Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Vasyutkino Lake has a complex plan. Essay “Analysis of the story B

Open lesson in literature in 5th grade.Topic: "V. Astafyev "Vasyutkino Lake". Autobiographical nature of the work. Character traits of the hero and his behavior in the forest.”Date March 18, 2015

Teacher: Yabanzhi L.I.

Goal: acquaintance with the work of V. Astafiev; retelling training literary text; control over knowledge of the text; commented reading; extension vocabulary, knowledge of literary theory; teach rules of behavior in the forest, rules on TB, develop creativity students, artistry.


Portrait of V.P. Astafieva

Text of the story

Video " Mysterious forest»

Presentations, slides

Attributes for dramatizing episodes

Lesson progress

    The teacher's word about Astafiev. Many works are devoted to the problems of man and nature. What examples from literature and life can you give? (Robinson Crusoe, Hare's Paws, Grandfather Mazai and the Hares, Warm bread etc.)

A) Guys, today in class we will talk... About what? Guess by answering simple and at the same time wise questions:

She is majestic and looks like the ocean

She is generous and harsh

It is fraught with mysteries and questions.

She teaches a person and punishes for frivolity

It spreads in a wide strip across the center of Siberia and the north European Russia.

(Yes, this is taiga. Let's watch the video “Mysterious Forest”)

What does the taiga hide within itself? (secret, strength, power, greatness, mystery).

B) – He is small, like a grain of sand in the ocean, like the stars in the Universe.

He is defenseless and at the same time strong

He is the son and master

He is childishly frivolous and wise in an adult way

He makes a mistake and corrects it. (Yes, this main character story by V. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”)

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev was born in 1924 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the village. Oatmeal, on the Yenisei. The centuries-old taiga approaches the very shore. Later V.P. wrote: “I love my land and never cease to be amazed at its beauty, inexhaustible patience and kindness.”

The boy was only 7 years old when his mother drowned. He loved her limitlessly... Only the cares of his grandmother brightened up his lonely orphan childhood.

However, he managed to be a homeless child, to find out what it is orphanage

In the fall of 1942 he went to the front, was seriously wounded, shell-shocked

After the war he settled in the Urals and changed many professions. And since 1951, he began to write and publish his stories, novels, and novels.

V, P, Astafiev passed away relatively recently, but the works that he left will forever be remembered as books about good and evil, where good often prevails.


    Messages from students “From the biography of the writer” " A song is playing.

    Staging fragments from biographical information.

    Game. Working with text. Blitz survey based on the work you read. The speed and correctness of the answer is taken into account. P. 349 (pos.).

5. Biographical nature of the story. Working with the textbook. Page-124

6 Dramatization of the episode " Farewell to Vasyutka in the taiga.” Page - 126

7. Conversation:

Why did the mother insist that Vasyutka take the edge of the bread?

Why did Vasyutka get lost? (chased a wood grouse, violated the Law of the Taiga)

Laws of the taiga:

When going to the forest, you need to take bread and matches with you.

You need to move along the narrow paths so as not to get lost

Take care of cartridges

Be observant, careful, attentive

Be able to navigate the cardinal directions

The steamboat's whistle sounds on a nearby body of water

Don't lose faith in yourself.

8. Work on literary theory. Page -225 " Reference materials. Literature". Writing on the definition board "Episode".

What is an episode?

How to retell an episode work of art?

Why is it difficult to retell it? (It is necessary to preserve the features of the author’s narrative, the individuality of the writer’s speech, characters, to convey emotional attitude the author to the characters and events, maintain consistency and completeness of the narrative.)

9. Working with text. The episode with the fly. Page - 132

10. Reminders: “Advice for those going into the forest.”

Think over your route carefully

Don't forget to take a compass

Take matches for the fire

Clothes must be warm

Prepare a supply of food.

10. Vocabulary work. I draw attention to the words and expressions characteristic of V. Astafiev’s style: a mysterious rustle in the depths of a darkened forest; fell from fallen trees; started; thought detachedly; doesn’t like flimsy ones; a bunch of dry bearded moss; itching monotonously; flaming brands; fooled.. Explanation of the meaning of some and ask to use them in your retelling.

The language of the story is very colorful. There are many epithets, comparisons, metaphors here.

