Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Belarus has a 5 point system. The return of the five-point knowledge assessment system will be discussed in Belarus

On Thursday, August 24, on the Republican pedagogical council the president will arrive. The day before, he said that he had not been to such an event for a long time, so it was time to consult with teachers and listen to their opinion. TUT.BY has collected pressing questions about the school that have been raised from high stands recently.

On the presidium of the teachers' council, together with Alexander Lukashenko there will also be a minister of education Igor Karpenko.

Back on August 15, during a working meeting with Karpenko and the Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Zharko the president demanded “to make the event informal so that problems that need to be solved can be discussed and identified.” 800,800 people will come to the teachers' council, and there will be an open microphone. Teachers will decide how the school will develop until 2030. But the most important thing is to discuss the upcoming academic year 2017/2018.

Will the ten-point system be replaced by a five-point system?

Ten years ago, a ten-point education system was introduced in the country. Many questions are based on a ten-point system. This, and sometimes there is subjectivity in the assessment. And we don't have an unsatisfactory rating. Because one point is also an assessment of knowledge. Previously, they understood that one and two were unsatisfactory grades. Therefore, it must be submitted for public discussion. Maybe we can return to the five-point system,” the Deputy Prime Minister said on August 15 Vasily Zharko.- So that everyone understands: four means four. Five means an excellent student. (...) Where is the line between six and seven, seven and eight?

After listening to the Deputy Prime Minister's proposal, the President suggested that this issue be thoroughly discussed before making any decision.

The education system is in crisis, so no matter what is introduced, nothing will change globally,” a teacher comments on TUT.BY Anna Sevyarynets. - Personally, I like 10 better- point system. Some of my colleagues are happy about the return of the five-point rating. Today, a grade is not a scale that determines the level of knowledge, it is some kind of subject of manipulation on the part of parents, children and teachers. So what difference does it make whether there are 5, 10 or 100 points in this system? But any person who deals with precision instruments understands: the more divisions there are, the more accurate it is. I don’t really understand why to remove the ten-point system and return to the five-point system if it is less accurate.

Anna Sevyarynets is sure: from September 1, schools are unlikely to switch to a 5-point system, because regulations remained the same. It takes time to change them.

The photograph is used as an illustration. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

Will the textbooks be rewritten again?

In this regard, there is also a question of paramount importance- updating curriculum and textbooks, Lukashenko noted during a working meeting with Zharko and Karpenko. - I don’t see any problem in this. Even in terms. We're not re-creating textbooks, learning programs. These are mostly normal curricula and textbooks. But some topics, as has been discovered not only in the humanities, but also in textbooks on physics and mathematics, reach the point of stupidity. These topics need to be corrected.

Famous tutor Evgeniy Livyant says to write good textbook it takes three to four years. Then another year to test in individual schools and only then introduce it en masse. But here everything is different: school textbooks are written in three months, and immediately all the children in the country begin to study from them.

Eat regulations how to write a textbook. First, a program is written for several years, discussed in expert circles, licensed, and tested. Then a textbook is written for this program. Over all these years, not a single school textbook has undergone real testing, has not been tested on students, but was immediately put into circulation en masse,” comments Evgeny Livyant.- But now there’s another problem at school: in a week a new one will start academic year, there are no textbooks in many subjects. Neither in the store nor online. For example, there is no physics for grade 7, mathematics for grades 5-6. Even if they are brought to school on September 1, what will the teacher do? A responsible teacher always takes a new textbook for summer holidays, works through it, reads it, determines how he will work on it in accordance with calendar-thematic planning (CTP). By the way, in many subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, Russian language, Belarusian language, history of Belarus) calendar and thematic planning is only for the first quarter! This is the first time I’ve encountered this, because planning educational process always happened for the entire school year.

Teacher Anna Sevyarynets believes that the problem with today's textbooks is not that they are written complex language, but that there is no logic in the compilation of topics.

