Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The story of natalya boyar daughter. Nikolai Karamzinnatalya, boyar daughter

Karamzin N M

Natalia, boyar daughter

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

Natalya, boyar daughter

Who among us does not love those times when Russians were Russians, when they dressed up in their own clothes, walked with their own gait, lived according to their own custom, spoke their own language and according to their heart, that is, they spoke as they thought? At least I love these times; I will fall in love on the fast wings of imagination to fly into their distant gloom, under the canopy of long-decayed elms, to look for my bearded ancestors, to talk with them about the adventures of antiquity, about the character of the glorious Russian people, and tenderly kiss the hands of my great-grandmothers, who cannot see enough of their respectful great-grandson , they can’t talk enough with me, marvel at my mind, because when I talk with them about old and new fashions, I always give preference to their undercoats * and fur coats over the current bonnets a la ... and all the Gallo-Albion * outfits that shine on Moscow beauties at the end of the eighth to tenth century. Thus (of course, understandable to all readers), old Rus' is known to me more than to many of my fellow citizens, and if the gloomy Parka does not cut my life thread for a few more years, then finally I will not find a place in my head for all the anecdotes and stories told to me by the inhabitants of the past centuries. In order to lighten the burden of my memory a little, I intend to tell my kind readers a story or a story that I heard in the realm of shadows, in the realm of imagination, from my grandfather's grandmother, who at one time was considered very eloquent and almost every evening told fairy tales to Queen NN. I am only afraid to disfigure her story; I'm afraid that the old woman will not rush on a cloud from the next world and punish me with her stick for bad rhetoric ... * Oh no! Forgive my recklessness, generous shadow - you are inconvenient* for such a thing! In your earthly life itself, you were meek and gentle, like a young lamb; your hand did not kill here either a mosquito or a fly, and a butterfly always rested peacefully on your nose: so, is it possible that now, when you swim in a sea of ​​indescribable bliss and breathe the purest ether of the sky, is it possible that your hand rises on your obedient great-great-grandson? No! You will allow him to practice without hindrance the laudable craft of scribbling paper, setting up fables on the living and the dead, testing the patience of his readers, and, finally, like the eternally yawning god Morpheus*, throwing them down on soft sofas and plunging them into a deep sleep... Ah! At that very moment I see an extraordinary light in my dark corridor, I see fiery circles that spin with brilliance and crackle, and finally, oh, a miracle! - show me your image, the image of indescribable beauty, indescribable majesty! Your eyes shine like the sun; your lips turn red like the morning dawn, like the peaks of snowy mountains at sunrise daylight- you smile, as a young creation smiled on the first day of its existence, and in delight I hear your sweetly thundering words: "Go on, my dear great-great-grandson!" So, I will continue, I will; and, armed with a pen, I courageously trace the story of Natalia, the boyar's daughter. But first I must rest; The rapture into which the appearance of my great-great-grandmother led me exhausted my spiritual strength. I lay down my pen for a few minutes - and let these written lines be an introduction, or a preface. In the capital city of the glorious Russian kingdom, in white-stone Moscow, lived the boyar Matvey Andreev, a rich, intelligent man, a faithful servant of the tsar and, according to Russian custom, a great hospitable man. He owned many estates and was not an offender, but a patron and intercessor of his poor neighbors, which in our enlightened times, perhaps, not everyone will believe, but which in the old days was not considered a rarity at all. The king called him his right eye, and the right eye never deceived the king. When it was necessary for him to sort out an important lawsuit, he called on boyar Matvey to help him, and boyar Matvey, putting clean hand with a pure heart, he said: "This one is right (not according to such and such a decree, which took place in such and such a year, but) according to my conscience; this one is guilty according to my conscience" - and his conscience was always in agreement with the truth and with the royal conscience. The matter was decided without delay: the right one raised a tearful eye of gratitude to heaven, pointing with his hand at the good sovereign and the good boyar, and the guilty one fled into the dense forests to hide his shame from people.

