Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Olga Markova - retrograde Mars. Social nuances during the retro-Mars period

This week, Mars will enter its retrograde phase. In fact, of course, he will not “enter” anywhere - simply because of the difference in movement speeds different planets in its orbits, it seems to an observer on Earth that the neighboring planet is “moving back” back. However, astrologers treat this optical effect not so dismissively: from their point of view, the retrograde movement of Mars is important factor influencing the behavior of every person.

Our astrologer Safira Nizamova tells what to do during this period for those who compare their lives by the stars.

Safira, you recently told us about the impact on people’s lives retrograde Saturn. Perhaps retrograde Mars manifests itself in a similar way?

No, that's not entirely true. Saturn's influence on destiny individual implicit and not easy to track. We often do not perceive events that stretch over years as events. We need a special arrangement of planets in natal chart so that on certain days or even hours you can feel its heavy tread.

- Another thing is Mars. His influence is obvious, undeniable and felt by everyone.

- And how does the influence of retrograde Mars manifest itself?

First of all, is the effect of Mars manifested? Despite the reputation of the “god of war”, it can also be quite positive. For example, remember the expression “sports anger” - this is the most exact description active Mars. The desire to win, perseverance in achieving goals, willingness to make sacrifices, endure difficulties for the sake of great achievements, ambition and determination - this is all Mars.

- It is the desire to win that dominates, and not the desire to humiliate or even destroy an opponent.

Retrograde is false mirror, in which all the weaknesses of the planet are displayed in an exaggerated form. The desire to win does not disappear anywhere, but the determination, activity, and desire to act that are needed to achieve the goal disappear. Instead, unproductive aggression appears, directed both at the opponent and at oneself. Often people act out of spite precisely during the period of Mars retrograde.

- The difference between direct and retrograde Mars is approximately the same as between street fight and a boxing match.

- And we will all inevitably become aggressive?

Not really. Firstly, sometimes the lifestyle itself provokes an outburst. negative energy. This is special dangerous period for employees of any security forces: military, police, rescue workers, as well as employees of those professions whose duty stands between life and death, for example, surgeons. Also this unfavorable period for athletes - we sympathize in advance with the participants of the World Cup, extreme travelers, politicians... The list goes on, I think everyone can assess the influence of Mars on their field of professional activity.

- I would like to draw the attention of motorists that this is also an unfavorable period for them: be careful on the road, do not drive recklessly, do not break the rules, even when you are completely confident in your abilities. You may feel like you have the situation under control, but this is just an illusion created by Mars retrograde.

Secondly, Mars plays special role in the lives of people born under the signs of Aries and Scorpio, signs where he is the senior and junior ruler. During the period of Mars retrograde, Aries amazes loved ones with uncharacteristic apathy, an unwillingness to occupy themselves with anything, to do anything. At the same time, Aries begins to look for those to blame, can take out anger on others, and provoke meaningless conflicts that are not worth a damn. Sometimes their loved ones even suspect that Aries is depressed... However, it goes away as if by magic, as soon as Mars returns to its previous path.

Scorpios react to retrograde Mars less clearly, but here the influence of the red planet is undeniable. It is especially noticeable in personal relationships; it is possible that you will even suspect that your Scorpio spouse “has someone.” But in fact, he “has” only retrograde Mars, which kills love passion, replacing it with coldness and indifference.

When discussing Saturn's retrograde recently, we paid a lot of attention to the fact that it is now moving backward through the sign of Capricorn. And Mars?

Mars will also visit the sign of Capricorn again in its return movement in 2018! And, imagine, he, like Saturn, feels great there, because Capricorn is a sign of his exaltation. The concept of the sign of exaltation is often unfamiliar to people who are superficially familiar with astrology, so I will explain: if in the sign of the abode the planet is “at home” and manifests itself most fully, then in the sign of exaltation it is “a favorite employee in a promising workplace”, it manifests itself perhaps , not so comfortable, but bright.

