Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to attract money luck at the right time. A formal approach will not lead to the desired result

Why Polite Candor Doesn't Always Work

Polite frankness is something worth striving for. However, there is a wide gulf between honest frankness and unceremonious statement. In addition, some people's opinions about what polite frankness is change when they are victims of it.

In the world of Lady Perfection (which has a lovely but rather strict dress code), polite frankness is an honest, calm statement of one's opinion without the implicit (or obvious) intention of bickering. (Lady Perfection is sure that everyone understands the difference between bickering and discussion. Please don't laugh; just let her keep the illusion a little longer.) Polite frankness does not include hints like: "You're stupid if you disagree with me" - and insults disguised as friendly advice.

If Lady Perfect were bold enough, she would suggest re-reading the last sentence, since it is in this that the main danger lies to destroy the concept of polite frankness. Lady Perfection knows too many examples of "cruelty for the sake of kindness" when "goodness" somehow disappears from this formula. Also, if someone has no communication skills and every time they open their mouth (or sit down at the computer) an argument breaks out, there is no way to point out this deficiency to them. As much as he needs someone (very politely) to explain it to him, listening is not the same as hearing.

The few times Lady Perfection decided with polite frankness to open someone's eyes to an unpleasant truth, Lady Perfection began the conversation knowing that the interlocutor would most likely not listen to her, utter harshness or take her words for a personal insult. Lady Perfection could not name anyone, including herself, who would not stick out their claws and take a defensive stance in response to such criticism.

Does this mean that, according to Lady Perfection, everyone should forget about polite frankness? No. She just wants people to know that despite their good intentions, there is a high chance that the target of their criticism will feel annoyed. It is possible that you will be pleasantly surprised, but do not bet on your collection of your best shoes. If someone asks you for your opinion on a sensitive and difficult issue, make sure they really want your opinion and not seek support or approval.

But what if someone really should open their eyes to some unpleasant things? First, carefully consider whether your soul-saving conversation will lead to the desired result. Lady Perfection would never dream of having this kind of conversation with certain people, as she knows very well that they will not heed the smart words that Lady Perfection should have uttered. There is a huge difference between a difficult conversation and shouting into the void, and Lady Perfection does not wish the latter on anyone.

Secondly, decide in advance what exactly you want to say. If you know what and how you want to say, then you will not let the conversation turn into a heated argument.

Third, remember that the person you are talking to may feel offended or hurt, no matter how sensitive you are. Your interlocutor will probably not stomp his feet in anger or scream, but he will most likely feel hurt. You may have to re-explain that you did not mean to offend him, but only to express something important.

If, with all of the above in mind, you nevertheless decide to have a difficult, but polite and frank conversation, Lady Perfection wishes you good luck and hopes that you will be able to avoid unpleasant scenes.

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How can we claim that people have all the resources they need if there are so many unfortunates around? When things don't work out, most people continue to do the same things they did before that didn't bring the desired results - and often with even more tenacity and strength. But remember that what limits us is not in the territory, but on our maps of this territory. If you want to see the same scenery, take the same road. But if you want to get something new, your actions must also change. And neither an analysis of the reasons that led you to where you wanted to go at all, nor reflections on why you still managed to achieve what you aspired to will not help you. And it doesn't matter how many "whys" and "becauses" you can use to explain your behavior, because you are still going the same way that you went before.

Instead of looking for reasons, think about how exactly you manage to achieve or not achieve your desired goals. With the help of NLP you will be able to correct and improve your mental maps and find those essential elements that distinguish failure from success, good from excellent, simple execution from creative.

A Brief History of NLP

The history of NLP is the history of an unusual collaboration of people that has produced an unexpected joint effectiveness and productivity in the field of creating a new theory of personality change. In the early 70s, one of the future creators of NLP, Richard Bandler, studied at the mathematical department of the University of California at Santa Cruz. At the beginning of his studies, he devoted almost all his time to the study of computer technology. But under the influence of conversations with a family friend who knew many of the prominent psychotherapists of the time, he decided to devote himself to the study of psychology.

