Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Amphibian man contraction. Gutierre is getting married

I watched the film based on the novel by A. Belyaev "The Amphibian Man" a few years ago with my mother, and I immediately fell in love with its characters. And recently I had a chance to read the book itself. She impressed me even more. This sad and touching story about love and loneliness is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

The life of the protagonist of the novel named Ichthyander did not work out from the very beginning. He was born with a severe lung disease, and would not have survived if not for the kindness and intelligence of Dr. Salvatore, who transplanted shark gills into the boy. This operation was life-saving for the child. He grew up and turned into a handsome young man, and Salvator became his adoptive father.

Ichthyander had a hard time. He had to observe a strict regime, being in turn either in the water or on land. Even a small violation could lead to death.

Years passed, and the inhabitants of the Argentine town where the novel takes place began to notice that some unusual creature lives in the sea off their coast. They called him the Sea Devil and were even afraid to fish and swim. None of the outsiders knew about the existence of Ichthyander and about his features, so the rumors circulated one more terrible than the other. About the Sea Devil, allegedly overturning boats and destroying fishermen, even wrote in the newspapers.

And the amphibious man did not wish harm to anyone. He was a very kind and vulnerable young man who suffered greatly from his loneliness.
One day, Ichthyander saved the beautiful girl Gutierre from death in the water and fell in love with her. She also fell in love with her savior, young people spent a lot of time together, but fate did not allow them to be together. They were separated by the water's edge...

Gutierre is the positive heroine of the novel. She is beautiful, kind and gentle. And even the fact that a girl married another does not make her bad in my eyes. After all, anyone can make mistakes...

Gutierre's husband was the vicious and greedy pearl diver Pedro Zurita, who, ironically, was also associated with Ichthyander. Sailing on his schooner "Medusa" on the sea, Zurita saw the Sea Devil more than once and dreamed of using it in his selfish purposes. He wanted Ichthyander to get him shells with pearls from the bottom of the sea.

It is difficult to convey the suffering of an amphibious man who knew that his beloved belonged to another. To see his beloved, Ichthyander, risking his life, entered Pedro's house. And he was captured ... Zurita imprisoned not only him, but also his father, Dr. Salvator. material from the site

Fortunately, with the help of friends, Ichthyander managed to free himself from captivity. He left his city, his beloved, his adopted and natural father, who turned out to be Gutierre's stepfather.
The amphibian man swam away desert island, away from people, and no one else saw him. And I thought about how difficult it is to live in our society for those who are different from others. I think that A. Belyaev's novel is not a fantasy at all. More precisely, it is fantastic only externally, and the inner essence of the work is not fiction. You just need to think, look around you, take a closer look - and we will definitely see some kind of amphibious man. He may have an ugly appearance or other physical handicaps, making him an outcast. And the soul ... Nobody cares about it!

As most people did not care about the feelings and experiences of Ichthyander - a young man with shark gills instead of lungs, but with big heart real Human!

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Which won the recognition of many people, showing how sometimes surprising twists of fate. We will consider this work from the point of view of reader interest and indicate what is so special about it.


Genre affiliation is easy enough to identify. All novels, as well as this book, are written in the genre of science fiction, which Alexander Romanovich Belyaev loves very much. "Amphibian Man" is the peak work that is born of this famous author. Unlike his other "children", this novel shows the genre he loves with full force.

"Amphibian Man". Thematic focus

Like many works by Alexander Belyaev, this one is imbued with a marine theme. The title of the novel fully shows this. The author speaks with great eloquence about sea ​​depths where it happens main character, and does not skimp on either epithets or other paths that are capable of describing their favorite element in all colors.

Main characters

In the book "Amphibian Man" the main characters are described quite vividly, and the author does not skimp on the revival of the image of each of them. The main characters are:

  • Ichthyander is an amphibious man.
  • Balthasar, who is one of the pearl fishermen and the father of Ichthyander.
  • Zurita is the captain of the ship and the head pearl diver.
  • Gutierre is the adopted daughter of Balthazar and the most beautiful girl in the area.
  • Salvator is a mad genius and Amphibian Man's guardian.

All featured characters play important role in this work. Compared to other novels, where there are usually one or two of them, in Belyaev's work "The Amphibian Man" the main characters are all the characters who are actively involved. Each of them played a role in this epic romance.

Having noted the overall value of the characters, we will consider each separately.

