Biographies Characteristics Analysis

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You were presented with a luxurious bouquet, 2 days passed and it wilted?
Sad! But it happens. Flowers wither and very quickly, especially if they are not given due attention. How to keep flowers of different varieties longer? We study...
AT recent times all kinds of preparations for extending the life of cut flowers appeared on sale - "Bud", "Vitant", "Chrysal" (cost from 4-10 rubles (5-10g))
and others. They include both disinfectants and nutrients. Thanks to this combination, cut flowers retain their beauty much longer - up to 20-25 days.

For the most part, flowers love soft water, among them: roses, carnations, tulips, lilacs.
To soften water, add sugar and vinegar to it, for 2 liters of water 3 teaspoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of vinegar or a few crystals of citric acid.
In order for these cut flowers to stand in a vase for 7-10 days, they are placed in a 3-5% sugar solution.

But the sugar solution is not suitable for all colors.
Constrictions appear on the stems of cyclamens and lilies of the valley, and the flowers fade faster.

Almost all flowers need to change the water daily, except daffodils, hyacinths, amaryllis, gerberas and lilies of the valley.
forget-me-nots You don't need to change the water, just add a little fresh water every day.

In summer, cut flowers begin to rot faster. To prevent this from happening, put pieces of charcoal or 1 teaspoon into the water. table salt for 1 liter of water.
But in saline it is forbidden put dahlias, callas and roses.

Lilac better preserved in water with the addition alcohol
To keep the stems of cut flowers in a vase from rotting, they need to be trimmed a little every day.

Alstroemeria. Stands well in water at room temperature, giving the bouquet delicacy and airiness. Pruning is required before placing in a vase.

Amaryllis. Exceptionally durable. Gradually opens all the buds, which makes the bouquet look new every day. Likes water at room temperature.

Anthurium. It does not tolerate low ambient temperatures, becoming covered with brown spots in the cold. It is stored for a long time in settled water at room temperature.

Pansies. This cute and charming flower loves salted water, but does not last long, no more than five to six days.

Aster. It remains in bouquets for a very long time, if you remove the leaves from the stem in the water. Requires daily water changes.

knapweed. He only needs warm water. Before you put them in the water, at the bottom of the stem, you need to remove all small leaves, shoots and buds. Be sure to add cut flower fertilizer to the vase and change the water more often. Cornflowers can stand in the cut for about a week. They lend themselves perfectly to drying and are great for making winter bouquets.

Carnation. Perfectly stands in clean water at room temperature, the cut must be done under the knee or above it. When placing a bouquet with a carnation in a vase, it should be remembered that this flower has a rather hard stem, but a fragile and brittle knee.

Dahlia. It is placed in water at room temperature with the addition of vinegar. Before placing in a vase, the stem should be filled with water and plugged with cotton wool.
Unstable stems of dahlias, poppy, mignonette, daisies, should be held for a few seconds over a candle flame ( lower part) or soak it for 2-3 minutes in a small amount of very hot water.

Gerbera. It stands for a long time in water at room temperature with the addition of a preservative, or glycerin. It should be placed in water not deep and during storage and in a vase: the filling height is 4-5 cm. It is useful to rub the cut of the stem with salt.

Hyacinth. Unpretentious, does not require any special conditions, except for a sufficient amount of clean water. In bouquets, it stands well with all companions, accepting their conditions of detention.

Gladiolus. A temperamental and impetuous flower requires frequent water changes. Bouquets with gladioli are placed in water at room temperature, after cutting the stems. It is better to cut the stems under running water or in a special container.

Hydrangea. Requires special handling. First, it is placed in hot water, and then in water at room temperature. Lignified stems are pre-cut and split with secateurs or scissors.

Iris. Delicate, unusual in shape and color, the spring flower quickly loses moisture, dried buds do not bloom. It is placed in water at room temperature, after cutting the stems. Flowers should not be placed too deep in water - to prevent the formation of rot.

Calla. It is quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention, it is well preserved in water, but it must be remembered that unblown buds do not open.

Lily of the valley. A bouquet of these magical spring flowers does not require any special conditions for keeping. Pure water, that's all. Remember that this flower is listed in the Red Book!

Lily. A symbol of elegance and luxury. Easily preserved both in a bouquet with other flowers and on its own. It is enough to cut the stem and put it in clean water.

Mimosa. A bright joyful flower loves water at room temperature. Pretty gentle plant. Unblown mimosa balls will remain unopened.

Narcissus. Buds bloom quickly in light and warmth and stand in water for up to two weeks. After pruning, the stems secrete a milky sap that pollutes the water, which is why the water needs to be changed daily. Put it in warm water to remove mucus. Compositions with daffodils are not recommended to be placed in the bedroom and children's room because of the intoxicating aroma. Headaches are possible.

forget-me-not. Demanding on moisture, can be placed in a vase with washed roots.

Orchid. Extremely thermophilic, afraid of drafts, it is recommended to add vodka to the water before placing in a vase. Cut the stems. A very delicate flower.