- Direct Mars in Capricorn is the time of careerists. Decisiveness and ambition combined with strict structure and orderliness are simply ideal for taking a new position or starting a new project.

Everything that went with a plus sign with direct Mars came with a minus sign with retrograde Mars. Ambitions do not correspond to abilities or capabilities. The projects are “hat-kicking”. Conflicts with colleagues can arise over the most insignificant issues...

- A logical question: what to avoid during the period of Mars retrograde, or perhaps something to strive for?

Of course, it’s never clear negative situations! Retrograde Mars, like most retro periods, is good for “pulling up your tails” - completing some old things. Auto-aggression can be used to your advantage by forcing yourself to return to the gym. Of course, the slogan “you’re a fat cow, go ahead!” - Not best motivation, but the main thing is that you returned to the fitness center, and positive motivation will follow... Finally, retrograde Mars - good reason take a break and go on vacation. As long as you are lying somewhere under Turkish palm trees (and even on the sofa at home), its retrograde will not harm you in any way.

You should not start any long-term projects that involve development: registering a company, starting construction, concluding a long-term cooperation agreement... If possible, you should avoid contact with weapons, and definitely not do it for fun.

- In general, handle any equipment and machinery with care. A lot of dangerous and ridiculous everyday injuries like “cutting a salad - cutting off a finger” happen during the period of Mars retrograde!

Finally, you should not get involved in any activities that are associative level are perceived as military actions. Litigation sport competitions, even heated discussions on the Internet - all this can harm your position, health or reputation.

- So, we declare the period of retrograde Mars a time of peace and friendship?

What a good idea! Tolerance and friendliness, and before you know it, you will survive these two months without any losses!

Interviewed by Ekaterina Ershova

Mars is a planet that gives people fearlessness, determination, courage, strength, speed of action, and determination. Mars influences our success, work, achievements. Mars gives energy, strength, zeal, passion and initiative.

What is retrograde motion of a planet?

This is its movement backward in relation to the Earth. This effect occurs not because the planet changes its direction, but because of the difference in the speed of movement with the Earth. That is, from the Earth it will appear that Mars is moving backward, since the Earth will in some sense overtake it.

What happens during Mars retrograde?

During this period, it will be difficult to act actively, achieve something, take initiative, be energetic and move forward boldly. During the retrograde period of this planet, all our strength and energy is directed more inward. This creates a slowdown in our lives, making it impossible or quite difficult to start something, to be active, to act energetically.

From June 26, as many as 5 planets will be retrograde: Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars. This means that the progress of all matters and projects will slow down significantly. And from July 26 to August 19, Mercury will also be retrograde. In addition, we will have 3 important Eclipses this summer.

The influence of retrograde Mars will be most significant for Aries, Scorpios, Aquarius and Capricorn. The rest of the Zodiac Signs will also see changes in their lives.

It will be quite a tense period in which they may return old unresolved problems, delays, deadlocks, and conflicts may occur.

What should you not do during Mars retrograde?

  1. You should not take the initiative, start new businesses, register a company, or organize anything.
  2. It is not recommended to perform operations, use weapons, be exposed to risk and danger, or organize competitions.
  3. You should not buy movable property, household appliances, tools, etc.
  4. You cannot enter into arguments, debates, or file a lawsuit.
  5. It is not recommended to change jobs, start construction, repairs, or go on any long trips.
  6. It is unfavorable to take risks.
  7. Not the best time to start courtship or have your first sexual experience.

How to easily survive the period of Mars retrograde?

  1. It is important to slow down and not take the initiative. During this period, you should be more reasonable, calmer and more attentive.
  2. You should control your anger and negative feelings, since due to many problems and difficulties they may arise.
  3. You should avoid conflicts and quarrels in every possible way, as they can be quite acute and long-lasting.
  4. It will be especially difficult to take initiative and active people, so they should be the most focused and restrained.
  5. It is very important to monitor your health and avoid heavy loads And dangerous species sports, be careful, since during the retro-Mars period injuries, accidents, and nervous breakdowns often occur. You should take care of both your body and your psyche, don’t rush anywhere, don’t take on too many obligations, and don’t overexert yourself.