Find out by epithets, what it says:

- “Motionlessly quiet, entirely coniferous, alien, dull, half naked...” (Forest)

- “”Silent, indifferent, deaf, gloomy....(Taiga)

-“”Small, dull, covered with duckweed... (lake)

-“Milky, sticky, motionless...” (fog)

- “Distant, motionless, flickering...” (Stars)

Found in the story and comparisons:(“Into the forest silently, like an owl, night flew in; thick, pitch black, the darkness began to thin; from above the taiga seemed vast dark sea; the voice flew over the taiga and fell pine cone in the moss; appeared small, month like a nail»).

11. Training in writing an analytical commentary.

A ) Working with text.PAGE 132. Students divide the text into parts and title them.

B) Work in notebooks followed by self-test in pairs. The plan items are drawn up on 1/3 of a sheet.

1. Opening of Vasyutka

1. Like any child, Vasyutka was scared

2. He was overcome by despair

2. At first nature scared him

3. The words of his grandfather and father that the boy remembered

3. Father and grandfather had a great influence on Vasyutka

4. Vasyutka lit a fire

4. At the fire he behaved like an adult fisherman

5.How did the boy prepare his food?

5. When he was preparing dinner, he appreciated his mother’s instructions.

6. "We're alive!"

6. The boy realized that he would not disappear

D) Recording main idea on the right side of the sheet in notebooks

C) Retelling each part with the inclusion of elements of analysis (Highlighting the main idea.)

12. Final conversation:

Name memorable events from the writer’s life

Did swamis happen? similar stories in the forest?

What's the most important survival tip?

Did you like the story? How?

What will you do if you get lost?

D/Z. 1. Retelling from the text p. 132 using a table with elements of analysis

2. T.L. “Episode”, epithet, comparison, metaphor (Memo. Repeat).

3.Answers to questions. Crossword based on the work of V. Astafiev.

4. Letter to Vasyutka: “What I learned from Vasyutka”

Crossword based on the story “Vasyutkino Lake” by V. Astafiev:

    “There’s no luck today,” grandpa grumbled......

    The fishermen went far, to the lower reaches... and finally stopped

    “….-our nurse, she doesn’t like the flimsy!” - he remembered the words of his grandfather.

    He immediately saw a large black bird rising from the ground -…..

    Vasyutka decided to spend the night on the shore...

    Vasyutka raised his head. At the very top of an old disheveled spruce I saw...

Received for work in class ratings:……. Thanks everyone for the lesson.

Analysis of the work

The genre of the work is short story. A story about a journey that a thirteen-year-old boy unwittingly made after getting lost for five days in the taiga.

The main character is the boy Vasyutka, who helped his parents fishing in the taiga. Minor characters – mother, grandfather, father, fishermen.

The boy helps his parents in the taiga as much as he can. His duty, which he invented for himself, is to supply the fishermen with pine nuts, which they are not averse to cracking. free time. One day, as usual, he goes to the taiga to collect nuts, and suddenly he has the opportunity to shoot a wood grouse. This is the beginning of the story.

After his long wanderings and adventures, Vasyutka came to the shore of the Yenisei and heard the sound of a boat engine. By that time, he had lost hope that he would be found quickly. This is the climax of the story.

The denouement comes when Vasyutka finds himself at home, and then he himself leads the fishermen to the lake he accidentally discovered. At the center of the story is human behavior in extreme situation. Vasyutka adequately overcame all the difficulties that befell him, despite

because he is only thirteen years old.

Of great interest in the story are the descriptions of the taiga and its inhabitants. A lot of information can be gleaned from the story about the customs and habits of the taiga inhabitants. It’s as if we ourselves are traveling with the boy through the taiga - the writer so skillfully tells us about Vasyutka’s adventures.

Calm story, leisurely speech, dialect words– brave and hardworking Siberian people introduce us to their world.


1. Failures in the fishing industry.

2. Hunting for wood grouse.

3. Vasyutka got lost.

4. Life in the forest.

6. Successful rescue.


  • Vasyutkino Lake story plan
  • Vasyutkino lake plan
  • plan for the story Vasyutkino Lake
  • plan for the story Vasyutkino Lake
  • vasyutkino lake plan

Other works on this topic:

  1. Vasyutka Vasyutka is the main character of the story “Vasyutkino Lake” by V.P. Astafiev, a boy of about thirteen, the son of the fishermen foreman Grigory Shadrin. This is a brave and savvy boy who...
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An essay based on a story by V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”

  1. O.N.U.
  2. Updating knowledge

1) - Why is the story called “Vasyutkino Lake”?
- What does the writer say about fishing?
- How did Vasyutka get lost? What qualities helped Vasyutka survive?
- What did the boy do when he realized that he was lost? How did he behave in the forest?

