Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How does the voice affect people? Grigory Surkis: "For the sake of a common cause, I am ready to hug any person, regardless of his status."

Each person, probably, noticed that someone's voice was pleasant to him, someone's indifferent, and someone even said only one word, but already caused irritation and hostility. And there are speakers so skillful that it takes just a few words to enchant every person who hears them.

The voice is one of the few cognitive characteristics that distinguishes each person from everyone else. By voice, we can unmistakably recognize a friend without even seeing him. It is interesting that even in some modern banks it is the voice that is a kind of key to the safe.

As scientists and psychologists managed to find out in the course of joint research, the impression that he makes on others depends on how correctly a person chooses the timbre and frequency of his voice.

If we talk about a voice that is too high, then such a voice most often irritates people, since it belongs to a young and unbalanced, inexperienced and hysterical person. Such people, as a rule, occupy low positions and do not inspire confidence in interlocutors. Probably, many men have noticed that older women, if they want to appear younger, try to change the timbre of their voice, making it more sonorous. Such behavior very often brings the interlocutor out of himself.

People who have a low timbre of voice are much more trustworthy, they exude reliability and experience, as well as sexuality, when it comes to the opposite sex. That is why, if a man has a low pleasant voice, he is popular with women.

Why do people change intonation during a conversation?

First of all, it should be noted that by the intonation of the voice, one can understand how the interlocutors relate to each other. If a person lowers the timbre of his voice, this indicates sympathy for the person, the desire to convince him that he is right. If the interlocutor doubted your words, you can hear interrogative notes in his voice.

To convince an opponent who does not want to agree with your opinion, it is advisable to make your voice soft and calm. If the timbre of the voice rises, turns into a “squeal”, this means that the person is annoyed and unsure of himself.

It is especially important to be able to control one's own voice if a person works with people, conducts negotiations and interviews. Experienced psychologists they will be able to teach this technique so that, if desired, a person can influence the interlocutor or not allow him to influence himself.

What does a person's speech style say?

If the interlocutor is irresponsible and indecisive, this is immediately noticeable from his words - he constantly uses interjections and makes various pauses between words.

If a person tries to run away from problems and troubles, he often says various phrases using the “not” particle. However, the farther, the more such people are pursued by negativity.

Right words lead to action

Who would have thought, but the words must be used very competently, because if they are used incorrectly, you risk causing a negative in a person and turning him against himself. If the words are chosen correctly and the speech is delivered beautifully, taking into account the intonation and timbre, you will be able to get the desired answer or decision from the person.

What words are negative?

When talking to a person, try not to use words and phrases such as: never, usually, you shouldn't, I can't, you don't need, you shouldn't, and similar expressions. A conversation in which such words are present, I want to end as soon as possible, it is unlikely that the interlocutor will wish to communicate with you for a long time, and even more so to seek a compromise.

If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation and want to avoid questioning the interlocutor, try to confuse him. To do this, you need to use clarifying words and specific verbs. For example: “Remember, a few months ago, when we went to the cinema, we saw a friend with whom I sat at the same desk at school, and then studied together at the institute. So, it was he who gave my friend a beautiful bouquet of roses for her birthday, which we celebrated at her nadacha. Hearing such exhaustive explanations, the interlocutor will get tired, confused, and most likely wish to end the conversation.

If you want the interlocutor to be interested in your conversation, it is better to use the passive voice in sentences. You can speak in short sentences that will intrigue the interlocutor. If you tell a person "I'm upset", he will probably ask "Why?".

In order for the dialogue to develop successfully, you must ask the person for his opinion, make him participate in your problem. Speaks so that the interlocutor has to ask you clarifying questions. Thus, he will be imbued with the problem, feel involved in your life.

1. It's human nature to blame anyone but yourself.

2. A person who talks only about himself thinks only about himself

3. If you want to be a good conversationalist, be first a good listener

4. Remember that the person talking to you is hundreds of times more interested in himself, his desires and problems, than in you and your affairs.

5. Let people feel they matter and do it sincerely.

6. If you are wrong, admit it right away and frankly.

7. In your relationships with people, do not forget that you are not dealing with logically reasoning creatures, but with emotional creatures full of prejudices and driven in their actions by pride and vanity

8. There is only one way in the world to get someone to do something... And that is to make the other person want to do it. Remember - there is no other way

9. By being genuinely interested in other people, you can win more friends in two months than you can make in two years by trying to interest other people in your specialty.