What does the retro-Mars period give us?

  1. During this period, it will be possible to return to postponed matters, try again to launch small short-term projects that previously failed, slow down and take care of things already started.
  2. Retro Mars will draw our attention to the past; people from the past, old proposals, tempting ideas may return. It's important to take final decision on whether to return to something only when Mars becomes direct. Now there will be a big risk of being deceived.
  3. It is very favorable to put things in order in old affairs, to deal with projects that have already begun, to slowly but surely move towards long-chosen goals, to finish all things, to close open questions.
  4. You can practice calm sports: walking, swimming, yoga. You should find harmony and inner peace, calm down and slow down your rhythm, accept this passive period as important part ways.
  5. It is recommended to rest more, do everything slowly, avoid heavy stress on the body and mind, use your energy rationally, do not strain yourself, and be in the “now” moment.
  6. You need to learn to wait, analyze, look for inspiration, be in harmony, feel inner peace and the most important - trust your life.

Mars goes retrograde a little less often than once every 2 years, and moves in a retrograde direction for about 2 months. Each time this happens in a new sign of the Zodiac, with new interactions of the planets. This time the Mars retrograde period is quite difficult, perhaps even one of the most difficult periods of 2018 - from June 27 to August 27:

  • this period completely coincides with the summer eclipse season, which clearly indicates the fate of current events.
  • difficult aspect of Mars to Uranus at this time aggravates situations, not allowing you to serenely engage in introspection (which would be very helpful).
  • At the same time as Mars, several more planets will be retrograde, as if encouraging us take your time and better understand the material covered.

It sounds a little daunting, but if you know how to use this time correctly, you can reap its benefits. Now in order:

Exacerbation – square Mars and Uranus

The main theme of this period is the repeated square of Mars and Uranus - a rather exciting aspect. I wrote about him when he met for the first time this year. Since the square is repeated, its influence will be felt throughout the entire retro-Mars period.

Now the conflicts that arose in May may continue and become “chronicled.” And, in principle, the atmosphere of this period resembles the situation with a voltage drop in the electrical network, after which not all devices survive. We invest too much energy in some project, relationship, situation, we go ahead, get irritated, nervous, explode - and as a result we ourselves break the paths we have built with our own hands.

  • Be careful when driving, in traumatic sports and when working with machinery and equipment. Increased likelihood of breakdowns and delays due to non-functioning equipment.
  • IN conflict situations look for compromises or at least stay on the defensive, but don’t attack.
  • Reconsider the ways and means of solving your problems, try other options, but postpone the final decision until the fall, when a more clear picture will emerge.
  • Take your time. These words Lately I repeat in almost every note, but the heavenly situation is already developing so that over and over again circumstances appear that require more and more patience from us.

These recommendations apply to the entire retro-Mars period and even a little longer - until the end of September, since Mars will converge with Uranus again in the fall ( exact aspect– September 19), but then there will be an opportunity to bring the simmering conflicts to a head and come out of them with new solutions.

The greatest aggravation of these problems (especially regarding accident rates) can be expected from July 25 to August 12, although the peak of activity for everyone passes at their own time, depending on how this square affects.

Who does this concern?

  • born January 20 – 25, April 19 – 24, July 23 – 27 and October 23 – 27
  • for those who have important points of their individual horoscope located in 1 – 5 degrees of the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
  • those who have aspects of Mars and Uranus in the natal chart.

Destiny – Mars and Eclipse Season

The transit point for the retrograde of Mars is its opposition to the Sun, when Mars passes opposition to the Sun and at the same time is at the point closest to the Earth. By the way, anticipating questions about the “news” about the proximity of Mars to the Earth, which every year pops up on the Internet under the heading “DON’T MISS: MARS IS THE SIZE OF THE MOON!”, I recommend reading my article.