Pion. Peonies are beautiful on their own, but in combination with other flowers they give the bouquet splendor and solemnity. It is recommended to add 5-10 drops of vinegar per 1 liter to water for peonies.
Peonies are very convenient flowers: unopened buds, pre-wrapped in paper, can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. And when the time comes to give a bouquet, just take it out of the refrigerator. If you want a tight peony bud to bloom right before your eyes, put the flower in hot water.

Sunflower. Large spectacular flowers are recommended to be placed in warm water. Remove any leaves that may be underwater and cut the stems at an angle. Change the water every two days and trim the stems. With proper care, a sunflower in a vase will last from 6 to 12 days.

Buttercup. Bright saturated colors of buttercups create a feeling of joy, a cheerful holiday. They are placed in water at room temperature, after removing the leaves from the stems.

Rose. The most significant and most significant flower. The lifespan in a bouquet, in a vase, in a composition depends on the variety and varies from several days to several weeks. For a longer life of roses, it is recommended to clean the lower third of the stem from leaves and thorns and cut with a sharp knife under acute angle. Water must be changed daily. Trim the rose well directly in the water. It is better to use boiled or raw settled water with krizal. The cut through which the power enters is best made as long as possible. If krizal is not added to the water, it is better to change it once a day, each time updating the cut of the flower stem.

Lilac. All leaves should be removed from the lilac and the tip of the trunk should be broken with a hammer and placed in warm water with the addition of a preservative or glycerin - this will somewhat extend the very short life of the cut lilac. If the stems are pretreated, the flowers stand in water for up to two weeks.

Tulip. The most unpretentious for storage and the most photophilous. But we must remember that in the heat they quickly fade, and in the bright sun they fully open their heads.
Cut tulips wither quite quickly, but if you dip the stems of withering flowers in hot water, they will quickly regain their original freshness. Before this, you need to update the cuts on the stems and wrap them tightly with paper, which not only restores freshness, but also straightens the stems of tulips. You should leave them in the water for as long as it takes to fully restore the flower.

Freesia. Stands well in water at room temperature, spreading a delicate aroma. Cut freesias usually have several open flowers and buds that bloom later. Withering flowers are removed. If you add a little sugar to the water, the flowers will last longer in the vase.

Chrysanthemum. Fresh chrysanthemums are stored in a vase for up to two weeks, for this, leaves are removed from the stem, the ends of the stems are cut and the flowers are placed in warm water.

Let the presented flowers live long and give joy!

According to the materials of the sites

Cut flowers are short-lived at any time of the year, quickly wither and lose their charm and marketability, so you need to be especially careful about caring for them at the plants where they are grown, in flower shops and at home.

How to handle cut flowers so that they remain fresh in bouquets, compositions, baskets?

The lifespan of cut flowers depends on many reasons, and above all on the correct agricultural practices of the plants grown. There is, for example, an opinion that with excessive fertilizing with nitrogen, levkoy, having an excellent appearance, poorly preserved in bouquets.

The duration of storage of cut flowers is affected by the growing temperature, the amount of water during the growth period, and the illumination. The time of cut flowers is very important. Cut flowers are best done in the evening, because plants accumulate nutrients during the day, which contribute to the further extension of life. Flowers can be cut early in the morning, but in no case in the middle of the day, because at this time, not yet being cut, they consume moisture.

The duration of storage of flowers in cut form is greatly influenced by the development of the flower, its readiness for cutting. Some flowers are cut in bud, others half open, and some, such as calla lilies and many varieties of chrysanthemums, should be fully open when cut.

But each flower has its own peculiarity of remaining fresh when cut; for example, a cut remontant carnation stands in water for 2 weeks, and some varieties of hyacinths - 3 days.

Cut flowers can lose their attractiveness for two reasons - they can wither and fade.

Fading flower mainly because in a cut plant, a flower, due to increased evaporation, there is not enough moisture. It starts from the moment of cutting, and especially when the flower and leaves are without water for a long time, have a large evaporation surface (cut lilac, cut hydrangea). Many greenhouse cut flowers find it difficult to tolerate the difference in temperature and humidity of the place where they were grown, with the dryness and warmth of living rooms. The wilting process is reversible, and a wilted flower, after proper care, can be fresh again. Each flower has its own "withering point" when its further revival is impossible.

But a flower can fade, or grow old This process is natural and irreversible. By storing cut flowers, the flowering process can be slowed down. That is why we must try to cut many types of flowers in buds, remove anthers from some flowers so that there is no pollination.

In order to properly cut flowers, the following rules must be observed: to increase the nutritional surface of a cut flower, the stems should only be cut obliquely. Soft stems are cut with a sharp knife (scissors crumple the stem), dense stems are cut with secateurs, it is better to break the stems of chrysanthemums. The ends of the stems before storage in water must be further cut to length.

Cut flowers last longer if cut below the node where the leaf stalk joins the main stem. But for a bush that should produce a new shoot, it is better to cut the flowers above the node. For example, roses from a bush are recommended to be cut above the node, and in the store - below the node.