Russian language textbooks for grades 9–11 absolutely do not meet the needs of children or the final tests that they will have to pass. Construction training course does not take into account logic, the Russian language is a language based on the morphemic principle of spelling, and in our country all morphemics are compressed into one quarter of the 6th grade, when children are not yet able to perceive it all. Children have poor word formation, so they write illiterately, because this topic is briefly and modestly presented. That's the problem with textbooks. Therefore, they simply begin to cut them - and a disaster ensues.

Back on April 21, the president demanded that new textbooks be written over the summer.

But we can write books quickly and efficiently. We need to allocate these funds, small ones, and ask them to write new textbooks (...) I thought that we had done something wrong in the humanitarian sphere. But we messed up so much in mathematics and physics at school that it’s scary to look at the textbooks. Who are you preparing? - Lukashenko said then.

The photograph is used as an illustration. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

By September 1, 30 new textbooks will be published in Belarus, and 11 more by the end of the year.

There are already changes in the programs, and they are for the worse. For example, Nil Gilevich’s “Native Dzetsi” by Nil Gilevich was removed from Belarusian literature; “Letters from the Gallows” by Kastus Kalinovsky, “Directions of the National Revival of the 1920s”, “Directions of national policy KP(b)B”, “indigenization” (the topic “Belarusization Policy”), notes teacher Anna Seviarynets.

Will classes start at 9 am?

We need to change the school hours. There is no need to start lessons before nine o’clock,” the president said. And he cited his son Nikolai as an example. He said that the child had seven lessons, “the child wakes up at half past six...” “We still need to figure it out Karpenko: we have to start studying at 9 o’clock! And don’t look at the fact that it’s difficult for parents to send their children to school because they go to work earlier. It’s worth it for a child to sleep for an hour in the morning!”

A return to the five-point knowledge assessment system is proposed to be discussed in Belarus.

Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Zharko told reporters about this following a working meeting with Head of State Alexander Lukashenko.

“Ten years ago, a ten-point education system was introduced in the country. Many questions are based on a ten-point system. This and sometimes there is subjectivity in assessment. And we don't have an unsatisfactory rating. Because one point is also an assessment of knowledge. Previously (with a five-point system. - Author's note) they understood that one and two were unsatisfactory grades. Therefore, it must be submitted for public discussion. Maybe we can return to the five-point system,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“So that everyone understands: four means four. Five means an excellent student. There is no subjectivity,” Vasily Zharko gave an example. “What are 4 with a minus, 4 and 4 with a plus (according to the old system. - Author’s note) - 6, 7, 8. Where is the line between six and seven, seven and eight?”

The Deputy Prime Minister noted that in order to transfer to a budget form of education, in addition to participation in public life and other criteria require scores of at least 7 points. “One teacher gave it a 6, another gave it a 7. But there are four, and there are four (on a five-point system. - Author’s note),” he added.

Alexander Lukashenko, having listened to the proposal, emphasized that this issue must be discussed very well before making any decision

Five-point knowledge assessment system: pros and cons - opinions

Issues of reforming the education system were discussed on August 15 at a working meeting between President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Zharko. One of the proposals voiced at the meeting was an initiative to return to a five-point knowledge assessment system. This question proposed to be submitted for public discussion. We asked experts, deputies, athletes, artists and the students themselves about whether it is worth abandoning the ten-point system.

Director of the BSU Lyceum Makar Shnip:

— If we talk about which knowledge assessment system is better - five-point or ten-point, then each has pros and cons. The ten-point scale is already established, the children are used to it. This model is used in many countries. There are many quality assessment systems educational process. I am more impressed by the ten-point system, since it allows me to more accurately rank knowledge in academic subjects.

Vice-Rector for educational work Belarusian state university computer science and radio electronics Boris Nikulshin:

— I am for a return to the five-point knowledge assessment system. Still, it is more specific. The ten-point system is more vague, as Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Zharko said today. It is sometimes very difficult for a teacher to decide what to give a student - a seven or an eight, for example. Perhaps we were wrong to follow Western fashion; not everything is good with them.

