Biographies Characteristics Analysis

People who should know everything. If each person visiting the dry closet closes the toilet lid, then the unpleasant smell will disappear from the ventilation pipe

Every self-respecting person should know about this.

There are so many mysterious and interesting things in the world that a whole life is simply not enough for a person to find out everything. Therefore, we decided to make the task easier and tell you some facts that you most likely have not even heard of. Believe me, you have thought about such things several times or encountered them in your life. Let's check!? Let's broaden our horizons together!

1. Round tanks are one of the worst places to keep goldfish.

The fact is that such aquariums are too small in size to provide proper filtration and the necessary amount of oxygen. For you to understand the whole situation, then "nj is tantamount to putting a small fish in the toilet and waiting for it to grow up, showing the full range of colorful shades of its scales. By the way, it is also undesirable to keep fighting fish in such conditions.

2. You can save a life during a heart attack with an aspirin tablet that you need to chew thoroughly.

Aspirin is an excellent drug that inhibits the rate of formation of platelets in the blood. During a heart attack, time is of the essence. In order for aspirin to work as quickly as possible, it must be chewed. This is because the antiplatelet effect is achieved faster through the blood vessels in the mouth than through the digestive system.

3. Antibiotics do not affect viruses.

I lost 3 kg thanks to diarrhea!

Antibiotics only kill bacteria, and are practically useless against the flu and cold virus. Also, the misuse of antibiotics can cause serious harm to your body. Therefore, always consult your doctor.

4. The "freedom of speech" spelled out in the Constitution protects against government punishment, but does not cover the consequences of your words at all.

This is the constitution!

According to the law, you do not have the right to be arrested for expressing your own views and thoughts, but no one guarantees that your words will be taken in the right direction and without condemnation. Also, for calling the public to illegal actions, you can be arrested.

5. Frankenstein is the name of the doctor, but not the name of the Monster himself.

Unfortunately, most people think that the name of the monster from the crazy doctor mystery is Frankenstein. Perhaps this is due to the constant confusion in the films. But it turns out that Mr. Doctor himself is the famous Frankenstein who created the monster.

6. If each person visiting the dry closet closes the toilet lid, then the unpleasant odor will be vented out of the ventilation pipe.

7. The blood in the human body is red, not blue. Even in the veins.

The bluish tint of blood vessels that many may notice on the wrists, under the knees and in the places of large veins appears due to the light that hits your skin.

8. Harvest spiders are not the most poisonous spiders in the world.

Many people believe that harvest spiders are venomous because of their remarkable fangs. In fact, these spiders do not bite humans. Notorious myth buster Adam Savage performed an experiment by allowing a spider to bite him. In addition to burning and discomfort, the spider bite did not have any effect on the human body.

9. If you plug headphones into the computer's jack, they automatically become a microphone.

Do you see this?

Of course, this cannot be compared with a separate microphone, but, nevertheless, if necessary, it can help you out.

10. A drowning person most often does not look like a drowning person.

Rescuers claim that a drowning person does not scream in the water and does not wave his arms. Therefore, we give several signs of drowning people:

  • the head is lowered low, the mouth is on the surface of the water;
  • look empty, lost, often closed eyes;
  • hair most often on the forehead and in front of the eyes;
  • legs are in a vertical position;
  • when trying to advance, a person does not move at all;
  • a drowning person tries to roll over on his back or mechanically makes movements resembling “climbing stairs”.

11. In the Bible, the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate is not an apple.

The scriptures describe something called "peri" that Adam and Eve ate. Peri means fruit in Hebrew. Scientists have suggested that the fruit may be figs, grapes, pomegranates. Such confusion with fruits could have occurred due to the fact that two words were confused in the translation of the Bible: “evil” and “apple”. In Latin, both words are spelled almost the same.

12. Most cookers have a flip-out part for better cleaning.

How many housewives do not know about this secret. And it will really help to reduce cleaning time!

13. Stroke symptoms are different for men and women.

You should definitely remember the symptoms of a stroke in women and men, as this can help save the life of the victim. In women, a stroke is expressed in: lack of vision, slurred speech, impaired coordination, lack of strength, loss of sensitivity, complete misunderstanding of counter questions. In men, a stroke looks a little different. The signs of a male stroke are similar to those of a woman, but there is a significant difference: a gradual speech impairment, numbness of one limb, impaired coordination.