Water is the main source for extending the life of cut flowers. Greenhouses, greenhouses should have special storage facilities with prepared water baths or refrigerators, in which flowers are placed immediately after cutting. There is evidence that carnations, bulbous plants, chrysanthemums can be stored without water for several days in cold storage rooms, but in such a way that the temperature does not drop below 1 ° C. They can be immediately packed in cardboard boxes covered with plastic, and inside boxes should be lined with newsprint to absorb excess moisture. Cut roses are always stored in water. The water temperature for cut greenhouse flowers should be at least 25-30 ° C.

During transportation, flowers lose a lot of moisture, especially in summer, and begin to fade. This is especially true for flowers that are brought from other areas. Flowers entering the shops should be stored in refrigerators or in water, in dark, well-ventilated cool rooms. Practically they do it this way. Portable stainless iron baths measuring 90 x 25 x 25 cm, with a partition in the upper part, are installed in spacious storage facilities with electric lighting that can be turned off. Water is poured into the baths in advance so that it settles. Brought flowers in water are cut obliquely with a knife and left in trays until the moment of sale. In the event that the flowers were in the water at night in storage (in a greenhouse or in a store), it is enough for them to be in a bath with water for 2 hours, then they can be transferred for sale. If after cutting they were not in the water, then they should be in the store in the water for at least 8 hours.

The optimum water temperature for storing cut flowers in summer should be around 8°C. In winter, for storing cut flowers in stores, the water temperature should be 12-18°C.

If the flowers stand in water for a long time, it is necessary to change it daily, wash the ends of the stems of the flowers, remove the lower leaves that are in the water, and cut the stems obliquely by 3-5 cm. It is good to place in water baths where long-lasting flower bouquets are stored. pieces of charcoal washed from soot. Having a good active surface, it removes from the water bad smell and dyes.

Flowers need to "rest" in water in a cool, dark room. This reduces the amount and rate of moisture loss from the flower. The stems of flowers are immersed in water deeply, this is especially useful for flowers that do not have leaves on the stems (cyclamen, daffodils), but deep water is not recommended for gerberas. It is very useful to spray cold water indoors during the "rest" of many flowers. Callam, sweet peas are bad for mist.

It is known from the literature that flowers placed overnight in cold water add several days of life. Elevated air temperature during storage of cut flowers, on the contrary, shortens their life. So, cut flowers live 20 days at a temperature of 10 ° C, 5 - 6 days - at a temperature of 15-18 ° C, 2 - 3 days - at a temperature of 21 ° C.

Trays for storing flowers must be kept absolutely clean and washed after each use with hot soapy water, to which add a little ammonia.

Flowers should be stored in a well-ventilated, clean area. When flowers are left in an unventilated area for a long time, their petals and stems begin to deteriorate, at which time a small amount of gas is formed, from which the entire batch of flowers dies.

Flower shops should have a clear schedule for the movement of flowers: import-processing-storage-sales area. The task of flower shops is to revive and convey flowers to the buyer in the best possible way.

There are several recommendations in the literature for extending the life of cut flowers. chemicals, which help to stop the growth of bacteria in the water where the flowers are kept, delay the premature fall of the petals, strengthen the stem and help preserve the color of the leaves. The first of these remedies are sugar and salt.

Alum, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, borax, hydrazine sulfate, camphor alcohol, glycerin are also used in microdoses.

To reduce the pH of room water from 7 to 4, to create ideal conditions for cut carnations, roses, levkoy, delphiniums, snapdragons, add 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar and 2 tablespoons of vinegar or a few crystals of citric acid to 2 liters of water.

For lilacs, freesias, carnations, roses, sweet pea tulips, the most favorable is a 2-5% sugar solution, it increases their flowering by 7-12 days.

Cut cyclamen do not like sugar solution.

Known patented funds - "Kumazin", "Chrysal", "Aladdin" and others.

Cut flower care at home. Flowers from the store arrive at 1 buyer in winter and summer, packed in paper, with the upper and lower ends tied so that the inflorescences are directed downwards.

Cellophane cannot serve as packaging and is used only in case of a special design of the bouquet at the request of buyers.

Having brought the flowers home, they are unpacked and inspected, cut off with a pruner or a sharp knife, damaged and withered leaves, petals, give the flowers a calm "rest" in the water before putting them in vases, collecting compositions from them.

Methods for restoring the freshness of flowers, as well as methods for extending the life of cut flowers, are very simple and affordable. To refresh the flowers, the stems are lowered into a bucket of water at room temperature, the cut is renewed with a sharp knife, the stems are split along the length under water and the flowers are left in the water for 2 hours, placing the bucket in a dark, cool place.

For flowers that have faded, there are two ways to revive them. The first is the dipping method, when flowers, such as wilted lilacs, are completely dipped into water, the sections of the stems are renewed and, having taken them out of the water, they are tightly wrapped in a damp newspaper (it can be dry, and then moistened) and again immersed in water. Water should be at room temperature - 18-20 ° C. Flowers should not be dipped in cold water. A bucket of flowers should be taken out to a dark, cool room. In 2 hours the flowers will be fresh with dense stems ready for any arrangement.

