don't make uncle angry. There, if you please look, father, how he goggled his eyes, and you, if you please, also goggle yours.

Skotinin and Mitrofan, bulging eyes, look at each other.

Milo. Here's a good explanation!

Pravdin. Will it end somehow?

Skotinin. Mitrofan! You are now within a hair's breadth of death. Tell the whole truth; if I had not been afraid of sin, I would have those, without saying a word, by the legs and about the corner. Yes, I do not want to destroy souls without finding the guilty one.

Eremeevna(trembled). Oh, he's leaving! Where should my head go?

Mitrofan. What are you, uncle, ate henbane? Yes, I don’t know why you deigned to jump on me.

Skotinin. Look, don’t deny it, so that I don’t knock the spirit out of you at once in my hearts. You can't put your hands up here. My sin. Blame God and the sovereign. Look, do not riveted on yourself, so as not to accept a needless beating.

Eremeevna. God bless the mess!

Skotinin. Do you want to get married?

Mitrofan(spreading out). For a long time, uncle, hunting takes ...

Skotinin (rushing at Mitrofan). Oh you damned bastard!

Pravdin (excluding Skotinin). Mr Skotinin! Do not let your hands go.

Mitrofan. Mommy, cover me!

Eremeevna (shielding Mitrofan, freaking out and raising his fists). I will die on the spot, but I will not give the child away. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please. I'll scratch those walleyes.

Skotinin (trembling and threatening, moves away). I'll get you!

Eremeevna (trembling, following). I have my own hooks too!

Mitrofan (after Skotinin). Get out, uncle, get out!

Phenomenon V

The same and both Prostakovs.

Ms. Prostakova(husband, go). There is nothing to override here. All your life, sir, you walk with your ears hanging out.

Prostakov. Yes, he himself and Pravdin have disappeared from my eyes. What am I to blame?

Ms. Prostakova(to Milo). Ah, my father! Mister officer! I have now been looking for you all over the village; she knocked her husband down to bring you, father, the lowest thanksgiving for a good command.

Milo. For what, ma'am?

Ms Prostakova. Why, my father! The soldiers are so kind. So far, no one has touched the hair. Do not be angry, my father, that my freak missed you. Otrodu does not make sense to treat anyone. I was born so rotten, my father.

Milo. I don't blame you at all, ma'am.

Ms Prostakova. On him, my father, he finds such, in a local way, tetanus. Ino - where, bulging his eyes, stands for an hour as if rooted to the spot. I didn’t do anything with him; What could he not stand for me! You won't get through anything. If the tetanus goes away, then, my father, it will bring such a game that you ask God for tetanus again.

Pravdin. At least, ma'am, you can't complain about his wicked temper. He is humble...

Ms Prostakova. Like a calf, my father; that's why everything in our house is spoiled. It doesn’t make sense for him to have strictness in the house in order to punish the guilty by way. I manage everything myself, father. From morning to evening, as if hanged by the tongue, I don’t lay my hands on it: either I scold, or I fight; That's how the house is kept, my father!

Pravdin(to the side) . Soon it will be different.

Mitrofan. And today, mother deigned to be busy with the servants all morning.

Ms. Prostakova(to Sophia). Cleaned up the rooms for your kind uncle. I'm dying, I want to see this respectable old man. I heard a lot about him. And his villains only say that he is a little gloomy, but such a deceitful one, but if he already loves someone, he will love him directly.

Pravdin. And whom he dislikes, that bad man. (To Sofya.) I myself have the honor of knowing your uncle. And, moreover, I heard from many things about him that instilled in my soul a true reverence for him. What is called in him sullenness, rudeness, that is, one action of his straightforwardness. From his birth, his tongue did not say yes, when his soul felt no.

Sophia. But he had to get his happiness by labor.

Ms Prostakova. God's grace to us, that succeeded. I want nothing so much as his paternal mercy to Mitrofanushka. Sofyushka, my soul! Would you like to see Uncle's room?