After carefully reading the work of one of these famous psychotherapists, Richard realized that by completely repeating the behavior of this master, he could achieve similar positive results in working with patients. This discovery formed the basis of a revolutionary method known in NLP as "mastery modeling". Later, he met another future creator of NLP, Dr. John Grinder, a professor of linguistics. The professional path of John Grinder is as unusual as that of Bandler. His ability to quickly master foreign languages, master pronunciation and capture the characteristics of behavior inherent in another culture was honed while serving in the special forces in Europe in the 60s, and later in the ranks of intelligence units operating in Europe at that time. John's interests in the field of psychology lay in line with the main tasks of linguistics - to reveal the internal grammar of thinking and behavior.

Finding that they had common interests, Richard and John decided to combine their knowledge of computing and linguistics and the ability to copy people's non-verbal behavior to develop a new "language of change."

At the very beginning of their activity, Richard Bandler taught Gestalt therapy classes on Tuesdays with groups of students and local residents. He tried to copy the founder of this type of therapy, the German psychiatrist Fritz Perls, in everything. Richard went so far in imitating Dr. Perls that he even grew the same beard as his, just like him, did not remove the cigarette from his mouth and began to speak English with a German accent. On Thursdays, Grinder in turn began teaching the other group, using Perls' verbal and non-verbal techniques he had observed in Richard's behavior in his Tuesday seminars. Together with Richard, they began to gradually discard those elements of behavior (German accent, smoking) that, in their opinion, were not essential, and did this until they got to the very essence of the Perls technique - those deep features that distinguished Perls from other less effective psychotherapists. They initiated a course they called "simulation of human skill."

Inspired by their success, they decided to go further and began to study the work of an outstanding woman - the founder of family therapy, Virginia Satir and Gregory Bateson, who made revolutionary discoveries in the field of philosophy and systems thinking. Richard included a description of these first discoveries in the text of his Ph.D. thesis, which formed the basis of the book The Structure of Magic. By this time, Bandler and Grinder decided to jointly conduct research in such an amazing and little-known area.

What really set them apart from most of the alternative psychology you could find in California at the time was their insatiable desire to get to the bottom of what we call personality change. Starting to study people burdened with various problems, Bandler and Grinder noticed that all people suffering from a phobia think about the event that frightens them as if it were happening at the moment. When they began to understand what happens to those people who managed to get rid of the phobia on their own, they found that all these people remember their terrible experience as if it all happened to someone else, and see a mental image corresponding to this event. at a fair distance from you - it's like watching from afar a dizzying roller coaster race in the park. Having made such a simple yet profound discovery, Bandler and Grinder set out to teach phobics to perceive their fears in a new way, as if the situations that frightened them had happened to someone else in the past, and at the same time to place the image of the memory in their mind. interior space as far as possible. Feelings of fear disappeared instantly. So a fundamental discovery was made in NLP. The way people think about certain things decisively determines how they will perceive these things.

Learning the art of personality transformation from the best masters of the time, Bandler and Grinder tried to find out from them what should be changed first of all, which element change seems to be the most important and where is the place from which to start. Their skills and growing reputation enabled them to quickly establish contacts with the most prominent representatives of the galaxy of people who are called masters of their craft, and among them was Milton Erickson, M.D., founder of the American Society for Medical Hypnosis and recognized by the world medical community as one of the best in this field. .

Dr. Erickson was as extraordinary as Bandler and Grinder. A tough kid who grew up on a farm in Wisconsin, he contracted polio in the 1920s at the age of 18. Unable to breathe on his own, he spent more than a year in an "oxygen tent" in the kitchen of a small rural house where his family lived. Perhaps someone else - if he were in Milton's place - would have perceived this situation as a catastrophe, and his situation could be compared with that of a prisoner in a cage. But Erickson was already particularly pleased to observe the behavior of people, and now he had a lot of time that he could devote to his favorite pastime - to follow how the relatives and friends around him behave, how they communicate with each other, observe their conscious and unconscious reactions. He mentally built phrases that could have a double meaning or cause a delayed reaction of the interlocutor, relentlessly training his powers of observation and speech skills.

