Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Parade of professions script. Scenario "step into the profession" methodological development on the topic

“All professions are needed, all
professions are important!”
Theatrical performance script
Topic: “Parade of Professions”
activating knowledge of school-age children on the topic
"Professions" through theatrical performance"
Develop children's acting abilities;
Train speech, voice power, memory;
Involve teachers in joint creative activities with children
Instill in children respect for work and the products of labor
people of different professions.
Preliminary preparation: teach words to children
skits and poems; with the help of teachers
prepare role-playing costumes for children; cook
attributes necessary for theatrical
Progress of the event:
Children meet those present:
1. We offer you a topic,
We all know at least a little:
Books, cups, table and house
Man created it through labor.
2. This is about those who create,
Builds, teaches, or sings,
We'll talk now
We'll dedicate our scene.
3. Is our topic clear to you?
She's talking about professions!

There are many professions in the world,
It is impossible to count them.
Today many are important
Both relevant and necessary.
And you quickly grow up -
Master the profession.
Try to be the first in business
And bring benefits to people!
Let's remember what the word profession means?
Turning to the explanatory dictionary, we will reveal the meaning of this
1 A profession is a type of work that requires
a person of certain training, knowledge and skills.
What kind of work is important to you now? (Gain knowledge)
That's right, your work is study.
What's the first thing a cat learns?
Child: Grab it.
What is the first thing a bird learns?
Child: Fly.
What is the first thing a schoolchild learns?
Child: Read.
The kitten will grow up to be a cat
The same as everyone else in the world.
The chick will turn into a bird,
Just like everyone else in the world.
And children read, and children dream.
And even their dads and moms don't know
What the children will become and grow up to be.
And the children dreamed
About everything in the world

Sketch about professions:
1.I will be an archaeologist!
2.Ah, I'm an oceanographer!
3. I will be a builder!
4.Ah, then I’m a teacher!
5.I want to be an artist!
6.I want to treat animals!
7. I will be a rescuer!
8. Oh, I'm an inventor!
9. I will be a fireman
10. Well, I’m the boss!
“We play in the profession. Cook"
This theatrical performance is good to do,
when children get acquainted with the topic “Dishes. Food. Work
cooks Bakery."
1 And now come to the stage
A special guest will come out,
From everything I did myself
He's taking samples.
2 - Everyone crafts it
At least owns it a little,
Only the way he can
Hardly anyone knows how.
3 - No lotions or perfumes
It smells very tasty.
Clean hands ready
Wash from morning to night!
He knows how to distinguish
Third from second.
Who is he - just guess
These are kids, …

Spectators - Cook!
The cook and cooks come out from behind the scenes.
Song "We are funny guys"
1. We are funny guys

We are cook boys.
We don't sit idle -
We'll treat you all quickly.

2. To make the borscht very tasty,
Must put in cabbage
And let's cook the bone.
Lo and behold, there’s a rusty nail in the pan.

3. We need to add salt to the borscht
And put some tomatoes,
And add bitter onions.
Look in the pan - there's a spider there!
We are funny guys
We are cook boys.
We tried, we were in a hurry,
We cooked borscht for all the guests!
Cook - I hope among you
There are no little ones
Those who are within an hour
Don't stuff the cutlet.
They look so sad
Until the end of the century!
And a good appetite -
Makes a person beautiful!
I'm doing magic at the stove
In a high cap.
To delicious dreams
Completed on time
To “enough” and “a little”
They didn't tell me
And without any “I don’t want”
They ate and praised!
Here, today and now
A miracle will happen -
I'll cook for you
The presenter gives a signal to the audience.
Spectators - Dish!

Presenter - Submit inventory here
There's cooking to be done!
Here is a table for you, and here is a stove.
What else?
A stove and table appear on the stage. The presenter holds out
To the cook, all items in turn in that
the order in which he asks.

Cook - Skimmer,
Grater, mixer and knives
Various sizes.
The host hands the Cook a hefty knife.

Presenter - Yes. Well, that's all, it seems.
Cook - The knife is too big.
The cook puts the knife under the screen. The presenter hands him
smaller knife. The cook examines him.
Presenter - This one?
Cook - We need to sharpen it!
The host sharpens the knife and gives it to the Cook.

Cook - And also, honey,
To steam and cook
I need…
The presenter gives a signal to the audience.

Spectators - Pan!
The host gives the Cook a pan. The cook puts it on
stove. The host hands the cook and the frying pan.
The song “What a frying pan!”
1. Wow - a frying pan!
We are such a frying pan
Never seen.

Here are the carrots roasting
How do you like it?
Her friend is with her -

2. Here are the fried eggs,
The minx winked at us,
Red tomato with her

Asks to be on the table.

3. Cabbage is stewed
It will be very tasty.
They forgot to put salt -
Start salting!
A Peasant appears on the stage, pushing in front of him
a box with lush tops sticking out of it.

Peasant - Get it!
Cook - What is this?
Peasant - Fresh products:
Meat, eggs, milk,
Vegetables and fruits!
I brought it from the village myself,
To give to you personally!
Cook - There was also coconut on the list.
Peasant - It's a pity, but it's not available.
We have a shortage of them
Eternal in the garden -
I planted it more than once before winter,
But no, they don’t sprout!
Presenter - Pour boiling water over them
And keep it in the greenhouse -
Like on the seashore
They will make ears!
Cook - My recipe without coconut
He just dies!
But since there is no coconut,
So, no coconut.
The cook opens the box.
Cook - First of all, I'm a carrot
I'll chop it finely.
Peasant (boastfully)
ABOUT! Carrots are my love!
Variety "Klondike"! like this
You won't find it anywhere...
The cook pulls the carrot tops and pulls out the carrot
Cook - What kind of joke is this?
I can cook from it
Dish? No, pipes!
Okay, since there are no carrots,

There will be no carrots!
Where is the meat for the cutlets?
A meat grinder appears on the stage. The cook looks in
box. A pig's snout sticks out towards him.
There is some contented grunting and slurping.
Cook (indignantly) - What is this?
Peasant - So pork! First grade!
Very fresh!
Oh, you, my darling!
It's nice how it grunts!
Cook - So much meat for me
No need for cutlets!
Peasant - So cut her off
From the front or from the back!
The cook takes out the largest knife and carefully
approaches the box. The pig jumps out and squeals
runs away. The cook rushes after him. They
overturn the meat grinder, stove, table and pan and make noise
running back and forth across the stage. Finally, the Cook falls and
drops the knife. The pig is hiding behind the scenes.
Cook (breathing heavily) - She ran away, and hello!
Peasant - What to take with her - brute!
Cook (with a sigh) - Okay, since there is no pork,
There will be no pork!
The Cook and the Peasant look into the box.
Peasant - There is nothing to get from here!
Cook (indignantly) - But your “meat”
Ate everything clean
All my supplies!
The Pig comes out and grunts loudly.
Cook - Since she doesn’t want to know,
What food product
Take her to
The peasant takes the Pig and leaves. The cook points to
the scene is in order - he puts the stove and table in their original place.
Cook (confused) - They planted a pig on me,
And even on stage!
How do I cook now?
Will the audience appreciate it?
Host - Don't be sad, I have
There is flour, jam,

Sugar, butter...
The presenter hands the products to the Cook.
Cook (joyfully) - So I
I will bake...
The presenter gives a signal to the audience.
Spectators - Cookies!
The cook takes out a bowl and begins to put food in it.
Cook - Beat eggs with sugar
Mixer. Ready!
The cook takes out a mixer and whirrs it around the bowl. Then
puts in the following ingredients.
Cook - Put butter, soda, salt
And we interfere again.
The cook removes the mixer.
And now it’s time for the torment!
The presenter takes the pack and wants to pour it into a bowl. Cook
stops him.
Cook - Who is in such a hurry!
We'll sift through it all
Through this...
The cook takes out a sieve from behind the screen. The host serves
a conventional sign to the audience.
Spectators - Sieve!
Presenter - So she’s not in lumps,
Is this really necessary?
Cook - We should have flour
Light and airy.
We shake, shake, shake...
Okay! Wonderful!
Now let's mix everything
And it's done...
The presenter gives a signal to the audience.
Spectators - Dough!
Cook - Time to roll out the dough
With a special stick.
This chef's stick
They call...
The presenter gives a signal to the audience.
Spectators - Rolling pin!

