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Where will the world end on October 12th? Worldwide disasters - what they are and why we predict them

True or false, the fact that the end of the world will happen on October 12, 2018 is of interest to everyone who has ever heard of a meteorite approaching the Earth and ready to crash into our planet this fall. At least, this is what the media assures the general public of mass media worldwide. At the same time, the media refer to scientists who supposedly actually predict an imminent collision, and are already seeing through telescopes a giant cosmic block flying straight towards us.

So is it worth panicking ahead of time? Are we really facing the same fate that befell the dinosaurs? Before you build a bunker in your yard, you should figure out whether these rumors are justified.

What exactly threatens the Earth?

Before discussing whether what they tell us about the end of the world on October 12, 2018 is true or false, we should understand in more detail the cause of the possible death of all life on the planet.

It is only worth noting right away that most skeptical experts are rather reserved about this information for the reason that its sources are not always trustworthy. So, let's look at all the pros and cons of believing media representatives and preparing for the death of the entire planet:

  1. The asteroid is called 2012 TC4. The year 2012 is also associated with many rumors about the end of the world, which never happened. But the cosmic body was so named only because its discovery by scientists is associated with this date. The first information about a meteorite approaching the Earth appeared in the media back in 2015. But to date, the orbit of the cosmic body has not been fully studied. And this is the first reason not to believe in a 100% collision of the asteroid with the Earth exactly at the specified time.
  2. There is one more mismatch. The media often say that the diameter of the body is 40 m. In fact, scientists say that it ranges from 12 to 40 m. This means that in the future the meteorite may be larger than the one that fell in Chelyabinsk. But it could be much less.
  3. There is another popular hypothesis among journalists: the fall of 2012 TC4 will trigger the inevitable end of the world in 2018 in the fall, the closest date being October 12. But even if the cosmic body turns out to be somewhat larger than the Chelyabinsk meteorite, it is clearly far from the end of the world. Surely if he falls into locality, casualties and significant losses cannot be avoided, but complete destruction of the atmospheric layer, as journalists assure us, will not follow.

"Potentially dangerous" asteroid

2012 TC4 is indeed among the “potentially dangerous” cosmic bodies. But this does not mean that he certainly bears real threat life on Earth and the end of the world will come. This formulation only means that there is at least a thousandth of a percent that a cosmic body can collide with our planet. Moreover, the status is assigned to any object discovered by scientists, the distance of which in the future may decrease to 20 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

This distance is quite significant, especially for a body whose diameter may not exceed 12 m.

Is a meteorite flying to earth? We can rest assured that this is a still from a movie, not related to reality!

Scientists give brief forecasts

So, is the end of the world on October 12, 2018 true or false, and what do the primary sources, that is, the scientists themselves, say about it? Firstly, most of them are inclined to believe that the meteorite will not approach our planet at a dangerous distance earlier than in 2020.

Secondly, even if this happens within the specified time frame, specialists from the University of Southampton have already considered several scenarios in which a large asteroid like 2012 TC4 will fall into one of the densely populated areas of planet Earth. Of course, everything may not be so bad, but scientists decided to consider the most unpleasant prospect. There can be several options for such a fall and its consequences, from falling into water to an explosion in the atmosphere.

Most significant problem in all cases there would be movement air masses under the influence of the supersonic fall of a meteorite and its entry into the atmosphere. Many unpleasant phenomena would begin to occur on the surface of the planet, for example, tornadoes, hurricanes, and possibly a tsunami.

These consequences would be observed over a large area globe, the size will depend on the angle of impact of the asteroid. Naturally, the fall itself will also cause a lot of inconvenience, especially if it falls in a densely populated area, people will suffer, architectural structures, the budget of the country in which the space body will “land.”

But a global explosion, like in the era of dinosaurs, will still not happen and will not lead to the end of the world in 2018 or 2020. The catastrophe will be far from the largest even in comparison with those that humanity has already experienced.

Photo from space

What factors will determine the scale of destruction?

Today it is difficult to say whether the end of the world on October 12, 2018 is true or false, but any hypothesis should be approached with scientific point vision, forgetting about vague prospects or general panic. Experts, in turn, predicted several approximate scenarios for the development of the fall of a cosmic body similar to 2012 TC4. But the development of events will depend on many factors that should be taken into account due to the insufficient amount of information about the approaching asteroid. These include:

  • dimensions of the cosmic body;
  • its density;
  • the speed at which the asteroid will approach the Earth's surface;
  • specific point of impact;
  • composition of the rock that makes up the object;
  • time of year and temperature conditions at the point of impact.

Scientists at the University of Southampton have already calculated what will happen if a body 200 m in size falls to Earth. Its speed will be 20 km/s and at an angle of 45 degrees. If it fell in a densely populated city, say London or New York, the number of victims would vary from 1.2 to 3.5 million people.