Characteristics of heroes

The first to be noted is Ichthyander. The hero is presented as smart and kind, he helps the poor. Belyaev sees his hero as a sea Robin Hood, who, according to legend, robs the rich and gives to the poor. A similar legend is present in this work, where, according to the story line, the sea devil, as the local fishermen call Ichthyander, cuts the nets of wealthy fishermen and gives the catch to the poor.

The described behavior has generated a flurry positive emotions and received numerous good feedback. Amphibian Man has become a darling in both the book and film industries.

The young man is presented as honest and, unfortunately, naive. This manifests itself in sincere faith people who do not know each other and are looking for an opportunity to take advantage of the opportunities of another. The description provided fits perfectly with Zurita. In addition to the above positive qualities the most important hero books, it is worth noting one more that played decisive role throughout the novel, it is self-sacrifice and love. " Sea Devil", according to the plot, saves the girl not only from death, but also from dishonor and violence from her fans, eventually getting into trouble and losing faith in people. At the end of the novel, Ichthyander decides to sail away to a friend of his adoptive father to seek help there .

Zurita is the next hero that deserves our attention. The presented character is negative. In his book, Belyaev does not deviate from existing traditions, which imply the presence of a positive in the plot of the work. It is this "villain" that Zurita becomes - the captain of the pearl collectors team. main feature the hero is greed, which extends not only to his activities, but also to personal interests. The main indicator of this characteristic is the desire to acquire as many pearls as possible, using the fantastic abilities of the amphibian man. The second object of the character's greed is the girl Gutierre, who captivates him with her beauty and whom he kidnaps from home.

Gutierre is the next heroine of Belyaev. The girl is presented by the author as beautiful and young, honest, and most importantly, able to sympathize and worry. Gutierre is also considered a positive heroine who has become a victim of her own beauty. However, despite the vicissitudes of her fate, at the end of the novel she becomes happy.

Salvator is the next character worth mentioning.

The author presented this hero of the book "Amphibian Man" as the instigator of all subsequent events. Thanks to his activities, that creature appeared, about which legends began to circulate, and he became a legend of Russian and even foreign classics. However, despite such an important role, evil genius, whose deeds went for the good, it is impossible to imagine. It was Salvator who gave life to a dying child and helped to gain abilities that are only worth dreaming of. The essence of this character is to save another and leave for the purpose of protection throughout life.

Balthazar - last Hero which is worth mentioning. However, he played an important role in this work. The reality for this character is simple. He is the father of beautiful girl(this is his adopted daughter) in the district and a young man whom he considered once dead. His kindness and love for his daughter help to protect the girl for a while from the attacks of the annoying admirer of Zurita. It is Balthazar who helps the amphibious man survive and regain his previously lost freedom.

So, noting the main characters of the described novel, we want to say that in the book "Amphibian Man" the author tries to show how strong the attachment between a parent and his child can be. That there is mutual assistance for the sake of the life of another or just for the sake of clear conscience, and also exists, as in any fairy tale, good and evil, where the first side defeats the second after a long and sometimes dangerous struggle.


"Amphibian Man" is a book that fascinates with its plot and indicates that in our world, or rather in the world of science, all sorts of miracles are possible, which are the result of an experiment conducted by a good genius.

Speaking of science and experiments, we mean Salvatore, who, in order to save the child, implanted gills in him so that he could live under water. Ichthyander took real pleasure from underwater life, but he also had to be on land in order to understand at least a little human essence and, if necessary, seek help among the people.

In the book "Amphibian Man" the theme of love and sympathy between two creatures of different nature runs like a red thread. The book is saturated with love, compassion, greed and remorse that comes too late.

It was the plot of the book that influenced numerous reviews. The Amphibian Man has become one of society's favorite novels.

Interesting facts about the book "Amphibian Man"

According to one of the sources, not all the names indicated by the author in the work are the fruit of his fantasies.

For example, the name of Salvatore - the mad scientist who created Ichthyander - is taken from reality. Salvator was the name of a professor who conducted experiments on children after receiving written consent from their parents. Further fate real scientist gave impetus to the creation fictional character famous book.

Second interesting fact relates directly to the birth of Ichthyander. The scientist Myshkin lived in Russia, who implanted foreign organs in animals and children. One of the wards was a young man who had a good operation, but eventually died due to the incompatibility of existing internal organs. The real young man became the prototype of the fictional Ichthyander, who began to live in the world famous work Belyaev.