When his condition improved to the point that he no longer needed the "oxygen tent", he began to learn to walk by carefully watching his little sister do it. Even though he still needed crutches, he went on a canoe trip before going to college. In college, he eventually received first a medical and then a psychological degree. The experiences and hardships he endured in his youth made him very sensitive to the subtlest nuances of speech and behavior. While studying medicine, he became interested in hypnosis, progressing in his research much further than observing shiny balls in the hand of a hypnotist and monotonous suggestions that induce sleep. His attention was drawn to the fact that when his patients think or immerse themselves in their sensations, they briefly enter a trance-like state that can be used to induce a hypnotic state. In later life, Erickson became known as a master of non-directive hypnosis, as a man who had the ability to induce a deep trance by telling mundane stories.

By the early 1970s, Dr. Erickson was already well known in medical circles and had even written several books, but only a few of his students could boast that they were able to achieve the same results that Erickson himself achieved. He was often called the "wounded healer" because many colleagues attributed his ingenious psychotherapeutic abilities to the personal trials that he had to endure in his youth.

When Richard Bandler called to set up a meeting, Dr. Erickson answered the phone himself. Although Bandler and Grinder had been introduced to Erickson earlier by Gregory Bateson, Erickson replied that he was very busy. Then Bandler said: “Some people, Dr. Erickson, know how to find the time,” highlighting the words “Dr. Erickson” and “find the time” with intonation. The answer came immediately: "Come at any time," also with an emphasis on the last words. Even though Bandler and Grinder lost out in the eyes of Erickson due to their lack of psychology degrees, he was intrigued by the fact that these two young men seemed to be able to notice things that most people don't pay any attention to. After all, one of them used in his speech the technique that Erickson himself discovered and used as a hypnotic speech turnover, now known as the "built-in command." By punctuating the words "Dr. Erickson, make time," he built a separate sentence inside a larger phrase, and this sentence acted as a hypnotic command.

Bandler and Grinder came to Phoenix, Arizona, where Dr. Erickson lived and worked. They were going to try out the modeling techniques they had just developed with a talented hypnotist. The combination of Erickson's talents as a hypnotist and the modeling techniques that Bandler and Grinder owned created the basis for the rapid development of new therapeutic techniques. Working with Milton Erickson further reinforced their belief that they had found a method to explore and replicate human skill.

Meanwhile, the classes that Bandler and Grinder taught in college and in evening seminars attracted more and more students who aspired to learn new methods of personality transformation. Later, many of them, such as Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Judith DeLozier, Robert Dilts and David Gordon, made significant contributions to the development of NLP ideas. Information about the emergence of a new approach to the study of the processes of communication and change began to spread throughout the country. Steve Andreas, already a well-known Geshgalt therapist at the time, decided to put aside what he was doing at the time and immerse himself in the study of new technologies. He quickly realized that NLP was such an important breakthrough in psychology that, along with his wife and colleague Conira, Andreas decided to audiotape Bandler and Grinder's workshops so that they could later be put into book form. The first of these books, From Frogs to Princes, became an instant bestseller. In 1979, a long article on NLP appeared in the journal Psychology Today under the heading "People for whom a person is an open book." This was the beginning of the development of NLP.

Today, NLP methods underlie many approaches to the study of the processes of communication and personality transformation. Thanks to the efforts of popularizers such as Anthony Robbins, John Bradshaw and others, elements of NLP have become part of sales workshops, communication trainings, training courses and are gradually entering our daily lives. When people talk about modeling mastery, entering a particular state, building rapport, or how “visual” people are, they use NLP terms. We are glad that the ideas of NLP are becoming known to an ever wider circle of people. But the fact is that superficial knowledge can become a dangerous weapon in the hands of an ignoramus or turn out to be just a mask for an absolute misunderstanding of the essence. Knowing about modeling craftsmanship is nothing compared to being able to do what this name hides. Knowing the individual elements of NLP is nothing compared to mastering the ideas and techniques of NLP. And it is in our desire to give you that chance that we have written this book.

Overview of what you have learned

NLP explores human skill. This is a technology for modeling the patterns of thinking, behavior and feelings of real people who have achieved valuable results in their lives. The founders of NLP learned how to transform the inner experience of a person so easily and elegantly precisely because they relied on certain fundamental principles on which NLP is built.

