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Goethe who knows foreign languages. "We must learn languages ​​- this is the only thing that is not useful to know even badly." — Kato Lomb

Do you want to diversify the process of learning a language? Then we invite you to meet beautiful aphorisms in English about education. Let these phrases convince every language learner that you are the right way. By reading sayings, you can learn new vocabulary and imbued with the wisdom of famous people.

Why do some people start learning a language and then give up? Some of us expect too quick and easy results without work. This natural desire- get something with the least amount of effort. However, starting to learn a language, people find that they need to learn new vocabulary, complete grammar tasks, read, write, speak - learn. Many, of course, do not like this, because they want to master the language quickly, preferably without doing anything.

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet.

We forget that the only thing that comes without effort in life is failure. And in order for you to learn English, you need to do exercises, work hard on all your skills. Yes, the beginning of training will be difficult, "bitter", but the "sweet" results will please you. We recommend that you read the article about. In it, we talked about both the simplicity and the complex nuances of the language of international communications.

You have chosen your purpose of study in English? We think there are several reasons for everyone to start learning. And we want to motivate you even more with the following aphorism in English.

Our teachers often hear the question: “When can I learn English?”. The question is interesting, but somewhat incorrect: it is impossible to learn a language by heart, like a poem at school. Surely even in Russian there are words that you are not familiar with, although you are its native speaker. You can master a language at a certain level, but it is unlikely to learn it. We examined this issue in detail in the article, where we found out.

You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward.

You are always a student and never a master. You must keep moving forward.

How to understand that you have made progress in learning? One of the criteria is the ability to think in English. Train yourself to think mother tongue not easy, but as a result of working on yourself, you will develop comprehensively, and it will become a little easier to speak a foreign language. Usually students with a level of knowledge below the average mentally translate sentences from Russian into English. We advise you to familiarize yourself with useful material on the topic presented in the article about. Try to buy this good habit- think in the target language.

The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think than what to think.

The purpose of education should be to teach us HOW to think rather than WHAT to think.

Bill Beatty

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.

The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action.

The English language is amazing. Even at an average level of proficiency in it, we sometimes find that we did not know something simple and now obvious. Even a familiar word can sometimes confuse us - the reason is that English words can have many meanings, often opposite. Teacher Victoria wrote in detail about the most common words in her article on polysemantic English words that baffle us. Read it so as not to fall into awkward situation using these seemingly simple but tricky words.

Quotes in English with Russian translation: pleasant with useful!

So let's get started!

1. “You will never understand one language if you do not understand at least two” - Geoffrey Whelans

2. “To own a second language means to own a second soul” - Charlemagne

3. “If you talk to a person in a language that he understands, you are speaking to his mind. If you speak to him in his language, you speak to his heart." — Nelson Mandela

4. "Language is the only Motherland." — Cheslav Milos

5. “Encountering a foreign language is like returning to childhood, when your native language was foreign to you.” — Munya Khan

6. "Yes, learning languages ​​really makes you smarter. Neural connections become stronger as a result of language learning.” — Michelle Gov

7. “If we spoke a different language, then the world would be perceived differently.” — Ludwig Wittgenstein

8. "Learning a new language is not only learning new words for the same things, but also learning a new way to think about the same things." — Flora Lewis

9. "We must learn languages ​​- this is the only thing that is not useful to know even badly." — Kato Lomb

10. "The innermost altar of a person, the depths of his soul, first of all, in his language." — Jules Michelet

Here are our ten favorites - we are waiting for your feedback and favorite quotes. By the way, we will be happy to arrange your quote with a picture ^_^

Always remember - new language it's really new world, new impressions, new acquaintances, new opportunities.

Do not deny yourself foreign language classes - it's so easy and simple with!

Their words inspire, make you think, make you want to argue, and sometimes just laugh. But they are all extremely interesting.