So, the confrontation itself indicates high degree conflict and low efficiency. And this year it will also coincide with Lunar eclipse– July 27. That is, it is at this time that the most illustrative situations of our inefficiency. By carefully observing the failures and obstacles of these days, you can significantly increase your coefficient useful action in future. In what area (personal, financial, business) the situations themselves will show. But it always makes sense to draw parallels in different areas of life, because the situations of these days are symbols, signs that can indicate more global problems.

In general, such an active retro sky indicates a slowdown in various processes: communication, social, and everything related to long-term contracts, investments and acquisitions. So again: don’t rush to decide, negotiate, buy – everything has its time.

At the end of the period, from August 13, Mars will briefly enter the sign of Capricorn, and this position may push for more decisive and drastic actions. But here it is still important to restrain yourself and begin some active actions only after August 27th. Mars will be in Capricorn until September 11, so we still have time to hurry. In the meantime, it makes sense to leave the speck in your neighbor’s eye alone and take care of your own deposits.

Now is the time to observe, notice, and draw conclusions. After all, right now hints are coming in the form significant events, and since it’s impossible not to notice them, it’s better to look with all your eyes and learn the lessons as thoroughly as possible. Retrograde is, first of all, an opportunity to look into the past, look inside yourself and reach a new level.

So let's not be afraid, but let's learn. Moreover, until the end of summer there will also be positive, supportive moments (more on them a little later), and in general - after every thunderstorm, the sun appears in the sky.

Have a nice astrological weather, love and patience!

For the illustration " Summer thunderstorms" Thank you

Mars goes into retrograde movement every 22 months and is in a retrograde phase for approximately 80 days.

Even things that seem to have started successfully are slowed down, various obstacles arise that prevent you from getting on with your main business. Problems can grow like a snowball, forcing a person to do something other than what he intended. All this irritates a person, he begins to rush around, look for a way out, or in frustration gives up what he started, loses interest in the matter.

Enemies or competitors may become more active. In days retrograde Mars Care should be taken when handling equipment, weapons, and moving mechanisms. Breakdowns and equipment failures occur more often. If equipment was assembled or repaired during the period of Mars retrograde, hidden defects are often revealed later, arising due to the negligence or negligence of the performers.

It is not recommended to travel at this time as there may be traffic delays. various kinds reasons and the likelihood of road accidents, which are accompanied by injuries, blood loss, and the need for surgical intervention, increases. These days, people are required to have composure, endurance and patience; any aggression can turn against the one who sends it. Trials and battles that started during the period retrograde Mars, will be lost.

At retrograde movement of Mars people often complain that their frontal sinuses hurt and their heads ache, people complain about lack of energy, which is a consequence of the concentration of energy on Mars. Instead of entering into open conflicts, they resort to more subtle means of manipulating people. At the same time, energy that does not find an outlet outside can become destructive. This really is a clear example

practical astrology, and during this period it is necessary to slow down and take a little break. As in the case , Mercury retrograde retrograde Mars

makes it possible to return to unfinished, once abandoned matters, the approach to which should now be different. Retrograde Mars has a more strong influence for people in whom Mars has a strong status in the natal chart, is located close Ascendant

or Meridian or in the signs of Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn. And also for those for whom Mars is Rex aspectarius.:
Not recommended when Mars is retrograde - start, new business new project
, new business, long-term enterprises;
- show initiative, apply for a job or change it;
- go on a trip;
- hold competitions;
- buy or repair a car, any machinery or household appliances;

- start repairs or construction.

Retrograde Mars in the natal chart in the natal chart indicates that in past life there was poor adaptation, the person spent energy poorly and incorrectly. In this life the reaction to external stimulus delayed due to internal insecurity and lack of opportunities or unfavorable circumstances.

Mars retrograde indicates that impulses to action are unconsciously combined with some elements of the subconscious, thereby creating unconscious motives that guide a person with such Mars. Often, an individual's desires and manifestations may be restrained by internal uncertainty in one's strengths and capabilities or by some other circumstances.