Singer, presenter, mother of many children Larisa Gribaleva:

— I studied at Soviet time and, of course, the five-point system is simpler and more familiar to me. And if we talk about teachers, then for them returning to it means filling out a lot of paperwork; they need to rebuild again. They already do a lot, and for them this is, to a certain extent, additional trouble. In my opinion, the knowledge assessment system still does not affect overall performance. Indeed, at school they can give someone a ten, and someone a nine for the same answer. But in general, it is important to focus on knowledge rather than grades. As for my eldest child, he is 14 years old, the knowledge assessment system did not matter to him, there were no subjects for any questions. What is much more serious is that the school does not provide profile-oriented education. In high school, children need to be guided where they should go to study after school, what profession they want to connect their lives with. Children must spend a lot of time, often on items that they will not need as much. But some people need much more mathematics, while others need literature.

Triple Olympic champion freestyle wrestling Alexander Medved:

— Previously, we had a five-point system, and I think it’s the best. It’s immediately clear when it was given a bad rating and when it was excellent. Then the ten-point system appeared. And teachers often have questions: what to put - seven, eight, nine. What is there to count? The five-point system is the most objective, simple and effective.

Member of the Standing Committee of the House of Representatives on Ecology, Natural Resources and Chernobyl disaster Nikolai Ulakhovich:

— When I was at school, there was a five-point system for assessing knowledge, so I don’t really have anything to compare with. Naturally, I am for five points. This system is tested, more specific, and it is closer to me personally. When a child comes home and brings a seven, for me this assessment of knowledge is incomprehensible - a weak five or a strong four, if translated into the old system. Hard to understand. In the old way, if a student gets C grades, then he is a C student, which means he is a mediocre student. You can’t understand in a ten-point system - three grades at once lead to the same three. And it can be difficult to explain to the child himself how he studies - satisfactory, good, almost excellent or excellent. The result is marks “somewhere in between.” There is such a stretch. With a five-point score, it is clearly defined who studies and how. Just a few categories - very bad, bad, mediocre, good and excellent. In general, this topic should be widely discussed in our country, parents need to take a direct part in this. I think that grandparents also have their own point of view on this issue.

Member of the Standing Committee of the House of Representatives on Education, Culture and Science Oksana Nekhaychik:

— The question, of course, is ambiguous. I was finishing Soviet school, when there was a five-point system, and it suited me. Modern children, who do not know the old system and have been studying according to ten points for many years, understand and accept this system and have adapted to it. At the same time, when the transition from five-point system to a ten-point score, it was rather painful for parents and teachers, because this is the generation that is used to working only with a five-point score. It was probably a little easier for the students in this regard.

Today, both children and teachers have completely adapted to the ten-point system, which, in my subjective opinion, still provides more variations for assessing knowledge. This system is quite acceptable for work. Although, of course, you can discuss this topic, listen public opinion. It seems to me that the answer will be ambiguous. It may be worthwhile to involve in this issue not only parents, teachers and specialists involved in the education system, but also psychologists and scientists who are able to fully assess the severity of a possible transition. Pluralism of opinions must be ensured.

Silver medalist of the World Championship in Physics, graduate of Lyceum No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin Brest Nikita Ignatyuk:

— The five-point scale, in my opinion, is better, although it also has its pros and cons. I did not study at a time when there was a five-point knowledge assessment system. According to my parents, there was less subjectivity then. I'm going to study at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). They use a ten-point knowledge assessment system, and it was introduced into MIPT independently and purposefully, although a five-point system is in effect throughout Russia. The decision on whether to leave the ten-point system in Belarus or return to the five-point system must be made carefully, after a large-scale discussion.

Polina Tumash, graduate of school No. 5 of Smorgon, winner of the XXVIII bronze medal International Olympiad in biology IBO-2017, held at the end of July in Northern Ireland:

— I believe that the ten-point system allows us to more adequately assess a student’s knowledge, since the teacher has more criteria for this. Agree, in the five-point system we have only three grades - three, four and five. There are many more options in the currently adopted system. Subjectivity in assessing a student’s knowledge is possible in any case. In order to exclude it, it is necessary to develop clear standards. For example, 9 is excellent knowledge, but not ideal, and 10 is ideal, and sometimes a level of training that exceeds the requirements of the school curriculum.

