Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Everything is fine with studies. Theory and memory

School is important part of your life. It helps you decide what you want to do in the future, so knowing how to study well will put you in a better position for life outcomes. There are many ways to seriously improve school performance. It doesn’t matter whether you are an underperforming student or an almost perfect student, or maybe you just want to work better and switch from average to excellent grades. This simple guide will be useful for everyone.


Getting ready correctly

    Always keep everything you need at hand. You don't want to find yourself unprepared to take an important note or write a test just because you forgot your pencil, pen or eraser? After all, this way you can waste time and miss important information.

    Take breaks from time to time. Instead of multitasking, set aside a specific amount of time for a portion of your homework. Once completed, rest for 20 to 30 minutes to avoid mental fatigue. At the end of the break, return to the tasks and complete them to the end.

    Start major work as early as possible. If you have two weeks for an essay, start it right away instead of leaving it until the last three days. This will give you time to plan, research, and clarify any questions that arise along the way. In addition, you will be able to avoid the stress that comes with working in a hurry. You will have enough time to complete the project with the highest quality possible, which means getting a high grade.

    Pass practical test before the exam to improve your understanding of the study material. But be careful: instead of a dozen tests, it’s better to take one or two, combining them with other forms of training - such preparation is much more effective.

    During the holidays, it is worth spending time studying. If at the end of your vacation you have a test, and you haven’t opened your books all this time, your brain will seem to “turn off” and you will forget a significant part of the material you learned during the previous period. In this case, the test will most likely be written poorly.

    • Take a book with a corresponding program for each new subject - for example, chemistry. Read or review it carefully - illustrations, tables, definitions. Learn, for example, the notations chemical elements(C - carbon, H - hydrogen, Zn - zinc, Au - gold, Ag - silver). Read summaries at the end of chapters.
    • Think of the holidays as a weekend: you can relax and have fun, but you should also study at least three times a week so you don't forget what you've learned.
    • Ask your parents or friends to sit with you and review material that is difficult for you, or just something you need to remember or memorize.

Group classes

Problems and their solutions

  1. If you don't understand something, ask for it to be explained. Please help - the only way out understand the issue if you yourself do not fully understand what to do. Pretending that everything is clear to you is only postponing the problem, and your grades will most likely deteriorate.

    Learn from mistakes. Don't view them as personal shortcomings: failures help improve your approach. In class, pay attention when something is corrected. Prepare your work cleanly and neatly - this will help avoid mistakes in the future. You will learn a lot more if you use your mistakes as the key to new knowledge and better results.

    Meet with your teacher outside of class. If during the lesson you do not understand the topic, approach the teacher afterwards: this way you will be able to better understand the material. Additionally, your relationship with your teacher will improve.

    Ask for help. Reading tutorials can help you with difficult subjects. Alternatively, you can ask the teacher about additional lesson, ask a friend to help with homework, or ask your parents to hire a tutor.

    • Never be afraid to ask a tutor for help. He can help with any subject, and you shouldn't feel ashamed or stupid for needing help.
  2. Be persistent! If you invest in the beginning of a business, don’t let it drift in the future. Do homework, write essays and complete any school projects. Reward yourself for good results.

Tests and exams

  • Use the Internet as a work tool, not entertainment. Disable all games, videos, social media so that there is no temptation to get distracted.
  • Don't think about those classmates who don't perform homework- they are not your concern. If you concentrate on work, good result It will be yours, not theirs.
  • Read different genres. This way you will learn to understand texts different styles, and this will get interesting.
  • During each lesson, sit so that you can see the board and everything. visual aids. Don't sit awkwardly - it's better to see everything.
  • Read more to increase your reading speed and comprehension. If you're having trouble reading productively, find a tutor - an older student, a teacher, or just someone who doesn't mind listening to you read.
  • It's cool to be smart! Don't worry and think that being smart is weird. Smart people- these are those who want to succeed in life. If someone gets under your skin because you're smart, tell them something like, "Well, when I succeed, you'll be catching up!"
  • Involve your parents: ask them to check your work - perhaps you or the teacher graded the work incorrectly.
  • Double check your answers.
  • Don't forget about rest.
  • Be attentive in class and listen carefully to the teacher's words.