Sophia leaves.

Ms. Prostakova(to Prostakov). I gaped again, my father; Yes, if you please, sir, to see her off. The legs didn't come off.

Prostakov(departing). They didn’t withdraw, but they buckled.

Ms. Prostakova(to guests). My only concern, my only joy is Mitrofanushka. My age is passing. I cook it for people.

Here appear Kuteikin with the Book of Hours, and Tsyfirkin with the slate and slate. Both of them ask Eremeevna with signs: should I enter? She beckons them, but Mitrofan waves them off.

Ms. Prostakova (not seeing them, continues). Perhaps the Lord is merciful, and happiness is written for his family.

Pravdin. Look around, ma'am, what's going on behind you?

Ms Prostakova. A! This, father, is Mitrofanushka's teachers, Sidorych Kuteikin...

Eremeevna. And Pafnutich Tsyfirkin.

Mitrofan(to the side) . Shoot them and take them with Eremeevna.

Kuteikin. Peace to the master's house and many years from children and households.

Tsyfirkin. We wish your honor a hundred years, yes twenty, and even fifteen. Uncountable years.

Milo. Ba! This is our soldier brother! Where did it come from, my friend?

Tsyfirkin. There was a garrison, your honor! And now he's gone clean.

Milo. What are you eating?

Tsyfirkin. Somehow, your honor! A little bit of passion fruit arithmetic, so I eat in the city near the clerks at the accounting department. The Lord has not revealed science to everyone: so whoever does not understand himself hires me either to believe the count, or to sum up the results. That's what I eat; I do not like to live idly. In my spare time, I teach children. Here, for the third year, their nobility and the guy have been fighting over broken lines, but something is not glued well; Well, it's true, man does not come to man.

Ms Prostakova. What? What are you, Pafnutich, lying? I didn't listen.

Tsyfirkin. So. I reported to his nobility that in ten years you cannot hammer into another stump what another catches in flight.

Pravdin(to Kuteikin). And you, Mr. Kuteikin, aren't you one of the scientists?

Kuteikin. From scientists, your highness! Seminaries of the local diocese. I went to rhetoric, yes, God willing, I turned back. He submitted a petition to the consistory, in which he wrote: “Such and such a de seminarian, from church children, was afraid of the abyss of wisdom, asking her to be dismissed.” To which a gracious resolution soon followed, with the note: "Such a de seminarian should be fired from any teaching: it is written for there is, do not cast pearls before pigs, but they will not trample him underfoot."

Ms Prostakova. Where is our Adam Adamych?

Eremeevna. I was pushed towards him, but by force I carried my legs away. Smoke pillar, my mother! Strangled, damned, with tobacco. Such a sinner.

Kuteikin. Empty, Eremeevna! There is no sin in smoking tobacco.

Pravdin(to the side) . Kuteikin is also smart!

Kuteikin. In many books it is allowed: in the Psalter it is printed: "And cereal for the service of man."

Pravdin. Well, where else?

Kuteikin. And the same is printed in another Psalter. Our archpriest has a small one in an octagon, and in the same one.

Pravdin (to Mrs. Prostakova). I don't want to interfere with your son's exercises; obedient servant.

Milo. Not me, sir.

Ms Prostakova. Where are you, my lords?

Pravdin. I will take him to my room. Friends, having not seen each other for a long time, have a lot to talk about.

Ms Prostakova. Where would you like to eat, with us or in your room? We just have our own family at the table, with Sofyushka ...

Milo. With you, with you, ma'am.

Pravdin. We will both have this honor.

Event VI

Mrs. Prostakova, Eremeevna, Mitrofan, Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin.

Ms Prostakova. Well, now at least read the rears in Russian, Mitrofanushka.

Mitrofan. Yes, asses, how not.

Ms Prostakova. Live and learn, my dear friend! Such a thing.