14. Most cars have a hint for motorists on which side the fuel tank is on.

Pay attention to the dashboard of your car. There is a fuel column icon with an arrow on the fuel level panel. The direction of the arrow shows which side the tank is in the car from.

15. Pterodactyls are not dinosaurs.

The correct name for familiar pterodactyls is pterosaurs. And they are flying reptiles, not dinosaurs.

16. Feeding ducks bread is dangerous.

Any artificial feeding of waterfowl leads to excess fecal matter, and, accordingly, to improper natural nutrition. Often this affects the migration of birds. White bread, for example, is one of the leading causes of fatal diseases in birds.

17. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T reopens a closed tab in the Chrome browser.

Here is such a secret! Helps out if you accidentally close any tab!

Incredible Facts

Self-confidence is a vital key to a healthy and productive life.

To be self-confident, you need to master the basic set of skills, to be a jack of all trades.

Contrary to what you may have been taught in school, the jack-of-all-trades is much more prepared to face the real life challenges than the highly specialized person.

This list is not exhaustive, however, the following 47 things everyone should be able to do.

life skills

1. Make a fire.

Fire is warmth and light, one of the basic human needs for life. At some point, this knowledge may save you.

2. Work with a computer.

Fundamental knowledge of the computer is simply necessary in our time. Please help your neighbor if necessary.

3. Know how to use Google.

This search engine knows everything. If you have a problem finding something using Google, then the problem is not in him, but in you.

4. Be able to do artificial respiration and the Heimlich maneuver.

Perhaps someday your child, wife, husband or friend will need emergency help, and you will miss precious seconds.

The Heimlich maneuver is a way to remove foreign bodies from the upper respiratory tract, especially effective when they are completely blocked.

5. Be able to drive a car with a manual transmission.

There will come a time when the lack of this skill will play a cruel joke on you.

6. Know the basics of cooking.

If you cannot cook a steak or scrambled eggs with your own hands, then rather learn how to do it, sooner or later, the lack of this skill will make itself felt.

7. Be able to speak in such a way as to attract people's attention.

8. Do not get into a fistfight if you are not sure of your victory, not only physical.

9. Know how to bring bad news.

Someone has to do it. Unfortunately, someday, at least once in your life, you will be that person.

10. Know how to change tires on a car.

11. Know how to behave with dignity in an interview.

Nervousness and sweat in three streams will definitely not bring you a good job.

Life Skills

12. Know how to manage your time.

Otherwise, you're wasting it. Sometimes it's good, but not permanently.

13. Learn to speed read.

Sometimes you need to urgently understand the main essence of the material, and you needed it five minutes ago.

14. Remember people's names.

It is unlikely that you will like it if, after you have introduced yourself, after some time they will turn to you: "Hey you!"

15. Change your living space.

Even though it is a little more difficult than you might think, it is extremely beneficial for mental health.

16. Travel light.

Take only the essentials with you. It's both cheaper and easier.

17. Behave within the limits of the criminal code, because prison is not fun at all.

18. Learn to give the right directions.

Nobody likes to run in circles.

19. Be able to provide first aid.

You don't have to be a doctor or a genius to treat a wound.

20. Learn to swim.

71 percent of the Earth's surface is covered in water, so being able to swim isn't a bad idea.

21. Learn to parallel park.

Despite the fact that parallel parking is a required skill for obtaining a driver's license, many drivers have no idea how to do it.

22. Know your alcohol limit.

Otherwise, your life will end like this person's.

Vital Skills

23. Choose quality food.

Spoiled fruits and vegetables can tempt you with a low price, and in the end play a cruel joke on your health.

24. Know how to handle a hammer, an ax and a hacksaw.

Carpenters aren't the only people who need these tools. Every person should have a basic knowledge of basic hand tools.

25. Keep your budget.

Being in debt is not fun. Controlling your expenses is key.

26. Speak at least two common languages.

Approximately 300 million people in the world speak Russian (less than 5 percent), English is spoken by 25 percent of the population. It would be nice to be able to find a common language with English speakers and with the remaining 70 percent.