10. Most Right way to the heart of a person is a conversation with him about what he values ​​​​above all

11. Each nation considers itself superior to other nations. This breeds patriotism and ... wars

12. The only way to win an argument is to evade it

13. Of all the unmistakable tricks ever devised by the devils of hell to destroy love, nit-picking is the deadliest. This approach never fails. Like the bite of a king cobra, it always poisons, always kills

14. An ordinary person who is happily married is much happier than a genius living alone.

15. Remember that unfair criticism is often a compliment in disguise. Don't forget that no one ever hits a dead dog.

16. Of course, your husband has his shortcomings! If he was a saint he would never marry you

17. If you want to find happiness, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving brings

18. Remember that happiness does not depend on who you are and what you have; it just depends on what you think

19. Act like you're already happy and that will actually make you happy.

20. A dog is the only animal that does not have to work for its existence.

21. Only a dog lives without giving anything but love

22. If we want to make friends, let's do something for this that requires our time, energy, selfless feelings and consideration for others.

23. But in order to understand and forgive, it is necessary to master the character and develop self-control

24. Instead of judging people, let's try to understand them

25. Hospitals in the United States have the most patients suffering from mental illness than all other diseases combined

26. If you are over fifteen years of age and live in New York State, you have a one in twenty chance of being placed in mental asylum in the next seven years of your life

27. Do you feel like smiling? What can you suggest in this case? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, whistle or purr a tune or song. Act as if you were already happy and that will lead you to happiness.

28. In this world, everyone is looking for happiness, and there is only one way, one the right way to find it. It's control over your thoughts

29. Happiness does not depend on external conditions, but depends on internal ones

30. Draw in your mind the image of that gifted, worthy and useful person what you would like to be, and the image supported by your thought will hourly and every minute transform you into such a person.

31. A man without a smile on his face should not open a shop

32. Remember the name of the voter - the art of governing the state. To forget means to be forgotten

33. In business life and special contacts, the ability to remember the right name is almost as important as in politics.

34. Remember that for a person, the sound of his name is the sweetest and most important sound of human speech.

35. Our peace of mind and the joy of being does not depend on where we are, what we have or what position we occupy in society, but solely on our frame of mind

36. If fate gives you a lemon, try to make lemonade out of it.

38. Be sincere in your evaluation and generous in your praise.

39. Don't cut sawdust

40. In this world, there is only one way to earn love - stop demanding it and start giving love, not hoping for gratitude

41. Only a few people think logically. Most of us are biased, prejudiced, infected with preconceptions, jealousy, suspicion, fear, envy and pride.

42. Criticism is like a carrier pigeon: it always comes back.

43. Criticism is useless because it makes a person defend himself and, as a rule, strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous because it strikes at his pride, hurts his sense of self-importance and causes resentment.

44. Criticism is a dangerous spark that can set off an explosion in the powder magazine of pride.

45. Showing your friendship first is the surest way to the human mind.

46. ​​Three subjects are the most interesting in the world... Sex, property and religion. With the first we can create life, with the second we sustain it, and with the third we hope to continue it in another world.

47. Never try to settle scores with your enemies, because by doing so you will do yourself much more harm than they do. Do like General Eisenhower: never think for a minute about people you don't like

48. When we hate our enemies, we give them power over us - they affect our sleep, appetite, blood pressure, our health and our happiness ... Our hatred does not harm them, but it turns our days and nights into nightmares

49. To flatter means to tell a person exactly what he thinks of himself.

50. Here it is human nature in action: the guilty blame anyone but himself

51. The expression that a person wears on his face is much more important than the clothes he wears.

52. What makes you happy or unhappy is not what you have, not the features of your personality, nor the place where you are and not what you are doing, but how you think about it

53. Actions speak louder than words, and a smile carries a message: I like you, you make me happier, I'm glad to see you!

54. Listening carefully is the biggest compliment we can give a person.

55. The ability to listen to the interlocutor is also important in personal life, As in business communication

56. The eternal complainer and the most fierce critic will instantly calm down if they get a patient and sympathetic listener.