Egor Fatykhov, graduate of secondary school No. 165:

— I am a supporter of the ten-point knowledge assessment system. I think it is more objective. In addition, the transition to a five-point system will require time to get used to new approaches. I think it's better to focus on improving educational programs. The school is already undergoing many reforms.

A return to the five-point knowledge assessment system is proposed to be discussed in Belarus. Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Zharko told reporters about this following a working meeting with Head of State Alexander Lukashenko. They also said today that there are too many universities and their graduates in Belarus.

- Ten years since the ten-point education system was introduced in the country. Many questions are based on a ten-point system. This and sometimes there is subjectivity in assessment. And we don't have an unsatisfactory rating. Because one point is also an assessment of knowledge. Earlier(using a five-point system. - BELTA’s note) understood - one, two - these are unsatisfactory grades. Therefore, it must be submitted for public discussion. Maybe we should return to the five-point system,- said the Deputy Prime Minister.

-So that everyone understands: four means four. Five means an excellent student. No subjectivity- Vasily Zharko gave an example. - What are 4 with a minus, 4 and 4 with a plus(according to the old system. - BELTA note) - 6, 7, 8. Where is the line between six and seven, seven and eight?

The Deputy Prime Minister noted that in order to transfer to a budget-funded form of education, in addition to participation in public life and other criteria, grades of at least 7 points are needed.

- One teacher gave 6, another gave 7. But there are four, and there are four,- he added.

Alexander Lukashenko, after listening to the proposal, emphasized that this issue must be discussed very well before making any decision.

Also at the meeting, they discussed the transfer of distance learning to a predominantly paid platform.

- State Commission made a proposal that distance learning basically it should be paid. For high school graduates - only after a year of work experience, so that the graduate has the skills and understands who he is going to, so that some specialty has already been chosen. In some specialties, distance learning can also be on a budget basis,- said Vasily Zharko. - On extramural, I believe, those who have passed the stages of either vocational school or secondary specialized education should go consciously educational institution, college.

They also discussed the need to gradually reduce enrollment in higher education institutions.

- We need to build correct pyramid training. Ours is a little upside down.- noted Vasily Zharko. He explained that today there are twice as many university graduates in the country as those who completed their studies in institutions providing secondary specialized and vocational education. - On the contrary, we need to build so that the most literate and prepared person goes to the university. Therefore, we will probably gradually reduce the number of applicants to universities, and give more places for admission to vocational and secondary education. special education. So that a person, when he completes his studies at college, understands where he is going and enters a university, even if it is a part-time, but shortened form of study.

Vasily Zharko also stated the need to conduct certification and check all universities in Belarus for compliance with licensing requirements.

- There are 51 universities in the country. Of these, 9 - private form property and 42 state. And I understand that there are probably a lot of them for our small country.

A return to the five-point knowledge assessment system is proposed to be discussed in Belarus. Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Zharko told reporters about this following a working meeting with Head of State Alexander Lukashenko.

- Ten years since the ten-point education system was introduced in the country. Many questions are based on a ten-point system. This and sometimes there is subjectivity in assessment. And we don't have an unsatisfactory rating. Because one point is also an assessment of knowledge. Earlier(using a five-point system. - BELTA’s note) understood - one, two - these are unsatisfactory grades. Therefore, it must be submitted for public discussion. Maybe we should return to the five-point system,- said the Deputy Prime Minister.

-So that everyone understands: four means four. Five means an excellent student. No subjectivity- Vasily Zharko gave an example. - What are 4 with a minus, 4 and 4 with a plus(according to the old system. - BELTA note) - 6, 7, 8. Where is the line between six and seven, seven and eight?

The Deputy Prime Minister noted that in order to transfer to a budget-funded form of education, in addition to participation in public life and other criteria, grades of at least 7 points are needed.