The second method of revitalizing severely wilted flowers is treatment hot water . To do this, the flower stems are pre-cut under water, the flowers and leaves are wrapped in paper, and then the ends of the stems (2-3 cm) are dipped in hot water with a temperature of 80-95 ° C for 1.5-3 minutes. After that, the flowers are wrapped again tightly in paper, put deep in cold water, and they quickly come to life.

The methods listed above for restoring freshness to cut flowers also serve to prolong their life. In addition, at home, you must follow the rules for caring for flowers.

1. Refresh cut flower stems in water and give "rest" in deep water.

2. Woody stems are best further cut to length than broken, as the fibers pollute the water in the vases and close the conductive vessels in the stems.

3. To reduce the evaporation surface, part of the leaves immersed in water should be removed from the stems.

4. Some flowers (hydrangea) and ornamental greenery (maidenhair, asplenium) secrete a gluing liquid when cut - latex, which seals the conductive vessels of the stem. Delivered without treatment with hot water, they quickly fade. To prevent this from happening, use charring method. To do this, split the ends of the stems into 2 hedgehogs and cauterize in the flame of a candle or gas burner. Keep the ends above the flame for 15 seconds, moving leaves and flowers away from the fire. When burned, the latex turns into permeable ash. The stems processed over the flame must be immersed in water in the future.

5. Flowers, the stems of which release milky juice (daffodils), sealing the conductive vessels, are dipped for a few seconds in hot water or for 1 minute in warm water and again transferred to deep cold water for storage.

6. In flowers with large inflorescences, such as chrysanthemums, petals may fall off. This is easy to fix if you drop a few drops of stearin from a burning candle on the base of the flower (receptacle).

7. It is necessary to wash the vases daily with soapy water and change the water in them, as flowers left in stale water quickly fade.

8. Flower stems must be washed when changing water clean water under the tap. Then, again lowering them into a bucket of water and without removing them from the water, cut them by 2 cm, and leave them for the night to “rest”.

9. Compositions of cut flowers, which, having been disassembled, are difficult to repeat in the future, can be placed in a basin of water in the same bowl without disturbing them by passing cold water into the basin from the tap. Flowers for the night well "rest".

10. If cut roses, carnations, chrysanthemums must be kept long time you can use your home refrigerator. Flowers (it is better if they are in buds) must first be cut in water, leaving them there for 2 hours to "rest", then, wrapped in newsprint, put in the lower part of the refrigerator, where the temperature is 5 - 8 ° C. After a few days flowers can be taken out, cut again, kept in water, and put back in the refrigerator. So you can keep them for 7-10 days or more.

For proper care of flowers at home, you need to have the necessary equipment and devices, namely: a sharp knife, secateurs, a small nail file for cutting branches, candle ends (better painted), devices for boiling water, a watering can with a long neck, adhesive tape, a plastic bag, newspapers, charcoal, sugar, salt, borax powder, glycerin, ammonia, vinegar, citric acid, alum, potassium nitrate, calcium, hydrazine sulfate.

Azalea. The best greenhouse-forcing flowering plant with small leathery leaves and bright flowers.

Cut off the azalea when several open flowers appear on the branch. It stands in a cut form from 5 to 10 days. Store azalea branches in cold water with stems split along the length by 2 - 5 cm. Cut azalea loves spraying with water.

Asparagus. Cut Asparagus Plumosus and Sprengeri can stay fresh for a long time if stored properly. In flower shops, asparagus tied in loose bunches are deep-immersed in water baths in cool storage rooms. When arranging bouquets with asparagus, they remain immersed in water baths or wrapped in damp paper in the knitting room. Asparagus plumosus, tied in small bundles, is well stored at a temperature of 8-10°C. In warm rooms, asparagus, especially plumosus, quickly lose their beauty. To prevent asparagus leaves from falling off, they can be sprayed with a thin layer of clear varnish.

In arrangements, the lower part of the stem is necessarily freed from greenery.

Begonia rec. River begonia leaves are good to use for arranging. They are cut off when they acquire the desired size and color and, if necessary, stored with split ends in 1 water, where salt is added at the rate of: one tablespoon per 2 liters of water.

carnation remontant- one of the most resistant cut flowers in water. Cut the carnation when the flowers are 3/4 open. During storage, the stems must be cut under water, the leaves from the stems during storage in water are not removed, since 1 they help to absorb water.

Cloves benefit from spraying with water. There are many recommendations for storing cut cloves. For example, in Bulgaria, an aqueous solution containing 0.003% silver nitrate, 0.1% calcium nitrate and 1-1.5% sugar is used for cut carnations, in which cut flowers are immersed for several hours.

The flowering period of carnations is increased by a 2-5% sugar solution. AT industrial environment cloves can be stored for 30 days. To do this, after cutting, the flowers are allowed to fade a little, then they are packed in a metal vessel, stored without water at a temperature of 0.5 ° C. When the carnation is removed, the stems are cut in water and left overnight in deep water. In order for the carnation petals not to crumble, supportive plastic rings are put on the flower or pieces of adhesive plastic tape are glued to this place.

