Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The ability to predict. Five surefire ways to know your future

Great question, isn't it? Millions of people want to know what the future holds for them! Someone daily flips through the pages with a horoscope, hoping to see the inscription: “ Today you will become a millionaire', others use more professional level and they go to Baba Vara, who rolls eggs for your money, plucks her beard, uttering spells, fortune-telling on her feet or sitting on a dragon and brewing a potion ... She is ready to do everything, if only she would be paid ...

The worst thing is that these people always have clients who are very happy to pay for guesses about their future. Recently I heard that there is a man in Africa, to whom people from all over the country come to hear his predictions. This man reads goat entrails, guessing the weather for the next day ... Not a bad way to have fun and earn money for the next goat.

I hope you have already understood how absurd the above methods are. Today I will share with you a secret, thanks to which you yourself can predict your future.

The thing is that those thoughts, actions, reactions to events that happened in your life, led you to where you are today. The way you think is instantly reflected in your results. Can you remember this a simple formula:

M + D (+/-) = P (WISDOM)

Thought + Action (positive or negative) = Result

Where do thoughts come from? The formation of a person's personality is influenced by his environment: with whom he communicates, where he lives, what he sees, what he hears, what he does. New information, new knowledge, new communication - they push for the emergence of new thoughts and ideas. For example, after going through my training or talking with me, you will have new ideas and thoughts in your head, because. the information that I will present to you will be positive, which means that your thoughts will be positive.

If you watch the news on TV every day and feed on the information that comes from the mouths of correspondents, you will get the appropriate thoughts.

After you have a bright thought or idea - immediately write it down, because. it has been proven that it will last exactly 37 seconds in your head, after which it will leave without a trace. I am sure that you have noticed more than once how a good thought comes in the evening, which in the morning is simply impossible to remember.

The next step is ACTION. If you have written down your thought or idea, you have 72 hours to implement it. After the expiration of the term, you will only have a good memory that a wonderful thought or idea once visited you.

Action (+)- This positive action aimed at positive result.

Action (-) is an inaction or negative action that will lead to undesirable results.

The most interesting thing is that you yourself have the right to decide how to act: positively or negatively, and therefore 100% responsibility for all your actions lies with you! I recommend you to do positive things that are aimed at creating you and this world. In no case do not do actions that are contrary to the laws of the country in which you live and that violate the Commandments of God.

Receiving a thought and acting, you instantly get the result in the form of where you are today, what you have, what you feel and feel ... Don't like it? You can change everything!

When life hands you a lemon, don't complain - make lemonade out of it. Napoleon Hill

As you can see, a lot depends on our thoughts, which are formed from our environment. Surround yourself with positivity: read inspiring literature, communicate with good and positive people, do good deeds and get the desired result.

No need to go to fortune tellers and psychics - watch your thoughts and actions today, which will determine where you will be tomorrow!

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Today we will talk about how to look into the future. Every person has faced a situation in his life when he said with annoyance: “Oh, if only I knew in advance!”. But predicting the outcome of certain events is often quite easy.

It is enough to analyze the information already available in order to draw the right conclusions and prepare for the consequences. If your colleague came to work with initial signs colds and does nothing to stop them, then you can accurately predict that in a couple of days he will go to the hospital for at least a week, and you will have to complete the report alone. But for this, ordinary observation and logic are enough.

But how to develop the ability to see future events? After all, history knows people who amazed the whole world with their ability to see tomorrow not only for individuals, but for all mankind.

Who has the gift of foresight?

The gift of foresight is rarely given to anyone from birth. Sometimes it appears in a person after some sudden events (lightning strike, serious illness, clinical death, large nervous shock). In these cases, it manifests itself very clearly, and such people become known to many.

In a more modest manifestation, each person can develop such abilities in himself, because everyone has them in their infancy. This skill is very useful even at the household level. It will help you take right decisions, to protect their loved ones from sudden troubles, to keep them from doing wrong things.

How to learn to see the future

If you decide to develop this gift, set yourself up for a long process and regular practice. Find motivation for this decision. It should only be positive.

Let's start with the most famous exercise. Retire in a separate room, choose a time when no one will disturb you for sure. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Clear your inner screen from extraneous images and try to remember today in as much detail as possible. What events happened during the day.

The most popular example: it started to rain on the way home, but there was no umbrella. Replay this episode in memory with all the details, including sounds, smells, sensations, emotions. Now mentally transport yourself to yesterday and, as it were, try to send this information to yourself from today.

AT this moment you are in the past and received information from the future. By using this simple exercise every day, you will develop the ability to move from "today" to "yesterday." The plot of the exercise, of course, should be different each time, taken from the reality of today.

Studying every day, you will gain a solid ability to connect to the information channel at the right time for you.