27. Push up and squat properly.

The wrong technique for performing these basic exercises will not only bring you nothing useful, but will also make your body hurt, and you will waste time.

28. Know how to compliment.

This is one of the biggest gifts you can give a person. And it's free.

29. Know how to negotiate.

30. Listen carefully to others.

The more you listen and the less you talk, the more you learn and the less you miss.

Vital Skills and Abilities

31. Know the basics of geography.

If you don't know anything about what is outside of your comfort zone, most people will assume that you don't know anything at all.

32. Learn to paint.

The cost of painting a room is 90 percent of the labor force. It makes no sense to overpay for something that you can do yourself.

33. Learn to give short, informative public speaking.

At the next meeting, when your boss asks you to share what you've been working on over the past month, keep it short, clear, and informative.

34. Learn to smile when you are photographed or filmed.

People who don't do this are associated with dull creatures.

35. Know how to flirt properly.

There is a fine line between successful flirting and complete failure. If you try too hard, you will lose. If you don't try too hard, you will be the loser.

36. Learn to extract useful and relevant information.

Useless notes are useless, and their absence dooms you to failure.

37. Be hospitable.

Otherwise, every time in a new place you will stay in hotels.

38. Learn how to make a good first impression.

Aristotle once said: "The one who started is already half done."

39. Know how to manage a map and compass.

What happens if the GPS suddenly stops working and you find yourself in the middle of nowhere?

40. Learn to sew on a button on a shirt.

It's cheaper than buying a new one.

41. Learn to type fast.

This skill will save you a total of several days over your lifetime.

42. Always protect personal information.

Identity theft can cost you dearly. Don't be careless.

43. Learn the basics of computer security.

You don't need to be a programmer to understand the basics of creating complex passwords and using firewalls. This will surely save you a lot of trouble one day.

44. Learn to recognize lies.

People will lie to you. This is a sad truth.

45. Know how to politely end dates without making any promises.

There are no excuses for promises you don't intend to keep. Just as there is no reason to make decisions on the fly about a person you barely know.

46. ​​Learn how to remove stubborn stains from clothes.

It's cheaper than buying a new one.

47. Keep the house clean.

Order in the house is organization in life.

Did you know that:

Beetles taste like apples, wasps taste like pine nuts, and worms taste like fried bacon?

What is called the "French Kiss" in English-speaking countries is called the "English Kiss" in France.

Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.

Horace Nelson - one of the most famous English admirals, was never able to overcome in his whole life:

: Sea sickness.

In 1386, in France, a pig was sentenced to be hanged for killing a child.

The word "queue" is the only word in English that is pronounced the same as if it had the last four letters missing.

Of all the words in the English language, the word "set" has the most meanings!

The word "Almost" is the longest word in the English language in which all the letters are in alphabetical order.

"Rhythm" is the longest English word without vowels.

A cockroach can live with its head cut off for weeks!

You can kill yourself by holding your breath.

A city called Rome exists on every continent.

In Iceland it is illegal to own a pet dog!

Your heart, on average, beats about 100,000 times a day!

The skeleton of Jeremy Bentham is present at all the most important meetings at the University of London.

Right-handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left-handed people.

Your ribs move about 5 million times a year - every time you breathe!

The elephant is the only mammal that cannot jump!

A quarter of all the bones in your body are in your feet!

Just like fingerprints, each person has an individual tongue print!

The world's first blood transfusion was performed in 1667, when Jean-Baptiste transfused a young man with two pints of sheep's blood.

Your fingernails grow almost 4 times faster than your toenails!

Most of the dust in your home comes from dry human skin!

It is predicted that the total number of people inhabiting our planet now will grow to 15 billion by 2080.

A woman blinks almost twice as much as a man.

Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian and only had one testicle.

Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey, found in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, was tasted by archaeologists and recognized as edible.

Months whose first day falls on a Sunday always have "Friday the Thirteenth".

Coca-Cola would be green if not for the dyes added to it.

The heart of a hedgehog, on average, beats 300 times per minute.

More people in the world die from bee stings than from snake bites.

An ordinary graphite pencil can draw a line 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words.

There are more people allergic to cow's milk than people allergic to any other food.

Camels have three centuries to protect themselves from sandstorms.

