Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Talking to yourself out loud. Talking out loud to yourself helps you develop your brain and achieve success.

According to research by psychologists, it turns out that people talk to themselves about 70% of the time. The conversation is conducted with the inner voice, that is, with oneself. We ask him questions, consult, ask him to evaluate our actions...

Currently, psychologists around the world argue that such a conversation only benefits a person. It helps prevent many mistakes in actions, concentrates attention and frees us from excess internal tension. Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon. Why do we sometimes talk to ourselves and how is such internal dialogue useful?

Reasons for talking to yourself


People who are insecure get from such a conversation, first of all, the opportunity to concentrate. And this, in due time, gives them confidence in the correctness of their choice of actions. It turns out that self-talk helps them plan and control their actions.


People who have a predominant auditory type of body language are more likely to talk to themselves. They absorb information through sounds. Research by scientists has shown that about 25% of people belong to this type.

Auditory learners can talk to themselves often and a lot. They learn information better by listening. For them great importance has a verbal explanation of a particular action or process. They listen more. Therefore, such dialogue with themselves is important for them.


Self-talk (in other words, sounds) gives a person emotional coloring to your thoughts. This helps him find the right rationale for his actions and actions. When we are silent, we do not experience such emotions. After all, sound (speech) is initially emotional reaction the human body, which encourages you to perform certain actions.


By talking to himself, a person frees himself from the emotions that overwhelm him in life. this moment. They require release, a way out. And in this case, this happens due to self-talk. In this way, we get rid of excess emotions and noticeably reduce our internal tension, otherwise it may happen.


Self-talk has a significant impact on the structure of a person's thinking. A person begins to think and behave differently than if he had not had this conversation with himself. The thinking process becomes much more effective if we speak our thoughts out loud. This has long been confirmed by psychologists in their research. It is better remembered when we say something out loud.


Psychologists have proven that dialogue with oneself, even mental, helps a person avoid thoughtless actions and better control his own behavior at times. impulsive behavior. It has been experimentally revealed that the number of such actions decreases sharply if the person spoke to himself beforehand. Control over unpredictable human behavior also increases noticeably. It has also been proven that if you speak out loud the details of a new task, you remember it better and master it faster.

What to do if you notice that you often talk to yourself?

If such dialogue helps you accept right decisions and actions, then don't try to get rid of it. You can simply make some adjustments to this situation.


Try to do this not so loudly as to not attract people around you. This will save you from awkward situations.


Prepare in advance when you go anywhere.

When going to the store, you can make a list of the necessary goods that you need to buy. When leaving, calculate the time you leave the house. Think through every detail before leaving them at home. Check the apartment again. So that everything is turned off and nothing is forgotten with you. This way, you will partially save yourself from talking to yourself. Thoughtful preparation will also give you confidence in your further actions, and you will say less about what you want not to forget or doubt about something.

I agree with what was written... But I want to add something. And I believe that the topic of the inner voice should be one of the main ones in our lives. HE can both create and destroy our different lives.. To be honest, I haven’t figured out this topic yet.. But I was very interested and I’m sure that every person has this. For some reason this starts for many people with internal dialogue since childhood and we are not very interested in this matter from the people who surrounded us, right?.. They could explain this to us by internal thinking and nothing surprises us. But as they grow up, many people develop their inner Thinker...or it was already developed!.. I am not an old-timer of mystical ideas. But there is a voice that advises inexplicable things and people in psychiatry sit because of this and remain with these inner Thinkers forever. Why did this interest me?. After all, at first glance, internal dialogue is ordinary things, and psychologists and psychiatrists will deal with the Thinker if moments dangerous to society arise.. But this came to me and this is not at all an internal dialogue.. But communication with oneself and by my real friends out loud.. I’m treating this normally for now because I live alone and am far from a savage and I think that the process I’ve lived through is life experience a person deserves respect and attention.. Ordinary in short) But relatives think that this is not normal.. And they give examples different people who speak out loud...consider this to be a deviation from the norm. But there is a strong difference of opinion regarding the norm. And there is one more thing.. I don’t feel in myself an inner thinker or adviser, announcer, voice.. whatever they call it!?.. And I think that internal dialogue is similar.. but still different.. In my life now severe disadvantages to be brief... I even began to think and understand that soon life path will be over... I noticed that I like to go to the cemetery... a terrible name for a place of the dead, don’t you agree?)).. I began to think often about those who left this world, about my late father... There was a kind of fatality and calmness that I tried on myself... I I repeat that I am not a supporter of mysticism, but I have my firm conviction that in every seeming chaos there is a clear order that no one has yet explained.. I began to talk to myself, these thoughts do not come from me!! I’m like a receiver now... And of course I don’t do this in society.)) I can’t figure out where this comes from.. But I conduct a dialogue out loud in some kind of special sobriety and this helps me a lot to deal with problems, correctly laying out situations into details, but also think about why we are here.. And you are right that there is no need to have other advisers.. But one thing bothers me quite a bit, I’m getting used to doing this and getting used to being alone.. We are in society after all))). I don’t know how life will turn out in the future and by the way I’m not very worried about this.. Although the needs in life are, of course, relevant in many respects)) I think that the topic of this should be heard and requires discussion, but only by those who understand what I mean. .