Often this position of Mars also affects sexual potential, creating a certain kind of neuroses or mental complexes. But on the same basis, a certain experience of sublimation of will and desires is also possible, which is clearly demonstrated by the possibilities of yoga. If Mercury retrograde used properly, then valuable lessons can be learned regarding the cultivation of will and patience, as well as the organization and implementation of creative ideas and their actual achievement.

Retrograde Mars requires from his wards caution and prudence in their conclusions and decisions, thoughtfulness of actions, confidence in the success of the matter and the mandatory completion of all their affairs. Negative emotional energy should always be contained. This means that all the will and energy that you have must be directed only in the right direction, so that they benefit not only yourself, but also those around you.

Mars goes retrograde between April 17 and June 29. This phenomenon occurs once every two years. As the planet enters another cycle, we will talk about the impact of this phenomenon on our lives.

Earthlings sometimes observe movement major planets back. This astronomical phenomenon is due to different speeds of movement celestial bodies. Thus, the movement in reverse direction Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury and other planets are an optical illusion. This phenomenon is well known to fans of rail travel.

When a train passenger looks out the window at a train moving in the same direction, but with lower speed, the illusion is created that the second train is heading in the other direction. The same thing happens with planets. In fact, retrograde Mars does not change direction - it enters the most distant part of its orbit.

People are most affected by the three retrograde planets

Not all planets can have the greatest influence on us. The most powerful retrogrades are Mars, Mercury and Venus. At this time, people feel differently; they are more susceptible to the energy of the planet. Next, we will learn in more detail what changes can occur under the influence of retrograde Mars.

The energy of the male planet gives willpower, courage, aggression, passion and anger

Mars is a masculine planet and is responsible for making decisions in life. This celestial body is often associated with moving forward and achieving goals. Mars is also associated with carnal pleasures. During the planet's retrograde period, people need to make adjustments in these areas. We must look back, analyze the situation and make the necessary changes. This will allow you to make further movements more rationally and thoughtfully.

During Mars retrograde, people should not plan new beginnings

During this period, people will be exposed to circumstances and events that happened from February 17 to April 17. They will be responsible for the energy sector. But any new initiatives and undertakings are either doomed to failure or will face insurmountable obstacles. Therefore, postpone all new projects until the end of June. Astrologers warn that retrograde period- that's not very good good time for new things, but it is great for revising and adjusting old ones. Therefore, if you have pending until better days projects, you can make changes and amendments to them.

For whom will this period be especially difficult?

People with assertive personalities may experience certain difficulties. Mars retrograde will exacerbate internal tension. The risk group includes Aries and Scorpios, born under the auspices of the planet. For Scorpios, the influence of Mars will be noticeable for some time after the retrograde period.

Who will be productive?

However, 15% of the planet's population is still incredibly lucky. If you were born during a period when Mars was retrograde (you can find this out from your astrological natal chart or personal horoscope), the coming time will be more productive for you. Over this period of time, these people receive feedback from the Universe. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on unusual phenomena, look for signs and clues. All this will allow you to further expand your capabilities in the future.

Movement from Sagittarius to Scorpio

Mars retrograde begins in the constellation Sagittarius and ends in the constellation Scorpio. The main point on the route will be Antares, the most bright Star, which can be seen from Earth. The red star of the first magnitude corresponds to the character of Mars itself. The star Antares is associated with power, control, reward and success.

Other Features

The beginning of the movement in the sign of Sagittarius promotes expanded experience, new perspectives, learning, travel, business, marketing and sales. Sometimes at this time people are prone to adventures. Before you venture out into adventure, make sure you are aligned with the energy of Mars.

On May 27, the planet enters the Constellation Scorpio. At this time, people comprehend the changes made and affirm new values. There is a high probability of sharing experience, but at the same time there is a danger of disclosing dark sides personality. The specific retrograde possibility acts like a reflection.


Around this time, Pluto in Capricorn begins retrograde. However, the influence of a distant planet, unlike Mars, will be almost unnoticeable. During this period, people should think about their future, about their own life position, about his path in the Universe. After June 29, Mars will continue its normal motion.