Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Spoken language arose before written language. Language and speech

Russian language (grade 1)

Subject: Language and speech. Oral and written speech. Russian is the native language of the Russian people. Russian is the state language of our country.

Target: to give initial ideas about oral and written speech and about language as a means of verbal communication; learn to distinguish between oral and written speech; to form a sense of respect for the Russian language as a national treasure of the Russian people, the state language of our country, as well as a sense of respect for the language of other peoples.

    Reproducing the title of the section " Our speech”, topic “Language and speech”. Repetition: what do we attribute to our speech? (listening, speaking, talking to yourself, reading and writing)

    Reading the first cognitive task: “What is the speech like? “(textbook, p. 7), clarifying its understanding by students.

    The teacher, relying on the already existing experience of children, leads them to the fact that our speech exists in two forms: oral (mouth - lips) and written (writing). When we speak and listen, we use oral language, when we write, we use written language.

Work with proverbs. What speech is meant in the following proverbs.(The teacher says a proverb, the children repeat, and then give an answer to the question asked.)

What's not good is not good(oral speech)

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax(written speech)

What's on the mind is on the tongue(oral)

Good speeches are pleasant to listen to (oral)

With your lips yes honey to drink (oral)

Reading is the best teaching(written)

    Information about the language. From the history of the emergence of written speech.

Which language came first, oral or written?

Do you know how Russian writing originated? (the teacher shows the icon of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, samples of the Slavic alphabet, as well as old books)

ATIXcentury in Byzantium, in the city of Thessalonica (now it is Thessaloniki, in Greece) there lived two brothers - Constantine and Methodius. They were wise and very educated people and knew the Slavic language well. The Greek Tsar Michael sent brothers to the Slavs, since the Slavic prince Rostislav asked to send teachers who could tell the Slavs about the holy Christian books, which the Slavs could not read, since they did not have their own alphabet, the Slavs did not have their own letters, which means they did not have their own script.

And so the brothers Konstantin and Methodius came to the Slavs to create the Slavic alphabet, which later became known as "Cyrillic".

Cyril and Methodius took the Greek alphabet and adapted it to the sounds of the Slavic language. So our "alphabet" is the daughter of the Greek alphabet.

Every year on May 24, the entire Orthodox people celebrate the feast day of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. Cyril and Methodius enlightened all the Slavic countries with their teachings and led them to faith in the Lord our God Jesus Christ. How to teach Christian doctrine to people who do not have a written language? Konstantin began to fervently pray before the icon of the Mother of God, so that she would help him come up with letters for the Slavs. After the prayer service, the brothers and their five faithful disciples set about creating the Slavic alphabet. Everything worked out for them easily, as if by itself. The alphabet took shape like a mosaic picture, and finally, Constantine wrote the first line of the Gospel of John in beautiful new letters:

In the beginning was the Word.

Now the Slavic peoples received writing and could read the Holy Gospel.

Consolidation of the information received during the conversation. The teacher passes the icon of Saints Cyril and Methodius to the first student, and he says what kind of brothers they were in character. Says one word and passes the icon to the next student (wise, hardworking, smart, Orthodox, etc.)

    The use of oral speech by students in the lesson . Staging of the Russian folk "Kolobok".

    The use of written language by students in the lesson . Reading the dialogue from the fairy tale "Kolobok" and writing the name of the fairy tale in a notebook.

    Reading the second educational cognitive task : "What is a mother tongue?"

    Consideration of drawings and sentences written in different languages ​​(textbook, exercise 5, p. 8)

What is the Russian language? (smooth, melodious, like a song, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers spoke it, a great language)

Children remember that their mother sang lullabies in Russian:

Gray cat, white tail

Come, cat, spend the night,

Download my daughter.

And I'm for you, cat,

I will pay for the work:

jug of milk

Yes, a piece of cake.


When a child learns to walk, they say:

Legs, legs.

Where are you running?

In the woods, on the midge:

Hut mush,

Not to be cold.

When a child is taught to jump, they say:

Big feet walked along the road:

Top, top, top

Top, top, top.

small feet

Run along the path:

Top, top, top, top, top

Top, top, top, top, top!

Fables will make any child laugh (dramatization)

Knocking, strumming down the street:

Thomas rides a chicken

Timoshka - on a cat

On a crooked path.