Song "We are cooks today"

1.We are cooks today -

We bake a big cake in the morning.

We bake a cake for the kids,

We'll bring some food.

Like this, like this

We mix sugar

Like this, like this

We break the eggs.

Like this, like this

Let's roll out the dough

Like this, like this

Pour in nuts.
The cook rolls a rolling pin on the table, and then takes a glass and
pretends to cut out circles.
Cook - Let's cut out the circles. Well,
How does it work out?
Presenter - Cleverly!
Cook - Now for five minutes
Let's put it in...
The presenter gives a signal to the audience.
Spectators - Oven!
The cook places a baking sheet in the oven and immediately takes it out
a real plate of cookies.
Song "Gop, gop, cooks"
1. Gop, gop, cooks,
Master's butter buns.
We baked cookies
They brought it to all the kids.
2. Gop, gop, cooks,
Master's butter buns.
We baked cookies

And they brought it on a platter.
Cook - Help yourself, kids!
Cooks hand out cookies to spectators.
Host - Delicious cookies!
Cook - This is from me to all of you
Not for fun!
Children - those who eat - grow.
Cheeks - wow! Blush!
You can put at least a pood
Books in their school bag.
And who eats too little,
Believe me, brothers,
The weight won't carry the weight of knowledge -
It might overstrain.
Eat - you will become strong
And beautiful in face.
Presenter - What should we all say?
The cook?
The presenter gives a signal to the audience.
Viewers - Thank you!
The cook leaves the stage.
The moral of our scene was:
A person cannot live without a profession!
Song to the tune of “What they teach at school...”
1. Know everything about professions
And then choose them

To be happy in life,
And love the profession,

2. Respect work and feat,
And despise idleness
We will be taught, we will be taught, we will be taught
To be kind and sensitive in life,
Give light and joy to everyone
You will be taught, you will be taught, you will be taught
And remember everything in conclusion:
You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without effort and patience.
But always and as it once was,
And now in our 21st century -
I want to wish you guys

So that you grow into a Man.
Guys, I thank you all for participating in our
theatrical festival. Never in my life
forget these most important words: whatever profession
you didn’t choose, always remain human! Thank you
everyone for your attention

Short description

Goal: Using riddles, proverbs, and illustrations, expand children’s knowledge about professions. Emphasize the importance and great benefits of all professions. Develop curiosity and broaden children's horizons; encourage informed professional choices in the future. To cultivate hard work, determination, and interest in professional activities. Develop creativity, thinking, attention, memory.


"Professions Parade".
Target:Using riddles, proverbs, illustrations to expand children's knowledge about professions. Emphasize the importance and great benefits of all professions. Develop curiosity and broaden children's horizons; encourage informed professional choices in the future. To cultivate hard work, determination, and interest in professional activities. Develop creativity, thinking, attention, memory.

Equipment:hairdryer, ladle, police cap, wrench, pointer, envelope, scissors, thermometer, broom, ...).

Music: backing track of ditties of a song about professions

A song plays (any song about a profession) and the mood of the audience

Voss:Good afternoon to everyone, everyone who came to our educational and entertainment program! Today it is dedicated to different professions, and you and I have to find out what people of different professions do and which profession is the most important. Let's start with me. What do you think is my profession?
Children's answer.

Vos-l:Right. I work as a teacher, I really love children and my profession...
What do you want to become when you grow up?Children's answers.

Vos-l:It’s great that among you there are those who want to become builders, teachers, doctors, postmen...
The day will come when your studies at school will end and you will be faced with the question: “What should I become?” But you need to know what professions there are now. All the people of our planet work so that the Earth blossoms day by day and hour by hour, so that people can live joyfully and pleasantly on it. Today we will take a journey through the endless, so necessary and amazing world of professions. And at the end of the lesson you will be able to answer the question “What is the most important profession?”
Listen to Alexander Kravchenko’s poem “An Honest Answer.”

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Regional state special (correctional) educational institution for students with disabilities “Borderline special (correctional) general education boarding school.”

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Chevelyuk Olga Valerievna

Primorsky Krai

Border region

Pogranichny village


"Professions Parade".

Target: Using riddles, proverbs, illustrations to expand children's knowledge about professions. Emphasize the importance and great benefits of all professions. Develop curiosity and broaden children's horizons; encourage informed professional choices in the future. To cultivate hard work, determination, and interest in professional activities. Develop creativity, thinking, attention, memory.

Equipment:hairdryer, ladle, police cap, wrench, pointer, envelope, scissors, thermometer, broom, ...).

Music: backing track of ditties of a song about professions

A song plays (any song about a profession) and the mood of the audience

Voss: Good afternoon to everyone, everyone who came to our educational and entertainment program! Today it is dedicated to different professions, and you and I have to find out what people of different professions do and which profession is the most important. Let's start with me. What do you think is my profession?

Children's answer.

Vos-l: Right. I work as a teacher, I really love children and my profession...

What do you want to become when you grow up?

Children's answers.

Vos-l: It’s great that among you there are those who want to become builders, teachers, doctors, postmen...

The day will come when your studies at school will end and you will be faced with the question: “What should I become?” But you need to know what professions there are now. All the people of our planet work so that the Earth blossoms day by day and hour by hour, so that people can live joyfully and pleasantly on it. Today we will take a journey through the endless, so necessary and amazing world of professions. And at the end of the lesson you will be able to answer the question “What is the most important profession?”

Listen to Alexander Kravchenko’s poem “An Honest Answer.”

11st student: I wish I could grow up a little

Grow up this much

I would immediately...

2nd student: Valera

Would you like to herd cows?

1st student: Well, no. I would

I would...

2nd student: An astronaut? A sailor?

1st student: No, I would

I would, I would...

2nd student: General? A fisherman?

1st student: I would...

2nd student: Well, what are you waiting for?

Don't you know who you would become?

Finnish dam engineer?

Was it metal at the factory?

1st student: No, I would

I would, I would...

2nd student: No, I'm just not a braggart.

I'll grow up first

I will and then I will tell you.

You see guys. It turns out that choosing a profession is not so easy. When the heroes of the poem grow up, they will definitely decide who they will become.