But, as noted earlier, such a prospect is the least promising, and to date scientists have not noticed such a cosmic body. Moreover, at the same time bad script, the fall of the 2012 TC4 will not cause even approximate destruction, because its size is several times smaller.

Most likely, a cosmic body of these parameters will collapse in the layers of the atmosphere. Or it will burn, but only partially. A much smaller body will fall onto the surface of the planet. There is a high probability that the body will split into many pieces. Again, this depends on its composition, falling speed and size.

What are journalists talking about?

We are constantly being told that the Earth will soon face imminent destruction, and there may be reasons for this huge variety. Take, for example, the fall of a meteorite, which caused a lot of controversy about whether the end of the world on October 12, 2018 is true or false.

Today in the networks and the press you can see information that a gigantic meteorite is expected to fall on Earth within a specified period. The media themselves contradict themselves by saying that its dimensions can reach 40 m. According to statistical standards and cases when cosmic bodies actually fell on the surface of the planet, the parameters are far from gigantic, but much lower than average.

The journalists themselves quote famous scientists, saying that the chances of a collision of a cosmic body with our planet are approximately one in a million. This information can be seen in many popular and little-known publishers, as well as on the Internet.

Scientists say that this moment the meteorite is located tens of thousands of kilometers from the planet. The media do not hide this fact, while arguing that the end of the world will happen on October 12, 2018. Whether this is true or false, one can judge that even the scientists themselves do not name a specific date for the meteorite approaching a dangerous distance from the Earth. They assume that this will happen no earlier than 2020.

Quite often, information appears in the media that the 2012 TC4 meteorite will cause an explosion on approximately the same scale as on the island of Hiroshima, and this could completely destroy the entire atmosphere of the planet. The diameter of the crater crater can be kilometers. But what do scientists say about this?

There are already exact calculations on this score:

  • if a forty-meter cosmic body passes through the atmosphere without losing its volume, the diameter of the crater left behind will be equal to 10 meters;
  • A 12-meter meteorite will not leave any traces on the surface of the earth.

IN the latter case the cosmic body will simply be destroyed in the atmosphere, but some Negative consequences his intrusions will still be felt. These are unexpected weather, for example - heavy rainfall, in some areas - tornadoes, small tornadoes. Again, these areas should be “prone” to such manifestations.

For example, in the Sahara Desert, prolonged heavy rains will not fall even if meteorite will fall straight into the sand.

The option of magnetic resonances is not excluded, but they will also not have a global scale. There may be interruptions in satellite and cellular communication systems. For a while, in the areas where a cosmic body falls, the Internet and even mobile communications may be lost.

The duration of the disruption will depend on the distance the meteorite will fly from satellites and cell towers. It is possible that a meteorite fall will damage power lines, even if the body flies at a considerable distance from them.

As a conclusion, it can be noted that the forecasts of professional astronomers and journalists do not always agree. And each of us has the right to believe in what we feel comfortable believing. Anyone can argue about whether it is true or false that on October 12 the world will end due to a meteorite falling, but the main thing is to remember that the end of the world is an unscientific concept.

Scientists disagree about the end of the world in 2017. According to the results of research by a group of specialists, it became known that a huge cosmic body is moving in the direction of our planet at high speed.

In the near future, the Earth may collide with an asteroid whose diameter is about 40 meters. Scientists predict the date of the apocalypse to be October 17, 2017. Scientists have differing opinions about the consequences of the asteroid fall. According to some, it will be destroyed ozone layer planet, which is known to absorb ultra-violet rays, and all living things will die. Others argue that all people on Earth will die immediately from a collision with an asteroid.

The end of the world is already predicted by various predictors almost every year, however, in the past, it was avoided.

The end of the world on October 12, 2017, true or false: what scientists have found out

According to calculations carried out by scientists, the version of the end of the world has a right to exist. Civilization may perish as a result of the consequences of human activity. But the probability that this will happen in the near future is several hundredths of a percent.

As for the collision with an asteroid, which will take place 115 thousand kilometers from Earth, its size is not so large as to lead to such global consequences. Serious destruction is possible, but this will not lead to an apocalypse.

The end of the world on October 12, 2017, true or false: what the predictors predicted

As one might expect, the opinions of predictors also differ significantly. Nostradamus did not predict any in his predictions for 2017 global events, while Vanga paid attention to the fate of all humanity, but did not prophesy its death. The only concern is the prophecy of Saint Matrona, who received a revelation shortly before her death and sounded like “Without war, you will all die.” Its interpretation sounds like this: “Humanity will be swallowed up by the earth and will be reborn new life" There is an opinion that it is not the predictors who make mistakes, but the interpreters of predictions, providing our attention with inaccurate predictions.

