Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Quotes about moral values. Quotes about morality

The only woman who was sure to remain faithful to her husband was Eve. ()

Moral bankruptcy
Moral bankruptcy is declared with the click of a cocked pistol or the rustle of a rope noose being tightened.
Moral bankruptcy is declared by the click sound of the triggering cocked gun, or by the rustle of the noose ()

We know how to plant and mow at the roots too. I wish I could learn to save at least something ()

Americans cry when they see their flag rise. And we only cry when we can no longer cope. ()

Having loved your neighbor, do not trample on the lower one!

If morality has standards instead of principles, then it becomes a commodity. (Valery Krasovsky)

MORAL- " Moral rules according to which conscience lives"

(Ivan Golyuk)

Moral principles do not allow living according to laws. (Valery Krasovsky)

Morality of the majority folk tales: The fool is smarter than everyone else. ()

Moral facts are phenomena like others. (Emile Durkheim)

I'm not such a scoundrel yet that I think about morality. A million years passed before my soul was released for a walk White light, and suddenly I would tell her: you, darling, don’t forget yourself and walk “on morals.” No, I’ll tell her: go for a walk, darling, go for a walk, dear one, go for a walk, good darling, go for a walk, as you yourself know. And in the evening you will go to God. For my life is my day, and it is precisely my day, and not Socrates or Spinoza. (Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov)

In science, you need to repeat lessons in order to remember them well; In morality, one must remember mistakes well so as not to repeat them. (Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky)

Morality is "powerlessness in action." Every time she enters into a fight against any vice, she is defeated. (Karl Marx)

I will try to enliven morality with wit and temper wit with morality. (Joseph Addison)

Good and evil are two sides of the coin,
And whose is more important depends on morality. (zebra)

MORALITY - for the majority, this is a system of ensuring one’s own rightness. (Robert Musil)

I know and admit that current morality, like bourgeois law, in its general, main features reflects those legal concepts, which were the fruit of generation to generation passed on, gradually increased and modified experience regarding necessary conditions human community.

The basis of life is the basis for morality. Where, from hunger, from poverty, you have no material in your body, there is no basis and material for morality in your head, in your heart and in your feeling. (Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach)

The question about the reality of morality comes down to this: is there really a valid principle opposite to the principle of selfishness? Since egoism requires well-being only for the individual, the opposite principle would have to extend this requirement to everyone. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

The practical need for morality arises from a conflict of desires different people or conflict of desires in one person. (Bertrand Russell)

Morality should not be a goal, but a consequence work of art. (Benjamin Constant)

It is easy to preach morality, but it is difficult to justify it. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Morality is not a list of actions or a collection of rules that can be used like apothecary or culinary recipes. (John Dewey)

Morality is a household item, not a deity. It must be used; no need to idolize her. (Hjalmar Erik Fredrik Söderberg)

The strictest morality allows us to feel pleasure at the thought of a generous act. (David Hume)

Morality is somewhat akin to poetry: moral life- this is a poem embodied in reality. The lofty deeds that once served as the inspiration for epics are epics in themselves, and no poem is worth them. (Jean Marie Guyot)

In front of you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about morality. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real “pearls of wisdom” on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and apt phrases of masters of the colloquial genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, and much more...

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I always keep my word when I am dealing with people, but not always when I am dealing with God. God is able to forgive.
A modified Paul van Doren.

But I tell you: do not resist evil. But whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.
Gospel of Matthew, 5, 39.

Hell is a place where the Ten Commandments are prosecuted.
Henry Louis Mencken.

An ascetic makes a need out of virtue.
Friedrich Nietzsche.

Immorality is the morality of those who have a better time than we do.
Henry Louis Mencken.

Let's learn - maybe after death the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will grow from us.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

In the fight for a just cause, sometimes the cause loses, and sometimes being right.
Leszek Kumor.

In our time, the place of the Ten Commandments has been taken by the rules traffic- and they violate them just as often.
Ilona Bodden.

What is virtue? In chastity? No, I answer, because the human race would die out. In marital cohabitation? No, there is more virtue in abstinence. Is it about not killing? No, because all order would be disrupted and the villains would kill the righteous. To kill? No, murder destroys a living creature. Our truth and our good are only partly true and good, and they are tainted by evil and lies.
Blaise Pascal.

Wolf to wolf man.
Yanina Ipohorskaya.

Raven: A man will not peck out a man's eye. But it will knock you down.
Yanina Ipohorskaya.

You must make good out of evil because there is nothing left to make it out of.
Robert Penn Warren.