Of course, choosing a profession is very difficult. And in order to choose the right profession for yourself, you need to know what people in this profession do and its characteristics. There are a lot of professions, now we will remember and try to guess some of them.

(Children in costumes enter and read poetry).

Chauffeur: Every day early in the morning

He takes the steering wheel in his hands.

Twists and turns this way and that,

But he won't eat it.

Hairdresser: This sorceress

This artist -

Not brushes and paints,

And a comb and scissors.

Cook: How easy it is to make lunch!

There is nothing difficult about this.

It's as easy as shelling pears

This is it and you're done!

Tailor: They will sew outfits

All colors and colors.

Get dressed and immediately

No one will look away.

Postman: Mail - letters and magazines -

He delivers it to people's homes.

He goes to all the apartments

And he enters every house.

Doctor: Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And how he is treated, he tells everyone.

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

Teacher: He generously teaches us that

What you really need in life:

Patience, reading, counting and writing

And loyalty to the native Fatherland.

Policeman-regulator: No one in the world can do that

With one movement of the hand

Stop the flow of passersby

And let the trucks pass.

Vos-l: What a great fellow you are! It turns out that you know a lot of professions. Everyone guessed right.

Yes, there are countless professions over the centuries,

There is time to take a closer look,

Who do you want to become?

Everyone is curious to know.

Game "Guess the profession."

(Children demonstrate pantomime movements.)

Now we'll play a game

“Who owns the lost things?”

(I will show the lost item, and you will find its owner and name their profession).

You are ready? Then let's begin.

(On the table there is: a hairdryer, a ladle, a police cap, a wrench, a pointer, an envelope, scissors, a thermometer, a broom, ...).

What a great fellow you are! We have found all the owners of the lost items. Let's hope they never lose their things again.

Guests came to us, yes, honorable ones, and cheerful ones, and with ditties.

(ditty songs are performed)

You, driver, don't rush,

See the sign, stop!

Before you continue on your way,

Don't forget to look around.

I'll cut my hair like a hedgehog -

I'm not afraid of this haircut!

So what, why am I injecting myself?

But I look cool!

I howl more terrible than a wolf -

I accidentally sat on a needle.

Oh! Sorry brother Vanya

I won't sew on the couch.

The wind whistles through the village,

Apparently there is no reason to live in it.

The postman is looking for clients

Oh, like a tramp - Robinson.

Clean it yourself once a year

I decided to frying pan.

But then four days

They couldn't wash me off.

We are supplied very poorly.

As for the medicine, it's a bummer

Soon our patients

They will treat with burdock.

Oh, my Vovochka - grandson

Knew the table by heart!

That tooth was pulled out from Vova,

And now learn everything again.

The President proposes

Replace the nickname "cop".

Guess what will happen!

Is it really a policeman?

Vos-l: There are many professions in the world. A person is judged, first of all, by his work for the common good. Work helps you discover your abilities. It is not for nothing that people have composed many proverbs and sayings about work. Here are a few of them.

Who does not work shall not eat.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

And now the guys of the 2nd group will show you

game "Find Your Place".

Two teams are selected at will. Children receive one card with one letter (cards of different colors). At the signal, the children line up; for two hits on the tambourine they go in a circle; on three - they scatter to the sides. At the signal: “Get in order!” - each group of children is lined up in one line in such an order that the letters form the name of the profession).

Game “Is it true?

A fisherman herding pigs? (No)

Is the fireman lighting the stove? (Yes)

Does the teacher wash the floors? (No)

Does a seamstress work in a circus? (No)

Is the painter painting the walls? (Yes)

Do astronauts treat people? (No)

Does the librarian do hair? (No)

A builder builds houses? (Yes)

Does a taxi driver breed dachshund dogs? (No)

Does the hairdresser paint pictures? (No)

Does a pastry chef bake cakes and pastries? (Yes)

Does a farmer grow bread? (Yes)

Does a tractor driver drive a car? (No)

Student: As you can see, children, there are many professions

Choose one for yourself

So that it becomes the work of your whole life,

So that with honest work you glorify your region.

There are a lot of professions in the world and all of them are necessary and important for people. Our event has come to an end and I really want to ask you one question: “What is the most important profession?”

Children's answers.

Voss: Everyone is important.

Student: Having turned all professions upside down,

Wrap it around your mouth -

All works are good

Choose according to your taste!

I hope you all choose interesting and rewarding jobs in the future. We are not saying goodbye to you, but saying goodbye to you! See you again!

Chevelyuk Olga Valerievna

job title


Educational institution

Festival for students in grades 8-11. Scenario "Parade of Professions"

Elena Vladimirovna Korshunova, biology teacher, School No. 17, Sarova
The event is held for students in grades 8 - 11 of general education institutions and is aimed at supporting schoolchildren’s initiatives in matters of social activity, public activities and professional self-determination.
This material will be of interest to additional education teachers, class teachers, and deputy directors for educational work.
Target: to expand high school students’ ideas about modern professions through involvement in socially significant career guidance activities.
expand schoolchildren’s understanding of professions in demand in the city and region;
identify the professional erudition of high school students;
organize informal communication between children and adults;
create conditions for personal growth of participants in the “Parade of Professions” event.

Preliminary work.
Participants of the event determine the most significant and interesting professions with which they would like to connect their future. Research work, labor market studies, and meetings with representatives of these professions are carried out. The result of the work should be a computer presentation about the chosen professions. Performance time is 5-7 minutes.

Requirements for computer presentation:
Computer PowerPoint Presentation (97-2003). Actions and changes in presentation slides should occur automatically. The presentation must be played on any computer. The number of slides is no more than ten. The use of hyperlinks to Internet resources is encouraged; you can insert small videos, audio, and photographs into the presentation.

The content of the presentation:
history of the profession;
social significance and demand for the profession;
professionogram (description of the profession, requirements for a specialist, working conditions, level of payment);
employment opportunities;
opportunities for professional growth;
educational institutions for obtaining a profession;
people who glorified the profession.

Location: school assembly hall.
Equipment: computer, projector, screen, microphones, speakers, mixer.

Festival "Parade of Professions" opened by a propaganda team of high school students.

Propaganda brigade
Voice behind the scenes:
When we researched the professions of our families, we found out that our fathers and mothers, grandparents, and other immediate relatives are very happy because they are doing what they love. So, pay attention!

1. Music
Children play music, children take to the stage, their movements are sharp, like those of robots (everyone has an “Office Worker” sign in their right hand). Among them, one person gets out of rhythm, shows that he is not interested in all this and is tired. He begins to speak out and others join him.
2. Music in the background
Office worker1: Stop, stop! It’s impossible to live your whole life doing something you don’t love!

All in chorus: But this profession is popular!

Office worker 1: We are surprised to see millionaires with sad faces and dull eyes, and the next day we meet an absolutely happy janitor or street newspaper seller.

Office worker 2:- That's right, money doesn't buy happiness!
Office worker 1:- I want to be happy!
Someone from the crowd: And I!
Someone from the crowd: And I!
Someone from the crowd: And we!
Office worker 2: How to choose a profession that brings happiness?
Office worker 1: Every person feels life fulfilled and meaningful when someone needs him and is useful.

Office worker 3: What necessary and useful professions do you know?
Office worker 4: Farmer's profession!

Office worker 5:
The farmer is famous for his deeds,
He runs the farm himself.
Milk and vegetables
It supplies us all year round.