The end of the world on October 12, 2017, true or false: how to be prepared if Armageddon does come

First of all, the same soothsayers advise paying attention to the spiritual side of your life. After all spiritual development will not harm anyone and no forecasts will be scary.

According to more down-to-earth opinions, it is worth collecting all the essentials and storing them in your home, just in case.

However, there is no need to be particularly upset, because at all times and centuries the apocalypse and extinction of the human race have been predicted.

Or will it fall somewhere on October 12, 2017? Will these clashes, widely predicted, be the last?

Another end is predicted for the earth. New ending light has already been dated and is inexorably approaching. What do conspiracy theorists around the world think about this?

Asteroid 2012 TC4 - where it will fall, last news about approaching Earth.

A potential danger is posed by asteroid 2012 TC4, which will fly past the Earth on October 12, 2017, so close that it is considered a potential destroyer of all life. By the way, the cosmic body was discovered in 2012 and was already flying past the Earth - its trajectory passed at a distance of 0.247 LD (Lunar Distance).

Note: Lunar Distance - literally: lunar distance. A unit for determining a safe distance for the Earth for asteroids and other cosmic bodies. In astronomy, it is believed that all asteroids and meteorites flying past the Earth at a distance of less than 384.467 km - the distance from the Earth to the Moon - are potentially dangerous.

October 12, 2017 asteroid 2012 TC4 will approach our planet by 0.079 LD, which is about 95 thousand km. Of course, in comparison with the safe distance - 384,467 km, 95 thousand km looks much more frightening.

The end of the world as a result of the collision of the Earth with an asteroid will cause all kinds of disasters - from tsunamis to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The size of 2012 TC4 does not allow blowing up a planet of this size, so a fantasy end of the world, like in films like Armageddon, will not happen. The size of TC4 is approximately 40 meters in diameter. For comparison, the diameter of the Chelyabinsk meteorite was 17 meters and it did not cause global cataclysms.

For anyone who is interested in what this violator of earthly plans looks like, the Astrowatch portal, which was the first to open the world’s eyes to the approaching threat, published a photo of asteroid TC4:

Another end of the world, and again in October - a “death star” called Nibiru approaching the Earth.

As REN-TV reports, citing the arguments of British conspiracy theorist David Mead, Nibiru will destroy life on Earth on October 21, 2017. Of course, if there is anything left of her after the attack of the above-described “guest”. Meade also issued either a conclusion or a prophecy: none other than Kim Jong-un will save the inhabitants of the Earth, who will shoot down “Planet X” with the help of nuclear weapons. By the way, another potential scenario is nuclear war, interpreted from the predictions of all kinds of elders.

Also, according to the source, the death of the Earth can occur in the following scenarios - a UFO invasion, another asteroid, but already in November, and a strong magnetic flare, again in October 2017.

Earlier, with the help of a NASA probe, specialists obtained the first infrared images of Phobos, one of the satellites of Mars. Phobos is expected to form a ring of dust after its destruction. Currently, one of the Martian moons is approaching the Red Planet, while the other, on the contrary, is moving away from it. Experts do not rule out that not two, but three satellites previously revolved around Mars.

Scientists have informed about the entry of the Earth into the asteroid belt, which may well become the root cause of the end of the world and lead to the extinction of all life on the planet.

The media continues to receive information related to the impending end of the world in 2017. Many predictors and researchers insist that all evidence points to doomsday...

It is possible that in the six months that it will be daytime on Earth, all the glaciers will have time to melt and the planet will become one continuous ocean.

Nevertheless, NASA experts consider such statements regarding the end of the world to be fantastic myths. According to experts, the planet Nibiru is nothing more than an Internet hoax. Astronomers confidently declare that there is no factual basis for gloomy predictions, since if Nibiru or Planet X were real and heading towards Earth, then it would already be visible to the naked eye.

Previously, conspiracy theorist and numerologist from the United States David Mead named the end of the world on September 23. Like, I calculated everything exactly from the Bible and there can be no misfires.

Professionals note that the security problems of our planet will be discussed at the next conference.

Asteroids and meteorites very often move around our planet. The only obstacle that prevents them from falling is the atmosphere. When passing through the upper layers earth's shell they simply burn and break up into small pieces, which fall to the ground. As for the TC 4 asteroid, it is one of the largest cosmic bodies that can harm the Earth. This is due to the fact that the upper layers of the atmosphere cannot cope with an asteroid of this size.

However, he is not the only one who predicted the end of the world in 2017. The famous clairvoyant saint Matrona of Moscow, whose predictions came true with much greater accuracy, also said that in 2017 the end of humanity would come.