We still cannot keep silent about one commendable habit of the boyar Matvey, a habit that is worthy of imitation in every century and in every kingdom, I mean, on every twelfth holiday * long tables were set in his upper rooms, covered with clean tablecloths, and the boyar, sitting on a bench near his high gates, he called to him to dine all the passing poor [In the truth of this, more than one assured me an old man. (Note by the author.)] people, how many of them could fit in the boyar dwelling; then, collecting total number, returned to the house and, having indicated the place to each guest, sat himself between them. Here, in one minute, bowls and dishes appeared on the tables, and the aromatic vapor of hot food, like a thin white cloud, hovered over the heads of the diners. Meanwhile, the host talked affectionately with the guests, found out their needs, served them good advice, offered his services and finally had fun with them, as with friends. So in ancient patriarchal times, when the human age was not so short, an old man adorned with venerable gray hair was saturated with earthly blessings with his numerous family - he looked around him and, seeing on every face, in every look a living image of love and joy, admired in his soul. After dinner, all the poor brothers, having filled their cups with wine, exclaimed in one voice: "Kind, kind boyar and our father! We drink to your health! How many drops in our cups, live happily for so many years!" They drank, and their grateful tears dripped onto the white tablecloth.

Such was the boyar Matvey, a faithful servant of the tsar, a faithful friend of mankind. He had already passed sixty years, already the blood circulated more slowly in his veins, already the quiet trembling of the heart heralded the onset of life's evening and the approach of night - but is it good to be afraid of this thick impenetrable darkness in which human days are lost? Should he be afraid of his shady path, when his good heart is with him, when his good deeds are with him? He moves forward fearlessly, enjoys the last rays of the setting star, turns his calm gaze on the past, and with a joyful, although dark, but no less joyful foreboding, puts his foot into this unknown. People's love, royal mercy were the reward of the virtues of the old boyar; but the crown of his happiness and joys was the dear Natalya, his only daughter. For a long time he had mourned her mother, who had fallen into an eternal sleep in his arms, but the cypresses of conjugal love * were covered with the flowers of parental love - he saw in young Natalya new image dead, and instead of bitter tears of sadness, sweet tears of tenderness shone in his eyes. There are many flowers in the field, in the groves and green meadows, but there is none like a rose; the rose is the most beautiful of all; there were many beauties in white-stone Moscow, for the Russian kingdom was from time immemorial revered as the home of beauty and amenities, but no beauty could equal Natalya - Natalya was the prettiest of all. Let the reader imagine the whiteness of Italian marble and Caucasian snow: he still cannot imagine the whiteness of her face - and, imagining the color of the marshmallow mistress *, he will still not have a perfect idea of ​​the redness of Natalya's cheeks. I am afraid to continue the comparison, so as not to bore the reader with a repetition of the well-known, because in our luxurious time the store * of pietic * similes of beauty has become very exhausted and not one writer bites his pen out of annoyance, looking for and not finding new ones. It is enough to know that the most pious old men, seeing a boyar's daughter at mass, forgot to bow to the ground, and the most biased mothers gave her precedence over their daughters. Socrates * said that bodily beauty is always an image of the soul. We must believe Socrates, for he was, firstly, a skilled sculptor (hence, he knew the accessories of bodily beauty), and secondly, a sage or lover of wisdom (hence, he knew well the beauty of the soul). At least our lovely Natalya had a lovely soul, was tender as a turtledove, innocent as a lamb, sweet as the month of May: in a word, she had all the qualities of a well-bred girl, although the Russians did not read even Locke * "On Education", nor Russov's "Emil" * - firstly, because these authors still did not exist in the world, and secondly, and because they knew little about literacy - they did not read and brought up their children, as nature brings up grass and flowers, that is, they fed and watered them, leaving everything else to their fate, but this fate was merciful to them and for the power of attorney they had to her omnipotence, rewarded them almost always with good children, consolation and support of their old days.

It should be said about this work by N. M. Karamzin that it is not as well known to readers as “ Poor Lisa". We will try to convey the essence of this small work.

The events of the work take place during pre-Petrine Russia. The heroine, after whom the story is named, is the daughter of a wealthy boyar Matvey. Her mother died, the girl was raised by a nanny. Natalia's life is subject to the rules of Domostroy.

As Karamzin writes, Natalya, a boyar daughter, goes to church every morning accompanied by a nanny, then distributes alms to needy people. At home, the girl is engaged in needlework: she embroiders, weaves lace, and sews.