The donkey's eyes are placed in such a way that he can see all four of his paws at the same time!

The six official languages ​​of the United Nations are English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

Earth is the only (of the existing eight) planet in the solar system that was not named after any god.

In churches in the state of Nebraska (USA), it is illegal to burp and sneeze.

When a person is born, he has 300 bones in his body, and when he grows up, he has only 206 of them.

Some worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food!

Dolphins sleep with one eye open!

You can't sneeze with your eyes open.

The oldest piece of chewing gum is 9,000 years old!

The longest flight of a chicken was 13 seconds.

Queen Elizabeth I considered herself a model of purity. She stated that she takes a bath every 3 months whether it is necessary or not.

Larvae have 4 noses.

The owl is the only bird that can see the "blue" color.

One man named Charles Osborne suffered from hiccups until the age of 69!

A giraffe can clean his eyes with his 21-inch tongue!

The average person laughs 10 times a day on average!

An ostrich's eye is larger than its brain.

And now the knowledge question:

One of these interesting, but completely unnecessary facts is fiction. Guess what?

1. Learn to formulate a thought

The ability to speak fluently will help convey your point of view to the interlocutor and even convey emotional experiences. Knowing the meaning of the terms that are often used in your environment will make you feel more comfortable.

2. Look at the world from a different perspective

The basic rules of etiquette and NLP should be your starting point. NLP teaches you to look at the world through the eyes of the interlocutor in order to understand the motives of his behavior. By your respectful attitude towards people, you create a mirror reaction and even an unconscious desire to imitate you.

3. Be curious

The reluctance to read more than three sentences and the fear of long texts distort the perception of information. Understand that the world is multifaceted. We can talk about the problem only after we read at least a couple of independent sources and draw our own conclusions.

4. Don't judge others

Relationships cannot be squeezed into clichéd situations. Instead of labeling yourself "stupid" or "greedy", try to cold-bloodedly work on your relationship. You will understand that for a well-done “work” as a wife, you will definitely receive a long-awaited award in the form of a fur coat.

5. Become a role model

An English proverb says: “Do not raise children, they will still look like you. Educate yourself!" In any case, the child will absorb the habits and demeanor of the parents. Engage in self-improvement, and you will notice the best manifestations of yourself in your child.

6. Get inspired by the beautiful

Any manifestation of art develops imaginative thinking and memory. And of course, teaches us beauty. An erudite person needs to understand the masterpieces of world literature, music, cinema and fine arts, the ideas of which remain relevant at the moment. Trust me, you will have a lot of fun!

7. Refresh your knowledge

The purpose of high school is to lay the foundation of knowledge and skills. Of course, not the entire program of modern education can be considered practical. But you simply must know the multiplication table, the history of your own country, understand geography and grammar.

8. Make a Promise to Hippocrates

There are about ten accident situations. Noticing the victim, you will definitely call an ambulance. But there are still 30 minutes before the arrival of the medical team. By mastering simple first aid skills, you can save the life of not only others, but also yourself.

9. Learn to stand up for your rights

State laws and rights shape relations in society. Therefore, you need to know them. Of course, there are specially trained people – lawyers – to solve specific situations and issues. But everyday (for example, in the status of a motorist) - every man for himself.

This list can be replenished endlessly, because every new day brings new “surprises” that you need to be prepared for. Do not stop there, study more useful literature, and you will understand that the world is beautiful the way it is. All because you see it as it is - full of possibilities and wonders.

Text: Anna Kuznetsova

The century of development of modern technologies removes a number of routine duties from our shoulders. Smart machines come to the rescue. What must know modern man, so as not to turn into a helpless lazy person? Indeed, in the absence of independent decisions in certain life situations, it makes each of us dependent on modern mechanisms.

20 things a modern person should know

Smart gadgets, computers, microwave ovens, washing machines… imagine that all this has disappeared. Consider, what knowledge and skills a modern person should have:

  1. Making decisions.
  2. Creative thinking.
  3. Analytical mind.
  4. Communication skills.
  5. Fast adaptability.
  6. Self-education.
  7. Memory development.
  8. Healthy lifestyle.
  9. Organization.
  10. Self-development.
  11. Know how to make a fire.
  12. Know the basics of geography.
  13. Use a map and compass.
  14. Provide first aid.
  15. Choose quality food.
  16. Know how to cook food.
  17. Use hammer and axe.
  18. Fix things.
  19. Know how to sew.
  20. To swim.