Then move on to more serious forecasts for tomorrow. Don't be surprised if you find yourself spontaneously making unexpected decisions with positive outcomes. This means that the intuition that has been dormant until now has awakened. And every person has it too.

Necessary signs and hints of the Universe

All these abilities are related to extrasensory perception. The literal translation of this word is super-feeling. If you develop one side of this ability, then others automatically begin to develop, and whoever has which is individual.

Learn to notice necessary signs around you. Very often, fate sends us the necessary clues, and we ignore them. If you are going somewhere, and suddenly the lock on your boot breaks or the wheel of the car goes down, think about it, is it possible and do you need to go there right now? Good help for the development of any psychic abilities various meditations. There are a lot of them, and everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves.

The Almighty endowed man with many abilities, but over the centuries these abilities fell asleep. So wake them up and use them for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones. And God help you.

Video on the topic of the article

Have there been situations in your life when you really wanted to look into the future, how everything will turn out?

Or are you facing a choice that is very difficult to make? It can apply to absolutely any area. Whom to marry? Move abroad or stay in your hometown?

What job to choose and in general, what to do in life? Where is the best place to meet New Year and with whom? What gift to choose for your loved ones?

We will look at 5 methods that can help you look into the future, make a choice or accept important decision ! Moreover, the New Year is coming soon - a time of fortune-telling and plans for the future.

Each person is free to choose any fate for himself.
The only freedom we have
is freedom of choice.
Everyone can choose whatever they want.

Vadim Zeland

How to find out what the future holds for you

So what can we use to make right choice and make the best decision?

I offer you a few various ways find out what's in store for you in the future. And you can decide which one is right for you.

#1 Make a plan with all the details in mind

When planning our life, we logically build everything possible options to choose the best one. But is it possible to think through everything to the smallest detail and take into account various side factors, risks, sudden circumstances etc?

If I'm going to prom and I've already thought about my hair, chosen a dress, ordered a taxi, can I assume that the lights will suddenly turn off and I won't be able to prepare for the prom?

Or there will be an accident on the highway, the road will be blocked, and I will not get to the right place. There are hundreds more possible scenarios that we cannot even imagine.

I described a small situation. And if the question concerns a fateful decision?

Marry a successful sports Andrey, a host healthy lifestyle life, in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail? And like with him I feel like behind a stone wall.

Or choose a kind and understanding Mikhail, with whom I feel so comfortable and cozy!

How to understand what will happen to my marriage in 5-10 years? Who will these young people become? What will I become? And how our aspirations and desires will be compatible?

You see that relying on reason and logic, it is impossible to take into account everything that can happen. Accordingly, the result of your actions may be very far from expected. And surely in your life there are cases that confirm this.

#2. Fortune telling...

So, what will help us avoid negative moments in the future and choose the best course of action?

Let's start with fortune telling. They are very different. It all depends on your imagination! The simplest ones are on what is at hand.

A cup of coffee or tea, for example. It is only necessary, after finishing the drink, to turn the cup over and carefully examine the drawings resulting from the spilled coffee grounds or outlandish patterns of tea leaves.

But here you need a lot of experience and remarkable imagination in order to extract the answer to your question from the “message”! There is, of course, a list of images that can be seen most often, but the list of possible interpretations is also limited.

Another option is divination on beans. Pulling some beans out of the bag different colors: white, black or mottled.

If there are more blacks, the answer is no. If whites predominate, the answer is yes. If motley, then success depends on additional circumstances.

In this case, the question can be asked one that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. And no specifics.

Advanced can tell fortunes on the cards. Each card has its own meaning and represents a specific situation or character in your past. present or future.

Again, you need to learn this, and this takes time.

You can also use a pendulum. This is a small metal object (usually a ring) on ​​a long thread. You determine for yourself what will be a positive and what a negative answer, and ask questions.

The pendulum moves in a certain way, answering your question. Again, only “yes” or “no” answers can be obtained.

#3. Ask for a sign from the universe

There is also a way for the “advanced” people to ask the Higher Powers to give you a sign of what to choose and where to move.

As an example, I will cite the story of the founder of the Institute of Reincarnation, Maris Dreshmanis.

Before meeting with his wife Alena Starovoitova, he was in a relationship in which he did not feel completely happy. But a sense of duty prevented them from breaking them.

To find a way out difficult situation, Maris asked the Universe for a sign on what to do.

And soon a client came to him for a consultation, who said in plain text that the woman who is now next to him is not his. And that he will soon meet his fate.

And then the events began to develop in such a way that eventually led Maris to a meeting with Alena. And although there were many obstacles on the way, several different people to make it happen anyway. And now they are happy together.

But this is not just a union of a man and a woman. The combination of what each of them does for people leads to synergy and a powerful result.

Together they bring people much more love and light, helping to develop and become happier than they could individually.