  • Use methodological manuals. They can be found online and printed.
  • If you're having a hard time, don't worry. Think about what makes you happy - and everything will be fine. Remember that you are not the only one who has a hard time.
  • Don't worry and take tests or assessments calmly. It's normal to be nervous, as long as it doesn't stop you from showing off your abilities.
  • Don't try to copy. Otherwise you will jeopardize your grades.
  • Don't waste your time. Otherwise, as a result, you will get additional stress and deterioration in the quality of work.
  • Remember that friends should be real and always ready to help. Talking to friends can help improve areas in which you lack knowledge.
  • It's good to take a break and relax - but after work, not before! Postponing homework, you could lose three hours of sleep and your grades could suffer if you don't turn in your work on time. Often these are not the only disadvantages: parents can punish you for bad grades, and the teacher can punish you for unfinished work.

The decision to do well in school is one of the right and reasonable decisions. Firstly, it may well be useful in the future. And secondly, and in the present from excellent grades there may be tangible benefits. Going to the skating rink with friends, going to a concert of your favorite band or on an excursion to another city, getting the desired device for your birthday - all this becomes much more likely when you can see from your diary: you tried. And most importantly, studying well is actually not that difficult. To study well, you don’t have to cram from morning to night, throwing all your hobbies and entertainment into the far corner. You just need to know some of the subtleties of this matter. So, kids, are you ready to learn all the secrets of high achievers? Go!

We will borrow one of the main secrets of good academic performance from athletes. Training and preparation for serious competitions takes great amount time. But you can’t neglect your studies either. The recipe is simple: there is no need to be distracted during lessons. Write a note, push your neighbor on the desk, quietly take out your phone and carefully send an SMS - give up all these pleasures, and this is what you will notice. If during the lesson you are only busy with the lesson - most you can easily assimilate the material already there. At home you won’t have to study long and tediously, wading through the jungle of unfamiliar words and concepts. You will be surprised to discover that all you have to do is repeat it again - and you already know everything. Another plus is that the teacher sees that you are working in class and getting to the point. This will be taken into account when grading.

Don't hesitate to ask questions if something is unclear. A little “misunderstanding” today will turn out after a few lessons in the fact that you will have to go back to the beginning and figure it out from the basics. And even simple theme will begin to seem very difficult. So don’t try to “slip” something - school system It is designed in such a way that you will return to any topic, and gaps in knowledge will still be noticeable.

Well, what can I say? It needs to be done. But if you followed the first two points, it will be very easy. The main thing is not to be distracted by correspondence, games, etc. Having completed all the homework in two hours, you will free up a lot of time for your hobbies.

Even though he says folk wisdom“a full belly is deaf to learning,” but we still learn not with our “belly,” but with our brains. And he needs food. So don't forget to eat breakfast before school, and don't save your lunch money to buy the comic books of your dreams. If you do well in school, the chances that you will get the treasured book will be much greater. Make sure there is an apple or a small chocolate bar in your briefcase next to your textbooks. This will make it easier for you to bear all the hardships of studying.

Cheat sheets
Be sure to write them (only in your own hand). By trying to fit a difficult question onto a small piece of paper, you automatically extract the most important information and remember it. There is absolutely no need to use the written cheat sheets.

Whatever one may say, stereotypes work. And the analogy: neat, combed means a good student arises despite the desire of the teacher. Use it. Save the jeans and frayed sweater for another occasion. A suit, an ironed shirt and a neat hairstyle are what you need. To enhance the positive effect, add a tie to this.

For a girl, the best option would also be a formal suit. You can find very beautiful, but business-like clothing options. Excluded: visible makeup, provocative outfits, high heels - everything that goes beyond the image of a “model student.”

In the end, the classic style is a kind of school dress code. If you think this is boring, imagine that at school you are agents on a mission. Legend is an exemplary student(s).

As soon as you find yourself outside the school, transform, look for your image and feel free.

Help for those lagging behind
There are clearly students in your class who are doing worse in many subjects. Take time to tutor them and help them study. This will be of double benefit: you will do a good deed, and while you explain, you yourself will perfectly understand the material - it’s been tested!

As you can see, there is nothing too complicated about good academic performance. By following these simple recommendations regularly, you can do well in school without sacrificing your personal time.