Why did the mother insist that Vasyutka take a piece of bread with him?

Which day do you think turned out to be the most difficult for Vasyutka: the day he got lost, or the day it started to rain?

Why did the adult fishermen decide to name the lake after Vasyutka?

How does the story “Vasyutkino Lake” begin and end?

2) Consider the illustrations given in the textbook. Let's select lines from the text for them

“Vasyutka saw a nutcracker on a spruce tree.” Drawing by E. Meshkov. “Vasyutka raised his head. At the very top of an old disheveled spruce I saw a nutcracker. The bird held a cedar cone in its claws and screamed at the top of its lungs.”
"Vasyutka by the fire." Drawing by E. Meshkov. “Whilst warming himself near the fire, Vasyutka suddenly caught something similar to a mosquito squeak and froze. A second later the sound was repeated, at first long-drawn, then several times short.”

Why do you think there are so many different illustrations for this story?
The story has a lot of action, which is combined with descriptions of nature.

  1. Preparing to write an essay

Let's together draw up a plan for an essay on the topic ““The Taiga, our nurse, does not like the flimsy.” The formation of Vasyutka’s character.”

1. Vasyutka is the main character of V. P. Astafiev’s story “Vasyutkino Lake.”
2. Development of Vasyutka’s character.
1) Vasyutka’s care for the fishermen.
2) Vasyutka’s behavior in the forest: courage, determination, ingenuity, courage, patience.
3) Knowledge of the laws of the taiga. Attention to nature.
4) Vasyutka’s concern for the common cause.
3. Why did the fishermen name the lake after the boy?
- I remind you that we start every new thought corresponding to the next point of the plan with a red line.

  1. Writing an essay
  2. D/z read P. Merimee “Matteo Falcone”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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The story of how to not get confused in a critical situation, succumb to panic, and, having mobilized your strength, to do everything that depends on you, is told in his work “Vasyutkino Lake” by V. P. Astafiev.

The plot of the story is taken from the childhood of the writer, who spent his student years in the Krasnoyarsk region. Even the foreman's surname is real and belongs to a famous dynasty of Siberian fishermen.

History of creation

“Vasyutkino Lake” was written in 1952, and published in 1956. But the story began to appear in the year when fifth-grader Vitya, fulfilling an assignment from a literature teacher, told in an essay dedicated to the past summer about how he got lost in the taiga , spent many anxious days alone with nature, discovered a lake unknown to the old-timers and, in the end, was able to get out to the river on his own. A vivid and truthful retelling of the boy's experiences led to his work being published in the school magazine.

Created from memory children's essay and became the basis for the writer.

Description of the story

In simple but figurative language, the narrator tells about the everyday life of a fishing camp in Siberia. Thirteen-year-old Vasyutka, the son of a foreman, tries to help the adults to the best of his ability, getting pine nuts for them.

One day, having grabbed a gun and provisions, the boy went further into the forest, hoping for a rich harvest, and got lost. After futile attempts to find the way, Vasyutka realizes that there is nowhere to wait for help, she must rely only on herself. Horror, panic and confusion gradually give way to calm prudence. It’s not for nothing that the guy grew up in this harsh region, from an early age hearing the instructions of old people on how to behave in such a case. Using the advice of experienced hunters and his own skills, the boy manages not only to survive in harsh conditions for several days, overcoming fear, but also to get food for himself, warm up, discover a lost reservoir with valuable fish, and, remembering his geography lessons, go to the shore of the Yenisei, to people.

The schoolboy walked sixty kilometers in five long days, full of uncertainty and anxiety. Knowing that the fishermen had been pining for a long time without a catch, Vasyutka, having arrived home, immediately reported about the lake he had seen. Having shown the brigade the cherished route, the teenager feels involved in common cause. Subsequently, the reservoir was mapped and named after Vasily.

Main character

Vasily Shadrin is an ordinary village schoolboy, a mischief maker and a braggart. He loves adventures and considers himself quite an adult and independent person. His character was formed under the influence of his father, the taciturn inhabitants of the taiga village. Customs and traditions Siberian region also left their mark. The author does not give a detailed description of the main character; his personality is revealed during the narration.