To save cut Helleborus it is necessary to split the stems and keep the flowers overnight in deep water.

hyacinths live in a cut form from 3 to 6 days. Caring for cut hyacinths consists in cutting the stem with a sharp knife, above its white part, splitting the stem along the length and storing it in water. If the hyacinths fade ahead of time, then you need to lower them for 1.5-3 minutes in water, the temperature of which is 90-95 ° C, after which the hyacinths are lowered overnight into cold water. To preserve the smell, hyacinths are wrapped in paper during storage.

Hydrangea. Cut the hydrangea when the inflorescences are half opened. Cut hydrangea flowers do not stand well in water unless they are specially treated. Therefore, it is necessary to cut off all excess leaves from the stem, shorten the stem and split it by 2 cm, and then heat the ends over a candle flame for 15 seconds or boil in vinegar and then immerse the stems and even inflorescences deep into cold water overnight. When the flowers are elastic, the hydrangea is ready for arranging.

In the arrangement are inflorescences on short stems.

Sweet pea It is recommended to cut when the flowers are fully bloomed. Store them in water, be sure to cut the stems under water. To prolong the life of the plants are placed in a 1.5% sugar solution (4 teaspoons of sugar per 2 liters of water).

Sweet pea flowers do not like water on the petals.

Dryakva(wild cyclamen) are stored in cold rooms, in cardboard boxes with padded sheets of paper, on which snow is poured.

callas cut at any stage of flowering, but we must remember that when cut, the calla flower does not fully bloom. Cut flowers live 8-10 days. Store them cut in cold water. Calla lilies are stored in water, periodically immersed, especially if they are cut along the lines conceived by the arranger. Then the leaves are taken out and only the ends of the petioles are immersed in water.

To prevent the ends of the petiole from twisting, a wooden stick is inserted inside the stem, and the bottom is grabbed with an elastic band. This makes it easier to attach the stem to the needle holder.

lilies of the valley cut off when the buds are colored to the very top and 1/4 of the corollas is open. When cut, they stand 3-7 days. To preserve the fragrance, the flowers are wrapped in paper and stored in water.

Acacia deallbata stored in hot water with split ends of the stems, while the inflorescences must be sprayed with cold water.

flowers and leaves muscari they do not cut off the bulbs, but carefully pull them out when the inflorescence is half open. Stands cut for 3-6 days. Store in cold water.

Daffodils and Tatsetas cut in buds when they are just beginning to open. Cut daffodils, depending on the variety, live 5 to 8 days. When the stem is cut, milky juice is produced. To stop its release, you need to hold the ends of the stems for a minute in warm water, and then continue to store in cold water. Daffodils are better preserved if sugar is added to the water at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter. They love frequent spraying with water. So that the ends of the stems of daffodils and tatsets do not twist in the water, they, like callas, must be clamped with a narrow rubber band.

ferns. In arrangements, maidenhair and asplenium ferns are most often used. Cut fronds of ferns, placed in water without treatment, quickly wither. It is best if a cut of the fern stalk is held over a candle flame to char the released juice, then the stalk and wai are completely immersed in water and kept until the moment of use.

blooming primroses On sale in winter there are two types - primrose malacoides and primrose obkonika. When cut, primrose flowers stand differently in water. Primrose obkonika, even with proper care, fades faster than graceful primrose malakoides with small lilac-pink inflorescences. Primrose leaves are also used. Cut them off when the inflorescences are half opened. The stem is split and stored in warm water until arranged.

cut roses at home quickly fade. In order for them to be persistent, they must be prepared in the store. The Bulgarian specialists of the firm "Bulgartsvet" give some advice from their experience. For example, they cut some varieties of roses half-blown, others - when the outer petals move away from the bud. Flowers are packed without mixing varieties, tied in 20 pieces, placed deep in water, the temperature of which is 2-5 ° C, and only in the second half of the next day they are sent to stores. If roses are sent far away, then they are not immediately put into the water. Before shipment, they are kept at a temperature of 3 ° C, wrapped in thin paper and placed in thin boxes. In flower shops, roses are recut, the inflorescences are covered with paper and kept in cold water. Part of the leaves of roses, when stored in water, is removed from the stems.

The roses brought from the store are unpacked, the damaged leaves are removed, the cut is renewed by 1 2 cm, and 1 is kept in cold water for at least 2 hours before arranging.

If the roses have faded, then they can be revived by treatment in hot water, and then again immersed in cold water.

At night, roses are taken out of vases, laid out on a newspaper, wrapped completely with flowers and lowered to the inflorescence deep into the water. It is believed that roses last longer in water to which potassium chloride is added at the rate of 5 g per 1 liter of water, or when roses stand in aqueous solutions salts with a slightly acidic reaction (1 tablespoon of wine vinegar and 50-75 g of sugar per 1 liter of water or 3 teaspoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of vinegar per 2 liters of water).

Scylla cut off lives 5 days. Cut it off when half of the flowers are open. The stems are stored in cold water.