As you can see, the list consists of two parts.

First part - necessary skills for personal development, the second - elementary life skills. Let's consider each item in more detail.

Skills for the development of a person's personality

The development of the following principles will help to distinguish a successful person from an ordinary individual.

  • Making decisions . From the correctness of the decision that a person chooses in a given life situation, his future depends. An important aspect is that the decision must not only be made, but also implemented.
  • Creative thinking. Such qualities as ingenuity and the ability to find new solutions to old problems will force a person to break their ingrained stereotypes.
  • Analytical mind. The ability to use logic in the comprehensive analysis of certain information. With the development of an analytical mindset, a person is able to find the best solution to a problem.
  • Communication skills . The art of effective communication of a person with other individuals of society. Good communication skills allow you to successfully interact with the world and be understood by others.
  • Fast adaptability. Adaptation of a person to the formed criteria and requirements of a separate group (for example, a school, a work team). Thanks to quick adaptability, a person easily enters a new team and adequately orients himself in a new group.
  • Self-education. Self-education allows you to get relevant knowledge that a person needs for further personal development. Helps to increase intellectual abilities and expand the circle of communication.
  • Memory development . A good memory allows you to achieve success in any field of activity. This quality is especially relevant in our information time, associated with huge flows of information.
  • Healthy lifestyle. It is impossible to achieve success in life without good health. A healthy lifestyle is not only regular exercise in the morning, but also proper nutrition, regular sleep and maintenance of body hygiene.
  • Organization. This item includes self-discipline, organization of the day and the ability to fulfill everything planned in advance. An organized person can effectively distribute his forces and get excellent results as a result.
  • Self-development. Continuous development is the basis for the success of any person. Improving his skills, a person increases his intellectual potential, personal culture, will and mental capabilities.

Life skills.

Life skills will help you both in everyday life and in unusual situation:

  • Ability to make fire . The light and warmth of a bonfire will help a tourist lost in the forest save his life.
  • Know the basics of geography. People will consider you ignorant if you do not know what is outside your country.
  • Use a map and compass. Once in an unknown area, these items will help you find the right path.
  • Provide first aid. In order to treat an abrasion or apply a tourniquet to the hand, it is not necessary to have a medical degree.
  • Choose quality food. These skills will help not only when choosing mushrooms and berries in the forest, but will also come in handy when visiting a local supermarket.
  • To cook. Not knowing how to cook simple dishes, such as scrambled eggs, sooner or later you will find yourself in a ridiculous situation.
  • Use hammer and axe. You don't have to be a carpenter to hammer a nail into a house. Every man should master these simple tools.
  • Fix things. The cost of repairing items is at least 30% of the value of the item itself. If you can do something yourself, it is not necessary to pay money to the master.
  • Know how to sew. Will allow the family to save on model studios.
  • To swim. The surface of our planet is more than 70% water. Agree - this is a weighty argument in order to learn to swim.

Elementary things.

These things should be known not only by an adult, but also by a primary school student. In life, there are different situations when the company is talking about elementary things, and you do not understand this issue. For example:

  • There are 0.62 miles in one kilometer.
  • There are 8 planets in the solar system (there were 9, but pluto has not been considered a planet since 2006).
  • There are 6 continents on earth.
  • The cheetah is the fastest animal.
  • There are 251 countries in the world.
  • The Sahara is the largest desert.

Fun and interesting facts.

Information can be interesting not only from a scientific point of view, but also contain fun facts:

Here are some of them:

  • When eating celery, a person spends more calories than he receives energy from this product.
  • About half a year, an ordinary city dweller spends under a red traffic light.
  • If no dye was added to Cola, its color would be green.
  • Money is made from cotton, not paper.
  • An adult laughs an average of 15 times a day, a small child - more than 300.

Now you know exactly what modern man needs to know. Of course, this is not the whole list. In order to become an erudite and interesting person for those around you, you need to read more than one hundred books and popular science articles.

Video about the knowledge of modern man