57. The ability to listen is apparently less common than other qualities of human nature.

58. If you want to know how to make people avoid you, laugh at you behind your back, or even despise you, then here's a recipe for this case: never listen to anyone for a long time. Talk about yourself continuously. If you have an idea while your interlocutor is talking, don't wait for him to finish. He's not as smart as you. Why waste time listening to his idle chatter? Intervene right away and cut him off in the middle of a sentence

59. The unvarnished truth is that almost every person you meet considers himself in some way superior to you, and you will find the right way to his heart if you gently let him know that you recognize that important role that he plays in his little world, and acknowledge it sincerely

60. The most striking thing is that people who have the least reason to be satisfied with their achievements often compensate for their feelings of inferiority with noise, fussiness and swagger, which make an unpleasant, literally disgusting impression.

61. Instill in your interlocutor the consciousness of his significance

61. Logic is a gift of the minority. Most are influenced by prejudice and prejudice. Many are infected with prejudice, jealousy, suspicion, fear, envy and pride. And people for the most part do not want to change their views: whether it's about religion or hair style, communism or the game of a popular actor

62. The one who was convinced against his will always remains in his opinion

63. In nine cases out of ten, the dispute ends with the fact that each of its participants, even more than before, is convinced of his absolute rightness.

64. You can be right, absolutely right, proving your point of view, but all your attempts to convince the interlocutor will probably remain as futile as if you were wrong

65. In a verbal duel of any person, regardless of his mental development almost impossible to change your mind

66. Never start with the statement: "I'll prove this and that to you." It's like saying "I'm smarter than you"

67. People need to be taught as if you were not teaching them. And present unfamiliar things as forgotten

68. By changing our thoughts, we are able to change our lives.

69. There is nothing more deadly for a speaker than a bored audience.

70. There is only one way in this world to benefit from the past - it is to calmly analyze our past mistakes so that we never repeat them in the future, and then we should completely forget about them

71. The most valuable lesson I have learned in life is the realization of the importance of what we think

73. Our mindset has an almost implausible effect on our physical forces

74. If we think about happiness, we feel happy. If we are visited by sad thoughts, we are sad. If there is fear in our thoughts, we are afraid. If we think about diseases, it is quite possible that we will get sick. If we think about failure, we are sure to fail somewhere. If we wallow in self-pity, everyone will avoid us.

75. We should care about solving our problems, but not worry about them

76. Caring means being aware of what our problems are and calmly taking steps to resolve them. To be restless means to go round in circles, futile and infuriating.

77. It's physically impossible to remain dull or depressed if you put on a mask. happy person

78. We may not be holy enough to love our enemies, but for the sake of our own health and happiness, let's at least forgive them and forget their existence.

79. It is natural for people to forget about gratitude; therefore, if you wait for gratitude, you are preparing yourself a lot of grief

80. If we want to find happiness, let's stop thinking about gratitude or ingratitude, and let's do good deeds for the sake of the inner joy that we experience

81. Unfair criticism is often a compliment in disguise

82. The more significant a person is, the more satisfaction people get who insult him

83. When you are attacked or criticized unfairly, remember that often this is done because it gives your offender a sense of self-importance. Often this indicates that you have achieved something and deserve attention.

84. Many people experience a cruel sense of satisfaction when insulting those who are more educated or more successful than them.

85. People don't think about you or me, and they don't care what they say about us. They are concerned only with themselves, they think only of themselves before breakfast, after breakfast, and all the time until ten minutes after midnight. They will be a thousand times more worried about their own little headache than the news of your or my death.

86. Even if it turns out that one of your six closest friends slandered you, ridiculed you, deceived you, stabbed you in the back, do not revel in self-pity

87. Although I cannot stop people from unfairly criticizing me, I can do something more important: I can determine whether I will respond to unfair accusations

88. A petty person becomes enraged at even the slightest criticism, but a wise man seeks to learn something from those who condemn and reproach him and do not give way to him.