Background of NLP

· The map is not the territory.

· Subjective experience has a certain structure.

· What one person can do, anyone else can learn.

· The brain and body are part of the same system.

· People already have all the resources they need.

· You cannot NOT send messages.

· The meaning of our messages lies in the response we receive.

· All behavior is based on positive intentions.

· People always make the best choice from all the options available to them at the moment.

· If what you are doing is not bringing you the results you want, do something new. Do whatever you want, but be sure to do something new.

Once we figure out how we create and deal with our inner thoughts and feelings, we can easily teach them to others, or if we discover better ways, we can just as easily replace our thoughts with more useful ones. In this chapter, you learned how to:

dissociate from negative and associate with pleasant experiences;

weaken or strengthen the impact of the internal mental image;

direct your thoughts in the direction in which you yourself would like to move, and not in the direction from which you diligently keep them;

· to reduce unpleasant sensations in relation to past events by methods using the creation of "musical accompaniment" and "picture frame";

create resource states with the help of the “Circle of Excellence”, attaching them to those events of your future in which you most likely will have a desire or need to use these states.

Somewhere inside each of us lives a dreamer. We cannot completely give up desire and imagination. All this happens by itself. Our desires and dreams are an integral part of our life, part of our essence - after all, it was thanks to the ability to dream that humanity at one time came out of the caves, and several centuries later flew to the moon. We dream and want our dreams to come true. And we want to understand what mechanisms underlie the formation of our desires and our dreams directed to the future.

T. E. Lawrence, who once lived in Arabia, wrote in his memoirs: “All people dream, but everything is different. Those who dream at night, wandering in the dark corners of their minds, wake up in the morning and find that it was all just a dream, those who dream during the day are dangerous, because they can play their dreams in reality and thereby turn them into reality. .

You may not have thought about it before, but the phone, the TV, the CD player, the dishwasher, the refrigerator, the microwave, not to mention the toilet and shower, all started with someone's dream. Someone's dreams have transformed the world around us, and many of these changes have already taken place in our lifetime. When you want to achieve even the most basic dream, you have to change some things and in doing so, face the already established state of affairs and the state of mind that tells you: “Everything is already fine as it is.” When you bring something new into your world, you can break the established order and deceive someone's expectations. And you have to ask yourself and other people to change a little.

One of the ways you can help bring the people around you closer to what you want is to invite them to cooperate. Your loved ones, coworkers, and family members will see what you're up to and may want to join. Maybe they were just too shy to ask you before. And if they start moving along with you, then most likely they will not want to stop. Whoever knows what freedom of choice is, is more willing to accept this freedom for other people. NLP is the kind of thing you can research together with others people, not other people.

NLP creates the conditions for effective and comfortable personal change. It starts working when you start using it, and it will change your life. You can start with the problems that led you to learn NLP, and then you can go on to create new opportunities for yourself and prepare for new amazing adventures in your life in the future. If you go beyond individual techniques, NLP will help you build your life purposefully and gradually create the world that you really aspire to.



All that is in front of us and all that is behind us are nothing compared to what is within us.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Importance of Motivation

Motivation consultant and best-selling author Anthony Robbins states, “There are two things that can motivate you to succeed: inspiration and desperation.” In terms of inspiration, Dr. Edwin Land, inventor of "instant" photography and founder of the Polaroid Corporation, is an example. His little daughter always wanted to see her image as soon as the camera shutter clicked, and she impatiently asked her father why the process of obtaining a photograph took so long. This prompted Land's idea to combine the processes of filming and development. Something similar happened when the future founders of Microsoft saw an advertisement for a personal computer in Popular Mechanics magazine and began to fantasize about how computing technology would develop. Bill even called his mother so that she would not expect calls from him within the next six months, because all this time he was going to write a program for IBM. This is the same program that we now know as MS-DOS.