Where, Thomas, are you going?

Where are you driving?

I'm going to mow hay.

What do you want hay for?

Feed the cows.

What do you want cows for?

Milk milk.

Why milk?

Feed the kids.

9. Writing in a notebook of phrases : Russian language, native language.

10. Drawing the flag of the Russian Federation, a conversation about the language: “Russian is the state language of our country, the Russian Federation”

11. The result of the lesson. Display of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Which saint is depicted here? Which saints created our alphabet? Discussion of the questions given on the title to the section "Our Speech".

Used Books.

1. Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. Grade 1.-M.: Education, 2012.

2. Kanakina V.P. Russian language. Methodological guide with lesson developments.-M.: Enlightenment, 2014

Goals and objectives of the study. To understand the reasons for the appearance To understand the reasons for the appearance of oral and written forms of speech. Recall the features of oral and written forms of speech. Recall the features of oral and written forms of speech. To find out how the appearance of these forms of speech is connected with the development of human society? To find out how the appearance of these forms of speech is connected with the development of human society?

Research progress. 1. Recall the features of written and oral forms of speech. 1. Recall the features of written and oral forms of speech. 2. Compare oral texts 2. Compare oral and written texts. and writing. 3. Think about what form of speech was 3. Think about what form of speech was the most common at the early most common at an early stage of human development. her stage of human development.

Two versus one. Two versus one. I went out to the clearing ... and gasped in surprise. There were two hedgehogs on the edge of the clearing. I went out to the clearing ... and gasped in surprise. fought with a huge boletus We wanted to knock him down, but the mushroom did not give up! That's great! Well done, boletus!

Autumn lamps. Autumn lamps. Woodcocks used to pull in this gray aspen forest in the spring, and now the yellow leaves are flying. Lamps lit up in the dark forests, another leaf on a dark background burns so brightly that it even hurts to look at. The linden is already all black, but one bright leaf of it remains, hanging like a lantern on an invisible thread and shining. (M. Prishvin.) (M. Prishvin.)

2. The written form of speech: 2. The written form of speech: -strict, complex in form -strict, complex in form -less expressive -less expressive -observance of literary norms -observance of literary norms -strict choice of words -strict choice of words -observance of spelling and punctuation rules. - Compliance with spelling and punctuation standards.

Based on the compared texts, the following conclusion can be drawn: the oral form of speech was the most convenient at the stage of the emergence of society. This is due to the living conditions of people of that time and the development of their thinking. Based on the compared texts, the following conclusion can be drawn: the oral form of speech was the most convenient at the stage of the emergence of society. This is due to the living conditions of people of that time and the development of their thinking.

Used literature 1. Lvova S.I. Russian language. 6th class: A guide for students. with. 2. Russian language. Grade 6: Lesson notes on the development of speech. I.V.Ka- 2. Russian language. Grade 6: Lesson notes on the development of speech. Comp. I.V.Karaseva. race. 3. Russian language. Schoolchildren's handbook 3. Russian language. Schoolchildren's handbook Compiled by O.V. Galaev; edited by Slavkin.-M .:

Philologist, p. 4. Franklin Folsom Book about language - 4. Franklin Folsom Book about language - Progress Publishing House. Progress Publishing.

Subject:Types of speech. Oral and written speech

Target : to give an initial idea of ​​oral and written speech and of language as a means of verbal communication;

Tasks: learn to practically distinguish between oral and written speech; to introduce the words-terms "oral speech", "written speech" into the active dictionary of children, to teach to evaluate the results of activities in the lesson.

Planned results: students learn to distinguish between written and spoken language; evaluate your results.

The main forms of organization of cognitive activity of students:



Basic teaching methods:partial search, verbal (reproductive method)

The control: self-control, teacher control

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Knowledge update

1. Challenge, goal setting:

What is speech?

What is speech for?

When did you learn to speak?

Why does a person feel the need to speak his native speech, his native language?

Interesting fact : Scientists have calculated that by the age of seven, a child remembers more words than in the rest of his life.

Can you guess what the topic of our lesson is?

What is the purpose of the lesson?

(We will talk today about speech. Learn about the types of speech)

- How do you understand what speech is, why is it needed? How can words be used? (make laugh, upset, offend)

Conclusion: speech is a means of ... communication (children complement)

III Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Updating of basic knowledge.