The border between light and shadow is you.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Even death can be consent and therefore moral act. The animal dies, man must entrust his soul to its Creator.
Henri Amiel.

Give your fists to good, so evil will immediately declare itself good.
Vladimir Goloborodko.

Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger surprise and awe, the more often and longer we reflect on them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.
Immanuel Kant.

The Ten Commandments are given in order to choose a few from them and follow them.

The Ten Commandments are so concise, clear and understandable only because they were written without the help of advisers and experts.
Charles de Gaulle.

Good must be with fists - unless he has more modern weapons.
Valery Seregin.

Good must be with fists.
Stanislav Kunyaev.

Good by decree is not good.
Ivan Turgenev.

Good exists where it is constantly created.
Vladislav Grzeszczyk.

I don’t do the good that I want, but I do the evil that I don’t want.
Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 7, 19.

Virtue is its own reward.

Morality must be a bitter fruit if we give it to our wives and sisters.
Alexander Sventohovsky.

Having reached the goal, you notice that you are the means.
Gennady Malkin.

If God were a liberal, instead of the Ten Commandments we would have ten sentences.
Malcolm Bradbury.

If there were as little good in the world as they say, evil would not be so striking.
Vladislav Grzeszczyk.

If everyone followed the Ten Commandments, there would simply be nothing to talk about.

If you do not feel the desire to break at least one of the Ten Commandments, then something is wrong with you.
Gilbert Chesterton.

If A said, don't be B.
O. Donskoy.

Evil never sleeps, and besides, it often wakes up.
Vladislav Grzeszczyk.

Evil, as a rule, avenges itself, but good is not necessarily rewarded. Evil is much more consistent.
Karol Izhikowski.

And should we not do evil so that good may come out, as some slander us and say that this is how we teach.
Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 3, 8.

True ethics begins where words cease to be used.
Albert Schweitzer.

When the Celestial Empire learned that beauty is beauty, ugliness also appeared. When they learned that good is good, evil also appeared.
Lao Tzu.

The amount of good in nature is equal to the amount of evil.
Jean Baptiste Robinet.

To whom the goal is permitted, the means are also permitted.
Herman Busenbaum, Jesuit.

He who does not notice evil is stupid, and he who does not notice good is unhappy.
Jerzy Pludowski.

The best punishment for virtue is virtue itself.
Aneurin Bevin.

People are always bad until necessity forces them to do good.
Niccolo Machiavelli.

Moses: Inventor of the Ten Most Often Broken Laws.
Leonard Louis Levinson.

Morality is not a list of actions or a collection of rules that can be used like apothecary or culinary recipes.
John Dewey.

At every step there are inscriptions: Don’t give a damn! Do not litter! Keep quiet. Don't drive on the left? The only thing I didn’t see was the inscription: Don’t kill? Maybe it would work.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 12, 21.

Don’t forget that “Father on? begins with a request for daily bread. It is difficult to praise God and love your neighbor on an empty stomach.
Woodrow Wilson.

If you didn’t keep your thought, keep your word.
Slawomir Trotsky.

There is no goal that is not justified by solid means.
Victor Kornilov.

Never attribute to human evil that which can be explained by stupidity.
"Hanlon's Razor."

No one can be completely free until everyone is free. No one can be completely moral until everyone is still moral. No one can be completely happy until everyone is still happy.
Herbert Spencer.

Morality is the mind of the heart.
Heinrich Heine.

Morality has always been the last refuge of people indifferent to art.
Oscar Wilde.

The morality of nations depends on respect for women.
Wilhelm Humboldt.

Morality teaches not how to become happy, but how to become worthy of happiness.
Immanuel Kant.

We always imagine a moral position as vertical, an immoral position as horizontal.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Promise only the impossible, and you will have nothing to reproach yourself with.
Jacques Deval.

He promised, but he kept it.
E. Eligulashvili.

The other side of good is bad; it’s great that it’s the same back side bad.
Grigory Landau.

He walked over the corpses of those heading towards the goal.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Half of the promises we complain about not being fulfilled were never given to us by anyone.
Edgar Howe.

Half the consequences of good intentions are evil. Half the consequences of bad intentions are good.
Mark Twain.

Act in accordance with such a maxim, which at the same time can itself become a universal law.
Immanuel Kant.

It is easy to preach morality, but it is difficult to justify it.
Arthur Schopenhauer.

Since the Ten Commandments appeared in print, everyone knows what their options are.
Wladyslaw Katarzynski.

The surest sign of a broken promise is the ease with which it is given.
Axel Oxenstierna.