Mitrofan. How not like that! Learning comes to mind. You should bring your uncles here!

Ms Prostakova. What? What's happened?

Mitrofan. Yes! that and look what is from uncle's task; and there from his fists and for the Book of Hours. No, so I, thank you, already have one end with me!

Ms. Prostakova(frightened). What, what do you want to do? Remember, sweetie!

Mitrofan. Vite here and the river is close. Dive, so remember your name.

Ms. Prostakova(beyond himself). Dead! Dead! God be with you!

Eremeevna. All uncle scared. Almost grabbed his hair. And for nothing... for nothing...

Ms. Prostakova(in anger). Well…

Eremeevna. I pestered him: do you want to marry? ..

Ms Prostakova. Well…

Eremeevna. The child did not hide, for a long time, de, uncle, the hunt takes. How he will freak out, my mother, how he will throw himself up! ..

Ms. Prostakova(trembling). Well… and you, the beast, were dumbfounded, but you didn’t bite into your brother’s mug, and you didn’t pull his snout up to his ears…

Eremeevna. It was accepted! Oh yes, yes...

Ms Prostakova. Yes ... yes ... not your child, you beast! For you, even kill a roben to death.

Eremeevna. Ah, Creator, save and have mercy! Yes, if my brother didn’t deign to leave at that very moment, then I would have broken with him. That's what God would not put. These would be dull (pointing to nails), I would not save fangs.

Ms Prostakova. All you bastards are zealous in words alone, and not in deeds...

Eremeevna(crying). I'm not zealous for you, mother! You don’t know how to serve more ... I would be glad not only that ... you don’t feel sorry for your stomach ... but you don’t want to.

Kuteikin. Will you order us back?

Tsyfirkin. Where are we going, your honor?

Ms Prostakova. You still, the old witch, and burst into tears. Go, feed them with you, and after dinner immediately come back here. (To Mitrofan.) Come with me, Mitrofanushka. I won't let you out of my eyes now. As I tell you a little, so live in the world will fall in love. Not a century for you, my friend, not a century for you to learn. You, thanks to God, already understand so much that you yourself will raise children. (To Eremeyevna.) I'm not going to talk with my brother in your way. Let all good people see that mother and mother are dear. (Leaves with Mitrofan.)

Kuteikin. Your life, Eremeevna, is like total darkness. Let's go to a meal, but with grief, first drink a glass ...

Tsyfirkin. And there is another, here are those and multiplication.

Eremeevna(in tears) . Not easy will not take me away! I have been serving for forty years, but the mercy is still the same ...

Kuteikin. How great is the blessing?

Eremeevna. Five rubles a year and five slaps a day.

Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin take her by the arms.

Tsyfirkin. Let's see at the table what you earn all year round.

End of the second act.

We invite you to get to know wonderful work Fonzivina, comedy Undergrowth. In order to easily and quickly get acquainted with the work of Fonzivin the Undergrowth, we suggest adding the work of Fonzivin the Undergrowth in a summary for the reader's diary to your piggy bank.

Fonvizin Undergrowth

The work of Fonzivin Undergrowth and its plot begin in the village of the Prostakovs. In the first act, there is a fitting of the caftan, which was sewn by the tailor Trishka. The caftan was sewn for Mitrofan, the son of the Prostakovs. But the caftan turned out to be small.

Prostakova scolds Trishka and asks her husband, who has just entered, to punish Trishka.

Brother Prostakova Skotinin joins the company. He is also ready to become a participant in the punishment of the tailor. When the sister asked to evaluate the work of the tailor, Skotinin liked the caftan. Mitrofan, complaining about his health and refusing the help of doctors, leaves to play.

Skotinin is interested in where his bride Sofyushka is now. As it turned out, Sophia's father died, and there her mother passed away, her uncle disappeared somewhere and is not, so the Prostakovs consider him dead, so they took Sophia under their wing. Skotinin, on the other hand, did not choose a girl for himself out of love, it’s just that pigs are found on her plot, and he was already very addicted to them.