Office worker 6:
He sows wheat in the field,
Raises poultry on a farm
He will start a family of bees,
Collect fragrant honey.

Office worker 7:
I want to become a geologist -
I teach different stones.
Here is the ore, it contains metals.
Here are the different crystals.
The stone here is sea coral,
Nearby, pearls sparkled.
The strongest, you know, is a diamond,
I will find him more than once.

Office worker 8:
My father is a reindeer herder!
On a clear autumn day,
He will find it even from a distance
He owns his reindeer.

Office worker 3:
This is what I thought:
It would be nice to become a doctor
But not for children, but for cats!
The children are in pain - we will cry,
Let's burst into tears in the heat of the moment,
Mom will call the doctor.
And to the stray cat
What if it’s suddenly unbearable?
Who calls doctors to him?
He is a stray - he is no one's!

Office worker 9: And I will be a huntsman!

In chorus: By whom?

Office worker 9:
A huntsman is a forest guard.
He feeds the animals in winter.
Protects forests and rivers
From a dashing man.
Will take measures to protect
A poacher will not be allowed into the forest.

Office worker 2: And you forgot about people! Everyone needs to be useful! Here are weather forecasters as an example!

Office worker 10:
“Caution, ice!
It might snow in the morning
Be very careful!
Minus seven, east wind.
Put on your fur coats, children!
In the evening - attention!
We are waiting for colder weather.”

Office worker 2: And I’ll become a trainer, let them teach me! I will save health for myself and people!
3. Music “charging”
(dance “Do, do, do exercises...”, the dancers remain on stage, on the second verse a girl in a white robe runs out)

Young woman:
In the morning the sun shines brightly,
The milkmaid carries milk.
Warm, cow,
Good health for children.

Office worker 1:
Of course, being a milkmaid is great! My dream is to become a photographer!
The photographer looks into the lens,
Containing the whole world in a single frame.
A moment in history for us
He will save it in the frame now.

4. Music “In the Animal World”
(SLIDE show, everyone on stage sits facing the screen)

Office worker 5: Confucius said that if you love your job, you will never work a day in your life.

Office worker 3: The lightness and inspiration that a profession you enjoy gives you – isn’t this happiness?
Office worker 4: We will become happy!
Office worker 6: We will be successful!
MANAGEMENT: Choose the right profession to be a happy person!
(final dance)
Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends!
Presenter 2: Hello!
Presenter 1: We are pleased to welcome you to the Parade of Professions festival! Choosing a future profession is a serious and responsible step in the life of every person, requiring preparation and knowledge, time to think, and not tolerating frivolity.
Presenter 2: Why?
Presenter 1: Yes, because your entire future adult life will depend on whether you choose your future profession correctly.
Presenter 2: To date, the participants have done a lot of work: they met with people of different professions, studied the labor market, learned the specifics of each profession and are now ready to present us with their research works.
Presenter 1: We remind you that the performance time is 5-7 minutes.
Presenter 2: We welcome the first participants of the festival “Parade of Professions” with thunderous applause _______________________________________ (F.I., class)

Presenter 1: Thanks for the interesting presentation! Applause!
Presenter 2:
(speech by festival participants)
Presenter 1: Thanks for the performance! Guys, don't forget to support with applause!
Presenter 2: ___________________________________ (F.I., class) are invited to the stage
(speech by festival participants)
Presenter 1: We say thank you! It was educational! We give a sea of ​​applause and meet the following participants ____________________________ (F.I., class)
(speech by festival participants)
Presenter 1: Thanks for the brilliant performance! Applause!
Presenter 2: Well, we meet _______________________________________ (F.I., class)
(speech by festival participants)
Presenter 1: Thanks for the performance! We give this applause to you!
Presenter 2: The right choice of profession means confidence, peace of mind and material well-being in adulthood.
Presenter 1: We are grateful to all participants and listeners of our festival! And at the end of our event, we offer to take a group photo as a souvenir! To do this, we invite everyone to the stage!
Festival participants line up in front, and listeners behind. Taking photographs.
Presenter 2: On this positive note, I declare the festival “Parade of Professions” closed. Thank you for being with us!
Internet resources:


Methodological development

second traditional school-wide

educational event

“Step into the profession”, January 2014

Target: Professional guidance of students.


  1. introducing students to the variety of professions in the “human-technical” category;
  2. developing interest in various types of work activities;
  3. development of students' creative abilities;
  4. stimulating self-knowledge and professional self-determination of high school students;
  5. developing the ability to work in a team.

Progress of the event

The phonogram of the song “Beautiful Far Away” plays

Leading: Good afternoon We are pleased to welcome you to the second, already traditional Festival of Professions.

Target of our Festival: Your professional orientation, your awareness of the world of different professions.

Leading: By holding our Festival, we would really like to help you guys in your future professional self-determination.

Leading: You probably remember that last year’s Festival of Professions was in the “Man – Man” category.

We got acquainted with the professions - Cook, Doctor, Teacher, Seller, Policeman, Hairdresser and Judge.

Leading: The main objective of this festival is to get acquainted with the professions of the category “Human-Technical”.

The professions that will be presented to your attention today are Fireman, Driver, Railway Worker, Pilot, Builder, Seamstress and Cosmonaut.

Leading : There are many professions in the world,
And they are very important to all of us:
Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor,
Engineer, acrobat and worker.

All professions are very different,
It's hard to make a choice sometimes.
Interesting and dangerous
They can become destiny for someone.

Leading : But in order to become someone in life,

You need to grow and learn first.

After all, if you don’t study, this is what can happen:

If an ignoramus had undertaken to build a house, the wall would have collapsed,

If I became a sailor, I would run the ship aground,

If I decided to become a tailor, I would make people laugh:

the sleeve is on the back, the collar is on the stomach.

Yes, you have to learn everything in life!
And school is the beginning of the path to any profession.

Leading: The time will come and many of you will be faced with a choice - who to be? People of different professions live next to us.

It depends on them how easy, calm, and interesting a person’s life will be.

M.V. Lomonosov wrote: “... tireless work overcomes obstacles.”

A.P. Chekhov said: “Without work there cannot be a pure and joyful life.”

Any profession is work.


What is your most important work?? (studies)

What is your profession? (student)

Leading: Yes, today, your work is study, your profession is a student!
You need to study and work to your full potential - only then can you count on success and respect from others.

The price of bread, the price of knowledge and the price of labor - everyone should learn these truths.

Leading: Today, guys, some of you will see familiar professions from a completely different side...

Leading : And I suggest starting the festival as soon as possible,

Today is Open Day for professions!

Fanfare sounds!

Leading : Our festival is a demonstration of knowledge about professions.

Each class team will present their discoveries to us today.

Therefore, to evaluate the creative defense of your profession by nominations -

1. "Miracle of the Universe"

2. “Yesterday.” Today. Tomorrow"

3 “Human Property”

4. “The amazing is nearby”

5. “A rare shot in the profession”

7. “A man of his business”

There will be an independent jury consisting of:

School director - full name

Social teacher - full name

Primary school teachers - full name


Leading: Seven teams, seven nominations.

Each team will receive its own nomination, adequately representing their profession, and the jury members will appreciate you adequately.

Therefore, we wish you no rest and no feather!