It is quite normal to have a conversation with yourself if it happens in the format of internal dialogue. WITH psychological point It is more useful to speak out loud. This promotes better coordination of actions, relieves stress and emotional stress. Inner voice, subconscious, intuition - the inner self has many names. This is the part that helps you plan your day, gives you ideas on how to spend the weekend, and calms you down. difficult moments and knows what is best for a person. Therefore, it is very important to listen to her.

Scientific approach

Scientists have calculated that talking to oneself takes up 70% of a person’s time. This applies to both internal monologues, and spoken out loud. More often inner voice bursts out while solving some non-standard tasks or searching for objects. Scientists came to the conclusion that such conversations are beneficial, and to test their hypothesis they conducted an experiment.

The subjects were divided into two groups, each of which had to find a certain thing. In the first group, the searches had to be carried out silently, and in the second, all thoughts had to be voiced. The result was interesting. People from the second group completed the task much faster. The experiment proved that talking to yourself helps you better absorb and process information, speeding up brain activity.

Why talk to yourself out loud?

There are several reasons why you should start talking to yourself out loud:

  • Memory stimulation. In the process of talking to yourself, sensory memory awakens. By saying a word out loud, you visualize it, so you remember it better.
  • Maintaining concentration. Works great when searching for an item. For example, you need to find your keys before leaving the house; if you say this word out loud, the brain will concentrate only on this task, removing all others from priority. The item will be found faster.
  • Stress relief. Everyone is familiar with the state when thoughts are buzzing in a swarm in your head. It seems that all the problems of the world have fallen on our shoulders at the same time and there is not the slightest idea how to solve them. To relieve tension, you need to talk through what is bothering you. And for this it is not necessary to look for an outside listener.
  • Preparing for an important conversation. When a person is going to talk about something important, he chooses his words carefully. It is very useful to hear your speech out loud, it will help you remove unnecessary things and hear how it sounds from the outside.

How and what to talk to yourself about?

There are no special rules on how to talk to yourself. If we're talking about about the decision internal problem, then it’s better to be left alone with yourself. If you need to make a pie and a person recites the recipe out loud, then the presence of other people in the room will not interfere with him.

If talking to yourself is an attempt to sort out your life, then the topics could be as follows:

  • self-esteem;
  • relationship;
  • Job;
  • future;
  • loneliness and its causes;
  • conflicts with others;
  • fulfillment of desires;
  • anxiety and fears, etc.

Whatever worries a person, he can say out loud.

5 reasons to talk to yourself

1. Getting rid of fear, anxiety and panic

In films you can often see when a person has to cross a shaky bridge located on high altitude, he says to himself: “The main thing is, don’t look down.” This is a great example of how self-talk works in stressful situations. If something scares a person, he finds a solution to how to get rid of fear or reduce its pressure and speaks it out loud. Advice spoken and heard at the same time works better.

In a moment of panic, psychologists advise counting to 10; this can also be done out loud to switch concentration to your voice. There will also be effective conversation in question-answer format. You should ask yourself to explain what exactly is scary and why, what will happen if it happens, what is the likelihood of it happening.

2. Saying goodbye to past relationships

After a breakup, sometimes there is a feeling that there is still something to improve in the relationship. It seems like there needs to be one last conversation that will change a lot. Before I write again ex-partner and to sort out an already ended relationship, it is better to say out loud what you want to tell him. When pronouncing arguments, you should try to be impartial and evaluate them from the outside. Are they as “iron” as they seem in the head?

To survive the loss, you can say out loud what this relationship gave, remind you why it ended. It should also be said that they have exhausted themselves and have no further continuation. You definitely need to remind yourself that there will be other relationships ahead in which your previous experience will be useful.

3. Planning and motivation

When there are a lot of things to do and you need to plan them correctly, it’s enough to write them down and say them out loud. This way you can understand which of them are really important and require immediate implementation, and which can be postponed.

It is also important to speak out your desires. Saying them out loud makes them more real. You can talk to yourself about what to do to fulfill them. Before serious event You should encourage yourself by giving a motivational speech.

4. Work on self-esteem

One of the methods of increasing self-esteem is speaking affirmations. It is recommended to say them out loud. This is also a type of self-talk, as a person convinces himself that he has certain qualities.

You can praise yourself periodically. For example, start the morning by talking to your reflection in the mirror. You should smile and say something like “I am the most charming and attractive” or “today will bring me a lot of positive emotions.”

5. Airing out grievances

Keeping a grudge inside is harmful, but expressing dissatisfaction in a calm manner is not always possible. That’s why psychologists sometimes recommend writing letters to offenders, but not sending them. And then you can write and . So a person can simply throw out his grievances on paper. Speaking out grievances works even better. Moreover, this can be done both by addressing the offender and by explaining to yourself what exactly caused the feeling of resentment.

Talking to yourself is not an abnormality and does not indicate mental disorders. His goal is to learn to be in harmony with the inner self. The ability to listen to yourself is extremely important. And in order to hear something, you need to start talking.