What is the speech like? (oral and written)

Why is speech called oral? (From the word mouth)

What is written speech?

To what speech do we attribute the words reading, writing? (To the written)

And the words speaking, listening? (to oral)

Which speech came first?

Which language is more important oral or written? Read. C.9 and check for correctness.

2. Speech development p.10 exercise 1 - in a whisper - in rows

IV Finger gymnastics

Hand rotations

Clenching fingers into a fist, unclenching.

"Let's pet the kitten"

palm, rib, fist

V Minute calligraphy

Performing exercise 7 in a notebook with a printed basis p.11.

V IWritten work in a notebook.

1. Vocabulary work

-What the cat is wearing: BOOTS

READ exercise 6.

What bird is speech compared to? SPARROW

Memorize the spelling of these words.

Write down the word. (accent, spelling)

Physical education minute

Hands raised and shook -

These are the trees in the forest.

Hands bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

To the sides of the hand, gently wave -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they quietly sit down, we'll show -

Wings folded back.

2. Exercise 2 p.11 (oral)

3. Exercise 3 p.11 (in writing) - compiling a sentence from words.

V II. Summing up the lesson.

What useful and new things did you learn in the lesson?

What do you think: what is the main speech - oral or written?

In other lessons, we have yet to reveal the secrets of oral and written speech, and then, perhaps, we will be able to answer this question.


Continue suggestions:

I learned…

I learned in class...


in Russian for 4th grade students

Lesson #1

Subject. Oral and written speech. Words of courtesy.

Purpose for students: generalize your knowledge about the forms of speech, their features; improve the ability to coherently express their thoughts.

Material for study

    Review the textbook.

    Repetition of what was learned in 3rd grade.

    Answer the questions.

    What is the speech like? (Speech exists in two forms: oralnoah (from the word mouth- "mouth, lips") and written (from the wordletter). When we speak and listen, we use oral speech; when we write and read writing.)

    What is our speech?

3. Complete exercise 1, answer the questions for the illustration (p. 4 of the textbook).

4. Work with proverbs.

(With an affectionate word you will melt a stone. A word is not a sparrow: you will fly out - you won’t catch. What is written with a pen - you won’t cut it out with an ax. The tongue is blue, the tongues are ruining. What is the mind, such are the speeches.)

Think about which proverbs mean written speech, which - oral, and which - both forms of speech.

5. Practical consolidation of knowledge about the forms of speech.

Write the sentences by filling in the missing words.

First came... speech, then.....

Reading a newspaper or a book, we perceive ... speech.

When talking on the phone, we use ... speech.

6. Do exercise 7.

7. Practice, do the following tasks.

Imagine that you are on a phone call and hear from the other end of the wire:

What are your options for starting a conversation?

- I'm Lena Ivanova.

- Hello, can I have Lena Ivanov?

Who is this?

- Who's talking?

- Hello, Anya Petrova is bothering you. Can you invitesit Lena?

I Ivanov, urgently!

Please call Lena.

Hello, Anya Petrova is calling you (wait for an answergreetings). Please invite me to the phoneLena Ivanova.

8. Compose a narrative text on the topic “Where and how I rested in the summer” based on the plan from exercise 5 (p. 6 of the textbook).

So the holidays are over. Each of you wants to tell where and how he rested. Think about the most clay thing you want to say about your vacation.

What language, oral or written, did you use when talking about your vacation?


Do exercise 8 (p. 7 of the textbook), write an essay about summer holidays.

Lesson #2

Subject. Speech sounds and their designations in writing. Vowel sounds.

Purpose for students: consolidate and generalize your knowledge about vowel sounds and their letter designation in writing, about syllables and stress; learn to compare, analyze sound phenomena; develop speech hearing, enrich your vocabulary.

Material for study

    Repetition of previously acquired knowledge about sounds.

    Read the poem and see if you can answer
    to the questions posed in it.

How many sounds in the world?

How many snowflakes are in the snow

How much rain is in the rain,

How many grains of sand are in the sand.

How many sounds does speech have?

How many streams are on the river.

These questions, of course, cannot be answered. And the sounds that we hear cannot be counted, there are so many of them! With the help of precise equipment, it was possible to establish that even the sounds uttered by one person are infinitely different.