Leading: And now, let's all try to look into the world together

your professions.

Leading : Let's start protecting professions in the category “Human-technical”!

Leading : Boys and girls! Teachers! Parents!

About the profession of firefighter would you like to hear?

“Save - extinguish - rake - protect.”

This is the firemen's motto. And whether it’s true or not, they’ll tell us about it.guys from 5th grade.

Fifth grade, come out and surprise us!

Leading: And we continue our festival...

Driver's work is honorable , Although troublesome and tiring.

It’s hard to work behind the wheel, in fog and slush, both at night and during the day!

Yes, why are we talking about this? Let’s ask the guys from 6th grade!

Leading: The railway is served by many:

Assistant driver, railway workers, cashier and deputy minister,

as well as the driver, and the minister himself,

plus an auditor, and with him a controller,

plus trackman, dispatcher, conductor.

The composition will not be able to go without each of them.

For the fact that the train runs, we bow to them!

About the profession railway workernow they will tell their story

boys and girls from 7th grade.

Leading: Many necessary and useful professions

Today it’s time to talk about the pilots,

There are quite a few very famous pilots

Be a pilot by profession! Prosper!

The baton of performances is passed to the children from 8th grade . They will tell us about the profession - pilot.

Leading: Dear friends! I remembered a saying that must have been invented by very cheerful people: “What does it cost us to build a house? Let’s draw and we’ll live.”

However, who else but us should know that the implementation of a project costs a lot of work and creative effort?

The construction profession is one of the most ancient. They say that the Lord God also worked as a builder when he created our world from a pile of building materials.

I invite you to defend your profession -builder for 9th grade kids.

Leading : Without clothes is like without water, neither here nor there.

They will teach us to sew and cut, choose a style and be beautiful

guys from 10th grade, because they defend the profession - seamstress.

Leading: People have long dreamed of exploring outer space. Let's

and we, together with kids from 11th gradelet's try to touch this

A far unknown world - space. After all, they had the opportunity

Study and tell us about the profession - astronaut.

Leading: So we got acquainted with creative defenses of professions.

After watching I would like to tell you:

One dream: to have a diploma,

At least for questionnaires, at least for aplomb.

A calling in business is a good thing.

I, composing this monologue,

I took one statement,

It's not that complicated.

An academician once said:

“I won’t tell you “ce la vie.”

I won't ask for a lot of money

I ask for a job for love!”

He is right. And for the sake of this truth,

I tell everyone -

there are many professions

But choose only one!

Presentation about the people and professions of our village.

Presenter: Profession! Slide 1

Girls and boys dream from their school desks: who to become?

Which path to choose?There are enough professions for everyone these days.

Who to be? A doctor? Slide 2

Host: Not aesthetically pleasing...

Leading : A railway worker? Slide 3

Host: Unromantic...

Leading : Kindergarten teacher? Slide 4

Host: Impractical...

Leading : Housewife? Slide 5

Presenter: Indecent...

Host: A postal worker? Slide 6

Leading: Not attractive...

Host: A social worker? Slide 7

Leading: Too troublesome...

Host: Seller? Slide 8

Host: Not prestigious...

Host: Head teacher or school principal? Slide 9

Presenter: Worry...

Leading : Teacher? Slide 10

Host: It’s a bit difficult...

Leading : Cashier? Slide 11

Presenter: A bit boring...

Leading : A fireman? Slide 12

Host: It's scary...

Leading : Retired? Slide 13

Host: It's too early...

Leading: There are so many things people do around the world that are necessary:

Those weave sea nets, those mow the meadow at dawn,

They cook steel, they storm space, they stand behind a machine in a workshop,

Millions of smart adults teach children to read and write,

Someone in the taiga is pumping oil from the depths of the earth's layers,

And other tea leaves are carefully torn from the bushes.

There is plenty to do every day for you and me.

Everything will always be in order if the Earth works.

Leading : Of course, guys, the presentation does not show all the people of the professions that exist in our village. We have representatives of other professions - in the settlement administration, in the recreation center, in the branch of Sberbank, signalmen, electricians, various types of railway departments, agricultural workers, housing and communal services.

And they all fulfill their professional duties for our lives, creating, to the best of their ability, conditions under which a person is comfortable.

Mastering any profession that benefits people is both useful and honorable! As popular wisdom says: “A profession is not a burden, it won’t weigh on your shoulders” and “A little work is better than a lot of idleness.”

Leading: We thank you guys for your creative approach to business, for interesting finds, for convincing proof of the importance and necessity of your chosen profession. Thank you all for your work!!!

Leading: I see that the jury is ready to announce the results of defending their professions and award the teamsCertificates with nominations. Please, dear jury, you have the floor.


Leading: Guys! Choosing a profession is an important issue that cannot be resolved spontaneously. Listen to your heart. Think about what you want to do and who you want to become in the future. The right choice will answer you with happiness and pleasure from your future work! And remember, the important thing is not who to be, but what to be?

Leading: It’s not easy for you, friends, to firmly choose who to be!
And there is still so far to swim to the finish line.
So accept my personal wishes,
So that your knowledge is only excellent,
And the days of life would be happy,
And your health was only that of a guard.
And remember everything in conclusion:
You can't even catch a fish from a pond

Without labor and patience.

But always - and as it once was,
And now in our 21st century - I want to wish you guys,
To grow out of you Human.

Leading : We declare the “Step into the Profession” Festival closed.

We thank the teams for their participation, the fans for their support,

Spectators for your attention!

Leading: See you again at the Festival of Professions in the “Human” category

- artistic image"!

Compiled by: S.M. Bystrushkina,

deputy school director for VR.

More and more often I see a dream,
He worries my soul,
Where in my thoughts I return to school again.
Where am I again - a student,
Where I'm used to with my friends
Start your day early in the morning.
Here I am sitting at my desk,
I am diligently writing notes,
My teacher looks at me with hope.
He believes in us more than anyone else
This means success awaits us,
And we are grateful for this with all our hearts.


Has this childhood really left me?
And the years rushed irrevocably into the distance?
Everything that was so familiar is gone forever,
I'm so sad, so sad, and I feel sorry for something...

There were difficult days
But they passed
And out of habit, I hurried to school.
I was in a hurry to get to class again,
The usual bell rang,
And my teachers came to my class.
Often the class froze,
And even the whisper died down,
When we listened to the teacher's story.
Everyone sat with their mouths open,
And, forgetting about everything,
We were carried away together in our thoughts into the distance more than once.


Why did our school suddenly become so quiet,
As if a lesson is still going on here?
I still can’t understand in any way, in any way,
That our last bell has already rung.

The curtain opens. On the stage there is a set table with a samovar, at the table there are a son and a mother (they are played by graduate students).

Scene 1


Ivan. How can you not understand me, mother, there are many of them, but I am alone!

Mother. Son, well, you make up your mind! Do you really dislike them all?

Ivan. Yes, yes, yes! That's the trouble, everyone is loved! How do you choose who loves you the most?!

Mother. Well, that's easy. When there is a lot, you can choose. Are you either too capricious or too picky?

Ivan. I'm not capricious!

Mother. Fine, fine. Tell me this: maybe you don’t like one of them?

Ivan. If! Each one only dreams that I would link my destiny with her.