Lilac cut off when the brush has opened more than half. In cut form, it is stored, depending on the variety, for 7 days or more. Since lilac has a large evaporation surface, for better preservation in cut form, all leaves are removed from flowering branches, the ends of the stems are cut in length, after removing the bark by 3-4 cm, and put in water with a temperature of 18 ° C at night. Likes spraying with water. If the lilac brought from the store has withered, it is revived by dipping and processing in hot water.

tulips cut off when the buds begin to open. Live in cut form 5 - 8 days.

Cut tulips are stored wrapped in damp paper up to the inflorescence and placing the stems in cold water. So that the inflorescences do not droop, they are tied with strips of paper - cuffs. Tulips always turn their flowers towards the light. To maintain the desired position in the arrangement, a wire is inserted into the stem of the inflorescence from below, or, conversely, the wire is inserted into the stem through the calyx, and only then can the tulip be turned in any direction. Tulips are known to stand longer in water with cypress branches.

Freesia cut when the buds are colored and 3-4 of them are open. All flowers bloom in water. One flower lives 2 - 3 days. Better preserved in damp paper. Loves to spray with water.

chrysanthemums cut (break) when the flowers are fully opened. Solid woody stems must be split into 5-10 cm before being stored in water. If the flowers have faded, they are placed in hot water, where they remain until the water cools. The leaves of chrysanthemums that are in the water must be removed.

Split chrysanthemums are kept cut for a long time in a warm sugar solution (3-4 tablespoons per 2 liters of water).

Cyclamens brought from the store in pots, in warm room quickly dry up, the buds do not bloom, the plant loses its appearance and dies. If you keep the pot of cyclamens in a cool place, on the window, pouring water daily from the saucer and spraying the leaves, they can bloom for a very long time.

Cut cyclamens can stand in water for 5 to 8 days. To do this, you need to pull them out of the flower pot so that there are no pieces of stems left on the bulb, and collect bouquets from them. For long-term storage in cut form, the lower part of the cyclamen stems and leaf petioles is cut in length and kept overnight in cold water. If wilted Cyclamens do not restore freshness for a long time, the stems are cut again, held over a candle flame for 15 seconds and stored again in cold water. Dense buds do not open in water, but in the arrangement they are necessary to add grace to the bouquet.

Cut cyclamens do not respond to sugar solution.

Cineraria cut when flowers are 3/4 open. Excess leaves must be removed, as they evaporate a lot of moisture, and when soaked they quickly fade.

The stem with flowers is split and stored in warm water at a temperature of 35 ° C, without removing them until the moment of arrangement.

decorative greenery. In bouquets, baskets, in addition to asparagus and ferns, leaves of decorative deciduous plants, twigs of evergreen trees, forcing greenery of poplar, larch are used.

Leaves of aspidistra, aucuba, dracaena, sansevier, cut and put into water, live for a very long time. Before storage, they are washed well and split along the length. Evergreen branches, leaves should be washed in warm soapy water and rinsed in cold water to remove dust. All branches, including forcing ones, are split in length by 5-7 cm, first stored in warm water. In the future, when arranging branches, it is useful to add 1 tablespoon of glycerin to 2 waters.

Hello my dear readers! Today I want to talk to you about flowers, or rather cut flowers. Agree, how insulting it happens to us when a beautiful bouquet presented so little time pleases us with its beauty. Is there anything you can do to make flowers last longer in a vase? I want to offer you some simple recipes for different colors, some general recommendations, as well as give useful tips that you may need when buying fresh flowers.

How to make flowers last longer

In order for cut flowers to stand longer in a vase, some rules should be followed. Separate rules exist for each type of flower. But there are also general recommendations. I'll just start with them.

How often we are given beautiful bouquets consisting of different flowers. They look very impressive! But, unfortunately, as a rule, they do not last long. Flowers in such prefabricated bouquets quickly begin to wither. Why is this happening? It turns out that not all flowers are compatible with each other. Therefore, if you want your flowers to last as long as possible, it is advisable not to keep different types flowers in one vase.

How different flowers affect each other

  • roses, exactly the same as carnations, will wither much faster if you put them with any other colors. That is, in one vase there can be only one rose, or only one carnation!
  • Many people like to make bouquets from daffodils With tulips, but if this is done, then the tulips will wither very quickly. Daffodils and tulips are incompatible!
  • Flowers that speed up the fading of other flowers include: lilies of the valley, daffodils, mignonette, tubular lilies and sweet peas.
  • Extend the life of many flowers can: sprig of arborvitae, cypress or geraniums.

Choosing a vase for flowers

When choosing which vase to put cut flowers in, keep in mind that the flowers should not be crowded in it, but not too loose so that the stems do not fall.

vase height should be about the middle of the flower stem.

Water level in a vase usually does not greatly affect the preservation of flowers. But if there is fluff on the stems of flowers, then the water should not be higher than a third of the stem.

If you were presented with a bouquet, then bringing it home you need to cut off the tips of the stems by 1-2 cm and preferably immerse the flowers in water for 1-2 hours until the flower itself. And then put it in a vase.

In order for the flowers to stand longer, the leaves must be removed from the part of the flower stem that is in the water.

If flower stems are hard(as in chrysanthemums and peonies), then their ends must be split into 3-4 cm.