Do it if you can't promise.
Mikhail Genin.

Only ten commandments, and what a repertoire of sins!
Juliusz Wontroba.

At least once we should start with the means justifying the ends!
Karol Izhikowski.

Christian morality is tailored to grow. Unfortunately, people have stopped growing.
Felix Hvalibug.

A person must be freely moral, which means that he must also be given some freedom to be immoral.
Vladimir Solovyov.

A person uses a way or a way uses a person.
Slawomir Mrozek.

Man and man have been conducting the same monologue for centuries.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Man to man. And there is no man!
Mieczyslaw Shargan.

Man is God to man if he knows his duties.
Caecilius Statius.

Man is a wolf to man.

Showing 1-18 of 279

Morality is the only cult, the only natural religion of man on earth, the only thing that should occupy him in this world. Only by fulfilling the requirements of this morality can we consider ourselves to be fulfilling the divine will. If God really made man what he is, then, therefore, God endowed him with both a sense of self-preservation and the desire for happiness. If it was God who created us rational, it means that he wanted us to take into account his reason, figuring out where there is good and evil, useful and harmful. If he made us social beings, it means that he wanted us to live in society and strive for its preservation and well-being.

We lie in words, we lie in movements, we lie out of politeness, we lie out of virtue, we lie out of depravity; This lying, of course, greatly contributes to corruption, to moral impotence, in which entire generations are born and die, passing through the earth in a kind of haze and fog. Meanwhile, this lying has become completely natural, even moral: we recognize a well-bred person by the fact that you will never get him to openly express his opinion.

It is impossible to imagine that a man, if he were in a woman’s place, could withstand a ten-kilometer forced march with full gear during menstruation and not fall off his feet. Some people would faint just at the sight of blood. I'm almost sure that if men had their own days, they would probably be made non-working. A corresponding law would immediately appear, or even worse, a government decree.

Morality has nothing to do with religion... religion not only does not serve as the basis of morality, but is rather hostile to it. True morality must be based on human nature; Religious morality will always be based only on chimeras and on the arbitrariness of those people who endow God with a language that is often fundamentally contrary to both nature and human reason.

In every way, even the best person affects caused by external reasons or caused by internal mood impure, base, evil thoughts and desires arise; but he is not morally responsible for them, and they cannot burden his conscience. For they show only what man in general would be capable of doing, and not the one who thinks them.

Your pride wants nature - even nature - to prescribe and inculcate your morality, your ideal, you demand that it be nature "according to the Stoa", and want everything that exists to exist according to your own image as an exorbitant eternal exaltation and spread of Stoicism!

Don’t do evil - it will come back like a boomerang, don’t spit in the well - you will drink the water, don’t insult someone of lower rank, in case you have to ask for something. Don’t betray your friends, you won’t replace them, and don’t lose your loved ones - you won’t get them back, don’t lie to yourself - over time you will verify that you are betraying yourself with lies.

Civilization is behavior that shows a person the path of duty. Doing duty and observing morality are interchangeable concepts. To observe the rules of morality means to dominate one’s thoughts and passions. By doing this, we get to know ourselves.

Moral qualities wonderful person have higher value for his generation and for historical process than purely intellectual achievements. These latter themselves depend on the greatness of the spirit, a greatness that usually remains unknown.

We consider those whose minds are structured differently from ours to be dangerous, and those whose morality is not like ours to be immoral. We call those who are alien to our illusions skeptics, without even wondering if they have any others.

Talking about women plural and the present tense - this is quite normal for young man; but when a woman talks about men in the plural and in the past tense, it devalues ​​her even more than menopause

Many people think that childhood was the best and most enjoyable time of their life. But that's not true. These are the most difficult years, because then a person is under the yoke of discipline and can rarely have a true friend, and even more rarely - freedom.

Every person talks about what they lack. The one who lacks sex talks about sex, the hungry man talks about food, the man who has no money talks about money, and our oligarchs and bankers talk about morality.

Perhaps conscience is the source of morality, but morality has never yet been the source of what is considered good by conscience.

The strong trample on morality. Morality caresses the weak. He who is persecuted by morality always stands between the strong and the weak.

Alexis de Tocqueville

The scary thing is not that great people are immoral, but that immorality leads to greatness.

Sebastian Brant

Yes, neither in wealth nor in power
There is no happiness for people without morality.

Pierre Buast

There are two moralities: one is passive, prohibiting doing evil, the other is active, which commands doing good.

Georg Hegel

First of all, it is necessary to achieve behavior that corresponds to the law, and, moreover, with a moral frame of mind, and only then can moral behavior as such, in which there is no legal prescription, come.