Mother. How quick everyone is these days! Well, if that’s the case, I’m not your advisor. Let your heart tell you, and I’ll go, I have more than enough to do! (Leaves.)

Ivan. Stop! Mother! Mother!

Mother. Well, what are you doing?

Ivan(with bitterness). How many years have I fought them off, but now... now I have to decide and make a choice!

Mother(funny). Well, do it! The main thing is that the dowry is larger! (Leaves.)

Ivan. What other dowry? What is she talking about? Well, she left. Once again I was left alone with my unresolved problem. Eh, brother, here’s what: I’ll go to the gypsies. There they will tell me fortunes, and maybe even give me advice. Exactly! I'm on my way!

A curtain.

Scene 2

A soundtrack of gypsy songs plays and the curtain opens. Graduates in suits sit on stage
gypsies and gypsies. Some people tell fortunes by cards, some by reading their hands, some look at jewelry, etc. Having seen
entering, some of them rise to meet him and lead him by the arms to the edge of the stage.

1st gypsy. Look, look! Who came to us!

2nd gypsy. Ivan! Ivan!

3rd gypsy. Hello, master!

4th gypsy. Are you thinking of having some fun, master?

Ivan. Good health to all, gypsies, but I’m not in the mood for fun today!

5th gypsy. Why, master?

6th gypsy. Tea, what trouble happened, our dear friend?

Ivan. I need to determine my destiny. Finally and irrevocably.

7th gypsy(sighing sadly). So you have found it, your destiny...

Ivan. That's it, not yet, but this is an urgent matter. I'm having a hard time choosing, so to speak. That's all hope for you.

8th gypsy. Are you speaking to us? Are you looking for your destiny somewhere else? Will you forget us right away?!

Ivan. I am too educated a person, and accordingly they expect noble actions from me.
And I won’t get away from you, I swear!

1st gypsy. OK! Why did you pester the master?! That's not why he came here!

2nd gypsy. Why did you come, master?

Ivan. Eh, tell your fortune, dears!

All. 0-o-oh!

3rd gypsy. But you didn’t believe in our fortune telling before!

Ivan. And now I believe, I believe! I believe in everything!

4th gypsy. It’s not in vain, apparently, that I studied!

5th gypsy. OK then. We'll tell your fortune. Call our beautiful Roxana. Even if she tells fortunes, her words always come true.

An elegant gypsy girl appears, Ivan cannot hide his admiration, he gives her his hand, and they are together
come to the forefront. The curtain closes behind them.

Roxana. What, master, haven’t you changed your mind? Tell your fortune?

Ivan. Tell your fortune, honey!

Roxana. Won't you regret it?

Ivan. No, come what may!

Roxana. Well, master, it's your choice. (Looks at his palm.) I’ll tell you everything! Your whole life is in the palm of your hand! Let's start with the past!

Scene 3

The curtain opens. Roxana and Ivan retreat into the background. A fragment of any song about school plays on the soundtrack, the bell rings and a group of first-graders (10-12 people) with their first teacher (her role is played by one of the graduates) rises onto the stage.
She fusses around them, seats them on chairs or places them along the stage. The soundtrack of “School Waltz” would be suitable here. Children say short poems, after which they stand in pairs and leave to the same music.

For everyone's first time
Accepted to first grade!

And the children dreamed
About everything in the world

I'll be an archaeologist!

Well, I am a geologist!

I'll be a builder!

And then I was the driver!

I want to be an artist!

I want to teach children!

I'll be a writer!

And I am an entrepreneur!

I will be a businessman!

Well, I am an athlete!


Quiet, children! Do not make noise!
Hurry up to class.
You will learn everything
While you're at school.

It will be easier for you to decide
What to become after school!

Everyone leaves, Roxana takes Ivan to the front of the stage, and the canopy closes behind them.

Roxana. Do you remember? Do you remember? Your first teacher, your first grade, first lesson.
Do you recognize yourself among these children, Ivan?

Ivan(confused). No... Although all this is so familiar. True, now I can’t believe that all this happened to me.

Roxana. Of course, it was so long ago!

Roxana. Let's go to! You will see the continuation!

Scene 4

The curtain opens. Gypsies, gypsies sit on the floor, and several gypsies are brought onto the stage under the arms of the school director and seat him in the chair on the right, and they themselves sit on the floor around him at his feet. All the gypsies sing to the tune of the song “Money, money, money everywhere!”

Fun is not a hindrance for us,
The champagne is flowing like a river!
He came to us, he came to us
Our dear director! (or Alexander Mikhalych, Ivan Petrovich, etc.)

He comes to school early
And sits there until nightfall,
Work isn't enough for him,
And my soul hurts for everyone!

Director(sings or speaks in recitative)
There are children, children, children everywhere,
Our children, gentlemen!
And without school life is bad -
No good!

(gypsies singing)
They say, they say
Well, let them say
All the windows in our school are lit until late.
They talk, they talk, they talk.

The gypsies hand the director flowers and run backstage, the curtain closes behind Ivan.


Director, oh, how long have you been here?
Keep your proud patience,
Your sorrowful work will not be wasted,

School was given to you for a reason
For business and for consolation,
She will not let you fall into despondency,
And there can be no doubt about that!

Scene 5

The curtain opens. Smartly dressed girls graduates noisily rush by, they dance and sing to
music from I. Kalman’s operetta “Silva” (“It’s impossible to live in the world without women, no...”)

It’s impossible to live in the world without school, no.
We lived in it for ten whole years.
But the time has come to say goodbye,
Stop studying already!
School, our greetings to you!

Everyone loves school - it's no secret.
Our warmest greetings to teachers!
It's sad for us to leave,
It's always sad to say goodbye.
We will not forget you, no!

They run away. Ivan and Roxana are on stage again.

I'm burning with impatience.
Please, another vision
Reveal before me:
Call everyone who is dear to me!

Gypsy camp, come to life!

The curtain opens.

Scene 6

A physics teacher introduces two gypsy girls onto the stage. While they are ascending to the stage, the gypsies remaining on stage perform the same verse as the director and present flowers.

Fun is not a hindrance for us,
The champagne is flowing like a river.
He came to us, he came to us
Physicist, dear to all of us! (or Alexander Petrovich, etc.)

It is he! I recognize him!
Our friend and teacher, a glorious physicist!
We learned so much from him!
I am the main heir to his ideas!

All the gypsies line up in pairs one after another, as in the game “Rucheyok”, each last pair passes between two rows, as in “Rucheyok”, and stands first.
You can diversify this dance with other figures or elements of Russian dance, while the dancers sing
to the tune of the song “There is no better color than this.”

There is no better color
When the apple tree blooms.
There is no better moment
When the physicist enters the classroom,

He will look at the silent class,
Those who are late will be scolded
Well, then, we know ourselves,
A blitz survey will be done for us.

He looks us straight in the eyes,
I don’t want to look away,
And for us such a drama -
Talk nonsense without a cheat sheet!

He doesn't blink, doesn't breathe,
Everything looks into my eyes,
And he immediately hears the hint,
The terrible deuce threatens.

We try harder
Ask all questions
In order to last longer
We can avoid the survey.

Of course he understands
But he's not angry with us.
Wishing him long life
Every student, every class.

The physics teacher sings (or recites) the answer to the motive of the romance “I loved you...”