So, by trusting the Universe and asking for help, you can also find your way.

You just need to be able to understand its signs and follow them, even if it seems to you that your actions are wrong from the point of view of public opinion and familiar stereotypes.

#4. Contact a psychic or astrologer

Nowadays, there is a very wide range of services offered by all possible types fortune tellers, shamans, psychics, numerologists, astrologers, etc.

Behind each of these specialists is an extensive system of knowledge, a teaching that they master over the years and polish with long practice.

The more powerful and popular a specialist is, the more difficult it is to get to him and the more expensive his services. But he will tell you everything and explain: where to go and what to do, and what you can’t do categorically.

The whole question is how much you can trust such a specialist. After all, even being a professional, he can make a mistake due to some additional circumstances.

Trump's victory - fate or ...

On the eve of the US presidential election, many predicted the victory of Hillary Clinton. The specialists had everything calculated, and the signs pointed to it. But what was the amazement of many when fate smiled at Donald Trump!

And then the "seers" rushed to study what went wrong? What could change the supposedly predetermined fate?

It turns out that Donald also does not shy away from esoteric practices and actively uses them! After the elections, they began to name the names of his assistants and the methods by which he was able to correct his path.

It turns out that everything is not so simple! If you are destined to become someone or achieve a certain goal, this does not mean at all that it will happen by itself.

In addition to the fact that our soul plans its incarnation and its key meetings, events, there is also share of free choice. It all depends on your goals and actions.

And then there is the question of CHOICE.

  1. First you need to decide on your goals.
  2. Knowing the goals, it is necessary to choose methods for achieving them.

But how do you make this choice?

#5. Alternative planning for the future

In addition to fortune-telling and turning to specialists, I will tell you about another method with which you can peep into your future.

It lies in the fact that you can directly contact your immortal soul who knows her tasks for this life and, like no one else, is interested in their solution.

From the level of the soul, everything looks completely different from what it seems to us humans. Sometimes the path that looks attractive can end up being disappointing.

Or vice versa, what seems not the most promising business may turn out to be a success in the future. But how do you know?

And there's another one important nuance. Choosing from the options that we have at the moment, often we can even don't assume those possibilities given to us by the universe.

The value of this practice is that you yourself see how events will develop in your life with this or that choice. There are no intermediaries between you and your soul. And most importantly, how will you feel in the future.

After all, it also happens that outwardly everything looks safe and successful, but at the same time you may not be quite comfortable. Or it may not be the most brilliant option, but you feel so good there !!!

The best option is a surprise

Irina at 42 was on the verge of a divorce. Relations with her husband have long since faded away, a lot of things irritated her.

And then a man appeared in her life, from whom her heart lit up, her eyes lit up, and she felt like she was 15 years old again!

What to do??? Destroy the family, causing injury to the child, or live as you live? That's how many people live. How will the relationship with the new man develop? After all, the euphoria of falling in love is so fleeting!

With these questions, Ira set off on a journey through her future. There she saw that if she stayed with her husband, then everything would drag on sadly.

If she divorces and creates a relationship with a new lover, then in the end it will not be much better.

Imagine her amazement when she saw the third option: she was next to a stranger and with a baby in her arms. And most importantly, she is immensely happy, and she is so comfortable next to this person!

After completing the practice, Irina realized that it was not worth continuing the outdated relationship with her husband. But you shouldn't rush into new ones either.

It is better to be alone with yourself for a while, take a few steps in the direction she needs, and then she can be happy in a new family.

From this story, you can see that we, being at the moment of choosing a decision, cannot always see all the options.

And among them may be the best for you! And of course, it is valuable that you can “try on yourself” right in the process - how you feel after having already made this or that choice.

How to know your future

So, we have considered the following options:

  • Make a plan with all the details in mind
  • Divination (on coffee grounds, tea leaves, beans, cards, pendulum)
  • Ask for signs Higher power universe
  • Turn to a psychic, fortune teller, numerologist, astrologer, etc.
  • Use the practice of “Alternative Future Planning”

Some can be used at least daily, even in the smallest situations. Others are suitable for making serious decisions and fateful choices.

Now you know how you can look into your future and, based on the information and feelings received, make the best decision on which path to take. I believe that everyone will find an option for themselves!

If you want to master the method of alternative planning, then come to study at Ir!

Many people would like to learn how to learn to see the future. In their opinion, this would save them from many troubles, solve a number of problems, save them from unpleasant surprises life. The opinion that only selected psychics can have this ability is false, simple people, having learned a couple of tricks, through enhanced training of their consciousness, they can achieve desired result and learn a little about what lies ahead for them.

