Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What does the word tp mean? Six signs that the girl is definitely a tp

The abbreviation TP has recently become a kind of trend. It is actively used by young people.
Until now, not everyone knows about the meaning of this combination of 2 letters.
Let's figure it out together and answer this question, the answer to which most guys know and not many girls know.

A little about TP

This is TP and “what do you eat it with”?

The abbreviation TP has a brightly negative stylistic connotation and means or stands for “Stupid Pi*da.” Often this expression refers to females with a clearly low IQ level, the so-called “blondes”.

There is even a description of the signs of TPS on the Internet.

They often take photos with an iPhone. iPhone is an expensive smartphone from Apple, which is the most popular selling smartphone in the US. Its approximate price for iPhone 5S is from 30,000 to 50,000 thousand rubles. Of course, it is difficult for an ordinary girl to find money for such a device, and therefore girls can often be seen with this expensive smartphone in their hands. Show off?

Signs of TP

If you don't know what TP means, here are a few characteristics:

  1. The expression “TP” has become popular on the VKontakte social network.
    Here, TP has become a household name for female users who present philosophical sayings of famous world figures and writers without understanding the depth of the statement.
  2. A clear sign of belonging to a TP can be an avatar in the duckface style (the face of a big-lipped duck).
    This is a comic decoding of the abbreviation TP.

In fact, TP in contact is translated as the Technical Support service for users of the social network “VKontakte”. Agents of this service provide comprehensive support to users, answering their questions.

A distinctive feature of VKontakte Technical Support is that Agents are not computer programs, but real people who can adequately help network users.

What is TP as an abbreviation

You can find this out from the agents themselves. To use technical support, you need to click on the “Help” tab at the very bottom of the page. You will be redirected to the issue resolution page.

Frequently asked questions are already listed on this page with specific answers. If among them there is no answer to your question, you can safely ask it on the same page in the text input field.

Within a certain time, a Social Network Support Agent will contact you and help you find a solution to the problem. Since Agents are real people, from time to time there are not entirely adequate representatives among them, although Support Agents are nice and friendly people.

Photos of TP girls with iPhone

Girls, in order to avoid insult and not damage your shattered psyche, let’s skip this post!

1. She believes that you owe her everything, and she owes you nothing.

2. The more you give her, the more she considers you owe her.

3. Does not tolerate any criticism addressed to him.

4. Believes that you are ready to do anything for sex.

5. Watching “Dom-2”.

6. Believes that a woman has the right to beat a man with impunity, and that he will allegedly never dare to raise a hand against her in response.

7. Considers it normal to discuss you with her friends, but becomes hysterical if she finds out that you discussed her with anyone.

8. The ability to bear a fetus is considered a sign of “God’s chosenness.”

9. Loves when strangers pay attention to her; hates it when strangers pay attention to you.

10. The health of Juan Carlos on television worries her much more than your health.

11. Believes that her mother’s problems should be more important to you than your mother’s problems.

12. Calls her a “male” for casually casting glances at strangers in her presence.

13. Eager to read your SMS, becomes hysterical when you want to read her SMS.

14. Tries to teach you about life, gets angry if anyone tries to teach her.

15. Always, everywhere and under any circumstances demands compliments from you.

16. Considers himself entitled to demand that you give her your entire salary.

17. Only you are to blame for the lack of money for the thing you like.

18. Watching “Dom-2”.

19. Believes that sex with you is the limit of generosity on her part, for which you should thank her until the end of your days.

20. If you are ready to thank her for sex until the end of days, then he believes that even this period is not enough to thank her fully.

21. She justifies the expediency of fulfilling her whims with the phrase “if you are a real man, you will do this for me!”

22. Says that you are “not a real man” if you refuse to indulge all her whims.

23. Likes to simulate an alternative story of his life with other men in your presence. The modeling begins with the phrase: “But if I lived not with you, but with you, then he would take better care of me.”

24. Likes to exaggerate the importance of his contribution to your personal life, using phrases: “What would you do without me?”, “Remember who you were before I showed up,” “Who needs you without me?” and so on.

25. Likes to emphasize that his mother is “right” when conflicts arise between you. Uses phrases like “my mother was right - you really are.”

26. The appearance of your car is much more important to her than your own appearance.

27. And the price of your car is much more important than its appearance... and practicality.

28. During arguments with interlocutors, he tries to create the illusion of his intellectual superiority. But if this fails and it turns out that the interlocutor is an order of magnitude superior to her in intelligence, she tries to interrupt his speech with the phrase “Don’t be smart!”

29. If she cannot find a significant logical basis for her words, she uses the phrase: “I am a woman, and a woman is always right!”

30. With a lack of male attention to his person, he uses the phrase: “There are no real men on earth!”

31. If you give her flowers, she evaluates them not by the beauty of the bouquet, but by its monetary value.

32. Holds a small dog...more often in his arms than in the wild.

33. Men’s hatred of Kirkorov and Dima Bilan is interpreted as “envy of their beauty.”

34. Calls “gluttony” your need to consume even slightly more food than she consumes.

35. Calls your reluctance to watch formulaic soap operas a “lack of sensitivity.”

36. Calls your reluctance to watch “Dom-2” “intellectual underdevelopment”

37. And she still watches “Dom-2”... or did you doubt it?

38. Considers Ksyusha Sobchak a role model.

39. “The Devil Wears Prada” for her is not the title of a work, but a life postulate.

40. In a restaurant, he evaluates dishes not by their taste, but by their monetary value.

41. Often throws a tantrum not for a reason, but according to a schedule.

42. Never calls you first. If it is necessary to contact you URGENTLY, he sends an SMS with the text “Pozvoni”. If you don’t call back within 5 seconds, he throws a planned tantrum.

43. Sometimes she doesn’t pick up the phone on purpose when you call her. Even if she really wants to talk. Even if it's urgent.

44. Talks about drinking martinis more often than he does.

45. Even after a bunch of orgasms and complete sexual saturation, he will ask for more sex in order to completely exhaust you - when you feel guilty, it is easier to manipulate you. And it’s easier to go to point 19.

47. Considers it an insult when she is given kitchen appliances as a gift. Sometimes she adds that “she was born not for the kitchen, but for cunnilingus.”

48. Suddenly running out of money on her mobile phone is your mortal sin...

49. ...even if the astronomical amount of money you recently deposited into her phone account was withdrawn to her within the next half hour.

50. He considers buying beer to be a much more wasteful waste of money than paying for the services of a fortune teller or psychic.

51. Plays the game “who can criticize their husband the most” with her friends. If he wins, he throws a tantrum at you...

52. ...if he loses, then even more so.

53. Your ignorance of famous fashion designers is the height of stupidity and lack of education. Her ignorance of who Nikita Khrushchev is is the norm, and in general “don’t be smart!”

54. If she is wearing clothes of an expensive “brand” brand, she will certainly try to emphasize this... because the appearance of the clothes, just like its practicality, does not always indicate this.

55. A broken nail is a reason for hysterics.

56. Women's impulsiveness and emotionality for her are a consequence of “sensuality”, as a result of “developed intelligence”. Male restraint and composure are a consequence of “thick skin”, as a result of “dumbness”.

57. Anyone who disagrees with the previous point is “not a real man.”

58. Have I already mentioned that she watches “Dom-2”?

59. He considers having a child a sufficient sign of his superiority over other women...

60. In discussions, in the absence of weighty and logically sound arguments, but in the presence of a child, he begins to use the phrases: “When you have children, then you will understand.”

61. In case of conflicts directly with the child, he uses the phrase: “I gave birth to you, I decide for you!”...

62. ...even if the “child” is already 30 years old.

63. In conflicts with a childless woman, he uses the question: “Have you ever given birth???”

64. Screaming at the ceiling during childbirth for her is the height of human heroism. The courage and strong-willed efforts of wounded but continuing to fight male fighters during wars are nonsense for her.

65. Disagreement with the previous paragraph is a deadly crime for her.

66. Believes that all the wars on the planet are because of men. And that if women were given power, then peace and harmony would reign on earth...

67. the same time, he is fiercely and furiously hysterical during menstruation and refuses to assume that “world leaders” with such chronic psycho-emotional instability would quickly turn the planet into nuclear ashes...

68. ...and also refuses to believe materials telling about the superior amount of violence in women's prisons over men's.

69. Calls “goats”, “freaks”, “impotent”, “faggots” and “fake men” everyone who even casually tries to mention the two previous points.

70. Sometimes he confuses the names of his child and his small dog.

71. Combines the belief that “you have to work for men while you’re healthy” with the belief that she “gives a man the best years of her life.”

72. If there is a child, then he strives to put him to bed next to him. Sends you to sleep on the sofa...

73. The number of kind words addressed to her little dog, by definition, exceeds the number of kind words addressed to you.

74. She becomes hysterical if her child is not an excellent student.

75. In public places he provokes conflicts, knowing that at the right moment he can hide behind your back.

76. If the conflict she provoked was hushed up by your efforts, then you are a “rag” for her.

77. If you supported the provoked conflict and failed, then for her you are a “weakling”.

78. If you supported the provoked conflict and won, then for her you are “a fool because you get into trouble.”

79. If there is no reason or technical possibility to provoke a conflict, do not rejoice, they will still find something to blame you for.

80. Likes to be photographed driving expensive foreign cars, even if he doesn’t know how to drive. At the same time he makes a pathetic face.

81. Talks about doing yoga more than he does.

82. The grown-up son is jealous of his girlfriend.

83. He is jealous of the grown-up daughter of all the men around him.

84. Tries to instill feelings of guilt and inferiority in her children, just as she once instilled it in you. This will make them easier to manipulate...

85. the same time trying to show off his children to other parents.

86. Hysterical when a child chooses a profession that is not what she wanted for him.

87. Hysterical when a child chooses the wrong religion that she wanted to instill in him.

88. Hysterical when a child chooses. Anything. Myself. Without taking into account her opinion.

89. ...even if the “child” is 30 years old.

90. “Dom-2”... well, you know.

91. In especially fierce quarrels, she likes to stage a dramatic “leaving the house to go to her mother,” expecting that you will immediately rush to dissuade her and beg her to stay.

92. the same time she demands you to help her pack her things and call a taxi for her.

93. If you do not fulfill her requirements from the previous paragraph, you are a “fake man” for her.

94. If during her preparations you did not begin to ask for forgiveness and beg to stay, you are “not a real man” for her.

95. And if, a long time after she left, you still haven’t crawled to her on your knees, then you are not only a “fake man,” but also a “goat,” a “moral monster,” “impotent,” and a “homosexual.”

96. If, after all the above points, she becomes completely abandoned, kicked out of the house and lonely, then she blames all the men on the planet for this, and, of course, in no case herself...

97. the same time she tells everyone even louder that she “wasted the best years of her life on you.”

98. Watching “Dom-2”. Don't say you didn't expect this.

99. It’s wildly frustrating reading this text.

100. ...but at times he tries not to show it, to hide everything behind a mask of condescension, ridicule, neglect...

The abbreviation TP has recently become a kind of trend. It is actively used by young people.
Until now, not everyone knows about the meaning of this combination of 2 letters.
Let's figure it out together and answer this question, the answer to which most guys know and not many girls know.

A little about TP

This is TP and “what do you eat it with”?

The abbreviation TP has a brightly negative stylistic connotation and means or stands for “Stupid Pi*da.” Often this expression refers to females with a clearly low IQ level, the so-called “blondes”.

There is even a description of the signs of TPS on the Internet.

They often take photos with an iPhone. iPhone is an expensive smartphone from Apple, which is the most popular selling smartphone in the US. Its approximate price for iPhone 5S is from 30,000 to 50,000 thousand rubles. Of course, it is difficult for an ordinary girl to find money for such a device, and therefore girls can often be seen in photographs with this expensive smartphone in their hands. Show off?

Signs of TP

If you don't know what TP means, here are a few characteristics:

  1. The expression “TP” has become popular on the VKontakte social network.
    Here, TP has become a household name for female users who present philosophical sayings of famous world figures and writers without understanding the depth of the statement.
  2. A clear sign of belonging to a TP can be an avatar in the duckface style (the face of a big-lipped duck).
    This is a comic decoding of the abbreviation TP.

In fact, TP in contact is translated as the Technical Support service for users of the social network “VKontakte”. Agents of this service provide comprehensive support to users, answering their questions.

A distinctive feature of VKontakte Technical Support is that Agents are not computer programs, but real people who can adequately help network users.

What is TP as an abbreviation

You can find this out from the agents themselves. To use technical support, you need to click on the “Help” tab at the very bottom of the page. You will be redirected to the issue resolution page.

Frequently asked questions are already listed on this page with specific answers. If among them there is no answer to your question, you can safely ask it on the same page in the text input field.

Within a certain time, a Social Network Support Agent will contact you and help you find a solution to the problem. Since Agents are real people, from time to time there are not entirely adequate representatives among them, although Support Agents are nice and friendly people.

Photos of TP girls with iPhone

4 The abbreviation "TP" has become something of a meme in the last couple of years. Teenagers began to often use it in their vocabulary. However, many people do not quite understand what does TP mean?. In this article we will decipher the meaning of the abbreviation "TP". However, before you start, you can read several informative articles that explain the meaning of certain words, for example Assist, Lamp, Soft Grunge, Teammate, etc.
So let's continue, the question of what are the signs of TP worries many young people. First you need to understand that the reduction of TP is frank negative connotation. As a rule, this abbreviation refers to girls with a very low IQ, otherwise called “blondes”.

Signs of TPshek

Taking a selfie on a phone, usually on an expensive iPhone, since the price of this device is very high, this adds to the self-esteem. Do you think these are fuckers?

Avatar in duckface style.

The concept of TP originated in a social network In contact with and has now become a household word, denoting girls who posted philosophical sayings of popular writers and world celebrities, without really understanding its deep meaning.

Another meaning of abbreviation "TP" is technical support. People from this service help users of VKontakte and other social networks to sort out their questions.

After reading this article, you finally found out what does TP mean in VK, and there’s nothing you can do about girls like these. However, life is harsh and will force them to change their behavior and manners, but this will happen in the future. Now we can only put up and be silently indignant, looking at these faces with a bright

Inquisitive young minds with a VKontakte account often wonder what the abbreviation TP means. Now I will disappoint everyone who, in anticipation of juicy details, began to frantically swallow saliva: the answer to the question “what is TP in VK” is rather prosaic. This is Technical Support!

According to paragraph 7 of the rules for using the VKontakte website, there is a technical support service on it, whose agents provide comprehensive support, including, as it turns out, emotional support, providing comprehensive answers to all questions. Moreover, TP agents are not computer programs, but qualified living specialists who are able to adequately assess the situation, the motives that prompted the user to address this or that question, and help each questioner. Anyone can even find out what TP is in VK from these same agents.

How to contact TP in VK

1. Is it possible to see the guests of my page?

2. Why was the page frozen? How to restore access?

3. New section “Popular Music”.

So, if the question that worries you is not included in the list presented, do not hesitate, enter the text into the field and wait. The answer will not be long in coming. The democratic and liberal nature of the agents’ answers will certainly pleasantly surprise everyone, but this does not mean that now you need to bother TP specialists about missing socks or

What if TP is a girl?

It seems like they sorted it out in VK. But more inquisitive readers most likely understand that the author would be cringing if he kept silent about another meaning of the TP abbreviation. If you formulate the question a little differently, for example: “What is a TP girl?” Like it or not, we will have to talk about such a sensitive topic. Although there is no desire to bring ignorance to the masses. When an interlocutor in VK is called, or rather called this abbreviation, the injured party naturally has the question of TP in VK." The expression TP on the VKontakte network is a kind of cliche, meaning that the girl’s self-conceit does not at all reflect her objective characteristics. But it is deciphered letter by letter so: T - stupid, P - a word taken from obscene vocabulary, meaning the female genital organ. The category of girls who are classified as TP on the VKontakte network have characteristic features. They exalt themselves, their appearance, and in every possible way emphasize the inferiority of the male representatives. Their pages are littered with quotes from philosophers and classics, which girls almost always interpret completely incorrectly.

But in fairness, it is worth noting that at present TP has become just another swear word, an offensive curse towards any representative of the fair half of humanity who does not suit the user in some way. Now readers have an almost complete answer to the question that interests many: “What is TP in VK?”