- One teacher gave 6, another gave 7. But there are four, and there are four,- he added.

Alexander Lukashenko, after listening to the proposal, emphasized that this issue must be discussed very well before making any decision. Also at the meeting, they discussed the transfer of distance learning to a predominantly paid platform.

- The State Commission made a proposal that correspondence education should generally be paid. For high school graduates - only after a year of work experience, so that the graduate has the skills and understands who he is going to, so that some specialty has already been chosen. In some specialties, distance learning can also be on a budget basis,- said Vasily Zharko. - I believe that those who have passed the stages of either a vocational school, or a secondary specialized educational institution or college should consciously go to the correspondence department.

As the head of state emphasized, textbooks and programs must be adjusted quickly, as planned - to complete the publication of new textbooks and finalize curricula.

- I don’t see any problems in the fact that a group can be created for each textbook; more practitioners should be involved in this, not academicians. But we cannot refuse academicians either, because these are people who are at the top of knowledge, - said Lukashenko. - I don’t see any problem in this, even in the timing, because we are not creating textbooks and programs anew. Basically, these are normal textbooks and curricula, but there are topics, as was discovered not only in the humanities, but also in physics and mathematics textbooks, some of which go to the point of stupidity, these topics need to be corrected. And you know my approaches.

A return to the 5-point knowledge assessment system is proposed to be discussed in Belarus. Deputy Prime Minister told reporters this Vasily Zharko following a working meeting with Head of State Alexander Lukashenko.

“There are many questions about10- point system. This and sometimes there is subjectivity in assessment. And we don't have an unsatisfactory rating. Because one point is also an assessment of knowledge. Earlier(with a 5-point system – approx. auto)understood: one, two are unsatisfactory grades. Therefore, it must be submitted for public discussion. Maybe go back to5- point system", said the Deputy Prime Minister.

“So that everyone understands: fourthat means four. Fivemeans an excellent student. No subjectivity,” Vasily Zharko gave an example. – What are 4 with a minus, 4 and 4 with a plus(according to the old system - approx. auto) – 6, 7, 8 ? Where is the line between six and seven, seven and eight?

The Deputy Prime Minister noted that in order to transfer to a budget-funded form of education, in addition to participation in public life and other criteria, grades of at least 7 points are required. “One teacher gave 6, another gave 7. But there are four, and there are four(according to a 5-point system – approx. auto)» , he added.

The 10-point system was introduced in Belarus in 2002. At that time, experts believed that it would differentiate students’ knowledge based on their individual characteristics, as well as stimulate educational activities schoolchildren. Some time after implementation new system experts noted that the introduction of a 10-point grading system did not affect the quality of education, but improved the psychological situation in schools: children were no longer afraid of grades.

Alexander Lukashenko, having listened to the proposal, emphasized that this issue must be discussed very well before making any decision.

Opinion. Teacher vs. Student

Vladimir Krasko, computer science teacher:

A grade is an average expression in points of a certain level of knowledge of a student. In my opinion, the 10-point scale has a more extended option than the 5-point scale. It has been around for 15 years and has been tested. A whole generation of students has already grown up with it, and teachers are geared towards it. She has more possibilities show the differentiation of the student’s knowledge. What are 3 points in a 5-point system? The student has a satisfactory understanding of the subject. He prepared a little better for the next lesson, but he still doesn’t reach 4, and 3 is no longer very convenient to set. A 10-point system can better demonstrate a student’s step forward or backward in knowledge.

Arina Krokh, 9th grade student:

“It seems to me that most schoolchildren, including myself, will not be very happy with such changes. After all, everyone is already accustomed to the 10-point system, but here again they will have to readjust. Of course, our parents do not agree with this, since they studied on a 5-point system and sometimes do not understand what grade their child received (good or bad). I think that the 10-point system more accurately assesses knowledge. Well, for me it is much clearer than the 5-point system, because all the time I went to school there was a 10-point grading system.