As Costco put it, this "survival kit" is not just a mountain of canned goods, but a balanced meal for lunch, lunch and dinner.

End of the world 2017 true or false. Exclusive information.

And that's not all: a collision with a large asteroid can change the very shape of the Earth: it will become like a ball, the boundaries of the world's oceans will take on new shapes, and many territories will be flooded.

The US President criticized the actions of his predecessors, who conducted long-term negotiations with North Korea. US President Donald Trump said “ the only way”, which will work against the DPRK. “Presidents and their administrations negotiated with North Korea for 25 years, made agreements and spent huge amounts of money, but it didn't work. Sorry, but only one way can work,” Trump wrote on his Twitter microblog on Saturday, October 7, without, however, specifying which method he was talking about.

This year, astrophysicists around the world counted 800 meteorites from comets and asteroids that could collide with Earth. All of them are included in a special register. And what closer date possible “meeting” with them, the more closely humanity monitors the behavior of these objects.

As you know, any cosmic body lives for a certain period of time. The same applies to the Earth, someday human activity may lead to the death of the entire planet, or it will dry up solar energy, or there will be a collision with a meteorite, but all this will not happen soon. Of course, the end of the world on October 12, 2017 will show whether there is truth or lies hidden in presented information. Many are inclined to believe that this is another fake information, which is not worth believing.

Astronomers warn of impending danger. Astronomers once again note that the collision of such a huge body with a planet will inevitably bring the end of the world closer.

End of the world 2017 expert opinion. Fresh material.

Representatives of official science

claim that asteroid 2012 TC4 does not yet threaten the Earth, reports the website But they agree that if this asteroid ever hits our planet, it could trigger large-scale disasters. The consequences of the fall of this asteroid could be much more serious than the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite to Earth.

Recent observations by astronomers have shown that a certain giant cosmic body is rapidly approaching our planet. At the moment, it is not yet known for certain whether it will crash into the Earth or just the orbit will be run through V close proximity from the atmosphere of our planet.

Thus, only 5-6% of all humanity will survive. While most living organisms will disappear, viruses and bacteria will begin to mutate. And this will become another threat to the survivors.

End of the world 2017 prediction. Detailed information.

“Without war, you will all die, there will be many victims, you will all lie dead on the ground. In the evening everything will be on the earth, and in the morning they will rise and everything will go into the earth. Without war the war is on“- said the clairvoyant.

According to preliminary calculations, October 12 is heavenly body will fly over the Earth at a distance of about 43 thousand kilometers. It is noted that this is one-ninth of the distance to the Moon.

Nikolay Andreevich Makhutov, Chairman Working group under the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the analysis of risks and security difficulties.

Next Thursday, October 12, asteroid 2012 TC4 will fly past Earth at a distance of only about 43 thousand kilometers.

To be fair, it is worth noting that in 2012, asteroid 2012 TC4 already flew past our planet - at a distance of almost 95 thousand km. But this year it will fly past the Earth at a distance three times less than before - a little more than 30 thousand km.

It is noted that the approaching asteroid is potentially dangerous for our planet, reports printed edition EarthSky. Such a large asteroid, as astronomers suggest, may well “drag” behind it a whole cloud of cosmic bodies of different sizes.

Note: Lunar Distance - literally: lunar distance. A unit for determining a safe distance for the Earth for asteroids and other cosmic bodies. In astronomy, it is believed that all asteroids and meteorites flying past the Earth at a distance of less than 384.467 km - the distance from the Earth to the Moon - are potentially dangerous.

End of the world 2017 video. New details.

We recently heard a new forecast about the upcoming apocalypse from a reputable scientist David Mead, who is sure that in October 2017 the end of the world will come on our planet Earth!

We are under threat from Planet X

Everyone remembers the predictions of the Mayan civilization, which promised the death of humanity in 2012. They even made a film about this event, but we survived the apocalypse predicted by the Indians, and now we are threatened by the 13th planet solar systemNibiru, though no one has seen it, but they started talking about its possible existence several years ago.

Reputable scientist David Mead stated that the Earth will be destroyed in October 2017. The apocalypse will begin in early September, when “Planet X” will pass through the constellation Virgo, and on October 5 it will completely cover the Sun! Mead assures everyone that world elite knows about the impending disaster, but is deliberately silent so as not to sow panic.

“People are kept in the dark to prevent panic! Earthquakes have increased sharply in both their number and power. Thunderstorm systems are increasing in size, new cracks are appearing in the earth's crust, and heat waves are becoming stronger!” said David.

We tried to find out who David Mead was, but our efforts were unsuccessful. In which scientific industry he achieved his “authority”, also unknown!