Preparing for the process

First of all, you need to decide why you want to learn how to see the future. Motives must be positive. The next one is daily practice. Nothing works right away, it has to be training every day. If you are not serious about the process of obtaining this new skill, then you should not wait good result. However, do not be upset if the ability to see the future did not appear after a week of training, some time should pass. For this process, choose a place where you feel comfortable so that no one distracts you.

How to develop the ability to see the future

Let's start by trying to go back to yesterday. We analyze it by collecting important information which might be useful. For example, if you were sure that it would suddenly rain, you would take an umbrella with you and stay dry. We begin to collect all yesterday's information. Be sure to focus and not pay attention to anything superfluous. If the process does not work out, stop, rest, or start it the very next day.

Move on. Imagine that you still managed to concentrate. Try to take the necessary data for the past day and send it to yourself in this moment. We convey information not just by sentences, but by images, tastes, smells, feelings. This is important in order to remember your feelings and use them to determine some situation, but in the future.

Next, we imagine ourselves yesterday and feel the process of how information flows from yesterday to today. You receive the parts and send them. We repeat this technique until you clearly feel the established channel for transmitting information. At the end of the day, analyze yourself today, remember what you thought and felt at certain moments. If you succeeded in this exercise, then you can move on to the next one.

When the connection with the channel from the past is established, try to analyze the change in your feelings when you receive this or that information. We will be able to understand how to see the future only by properly connecting with all our channels that connect both the past and real life. To do this, you need to control the process of your thoughts. For example, you have a choice to make, and you feel anxious, fearful, or insecure, and you end up making the wrong decision. Remember what sensation was the main one among others, and the next time you feel it, you will know that this is a signal of a wrong choice.

Psychic advice. Learning to take the necessary information from the subject

In order to understand how to learn to see the future, experienced psychics advise us a few exercises. Each item contains a certain piece of information that will help us understand certain situations. Ask a friend to put something small in Matchbox(button, cotton wool, pea). Clear your brain of extra thoughts, take the box, place it in the fist.

Imagine that you and a matchbox are connected by a channel through which information is transmitted, first from it to you, and then vice versa. Note that the first impressions will be the most accurate. It’s not a fact that everything will work out right away, but after a few trainings, you will be able, by analyzing your feelings, to recognize miscellaneous items. This exercise is very similar to how we tried to connect with yesterday, getting from it necessary information. Only here you need to correctly feel the features of the object, which, as sensations, will be transmitted through the established channel between you and the box.

Very important in the process of learning how to learn to see the future is the ability to listen to your intuition. We can ask our inner voice exciting questions, and then analyze your feelings, since the answer will be received through feelings, images. In the beginning, you may be wrong in deciphering what your intuition is telling you, but later on you will learn to understand the correct answers to your questions. It is recommended to write down your feelings after the tasks. This will help analyze which signals your inner voice trying to help you.

The future depends on the present

There is one more advice, but it does not contain any practices. It's just universal known fact, but for some reason many people miss this, neglecting their present, but still believing in a brighter future. Your actions today directly affect what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, beware of wrong decisions, bad deeds, because they can lead to complications in your life. later life. Therefore, before learning to see the future, learn to see your present.

American scientist John Nasbitt published a book on the art of predicting the future. It is called "Setting the Mind" and contains recommendations on how to abstract from the present and learn to identify trends that will drastically affect the future.

Nasbitt works at the Chinese University of Nanjing, and previously taught at Moscow State University and even Harvard University, according to The scientist believes that it is enough to master eleven postulates in order to learn how to predict the future. He cites them in his book, while trying to explain their meaning as clearly as possible.

1. When much changes, much remains the same.
2. The future is based on the present.
3. Focus on the results of the game.
4. Understand the importance of not being right.
5. Treat the future like a puzzle or puzzle.

6. Do not run ahead of the engine.
7. Resistance to change fails when the payoff is real.
8. Things and processes that we expect to happen in the future tend to happen, but more slowly.
9. It is impossible to achieve results simply by solving any problem - it is necessary to study and use new opportunities.
10. Do not add until you have subtracted.
11. Don't forget about ecology and technology.

Some of them need to be deciphered because they carry hidden meaning. For example, in third postulate It means that you should not wishful thinking.

Postulate No. 4 says that a person is used to proving his case always and everywhere. However, rightness often turns out to be relative, since it is based on elementary ignorance or lack of a broad view of things.

Sixth postulate means that many cutting-edge innovations turn out to be unclaimed if they appear at the wrong time, i.e. society is not yet ready to accept them. Therefore, for example, many technological innovations or scientific ideas, ahead of their time, mankind did not use, although experts initially saw their enormous potential.

Postulate No. 10 implies that it is necessary to pay for any change, and it is always worth considering the real size of this “fee”. The rest of the wording is quite simple to understand. From all this, we can conclude that almost any person, with a great desire, will be able to predict the future, or at least not make irreparable mistakes.