89. Nothing ages prematurely like stress and fatigue. Nothing will break your youth and beauty like fatigue

90. Our emotional mood in much more causes fatigue than physical exertion

91. We rarely get tired doing something interesting and exciting

92. Walking ten blocks with a grumpy wife can be more tiring than walking ten miles with your adoring lover.

93. Does everyday self-talk seem stupid, frivolous, and childish? No, on the contrary, this is the very essence of sound psychology

94. By talking to yourself every hour of the day, you can learn to control your thoughts.

95. Set your thoughts in a positive way, and any work will seem less unpleasant to you.

96. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

6 rules to follow to make people like you:

1. Be genuinely interested in other people
2. Smile! After all, this simplest way make a good first impression
3. Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves - this is the easiest way to become a good conversationalist
5. Talk about what interests your interlocutor
6. Instill in your interlocutor the consciousness of his significance and do it sincerely

Twelve rules, the observance of which allows you to persuade people to your point of view:

1. The only way to win an argument is to avoid it.
2. Show respect for the opinion of your interlocutor, never tell a person that he is wrong
3. If you're wrong, admit it quickly and decisively.
4. Be friendly from the start
5. Make the interlocutor immediately answer you "yes" (Socratic rule)
6. Let most time your interlocutor says
7. Let your interlocutor believe that this thought belongs to him. This will help you get cooperation
8. Sincerely try to look at things from the point of view of your interlocutor.
9. Be sympathetic to the thoughts and desires of others
10. Appeal to nobler motives!
11. Make your ideas visual, dramatize them. It makes movies, it makes radio. Why don't you do it?
12. Challenge, touch a nerve

Nine rules, the observance of which allows you to influence people without offending them and without causing them feelings of resentment:

1. If you must point out a mistake to a person, start with praise and sincere recognition of the person’s merits
2. Point out the mistakes of others not directly, but indirectly
3. Talk about first own mistakes and then criticize your interlocutor
4. Ask the interlocutor questions instead of ordering him something
5. Let people save their prestige
6. Praise people for their smallest success and celebrate their every success. Be "heartfelt in your appreciation and generous in your praise"
7. Create a good name for a person so that he begins to live in accordance with it
8. Use rewards. Give the impression that the bug you want to see fixed is easy to fix; make what you encourage people to do seem easy to them
9. Make sure people are happy to do what you have to offer.

A person who tends to constantly "save" things in reserve experiences great anxiety at the thought that he will have to get rid of these items. Messi syndrome worsens and creates cramped living conditions. Houses filled to capacity with rubbish leave no chance to move freely around the rooms. The accumulation of household waste emits bad smell and toxic substances indoors, which poses a health hazard.

Treatment of Plushkin's Syndrome is difficult because many patients do not see a problem in their lifestyle. On the contrary, if a person is hinted at his unhealthy habit, he will feel offended. If you do not fight Plushkin's disease, it is likely that this disorder will never disappear.

History of the term

Syllogomania - mental disorder found in people all over the world. With Greek the words "syllogismos" and mania translated as "reasoning" and "madness". AT different countries pathological hoarding has its own names associated with certain associations. For example, Plyushkin's surname was borrowed from the story " Dead Souls". In his work N.V. Gogol portrayed the character as a stingy landowner who did nothing but burden his house with all sorts of rubbish. Abroad, Plyushkin's disease is better known as Messi's syndrome (colloquial jargon), which means "dirty, disorderly" in English.

Stages of pathological hoarding

Hoarding varies from mild to severe stages. There are varieties of hoarding that do not significantly affect our lives. But if the collection of rubbish and household waste occurs on a daily basis, you should be wary. It is better to “cure” your problem right away than to make it worse.

At first, a person accumulates every little thing, then, a harmless love for unnecessary things smoothly turns into the accumulation of furniture, appliances, clothing, household appliances. And when there is no more room inside the house, the mess is added to the garage, yard and even the car.

Messi's illness completely changes psychological condition. It affects the emotions, thoughts and behavior of a person.

Symptoms and signs of Plushkin Syndrome:

    Inability to part with any things regardless of their value

    Over-attachment to objects (feeling annoyed when someone else tries to take these things)

    Disorder in the living quarters

    Accumulation of newspapers and magazines

    Untimely cleaning in the house, up to breeding unsanitary conditions

    Permanent collection of unnecessary items (household garbage, napkins, bags)

The problem of pathological hoarding has not been fully investigated. stressful situations and psychological trauma can be one of the causes of the onset of the disease. The tendency to hoarding can also develop against the background of other diseases. For example, dementia, when a person is not able to reasonably assess reality or physical ailments, when there is no way to carefully monitor the order in the house.

Sometimes the habit of hoarding is due to the following reasons:

    psychotic disorders (schizophrenia)

    obsessive-compulsive disorder

    loneliness, single life

    deprived childhood (lack of parental attention, gifts)

Risk group prone to disease

Compulsive hoarding can shock anyone, regardless of age, gender or social status.