The story "Natalia, the Boyar's Daughter" tells us that one of the girl's few entertainments is a walk with the nanny in the garden, after which she again does needlework.

In the evenings, she can chat with her friends, of course, under the supervision of a nanny.

The life of a girl is not rich in events, which, of course, makes Natalia dreamy. She is very kind, sincere, loves her loved ones. Considering the summary of "Natalya, the boyar's daughter", we note that the young noblewoman is able to perceive the beauty of nature. She admires Moscow.

The girl has all the feminine virtues: she is obedient, loves to work. In a word, Natalya absorbed all the rules of Domostroy.

However, as Karamzin notes, Natalya, the boyar daughter, of course, could not help dreaming about love. The meeting with the beloved took place in the church. The girl fell in love with a completely unfamiliar young man. The next day, she again goes to God's temple, but does not meet Him there. Natalya is really upset, she is sad, she cannot eat or drink. New meeting with her lover makes her happy. A kind nanny helps a girl meet a young man, as Karamzin continues his story ("Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter"). The main characters, a young noblewoman and Alexei, decide to run away and get married in secret.

Karamzin shows us the experiences of the girl. She experiences her first love and blindly trusts Alexei, but this bright feeling is overshadowed by a feeling of guilt before her father, she is ashamed of him. However, Natalya, following the rules of Domostroy, is ready to obey her husband in everything, like a true wife. The girl finds true happiness with Alexei, but prays that her father will forgive her. Natalya's immense happiness was suddenly overshadowed by the fact that her husband had to go to war. Fate forces a girl to do the impossible for many very strong women: she hides her hair, puts on the clothes of a warrior and fights the enemy like a real man. Such a selfless act could not help but make her father forgive her.

The image of the boyar Matvey

So, the summary of "Natalia, the boyar's daughter" was quite able to convey the plot of the story. However, we did not say a word about the girl's father, Matvey Andreev. His image is by no means the personification of significant statesman, as it should be, according to the plot. Karamzin endows him with many virtues, but the image remains pale. This person is able to shed tears in sorrow and in joy. However, such a faded image was not created by Karamzin by chance; it helps to understand the ideological orientation of the work.

Picture of an "ideal" monarchy

Perhaps such a remark is unnecessary if our task is to convey a summary. "Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter" is a work in which the image of an "ideal" monarchy is created. In such a state, the only concern of the king is the well-being of his own environment. The monarch is indulgent towards his subjects. The simplicity of treatment described in the work is completely different from the loose morals that reigned under Catherine. An approximate king is a loyal adviser who never took advantage of his position. In his work, Karamzin denounces the vicious aspects of the reign of Catherine the Great.

The attitude of the people towards the tsar's associates

In his work, Karamzin points out that the boyar Matvey is a royal servant, who, like the sovereign, is endowed with many human virtues. He is smart, rich, hospitable. Matvey is an intercessor for his neighbors, their patron. However, the author does not say a word about how the boyar carries out his service. He only tells about the people's love for this statesman.

In reality, the people hated those close to the tsar, which is an absolute contrast to the picture created by Karamzin.

historical era

The historical events described in the work are most likely related to the second half of the seventeenth century. Presumably, this is the era of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. The sovereign in the work is depicted as very pious, sensitive. He consoles his associates, and only a violation of the principles of justice can anger him.

This work rather openly indicates what order should be in the state, how the monarch and his entourage should look.

The historical background helps to understand that such a love story could have a happy ending only in conditions of state harmony.

True portrait of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

The romantic plot of the story did not find a place to talk about other aspects of the reign and character traits of this sovereign.

Under him, denunciations were accepted, and the "peaceful" tsar was in fact quite quick-tempered, allowed himself to scold, and sometimes resorted to assault. In particular, the fact is known that at the meeting the sovereign beat and drove out the boyar Miloslavsky, who was his father-in-law.

Prototype of the boyar Matvey

There are suggestions that the image of Natalya's father is "copied" from the real historical character. Most likely, he was the boyar A.S. Matveev, who during 1682 was subjected to violent death.

We have completed the summary of the work “Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter”, the main idea of ​​​​which is that with proper and fair government, all people can be happy. In conclusion, I would like to add that Karamzin turned to the history of the Russian state in order to show how different the past of our land is from modern worship of everything foreign. Such a condemnation of "foreignness" is also intended to appeal to the patriotic feelings of compatriots.