Reviews. "Amphibian Man" - bestselling book

Many who read at least one of the novels of Alexander Romanovich Belyaev were delighted with his work. People say that the novel "Amphibian Man" simply cannot leave you indifferent. Each response shows how exciting the lines were born by the Russian classic. According to numerous reviews, the book captures from the first pages and does not let go until the end. I am glad that the younger generation finds this work interesting and relevant for themselves. After all, the theme of love is eternal, so to speak reviews. "Amphibian Man" is a novel that is read in other countries, and also with great pleasure.


In the presented article, we examined the work written by Alexander Belyaev. "Amphibian Man" - a book designed for any age, captivates the imagination of each of its readers. She inspires the reading of other works by Belyaev, who is very fond of maritime theme. This is evidenced by their names: "Island of lost ships", "Above the abyss".

Despite the fact that all the works presented received excellent reviews, the novel described in the article was most loved by the people, not only in the form of a book, but also in the form of films.

In conclusion, we want to give advice: read only good and high-quality literature, because any forgotten book is an abandoned close friend.

Answer from Prosorushka[guru]
Basically everyone died...

Answer from Old Church Slavonic[guru]
Once upon a time there was Doctor Mengele.
He escaped from court Nuremberg Tribunal V South America, where he began to experiment on unsuspecting local residents.
He sewed gills on the boy, named him Ichthyander, and he dragged him pearls.
Once Mengele crossed a shark and a monkey, she got ashore, ate Ichthyander, Mengele, climbed a palm tree for bananas, fell off and killed herself.
This true story Ichthyandra, everything that Belyaev wrote is fiction.

Answer from Alexander Ozernov[newbie]
was the doctor made a mutant and died

Answer from European[newbie]
Yes cool

Answer from Anechka Bykova[newbie]
surgeon Salvator is engaged in research, one of their main topics is organ transplantation, including interspecies. Once Salvatore is brought to the treatment of a child who must inevitably die - his lungs are too weak. Fighting for the life of the child, the surgeon transplants the gills of a young shark into him, thanks to which the child remains alive and gets the opportunity to live under water. Salvator tells the parents of the child that he has died, leaves the boy with him and raises him himself. So Ichthyander, the fish-man, is born.
The action of the book begins many years later, when Ichthyander has already grown up. He lives with Salvator, swims in the ocean, where he gets out by an underwater tunnel leading from Salvator's villa. The fish-man does not go unnoticed - either he will cut the fishing nets, or he will be noticed by fishermen or pearl divers when he swims on a dolphin and blows into a shell. Rumors are already circulating along the coast about the "sea devil"living in the ocean. Pearl divers are afraid to dive, fishermen - to go fishing. Captain Pedro Zurita, a pearl fisherman, is annoyed by the rumors, which are to his disadvantage, but quickly realizes that there is something real behind the rumors. He decides that the "sea devil" is a sentient animal that would be nice to capture and use. Attempts to catch the "devil" with nets fail. Zurita soon becomes convinced that the "devil" has something to do with Salvator. Under the guise of the grandfather of a sick Indian girl, Cristo, Zurita's agent, comes to the estate. He enters into the confidence of Salvatore and eventually learns about Ichthyander.
Ichthyander saves a girl drowning in the sea - Gutierre, the adopted daughter of Balthazar, one of Zurita's henchmen. Zurita, who happened to be nearby on the shore, finds Gutierre and assures the girl that he saved her. Struck by the beauty of Gutierre, Ichthyander wants to see her again, but he does not know life on the shore at all. With the help of Christo, he makes several trips to the city, finds a girl, meets her. Gutierre has a lover named Olsen, but she feels sympathy for a strange young man. But in the end, Zurita, richer and more powerful, takes Gutierre as his wife and takes him to his estate. Ichthyander, having learned about what happened from Olsen, goes after the girl, but as a result he ends up with Zurita himself. He is first forced to fish for pearls, chained to a long chain, and then sent, allegedly at the request of Gutierre, to collect valuables from a recently sunken ship. Gutierre manages to shout to Ichthyander that Zurita is lying and that he needs to save himself. Ichthyander runs.
Cristo informs Balthazar of his assumption that Ichthyander is the son of Balthazar, who was taken to Salvatore for treatment many years ago. Balthazar wants to have his son returned to him, and he files a complaint with the prosecutor. At the same time, Zurita also addresses the prosecutor. The local bishop also opposes Salvator, accusing him of blasphemous experiments. The police take Salvatore and Ichthyander into custody.
By this time, due to too frequent prolonged exposure to air, Ichthyander's condition is deteriorating. His lungs are atrophying. From now on, he must spend almost all the time in the water.
In court, Salvator tells the story of Ichthyander. He is sentenced to imprisonment, and Zurita, who is recognized as incompetent due to unfamiliarity with the realities of life, receives the rights of guardianship of Zurit. At the insistence of Bishop Ichthyander, they decide to kill him by poisoning with potassium cyanide. Salvator is the luminary of science, a very rich man, so he is not afraid of unfair justice. He knows that his term of imprisonment will be short, and he will soon be free. Thanks to the help of the warden of the prison, whose wife Salvator