Risk factors include:

    Age. Plyushkin's disease usually begins at 11-15 years of age and progresses even more with adulthood. Already at a young age, children tend to collect wrappers from sweets and any confectionery products, as well as hoard broken toys, old stationery, books and school notebooks.

    Character. Chronic indecision can cause pathological hoarding. When a person constantly puts aside some items for certain purposes, but does not realize them, in the future it can turn into a habit of cluttering up the home.

    social isolation. People who do not have relationships with others try to brighten up their loneliness and find life comfort in the hoarding of various items.

    Other factors in the development of the disease are:

    Long life in unsanitary conditions;

    Neglect of personal hygiene;

    Family conflicts;

    Sedentary lifestyle;

    Financial difficulties

Varieties of pathological hoarding

    Collecting.Collecting expensive or rare "knick-knacks" such as stamps or vintage cars is considered soft form psychological disorder. Human collectors deliberately look for specific things and often flaunt them to others. Collecting rarely causes emotional stress and cluttering the home, but there is a risk that this habit may develop into mania.

    Pathological hoarding of animals. Some people keep dozens of pets in unhygienic conditions because they are unable to properly care for them.

    Thirst for knowledge. Tons of books, magazines, newspapers and encyclopedias often clutter up houses and apartments without leaving the residents feeling uncomfortable. Mess becomes the norm, and the desire to part with books that have lost their value does not arise.

    Cursing. There is a group of people who are called "hoarders". They tend to accumulate their houses in any material objects up to household waste.

    sentimental hoarding. This type of savings is associated with psychological trauma. People who are obsessed with romantic memories are not ready to part with things that were given to them by a loved one in the past.

Possible consequences of such a violation of behavior

Some of the complications and consequences of the disease are:

    High risk of fire in the house/apartment.

    Problems with the law (complaints of neighbors about an unpleasant smell in a residential building and cluttering up foreign territories with rubbish can lead to litigation).

    Inability to perform daily tasks (self-care, housekeeping, caring for others).

How to cure Plushkin's syndrome? Psychologist - the best doctor and assistant in this problem. There are only two types of treatment for pathological hoarding - psychotherapy and drugs.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most common form of psychotherapy. It is designed to help people manage their problems and experiences. Therapy sessions take place in the form of friendly conversations, where the doctor and the patient determine common goals why the passion for hoarding must be conquered. In the classroom, the doctor explains to the patient why Plushkin's syndrome is dangerous, how to deal with it and recover from this disease. It may take months to reach specific treatment goals.

plushkin syndrome,

Film producer Vasily Solovyov, who commented on figure skating on the NTV-Plus channels, in April 2017 on Facebook page appealed to all critics of Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova. After 1.5 years, she took TEFI, and this text has not lost its relevance.

Some kind of muddy situation (April 2017) is happening around the TV broadcasts of figure skating and personally Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova. I read that it turns out that there is some kind of persecution, everyone and sundry not only scolds our TAT, but downright trying to push it out of the commentator's position.

I, as a person also mentioned in the article, was asked in the comments what I myself think about this. Well, I will answer. I know all the types of these protesters by heart.

First of all, of course, The cleverest. Those who have not just their own opinion about what is happening, but those who “know” more than Tarasova herself, and know how to do what. They don't need comments at all. They need no one to talk during the broadcast, but only to tell them something that they themselves do not know. And since they know everything, it is not possible to guess what exactly they do not know. Plus, even if you guess what exactly the majority does not know, then the minority will immediately be indignant, because the minority in our country is always more active and indignant.

Secondly, in this frantic struggle for the purity of ethereal sound, those who have an interest. These people are few, but they are the loudest of all. These are coaches and athletes, about whom they said not what they think about themselves. Even if you praise these athletes and coaches all your life, and then criticize them once, the howl will rise teary-diarrhea with a bloody admixture. Swimming, we know.

There is also those who are simply unable to understand who exactly Tatyana Tarasova is. It's not about regalia. Just human. I meet such people all the time - both among those who speak about her, and even among those who tried to take sharply topical interviews from her, and sometimes among those who worked with her. They don't feel the rhythm. And Tatyana Anatolyevna lives only on her own wave. That is why she achieved all the results - because, as a person and a ship, she did not pay attention to the fact that everyone tried to knock her off her pantalik.