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The narrator longingly recalls the time when a Russian person was Russian, and beautiful girls in the capital put on folk dresses, did not show off, it’s not clear what. And in order to remember old time, the narrator wants to talk about what he heard from his grandparents.

Once upon a time in the capital of Russia lived - lived a prosperous boyar, assistant to the tsar - sovereign, very a kind person, his name was Matvey Andreev. And when he was 60 years old, his wife passed away long ago, and his daughter Natasha was his happiness. She is very beautiful and kind. Without knowledge, the girl lived like a flower. After visiting the church, Natasha spent the whole day doing needlework, and in the evening she saw her friends. Natasha's mother was replaced by an elderly woman, a devoted nanny of the deceased noblewoman.

So the girl lived until she was seventeen years old. Once, Natalia noticed that every animal has its own kind, it is never alone and the girl wanted to love someone very much. Since then, she has become sad and thoughtful, because she did not know why she was so anxious. And in the winter, having come to church, Natalya drew attention to the young man and immediately realized that this was the one she had been looking for for so long. For several days he did not go to mass, he disappeared, I'll take him out.

And when he appeared, he began to escort Natalya to the gates of her house, not daring to start a conversation, until after all he came to her mansion. The governess allowed the lovers to see each other. The young man, Alexei, spoke about his feelings for the girl and asked to get married in secret from everyone. Alyosha was afraid that Natasha's father would not allow them to be together and swore an oath that he would inform the boyar that they were married when everything was done.

The nanny was bribed, and the same late evening the young man brought the girl to the old church, where they were married. After that, taking the old woman with them, they rushed to the dense forest, where there was a house in which they decided to live. The old woman was very afraid of the thought that she had given her Natasha to some hooligan. After that, the young man revealed the secret and said that he was the son of the boyar Lyuboslavsky, who died in his arms. After the death of the pope, the young man returned to the capital of Russia to regain his former glory. His friend built this house, but did not wait, he died. And then I saw beautiful girl and fell in love with her very much, decided to marry, because he could not see his life without her.

Picture or drawing Natalya boyar daughter

Other retellings for the reader's diary

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N. M. Karamzin
Natalya, boyar daughter
The main character, Natalya, lives in pre-Petrine Russia. Her parents: father, boyar Matvey, a rich man, a faithful adviser to the king; Natalia's mother died and she was brought up by a nanny. The whole way of life of the heroes is regulated by the rules of Domostroy, and Natalya's life is completely subordinate to this way of life. In the morning, together with the nanny, Natalya goes to church to pray, then distribute alms to the poor. At home, Natalia works at the hoop, sews, and weaves lace. Her father lets her go for a walk with the nanny in the garden, and then she again sits down for needlework. In the evening, she is allowed to chat with her friends under the supervision of nannies. Natalia's life is closed and eventless, but even with such a life she can dream and think a lot about everything. We see how kind she is, how she loves her father and a strict nanny, how she knows how to admire the nature and beauty of Moscow. She is very hardworking and obedient, as a girl of that time should be. But the time comes, and she begins to dream thoughts of love. The long-awaited meeting takes place in the church, and Natalia falls in love at first sight, not even knowing the name of that young man. Not meeting him the next day, she yearns and suffers, does not eat, does not drink, while trying to hide her longing from everyone. Seeing her beloved again, she is so happy that "the hour of mass was for her one blessed second." The nanny arranged a meeting for the lovers, and the young people conspire to run away and get married in secret. We see the experiences of the heroine: the happiness of first love, immense trust in Alexei, a sense of guilt in front of a loving father, shame for the pain that she causes him. But according to the rules of Domostroy, a true wife is obliged to forget everything for her husband and obey him in everything. Natalia is ready for it. Even when the nanny, frightened by the armed servants of Alexei, shouted that they were in the hands of the robbers, Natalya calmed down from a single word from Alexei. She believed and knew that he could not be an evil person. She finds happiness with Alexei, but continues to embroider patterned towels for her father. Her dream is for her father to forgive, and she prays for it every day. But then the time comes for Alexei to go to war, and Natalya, wearing men's clothes and hiding her hair under a helmet, goes with him to the battlefield and fights there like a man. This act of hers makes the king and father forgive her.