To prove that despair can also be a powerful motivator, we could start with Anthony Robbins himself. A former vacuum cleaner salesman and health coach, Tony had a taste of financial success and then lost everything. And when one day, washing dirty dishes: in his kitchen, he suddenly realized that his life had narrowed down to the size of a miserable apartment of forty square meters on Venice Beach in California, it was not at all the taste of success that pushed him to action, but dissatisfaction with the conditions in which he appeared. This made him go to NLP training and turn his whole life around. Another example of the motivating power of desperation is Academy Award-winning actress Cher. When she turned forty, she looked back at her life to see what she had achieved, and was very upset that she did not find anything worthy of attention from her point of view. But Cher did not lose heart. She began to work hard on herself and soon built a completely different future for herself. Whether you are a scientist, an actor, an athlete, or a businessman, motivation, whether from inspiration or desperation, plays a hugely transformative role in anyone's life.

Why, then, is it so difficult for some people to create motivation to perform some action or achieve a result? Shouldn't the pursuit of success or the fulfillment of innermost desires be a sufficient incentive in itself? However, for most of us, getting started is often the biggest challenge. People who have achieved a lot in their lives, as a rule, say that motivation helped them achieve their goals - but the question is, what do they mean by this word? From our point of view, the truth is that motivation is not some secret formula known only to some outstanding athletes and speakers who know how to inspire the public. Not at all, it is an intelligent strategy that you can learn and use to your advantage whenever you need to.

The situations in life when we really need motivation are fundamentally different from those moments when we we do not want be motivated. It is possible that at first glance this statement does not make sense, but remember those very attractive things for you that are actually of no use. Recall some cases when, for example, you really wanted to eat some more chocolate, or that third piece of pizza, which is obviously superfluous, or buy some completely unnecessary thing. These are exactly the cases when you would need to use not motivation, but a delay strategy. In other words, motivation is required only when we don't want to do something, but we want it to be done. We want to get a result, but the process of getting it may not arouse our enthusiasm. For example, if you think about washing your accumulated dirty laundry, paying bills, or taking out the trash bin, you probably won’t be very happy about the upcoming procedure, but at the same time you really want to get it all done.

When your boss wants the report to be on his desk by noon exactly, and just the mention of it makes you want to sleep, then you don’t have the desire to prepare this report, but you really want it to be done. When we are relentlessly pursued by the thought of the need to do physical exercises, but at the same time you know that the very performance of these exercises brings nothing but fatigue, sweat, physical pain and loss of time, then although we don’t want to do them, we need to to get them done. We do not always want to participate in this or that process; rather, we are attracted by what happens at the end of this process. It is in these cases that we need the ability to create motivation, and this is exactly what NLP does.

It is worth understanding that the subconscious mind will always give you what you want, and if you mentally imagine it daily, joyful changes will begin to occur in your life.

Your powerful inner "partner" will bring you together with people and push you into the circumstances necessary to achieve your goals. The Thousand Invisible Hands, as Joseph Campbell calls them, will come to your aid.

To the uninitiated, it may seem that such happy "coincidences" are the result of simple luck, but in fact they have nothing to do with either one or the other. This is a consequence of the functioning of natural laws, which begin to act under the influence of your thoughts.

Let's explain the principle of their action. We live in a gigantic energy web. When you start planting a success mindset into your subconscious mind, it causes energy to resonate throughout the entire energy network.

The subconscious continuously perceives fluctuations in the energy of success, attracting to you the people and circumstances necessary to achieve your goal.

It should be added that with the same success the subconscious mind can attract bad luck, if you have negative thoughts. It does not discriminate or select thoughts, but only works with those desires, hopes and fears that are present in your brain.

Fortunately, people are beginning to understand the laws of the material world and the laws that the human brain obeys. A few years ago, the idea that we can attract and create reality with the help of thoughts seemed impossible, but today the view on these problems has changed, and people understand how this process takes place.

Being bundles of energy, our thoughts(meaning only repeatedly repeated images, beliefs, visualizations, views and desires) affect reality. By the way, if you stop and think about it, you understand that it cannot be otherwise - everything in the world is interconnected.

Let's reiterate this very important idea. When you mentally associate yourself with the positive that you want to achieve in reality, your subconscious mind reacts accordingly. Your habitual way of thinking and the mental images that prevail in you create reality around you, shaping your unique destiny.