Now read an excerpt from the book by A. Kondratov “Sounds
and signs.

The number of speech sounds in any language of the world is less than a hundred. Evenin the word-poorest language, the number of words is several thousand. The number of sentences that can be constructed using words is astronomical. The number of different texts that can be written using sentences is almost infinite ... Thanks to this property of the language, we get the opportunity at any time to express anybuyu thought, any feeling, any fantasy or whim. From tothe power of a handful of figures builds the entire infinite varietyand rich language.

What “handful of figures” is referred to in the text? (O letters.)

How big is it in Russian? (In russian language33 letters.)

2. Verbally complete exercise 15 (p. 9 of the textbook).

What sounds can we hear?

In nature, in the world around us, there are a lot of different sounds, pleasant and unpleasant for our hearing. Does phonetics study them? (No, he doesn’t. Phonetics- the science that studies the sounds of speech.

How are speech sounds different from other sounds? (The fact that with theirwords are formed with help.)

Prove that sounds serve to form words that have
different meaning. (U each word has its own meaning. If a replace at least one sound in a word, a new word is formedwith a different meaning.)

3. Lexico-phonetic game "Race".

In the word seagull, replace the first sound. Write down new words.

How many new words did you get?

In the word doe, replace the second sound.

In the word som, replace the last sound.

What do all these examples prove? (The fact that words are formed from sounds.)

4. Complete exercise 18 (p. 10 of the textbook, orally).

We generalize and consolidate knowledge.

Read the words: iris (candy), iris (flower).

Name the items. How are the words you named different?
(Emphasis. Flower - iris, candy "Iris".)

Name a few more words that differ in stress. (Castle - castle, flour - flour, goats - goats, atlas - atlas.)

Remember which syllable in the word is stressed? (The syllable that is stressed.)

Unlike those languages ​​in which the stress is constant, that is, attached to a certain syllable in all words (for example, in Czech, Hungarian, Finnish, the stress is on the first syllable, in French - on the last syllable, in Polish - on the penultimate syllable ), in Russian the stress is free, different (gold, road, copse) and mobile, that is, it can move in a word from one syllable to another (mountain - mountains). This feature of Russian stress allows us to distinguish between words and word forms, makes our speech beautiful, smooth, rhythmic.

2. Lexico-phonetic exercise.

Correctly determine the meaning of the words that are the same in spelling and put the stress.

Forty motley galloping magpies perched on the bushes. The sun has set behind the village. Clove seeds are similar to cloves. The road home is always expensive. The garden scarecrow scared everyone. Falling into an abyss means an abyss. The hole has become much narrower. Then, sweating from the heat, he pounded the hammer again.

3. Game task "Correct the mistakes."

In the poem by M. Chervinsky "By the way" there are lines about a man who did not want to adhere to the rules of literary speech. Find and correct speech errors.

He said, among other things,"More beautiful", "We want it that way","Leisure, driver, interest, loan, Quarter, portfolio, library","Above the plan we carry out",The agent has been calling all day.

4. Independent work.

Athlete, diagnosis, unity, clog, tool, catalog, kilometer, briefly, provision, carpenter, sorrel.

Write down the words, read them. Put the correct stress on these words.


P.11, exercise 24.

P. 12, exercise 28. Write down the text. Name the consonants in the underlined words and the letters they stand for. Underline the letters in the words that

denote paired hard consonants with one line, and paired soft consonants with two.

Lesson #3

Subject. Speech sounds and their designations in writing. consonant sounds. Alphabet.

Purpose for students: systematize their knowledge of graphic means of speech transmission in writing, repeat the alphabet; know how to use the alphabet.

Material for study

1. Repetition.

Execute on your own.

b or p? blue ..ka, short.ka, g.cue, ro..cue, button ..ka;

in or f? faith..ka, tra..ka, higher..ka,;

g or k? sapo .., poto .., lie .., friend .., move ..;

d or t? village .. ka, re .. cue, me .. cue, milk .. bba;

w or w? but..ka, boom..ka, boil.ka, okay..ka;

s or s? uka..ka, no..cue,, der..cue,

Answer the questions.

What is the difference between voiceless and voiced consonants?

When are voiceless consonants pronounced instead of voiced consonants?