Not all children in school times understand the value of acquired knowledge. But if a child has a desire to start studying better, it is worth helping the student with this.


If a child wants to understand at school, it is worth trying to motivate him. What is needed for this? Just make the child realize on his own that all the knowledge gained is very valuable and will be useful in life. You can try to explain to him that school success determines what specialty and profession he will have in the future. The more a child knows and can do, the wider his horizons, the easier it is to find a way out of any current situation, and accordingly, it is much easier to find a way to earn good money without much difficulty. I think it's great motivation! Some children are well motivated by various incentives for studying in the form of medals, certificates, and first places at Olympiads. You can also try to “buy” the child by promising to give him something very expected or desired if he finishes excellently. academic year or semester. You can also try to take your child “weakly”, betting with him that he will not be able to complete his studies perfectly. Some children, trying to prove the opposite to their parents, reach unprecedented heights in their studies.


A few more tips for school: you need to plan your child’s life. There should be time for attending classes, clubs, time for learning and for games. You can strictly record everything in your daily plan and try to stick to it. However, it is worth setting your priorities correctly, highlighting the most important activities.

Maximum attention

The following advice on how to study better at school: you need to explain to your child that during classes it is necessary to focus exclusively on the information that the teacher gives, without being distracted by extraneous objects. If a student learns to listen, that's half the battle. Having delved into all the nuances of the lesson, the child will be able to cope with homework much easier or clarify unclear moments right in the teacher's lesson. This will make your independent learning much easier.


Another tip on how to do better at school: you need to do all your homework, even if at first glance they seem very simple. As they say, repetition is the mother of learning. Only after doing the same task several times, even if it is simple, will the child forever remember the principle of its solution. The same applies to humanitarian subjects: Having spoken the same nuance several times, the student will no longer forget about it.


When understanding how children learn at school, it is worth noting that school education provides enough for the child to feel confident in the future adult life. However, you can become even better by learning more on your own. complex tasks. You should not be lazy to solve examples increased complexity, analyze this or that more deeply historical event etc. Only by delving into a subject can you gain a huge amount of useful knowledge.

But no matter what parents want to put into their child’s head, no matter how hard they try to motivate him to study well, nothing will happen without the student’s desire. So, the most important rule of those who know how to do well in school is: you just need to want it, and then everything will certainly work out.

You can study perfectly well and not constantly sit behind textbooks, forgetting about everything else. There is always room to grow, there is always something that can be improved. Studying hard will make you happy and content. If you receive good grades you will probably be able to enter a prestigious higher education educational institution, after which you can find Good work. Great, isn't it? All you have to do is learn how to get good grades! Keep reading and you will learn how to succeed in school.

    Don't limit yourself to general information. There is no need to learn bare facts. This doesn’t make people smarter, and they don’t learn to analyze. Therefore, if you really want to start studying with only A's, you need to constantly ask the question “why”. Why the process goes this way and not another, why this or that condition is necessary - understanding this will help you apply your knowledge in practice, including in situations that have not yet been discussed in class.

    Use other people's knowledge. Not in the “write it off” sense, no! Ask for advice and tips from friends, adults, teachers, study how others solved this or that problem. Broaden your horizons, and studying will be much easier for you.

    Do your best. It is important not only to memorize the material, but also to periodically return to what you have learned. This is necessary to refresh the knowledge in your head, otherwise some of the material will simply be forgotten. This way you can easily pass any test and pass any exam. If during an exam or test you come across difficult question, the answer to which you don’t remember, don’t worry. Write the question down on a separate sheet of paper and concentrate. After some time, you will definitely remember the answer to the question.

    Work hard in class

    1. Be careful . You'll be surprised how many new things you can remember if you just listen carefully. Be smarter: try to understand the subject, and not just mechanically write down the teacher’s words, and studying will be much easier.

      • If you are often distracted or have difficulty maintaining concentration, take vitamins, eat right and, if necessary, take medications. And most importantly, come to lessons with a thirst for knowledge!
    2. Ask questions. More precisely, ask the teacher relevant questions. Analyze what exactly you do not understand in the material, think about what exactly you need to clarify for yourself, and ask the appropriate question. But first, analyze everything you've learned before thinking that you didn't understand something. In order not to forget, write down the question on a piece of paper, go to the teacher and ask when he can help you figure out what you don’t understand.