If you have firmly decided to take the first steps towards a new, beautiful and harmonious life with the help of the Positive Thinking System (hereinafter referred to as the PPM or the PM system), let me give you some helpful tips, which will help make your efforts in this direction much more effective.

So, everything that happens to a person is a consequence of his thoughts and actions, in this and past lives. If someone gets into unpleasant situations, seemingly created by other people or nature, then even such situations are actually provoked by the thoughts and actions of the person himself.

It is very important to understand that a person's persistent thoughts about something lead to the emergence of precisely this mentally repeatedly created situation. The more often, more figuratively and intensely you imagine the situation, the more likely it is to be implemented. This applies equally to positive and negative thoughts.

It should be taken into account that a large a mistake is a person's concentration on getting rid of a problem or an unpleasant situation. In this case, all thoughts revolve around the problem. Not only does he live with negative thoughts, but he “feeds” the existence of the problem with such thoughts.

It is much more correct to “let go” of the situation, not to “go in cycles” on it, but to focus on your excellent state after successfully getting out of an unpleasant situation.

On the same impossible "to go in cycles" and on the expectation of a positive result. Haste, impatience, tense expectation of the result gives a bright negative effect. Our World knows much better at what moment the fulfillment of your desire will be most favorable for you.

Imagine that within a year you have a chance of getting into an accident while driving your own car. Then the World will quite logically postpone the fulfillment of your dream of your car for a year.

What do you think the reaction of the World will be if in a month you start to get angry at everyone and everything because your positive thinking has not yet led to the appearance of a car?

Remember that the PM system has a wonderful feature: everything that a person really needs comes into his hands in the most acceptable way. This is a very important and fundamental remark.

Therefore, do not scold the World for "slowness" in fulfilling your desires, because it knows better than you how to fulfill what you want in the most favorable way.

If it were not for this important feature, if it were about achieving the goal at any cost in the shortest possible time, then a person who dreams of quickly becoming the owner of his own apartment could well receive it through the sudden death of his parents.

And do not try to limit the world in choosing the best ways for you to fulfill your dream. For example, when you want to get married, do not dictate to the World that the man you know should be the groom. The world knows better what is best for you, because tomorrow you can meet your true destiny.

And if you want to have more money, do not dictate to the World that it should be exactly the Jackpot in the lottery. The world knows better which way to get a large amount of money is more favorable and safer for you.

We strongly advise you to “keep an eye on” your own thoughts and emotions., because doubts, fear, insecurity, disbelief in success greatly weaken your general positive state and prevent success. Therefore, drive away all negative thoughts and emotions, constantly think positively.

This may be difficult for some at the beginning, but a little practice will help to cope with this problem. It's so nice to think positively!

A person thinks in images, so the figurative representation of the desired result (visualization) dramatically increases the effectiveness of your efforts.

It’s one thing to abstractly think “I want a car”, and it’s quite another to imagine how you get into a brand new sparkling car, inhale with pleasure the factory smells remaining in the cabin, gently run your palm over the “steering wheel”, carefully touch the numerous buttons, and then smoothly and confidently leave the gates of the dealership ...

Unfortunately, the figurative representation also works in a negative direction. The most common example is the mother's worries about the late return of her daughter home. The mother winds herself up, imagining terrible pictures, one more terrible than the other. Someday these imaginary images may become reality.

The following advice echoes the rules for formulating a wish. A sure way to NOT GET what you want is to think that your dream will come true in the indefinite future: “I will buy myself a car someday.”

Thus, you move the desired event into some abstract future that never comes. On the contrary, you need to imagine what you want as if it is happening at the present moment, with all the vivid emotions and sensations.

One more tip: choose only your real desires and dreams. It is impossible to deceive the world, he knows perfectly well that you wished to become a great musician only to please your mother, but in fact you dream of something completely different. So it won't help.

If some kind of trouble happened to a person, then the most stupid and harmful thing that he can do is to be offended by everyone around him and even by the whole world.

Trouble may well happen to everyone now and in the future. There are no ideal people, therefore, with his thoughts and actions, a person may well provoke a problem. You need to be able to calmly accept these situations and learn from them.