How to check their spelling?

    Vocabulary and spelling work. Write down the words.

Alphabet, alphabetical, alphabetically.

The Russian alphabet is based on the Cyrillic alphabet - the ancient Slavic alphabet, which was created in the 9th century by the enlightenment brothers Cyril and Methodius. To facilitate memorization, Cyrillic letters were called words: az, beeches, lead, verb, good, eat and so on, which translates into Russian like this: I know the letters (I know), I say- good is...

We can say that the alphabet was a whole meaningful text of a moralizing nature. By the way, then the numbers were also denoted by letters: A corresponded to 1, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4, D - 5, etc. A special icon was placed above the letters with the meaning of the numbers.

From the names of the first two letters of the Cyrillic alphabet az and beeches (letters), which correspond to the modern letters A and B, and the word ABC. This word has a synonym in Russian. Do you remember what words are called synonyms? Word alphabet formed from the names of the first two letters of the Greek alphabet - alpha and beta or vit.

In 1634, the first Russian primer appeared, compiled by Vasily Burtsev. On the title page of the primer, a teacher was depicted whipping a student with rods. This picture seemed to indicate that learning the alphabet was not an easy task.

Here is how the poetess N. Konchalovskaya wrote about learning to read and write in Russia:

In the old days, children learned

They were taught by a church clerk -

Came at dawn

And they repeated the letters like this:

A yes B like Az yes Buki,

V - as Vedi, G - Verb,

And a teacher for science

I beat them on Saturdays.

Literacy has always been valued, literate people were respected in the old days. Everyone knew how difficult it was to live for someone who could not read and write, did not know the alphabet.

Read what proverbs the people made about the doctrine.

Az, beeches and leads are frightening like bears. First, az yes beeches, bythat is all sciences. Az yes beeches relieve flour.

Why did they say so in the old days?

Do you remember what the alphabet is? (Alphabet - a set of letters accepted in a given script, arranged in the prescribed order.)

Sounds are studied by phonetics, and letters are studied by the alphabet.

Do you remember what letters are? How are they different from sounds?
3. Repetition of the alphabet according to the table "Alphabet".

4. Do exercise 34 (p. 14 of the textbook).

5. Creative work.

Using the material of exercise 36 (p. 15 of the textbook), remember and write down the names of famous writers and poets in alphabetical order.

7. Explanatory dictation based on the material of the first three sentences from the poem "The Acrobat Letter" by G. Graubin.

In the alphabet, in the primer

The letter E lives

Once she walked

Slowly according to the notebook

I dreamed and fell

Turned into the letter S.

Got up, stumbled again

Stretched out on a sheet

Accidentally turned over

Turned into a T.

The student was, of course, happy:

That's the letter-acrobat!

This poem is about letters. e, w, t, not about sounds.

7. An entertaining minute.

What letters can be used to cook tasty and healthy food?

    Which letter names make up an entire era? (Era.)

    Which alphabet has only six letters? (ABC.)

    Which letter in the Russian alphabet always cries bitterly, because
    that it is never written at the beginning of Russian words? (s-s-s.)

Name the words in which the letter s occurs at least three times. (Washed, pry, dug.)


Exercise 37 (p. 15 of the textbook); know the alphabet well.

Lesson number 4.

Subject. Word composition. Spelling prefixes. URR. My summer holiday experience. Composing a story.

Purpose for students: consolidate their knowledge of the composition of the word, expand knowledge of the word-formation means of the language, learn to establish causal relationships between linguistic phenomena, improve the skills of word-formation analysis; repeat the spelling of the prefixes of the three groups.

Material for study


Answer the questions.

What is oral speech?

What is written language?

Give a description of the speech that helps a person in communication.

Which syllable in a word can be stressed? Give examples.

Without what sound does a syllable not exist?

How to determine the number of syllables in a word?

Name pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants.

Read the alphabet.

Name the vowel sounds separately, then the letters.

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Repetition of what has been learned about single-root words.

Who are you?

I- Goose,

This- Goose,

This- our goslings.

And who are you?

And I am your aunt-


    Write out related words from the text, disassemble them by composition.

    Does the word apply to them? caterpillar?

2. Orally perform exercise 41 (p. 17 of the textbook).

3. Lexico-grammatical task "The third extra".

In each group of words, find and write down the root words.
the words; break them down by composition.