      • Feel free to ask questions! No one can know everything in the world, and there is nothing wrong with not understanding something. We all have to learn something. Your teacher, for example, knows this very well and will be happy to help.
    3. Review the course outline. In Russian realities, all you have to do is look through a textbook. By the way, this will be useful just like that, as part of general development.

      • This is especially clearly noticeable in the example of history textbooks, where after analyzing one era and/or event, the next era is analyzed, which is associated with the period studied. Analyze this connection and learn to work better with information.
    4. Take notes. There is no need to mindlessly write down everything under the dictation of the teacher. Take notes, write down the most important things schematically, and then supplement the diagram with details and examples. At the end, you can briefly summarize everything you learned in the lesson - this will be useful to you in the future.

      • If you are proactive school curriculum, then write down what you don’t understand and then ask the teacher the appropriate question.
    5. Don't miss classes. If you were sick, ask your teacher or classmates what went on without you and study the topic.

      Discuss your grades with your teachers. Ask what the teacher thinks about the quality of your work and why he gave you a particular grade. Work on the topics that need to be improved and be ready to complete Additional tasks, if with their help you can improve your grade in the subject.

    Work hard at home

      Do your homework. This is a mandatory and important point. Sometimes teachers don't check your homework, but even then you should motivate yourself to complete it. The deeper you dive into the subject, the better. Homework is designed to help you consolidate what you have learned. If you haven’t been assigned anything at home, then read the textbook.

      • Homework grades have the same impact on academic performance as class work.
    1. Exercise a little every day. This way, the material you have covered will be better remembered, and no unexpected test or test will take you by surprise.

      Read the textbook, looking ahead (except in those rare cases when the teacher specifically asks not to do this). This will help you figure out in advance which topics may be difficult.

      Don't put it off until later. Don't put off your homework until the night: Of course, if you have an assignment due urgently, you should work on it until late, but let this be an extreme case and not the usual state of affairs. Typically, try to do the following. If the assignment is due in two weeks, make a plan and write down the main points in the first week. Over the weekend, compile your notes into a coherent whole to get a finished draft, and in the second week just refine it if necessary, edit it and print it out. Don't forget to submit your work on time; if you are given time before some date, turn it in a day early to show your effort and give the teacher more time to check.

      • Starting a project or other large assignment early will give you time to ask your teacher questions, clarification, or advice. If you follow the teacher's advice in those moments that caused you difficulties or doubts, your grade will probably be higher.
    2. Try explaining the material to someone. Find a quiet, peaceful place (this could very well be your room) and imagine that you are a teacher explaining a subject to a student. This good way determine how well you understand the material, and also better understand what you understand. If a classmate asks you to help him understand a topic, or it is generally accepted that strong students “pull up” those who are lagging behind, take advantage of this.

      Do your homework in a designated area. You need a desk, minimal distractions, and an understanding that studying is a habit. Accordingly, it is quite possible to train your brain to give it its all right here and at this particular time. All this will help you succeed in your studies.

      If you have time, read the additional material. It doesn’t matter on the Internet or in the library - read books about what you are learning. The more you learn, the better your grades will be.

      Consider hiring a tutor. If possible, why not? Remember, there is nothing wrong with asking for help and it can have a positive impact on your grades.

According to statistics, out of several dozen students, there will be one or two excellent students. Often, many children and their parents wonder how best to study at school. We invite you to read the recommendations published in this article.

No one can force you to study, memorize and understand a topic if the student himself does not want it. Therefore, we will also touch on the question of how to awaken a student’s interest in science.

Why is good academic performance necessary?

As a rule, studying in primary school, children do not yet realize the importance of knowledge of science. Understanding this comes closer to graduation, starting in grades 8-9. The fact is that every student has to take a final exam, which will play decisive role in future education, and sometimes in career. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to gently and politely explain why good academic performance is needed.

What to do if a lot has been missed, but you want to keep up?

Very often, before final exams, students begin to think about the difficult trials ahead. They understand how lucky those who study with straight A's are.