Ask yourself the "Three Magic Questions" when you have a problem. Remember them well, because they will help you out, it would seem, in hopeless situations:

1st question: What is good about what happened? (No wonder they say that there is no evil without good)

2nd question: What can I learn? (since the trouble is the result of the mistakes you made, then it's time to think about what you did wrong and not to allow it in the future)

3rd question: How can I fix the situation and still enjoy it?

Based on the basic Law of our World – the Law of human free will – an attempt to use the System of Positive Thinking for the benefit of another person will not lead to the desired effect.

The maximum that can be done to help another is to imagine yourself effectively helping another person in some matter that concerns you.

The next rule goes without saying, but it's still worth remembering. Your desires, quite naturally, should not harm and harm someone else.

Another, a little unexpected, but extremely important advice: don't take the world and yourself too seriously. It is much more effective when you feel, for example, a spectator in a theater who enjoys watching what is happening. Better to be somewhat relaxed and carefree.

And after the theory, let's move on to a little practice:

Secrets of Successful Visualization

1. Decide what you want to achieve: pass an exam, get a promotion, meet someone, make a lot of money, get your own house.

2. Relax. Take a break from business for a few minutes and take a breath, resting your body and soul.

3. Within five to ten minutes visualize the desired reality.

Think more about what you are doing or getting, and not about what could more or less likely happen. Live in your thoughts as if it is already happening to you. Create a small internal video.

Imagine yourself doing what you most want to do. On the one hand, you realize that in fact this is not happening to you yet and has not yet become a reality.

But the mental pictures that we draw for ourselves, about which we constantly think, become a springboard for our goals, a form that is filled with energy. These pictures are a real force that will work for us.

As you visualize, endow yourself with whatever qualities you need. If your mental image requires talent, courage, determination, and perseverance, be sure to include them.

Sometimes you will clearly see that you are reaching your desired goal, as if you are watching a movie. Other times, you will only have the broadest picture of your goals.

Good and that, and another. You can alternate between precise and free visualization, doing each for five minutes, or concentrate on one thing that you like best.

Accurate visualization:M Mentally create accurate pictures and scenes of what you want to achieve. Follow the pre-prepared scenario, mentally playing it several times.

Free visualization: Allow images and thoughts to move freely without being directed, but only as long as they show a positive path to your goal.

Use both methods, remembering that the main thing here is practice. Many experience difficulties in the initial stages of visualization. Their brains cannot create and draw the desired scenes.

Don't worry if the same thing happens to you. The picture does not have to be complete and complete. As you visualize regularly, you will soon be surprised to notice that your brain is learning to generate mental pictures as you wish.

It should be noted that it is not enough to present something once or even twice. Results will appear if only the image is imprinted in the mind again and again. for weeks and even months while your goal will not be achieved. Do not try to evaluate the results after one or two imaging attempts.

If you suddenly have doubts- and they will definitely arise - just ignore them. Don't try to resist and fight them, let them arise and disappear freely in your mind. Keep visualizing and everything will fall into place.

This will be of interest to you:

It remains to add in conclusion that it is useless to engage in visualization and the PM System without getting up from your favorite sofa. God has no hands but yours.

Even if the World decided that you can be given to win the lottery, then you will need to buy a ticket yourself.

Therefore, you can not lie on the couch! The world only provides amazing opportunities, but only you can use them! published

© John Kehoe

Many are familiar with situations when the efforts applied to work do not lead to the desired result. This happens because diligence alone is not enough to achieve the goal: luck plays a decisive role in financial matters.

Surely every person wondered why some get everything, while others have to be content with little. Every day we watch how one of the famous personalities. It would seem, what is their difference from us and why does financial Fortune show them great favor? After all, many people show no less zeal and activity, but prosperity remains at the same level, and strength is gradually drying up.

This riddle disturbed the minds of people in antiquity. The world has long been full of rumors about secret societies that were able to concentrate power and material wealth in their hands with the help of secret knowledge available only to a select few. The version that the richest people in the world own a special one is still very common to this day.

Fortunately, now it is possible to get an answer to almost any question, and the secret of attracting money luck is no longer a secret. In many ways, this happened thanks to people who touched the teachings of the secret orders, but decided in time to abandon the destructive doctrine and direct the knowledge gained for good.