Pain, big, hospital.Burn, mountain, fade. Woe, mountainous, grieve.

    We consolidate knowledge about prefixes.

Review and study the table "Spelling of prefixes" (p. 17 of the textbook).

a) Prefixes of the first group.

The prefixes of the first group must be quickly "recognized by sight" so as not to be confused with others.

Consider the table of prefixes of the first group.
B- (in-) iso- o-

vzo- on- about- (ob-)
you- over- from- (ot-)
in a different way
sub- (podo-) with- (co-)
pre- (pre-) y-

The prefix s- is very tricky. Before a voiced consonant, the sound [z] is clearly heard. What should we remember?

3- there are no prefixes -

Every student knows this.

Zgi, here, building, health

From s- write to health.

Say run away, bend, hold back-

WITH- write an appendix.

5. Training exercise for the spelling of prefixes s-, s-.

..condensed milk,, ..savings bank,..the movie house, ..the locals, ..a hunchbacked man, ..brithat beard.

Write off, insert the desired prefix in place of the passes?
b) Prefixes of the second group.

The spelling of prefixes in this group depends on neighboring letters. Therefore, they are written with a letter h, then with a letter with.

Before deaf consonants in these prefixes we write the letter with. Remember the rule.

Live in the world, helping people,

Prefixes in-, out-, through-, times- and without-.

But the sound of a deaf consonant meets them,

And we write them only with the letter c.

Write down the answers to the questions.

What was Koshchei called in Russian fairy tales? (Immortal.)What was the name of the man from the poem by S. Marshak, wholived on Basseynaya street? (Scattered.)

6. Do exercise 44 (p. 18 of the textbook).

c) Prefixes of the third group: pre- and at-.

What can you say about these consoles? (Their spellingdepends on their meaning in the word.)


Predlinny will reach the roof with his hand,

Greedy won't give you candy.

If “very like this” or “very different” -

Pre- we will write about it.

In this rule there is two exceptions: deplorable- "very mournful, sad:

bizarre- “very strange”, intricate.

Replace the word combinations with one word and write it down.
Very nice, very kind, very old, very nasty, very pretty.

What is the meaning of the prefix at?

Here is how this rule sounds in poetic form.

Did the train arrive, the ship sailed,

The astronaut came from the Universe -

In words will come, arrive, arrive,

Is written at-, undoubtedly.

Here he screwed, screwed the wheel,

Glued, sewn skillfully -

We write at-, talking about everything

What good hands have done.

Tongue bit - not quite bit off,

Burnt doesn't mean burnt.

Remember what's done, but not quite

We write with a prefix at-.

Pre- or at-?-

See the meaning of the word:

Near or near means write at-.

Replace these phrases with one word, write off.

The approach of a bird, fish, snake; approximation of a round premeta; connect: with a rope, with a hammer and nails; plot at the school, garden at the estate; raised a littleka touched.

HOMEWORK: exercise 46 (p. 18-19 of the textbook).

Tasks for practical work

    Write the words alphabetically and fill in the missing letters.

D ... zhurny, v .. shy, ... rbuz, k ... nki, l ... sitsa, city ... d, t ... tradition, language, r ... byata, n ... rotten, s ... water.

    In words class, sparrow, pencil case underline the consonants.

    Write down the words, arranging them alphabetically. Insert the missing letters.


    Write the sentence, completing it with the appropriate word.

The holiday village stood on the shore ....... .

In the last word of the sentence, underline the letters denoting soft consonants.

    Write words with soft consonants.

Quiet, juice, ball, Vitya, clouds, uncle, greenery, alone, share.

    Write down the text, put stress on the words of the first two sentences. Write out the underlined words and divide them into syllables for transfer.

Wasautumn . Mom bought a jacket andshoes . Vitya put on a jacket, shoesshod Novel. The guys ran to the park to collect autumnleaves.

    Write out words with hard consonants.

Spruce, apple, singing, table, sofa, clouds, leaf, reed, fell, aunt.

    Write down the text, put stress on the words of the second and last sentences. Divide the underlined words into syllables.

Borya tookrag . Vitya washed the board. Yasha brought chalk. Kostyaerased dust from desks. Our guysclass love work.