But it is impossible to catch up with excellent students in just a few months. Time has passed. In fact, you can ask for help from a teacher you trust, a classmate, or hire a tutor.

How to study better

What is the best way to do well in school for someone who is behind? There are simple tips for this:

  • listen to the teacher's words;
  • ask your loved ones to tell you something on a given topic;
  • read more about the science/subject yourself;
  • start over from the beginning or from where performance declined.

IN in this case It will be possible to catch up with the program that is currently being studied.

How to understand a teacher

There are different types of teachers: those who can explain well and those who tell practically nothing. You need to be prepared for this. If you cannot understand the teacher from the first days, then it is advisable to study the subject on your own and consult with those who are well versed in science. In general, the student must learn to understand everything himself. In universities, training is mostly independent, without the help of teachers. Therefore, it is better to think in advance, or rather “teach yourself.”

How to prepare for lessons at home

You should learn to value time. When you get home, it’s better to rest a little: lie down, chat with your family, or, ideally, take a walk in the fresh air.

About 1 hour will be enough. And then the difficult moment will come - how to prepare for the lesson. It is not recommended to start doing homework immediately after school if you don’t have the desire and strength. In addition, you should not waste time on computer games, the Internet, as all this can tempt you for a long time.

When you feel rested, start studying. You can, for example, sit on the sofa and read a paragraph on history or a given novel on literature. And various calculations, all written work It's better to spend it at the table.

What needs to be learned by heart is best divided into stages:

  • read before starting homework;
  • understand the meaning of the text;
  • imagine information mentally;
  • re-read again.

After 2-3 hours, you can repeat it to yourself and check the textbook. If you don’t remember anything, then repeat everything that is written in the list above.

Why, no matter how hard you try, nothing works?

But there is also back side medals: memorized (a formula in physics or a definition in social studies), but nothing is clear. In this case, you can enlist the help of the Internet. You can even find video tutorials on a particular topic.

What is the best way to study at school if you can’t study despite your best will? It is worth asking for help, for example, from classmates, so that they explain what is happening and how, how to build graphs and solve problems in physics or chemistry. Don’t be afraid to approach the teacher before or after class to ask something about the topic covered.

How to show interest in uninteresting subjects

Often children have a dislike for certain subjects. But you need to study so that your overall final grades are impeccable. An uninteresting subject can be treated differently. Let's say you don't like history because there are so many dates and events that you have to memorize.

There are schoolchildren who like to study at school because they strive to learn some topic through experience. From the same history, for example, we study the reign of Empress Catherine II. You can visit the museum or see paintings associated with the reign of this great woman.

For mathematics you don't like, you should find easier equations and practice and solve them in several ways. And then we get to the hard stuff. Making graphs is also a fun activity.

What good will come from successful studies?

Above we discussed how to study better at school. Now let’s answer the question: why should you be successful in your studies? Will it be useful in life? This question is better answered from a moral point of view: when a student is confident in his abilities, then he does not worry about every test or test. independent work, is not afraid of performing. He is happy, he likes everything and everything comes easy to him. For ten years he has treated school not as hard labor, but as his second home. This moral attitude will help you realize your career.

Independent analysis of the material

Man is born to to a greater extent learned the world on one's own. If you don’t start from childhood, it will be very difficult in adulthood. Therefore, let's talk about how to teach students to learn, that is, to teach themselves.

This topic will be especially relevant for those who miss school due to illness. To catch up with classmates, a sick student needs to find out what happened at school. Next, you should open the textbook and familiarize yourself with the topic. If the previous lessons have been mastered, then you should go well and new material. You shouldn’t look for excuses like: “I was sick, I don’t know anything.” Try to figure it out on your own

Should I hire a tutor?

How to improve school performance in more convenient and time-efficient ways?

If studying is not going well at all, then it is better to resort to the services of a tutor. He will help you deal with any material in the shortest possible time. But the responsibility still lies with the student: the material must be memorized and the essence of what is being studied must be understood. Only in this case will the tutor have guarantees that the student will become a good or excellent student.

The Internet will come to the rescue

How are children doing at school these days? In past decades and even centuries, it was difficult to obtain the necessary material. At the moment, any book and even an essay can be found on the Internet.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that academic performance depends entirely on the student himself.