I loved you, love still perhaps
It has not completely faded away in my soul.
Don't let physics bother you anymore
I don't want to make you sad in any way

I taught you, although often hopelessly,
And he gave two marks to make you understand,
But I loved you sincerely and tenderly
And I will remember and love you forever!

The curtain closes. A scene dedicated to mathematics is played out in front of a closed curtain. It involves two girls (or a boy and a girl), not necessarily from the graduating class; they sing to the tune of the song “Oh, madam, tell me, why?..” from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle,” portraying a mathematics teacher and a student.

Ah, madam, tell me why
Are there two points for me here again?

I'll tell you without hiding:
It’s not in vain that I give two marks.
And of course, this is not my fault.

Ah, madam, you really hurried
Give me a couple for the test!

Are you joking?
But I must object to you -
You need to learn formulas, my dear.

Ah, madam, but this task
It is beyond the power of an academic to decide.

It's just a disgrace and shame!
How will you live?
No, you failed to convince me!

The curtain opens.

Scene 7

A math teacher is sitting in a chair, around her several gypsy girls are singing to the tune of the song “It will happen again...”

Load more and more of us
For some reason they became
We are not afraid now
Even an institute.
The teacher asks us
Difficult tasks
My poor dad, and he
Cries over a task.

(all in chorus together with the teacher)
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
Or there will be more, oh-oh-oh.

She is preparing for university
She worked with us.
Kovalevskaya herself
I would be at a loss here
And the computer would die
From her program, -
The best would be bad
The most modern!

The gypsies give the teacher flowers. The curtain closes.

Ivan(in front of the closed curtain, addressing Roxana)
Visions of my happy days
Now the soul is worried more and more.
I remember we had a vocabulary book,
He taught the lessons like a magician!

The curtain opens.

Scene 8

A literature teacher is sitting in a chair, and gypsies are sitting and standing in the background. One of the graduates reads a dedication to him.

I am writing to you.
What more?
What more can I say?
For everything that was in your will
Punish me with an assessment.
But you, to my unfortunate fate
Keeping at least a drop of pity,
You will feel sorry for me!
Yes. I was writing an essay
Even though it wasn't easy.
And you need hellish patience,
To read it to the end,
To correct the mistakes
And in order to understand at least something,
To put commas all around
And don’t cry from melancholy.

Why did you visit us,
Breaking the silence of solitude.
I would never have known you
And I wouldn’t write essays!

Literature teacher

I foresee everything: it will upset you
My short message
And it will probably surprise you
A little belated confession...
Having once met your glorious class,
Not noticing diligence in him,
I didn't dare to shame you
And I didn’t give in to indignation,
And he gave you complete freedom.
And yet I dared to hope,
What do you think of yourself:
You will understand the literature,
One day I read everything at once.
How wrong I was! How punished!

However, there is an exam ahead,
And the hour is not far away
When I listen to you
And everything between us will become clear.

But know this: I loved
All of you, and I’m sorry to leave,
Although he was probably too strict,
Even though I had to swear.

I really don’t intend to hide,
But so that my life may last,
I have to be sure in the morning
That I will see you this afternoon!

Graduates give flowers to the literature teacher. The curtain closes. Ivan comes to the forefront with Roxana and addresses her and the audience.

Among other teachers
Our historian was dearer to me,
Although we often argued with him.

Well, Vanyusha, let's see.

The curtain opens.

Scene 9

The gypsies are on stage again, two of them are leading the history teacher onto the stage. The choir sings the greeting “Come to us”
he has arrived, he has come to us, our dear historian!”, the girls hand him flowers and seat him in a chair. One of the graduates sings to the tune of a romance from the movie “Dowry”, others walk around the stage in pairs or sit near a chair on the floor.

It's his fault that it's me again
I sit in front of the screen until nightfall,
My whole family fell asleep
And I have to get up early tomorrow,

But he said that we always
Must be aware of all events
And here I sit all alone,
I look to see where the congress was and where the rally was.

Don't tell me about him!
Don't tell me about him!

It's his fault that I'm sad
That I'm pale and lonely.
Spring doesn't make me happy
I'm just waiting for his lesson.

To the cinema, girlfriend, don’t invite me,
After all, I watch political duels.
Only out of great love for him
I really can't stand it all.

And I just think about him
Day and night about the same thing!

All the gypsies extend their hands to the history teacher. The history teacher's answer is performed to the tune of the song “Russian
field". In the absence of vocal data, the answer can simply be done.

At school, I'm at school again,
Whether it rains or snow falls,
But I don’t complain, I have my share
You won’t get bored, you won’t get bored forever.

Can't compare with anything
The teacher's destiny
I love you, guys,
I can't be happy without you!
Although there is always a lot to do,
And even though I have turned grey,
But the calling is sacred
And I don’t feel sorry for these years.

Is it worth saying goodbye?
Will we forget each other? No!
We will meet, we will communicate,
Let's be friends for another hundred years!

The curtain closes. Ivan and Roxana go to the front of the stage before the curtain.


I remember studying languages ​​at that school.
He embarrassed all the girls with foreign speeches.
With sadness, however, they listened to the teacher’s speech:
They wanted something more from me!

Yes, it’s clear you endured a lot of torment at school.
Let's go back, Vanya, to the past. Look, my friend.

The curtain opens.

Scene 10

All participants (or some group), dressed in modern clothes, line up diagonally so that
they were clearly visible from the auditorium. One girl (or boy) walks with a pointer in front of the performers, pretending to be a foreign language teacher. The group on stage sings to the melody of D. Tukhmanov’s song “On the French Side.” The speakers can be divided into two groups; teachers and students.

On the Russian side
In a great city
Teachers teach us
Different languages.
How tired am I -
Can't say it in words!
All the teachers are crying
Bitter tears.

Teacher (or teachers)
The youth went wrong:
They don't read books
Only from noon until morning
The videos are racing!
We don't know what to do
After all, we have a program
We want to teach them
But they are stubborn!
The stock of words is still poor,
They don't want to study.
How can they live without a tongue?
To go abroad?

(getting down on one knee,
stretching out hands to the teacher or teachers)
Everyone is ready to take an oath:
If necessary,
We are any of the languages
Let's study everything together.
We say thank you
We are for your torment,
And we all grieve with our souls
In this hour of separation!

The curtain closes and immediately opens.

Scene 11

Two gypsies bring a geography teacher onto the stage.
The gypsy choir sings a greeting.

Fun is not a hindrance for us,
And champagne flows.
He came to us, he came to us
Our dear geographer!

The gypsies seat the teacher in a chair and hand her flowers.

Ivan(addressing the teacher)

You came to us and captivated us all.
School life has become more fun.
We fell in love with geography
Well, you are a million times stronger!

We know thousands of different names
Countries of seas, mountains, villages and rivers.
You gave us so much knowledge at school,
Believe me, they will last for a century!

The curtain closes and opens almost immediately. Two gypsies bring a physical education teacher onto the stage. Choir
The gypsy sings a greeting.

Fun is not a hindrance for us,
And champagne flows like a river,
He came to us, he came to us
Dear athlete!

The gypsies seat the physical education teacher in a chair and give flowers. One graduate comes out to the ramp and sings to the tune of the romance “He told me, be you mine...”
Several girls in tracksuits in the background perform a set of physical exercises.