Claude Helvetius

People need human morality based on human nature, experience, and reason.

A person who is not familiar with the art of horse riding will not undertake to give advice on how to break horses. But in morality we are less modest. Here we always consider ourselves knowledgeable and able to give advice to all people.

Immanuel Kant

Morality is a teaching not about how we should make ourselves happy, but about how we should become worthy of happiness.

Karl Marx

Morality is based on the autonomy of the human spirit.

Mark Twain

In matters of morality, man constantly makes a very strange distinction between man and his creator. He demands a very honorable moral code from his fellow men, but his god's complete lack of morality causes him neither shame nor disapproval.

Friedrich Nietzsche

When the good moralize, they cause disgust; When the wicked moralize, they cause fear.

Morality is the importance of man over nature.

Mikhail Prishvin

Moralizing is the creativity of mediocre people.

Oscar Wilde

A man who reads morals is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who reads morals is certainly an ugly woman.

Albert Einstein

The moral qualities of a remarkable man are of greater importance for his generation and for the historical process than purely intellectual achievements. These latter themselves depend on the greatness of the spirit, a greatness that usually remains unknown.

David Hume

The strictest morality allows us to feel pleasure at the thought of a generous act.

Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger surprise and awe, the more often and longer we reflect on them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.
Immanuel Kant

Morality is the mind of the heart.
Heinrich Heine

Ethics is the aesthetics of the soul.
Pierre Reverdy

Ethics is an attempt to give universal validity to some of our desires.
Bertrand Russell

Morality teaches not how to become happy, but how to become worthy of happiness.
Immanuel Kant

Ethics is philosophy good will, and not just good action.
Immanuel Kant

Ethics can be either active, creative - or passive, repentant, an ethics of intolerance towards oneself and towards others, which can only delve into so-called sins; and at times it's a shame to be right.
Karol Izhikowski

A person must be freely moral, which means that he must also be given some freedom to be immoral.
Vladimir Soloviev

No one can be completely free until everyone is free. No one can be completely moral until everyone is still moral. No one can be completely happy until everyone is still happy.
Herbert Spencer

Act in accordance with such a maxim, which at the same time can itself become a universal law.
Immanuel Kant

It is easy to preach morality, but it is difficult to justify it.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Morality is not a list of actions or a collection of rules that can be used like apothecary or culinary recipes.
John Dewey

True ethics begins where words cease to be used.
Albert Schweitzer

Even death can be consent and therefore a moral act. The animal dies, man must entrust his soul to its Creator.
Henri Amiel

Christian morality is tailored to grow. Unfortunately, people have stopped growing.
Felix Hvalibug

Don't forget that the Lord's Prayer begins with a request for our daily bread. It is difficult to praise God and love your neighbor on an empty stomach.
Woodrow Wilson

The morality of nations depends on respect for women.
Wilhelm Humboldt

Morality must be a bitter fruit if we give it to our wives and sisters.
Alexander Sventohovsky

Virtue is its own reward.

The best punishment for virtue is virtue itself.
Aneurin Bevin

An ascetic makes a need out of virtue.
Friedrich Nietzsche

To be a patriot one must hate all nations except one's own; to be a religious person - all sects except your own; to be a moral person - all falsehood, except your own.
Lionel Strachey

Morality has always been the last refuge of people indifferent to art.
Oscar Wilde

Immorality is the morality of those who have a better time than we do.
Henry Louis Mencken

True morality neglects morality.
B. Pascal

Morality grows stronger when the flesh becomes decrepit.

Higher morality requires some freedom for immorality.
V. Soloviev

Sinlessness in pure form- husk,
From life meaning single,
After all, morality, which knew no sin,
Just simple bad luck.
I. Guberman

People of the highest morality do not consider themselves moral, therefore they have the highest morality.
Lao Tzu

All publications and even books about morality and how to behave in society do not bring any benefit. Those who read them, that is, educated ones, do not need them; moral monsters do not read them.
V. Zubkov

A sense of morality helps us understand the essence of morality and how to evade it.
Mark Twain

Moral people are the most vindictive people.
L. Shestov

With help moral sense a person distinguishes good from bad, and then decides what to do. What are the results of the choice? Nine times out of ten he chooses to do the wrong thing.
Mark Twain

One's own moral uncleanliness is a sign of self-contempt.

Only with the strong ideal aspirations people can fall low morally.
L. Tolstoy

In chaste persons
Through mysterious currents
Wasted love juice
Goes to the kefir of moralizing.
I. Guberman