Hard ends of bushes(for example, lilac, jasmine) must be crushed to a height of 5-10 cm.

If soft flower stems, then just make straight cuts.

Require special care dahlias, poppy, mignonette, daisies. The tips of the stems of these flowers must first be quickly burned on fire, and then placed in cold water.

Every day, the flowers need to change the water, rinse the stems with water and cut by 1 cm.

What can be added to water to make flowers last longer

Some substances dissolved in water can increase the life of cut flowers. To make flowers stand in water for a long time, you can dissolve:

  • aspirin(1 tablet per 1 liter)
  • table salt(0.2 g per 1 l)
  • sugar(half a teaspoon per 1 liter), but not all flowers are good for sugar
  • glucose(make a 1% solution)
  • glycerol(1-2%)
  • alcohol(10%)

To make roses last longer

In order for roses to stand longer, they must be cut under water, leaves and thorns removed from below. The water in which it is planned to put roses should be well settled. An aspirin tablet should be added to this water.

To make the carnations last longer

In order for the cloves to stand longer, you need to add boric acid to the water at the rate of 0.1 g per liter of water. Carnations do best in room temperature water. Note that these flowers do not need to be water changed too often.

For the lilies to stand for a long time

In order for the lilies to stand longer, the ends of their stems must be lowered into water heated to 60 degrees, and held there for two minutes. In addition, lilies will last longer if their stamens are removed. Make it convenient with tweezers.

To make gerberas stand for a long time

Gerberas have a hairy stem that cannot be submerged deep in water. Pour enough liquid into the vase so that no more than one-third of the stem is in the water. It is recommended to immerse them in water no more than 5 cm. Add salt to the water at the rate of one teaspoon per liter of water. Please note that these flowers do not like drafts very much.

To keep dahlias longer

Cut dahlias will last longer if the water is slightly acidified with vinegar. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar to the vase. Instead of vinegar, one aspirin can be used.

Take note of these simple ways to save cut flowers, and let them delight you longer.

Now I will give you some useful tips, which may come in handy when shopping for cut flowers.

  • At the time of buying roses Special attention pay attention to the bud - it should be dense and elastic.
  • lilies it is advisable to buy with the stamens removed. Not only that, yellow pollen gets very dirty. If this pollen gets on the pistil, the flower will begin to die.
  • Buying chrysanthemums, pay attention to the stem of the flower. The leaves should be juicy, not sluggish or dry, and the cut should be light. Look at the center of the flower. Well, if it is still devoid of color, that is, greenish or white.
  • Choosing tulips, be wary of flowers whose heads are compressed with rubber bands. Most likely, they were cut off a long time ago, and will stand for a very short time.
  • Do not buy pre-assembled bouquet. Most likely it won't last long. It is better to ask the seller to make a bouquet right in front of you.

Well, now you are fully armed, and you can take at least some measures so that the flowers designed to delight you with their beauty can perform their task for as long as possible.

And further. When you buy flowers for someone, do you know that each flower color means something , and a person who knows about the symbolism of flowers can interpret your gift in a completely different sense, not the one you put into it. In order not to be mistaken, I advise you to read.

Since today I have a topic about flowers, I decided to please you with beauty. I made a beautiful slideshow "Flowers in a Vase" with very gentle music by Michel Pepe. I myself have had great pleasure working on this gift for you.

Get your portion of positive and you!

  • Shelf life: 1 year
  • Shelf life: 1 year
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: not indicated
  • Freezer time: not indicated

Carnation is very familiar to everyone. This spice is simply irreplaceable. Thanks to its beneficial properties, you can easily preserve vegetables, mushrooms and fruits. It is also useful for various marinades. Cloves are very often used in cooking. It can be added to meat, vegetable and mushroom soups.

The carnation itself belongs to the myrtle family. The tree has a height of up to 20 meters and a smooth trunk. It also features evergreen foliage. At the beginning of the rainy season, buds with a pink corolla begin to appear on the branches. These calyxes are four-toothed and become bright purple over time. Then they are dried. It is these cups that are the fruits of the clove tree. In Russian cuisine, cloves are most often added to meat dishes. To give a spicy taste to coffee, punch or mulled wine, this spice can also be added in a small amount. Cloves are used for confectionery. Petioles are more suitable for meat dishes and marinades. Do not put this spice in dishes that need heat treatment. This can greatly change the taste, and even the abyss of aroma. It is important to know the shelf life of cloves, as they have antibacterial properties. Therefore, the spice is often used in homemade meat products. It is important to know that cloves have and beneficial features. It helps with age-related memory impairment mental activity, with atherosclerosis and pre-stroke and post-stroke condition. Ancient Chinese medicine uses cloves to relieve various gastrointestinal pains. Also, with its help, you can stimulate your appetite and help yourself with hernia and bronchitis.