Amphibian Man is an incredibly entertaining book that will appeal to many sci-fi fans. But in the abyss of school everyday life, it is not always possible to find time for reading. fiction. And it’s difficult to do without it, so it’s good when there are detailed and understandable brief retellings certain works. Therefore, the Literaguru team briefly outlined the main events of the story.

(603 words) A wave of rumors swept through a small Argentine town: they say that a sea devil has wound up in the bay. Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner "Medusa", like all fishermen, suffered from uninvited guest. A strange creature threw fish into the boats of poor fishermen, spoiled the nets of others and released the entire catch. Together with his assistant, the Indian Balthazar, Zurita decides to follow the sea devil. Following the monster, they discover an underwater cave, half-filled with air, located just under the house of Dr. Salvator.

Balthazar sends his brother Christo to the doctor to learn the secret of the sea monster. Salvatore does not like strangers in the house, but he needed helpers, and he allows Cristo to work in the garden. There the Indian meets strange animals: llamas with horse tails, sparrows with the head of a parrot. The brothers come up with a cunning plan: Balthazar will allegedly attack the doctor, and Cristo will save him, and thus earn more trust. The performance was played successfully, and Salvator opens Cristo main secret your home. The Indian meets Ichthyander, a young man whom Dr. Salvator saved as a child by implanting in him the gills of a young shark. In a special scaly suit, glasses and gloves, he really looked like a sea devil, but in fact he was kind person. Now Cristo helps the doctor take care of adopted son.

A little later, Ichthyander will save the drowning girl. When she begins to regain consciousness, the young man hides so as not to frighten her, but a stranger appears who pretends to be her savior. Ichthyander is indignant at his lies, but cannot do anything.

Cristo tells Balthazar about everything, and they decide to lure the sea devil to land. Ichthyander believed that the servant would help him find that beautiful girl, and goes to the city. Once in Balthazar's shop, he meets Gutierre and recognizes her as a rescued stranger. She was the adopted daughter of an Indian.

Ichthyander begins to follow the girl, and one day, when she dropped a pearl necklace, he helps to get it from the bottom of the sea, and for the first time speaks to her. They began to meet every evening, but Balthazar did not even suspect that the kind young man was the same sea devil.

One day, Ichthyander was seriously injured when he was saving Liding, his dolphin friend. Cristo was dressing the wound and noticed a strangely shaped mole on the young man's shoulder. His nephew had the same one, whom many years ago he took to Dr. Salvatore to help the boy cope with an incurable disease. A few days later, the doctor said that the child could not be saved, but now Christo realized that Ichthyander was his surviving nephew, and therefore the son of Balthazar.

Meanwhile, Zurita persuades the Indian to give him his beautiful daughter as a wife. Pedro takes Gutierre to his hacienda, but Ichthyander finds out about this and goes after them. Having made a difficult journey by water and land, being arrested and handcuffed, the young man nevertheless escapes and gets to Gutierre. Zurita promises to release him into the open sea, but in reality he wants to make Ichthyander work for him. On the ship, he closes the girl in the cabin, and puts the sea devil in chains and forces him to hunt for pearls.

Christo informs the doctor that Ichthyander is in trouble, and he rushes to the rescue of his adopted son. The young man manages to escape from Zurita, but then Balthazar sued Dr. Salvator: he wants his son back. The bailiffs examined the scientist's house and came to the conclusion that he was a brilliant doctor, but an insane person, and sent him to prison. Ichthyander is also under arrest, but the head of the prison feels indebted to Salvatore, because he once saved his wife and child. He arranges an escape for the amphibious man, and the young man swims away to Salvator's friend on a distant island in pacific ocean. The doctor is not afraid for his fate, he is waiting for the end of his term to reunite with his adopted son. Gutierre escapes from Zurita and leaves for New York with her lover Olsen. And only Balthazar remains in the city, where everyone considers him crazy, and every day on the seashore he calls Ichthyander.