Here the joyful Sophia enters, because her uncle has finally written to her. As it turned out, he was in Siberia, and he writes about this in a letter that Pravdin was instructed to read. The letter also speaks of ten thousand earned by the uncle, which he passes on to his niece.

And then Prostakova calls Sophia into another room to talk with her, because she decided to give her son to Sophia.

While everyone is busy talking, a servant runs into the room and reports that soldiers have entered the village. Prostakov and Pravdin go to meet them. Skotinin himself goes to the barnyard.

Second action.

Pravdin, in the person of an officer, meets his friend Milon. He said that he was leading the soldiers to Moscow, and along the way he wanted to find his bride, who was taken away after the death of her mother by some relatives to the village. As it turned out, it was Sophia. Milo saw her. Pravdin himself came to the village to bring clean water those who take advantage of their position and the Prostakov family fell under his gaze.

Sophia told Milon that her relatives had brought her here and now, having learned about the inheritance from her uncle, they were ready to give her son as a wife. Skotinin, who approached the company, also found out about this.

Just at that moment, Mitrofan comes up with his nanny, and an uncle and nephew begin to argue over whose bride Sophia will be. A fight breaks out.

At this moment, the Prostakovs come up. The woman tells what rooms she has prepared for the arrival of Uncle Sophia and calls Sophia to see the rooms. Teacher Mitrofn comes up and tells how they got to the Prostakovs.

Action 3

Starodum arrives - Sophia's uncle. He told Prostakov that he wanted to take Sophia away, since he had found her a fiancé. Here, although Sophia has no idea, he wants to marry Milon, her lover. Prostakova, on the other hand, begins to praise her son, saying how clever he is and how to read and write. But the teachers are unhappy with the boy. he does not want to study. The mother asks her son to learn, at least for the sake of appearance. But the boy in the lesson shows his ignorance, besides, the lesson is constantly disrupted by the German Vralman, preventing Mitrofan from studying.

Prostakova and Mitrofan go away, the teachers themselves had a fight and decided to beat Vralman, but he ran away.

Action 4

Here, the uncle talks to his niece and talks about such concepts as virtue, also touches on the topic of family life. Further, Starodum receives a letter from him, he learns that Milon is the same guy for whom he wanted to give Sophia. After talking with Milon, the uncle blesses their future marriage. Skotinin comes up here, and later Prostakova and Mitrofan. All of them wooed Sophia. but Starodum did not give a positive answer. Prostakova decides to steal Sophia when she and her uncle go to Moscow.

Action 5

Starodum was talking with Pravdin when they heard a noise. It was Eremeevna who wanted to take Sophia away on the orders of her mistress. Thanks to Milon, Prostakova did not succeed.

They want to punish Prostakov, but she apologizes and Sophia accepts her apology. But, before they had time to let Prostakova go, she began to blame the servants for letting Sofya go. Pravdin has a letter with him, which stipulates that from that moment on, the house and village of the Prostakovs will pass under the care of Pravdin. The new guardian pays for the services of teachers, and here the deception of Vralman, who was not a teacher, was revealed. German, but was an ordinary groom of Starodum.

An uncle with his niece and her fiancé are about to leave. Pravdin himself takes Mitrofan to his service and the guy agrees. Prostakova herself is horrified, because she lost everything.
Artwork and brief retelling The undergrowth of Fonzivin ends with the summing up of the Starodum, who pronounces Here are worthy fruits of malice.

Fonvizin Undergrowth main characters

If we talk about the comedy Fonzivin Undergrowth and its main characters, then we should start from Mitrofan, who is the undergrowth - main character work. He belongs to negative characters, like his mother and father Prostakov. as well as his uncle Skotinin.

Is in work and goodies and this is Sophia, her uncle and Milon, and also minor characters- these are Mitrofan's teachers and his nanny.

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