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The narrator longs for the times when "Russians were Russians" and Moscow beauties wore sarafans rather than flaunted in Gallo-Saxon outfits. To resurrect those glorious times, the narrator decided to retell the story he heard from his grandfather's grandmother.

Once upon a time in white-stone Moscow lived a wealthy boyar Matvey Andreev, right hand and the conscience of the king, a hospitable person and a very generous person. The boyar was already sixty years old, his wife had died long ago, and Matvey's only consolation was his daughter Natalya. No one could compare with Natalia either in beauty or meek disposition. Not knowing the letter, she grew like a flower, "had a lovely soul, was gentle like a dove, innocent like a lamb, sweet as the month of May." Having gone to mass, the girl needleworked all day, and in the evenings she met with her girlfriends at bachelorette parties. Mother Natalya was replaced by an old nanny, a faithful servant of the late noblewoman.

Natalya led such a life until "the seventeenth spring of her life" came. Once a girl noticed that all earthly creatures have a couple, and the need to love woke up in her heart. Natalya became sad and thoughtful, for she could not understand the vague desires of her heart. Once in winter, when she came to mass, the girl noticed a beautiful young man in a blue caftan with gold buttons in the temple, and immediately realized that it was him. For the next three days, the young man did not appear in the church, and on the fourth day Natalya saw him again.

For several days in a row, he accompanied the girl to the gate of her tower, not daring to speak, and then came to her house. The nanny allowed the lovers to meet. The young man, whose name was Alexei, confessed his love to Natalya and persuaded her to marry him secretly. Alexey was afraid that the boyar would not accept him as a son-in-law, and promised Natalya that they would throw themselves at Matvey's feet after the wedding.

The nanny was bribed, and on the same evening Alexei brought Natalya to a dilapidated church, where they were married by an old priest. Then, taking with them an old nanny, the newlyweds went to the thicket of a dense forest. There was a hut in which they settled. Nanny, trembling with fear, decided that she had given her dove to the robber. Then Alexei admitted that he was the son of the disgraced boyar Lyuboslavsky. Thirty years ago, several noble boyars "revolted against the legitimate authority of the young sovereign." Alexei's father did not participate in the riot, but was arrested on a false slander. " True friend opened the door of the dungeon for him, ”the boyar fled, lived for many years among foreign tribes and died in the arms of only son. All this time the boyar received letters from a friend. After burying his father, Alexei returned to Moscow to restore the honor of the family. A friend arranged for him a refuge in the wilds of the forest and died without waiting for the young man. Having settled in a forest house, Alexey began to visit Moscow often, where he saw Natalya and fell in love. He made acquaintance with the nanny, told her about his passion, and she allowed him to the girl.

Meanwhile, the boyar Matvey discovered the loss. He showed the farewell letter written by Alexei to the tsar, and the sovereign ordered to find the daughter of his faithful servant. Searches continued until the summer, but were unsuccessful. All this time, Natalia lived in the wilderness with her beloved husband and nanny.

Despite cloudless happiness, the daughter did not forget about her father. faithful man brought them news about the boyar. Once he brought another message - about the war with the Lithuanians. Alexey decided to go to war in order to restore the honor of his family with a feat. He decided to take Natalya to her father, but she refused to part with her husband and went to war with him, dressing in a man's dress and introducing herself as Alexei's younger brother.

After some time, the messenger brought the king news of the victory. The military leaders described the battle in detail to the emperor and told about the brave brothers who were the first to rush to the enemy and drag the rest along with them. Having affectionately met the hero, the tsar found out that this was the son of the boyar Lyuboslavsky. The sovereign already knew about the unfair denunciation from the recently deceased rebel. Boyar Matvey was happy to learn in younger brother hero Natalya. Both the tsar and the old boyar forgave the young spouses for their arbitrariness. They moved to the city and got married again. Aleksey became a close associate of the tsar, and Boyar Matvey lived to a ripe old age and died surrounded by his beloved grandchildren.

Centuries later, the narrator found a tombstone with the names of the Lyuboslavsky spouses, located on the site of a dilapidated church, where the lovers got married for the first time.