"Another language is a different vision of life." (Federico Fellini)

“Knowing many languages ​​means having many keys to one lock.” (Voltaire)

"To speak another language is to have a second soul." (Charlemagne)

"Who does not know foreign languages knows nothing about his own.” (Wolfgang Goethe)

"Without knowing foreign languages, you will never understand the silence of a foreigner." (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

“In order to understand the customs of any people, try first to learn their language.” (Pythagoras of Samos)

“Only having mastered the initial material, that is, the native language, to the best possible perfection, will we be able to master the foreign language to the highest possible perfection, but not before.” (F. M. Dostoevsky)

"Money speaks a language that is understood by all nations." (Aphra Ben)

"England and America are two countries separated by one language." (George Bernard Shaw)

“You need to know English! Even the dumbest English people know him well.” (Lev Landau)

"The difference between languages ​​is so great that the same expression seems crude in one language and sublime in another." (John Dryden)

“Some words are so long that they can be observed in perspective. When you look along such a word, it narrows towards the end, like rails. railway track(Mark Twain)

“To learn a language, free curiosity is much more important than formidable necessity.” (Saint Augustine)

“Language cannot be bad or good… After all, language is only a mirror. The same mirror, which is stupid to blame. (Sergey Dovlatov)

“People who learn foreign languages ​​with ease most often have strong character(Ludwig Berne)

"Foreign languages ​​are beautiful when you don't understand them." (Kurt Tucholsky)

“The study of many languages ​​fills the memory with words instead of facts and thoughts, while it is a receptacle that each person can perceive only a certain, limited mass of content. Further, the study of many languages ​​is harmful in the sense that it arouses the belief in the possession of some special data and in fact gives a person a certain seductive appearance in communication; it is harmful, moreover, and indirectly, in that it hinders the acquisition of solid knowledge and the desire to honestly earn the respect of people. Finally, it shatters the finer linguistic sense of the mother tongue; thanks to this, the latter is irrevocably spoiled and destroyed. (F. Nietzsche)

"A man who does not know other languages, unless he is a genius, is bound to have flaws in his ideas." (Victor Hugo)

"The dictionary is based on the hypothesis—apparently unproven—that languages ​​are made up of equivalent synonyms." (Jorge Luis Borges)

"Belladonna: in — beautiful lady; c - deadly poison. A striking example identity inherent in two languages. (Ambrose Bierce)

"The limits of my language are the limits of my world." (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

“If you talk to a person in a language they understand, you are talking to their head. If you speak to him in his native language, you speak to his heart." (Nelson Mandela)

“One language takes you into the corridor of life. Two languages ​​open all doors along the way.” (Frank Smith)

"Knowledge of languages ​​is the door to wisdom." (Roger Bacon)

"Change your language and you will change your thoughts." (Karl Albrecht)

“Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift. When you learn a new language, you become a member of a club — a community of native speakers of that language.” (Frank Smith)

"The sum total of human wisdom is not contained in any one language alone." (Ezra Pound)

“No man should travel until he has learned the language of the country he is visiting. Otherwise, he voluntarily makes himself a big child - so helpless and so ridiculous. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

"How more languages you know, the less likely you are to become a terrorist." (To Upaman Chatterjee)

Hello colleagues! I decided to collect best sayings about learning foreign languages! Read and enjoy!)))

“A different language is a different vision of life.”

(Federico Fellini)

"Knowing many languages ​​means having many keys to one lock." (Voltaire)

“To speak another language is to have a second soul.” (Charlemagne)

"He who does not know foreign languages ​​knows nothing about his own." (Wolfgang Goethe)

"Without knowing foreign languages, you will never understand the silence of a foreigner." (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

“In order to understand the customs of any people, try first to learn their language.” (Pythagoras of Samos)

“Only having mastered the initial material, that is, the native language, to the best possible perfection, will we be able to master the foreign language to the highest possible perfection, but not before.” (F. M. Dostoevsky)

"Money speaks a language that is understood by all nations." (Aphra Ben)

"England and America are two countries separated by one language." (George Bernard Shaw)

“You need to know English! Even the dumbest English people know him well.” (Lev Landau)

"The difference between languages ​​is so great that the same expression seems crude in one language and sublime in another." (John Dryden)

"Some german words so long that they can be observed in perspective. When you look along such a word, it narrows towards the end, like the rails of a railway track. (Mark Twain)

“To learn a language, free curiosity is much more important than formidable necessity.” (Saint Augustine)