The brilliant doctor Salvatore transplants the gills to the boy in order to save his life. He grows up and meets a girl named Gutierre. But the pearl diver Pedro Zurita wants to marry her. Zurita still hunts Ichthyander, thinking that he is a sea devil. Ichthyander, trying to save Gutierre, falls into the hands of Zurita. Balthazar, Gutierre's father, learns that Ichthyander is his son and tries to save him from the hands of Zurita. It all ends with Salvatore being imprisoned, but before that, he manages to send Ichthyander on a long journey across the oceans to his friend.

This work teaches opposition to evil and meanness, and the belief that kindness and honesty will pay off in full.

Read the summary of Amphibian Man Belyaev

At the beginning of the story, we are introduced to the owner of the pearling schooner, Pedro Zurita, and his assistant, Balthazar. They trade off the coast Argentina and, in one of the days, they stumble upon an unusual creature - a sea devil. About this mysterious inhabitant of the sea goes great amount rumors. But no one has ever seen him. Pedro Zurita was not only able to see him, but also heard him speak in the purest Spanish.

Zurita decides to catch him. Together with his team, he ambushed him, and Ichthyander falls into the set network. But at the last moment he managed to cut the fetters that fettered him and escape into the sea. After examining the bottom of the sea, where the devil was caught. Zurita finds a metal grate in one of the grottoes. Realizing that it could not have done without human intervention, he decides to explore the entire coast.

Walking along the shore, he stumbles upon a large hacienda, surrounded on all sides by a blank fence. It belongs to Dr. Salvatore, whom the Indians revere as a god. The doctor treated them for free, sometimes helping the terminally ill.

Zurita decides to send a spy to his house. Balthazar's brother Cristo agreed to this role. With the help of a sick girl he brought in for treatment, Cristo meets the doctor and then becomes his servant.

In this house, he sees many miracles and amazing creatures. But he can't get into the fenced-in courtyard, where he thinks the sea devil might be.

And then Cristo decides to make the doctor completely trust him. For this purpose, he, along with Zurito and Balthazar, stage a bandit attack on the doctor, during which Cristo saves him and helps him escape. The plan is working great. And now Salvatore completely trusts him. And when Ichthyander's servant falls ill, Christo successfully replaces him.

The sea devil turns out to be a young man named Ichthyander. A long time ago, Dr. Salvatore transplanted gills to a sick boy. The operation was successful, and now Ichthyander can breathe with his lungs on land, and with the help of gills in the water.

The intruders planned to lure Ichthyander into the city. Taking advantage of the fact that this young man once saved a drowning girl and since then has been madly in love with her. Cristo promises to help him in his search. Having chosen the moment when the doctor was not at home, Ichthyander and Christo go to the city.

In Buenos Aires, he brings Ichthyander to Balthazar's shop. And while the two intruders are discussing how best to organize the kidnapping, Balthazar's daughter Gutierre comes. She turns out to be exactly the girl that Ichthyander saved. Caught off guard and embarrassed, he runs out of the shop, makes his way to the sea, and swims home. So suddenly the kidnapping plan bursts.

Having learned who Gutierre is and where she can be found, Ichthyander begins to follow her. One day, while handing over a pearl necklace to his friend Olsen, Gutierre drops it into the sea. Ichthyander dives in and retrieves it. This is how he speaks to her for the first time.

But Gutierre has views of Pedro Zurito. Taking advantage of the fact that Balthazar owes him a large amount of money, Zurito seeks Gutierre's consent to become his wife.

Having married, he takes his young wife to the estate. Ichthyander follows them. Penetrating inside the estate, he falls into the hands of Zurita.

Pedro, realizing that Ichthyander loves Gutierre, tricks the young man into promising to catch a large number of pearls. Ichthyander fulfills his promise, but Zurita refuses to let him go. Taking advantage of the rebellion of the team, Ichthyander manages to escape.

Balthazar learns from his brother Christo that Ichthyander is his son. This became clear from the birthmark on his shoulder. Balthazar sues Dr. Salvatore to get his son back. During the trial, the details of the doctor's experiments and the origin of Ichthyander are clarified. The doctor is sentenced to prison. But Salvatore, with the help of Olsen and Gutierre, manages to organize the escape of Ichthyander. The young man goes to the doctor's friend on the islands in the Pacific Ocean.

The fate of all the characters subsequently develops safely, except for Balthazar. He goes crazy, and constantly comes to the seashore and calls Ichthyander.

Picture or drawing Amphibian Man

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