I myself often tried to knock Tarasova off this very pantalik. And out of youth, and out of harm, and out of false ideas of what and how to do it. I left this school (ten years after all) more flexible, wiser, more purposeful and with some other outlook on things. Everything has become more logical, simpler, even more fun.

To say that it is interesting to listen to Tarasova is to say nothing. If there is a skater who is able to surprise her in a good way with his skating, then it is amazing to watch her reaction, the assessment of an admiring person - how she knows how to admire! If someone is lying around like a washed-out bag, then it’s funny to peep at how she is looking for words to describe this guard. NEVER did she say "bad" about what was really good. Never! And this is her main motto, both in her own work and in the assessment of others: you can’t say “bad” for good. And none of those with whom I had to communicate had such a feeling and understanding regarding the quality, style and essence of figure skating.

Yes, she's out of line. It is useless to manage it, it does not need it itself. Yes, she is, perhaps, self-centered in her assessments and decisions. Has the right to. And I'm interested in watching her scores, and not the manipulation that ANYONE else in the commentary position will do, because there is no such powerful and independent person who might be there.

There may be someone more diplomatic or even loyal, more professional in terms of stage speech and TV rhythm (who the hell needs this rhythm!?), with a softer voice ( big question), less categorical. But never for certain reasons there will be a person of such a scale and flight as Tatyana Anatolyevna. And I have never been so interested in listening to anyone in the frame or behind the scenes as her.

Miraculously, we once got Tarasova to the commentary position of NTV-PLUS. It is a miracle that she has not lost her desire to do this now. But a miracle cannot always be adequately assessed, because a person is weak and blind. It is difficult to talk with such people who do not feel and do not understand, and it is useless to explain anything to them. I was asked my opinion, I answered.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Astapkovich;

– Is it worth it to ban the sale of alcohol at night, as is done in Russia?

Novel: I think not, because I still hope for the consciousness of our society, and such prohibitions are always artificial. And always, on the contrary, they provoke interest in alcohol, it seems to me. Therefore, it is not necessary to prohibit, it is just necessary to properly educate young people and control over this. power structures so that there is no overkill. And so, in any Abkhazian family, always in open access for adults and children there is alcohol. But never abuse it.

Manana: It is worth it, because the youth here have some kind of permissiveness today. If somehow this is not controlled in a different way, then it is better to introduce some kind of administrative restrictions. I think that the one who plans some kind of feast, he will get it in advance anyway. As part of putting some sort of order in, it's worth it. I am for.

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Dima: There is no universal law that would act equally in all territories, well throughout the globe. We have our own peculiarities, they lie in the fact that Abkhazia is a resort republic. And our main branch of replenishment of the state budget and citizens is the resort sector. People come to rest in Abkhazia. And if we ban these people from buying alcohol at night, then this is another minus for their safe stay on our territory. Therefore, I believe that this topic is not relevant for us at all. In general, the Abkhazian culture is a culture of drinking wine, drinking alcohol, a table culture that takes place at night. And certain rules of behavior and attitudes towards alcohol are associated with this culture. Therefore, it differs from the situation with alcohol consumption, which in northern countries. Those measures that are in the northern countries, they do not work here or will not work.

Guli: There is no need to sell alcohol late at night, young people come up, buy in front of us sometimes, unpleasantly, of course.

Alkhas Argun: I think that, of course, it should definitely be banned, because in given time alcohol is available to everyone, regardless of age. This needs to be stopped and nevertheless come to the conclusion that alcohol is not sold after 18 hours. Children, all the same, especially now they sell beer and other drinks, you need to stop selling after 18 hours.

Amra Bagatelia: It is possible to allow, but children under 18 cannot be prohibited, but after 18 years it is possible.

Omar Sangulia: To protect young people from alcohol is, of course, I think it is right. And sales workers for profit can sell to a twelve-year-old too. So it's great if you remove the sale of alcohol in the evening.

Yakov Kvarchia: At night up to 22 hours is possible. After 10 pm fifteen, sixteen year olds are forbidden to buy. Because the upbringing of our youth is not at all what the upbringing was in the Soviet Union. Now young people educate themselves. Therefore, drugs and alcohol are banned!

The text contains toponyms and terminology used in the self-proclaimed republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia