Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Brief biography of the block. Brief biography of Alexander Blok Alexander Alexandrovich Blok short biography for children

He is rightfully considered one of the famous poets and classics of Russian literature. He lived in an interesting time, rich in historical events. The life of this man was full of interesting events and vivid impressions, which was reflected in his work. Let's take a closer look at this extraordinary personality, a true representative of the Russian intelligentsia and one of the best writers of his time.
Alexander Alexandrovich Blok was born in 1880, on November 16 in the capital of the Russian Empire, St. Petersburg. The family of the future poet was from the old Russian intelligentsia - his father was a professor, his mother a translator. The parents' marriage broke up even before the birth of their son, and Alexander was raised by his grandfather A. Beketov (he was the rector of the university). Therefore, most of Blok’s childhood memories are connected precisely with their family estate in Shakhmatovo, where the boy spent his annual summer holidays. Alexander's passion for literature manifested itself in early childhood, when at the age of five he began to compose his first poems.
Blok's mother, after a divorce, remarried in 1889. (her chosen one was a guards officer). In the same year, Alexander was assigned to study at the gymnasium. After its graduation in 1898. the young man entered the university with the firm conviction of becoming a lawyer. But after studying for three years, he realized that jurisprudence was definitely not for him. Therefore, the young man chose a different path and transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology, which he graduated successfully in 1906.

While still a student, in 1900. the future poet met the then famous symbolists D. Merezhkovsky, Z. Gippius, A. Bely, V. Bryusov. At the same time, the young man’s poetic talent blossoms. In 1903 A significant event took place in Blok’s life - his marriage to Lyubov Mendeleeva, the daughter of the famous Russian chemist D. Mendeleev. And already in 1904. The book "Poems about a Beautiful Lady" was published.
Occurred in 1905. the revolution played a significant role in the formation of the poet’s new worldview. The nature of the poet’s creativity also changes. The romantic beautiful lady is replaced by a rebellious stranger. At this time, Blok’s writings were permeated with motifs of rebellion; images of unbridled elements, blizzards, occupied a central place in his poems. In 1907 Blok publishes his collections of poems “Snow Mask”, “Unexpected Joy”, “Earth in the Snow”. In 1908 the poet turns to the theater and writes dramas “Stranger”, “Balaganchik”, etc. He gains fame and becomes a successful writer.
In the spring of 1909 A. Blok and his wife go on vacation abroad. They visited Italy and visited Germany. The time of this interesting journey for the poet becomes a kind of stage of reassessment of values. As a result of the trip, the collection “Italian Poems” was published. At the end of 1909 Alexander receives an inheritance from his father, which allowed the poet to temporarily not think about literary earnings and concentrate on working on major works. 1911 was marked by the publication of the collection “Night Hours”. And in 1912-13. The play "Rose and Cross" was written.
In July 1916 the poet was drafted into the army. In 1917, after the February Revolution, he returned to Petrograd and worked as part of an investigative commission that investigated the crimes of tsarism. The results of this work are reflected in the documentary collection “The Last Days of Imperial Power.” And already the next October revolution of 1917. caused a new rise in Blok's creativity. He wrote the famous poems “Scythians” and “The Twelve”.
But at the same time, the writer also sees a discrepancy between his ideas about a new life and the approaching totalitarian regime, where there is no place for the freedom of the artist. All this puts the poet into a state of depression, and he is diagnosed with heart disease. Blok's request to travel abroad for treatment was rejected by the new government. And in 1921, on August 7, the poet died.

Topic: Alexander Blok.

Topic: Alexander Blok. Personality and creativity.

Goals:introduce students to the life of A. Blok, full of emotional storms and events; reveal the origins of the poet’s culture, the complexity of the path to revolution; deep lyricism of poems; using poems from the collection “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” to reveal the originality of the poet’s early poetic world.

Equipment:portrait, album with photographs, textbook “Russian Literature 11th Grade”, collection of poems, “The Fate of Alexander Blok in Letters, Diaries, Memoirs”, presentation of a biography.

Previous task:learn poems from the collection “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”; “Rus”, “Russia”, “Factory”, “Fed”.

During the classes:

I.Organizing time.

II.Teacher's lecture.

(Students write down the abstract of the lecture in a notebook).

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok lived and wrote at the turn of the century. He turned out to be the last great poet of pre-October Russia. But poetic Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century is also his time.

M. Gorky recalled: “A. Blok was amazingly handsome as a poet and as a person... Blok was short, handsome, with a cap of dark copper curly hair and a sedentary, antique face. In crowded meetings he kept himself apart and with emphatic correctness. He read the poems in a tired, slow voice with equal pauses between words, and this monotonous reading, in accordance with the poet’s appearance, was remembered by those who were lucky enough to listen to him until the end of their days.”

The “pedigree” of A. Blok’s soul can also be traced from direct impressions inspired by his native nature - “the ringing of the ice drift on the solemn river” - the Neva, on the banks of which he was born, and the distances stretching around a modest house in Shakhmatovo, near Moscow, where

over the hills and through the hollows,

Between stripes of light rye

They run, run to the barns

Dark green boundaries

The herds turn white and silver

A distant river branch

The church is white above the river,

Behind it again are forests, fields...

Blok’s childhood is enviable. “Music of old families” sounded around the child. A. Blok’s relatives are “an alloy of Russian geniuses”:

father Alexander Lvovich - professor at the University of Warsaw, philosopher, musician, “fine stylist”; Blok’s maternal grandfather Andrei Nikolaevich Beketov – botanist, rector of St. Petersburg University; grandmother Elizaveta Grigorievna - the daughter of the famous explorer of Central Asia G.S. Karelin, knew several languages, was engaged in literature, scientific and literary translations; mother Alexandra Andreevna and her two sisters were engaged in literary translations; his wife Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva is the daughter of a famous chemist, an actress, whose love he will carry throughout his life, no matter what.

The “fragrant wilderness” of Shakhmatov – the family’s usual summer “residence” – seemed to be firmly fenced off from everything sad and alarming. And the very beauty of the surrounding nature was doubled by the fact that Blok took many walks together with his grandfather, who initiated his grandson into the secrets of the plant world.

As in a fairy-tale kingdom, the child grows up in this professorial-noble family in an atmosphere of universal love, universal care, a universal idol and darling, among literature and music.

When A. Blok was 13 years old, his mother took him to a matinee performance at the Alexandrinsky Theater. Seeing the performance for the first time and the mysterious atmosphere of the theater made a strong impression on the boy. The theater entered Blok’s life forever.

I started composing almost from the age of 5. And at the age of 14, together with his cousins ​​and second cousins, he began publishing the handwritten magazine “Vestnik”,

which was published 1 copy per month for 3 years. Blok was an editor and active collaborator: he wrote poetry, stories, and illustrated it with his drawings. He always took his work extremely seriously and carefully.

From 1898 – 1906 graduates from high school, enters the Faculty of Law at St. Petersburg University, then transfers to the Faculty of History and Philology. He is seriously interested in literature. He publishes many poems and articles. He is interested in the philosophical works of V.S. Solovyov.

At the beginning of his creative career, the mystical romanticism of V.A. Zhukovsky turned out to be closest to A. Blok. Young Blok tried to comprehend the beauty of the world around him, showed “commitment to lyrical subjectivism,” and believed in the possibility of penetrating beyond the limits of the earthly.

At the end of XIIn the 10th and early 20th centuries, the most significant movement in European countries and Russia was symbolism.

Who will tell us what kind of literary movement this is?

(Students recall the definition of symbolism, which they know from the first lessons of literature of the twentieth century.).

Yes, the symbolists had a dual idea of ​​the world and the purpose of the poet in it. The poetic word was considered by symbolist poets as a conventional sign, a symbol of the otherworldly, beautiful, full of secrets, unknowable by the mind of the world. And the poet’s task is to connect this world, full of mysticism, with the real, “terrible” world. A. Blok was familiar with the poetry of V. Solovyov and V. Bryusov. Friendship and mutual understanding connected him with D. Merezhkovsky, Z. Gippius, A. Bely. But chaotic mysticism always weighed on A. Blok.

Researchers of A. Blok’s work rightly note that, unlike his fellow writers, the symbolist-mystics, in all of A. Blok’s poems “the real world is superimposed on symbolism.” It turns out that reality in the experiences of the lyrical hero appears not as a “reflection of otherness,” but as a life process. The “two-dimensionality” in the ideological-figurative system was most clearly reflected in “The Nightingale Garden”, and in the poems “Factory”, “Stranger”, “On the Railroad”, “Russia” the poet “goes out into the world”. The “two-facedness” of the image of the lyrical hero A. Blok was explained by the symbolist poet and poetry theorist Valery Bryusov. He wrote: “The mystery of some of A. Blok’s poems does not come from the fact that they spoke about the incomprehensible, about the secret, but only because the poet did not say much in them. It was not mysticism, but understatement. A. Blok liked to remove several links from the chain and give the amazed readers separate disparate parts of the whole.”

There is no doubt that he continued the best realistic traditions of poetry XIX – early XX centuries.

One of Blok’s distinctive features was a sincere and deep love for everything Russian and an unfriendly, sometimes even hostile feeling towards “abroad”. Russia seems fabulous and mysterious to him...

(The student reads the poem “Rus” by heart).

or poor, downtrodden, deceived and at the same time inexpressibly beautiful and full of promises...

(The student reads the poem “Russia” by heart).

The poet’s first book, “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” which appeared on the eve of the 1905 revolution, seemed to many contemporaries completely alien to the surrounding life and inspired by love, which took on the character of religious service.

(The student reads the article “Someone whispers and laughs...”).

But after 1905, a turning point occurred in A. Blok’s work. The surrounding reality is in tragic contradiction with the ideal view of the writer. True life, with its acute social contradictions, gradually enters the work of A. Blok.

(The student reads the article “Factory”).

There is a persistently recurring theme of anticipation of future worries and shocks. The poet reflects the complex, contradictory world of human passions, suffering, struggle and feels involved in everything that happens. These are the events of the revolution, which he perceived, like other symbolists, as a manifestation of the people's destructive element, as a struggle against the reign of social lawlessness, violence and vulgarity.

(The student reads the article “Fed”).

The revolution of 1905 only brought A. Blok closer to the big themes of the Motherland, Russia, and helped to define a clear critical position in relation to the autocracy. Then, at the time of reaction, A. Blok, who realized his civic calling, found himself at a difficult crossroads. While remaining faithful to his freedom-loving aspirations, he saw a tragic hopelessness for the working people. With great anxiety, the poet speaks about the enslavement of the spirit, about the triumph of vulgarity. Cycles of poems “Crossroads”, “City”, “Terrible World”, “Retribution”, “Iambas” were published.

The Motherland becomes the collective image of all lost values. The poet, gripped by anxiety for her fate, regains his ability to feel. The world of human life is correlated in a higher harmony, which is conceived as a kind of musical civilization colliding with a “non-musical” bourgeois civilization. Blok strives to penetrate beyond the outer shell of the visible world and intuitively comprehend its deep essence, its invisible secret.

In 1911 – 1912 A. Blok sorted out his collections of poems into the three-volume “Collected Poems”. All the poems, all the works of the mature bloc were written on behalf of the son of the “terrible years of Russia”, who has a clear historical memory and a heightened premonition of “unheard-of changes” and “unprecedented revolts” of the future.

It is characteristic that at the height of the imperialist war, A. Blok took a position radically different from the position of many of his friends, overwhelmed by chauvinistic frenzy. In 1915 he creates the collection “Poems about Russia”, which includes the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”, where there is a premonition of coming storms, a prediction of tragedies. The poet sees the entire historical path of the country - from the “Kulikov Field” to contemporary events. The unity of time, space, and experiences is sometimes conveyed by symbols:

And eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams

Through blood and dust...

The steppe mare flies, flies

And the feather grass crumples...

In 1916 A. Blok went to the active army as a timekeeper of the engineering and construction squad of the Union of Zemstvos and Cities located in Belarus. The February Revolution found A. Blok here. A. Blok perceived the collapse of imperial power as an awakening to life, as the beginning of a new era.

In order to understand the depth of A. Blok’s attitude towards the October Revolution, it is necessary to recall Blok’s peculiar “musical” perception of the world, that he believed that the external essence of the environment hides a deep inner musical element, an unfading, ever-raging flame.

A. Blok passionately called on the intelligentsia: “Listen to the Revolution with all your heart, with all your consciousness.” The bloc went into the revolution unconditionally, sternly and honestly. He rushed with all his soul towards her music, her merciless whirlwind and despised everyone who emigrated.

When, in the very first days of the new government, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee called Petrograd cultural figures to Smolny, only a few people responded to this call. Among them was A. Blok.

K.I. Chukovsky recalls: “He, an aristocrat, an aesthete, needed a lot of heroic love of truth in order to declare himself a supporter of the new system in the circle where he lived. He knew what it meant for him - to renounce old friends, to remain lonely, to be spat upon by those he loved, to give himself up to a pack of rabid newspaper greyhounds, which just yesterday were wagging their tails so obsequiously, but I will never forget how happy and a believer he stood under this hurricane of curses. The long-awaited thing came true, what the bloody dawns prophesied for him. In those days we met with him especially often. He literally became younger and blossomed. It turned out that he, whom many people of that time had long been accustomed to consider a decadent, a decadent, seemed to be created to fight for social truth.”

Most of all, A. Blok valued restlessness of spirit in people and he himself lived restlessly, conscientiously, painfully and with inspiration.

January 9, 1918 His article “Intellectuals and Revolution” is published.

A. Blok perceived the revolution as a huge universal shock. The theme of revolution in the poet’s work resulted in his most significant and inspired poem “The Twelve”, where his internal “theme of emotional experiences” - anxiety, spontaneity, fate, love - and the external theme, understandable and exciting to everyone - the collapse of the old world - harmoniously merged . This is the strength of “The Twelve”, this is its originality.

But A. Blok was not an ascetic, a gloomy politician, he was a lively, passionate, romantic... He could get carried away, fall in love..., but fall in love more with an image, with a dream, because... his heart forever belonged to his wife, his beloved Lyubushka, his Beautiful Lady...

At the end of 1906, at the theater of V.F. Komissarzhevskaya, where his “Balaganchik” was staged, Blok met actress Natalya Nikolaevna Volokhova. A. Blok was carried away by her... “I dedicate these poems to You, a tall woman in black, with winged eyes and in love with the lights and darkness of my snowy city,” and other poems addressed to the actress:

And under the sultry moan of snow

Your features have blossomed,

Only the troika rushes with a ringing sound

In snow-white oblivion.

You waved your bells

She took me to the fields...

You choke me with black silks,

The sable opened...

And about that free will

The wind cries along the river,

And they ring and go out in the field

Bells and lights?...

but she was not in love with him, although she accepted his advances. And A. Blok himself did not so much correlate his inner world with reality as he demanded from reality and sought in it correspondence to his inner world. N. Volokhova became the heroine of the series “Snow Mask”, “Faina”. But separation was inevitable, because he created and invented her as his Stranger, and this was not true. This is what M.A. Beketova writes: “... the poet did not embellish his “snow maiden”. Anyone who saw her then, at the time of his infatuation, knows what a wondrous charm she was. A tall, thin figure, a pale face, delicate features, black hair and eyes, namely “winged” black, wide-open “poppies of evil eyes.” And what was even more amazing was the smile, sparkling with white teeth, a kind of triumphant, victorious smile. Someone said then that her eyes and smile, flashing, cut through the darkness. Others said: “Schismatic Mother of God.” But it’s strange: all this radiance lasted as long as the poet’s passion continued. He walked and it immediately went out. The mysterious shine faded away - it turned out so-so - a pretty brunette.”

The season of 1913-1914 was marked by a new meeting and passion, which would then develop into friendship. In the Musical Drama, Blok saw the famous artist Lyubov Aleksandrovna Delmas in the role of Carmen. “Her image, inextricably linked with the appearance of Carmen, was reflected in a cycle of poems dedicated to her. – writes M.A. Beketova. – Yes, the attractive power of this woman is great. The lines of her tall, flexible figure are beautiful, the lush golden fleece of her red hair, her charmingly irregular, changeable face, her irresistible, alluring coquetry. And at the same time, talent, fiery artistic temperament and a voice that sounds so deeply on low notes. There is nothing dark or heavy about this captivating appearance. On the contrary, it is all sunny, light, festive. He exudes mental and physical health and endless vitality... This hobby, the ebb and flow of which can be traced in Blok’s poems, not only the Carmen cycle, but also the Harp and Violin cycle, lasted several years. The relationship between the poet and Carmen was the best until the end of his days.”

In Petrograd in the 20s, residents experienced many everyday difficulties (no electricity, firewood, hunger, cold...), but the poet works a lot, although the disease begins to progress, and A. Blok complains of extreme fatigue. “It’s hard for me to breathe, my heart has taken up half my chest,” he writes in his diary on June 18, 1921. His family and friends are trying to persuade him to go abroad for treatment, but A. Blok categorically refuses. He saw no difference between emigrating, which he hated, and traveling for treatment.

III.Early work of A. Blok.

Today we will turn to the early poems of A. Blok, to his “Poems about a Beautiful Lady.”

In the collection “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” A. Blok revealed the secret of his life, the secret of love, which he carried through the decades, no matter what. “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” is a symbolist book in which love and the earthly life of the world are recreated in a generalized and transformed form, telling about the eternal dramatic relationships of lovers, in which hopes give way to despair, deification borders on self-abasement, and all together sounds like a hymn to man and nature , life.

I went out into the night - to find out, to understand

A distant rustle, a close murmur,

Accept the non-existent

Believe in the imaginary tramp of horses.

The road is white under the moon,

It seemed to be filled with footsteps...

Of course, these are poems by a mystically minded symbolist, but at that time, at the turn of the century, as Boris Pasternak wittily defined, “the symbolist was reality itself, which was all in transition and fermentation; everything meant something rather than constituted something, and served more as a symptom and a sign than as satisfying.”

The lyrical plot of most of Blok's early poems is the expectation of a meeting between the lyrical hero and the Beautiful Lady.

Ruzil will read to us the poem “I enter dark temples...”, where one can hear a reverent, solemn and prayerful intonation, the expectation of a miracle - HER appearance.

The poems of this cycle are a kind of lyrical diary of intimate love experiences. Love is depicted as a rite of service to something higher. Vague forebodings, anxious expectations, mystical insights and omens fill the poems. The ideal world is contrasted with the events of real reality, which the poet recreates in abstract or extremely generalized symbolist images.

Let's listen to poems about the Beautiful Lady.

(Students recite poems by heart: “Twilight, spring twilight...”, “The whole day is in front of me...”, “She is slim and tall...”, “I waited a long time, you came out late...”, “We met you at sunset...” , “I sense you, the years are passing by...”, “The wind brought it from afar...”, “I strive for luxurious will...”...

Today we learned that in Blok’s poetry “the real world is superimposed on symbolism,” that his symbol becomes “a sign of another world.” Symbolism did not reject the everyday, but sought to discover its hidden meaning. The world and everything in the world is seen as a symbol of the infinite, heightened perception caught the imprints of another reality. It becomes possible to comprehend this world only mystically; symbols were intended to become unique keys to understanding the secrets. And Blok’s lyrics showed this very clearly.

IV. Independent work.

Analyze any poem by A. Blok.

At home: 1) finish analyzing the poem;

Born on November 28, 1880 in St. Petersburg. Father - Alexander Lvovich Blok (1852-1909), professor. Mother - Alexandra Andreevna, (1860-1923) - daughter of rector Beketov. In 1898 he graduated from the Vvedensky gymnasium. In 1903, Blok married Lyubov Mendeleeva, the daughter of the chemist Mendeleev. In 1906 he graduated from the Slavic-Russian department of St. Petersburg University. He died on August 7, 1921 at the age of 40. He was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg. Main works: poem “The Twelve”, poems “Stranger”, “Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy”, “On the Railway”, “On the Kulikovo Field”, “Scythians” and others.

Brief biography (details)

Alexander Blok is one of Russia's greatest poets, playwright and literary critic. He was also one of the brightest representatives of the Symbolist era in literature. Alexander Blok was born on November 28, 1880 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a lawyer and professor at the University of Warsaw and the daughter of the rector of St. Petersburg University. The parents were not together for long, as Blok’s mother soon remarried. The future poet was brought up in the family of his grandfather, the then famous rector Andrei Beketov.

The poet began writing poetry quite early, at the age of 5, and more serious works were published in 1900. In 1903, his works were already published. At the same time, he married Lyubov Mendeleeva, the daughter of the outstanding Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleev.

In 1906, Blok graduated from the Slavic-Russian faculty at St. Petersburg University. In 1916, the writer was drafted into the army as a timekeeper. Upon his return, he joins the Theater and Literary Commission.

The writer’s work was greatly influenced by the poet, religious thinker and philosopher of the 19th century - Vladimir Solovyov. Blok loved to experiment with poetic rhythm and tried to invent new forms. The poet’s first collection was called “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” written under the influence of his first love and the beginning of family life with Lyubov Mendeleeva. Subsequent collections of poetry were more religious in theme. Blok's later poems are full of hope and despair about the future of Russia.

In order to understand and comprehend the October Revolution of 1917, the writer wrote the poem “The Twelve”. In 1919, he was arrested on suspicion of an anti-Soviet conspiracy. However, soon after interrogations, he was released. In 1921, the poet fell ill and applied for an exit visa for treatment abroad. The visa was denied and on August 7 of the same year, he died in his apartment in St. Petersburg from inflammation of the heart valves. He was only forty years old. Before his death, he deliberately destroyed some of his notes.

Alexander Blok was buried in Petrograd at the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery next to his relatives, but in 1944 the remains were transferred to the Literary Bridge at the Volkovsky Cemetery.

Brief biography video (for those who prefer to listen)

E. A. Dudukalova,
teacher of Russian language and literature
MOAU "Secondary School No. 22" Novotroitsk
SUBJECT NAME: Literature
UMK: "Russian literature of the twentieth century. 11th grade" (parts 1,2) for general education
institutions (authors - V.P. Zhuravlev et al., M. "Prosveshchenie", 2005).
LESSON TOPIC: Alexander Blok: fate and creativity.
Themes and images of early lyrics. "POEMS ABOUT A BEAUTIFUL LADY".
TYPE OF LESSON: lesson on learning new material
OBJECTIVE OF THE LESSON: developing interest in the personality of the poet; expanding your reading range
eleventh graders; development of mental partial search
cognitive activity
educational: to introduce the main stages of the life and work of A.A. Blok;
note the originality of the poetic world of the early Blok, the manifestation of his creativity in
symbolism; consider the main themes and images of the first collection "Poems about the Beautiful
educational: to cultivate in students a love for the poetic word
developmental: promote the formation of consistent, logical
thinking, speaking and writing.
EQUIPMENT: multimedia presentation, multimedia projector, computer,
portraits of A. Blok
METHODOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES: reproductive, illustrative, research.
FORMS OF WORK: lecture with elements of conversation, viewing of presentation, fragments from
TYPES OF WORK: individual (implementation of individual homework);
film, expressive reading of poetry and their brief analysis.
Like a monument to the beginning of the century,
This man is standing here...
A. Akhmatova
I. Organizational moment
II. Creating an emotional mood
Listening to an audio recording.
"Night. Street. Lantern. Pharmacy."
III. Teacher's word:
Turn of the century. Early 20th century...
Remember what Russia is going through at this time? What did you learn about this from
previous lessons?
Listening to students' answers
This is how A. Blok will say about this time and the generation of those years...
Those born in the year are deaf
They don’t remember their own paths.

We are children of the terrible years of Russia
I can't forget anything.
Sizzling years!
Is there madness in you, is there hope?
From the days of war, from the days of freedom
There is a bloody glow in the faces.
...Alexander Alexandrovich Blok is perhaps the most brilliant and unique poet
"Silver Age", which became a legend during his lifetime. A poet who with his creativity
completed the poetic quest of the 19th century and opened the way for the poetry of the new century, combining in his
creativity Russian classics and new art. A lot was written about him and people revered him
different political parties, beliefs, representatives of different literary movements.
For example, M. Gorky’s statement about Blok is known: “Believe Blok. This is real,
by the will of God - a poet and a man of fearless sincerity..." Anna Akhmatova called him
"tragic tenor of the era."
What do you know about this poet? What poems did you read? How do you understand the words?
A. Akhmatova, taken as an epigraph to the lesson? (listen to the students' answers). (SLIDE 2)
And in our time, A. Blok’s legacy does not lose its significance. This is what the doctor writes
Philological Sciences Professor L.F. Alekseeva: “Again, as in the 1910-1920s,
stands out against the diverse and colorful background of the literature of these historical
decades, the poetic voice of Alexander Blok. It contains not only the utmost
sincerity, that is, the reliability of the feelings and moods of a specific extraordinary
personality, a witness of the era, perceiving it with all the strength of the soul, but also a deep
a presentiment of the perspective of history, the ability to hear in the sounds of modernity
voices of the future."
What is the attractiveness of A. Blok’s poetry, what is its originality? Today we
these questions remain to be answered.
So, write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook: “Alexander Alexandrovich Blok. Life and
creation. Block and symbolism. Themes and images of early lyrics. "Poems about a beautiful lady."
I ask you to take the necessary notes during the lesson.
Let us turn to the origins of the poet’s work. Let's get acquainted with the sketch of the poet's life.
Student message (SLIDE 38)
November 16 (November 28), 1880 Alexander Blok was born and raised in
highly cultured noble-intellectual family. His father, Alexander Lvovich, led
descended from the doctor Johann von Block, who came to Russia in the middle of the 18th century from
Mecklenburg, and was a professor at the University of Warsaw in the department
state law. According to his son, he was a capable musician, an expert
literature and a subtle stylist. However, his despotic character became the reason
the fact that the mother of the future poet, Alexandra Andreevna, writer, translator, was
forced to leave her husband. So in 1881 A.L. The block returns to Warsaw, and A.A.
BeketovaBlok remains in St. Petersburg in the house of his father, Andrei Nikolaevich
Beketov, famous botanist, public figure, rector of St.
St. Petersburg University. In the Beketov family, many were involved in literary
labor. Blok’s grandfather was the author not only of solid works, but also of many scientific
popular essays. Grandmother, Elizaveta Grigorievna, studied all her life
translations of scientific and artistic works. "The list of her works is enormous,"
the grandson later recalled. Literary work was systematically carried out and
daughters are Blok's mother and his aunts.
The atmosphere of literary interests aroused in him very early
becomes an "editor-publisher"
an irresistible craving for poetry.
home handwritten magazine "Vestnik", prepares translations, parodies, reviews,
In 1894

poetic and prose experiments, attracts cousins ​​and
second cousins. In 1894-1897, high school student Blok published 37 issues
magazine. “Then I was captivated by his (Blok’s) love for literary techniques.
and special accuracy,” recalled Sergei Solovyov, Blok’s cousin, future poet
Young Symbolist.
In his youth, Alexander Blok dreamed of becoming an actor, practiced recitation,
took part in amateur performances.
On August 1, 1898, while visiting the neighboring Mendeleev estate Boblovo (where
met his future wife, daughter (of the great Russian chemist Dmitry
Ivanovich Mendeleev, Any), played in scenes from Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet". Role
Hamlet was played by Blok, the role of Ophelia by Lyubov Mendeleeva. This is how the story began
love. (SLIDE 9)
Expressive reading of the poem "We met you at sunset"
View stills from the film Poems about a Beautiful Lady (1972) (appendix)
Teacher's word
The love story of Blok and Mendeleeva was not serene. There were also misunderstandings
and relationship breakdowns. But L.D. Mendeleev will remain his poetic Muse for the rest of his life.
In 1898, Blok became a student at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg
university, but is soon transferred to the historical and philological ft. In the same year he
begins to write poetry, which will later be included in the collection "Poems about a Beautiful Lady".
(SLIDE 1011) In 1903, in the book “Northern Flowers. The Third Almanac of Book Publishing
"Scorpio" published a cycle of 10 poems "Poems about a Beautiful Lady".
Blok's literary debut took place. These are the lyrics of love and nature, full of obscure
premonitions, mysterious hints, allegories. Young Blok immerses himself in study
idealistic philosophy, in particular the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato,
who taught that in addition to the real world, there is also a certain “superreal”, higher “world of ideas”.
He was overcome, by his own admission, with acute mystical experiences,
restless and uncertain excitement. He began to see in nature and in the environment
In reality, there are some “signs” that are incomprehensible to him, but disturbing the soul.
Such feelings were typical for a whole circle of young people of that time,
fell under the influence of ancient and new idealistic and religious-mystical
Poems and philosophical
works by Vladimir Solovyov.(SLIDE15)
Questions for students:
What do you know about Vladimir Solovyov?
Remember what symbolism is?
Which literary movement did A. Blok belong to?
Name the main features of symbolism.

The book "Poems about a Beautiful Lady" was published in October 1904 by the Grif publishing house.
(93 poems). .(SLIDE13)
1. Why do you think the poet named his collection of poems that way? Which
What associations do you have when you hear: “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”?
2. What word could be added?
3. Who elected the Ladies of the Heart and at what times?

The cycle "Poems about a Beautiful Lady" was inspired by Lyubov Dmitrievna
Mendeleeva. The poems that formed the core of A. Blok’s first book of lyrics were written at the time
the poet's most ardent and tender love. In his diary of 1919, Blok wrote: “... when I
carried within me a great flame of love." This book is the true beginning, the source of all creativity
A. Blok. .(SLIDE14)
In March 1908, the poet wrote: “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” - early morning dawn, those
dreams and fogs with which the soul fights in order to gain the right to life. Loneliness,
darkness, silence - a closed book of existence that captivates with its inaccessibility.... Everybody there
the future is sealed. In the morning darkness the enchanting One Face is already visible,
who visited in visions over fields and cities...."
Beautiful Lady - “Queen of Purity”, “Evening Star” the focus of everything Eternal
and Heavenly. .(SLIDE1516)
The traditional romantic theme of love and service received in "Poems about
To the Beautiful Lady" the new meaningful content that was brought to her
ideas of Vl. Solovyov about merging with the Eternal Feminine in the Divine All-Unity, about
overcoming the alienation of the individual from the world as a whole through a feeling of love. Myth about
Sophia, becoming the theme of lyrical poems, transforms beyond recognition into
the inner world of the cycle, traditional natural, and in particular, “lunar” symbolism and
paraphernalia (the heroine appears above, in the evening sky, she is white, source
light, scatters pearls, floats up, disappears after sunrise, etc.). Let's consider
more poems from this cycle.
Let us turn to one of the poems “I Enter Dark Temples” (1901)
(reading by heart by a trained student).
1. What is the emotional atmosphere of the poem? What's the mood of this
2. How does the lyrical hero of the poem appear? What is his inner
3. Is the appearance of the Beautiful Lady drawn? Can we highlight
specific, earthly features of the heroine’s appearance?
4. What does the lyrical hero call the one to whom he dedicates this poem?
Expressive reading of the poem “I have a presentiment of you. Years pass
by." (1902)
1. What new appears in the psychological state of the lyrical hero of this
2. What do you think explains the hero’s fear?
1. Let’s draw conclusions: What evolution does the image of the Beautiful Lady undergo? (answers
At the beginning, the Beautiful Lady is the bearer of the Divine Principle, the Eternal
Femininity. In the poem "I enter dark temples" the motif sounds
optimistic expectation of the Beautiful Lady, whose image merges with the image
Our Lady. The Beautiful Lady is a “dream”, a dream, an ideal, she is unattainable. The hero is fascinated and
trembling in anticipation of the meeting. Gradually, the image of the Lady decreases, becomes earthly,
takes on real features. In the poem "I have a presentiment of you. The years pass by"
The hero's dream is pure, clear and beautiful, it is close. The hero lives in anticipation, anticipation
Her appearance. A motive of melancholy, fear, and anxiety appears. The poet is afraid that Her "habitual
his features will suddenly change, he will not recognize his ideal, and his dreams will turn out to be just a dream.(
SLIDE 1416)
2. How does A. Blok depict the feeling of love?

Love is depicted by Blok as a rite of service to something higher. fictional world
contrasted with the events of reality.
3.What is unique about A. Blok’s early lyrics? (.(SLIDE 17)
The main features of Blok’s symbolist lyrics are:
Sublimity of the subject matter;
Mystical mood;
Vagueness of images
Teacher's word
The events of the revolution played a special role in shaping Blok’s worldview.
1905-1907, revealing the spontaneous, catastrophic nature of existence. Into the lyrics of this
time, the theme of “the elements” penetrates and becomes the leading one (images of blizzards, blizzards, motifs
free people, vagrancy). The image of the central character changes dramatically:
The Beautiful Lady is replaced by the demonic Stranger, Snow Mask, and Gypsy
schismatic Faina. Blok is actively involved in literary everyday life,
published in all symbolist magazines.
In 1907, Blok, unexpectedly for his fellow Symbolists, showed interest and
closeness to the traditions of democratic literature. The problem of "the people and the intelligentsia"
key for the creativity of this period, determines the sound of all themes developed in his
articles and poems: the crisis of individualism, the place of the artist in the modern world, etc. His
poems about Russia, in particular the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field,” combine images of the homeland and
beloved (reading the poem “The river spread out...”).
After the February revolution, Blok increasingly doubted
the bourgeois republican regime established in the country, since it did not bring
As the people get rid of the criminally unleashed war, Blok is increasingly worried about his fate
revolution, and he begins to listen more and more carefully to the slogans of the Bolsheviks. They
They captivate him with their clarity: peace to the peoples, land to the peasants, power to the Soviets.
Shortly before October, Blok admits in a conversation: “Yes, if you want, I would rather
Bolsheviks, they demand peace..."
A. Blok's poem "The Twelve" was written in 1918. It was a terrible time:
four years of war are behind us, a feeling of freedom in the days of the February Revolution, October
coup and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, finally, the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly,
the first Russian parliament.
A. Blok very accurately felt the terrible thing that came into life: complete depreciation
Following "The Twelve" the poem "Scythians" was written.
Contrasting the "civilized" West and revolutionary Rus', the poet on behalf of
revolutionary "Scythian" Russia calls on the peoples of Europe to put an end to the "horrors"
war" and sheathe the "old sword." The poem ends with a call for unity
(SLIDE 2022)
For the last time - come to your senses, old world!
To the fraternal feast of labor and peace,
For the last time at the bright fraternal feast
The barbaric lyre is calling!
In Russian history, A. Blok saw the key to future success and the rise of the country.
Russia Sphinx. Rejoicing and mourning,

And dripping with black blood,
She looks, looks, looks at you,
Both with hatred and with love!
Thus ended the “trilogy of incarnation.” Thus ended the poet’s difficult journey,
a path filled with great artistic discoveries and achievements. (SLIDE 2324)
In the last years of his life 1918 1921 Blok, like a poet, falls silent. Works a lot in
cultural institutions created by the new government. Writes articles "Intellectuals and
revolution" (1918), "The Collapse of Humanism" (1919), the poem "Without God, without
inspiration" (1921), "On the purpose of the poet" (1921). In the last poem"
Pushkin House" showed the poet's disappointment in what was happening.
What fiery distances
The river opened up to us!
But these are not the days we called,
And the coming centuries.
Pushkin! Secret freedom
We sang after you!
Give us your hand in bad weather,
Help in the silent struggle!
In the spring of 1921, Blok fell mortally ill. He cannot travel abroad for treatment.
allowed. On August 7 he died. The cause of death remained unknown. Shortly before death
A. Blok wrote: “The poet dies because he can no longer breathe.” Finish lesson
I would like to read the lines of A. Akhmatova’s poem dedicated to A. Blok.
He's right - again a lantern, a pharmacy,
Neva, silence, granite...
Like a monument to the beginning of the century,
This man is standing there
When he goes to the Pushkin House,
Saying goodbye, he waved his hand
And accepted mortal languor
Like undeserved peace.
1. Biography of the poet;
2. Using the material from the lecture and article in the textbook on p. 159162, tell me what
features of Blok’s early work and poems from the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”;
3. Read the article (p. 162166 of the textbook) and answer the question, what is the content and
the mood penetrates into Blok's work in 1905-1908";
4. Expressive reading of poems: “Stranger”, “In a restaurant”, “Factory”.

He amazed everyone with his irrepressible faith in the future of Russia and its people. Loving and suffering to embrace the immensity, a man with a wide soul and a tragic life. Blok's life and work deserve attention for their completeness and touchingness.

Biography of the poet

Blok Alexander Alexandrovich, born 1880, November 28. Place of birth - St. Petersburg. His parents: father - A.L. Blok, worked as a lawyer at the university in Warsaw, mother - A.A. Beketova, daughter of the famous botanist.

The boy's parents divorced before he was born, so he was unable to grow up in a complete family. However, maternal grandfather A.N. Beketov, in whose family Alexander grew up, surrounded the child with due care and attention. Gave him a good education and a start in life. A.N. himself Beketov was the rector of the university in St. Petersburg. The highly moral and cultural atmosphere of the environment left its mark on the formation of Blok’s worldviews and upbringing.

Since childhood, he has had a love for the classics of Russian literature. Pushkin, Apukhtin, Zhukovsky, Fet, Grigoriev - these are the names on whose works little Blok grew up and became familiar with the world of literature and poetry.

Poet's training

The first stage of education for Blok was a gymnasium in St. Petersburg. After graduating in 1898, he entered St. Petersburg University to study law. He completed his legal studies in 1901 and changed his direction to historical and philological.

It was at the university that he finally decided to delve into the world of literature. This desire is also reinforced by the beautiful and picturesque nature, among which his grandfather’s estate is located. Having grown up in such an environment, Alexander forever absorbed the sensitivity and subtlety of his worldview, and reflected this in his poems. From then on, Blok’s creativity began.

Blok maintains a very warm relationship with his mother; his love and respect for her is limitless. Until his mother’s death, he constantly sent her his works.


Their marriage took place in 1903. Family life was ambiguous and difficult. Mendeleev was waiting for great love, as in novels. The block offered moderation and tranquility of life. The result was his wife’s passion for his friend and like-minded person, Andrei Bely, a symbolist poet who played an important role in the work of Blok himself.

Lifetime work

Blok’s life and work developed in such a way that, in addition to literature, he took part in completely everyday affairs. For example:

    was an active participant in dramatic productions in the theater and even saw himself as an actor, but the literary field attracted him more;

    for two years in a row (1905-1906) the poet was a direct witness and participant in revolutionary rallies and demonstrations;

    writes his own literature review column in the newspaper "Golden Fleece";

    from 1916-1917 repays his debt to the Motherland, serving near Pinsk (engineering and construction squad);

    is part of the leadership of the Bolshoi;

    upon returning from the army, he gets a job in the Extraordinary Investigative Commission for the Affairs of Tsarist Ministers. He worked there as a shorthand report editor until 1921.

    Blok's early work

    Little Sasha wrote his first poem at the age of five. Even then, he had the makings of a talent that needed to be developed. This is what Blok did.

    Love and Russia are two favorite themes of creativity. Blok wrote a lot about both. However, at the initial stage of development and realization of his talent, what attracted him most was love. The image of the beautiful lady, which he had been looking for everywhere, captured his entire being. And he found the earthly embodiment of his ideas in Lyubov Mendeleeva.

    The theme of love in Blok’s work is revealed so fully, clearly and beautifully that it is difficult to dispute it. Therefore, it is not surprising that his first brainchild - a collection of poems - is called "Poems about a Beautiful Lady", and it is dedicated to his wife. When writing this collection of poems, Blok was greatly influenced by the poetry of Solovyov, whose student and follower he is considered to be.

    In all poems there is a feeling of Eternal femininity, beauty, and naturalness. However, all expressions and phrases used in writing are allegorical and unrealistic. Blok is carried away in a creative impulse to “other worlds.”

    Gradually, the theme of love in Blok’s work gives way to more real and pressing problems surrounding the poet.

    The beginning of disappointment

    Revolutionary events, discord in family relationships, and miserably failing dreams of a clean and bright future for Russia force Blok’s work to undergo obvious changes. His next collection is called “Unexpected Joy” (1906).

    More and more he ridicules the symbolists, to whom he no longer considers himself, and he is more and more cynical about hopes for the best ahead. He is a participant in revolutionary events, who is completely on the side of the Bolsheviks, considering their cause to be right.

    During this period (1906) his trilogy of dramas was published. First, “Balaganchik”, after some time “King in the Square”, and this trio ends with bitter disappointment from the imperfection of the world, from their disappointed hopes. During the same period, he became interested in actress N.N. Volokhova. However, he does not receive reciprocity, which adds bitterness, irony and skepticism to his poems.

    Andrei Bely and other previously like-minded people in poetry do not accept the changes in Blok and criticize his current work. Alexander Blok remains adamant. He is disappointed and deeply saddened.

    "The Incarnation Trilogy"

    In 1909, Blok’s father dies, to whom he does not have time to say goodbye. This leaves an even greater imprint on his state of mind, and he decides to combine his most striking works, in his opinion, into one poetic trilogy, which he gives the name “Trilogy of Incarnation.”

    Thus, Blok’s work in 1911-1912 was marked by the appearance of three collections of poems, which bear poetic titles:

    1. "Poems about a Beautiful Lady";

      "Unexpected joy";

      "Snowy Night"

    A year later, he released a cycle of love poems “Carmen”, wrote the poem “The Nightingale Garden”, dedicated to his new hobby - singer L.A. Delmas.

    Homeland in Blok's works

    Since 1908, the poet has positioned himself no longer as a lyricist, but as a glorifier of his Motherland. During this period he writes poems such as:

      "Autumn Wave";

      "Autumn Love";

    • "On the Kulikovo field."

    All these works are imbued with love for the Motherland, for one’s country. The poet simultaneously shows two sides of life in Russia: poverty and hunger, piety, but at the same time wildness, unbridledness and freedom.

    The theme of Russia in Blok’s work, the theme of the homeland, is one of the most fundamental in his entire poetic life. For him, the Motherland is something living, breathing and feeling. Therefore, the ongoing events of the October Revolution are too difficult, disproportionately difficult for him.

    The theme of Russia in Blok’s works

    After revolutionary trends capture his entire spirit, the poet almost completely loses lyricism and love in his works. Now the whole meaning of his works is directed towards Russia, his homeland.

    Blok personifies his country in poetry with a woman; he makes it almost tangible, real, as if he humanizes it. The homeland in Blok’s work takes on such a large-scale significance that he never writes about love again.

    Believing in the Bolsheviks and their truth, he experiences severe, almost fatal disappointment for him when he sees the results of the revolution. Hunger, poverty, defeat, mass extermination of the intelligentsia - all this forms in Blok’s mind an acute hostility towards the symbolists, towards lyricism and forces him from now on to create works only with a satiristic, poisonous mockery of faith in the future.

    However, his love for Russia is so great that he continues to believe in the strength of his country. That she will rise up, dust herself off and be able to show her power and glory. The works of Blok, Mayakovsky, Yesenin are similar in this regard.

    In 1918, Blok wrote the poem “The Twelve,” the most scandalous and loud of all his works, which caused a lot of rumors and conversations about it. But criticism leaves the poet indifferent; the emerging depression begins to consume his entire being.

    Poem "Twelve"

    The author began writing his work "The Twelve" in early January. On the first day of work, he didn't even take a break. His notes say: “Trembling inside.” Then the writing of the poem stopped, and the poet managed to finish it only on January 28.

    After the publication of this work, Blok’s work changed dramatically. This can be briefly described as follows: the poet lost himself, stagnation set in.

    The main idea of ​​the poem was recognized differently by everyone. Some saw in it support for the revolution, a mockery of symbolist views. Some, on the contrary, have a satirical slant and mockery of the revolutionary order. However, Blok himself had both in mind when creating the poem. She is contradictory, just like his mood at that moment.

    After the publication of “The Twelve,” all already weak ties with the Symbolists were severed. Almost all of Blok’s close friends turned away from him: Merezhkovsky, Vyach, Prishvin, Sologub, Piast, Akhmatova and others.

    By that time, he himself was becoming disillusioned with Balmont. Thus, Blok is left practically alone.

    Post-revolutionary creativity

    1. “Retribution”, which he wrote like that.

    The revolution passed, and the bitterness from the disappointment of the Bolshevik policies grew and intensified. Such a gap between what was promised and what was done as a result of the revolution became unbearable for Blok. We can briefly characterize Blok’s work during this period: nothing was written.

    As they would later write about the poet’s death, “the Bolsheviks killed him.” And indeed it is. Blok was unable to overcome and accept such a discrepancy between the word and deed of the new government. He failed to forgive himself for supporting the Bolsheviks, for his blindness and short-sightedness.

    Blok is experiencing severe discord within himself and is completely lost in his inner experiences and torment. The consequence of this is illness. From April 1921 to the beginning of August, the illness did not let go of the poet, tormenting him more and more. Only occasionally emerging from semi-oblivion, he tries to console his wife, Lyubov Mendeleeva (Blok). On August 7, Blok died.

    Where did the poet live and work?

    Today, Blok’s biography and work captivate and inspire many. And the place where he lived and wrote his poems and poems turned into a museum. From the photographs we can judge the environment in which the poet worked.

    You can see the appearance of the estate where the poet spent time in the photo on the left.

    The room in which the poet spent the last bitter and difficult moments of his life (photo below).

    Today, the poet’s work is loved and studied, admired, his depth and integrity, unusualness and brightness are recognized. Russia in Blok’s works is studied in school classes, and essays are written on this topic. This gives every right to call the author a great poet. In the past, he was a symbolist, then a revolutionary, and at the end of the day he was simply a deeply disillusioned person with life and power, an unhappy person with a bitter, difficult fate.

    A monument has been erected in St. Petersburg to perpetuate the author’s name in history and pay due respect to his undeniable talent.