“Language cannot be bad or good… After all, language is only a mirror. The same mirror, which is stupid to blame. (Sergey Dovlatov)

“People who learn foreign languages ​​with ease tend to have a strong character.” (Ludwig Berne)

"Foreign languages ​​are beautiful when you don't understand them." (Kurt Tucholsky)

“The study of many languages ​​fills the memory with words instead of facts and thoughts, while it is a receptacle that each person can perceive only a certain, limited mass of content. Further, the study of many languages ​​is harmful in the sense that it arouses the belief in the possession of some special data and in fact gives a person a certain seductive appearance in communication; it is harmful, moreover, and indirectly, in that it hinders the acquisition of solid knowledge and the desire to honestly earn the respect of people. Finally, it shatters the finer linguistic sense of the mother tongue; thanks to this, the latter is irrevocably spoiled and destroyed. (F. Nietzsche)

"A man who does not know other languages, unless he is a genius, is bound to have flaws in his ideas." (Victor Hugo)

"The dictionary is based on the hypothesis - apparently unproven - that languages ​​are made up of equivalent synonyms." (Jorge Luis Borges)

"Belladonna: in Italian- beautiful lady; in English - deadly poison. A vivid example of the identity inherent in two languages. (Ambrose Bierce)

"The limits of my language are the limits of my world." (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

“If you talk to a person in a language they understand, you are talking to their head. If you speak to him in his native language, you speak to his heart." (Nelson Mandela)

“One language takes you into the corridor of life. Two languages ​​open all doors along the way.” (Frank Smith)

"Knowledge of languages ​​is the door to wisdom." (Roger Bacon)

"Change your language and you will change your thoughts." (Karl Albrecht)

“Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift. When you learn a new language, you become a member of a club - a community of native speakers of that language.» (Frank Smith)

"The sum total of human wisdom is not contained in any one language alone." (Ezra Pound)

“No man should travel until he has learned the language of the country he is visiting. Otherwise, he voluntarily makes himself a big child - so helpless and so ridiculous. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

"The more languages ​​you know, the less likely you are to become a terrorist." (To Upaman Chatterjee)

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Why do I need knowledge of a foreign language

Famous German poet Goethe wrote: Who does not know a foreign language, he does not know anything about his family. And indeed it is. A foreign language is the most important means of communication, without which existence and development are impossible. human society. I always remember with great joy my first steps in learning German. It was so interesting, entertaining. The teacher revealed to us the concept of "foreign language", told us about its role and place in human life, taught us to speak, listen, read and write in the language being studied. Studying the language, we got acquainted with the world of our peers, with children's folklore, mores and traditions of Germany. Now I am fifteen years old, I am in the ninth grade, and I am not indifferent to the attitude to learning a foreign language. After all, knowledge of the language contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world among students, the formation of a personality, a culture of communication, and expands our horizons. I cannot but say that at present the knowledge of a foreign language increases the level liberal education schoolchildren. I want to note that the changes taking place today in public relations, in strengthening cultural, business, economic ties of our state with the countries of the world and Europe raise the status of the subject "Foreign language" as a general educational academic discipline. It is important to learn a foreign language! I think that this should be done in early age, with preschoolers, since I adhere to the point of view of K.I. Chukovsky "To kids preschool age a sophisticated sense of language." I am sure that by the time I finish high school the demand for highly qualified specialists who are fluent in both their specialty and two or three foreign languages ​​will be increased. If in the previous decades of the twentieth century the circle of people in the country who had the need to communicate in a foreign language was narrow, then at present the situation has changed. Practice shows that in last years interest in our country in a foreign language (especially English) is growing rapidly. The reasons for this are obvious: both businessmen, who have broad prospects for economic cooperation with foreign-speaking partners, and people who are striving to fully use the opportunities that have opened up for us are interested in knowing English. international tourism, not relying on travel only on the services of guides-interpreters. Geopolitical, communicative and technological transformations in society have involved both direct and indirect communication (for example, via the Internet) quite a large number of people of different professions, ages and interests. Accordingly, the need for learning foreign languages ​​will also increase.




Nomination: essay-reasoning







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