One of these people is our compatriot who was involved in the secret order of the Illuminati. Back in the Soviet years, his family emigrated to the States, where he graduated from the university and showed brilliant abilities. His talents brought him to the attention of the Illuminati society, and after a while he began to work for them. He was entrusted with an extremely important assignment: he compiled, which opens up any possibilities for the owner. The owner of the Pentacle is able not only to attract financial luck, but also to change circumstances, making them more favorable for achieving their own goals.

It is thanks to the Pentacle that many famous people gained fame and influence. The newly minted adept of the Illuminati soon realized that the secret society aimed at obtaining unlimited power. This is what forced our compatriot to refuse further participation in this process, return to his homeland and resist the destructive doctrine of the order with the help of his own weapon - to give to ordinary people.

How to attract money luck

The history of the Pentacle goes back several millennia. It is believed that the secret of its creation was obtained from extraterrestrial civilizations. This knowledge has reached our days. It is on their basis that a special formula is compiled that helps to attract money luck at the right time and opens up a lot of opportunities for the owner. How exactly does the Illuminati Pentacle work?

First of all, it strengthens the energy of the owner, drawing streams of opportunities to it. This is what is called "luck". Secondly, it has the most favorable effect on the subconscious of a person, helping him choose from the many possible paths exactly the one that will lead to the desired goal. After all, it is the subconscious mind that ultimately determines our actions, and therefore our success.

What does the Pentacle of the Illuminati give?

  • The Pentacle expands the horizon of possibilities. Its owner discovers those chances for achieving material well-being that he had not noticed before;
  • The Pentacle affects circumstances, changing them in the most favorable way;
  • Pentacle relieves fears, doubts and self-doubt;
  • The Pentacle helps to overcome financial difficulties of any nature - the solution to problems is found easily and quickly;
  • The Pentacle helps to correctly direct energy towards achieving the desired, so that dreams begin to come true.

The pentacle is created individually for each person. To get it, you need to describe your life situation, and you will receive your key to success and detailed instructions for working with it.

You can start right now. May each new day bring new opportunities, and may luck not leave you. We wish you success and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.02.2017 02:30

It is no secret that wealth is distributed very unevenly on earth. But to get into your life financial ...

The subconscious mind processes information not in the form of words and numbers, but in the form of images and images. The creation of mental images is directly related to the nervous system, which regulates the basic functions of the body, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion.

The mechanisms of mental image processing intelligently manage our lives, ensuring the consistency of actions. In other words, they connect our inner world with the outer. Two techniques that will help organize your thoughts and make the right decision.


Often we are faced with a choice. At this point, it is necessary to soberly assess the pros and cons of alternative options. Here are a few steps to help you make the right choice.

1. Stop talking and try to even out your breathing

Narrow your options as much as possible. There should be no more than four. Choose the most reliable paths that are most likely to lead to the desired result.

Turn on the imagination and imagine all the risks, obstacles, chances and conditions. This is a long process that requires attention and effort, but the quality of the solution depends on it.

3. Make the best decision

Explain to yourself why this decision seems to you the most reasonable. Even if this choice does not lead to the desired result, if the decision turns out to be wrong, at the moment you made it, it was the most reasonable one.

This is the only way to make a vital choice and gain respect. Our choice shows who we really are. This technique increases self-confidence and teaches us to notice and appreciate the relationships that arise in our lives.

At the epicenter of events

This technique is effective in stressful situations that happen in everyone's life - in the family, at work, at sports competitions. It will help you stay calm and overcome the crisis.

1. Remember that you are facing an event that you have little or no control over.

Some events occur against our will, and you should not waste your energy on worrying about this. The goal is to deal with the situation as quickly as possible with minimal losses.

2. Stop talking and try to even out your breathing

Shift your focus from the storm that is raging around you to the calm place you have inside. Your inner world is a lifeline that provides support.

3. Switch thoughts away from negative events

Concentrate on positive actions that you can regulate - inhaling and exhaling. Through calm, even breathing, you will gradually gain control over the situation and feel the power.