Finding himself in a hopeless, frightening situation, knowing what the loss of the road in the forest could result in, clearly imagining the consequences, Vasyutka showed courage and restraint, practical intelligence and prudence, without losing his sense of humor. Not giving in to fear, bravely overcoming obstacles, the boy thinks not only about himself, but also about common interests.

Story Analysis

In the introduction, told in third person, the author talks about the new lake and the role of Vasyutka in this discovery. Deep love for the homeland and the conviction that large and small victories await each of us comes through in the opening lines.

The plot begins when, carried away by the hunt for wood grouse, the teenager gets lost. The climax is the moment when the taiga inhabitants rescue the desperate Vasyutka. The denouement of the story is the boy's return to his mother and the beginning of fishing in an open lake.

The narrator uses traditional composition with sequential narration and minimum quantity heroes. The leisurely and detailed presentation allows you to imagine yourself in the place of the central character, the reader sympathizes with Vasya and worries about him.

Astafiev is characterized by the use of comparisons. Thanks to colorful descriptions, the nature of the lower Yenisei comes to life. Imagery acting persons adds the use of the local dialect in direct speech.

Overcoming difficulties, always looking for a way out of a difficult situation, using all opportunities - this is what this story teaches. A great desire to live helped the little Siberian get out of the taiga.

System of lessons based on the story by V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”

I'm going to class: 5th grade


Olga Sergeevna BARANOVA is a teacher of Russian language and literature at gymnasium No. 1 in the city of Polyarnye Zori, Murmansk region.

System of lessons based on the story by V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”

Lesson 1. “Lost!”

Teacher. Writer Nikolai Sladkov left a fascinating description of the taiga:

“The taiga is the largest forest on earth. Kingdom of prickly needles. Pines, cedars, fir and spruce. Heavy roar of green peaks. The sad creaking of moss-covered trunks. Dry, gloomy, dull. It smells like mold and stagnant water. The inverted roots, like bears, reared up and spread their shaggy paws.

Neither bright colors, no colorful butterflies. You can't see the birds, you can't hear the animals. Everyone is hiding and hiding. Only a cautious shadow sometimes slips into the thicket. A branch touched by someone will tremble, the grass trampled by someone will straighten out, and again there will be silence and solitude.

The path is carved out by animal paws and hooves. It is difficult for a person to follow an animal path. My feet either sink into the moss or slide along elastic pine needles. Knotty dead trees cling to clothes, spruce paws hit the face. And the black hollows of old aspens are watching you, like someone’s eyes.

It’s good to look at the green taiga from the mountain. There are light pine forests there. There are dark spots of spruce forests. Blue meanders of rivers. Black burning, smelling of smoke. Yellow rapids are swamps. And blue, foggy, endless distances. The largest forest on earth. Taiga".

If you were an attentive listener, you should have heard the sounds of the taiga, felt its smells, imagined yourself on an animal trail, seen the taiga from above, and admired its vastness. And at the same time, some danger lurks in this description.

Now imagine yourself in this kingdom of nature, completely alone. You are lost and must rely only on yourself. This is exactly the situation in which the main character of the novel V.P. found himself. Astafiev "Vasyutkino Lake".

This story is autobiographical. The future writer wandered around the taiga as a teenager, but did not lose heart and went out to people on his own. He wrote about this in school essay. A strict teacher unexpectedly praised his work in front of the whole class, and it was published in the school handwritten magazine. Then, as an adult, V.P. Astafyev wrote down this story, calling it “Vasyutkino Lake.”

Further lesson plan on the board

1. Everyday life of a fishing crew (brief retelling).

2. Dialogue with mother (reading, commentary).

3. How did it happen that the boy Vasyutka, who had been in the taiga more than once, suddenly got lost? (Retelling the episode with the wood grouse.) What laws of the taiga did he violate?

4. The episode with the fly. Why is it important? What did the boy understand? “And then it hit him: he was lost! This discovery was so simple and stunning that Vasyutka did not immediately come to his senses.”


1. First night in the taiga (episode retelling).

Lesson 2. “Taiga doesn’t like flimsy people”

Teacher. In the last lesson we talked about how difficult life situation the hero of the story got caught. How was his first night in the taiga? What details indicate Vasyutka’s experience and thoroughness? What was bothering him? (Checking homework.)