Indians use cloves to improve mood and potency. It is also useful for asthma, colds, coughs, toothaches, hiccups, hypotension and vomiting. To help yourself with this spice, you should know the expiration date of the clove. Carnation also has an interesting property. It can not only help to cope with a toothache, but also freshen your breath. it ancient property known for many centuries. Chinese emperors courtiers were forced to chew clove buds so that their delicate sense of smell would not suffer. Clove oil is also very beneficial. It has excellent antiseptic properties, can kill pathogenic bacteria viruses. When flu epidemics come, it is simply irreplaceable. Oil is also widely used in aromatherapy. It calms nervous system and gives strength human body. With it, a person can also help himself with arthritis and arthrosis. Clove oil will perfectly heal after fractures and various injuries. You can also relieve muscle pain, improve blood circulation with it. It has a bactericidal effect, therefore it helps with digestive disorders and removes colic, as well as gas formation. For women, this oil can help with problems with the menstrual cycle, and can also be used for infertility. So without this spice it would be very difficult. It is indispensable in cooking, and with its help you can get rid of many ailments. Properly stored, the spice will make the dish special, and also help to marinate food for the winter. Cloves should be stored in a tightly closed glass jar. A dry and dark place is most suitable for her. The shelf life of ground cloves is 6 months. A whole clove can be stored for up to one year. The shelf life of clove oil is 2 years. It should be in a dry and cool place that is protected from light. Also, the oil should be out of the reach of children.

Extending the life of cut flowers is not so difficult - just follow some simple tips.


Bouquet preparation

Choose a vase according to the size of the bouquet so that the stems of the flowers are not pressed against each other. It is better to fill the vase not from the tap, but to use settled or filtered warm water.

For all colors, follow the main rule: before putting the bouquet in a vase, remove the lower leaves from the stem, and roses also have thorns to avoid rotting in water.

For flowers with a hard stem (roses, chrysanthemums), make an oblique cut with a sharp knife to increase the moisture absorption area. This procedure must be done under water so that air bubbles do not clog the vessels of plant tissues. Do not use scissors for this, so as not to flatten the capillaries. Split the stem into three or four centimeters and put a piece of a match into the split - this will increase the absorption of moisture even more.

For flowers with a hollow stem (dahlias, lupins), pour water inside the stem, and plug the hole with cotton wool or a piece of gauze. Remove all leaves from the branches of shrubs (lilac, jasmine) and split the tip of the trunk.

A flower that secretes milky juice must be cut under water, as it immediately hardens in air, clogging the vessels. To stop the release of juice, the end of the stem must be dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds or burned on fire.

For plants with soft stems (tulips, daffodils, callas, gladioli), cut the bottom of the stem or make a few vertical scratches on it with a needle. Treat cuts of callas and gerberas with salt, and lower the stems of carnations for a few seconds in alcohol.

123RF/Nelli Syrotynska

Disinfection and feeding

Flowers in a vase are most affected by the rapid development of bacteria in the water. Various ways disinfection slows down this process. Put pieces of charcoal into the water, a silver coin, as they did in the old days, or add washing powder on the tip of a knife. For the same purpose, you can slightly salt the water in a vase of flowers (one teaspoon of table salt per liter of water).

To kill microorganisms, add aspirin or streptocide (one tablet per six liters of water), sugar and vinegar (one tablespoon per liter of water), boric acid (0.1 grams per liter of water), soda slaked with lemon juice (not more than one tablespoon per liter of water), potassium permanganate (at the tip of a knife). All these agents contribute to the destruction of microorganisms in the water, prevent the process of decay and allow fresh flowers not to wither for a long time.

To feed flowers in a vase, sugar is usually used. This is especially helpful for tulips, carnations, daffodils. Roses and chrysanthemums respond positively to aspirin, while dahlias do well to add a little vinegar to the water. But astra feels much better in a weak alcohol solution (one teaspoon of alcohol per liter of water).

In addition, flower shops sell special additives to extend the life of flowers. They already include all the necessary disinfectants and nutrients.

123RF/Konstantin Malkov

How to place a bouquet?

Flowers should stand in a bright room, avoiding direct sunlight. It is also undesirable that there are drafts in the room. Important role The temperature in the room also plays: in a cooler climate, the flowers are preserved better.

Roses, carnations, orchids, lilies, daffodils, poppies, lilies of the valley should be placed in vases separately from other flowers, then they will last longer. Sprigs of geranium, thuja, woodruff, on the contrary, help keep the flowers fresh.

Do not put the vase near the place where the fruits are stored: the fruits emit ethylene gas, which speeds up the rotting process.

To make flowers last longer

To prolong the life of the bouquet, change the water regularly, rinse the walls of the vase and rinse the stems of the flowers. After removing the bouquet from the vase, cut the stems by a centimeter, holding them under running water, and only then put them back in fresh water. To keep the greens of the flowers fresh, spray them from time to time with a spray bottle.

To make new buds open faster, periodically remove old dried flowers. The flowering process can be greatly accelerated by adding a little vodka to the vase.

If several flowers in the bouquet began to fade before others, select fresh ones, rinse, cut and place in another container. Plants with signs of wilting should be submerged in water up to the flower.

There is also an emergency method of helping flowers: for a few seconds, lower the stems into boiling water. Hot water expands capillaries and activates vital processes.

    Do you love cut flowers?