He told me:
"If you jump
Further and higher -
You will become a star!
Sport is joy
Sport is happiness
Owe yours
He will become destiny!
To a foolish heart
That's what he said,
Poor heart
That's what he said,
But he didn't love
No, he didn't love
Oh, he didn't love me.

He told me:
"No physical education
There will be no life
There will be no happiness
You won't even have a slim figure
No physical education
No physical education."

To a foolish heart
That's what he said,
Poor heart
That's what he said,
And he convinced
And he taught
And he loved me!

The curtain closes. Ivan and Roxana go to the front of the stage in front of the curtain. At this time all participants
must quickly change clothes: some into gypsy clothes, some into modern ones.

Oh, we also had a teacher,
The leader of all class affairs,
He taught us chemistry
He inspired us to be on duty,
In a word, he didn’t let us get bored.

You are a big fan of remembering:
Take a look, Vanya, at this room:
Perhaps this is your teacher
Called to you from the past?

The curtain opens.

Scene 12

Two gypsies bring the chemistry teacher onto the stage, seat him in a chair, and hand him flowers. The gypsy choir sings a greeting.

Fun is not a hindrance for us,
Ah, champagne flows like a river,
He came to us, he came to us
Chemistry teacher (or Andrey Palych, etc.) dear!

Girls in modern dresses with umbrellas of all colors dance and sing to the tune of the song “And the butterflies with their wings - yap-byak-byak...” from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle.”

It's good when you have your own class,
When he is not there, it is sad.
It's an honor for any teacher
So that his class is perfect.
Andrey Palych is always here with the bell,
No matter how trivial it may be...

He knows that girls are bang-bang-bang-bang,
If anything - from the classic jump-jump-jump-jump,
He's their little darling - tsap-tsap-tsap-tsap
And back to the office - sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff.

My birds, he will tell us lovingly,
My stars, berries, fish!
I'm sorry, I'll just not be me!
And I won’t forgive myself for that mistake,
To treat studying as a joke
And succumb to your smiles.


A chemistry teacher performs a response to the tune of the song "Don't Cry, You Hurt Your Heart..." from the movie "Straw Hat"

It's time, it's time, it's time to say goodbye, what kind of torment?!
Oh, how will I live without you?
Are we really, really, really destined to be separated?
Will I be able to forget my class?

Don't cry, it hurts your heart,
Brush the tears from your eyes:
I tell you, goodbye
But farewell is not for us!

Katyusha, Elena, Svetlana, Natalya, Irina,
Olyusha, Tatyana, Tamara, Polina, Marina,
Nadezhda, Renata, Christina, Alina, Lyudmila...
There is no heart in the world that would forget you.

Alas, alas, these golden days have passed away,
And you will rush off in all directions.
But everything, but all memories are dear
They will always stay with me!


The curtain closes. Before the curtain Ivan and Roxana.

Ivan. Thank you, thank you, Roxana! I saw all those who taught me these years. Oh, how sad my heart became!

Ivan sings a song based on the song “Coachman, don’t drive the horses,” and Roxana sits in the corner and listens.

How often in previous years
I was sitting at my school desk -
Tell me how and when
Did I manage to finish school?!

Am I really free now?
Is all the torment over?
But it’s sad, oh friend, believe me!
Where should I go now?!

Coachman, don't drive the horses.
I have nowhere else to rush.
I have nothing more to teach
Coachman, don't drive the horses!

Sometimes I didn’t sleep at night:
Crammed, and read, and wrote,
Problems, examples solved
And I felt meaning in life.

Now I'm so alone...
I cast lots to fate.
And the path before me is long -
He scares me, but he attracts me!


Roxana. You are seriously sad, Ivan, but this was your past. Now you will begin a new life. Tell me, what is she like, your beloved? Did you see her?

Ivan. Whom?

Roxana. Your beloved.

Ivan. What? What other lover?

Roxana. The one you wanted to marry.

Ivan. I? Marry? This is too much!

Roxana. Well, you said it yourself: I can’t make up my mind, I don’t know who to stop at...

Ivan. Not on whom, but on which one.

Roxana. You see now.

Ivan. So I was talking about sciences.

Roxana. About science?!

Ivan. Exhausted! I can't give preference to any one. I love them all, I taught them all, and the grades are the same for all of them! I don’t know who I should become, what I should decide on.

Roxana. Is it true?

Ivan. Is it true.

Roxana. And it's all? So you haven't thought about getting married?

Ivan. Well of course not!

Roxana. Well then everything is simpler. I can give you advice so that all sciences will be useful.

Ivan. Well?! Don't languish!

Roxana. Programmer!

Ivan. Hooray! Indeed, as you read the newspapers, programmers are needed everywhere. And the earnings are decent.(:-)

Ivan and Roxana leave. The curtain opens.

Scene 13

Most of the participants sit on the edge of the stage, the rest depict the pre-exam bustle: leafing through notes, reading each other’s notes, etc. The choir sings to the tune of the song “I’ll Only Be a General.”

The year is over, and again
Tests are required to be taken,
They are ordered to take exams.
And, on the go, opening the notes,
You go and give the answer,
And very often inappropriately.
And the answers are out of place
They tell me to go to the director,
And there it is necessary to explain,
What did you study and how?
And why such a trifle
I couldn't explain it intelligently.

It's very nice to be a scientist
It's very nice to be a scientist
I can’t name a better job for you guys.
Of course, I will be a scientist,
Of course, I will become a scientist,
If I survive school, if I survive school.

And he will start from afar,
What, they say, Russia is great
And every work in it is honorable.
Then he will look down on you
And he will hint that he is a fool
They won't even admit you to college.

Director, dear, wait,
Spare me, poor fellow,
Hand me the certificate sheet.
I promise to be better
And one day we'll make up for it all,
After all, in front of you is a programmer!

How good it is to be a programmer
How good it is to be a programmer.
I probably can’t name you a better job.
I'll definitely be a programmer
I will only become a programmer
If there are exams, I will survive these exams!

The curtain closes and opens again.

Scene 14

All the graduates line up on the stage. For them, teachers (women) sing to the melody of the romance “White Acacia Fragrant Clusters” from the movie “Days of the Turbins.”

The time for farewell is approaching.
How many years and winters have passed?
The school education process is over,
Childhood today will melt away like smoke.

The girls have become so beautiful:
It is impossible to take your eyes off them.
If only you were always happy,
Great paths are open to you in life.

The boys are all adults, no doubt
You have matured and are unrecognizable.
Lord, give these children luck,
So that they don’t know adversity and grief!

Our dear, good, glorious!
We are parting, but we will remember more than once:
How funny you were as kids,
And now you are leaving us!

After the teacher's speech, all graduates sing to the tune of the ensemble's song
“Bravo” “What a pity that you are not with me today...”

How quickly it came
Last day of school for us.
Alas, it's already broken
Sad parting tea.

What a pity that we are in class
we won't come again
Not for a single lesson
But maybe we'll freeze for a moment,
Hearing the call again.

Friends say goodbye
And everyone has sadness in their souls,
But you can't shed tears,
Although we feel sorry for our childhood.

Everything is the same as then:
From morning to night there is light at school.
Everything is the same as always
But... only we are no longer there.


The curtain closes.

Bolshakova E. N.

“How Ivan chose his profession” - School prom script

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