List the laws of the taiga.

Laws of the taiga:

1. When going to the forest, you need to take matches and bread with you.

2. You need to move along the narrow paths so as not to get lost.

3. Take care of cartridges.

4. Be observant, attentive, careful.

5. Be able to navigate the cardinal directions.

6. Remember that the ship’s whistle is heard on a nearby body of water.

7. Don’t lose faith in yourself.

We will find in the text a description of the Siberian taiga (pp. 94–95. All pages are given according to the textbook-reader edited by M.B. Ladygina. M.: Bustard, 2006. Part 2). What does the author emphasize?

“Taiga... Taiga... She stretched endlessly in all directions, silent, indifferent. From above, it seemed like a huge dark sea... For a long time Vasyutka looked with his eyes for a yellow strip of larch among the motionless green sea (deciduous forest usually stretches along the banks of the river), but all around was dark coniferous forest. Apparently, the Yenisei, too, was lost in the remote, gloomy taiga. Vasyutka felt very small...”

How did the boy feel, what was he afraid of?

What did he eat? (Retelling.)

By what signs did Vasyutka find his way to the Yenisei? What discovery did Vasyutka make? (The lake is flowing.) What did this mean to him? (Behind it could be the Yenisei, or there could be another lake.)

Why was it so important for him to reach the Siberian river? (Steamboats and barges travel along the Yenisei; it is like a road in the taiga, and therefore it is easier to attract people’s attention and escape, but in the taiga it is lonely and dangerous.)

What trials did Vasyutka encounter on his way? (Loneliness, cold, hunger, uncertainty, fatigue, fear, longing for family.)

Homework. Retelling the episode “Meeting with the Yenisei”, read the story to the end.

Lesson 3. “Meeting with the Yenisei. Salvation"

Conversation on issues

1. Why did the meeting with the Yenisei make Vasyutka so happy? (Checking homework.)

2. Why was the last night on the shore especially alarming for the boy?

3. What did Vasyutka do to attract attention?

4. How did grandfather, mother and father meet the boy? Why didn't anyone scold him? (Expressive reading of the episode.)

5. The meaning of the title of the short story.

Conclusion. Why didn't the boy disappear in the taiga? What character traits does the hero of the story have?

Homework. Create a quiz based on the novel for your classmates and/or illustrate an episode you like.

Lesson 4. Retelling the episode

Work with the textbook article “How to retell an episode of a work of art” (p. 110) on questions.

1. What is an episode?

2. Why is it difficult to retell the episode? (It is necessary to preserve the peculiarity of the author’s narrative, the individuality of the speech of the writer and his characters, to convey the author’s emotional attitude to the characters and events, the consistency and completeness of the author’s descriptions.)

3. What are episode boundaries?

The authors of the textbook invite you to independently choose the episode you like and prepare to retell it. But this means that for half the lesson the child will leaf through the book, then read, and as a result, a lot of time will be lost. I took a different path: on the board during recess the pages and conventional names of the key, most exciting episodes were marked.

1. Hunting for wood grouse (p. 88–89).

2. First night in the taiga (pp. 92–93).

3. Meeting with a forest lake (pp. 96–97).

4. Finally the Yenisei! (p. 102).

5. Vasyutka at home (pp. 106–108).

Students were given the right to choose another episode not mentioned, but they were warned about the lack of time for preparation.

After working with the textbook article, the guys almost immediately made their choice and began to prepare for the retelling, re-reading a couple of pages again. Ten minutes later I found out who chose what. It must be said that not a single episode was left unattended. But what if four or five chose one? You can ask a friend to continue the story, you can offer to supplement if something important is missing, you can praise if the retelling is impeccable, you can offer to draw a conclusion about why this episode is so important and why the student chose it, and proceed to the next fragment. In this way, it will be possible to interview and evaluate many people.

Homework. Write a draft essay based on the short story “Vasyutkino Lake.”

Lesson 5. Cool essay-argument on the novel “Vasyutkino Lake”

1. I’ll tell you about the book I read (letter to a friend).

2. “Siberian character” by Vasyutka.

3. “Taiga doesn’t like flimsy...”

4. Alone in the taiga.

5. Lessons from the story “Vasyutkino Lake.”